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The art theory and criticism of Willard Huntington WrightBaker, Marilyn, January 1975 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1975. / Typescript. Vita. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Bibliographical footnotes.
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Special functions of Weyl groups and their continuous and discrete orthogonalityMotlochova, Lenka 04 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse à l'étude des propriétés et applications de quatre familles des fonctions spéciales associées aux groupes de Weyl et dénotées $C$, $S$, $S^s$ et $S^l$. Ces fonctions peuvent être vues comme des généralisations des polynômes de Tchebyshev. Elles sont en lien avec des polynômes orthogonaux à plusieurs variables associés aux algèbres de Lie simples, par exemple les polynômes de Jacobi et de Macdonald. Elles ont plusieurs propriétés remarquables, dont l'orthogonalité continue et discrète. En particulier, il est prouvé dans la présente thèse que les fonctions $S^s$ et $S^l$ caractérisées par certains paramètres sont mutuellement orthogonales par rapport à une mesure discrète. Leur orthogonalité discrète permet de déduire deux types de transformées discrètes analogues aux transformées de Fourier pour chaque algèbre de Lie simple avec racines des longueurs différentes. Comme les polynômes de Tchebyshev, ces quatre familles des fonctions ont des applications en analyse numérique. On obtient dans cette thèse quelques formules de <<cubature>>, pour des fonctions de plusieurs variables, en liaison avec les fonctions $C$, $S^s$ et $S^l$. On fournit également une description complète des transformées en cosinus discrètes de types V--VIII à $n$ dimensions en employant les fonctions spéciales associées aux algèbres de Lie simples $B_n$ et $C_n$, appelées cosinus antisymétriques et symétriques. Enfin, on étudie quatre familles de polynômes orthogonaux à plusieurs variables, analogues aux polynômes de Tchebyshev, introduits en utilisant les cosinus (anti)symétriques. / This thesis presents several properties and applications of four families of Weyl group orbit functions called $C$-, $S$-, $S^s$- and $S^l$-functions. These functions may be viewed as generalizations of the well-known Chebyshev polynomials. They are related to orthogonal polynomials associated with simple Lie algebras, e.g. the multivariate Jacobi and Macdonald polynomials. They have numerous remarkable properties such as continuous and discrete orthogonality. In particular, it is shown that the $S^s$- and $S^l$-functions characterized by certain parameters are mutually orthogonal with respect to a discrete measure. Their discrete orthogonality allows to deduce two types of Fourier-like discrete transforms for each simple Lie algebra with two different lengths of roots. Similarly to the Chebyshev polynomials, these four families of functions have applications in numerical integration. We obtain in this thesis various cubature formulas, for functions of several variables, arising from $C$-, $S^s$- and $S^l$-functions. We also provide a~complete description of discrete multivariate cosine transforms of types V--VIII involving the Weyl group orbit functions arising from simple Lie algebras $C_n$ and $B_n$, called antisymmetric and symmetric cosine functions. Furthermore, we study four families of multivariate Chebyshev-like orthogonal polynomials introduced via (anti)symmetric cosine functions.
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Scope and Mechanism of a Novel Base Induced Cyclization of Benzyl 1 Alkynyl SulfonesHossain, Mohammad Selim 20 November 2012 (has links)
Recent work has shown that sulfones are unique synthetic tools capable of undergoing numerous transformations and reactions. The sulfone group is a strong electron withdrawing group and has the ability to stabilize an α-sulfonyl carbanion. As such, unsaturated sulfones can undergo a variety of reactions, i.e. conjugate additions, alkylation etc. Beside this, α sulfonyl carbanion can be generated with strong base and α sulfonyl carbanion can also be used in various reactions.
This report is an investigation of a novel base induced cyclization of various alkynyl sulfones. The results revealed that the reaction does not significantly depend on the electronic effects of substituents in the aromatic ring. Additional versatility in this process was demonstrated with respect to a diverse array of functionality at various positions i.e. benzylic position, aromatic ring and terminal position of alkyne. These alkynyl sulfones, bearing a larger group at ortho position and any group at benzylic position underwent intramolecular cyclization when treated with base affording benzothiopyran S,S-dioxide. The results demonstrated that the cyclization efficiency was significantly influenced by the steric effects of substituents of aromatic ring at ortho positions and blocking the terminal position with phenyl since the cyclization reaction gave low or no yields with aromatic rings having a substituent at para, meta or to position than those having no substituent. It was also found that 2-thiophenylmethyl sulfones cyclize more efficiently than benzyl and furfuryl sulfones.
The evidence from mechanistic studies points to a mechanism for the cyclization that involves disruption of aromaticity. To disrupt aromaticity, a deprotonation at benzylic position is a requirement for this cyclization reaction. Results suggest that the cyclization also requires an available hydrogen at the point where the potential ring would be fused. Several intermediates were also observed spectroscopically and identified by ReactIR®.
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Stabilisering av tjärförorenat sediment i området Kolkajen-Ropsten / Stabilization of tar contaminated sediments in the area of Kolkajen-RopstenSterud, Erik January 2017 (has links)
Sedimenten i området Kolkajen-Ropsten, Stockholm, innehåller höga halter av tjäroljor till följd avtidigare produktion i gasverket på området. Stockholms stad planerar att utföra byggnation i detnuvarande vattenområdet, vilket ökar risken för spridning av föroreningar. För att skydda arbetandeunder planerad byggnation och framtida boende måste föroreningssituationen åtgärdas. Tjäroljornainnehåller höga halter av polyaromatiska kolväten (PAH) och det är föroreningen av PAH-16 som styråtgärdsbehovet för området. En metod som använts med god framgång i flera projekt i Norden ochandra delar av världen är stabilisering och solidifiering, s/s, av sediment. Metoden går ut på att blandain utvalda bindemedel i sedimenten som då härdar. Därigenom minskar föroreningens mobilitet och degeotekniska egenskaperna förbättras. Om kravet på skjuvhållfasthet (>140 KPa), låg permeabilitet (10-8-10-9 m/s) samt minskad utlakning uppfylls kan de stabiliserade massorna utgöra grunden för planeradbyggnation.För att utvärdera möjligheterna av denna åtgärdsmetod analyserades en sats av prover från området föratt tillhandahålla information om platsspecifika parametrar. Analysen visade att sedimenten hade högvattenkvot och organiskt innehåll, dominerades av fina fraktioner samt en föroreningsgrad av PAH-16på 13000 mg/kg TS. Utifrån dessa parametrar och med stöd från en litteraturstudie valdes fyra receptpå bindemedel ut, med olika mängd bindemedel. De bindemedel som använts är: Bascement frånSkövde som är ett portland-flygaskecement, Monofill som består av 20 % cement och 80 % granuleratmasugnsslagg samt aktivt kol. De olika recepten blandades med sediment från området och lämnadesatt härda under 28 dygn. Efter härdningen utvärderades de stabiliserade massorna med avseende påminskad utlakning av PAH jämfört med obehandlat sediment, skjuvhållfasthet och permeabilitet.Analyser av de fyra blandningarna visade att kravet på skjuvhållfasthet och permeabilitet uppfylldesför samtliga tillsatser av bindemedel och överlag innebar större mängder tillsatt bindemedel högreskjuvhållfasthet och lägre permeabilitet. Resultaten från laktester indikerade att en större tillsats avaktivt kol minskade utlakningen av PAH.Tillsatsen av bindemedel som bedöms vara bäst lämpad för stabilisering av sedimenten från områdetvar en total mängd av cement och Monofill på 250 kg/m3 (30 % cement och 70 % Monofill) samt entillsats av aktivt kol på 5 % av TS.Inblandning i sedimenten enligt receptet ovan resulterade i en skjuvhållfasthet på 413 KPa samt enönskat låg permeabilitet. Utlakningen av PAH-16 reducerades med ~45 % jämfört med obehandlatsediment. / The sediments in the area Kolkajen-Ropsten, Stockholm, have shown high levels of tar oils due to thegasworks in the area. The city of Stockholm is planning construction in the area which increases therisk of contaminants spreading to the surrounding area. In order to protect workers during the plannedconstruction and future inhabitants, remediation has to be carried out. The tar oils have highconcentrations of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and it is pollution of PAH-16 that dictates theneed for remediation.A remediation method that has been used in similar projects, with good results, is stabilization andsolidification (s/s) of the sediments. This is done by mixing binder materials with the sediments whichharden and it results in lowered mobility of the contaminants and improved geotechnical properties ofthe soil. If the shear strength is high enough (>140 KPa), the permeability is low enough (10-8-10-9m/s) and the leaching is reduced sufficiently, the stabilized sediments can be used as a foundation.To evaluate the possibility of this remediation method, a batch of sediment samples from the area wasanalyzed to obtain information about site specific parameters. The analysis showed that the sedimentshad high water content and were rich in organic matter. They were dominated by small particlefractions and had a PAH-16 concentration of 13000 mg/kg DM. With regard to these site specificparameters and a literature study, four different recipes with different amounts of binders wereselected and tested in a laboratory study. The used binders were: cement from Skövde which is aportland-fly ash cement, Monofill composed of 20 % cement and 80 % granulated furnace slag, andaddition of activated carbon.The sediments were mixed with binders according to the recipes and left to harden for 28 days.Following the 28 days of hardening, the stabilized mixtures were evaluated with regard to: thereduction of leaching of PAH in comparison to the untreated sediments, shear strength, andpermeability.Analyses of the four mixtures showed that the desirable values of both shear strength and permeabilitywere achieved for all mixtures, and that a higher concentration of binders resulted in a higher shearstrength and lower permeability. The results from the leaching tests indicated that a higherconcentration of activated carbon resulted in a lowered leaching of PAH.The mixture of binders that was deemed to be most suitable for stabilizing the sediments from the areawas a total amount of cement and Monofill at 250 kg/m3 (30 % cement and 70 % Monofill) with anaddition of activated carbon at 5 % of DM (dry matter).Addition of this binder mixture to the sediments resulted in a shear strength of 413 KPa and a desiredlow permeability. The reduced leaching of PAH-16 was ~45 % compared to untreated sediments.
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Stabilisering och solidifiering av muddermassor : En studie av det praktiska utförandet / Stabilization and Solidification of Dredged MaterialHolmgren, Albin, Karlsson Fagerberg, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
Enligt en inventering som gjorts av 40 svenska hamnar kommer minst 2,5 miljoner kubikmeter förorenat sediment behöva tas omhand de närmaste åren (Holm, 2011). Stabilisering och solidifiering är idag det mest aktuella alternativet till deponering på land och dumpning till havs, alternativ som enligt avfallslagen i största möjliga mån bör undvikas. Stabilisering och solidifiering av förorenade muddermassor har genomförts i större skala i bland annat USA, men är en i Sverige förhållandevis ny teknik som endast har genomförts i ett fåtal projekt. Tekniken går ut på att man genom tillsättandet av bindemedel i förorenade muddermassor skapar en hållfast monolit på vilken man i framtiden kan använda till att bygga på, samtidigt som föroreningarna kapslas in och spridningen av dessa begränsas. I en rapport från Naturvårdsverket framgår att det finns ett behov av att en svensk vägledning för denna typ av hantering av förorenat sediment tas fram. Syftet med denna studie har varit att genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med yrkesverksamma inom området och genom platsbesök på ett pågående projekt, undersöka hur tekniken används i praktiken, undersöka huruvida tekniken utvecklats under de i Sverige hittills genomförda projekten samt lyfta fram problem och begränsningar som uppkommit i samband med genomförda projekt. Intervjuerna har transkriberats och därefter har det mest relevanta plockats ut och använts som underlag för analys. All information som berör begränsningar i allmänhet eller det praktiska utförandet har ansetts vara av relevans. För att besvara första frågeställningen gällande hur tekniken används i praktiken så har ett platsbesök gjorts i köpings hamn, vilket kompletterats med information från intervju med projektets platschef. Under arbetets gång har fokus kommit att riktas mot främst två projekt, ett i Valdemarsviks kommun och ett i Köping, där det sista fortfarande pågår. Fem separata praktiska problem identifierades vilka i olika grad kunde ha undvikts genom förebyggande åtgärder. En oväntat stor mängd skräp i bottensedimenten ledde i Valdemarsvik till stora förseningar som kunde ha undvikits genom en mer noggrann förundersökning. I Valdemarsvik ledde en för liten rengöringsanläggning till att man inte lyckades begränsa spridningen av föroreningar i den mån man planerat. Transporten av muddermassorna var ett problem i båda projekten. I Köping gjordes försök att pumpa massorna men man fick övergå till lastbilstransport i stället, något som tros kunnat bero på underdimensionerad pumpanläggning. I Valdemarsvik blev också pumpningen ett problem då skräp satte igen pumparna vilket åtgärdades genom byte av slampump. Köld under vinterhalvåret gjorde att man inte kunde fortsätta arbetet, något man räknat med innan projektet startade. Försök att isolera massorna med halm gjordes men detta fick avbrytas då halmen fastnade i blandverktyget. Otillräcklig tillgång på vatten identifierades som den största flaskhalsen i projektet i Köping. Införandet av en bufferttank med vatten gjorde att man begränsade detta problem något. Med erfarenhetsåterföring från tidigare projekt hade några av dessa problem mest troligt kunnat förebyggas. En samverkansform som främjar samarbete mellan entreprenör och beställare har identifierats som en potentiell nyckelfaktor för att öka kunskapen inom området och skapa förutsättning för fortsatt utveckling av tekniken. / According to an analysis of 40 Swedish ports is there a need for over 2,5 million cubic meters of contaminated sediment to be taken care of within the next years to come. Stabilization and solidification are the most up-to-date alternative to deposition, offshore dumping and dumping on land. Stabilization and solidification of contaminated sediment has become an established method of use in the USA but is a relatively new technique in Sweden where it only has been used in a few projects so far. The technique involves the mixing of a cement and granulated blast furnace slag with the contaminated sediment, after which a solid monolith is created that can be used as basis for future construction while at the same time encapsulating the contamination and preventing its leaching. There is a need for Swedish guidelines on how to manage these types of techniques, according to a study made by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The purpose and goal of this study is to (1) investigate how the stabilization and solidification technique is used in practice, (2) explore whether the technique has made any development in the projects done in Sweden so far and (3) search for problems and limitations in the use of stabilization and solidification techniques which could interfere with its development. The method of investigation for this study is semi-structured interviews for all the questions with a sight visit as complement for the first question of study. All the interviews have been transcribed and the most relevant information has been taken out and used as a basis for further analysis. During this study the focus has been aimed at primarily two projects, one in the municipality of Valdemarsvik and the other in Köping where the project at the time of this study is still going on. Five separate issues dealing with the use of the technique have been identified during the study, some of which might have been avoided through preventive actions. An unexpectedly large amount of waste in the sediments in Valdemarsvik led to great delays in production which through a more thorough pre-study of the area might have been prevented. A too small cleaning facility in Valdemarsvik resulted in an unwanted spread of contaminated materials. Transportation of sediments was a problem in both projects. Attempts to pump the sediments were made in Köping but the technique was later replaced with transportation by trucks due to issues which might have been caused by an undersized pump station. The pumping technique was used throughout the project in Valdemarsvik but had to be upgraded at one point because of unwanted waste which clogged the pumps. The cold during winter stopped production, something that was expected already before production started. Attempts to isolate the dredged masses using straw were made in Köping but never successfully so, primarily due to straw getting stuck in the mixing tool. Insufficient access to water was seen as the biggest bottleneck in Köping, an issue somewhat solved by using a buffer tank. Some issues found in this study are thought to have been preventable with proper experience feedback. A form of contract which encourages cooperation between contractor and client has been identified as a key factor to promote the growth of knowledge surrounding the use of the technique and to lay ground for its development in the future. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>
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An?lise dos par?metros de s?ntese de NbN via rea??o g?s-s?lido / Analysis of the synthesis parameters of NbN via gas-solid reactionSilva, Rayane Ricardo da 02 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-09-04T20:41:25Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-02 / Este trabalho tem como objetivo a s?ntese do Nitreto de Ni?bio, a partir do precursor tris (oxalato) oxiniobato de am?nio hidratado, atrav?s de rea??o g?s-s?lido em reator de leito fixo. Os par?metros reacionais para o tratamento t?rmico para obter o NbN foram com as temperaturas de 700, 800, 900, 1000 e 1100 ?C variando o tempo na isoterma entre 3, 4 e 5 horas. A mistura gasosa ? composta de nitrog?nio e hidrog?nio. A composi??o e a vaz?o total do fluxo de gases foram variadas, como tamb?m a massa do precursor utilizado na rea??o. Os materiais obtidos foram caracterizados atrav?s de difra??o de raios-X (DRX), Refinamento Rietveld e Microscopia Eletr?nica de Varredura (MEV). Com o aumento da temperatura de rea??o e tempo na isoterma observamos a mudan?a de fase de ?xido de ni?bio para nitreto de ni?bio. Houve a forma??o de duas fases de nitreto, estando a fase hexagonal presente em maior quantidade, e a tetragonal em menor quantidade. Com a maior vaz?o, foi obtido o nitreto de ni?bio com alto teor de pureza. / The aim of this work is to study the synthesis of Niobium Nitride, starting from the precursor tris (oxalate) oxiniobate ammonium hydrate, through the gas-solid reaction in a fixed-bed reactor. The heat treatment reaction parameters to obtain the NbN were at temperatures 700, 800, 900 and 1000?C varying the time in the isotherm between 3, 4 and 5 hours. The gas mixture is composed of nitrogen and hydrogen. The composition and the total flow of the gas flow were varied, as well as the mass of the precursor used in the reaction. The obtained materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rietveld Refinement and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Increasing the reaction temperature and time in the isotherm it was observed the phase change of niobium oxide to niobium nitride. There was formation of two phases of nitride, and the hexagonal phase is present in greater quantity, and the tetragonal phase in less quantity. With the higher flow rate, the high purity niobium nitride was obtained.
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Stabiliserade/solidifierade muddermassor bakom spont i en marin miljö / Stabilized/solidified dredged material behind a sheet pile wall in a marine environmentBergman, Fredrik, Ramel, Christian January 2021 (has links)
Vid utvidgning av befintliga hamnar kan den relativt nya metoden stabiliserade/solidifierade (S/S) förorenade muddermassor användas i anslutning till spont. S/S metoden används för att binda föroreningarna fysikaliskt eller stänga in dem samt för att förbättra massornas hållfasthets- och deformationsegenskaper. Istället för att deponera dessa, ofta förorenade, muddermassor till ett högt pris kan det återanvändas i hamnkonstruktionen som ett byggmaterial. Det finns få rapporter som behandlar stabiliserade massor i anslutning till spont och hur de samverkar, vilket gör att det inte finns tydliga riktlinjer för hur metoden ska användas. Dessutom finns det stora osäkerheter kring hur utvecklingen av den odränerade skjuvhållfastheten ökar över tid och hur den kan tas hänsyn till vid projekteringen och därför kan metoden inte utnyttjas på ett effektivt sätt. Den odränerade skjuvhållfastheten utvärderas som halva tryckhållfastheten. Syftet med studien är att kunna prognostisera hur jordtrycket mot en spont beror på de S/S -behandlade muddermassornas egenskaper. Vidare har en projekteringsmetodik till S/S massor i anslutning till spont föreslagits. För att svara på detta har en litteraturstudie gjorts för att samla bakgrundsinformation och skapa en djupare förståelse för ämnet. Därefter gjordes en parameterstudie i FEM-programmet PLAXIS. Resultatet från parameterstudien kunde sedan jämföras med tidigare fält- och laboratorieförsök där egenskapernas förändringar över tid har studerats. Med detta som bakgrund kunde en projekteringsmetodik föreslås. Muddermassorna kan initialt liknas vid en vätska som orsakar ett hydrostatiskt tryck mot sponten. Med tiden kommer massorna härda och därigenom ökar hållfastheten, detta gör så att det horisontella jordtrycket minskar samtidigt som en vertikal pålastning sker vilket ökar det horisontella jordtrycket. Från litteraturstudien kunde det även ses att muddermassornas slutgiltiga hållfasthet och tillväxt beror på bindemedelsmängd och kombination som i sin tur måste anpassas efter muddermassornas vattenkvot och organisk halt. Från parameterstudien kan slutsatsen dras att en av faktorerna som har en större påverkan är hur hög skjuvhållfastheten är efter första härdningen när alla muddermassor har pumpats på plats samt förhållandet mellan skjuvhållfastheten och elasticitetsmodulen och hur de utvecklas. I den föreslagna projekteringsmetoden rekommenderas att dräneringstyp odränerad A och materialmodell Mohr-Coulomb ska användas vid simuleringar. Då det finns så stora osäkerheter kring S/S muddermassor anses materialmodell Mohr-Coulomb vara fullt tillräcklig jämfört med andra mer avancerade modeller då det finns stora osäkerheter kring indatan. Dräneringstyp odränerad A är den mer avancerade dräneringstypen av de tre och tar hänsyn till fler parametrar. Eftersom det kommer ske en utveckling av friktionsvinkel kommer modellen ge en bättre representation. / When expanding existing ports, the relatively new method ofvstabilized/solidified (S/S) contaminated dredged material can be used in connection with a sheet pile wall. The S/S method is used to physically bind the contaminants or trap them and to improve the strength and deformation properties of the masses. Instead of depositing these, often polluted, dredged materials at a high price, it can be reused in the port construction as a buildingmaterial. There are few reports that deal with stabilized masses in connection with a sheet pile wall and how they interact, which means that there are no clear guidelines for how the method should be used. In addition, there are great uncertainties about how the development of the undrained shear strength increases over time and how it can be taken into account in the design and therefore the method cannot be used in an efficient manner. The undrained shear strength is evaluated as half of the compressive strength. The purpose of the study is to be able to forecast how the earth pressure against a sheet pile wall depends on the properties of the S/S-treated dredged material. Furthermore, a design methodology for S/S material in connection with sheet pile wall has been proposed. To answer this, a literature study has been done to gather background information and create a deeper understanding of the subject. A parameter study was also done in the FEM-program PLAXIS. The results from the parameter study could then be compared with previous field and laboratory experiments where the changes in properties over time have been studied. With this as a background, a design methodology could be proposed. The dredged masses can initially be likened to a liquid which causes a hydrostatic pressure against the sheet pile wall. Over time, the masses will harden and thereby increase the shear strength, this means that the horizontal earth pressure decreases at the same time as a vertical loading takes place, which increases the horizontal earth pressure. From the literature study, it could also be seen that the final shear strength and growth of the dredged material depends on the amount of binder and combination, which in turn must be adapted to the water content and the organic content. From the parameter study, it can be concluded that one of the factors that has a greater impact is how high the shear strength is after the first hardening when all dredged materials have been pumped in place and the relationship between the shear strength and modulus of elasticity and the development. In the proposed design method, it is recommended that drainage type undrained A and material model Mohr-Coulomb should be used in simulations. As there are such large uncertainties regarding S/S dredged materials, the Mohr-Coulomb material model is considered to be fully sufficient compared with other more advanced models as there are large uncertainties regarding the input data. Drainage type undrained A is the more advanced drainage type of the three tested and takes the materials friction angle into account. Which will give a better representation.
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Higiene pessoal fora da resid?ncia: os sanit?rios p?blicos na ?rea central da cidade de S?o Paulo / Personal hygiene outside one s residence: public lavatories in the central area of the city of S?o PauloIamamura, Rosalia Brasil Ribeiro 31 October 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-10-31 / In the course of their civilizatory process, human groupings have been able to account for different answers as to places for the fulfillment of their physiological needs, their disposal and sanitation. The purpose of the present dissertation is to examine this issue and to study public restrooms in the central area of the city of S?o Paulo (City Hall s S? Subdivision) and their users, specifically workers not based in the area those who carry out some kind of economic activity in the streets. Personal hygiene is the expression used for the physiological functions of defecating, urinating and personal cleaning. As a fundamental right, a citizen s health entails his/her total physical, mental and social wellbeing and is based on the definition of human needs and their fulfillment, a role that is assigned to the representatives of the public authority. In order to evaluate the performance of such a role the evolution of habits and customs related to personal hygiene is studied as well as the solutions found in the course of times to dispose of and treat human wastes. The discussion is on the social transformations derived from the industrialization process and the emergence of a working class which starts to occupy the urban fabric under insalubrious spaces and conditions, giving rise to the dissemination of epidemic diseases and the damaging of the social body, forcing the State to take over the people s health. In S?o Paulo, the lack of timing of public policies with the socio-economic and cultural development of the population as well as the fast growth of the city result in a metropolis of extreme contrasts in terms of infrastructure, income distribution and access to education, health, work, housing, and transportation. These contrasts can be identified in the field research carried out with 360 workers not based in the central area of the city, in an effort to delineate the solutions they found to satisfy their personal hygiene when not in their houses. From the analysis of the management of the public restrooms services, offered by the municipal authorities, in public grounds of the city center, and from the experience of previous managers, and especially those from the Subway Railway, due to the similarity with this study in relation to location, demand and utilization of their restrooms, we try to characterize the existing challenges for the improvement of the ways to provide these services. / No decorrer do seu processo civilizat?rio, os agrupamentos humanos d?o conta de respostas diversas ? quest?o dos locais de satisfa??o das necessidades fisiol?gicas, de seu escoamento e saneamento. Esta monografia tem por escopo o exame desse tema e como objeto de estudo os sanit?rios p?blicos em logradouros da ?rea central da cidade de S?o Paulo (Subprefeitura S?) e seus usu?rios, especificamente os trabalhadores sem base fixa aqueles que exercem alguma atividade econ?mica nessas vias. A express?o higiene pessoal ? usada para as fun??es fisiol?gicas de defeca??o e mic??o e a??es de asseamento. Como direito fundamental, a sa?de implica o completo bem-estar f?sico, mental e social do cidad?o e baseia-se na defini??o das necessidades humanas e sua satisfa??o, papel este atribu?do aos representantes do poder p?blico. Para avaliar o desempenho desse papel, estuda-se a evolu??o dos h?bitos e costumes relacionados ? higiene pessoal e as solu??es encontradas ao longo dos tempos para escoar e tratar os dejetos humanos. Discorre-se sobre as transforma??es sociais advindas do processo de industrializa??o e do surgimento de uma classe oper?ria que passa a ocupar o tecido urbano em condi??es e espa?os insalubres, originando a dissemina??o de doen?as epid?micas e preju?zos ao corpo social, o que for?a o Estado a assumir a sa?de do povo. Em S?o Paulo, o descompasso das pol?ticas p?blicas com o desenvolvimento socioecon?mico e cultural da popula??o e o crescimento acelerado da cidade gera uma metr?pole de contrastes extremos em termos de infra-estrutura, distribui??o de renda e acesso ? educa??o, sa?de, trabalho, moradia e transporte. Tais contrastes podem ser identificados na pesquisa de campo realizada com 360 trabalhadores sem base fixa da regi?o central da cidade, em que se procura delinear as solu??es por eles encontradas para satisfa??o da higiene pessoal fora da resid?ncia. A partir da an?lise da gest?o dos servi?os de sanit?rios p?blicos em logradouros do centro da cidade, oferecidos pelo poder municipal, e do conhecimento da experi?ncia de outros gestores, especialmente do Metr?, em virtude da similaridade com este estudo em rela??o ? localiza??o, demanda e utiliza??o dos seus sanit?rios, busca-se caracterizar os desafios existentes para melhoria dessa presta??o de servi?os.
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S?ntese e caracteriza??o de CuNb2O6 e CuNbC atrav?s de rea??o s?lido- s?lido e g?s- s?lido a baixa temperatura / Synthesis and characterization of CuNb2O6 and CuNbC through reaction solid-solid and gas-solid low temperatureSouto, Maria Veronilda Macedo 31 October 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-10-31 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The refractory metal carbides have proven important in the development of engineering materials due to their properties such as high hardness, high melting point, high thermal conductivity and high chemical stability. The niobium carbide presents these characteristics. The compounds of niobium impregnated with copper also have excellent dielectric and magnetic properties, and furthermore, the Cu doping increases the catalytic activity in the oxidation processes of hydrogen. This study aimed to the synthesis of nanostructured materials CuNbC and niobium and copper oxide from precursor tris(oxalate) oxiniobate ammonium hydrate through gas-solid and solid-solid reaction, respectively. Both reactions were carried out at low temperature (1000?C) and short reaction time (2 hours). The niobium carbide was produced with 5 % and 11% of copper, and the niobium oxide with 5% of copper. The materials were characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Rietveld refinement, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF), infrared spectroscopy (IR), thermogravimetric (TG) and differential thermal analysis (DTA , BET and particle size Laser. From the XRD analysis and Rietveld refinement of CuNbC with S = 1.23, we observed the formation of niobium carbide and metallic copper with cubic structure. For the synthesis of mixed oxide made of niobium and copper, the formation of two distinct phases was observed: CuNb2O6 and Nb2O5, although the latter was present in small amounts / Os carbetos de metais refrat?rios t?m se revelado importantes no desenvolvimento de materiais de engenharia devido as suas propriedades, tais como: alta dureza, alto ponto de fus?o, alta condutividade t?rmica e alta estabilidade qu?mica. O carbeto de ni?bio apresenta essas caracter?sticas. Os compostos de ni?bio impregnados com cobre tamb?m possuem excelentes propriedades diel?tricas e magn?ticas e, al?m disso, a dopagem com Cu aumenta a atividade catal?tica em processos de oxida??o de hidrog?nio. Este trabalho teve como objetivo a s?ntese dos materiais CuNbC e ?xido de ni?bio e cobre nanoestruturados a partir do precursor tris(oxalato)oxiniobato de am?nio hidratado, atrav?s de rea??o g?s-s?lido e s?lido-s?lido, respectivamente. Para ambos, as rea??es foram realizadas a baixa temperatura (1000?C) e curto tempo de rea??o (2 horas). O carbeto de ni?bio foi produzido com 5% e 11% de cobre e o ?xido de ni?bio e cobre com 5% de cobre. Os materiais obtidos foram caracterizados atrav?s dos ensaios de Difra??o de Raios X (DRX), Refinamento Rietveld, Microscopia Eletr?nica de Varredura (MEV), Espectroscopia por Fluoresc?ncia de Raios-X (FRX), Espectroscopia de Infravermelho (IV), Termogravim?trica (TG), An?lise Termodiferencial (DTA), BET e granulometria a Laser. A partir das an?lises de DRX e do refinamento Reitiveld para o CuNbC com S= 1,23, observou-se a forma??o do carbeto de ni?bio e cobre puro com estrutura c?bica. Na s?ntese realizada do ?xido misto de ni?bio e cobre correu a forma??o de duas fases distintas: CuNb2O6 e Nb2O5, embora a ?ltima tenha sido formada em pequena quantidade / 2020-01-01
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From piano to stage : a genealogy of musical ideas in the piano works of Sergei Prokofiev (1900-c.1920)Guillaumier, Christina January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is a study of Prokofiev's musical ideas as they emerge in his early writing for piano. It is concerned with elucidating the connections between Prokofiev's pianistic technique and his compositional technique. In doing so, the study explores the genealogy of composer's musical gestures and thematic ideas. Both his playing and his compositional styles have been labelled as distinctive: the thesis attempts to deconstruct that distinctiveness by pinpointing the origins of the composer's playing and compositional styles, tracing their gradual evolution into a mature idiom. The first chapter is concerned with Prokofiev's juvenilia (1898 to c. 1906). Drawing upon a large amount of previously unpublished archival resources, this chapter uncovers the original gestures and thematic ideas which characterize Prokofiev's early style. The next chapter focuses on Prokofiev's period at the St Petersburg Conservatory, tracing his development into a virtuoso pianist, examining the nature of that virtuosity and chronicling the creation of Prokofiev's performing persona. The gestures and idea- types identified in the first chapter are then examined within the context of Prokofiev's works for solo piano, his early works with orchestra and his first two major operas. Conclusions are then drawn about the nature of Prokofiev's distinctiveness, his compositional legacy and about his current position as a major twentieth-century composer.
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