Spelling suggestions: "subject:"same."" "subject:"safe.""
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Det surrealistiska bilduttryckets diskurs i konstvetenskaplig kurslitteratur : En historiografisk studie av stilmässig generaliseringRenkse, Rasmus January 2020 (has links)
The discourse of pictorial surrealistic expressions in art historic course literature – a historiographic study about generalization of style. Through a historiographic perspective and discourse analysis the aim of this study is to uncover the ways art historic course literature make its stylistic categorization. This is done by making a semiotic categorization where three artworks are stipulated into a category called surrealistic pictorial expressions. The result of the semiotic picture analysis show both the semiotic grouping of pictures together and the work of the course literature as somewhat arbitrary, which lead to the questioning of why artworks are considered discursive objects while the course literature is not as well as how the narrative of pictures differs from the narrative of textbooks. The study shows a fundamental difference regarding the structuring of time which lead to a discussion on what might be the consequences for students of the field. / Undersökningen består huvudsakligen i två delar. Den första stärker genom bildanalys en samhörighet mellan tre konstverk, en samhörighet som trots allt visar sig vara problematisk. Den andra delen behandlar tre böcker som i stor utsträckning utgör fundamentet för den litteratur som studeras inom konstvetenskap på grundnivå. Med hjälp av slutsatsen från bildanalysen, att ett samband mellan bilder är relativt godtyckligt, kan texterna analyseras och betydande skillnader visar sig i hur konstverken kontra kurslitteraturen kommunicerar. Framförallt skiljer de sig åt i hur de strukturerar berättande tidsligt och likt bilderna som böckerna behandlar är de själva föremål för de strömningar som rör sig i samhället. Slutsatsen blir att studerande av konstvetenskap redan från början leds in i föreställningen om att konsthistorien är något som faktiskt existerar på ett objektivt plan medan det egentligen är något som aktivt skapas av de praktiserande inom fältet
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Common Raven Density and Greater Sage-Grouse Nesting Success in Southern Wyoming: Potential Conservation and Management ImplicationsDinkins, Jonathan B 01 August 2013 (has links)
My research was focused on greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter "sage-grouse") nest-site selection, nest success, and hen survival in relation to avian predators. The trade-off between using habitat and avoiding predators is a common decision for prey species including sage-grouse. In Chapter 2, I compared avian predator densities at sage-grouse nest and brood locations to random locations. Sage-grouse were located where densities of small, medium, and large avian predators were 65-68% less than random locations.
The effects of anthropogenic and landscape features on habitat use of sage-grouse hens have not been evaluated relative to avian predator densities. In Chapter 3, I compared anthropogenic and landscape features and avian predator densities among sage-grouse locations (nest, early-brood, late-brood) and random locations. I found sage-grouse hens chose locations with lower avian predator densities compared to random locations, and selected locations farther away from anthropogenic and landscape features.
Depredation of sage-grouse nests can be an influential factor limiting their productivity. Predator removal has been simultaneously proposed and criticized as a potential mitigation measure for low reproductive rates of sage-grouse. In Chapter 4, I hypothesized that sage-grouse nest success would be greater in areas where Wildlife Services lowered common raven (Corvus corax: hereafter "raven") density. I found that Wildlife Services decreased raven density by 61% during 2008-2011 but I did not detect a direct improvement to sage-grouse nest success. However, sage-grouse nest success was 22% when ravens were detected within 550 m of a sage-grouse nest and 41% when no raven was detected within 550 m. In Chapter 5, I assessed interactive effects of corvid densities relative to anthropogenic and landscape features on sage-grouse nest success. I found that sage-grouse nest success was positively correlated with rugged habitat.
Survival of breeding-age birds is the most important demographic parameter driving sage-grouse abundance. In Chapter 6, I evaluated the effect of raptor densities, proximity to anthropogenic and landscape features, and hen behavior on survival of sage-grouse hens. I found that sage-grouse hen survival was negatively correlated with golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) density, proximity to anthropogenic and landscape features, and hen parental investment (nesting and brood-rearing).
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Greater Sage-Grouse Seasonal Habitat Models, Response to Juniper Reduction and Effects of Capture Behavior on Vital Rates, in Northwest UtahCook, Avery 01 May 2015 (has links)
The greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; sage-grouse) is a species of conservation concern in Utah and range-wide due to declines in populations and threats to sagebrush habitat on which they depend. To effectively conserve the species, detailed site-specific knowledge of ecology and distribution is needed. To expand knowledge of local populations within the West Box Elder Sage Grouse Management Area (SGMA) and gain insights into the effectiveness of vegetation treatments intended to benefit sagegrouse, I radio marked and tracked 123 (68 female, 55 male) sage-grouse and conducted sage-grouse pellet surveys on 19 conifer removal projects.
Widespread habitat restoration measures designed to benefit sage-grouse have highlighted the need for prioritization tools to optimize placement of sage-grouse habitat projects. I generated seasonal habitat models to predict sage-grouse habitat use within the West Box Elder SGMA using a suite of vegetation and topographical predictors and known sage-grouse locations. Model fit was good with brood, early summer, late summer, lekking (early spring), and non-breeding models reporting an AUC of >0.90; nest and winter models reported an AUC of 0.87 and 0.85, respectively. A vegetation disturbance history was built for the study area from 1985 to 2013; however, the vegetation disturbances mapped were not a strong predictor of sage-grouse seasonal habitat-use.
To evaluate effectiveness of conifer reduction treatments I used fecal pellet and in concert with radio-telemetry data. Increased sage-grouse use of conifer treatments was positively associated with sage-grouse presence in adjacent habitats (P = 0.018), percent shrub cover (P = 0.039), and mesic environments within 1000 m of treatments (P = 0.048). Sage-grouse use of conifer treatments was negatively associated with conifer canopy cover (P = 0.048) within 1000 m of treatments.
To investigate sample bias related to individual bird behavior or capture trauma I monitored 204 radio-marked sage-grouse within the West Box Elder and Rich-Morgan- Summit SGMAs in Utah between January 2012 and March 2013. Sage-grouse that flushed one or more times prior to capture had higher brood (P = 0.014) and annual survival (P = 0.027) than those that did not. Sage-grouse that experienced more capture trauma had decreased annual survival probabilities (P = 0.04).
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Ecology of Isolated Greater Sage-Grouse Populations Inhabiting the Wildcat Knolls and Horn Mountain, Southcentral UtahPerkins, Christopher J. 01 May 2010 (has links)
Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) currently inhabit about 56% of pre-settlement distribution of potential habitat. In 2005, the Castle Country Adaptive Resources Management Local Working Group (CaCoARM) was formed to address concerns regarding local sage-grouse populations in Carbon and Emery counties. In 2006-2007, CaCoARM identified the Wildcat Knolls and Horn Mountain as areas of special concern for greater sage-grouse conservation. Both sites selected by the group were inhabited by what appeared to be small isolated sage-grouse populations. Factors limiting small isolated greater sage-grouse populations throughout its range are diverse and largely site-specific. During 2008-2009, I captured, radio-collared, and monitored 43 sage-grouse between the two populations to document their ecology and seasonal habitat use patterns. The sites are only 24 km apart, but the populations appear to be isolated from each other. Sage-grouse on Horn Mountain and Wildcat Knolls are one-stage migratory and non-migratory, respectively. Although nesting and brooding success varied between sites, my results were comparable to those published in studies throughout the species' range. Overall male survival was lower on the Wildcat Knolls than Horn Mountain (P = 0.003). Hens that selected brood sites exhibiting increased shrub cover and grass height were more successful than hens that selected sites with lower shrub cover and lower grass height. Potential nesting habitat on the Wildcat Knolls and Horn Mountain were estimated at 2,329 and 5,493 ha, respectively. Hens that selected nest sites farther from non-habitat edge were more successful than hens that selected nest sites that were closer to non-habitat edge on the Wildcat Knolls. Higher nest success observed on the Wildcat Knolls was attributed to less habitat fragmentation. Isolated populations of greater sage-grouse are more susceptible to lower amounts of genetic diversity that may lead to inbreeding depression and increased rates of disease and parasites. I collected mitochondrial DNA samples from both the Wildcat Knolls and Horn Mountain populations. Although the haplotype frequencies recorded in the Wildcat Knolls and Horn Mountain populations were low, one was shared with several Utah populations. The documented low genetic diversity (especially on Horn Mountain) confirmed the isolation suspected by the local working group. Microsatellite tests may provide insights to enhance understanding of genetic differences among sites, and assist managers in determining whether or not translocations are necessary to maintain population genetic diversity. Biologists should not only continue to take samples for genetic comparison, but also record morphometric and behavior data.
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Population Genetics of Greater Sage-Grouse in Strawberry Valley, UtahDunken, Paula S. 01 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This study examined population genetics of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in Strawberry Valley, Utah located in the north-central part of the state. The Strawberry Valley population of sage-grouse experienced a severe population decline with estimates of abundance in 1998 less than 5% (~150 individuals) of similar estimates from the 1930s (>3,000 individuals). Given the population decline and reduced genetic diversity, recovery team partners translocated sage-grouse from four different populations into Strawberry Valley over 6 years (2003-2008). Translocations have been used as a strategy to increase both population size and genetic diversity in wildlife populations. We assessed whether genetic diversity increased following the translocation of sage-grouse into Strawberry Valley by looking at both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA indices. We observed an overall increase of 16 microsatellite alleles across the 15 loci studied (x̅ =1.04 alleles per locus increase, SE ± 0.25). Haplotype diversity increased from 4 to 5. Levels of genetic diversity increased for both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA (16% and 25% increases for allelic richness and haplotype diversity, respectively). These results show that translocations of greater sage grouse into a wild population can be an effective tool to increase not only population size but also genetic diversity.Second, we studied fitness-related traits and related them to genetic diversity indices in a population of greater sage-grouse in Strawberry Valley, Utah from 2005 to 2013. We captured 93 sage-grouse in Strawberry Valley and fitted them with a radio collar and drew and preserved blood. We monitored sage-grouse weekly, throughout each year. From blood, we extracted and amplified DNA with 15 microsatellite loci. We determined genetic diversity as multilocus heterozygosity and mean d2. To determine if there was a relationship between genetic diversity and survival, we used known-fate models in Program MARK. We also determined if there was a relationship between genetic diversity measures and nest initiation, nest success, clutch size, and number of eggs hatched using generalized linear models where reproductive measures were modeled as a function of genetic diversity. We found no significant relationship between mean d2 and microsatellite heterozygosity with measures of survival or reproductive fitness. Overall, these results suggest that the often-reported strong heterozygosity-fitness correlations detected in small, inbred populations do not reflect a general phenomenon of increasing individual survival and reproductive fitness with increasing heterozygosity.
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The Effects of Dixie Harrow Treatments on Greater Sage-grouse Resource Selection and the Nutritional Value of Sagebrush During WinterWood, Jason Alan 01 April 2019 (has links)
Sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) is an important source of food and cover for many animals, especially during winter months. Understanding how wildlife species respond to sagebrush management actions can help improve conservation planning. Dixie harrow is a method of improving spring/summer habitat for many herbivores by reducing sagebrush cover to stimulate the growth of grasses and forbs. These treatments, however, may influence the quantity and quality of sagebrush available to greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter, sage-grouse) during winter. We evaluated the effects of Dixie harrow on sage-grouse resource selection during winter (Chapter 1) and on the nutritional value of sagebrush (Chapter 2). We were unsure what effect Dixie harrow would have on the nutritional value of sagebrush, but hypothesized that sage-grouse would select for untreated areas because they contained a higher quantity of food and cover. We captured 81 sage-grouse and fit them with GPS transmitters. Using 6,728 winter locations, we modeled third-order resource selection. Further, we collected samples of sagebrush plants that sage-grouse had eaten from (n = 54), samples of sagebrush plants passed by but not eaten from (n = 54), as well as samples from random locations inside (n = 60) and outside Dixie harrow treatments (n = 60). Contrary to our hypothesis, sage-grouse selected for Dixie harrow treatments during winter. We found that sage-grouse selectively browsed sagebrush plants with increased nutritional value, and that sage-grouse browsed plants inside treatments more frequently than outside the treatments, but Dixie harrow treatments had no measurable effect on the nutritional value of sagebrush. Based on our results, Dixie harrow treatments performed at the southern extent of the sage-grouse range will create habitat that sage-grouse prefer during winter, but we were unable to ascertain why sage-grouse select for Dixie harrow treatments during winter.
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No description available.
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The Emergence of the Wyoming Core Area Strategy: "The Sage Grouse Rebellion"Trefren, Jennie Lee 05 June 2012 (has links)
This research sought to explain the emergence of the Wyoming Core Area Strategy (WCAS), a state-based Greater Sage Grouse conservation plan. It presents a theoretical framework that is based on and adds nuance to the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF). The hypothesis this study explored was: if a subsystem's jurisdiction is threatened by a hierarchically superior subsystem's policy outputs and this jurisdiction is necessary to meet the threatened subsystem's goals, then policy change may occur as a result of a strategy by the agents in the threatened subsystem. The data used to examine the hypothesis included expert interviews, historical documents, and interviews from media sources (secondary source interviews). The hypothesis was supported; the WCAS emerged because the Endangered Species Act listing outputs within the Species Conservation Policy Subsystem threatened the Wyoming Land Use Policy (WLUP) Subsystem's jurisdiction, which was necessary to meet the WLUP Subsystem's economic and lifestyle goals; the Governor of Wyoming drove the development and enactment of the WCAS as a strategy to retain jurisdiction. The research demonstrated that in order to fully account for the WCAS's emergence, a less mechanistic view of the framework, one that accounts for the ability of agents in a subsystem to act strategically, was needed. The research also demonstrated that the Greater Sage Grouse conservation benefited from the ESA listing process despite its warranted but precluded listing status. The time frame the research explored was 2002 through March 2012. / Master of Arts
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Étude ethnographique des rapports sociaux en milieu obstétrical au Burkina FasoBelaid, Loubna January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Ação antioxidante de extratos de especiarias e suas misturas binárias e ternárias sobre a estabilidade oxidativa de óleo de soja / Antioxidant activity of spices extracts and their binary and ternary mixtures on soybean oil oxidative stabilityShimano, Marilis Yoshie Hayashi 01 October 2012 (has links)
A oxidação de lipídeos produz compostos indesejáveis que alteram as características organolépticas de alimentos lipídicos e reduzem a qualidade nutricional. Nas indústrias alimentícia, cosmética e farmacêutica são adicionados antioxidantes sintéticos para retardar ou prevenir a deterioração lipídica. Devido aos estudos sobre a possível toxicidade dos antioxidantes sintéticos e ao apelo por compostos ativos naturais, o uso de antioxidantes naturais presentes em ervas e especiarias representa uma alternativa promissora. No presente trabalho foram estudadas as condições de obtenção de extratos hidroalcoólicos de especiarias e sua aplicação em óleo de soja refinado em teste acelerado. O estudo do efeito da temperatura e do grau de hidratação do etanol sobre o teor de compostos fenólicos totais dos extratos de alecrim, orégano, sálvia e tomilho foi realizado com aplicação de planejamento experimental e metodologia de superfícies de resposta. As condições para uma extração eficiente dos compostos fenólicos de alecrim e tomilho desidratados foram o uso de etanol 50% (v/v) e temperatura entre 45 a 50°C. Extrato de sálvia com maiores concentrações em fenólicos totais foram obtidos com etanol 50% (v/v) em uma faixa de temperatura de 57,5 a 60°C. O extrato de orégano requer uso de etanol 40-50% (v/v), em qualquer temperatura na faixa estudada (30 a 60°C). Os compostos identificados por cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas foram os ácidos cafeico e dihidrocafeico, timol e arbutina. Os extratos de alecrim, orégano e tomilho preparados nas condições otimizadas, bem como suas misturas binárias e ternárias, foram adicionados ao óleo de soja refinado e submetidos a teste acelerado em estufa a 60°C. Os resultados de Índice de Peróxido e Absortividade na faixa do ultravioleta evidenciaram que as misturas de extratos foram capazes de oferecer proteção antioxidante ao óleo de soja refinado. Combinações com alecrim apresentaram os melhores efeitos protetores, sendo a melhor combinação das proporções 15% de tomilho, 65% de alecrim e 20% de orégano, totalizando 100 mg de compostos fenólicos totais/g de óleo. / The lipid oxidation produces undesirable compounds that alter the organoleptic characteristics of food lipids and reduce the nutritional quality. In the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, synthetic antioxidants are added to retard or prevent the lipid deterioration. Due to the possible toxicity of synthetic antioxidants and the call for active natural compounds, the use of natural antioxidants present in herbs and spices is a promising alternative. Thus, this study evaluated the antioxidant activity of extracts of spices and their mixtures on refined soybean oil. The study of temperature and solvent mixture effects on the phenolic extraction from dried rosemary, oregano, sage and thyme was performed according to response surface methodology and mathematical models. The conditions for an efficient extraction of the phenolic compounds from rosemary and thyme were ethanol 50% at 45-50°C; from sage was ethanol 50% at a temperature range from 57.5 to 60°C, and from oregano was ethanol 40-50% at any temperature in the studied range (30- 60°C). The compounds identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry were dihydrocaffeic and caffeic acids, thymol and arbutin. Selected hydroalcoholic extracts of rosemary, oregano and thyme were added to soybean oil subjected to accelerated storage tests. Peroxide values and absorptivity at UV showed that mixtures of extracts were able to provide antioxidant protection to soybean oil. Mixtures with rosemary showed better protective effects than the others. The region of the surface response of the mixtures in which the best protection is offered lies in the proportions of rosemary from 0.50 to 0.80, 0.10 to 0.30 of oregano and thyme from 0.05 to 0.30, in a total of 100 mf GAE/g oil.
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