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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estado de las poblaciones de trucha en los ríos de la Comunidad Valenciana y caracterización de sus hábitats

Alcaraz Hernández, Juan Diego 09 January 2012 (has links)
Los estudios acerca de la ecología de los peces tienen como una de sus principales bases la evaluación de las poblaciones, encaminados a definir el conjunto de los individuos de una misma especie que vive en un espacio común. Por lo tanto, el análisis del hábitat es clave para la estructura de las poblaciones. Desde el punto de vista de la teoría jerárquica ecológica, los patrones biológicos que gobiernan a las poblaciones de peces de los ríos son controlados y ajustados por los patrones físicos del hábitat. Así pues, una descripción exacta de los ríos es un primer paso en la descripción de los requerimientos ecológicos de los organismos durante su vida así como en los procesos que influyen en su abundancia y distribución. En este sentido, esta tesis aporta un mayor conocimiento de las poblaciones de trucha común (Salmo trutta) y de sus hábitats en ríos mediterráneos. El estudio se llevó a cabo en cuatro ríos de la Comunidad Valenciana (España) donde hoy en día la especie habita de forma natural; Ebrón y Vallanca (en la provincia de Valencia), Villahermosa y Palancia (en la provincia de Castellón). Los muestreos se realizaron entre los meses de Junio y Agosto entre los años 2003 y 2006. El primer año se establecieron dos estaciones de muestreo en cada río. En los restantes años se amplió a cuatro estaciones de muestreo en cada río. Se destaca el hecho de que en los dos últimos años de estudio (2005 y 2006) hubo una fuerte sequía que hizo que los tramos más altos de los ríos Vallanca y Villahermosa se secaran, perdiéndose tres de las dieciséis estaciones establecidas. En total se muestrearon 50 tramos en los cuatro años de muestreo. Para la caracterización del hábitat se adaptó el protocolo de muestreo "Basinwide Visual Estimation Technique - BVET". Esta técnica consiste en estratificar visualmente el cauce según sus diferentes biotopos (unidades hidromorfológicas o mesohábitats), registrándose en ellos las distintas características hidromorfológicas. / Alcaraz Hernández, JD. (2011). Estado de las poblaciones de trucha en los ríos de la Comunidad Valenciana y caracterización de sus hábitats [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/14271

Aide à la décision pour la conservation des populations de saumon atlantique (Salmo salar L.) / Decision making for the conservation of atlantic salmon populations (Salmo salar L.)

Brun, Mélanie 16 December 2011 (has links)
La gestion durable des ressources naturelles vivantes est un problème majeur dans un contexte de raréfaction, dû à l'impact de l'homme et à une incertitude omniprésente. Améliorer les outils existant et en développer de nouveaux pour conseiller les gestionnaires sur l'évolution potentielle des ressources naturelles vivantes, selon divers scénarios environnementaux et de gestion, est nécessaire. Cette thèse a pour but de contribuer au développement d'une méthodologie pour l'aide à la décision pour la gestion des ressources naturelles vivantes, tout en prenant en compte les sources d'incertitude majeures. Ce travail est appliqué au cas de la population de saumon atlantique (Salmo salar L.) de la Nivelle (France). Cette population fait l'objet d'un programme de suivi à long terme et cette espèce a été largement étudiée. Cette dernière est menacée mais elle est toujours ciblée par la pêche commerciale et récréative. Elle illustre la dualité entre conservation et exploitation, qui est au coeur de la gestion des ressources naturelles vivantes. Pour gérer une population, il est nécessaire de comprendre sa dynamique et de prédire son évolution sous divers scénarios environnementaux et de gestion. L'approche Bayésienne fournit un cadre cohérent pour quantifier l'incertitude sous ses différentes formes. Les modèles hiérarchiques permettent l'assimilation de sources de données multiples et de faire des inférences et des prédictions sur des grandeurs spatio-temporelles inconnues. Un modèle stochastique d'état Bayésien, i.e. un modèle hiérarchique Bayésien dynamique, est construit pour étudier la dynamique de la population d'intérêt et pour prédire son évolution. La théorie de la décision en univers incertain fournit un cadre pour aider un individu dans ses choix, mais son application reste difficile. En théorie, une fonction d'utilité qui dépend des conséquences des alternatives de gestion reflète les préférences d'un individu unique impliqué dans un problème décisionnel. En pratique, sa construction est malaisée. Premièrement, il estdifficile de définir une valeur pour chaque conséquence. Deuxièmement, il y a généralement plus d'un individu impliqué dans le problème décisionnel. Par conséquent, on obtient une classe de fonctions d'utilité. De par les différents intérêts, souvent conflictuels, que les gestionnaires ont à prendre en compte, la fonction d'utilité est multi variée. Dans cette thèse, une classe de fonctions d'utilité bi-variées est construite. Elle prend en compte l'incertitude concernant la fonction, les variations de préférence entre les acteurs et la dualité d'intérêts exploitation vs conservation. Ensuite, une analyse de la robustesse est réalisée pour étudier si la décision optimale, i.e. l'utilité espérée maximale, varie lorsque la fonction d'utilité varie.La méthodologie développée dans cette thèse s'est avérée possible et fructueuse. Elle fournit un cadre cohérent pour organiser les interactions entre scientifiques, acteurs et gestionnaires pour atteindre une compréhension commune des problèmes de décision dans la gestion des ressources naturelles vivantes. En reconnaissant explicitement la diversité des acteurs, elle permet d'identifier des conflits potentiels et de guider les gestionnaires vers des compromis acceptables. Cependant, elle demande un haut niveau de formation et d'expertise en modélisation et en calcul. Elle implique également un temps d'analyse important. Comment rendre ces exigences compatibles avec le niveau actuel d'expertise et les agendas à court terme des structures de gestion est un challenge principal pour le futur. / The sustainable management of natural living resources is a major issue in a context of increasing scarcity due to human impact and of pervasive uncertainty. Improving existing tools and developing new ones to advise decision makers on the potential evolution of natural living resources, according to various management and environmental scenarios, is requested. This PhD aims at contributing to the development of a methodology for decision making for natural living resources management, while taking into account major sources of uncertainty. This is achieved through the study case of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) population ofthe Nivelle River (France). This population is subjected to a long term monitoring program and the species has been extensively studied. Atlantic salmon is a threatened species but still targeted by commercial and recreational fisheries. It illustrates the duality between conservation and exploitation which is at the heart of natural living resource management. To manage a population, it is necessary to understand its dynamics and to predict its evolution under various management and environmental scenarios. The Bayesian approach provides a coherent framework to quantify uncertainty in its different forms. Hierarchical models allow the assimilation of multiple sources of data and to make spatio-temporal inferences and predictions. A Bayesian state space model, i.e. a Bayesian dynamic hierarchical model, is constructed to study the dynamics of the population of interest and topredict its evolution. The decision theory under uncertainty provides a framework to help an individual in its choices, but its application still raises difficulties. In theory, a utility function depending on the consequences of alternative actions reflects the preferences of a single individual involved in a decision problem. In practice, its construction is challenging. Firstly, it is difficult to assign a value for each consequence. Secondly, there is usually more than one individual involved in the decision problem. Consequently, we obtain a set of utility functions. Due to the various and often conflicting interests the decision maker has to take into account, the utility function is multivariate. In this PhD, a set of bivariate utility functions is constructed. It accounts for the uncertainty about the function, the variation of preferences among stakeholders and the dual interests of exploitation vs conservation. Next, a robustness analysis is performed to study if the optimal decision, i.e. associated to the maximum expected utility, varies when the utility function varies. The methodology developed in this PhD proved practicable and fruitful. It provides a coherent framework for organizing the interactions between scientists, stakeholders and decision makers for reaching a common understanding of decision problems in the management of natural living resources. By acknowledging explicitly the diversity among stakeholders, it allows to identify potential conflict and it helps guiding decision makers towards acceptable trade-off actions. However, it requires a high level of training and expertise in modelling and computation. It involves also thoughtful and time consuming analyses. How to render these requirements compatible with the current level of expertise and the short term agendas of management bodies is a main challenge for the near future.

Icke-fysiska fiskledare : En laborationsstudie för att utvärdera tre fiskledare av bubblor och strobeljus och deras funktion i att leda laxsmolt vid nedströmsvandring / Non-physical fish guidance methods : A laboratory study evaluating three different fish guiding methods in their efficiency in guiding smolt of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.)

Schaerström, Fredrik January 2017 (has links)
Fiskars passager genom vattenkraftverk är förenat med hög dödlighet. För att minska vattenkraftens påverkan på fiskbestånd har olika fiskledare utvecklats. I denna laboratoriestudie utvärderades tre typer av icke-fysiska fiskledare och deras effektivitet i att leda odlade smolt av Atlantlax (Salmo salar L.) till en önskad passage. Målet med denna studie var att undersöka om det var möjligt att leda odlade laxsmolt till en önskad passage med hjälp av bubblor, strobeljus eller en kombination av bubblor och strobeljus. Med relativt enkla medel och låg kostnad konstruerades fiskledare som bestod av en perforerad slang driven av en luftkompressor samt en ljusramp med fyra LED-lampor vilka blinkade simultant med 480 bpm. Fem replikat genomfördes för vardera behandling, bubblor, strobeljus och bubblor/strobeljus, samt sex replikat i kontrollen. Under en timmes behandling fick tio laxsmolt, märkta med PIT-tag, passera en av två antenner, varav den ena var utrustad med en fiskledare, under vandring i nedströms riktning i ett strömakvarium. Denna studie visade att fiskledare av samtliga tre metoder ledde smolt till en önskad passage under behandlingens första femton minuter. Vidare visade fiskledaren bestående av bubblor en fortsatt ledande förmåga över hela behandlingsperioden (60 minuter), medan fiskledarna av strobeljus- och bubbel/strobeljus inte visade en sådan effekt. / Passages by fish through hydropower plants are associated with high mortality. In order to reduce the impact of hydropower plants on fish stocks, a variety of fish guiding systems have evolved. In this laboratory study, three types of non-physical fish guiding systems were evaluated by their efficiency in leading cultivated smolt of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) to a desired passage. This study aimed to answer if it is possible to guide salmon smolt to a desired safe passage by using bubbles, strobe light or a combination of bubbles and strobe light. With relatively simple means and low cost, fish-guides were constructed consisting of a perforated tube driven by an air compressor and a light ramp with four LED lights, which simultaneously flashed at 480 bpm. Five replicates were performed for each treatment; bubbles, strobe light and bubbles / strobe light, as well as six replicates for the controls. During one hour of treatment, ten salmon smolt, marked with PIT tag, could pass one of two antennas, where one had a fish-guide in front of the antenna, while migrating downstream in a stream aquarium. This study showed that fish-guides of all three methods led smolt to a desired passage during the first fifteen minutes of treatment. Furthermore, the bubble method showed a continuous guiding capacity throughout the treatment period (60 minutes), while the strobe light and bubble/strobe light did not show such an effect.

Dynamique spatio-temporelle des populations de truites en milieu naturel et au voisinage des ouvrages hydroélectriques / Spatiotemporal dynamics of brown trout populations in natural and bypassed reaches

Bret, Victor 04 May 2016 (has links)
Bien que l’écologie de la truite (Salmo trutta) ait déjà été bien étudiée, les processus expliquant la dynamique spatio-temporelle des populations restent à caractériser. L’objectif de cette thèse était d’identifier les processus démographiques (ex. survie ou déplacements) et l’influence des processus biotiques (interactions entre individus) et abiotiques (conditions environnementales) qui structurent dans le temps et dans l’espace les différentes classes d’âge (alevins, juvéniles et adultes) de ces populations. J’ai étudié l’influence sur la survie apparente de (1) la densité-dépendance et (2) des conditions environnementales vécues directement par les truites (habitat hydraulique et température de l’eau). Pour évaluer la transférabilité des résultats, j’ai évalué (3) l’échelle spatiale (globale ou locale) à laquelle opéraient les processus et (4) si ces processus variaient entre populations (approche hiérarchique). J’ai considéré la dynamique de 45 populations de truites dont 22 sont situées à l’aval d’un ouvrage hydroélectrique. A large échelle, il est apparu que le recrutement de populations séparées par des distances allant jusqu’à 75km peut être synchronisé par de fortes crues lors de l’émergence des alevins ou des déplacements du substrat de ponte. Nous avons synthétisé les résultats de l’application d’un modèle déterministe de dynamique de population, calibrés localement sur neuf stations aux conditions environnementales bien caractérisées. Cette synthèse a montré que des processus locaux influençaient directement la dynamique des populations. Enfin, la construction d’un modèle hiérarchique a montré le rôle structurant de la mortalité densité-dépendante des juvéniles et des adultes, dont l’intensité augmentait en l’absence d’abris (<2% de la surface) ou variait avec la température de l’eau (diminution pour les juvéniles et augmentation pour les adultes). Ce travail fournit des bases scientifiques aux gestionnaires d’ouvrages hydro-électriques pour leur permettre de limiter leur influence sur les populations de poissons et répondre ainsi aux demandes réglementaires / Brown trout (Salmo trutta) ecology was largely studied. However, the process structuring the spatiotemporal patterns of population dynamics remains unclear. The objective of this thesis was to identify the demographic processes (e.g. survival or displacements) and the influence of biotic (between-individuals interactions) and abiotic (environmental conditions) processes structuring the age-stages (fry, juveniles and adults) of these populations in time and space.I studied (1) the role of density-dependence on survival and (2) the influence of environmental conditions experienced by trouts (hydraulics and water temperature). To assess the results’ transferability, I studied (3) the spatial scale (global or local) of influence of the processes and (4) if those processes varied among populations (hierarchical approach).I considered the dynamics of 45 trout populations, 22 being located downstream a hydropower facility. At a large scale, the recruitment of distant populations (up to 75 km apart) may be synchronized by large floods during emergence of fry or by spawning substratum displacements. We summarized the results of a determinist population dynamics models, locally calibrated on nine reaches showing well-described environmental conditions. This summary revealed the influence of various local drivers on population dynamics. Finally, a hierarchical model showed that density-dependent mortality among juveniles and adults was a key biotic process. The strength of the competition was greater in absence of shelter (<2% of the surface) and varied with water temperature (decreasing for juveniles and increasing for adults).The results of this work will provide scientific basis to hydropower facility managers. This will help them to reduce their influence on trout populations and respond to regulatory demands

Effekter av inkuberingstemperatur på kroppsform och fenstorlek hos juvenil atlantlax (Salmo salar L.) / Effects of incubation temperature on body shape and fin size in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

Flytström, Annika January 2017 (has links)
Global warming, a consequence of the ongoing climate change, is expected to increase the mean global temperature by up to 5°C this century. This is predicted to have various impacts on the earth's ecosystems and especially on ectotherms which cannot regulate body temperature by endogenous heat production. There is an intensified interest in investigating the outcomes of climate change and the role of developmental phenotypic plasticity in relation to environmental conditions experienced early in life. Here I compare the body shape and fin size of juvenile Atlantic salmon that had been incubated at two different temperature regimes during embryogenesis. Morphometric methods were used to compare body size through a box-truss network of Euclidean distances and the data were then analyzed using discriminant analysis. Fin size was analyzed by comparing fin area using analysis of covariance with body size as the covariate. The fish incubated in ambient (cold) temperatures differed from the fish incubated in ca. 4°C warmer temperatures by having a deeper body shape and bigger pectoral fin area. There was no significant difference for dorsal fin area. My findings support the notion that Atlantic salmon are morphologically plastic when exposed to different temperature regimes during embryogenesis, but additional studies are needed to determine the ecological consequences of these changes. / Global uppvärmning, en konsekvens av pågående klimatförändringar, förväntas öka den globala medeltemperaturen med upp till 5°C det här århundradet. Det här förväntas ha stor påverkan på jordens ekosystem och speciellt ektotermer som inte kan reglera sin kroppstemperatur genom endogen värmeproduktion. Intresset har intensifierats för att undersöka klimatförändringarnas utfall och rollen som fenotypisk plasticitet har som svar på tidiga miljöförhållanden. Kroppsform och fenstorlek jämfördes hos juvenil atlantlax som inkuberats i två olika temperaturbehandlingar under embryogenesen. Morfometri användes för att undersöka kroppsformen genom ett box-truss nätverk av euklidiska avstånd som sedan analyserades med en diskriminant funktionsanalys. Fenstorleken analyserades genom att mäta fenornas area som sedan användes i en kovariansanalys med kroppsstorlek som kovariat. Fiskarna som inkuberades i normal (kall) temperatur skiljde sig från fiskarna som inkuberats i ca 4°C varmare temperatur genom att ha en djupare kroppsform och större area på bröstfenorna. Det fanns ingen signifikant skillnad mellan ryggfenornas area. Mina resultat stödjer idén att atlantlaxen är morfologiskt plastisk när den utsätts för olika temperaturbehandlingar under embryogenesen, men ytterligare studier behövs för att identifiera de ekologiska konsekvenserna av dessa förändringar.

A novel image analysis approach to characterise the effects of dietary components on intestinal morphology and immune system in Atlantic salmon

Da Silva, Polyana January 2013 (has links)
The intestinal tract of salmonids provides a dynamic interface that not only mediates nutrient uptake but also functions as the first line of defence against ingested pathogens. Exposure of the immune system to beneficial microorganisms and different dietary immunostimulants via the intestine has been shown to prime the immune system and help in the development of immune competence. Furthermore, the morphology and function of teleostean intestines are known to respond to feed components and to ingested and resident bacterial communities. Histological appraisal is still generally considered to be the gold standard for sensitive assessment of the effects of such dietary modulation. The aim of the present study was to improve understanding of salmonid intestinal function, structure and dynamics and to use the knowledge gained to develop a model for analysis, which would allow intestinal health to be assessed with respect to different intestinal communities and feed components. Virtual histology, the process of assessing digital images of histological slides, is gaining momentum as an approach to supplement traditional histological evaluation methodologies and at the same time, image analysis of digitised histological sections provides a practical means for quantifiable assessment of structural and functional changes in tissues, being both objective and reproducible. This project focused on the development of a rapid, practical analytical methodology based on advanced image analysis, that was able to measure and characterise a range of features of the intestinal histology of Atlantic salmon in a quantitative manner. In the first research chapter, the development of a novel histological assessment system based upon advanced image analysis was described, this being developed with the help of a soybean feed model known to induce enteropathy in Atlantic salmon. This tool targeted the evaluation of the extent of morphological changes occurring in the distal intestine of Atlantic salmon following dietary modulation. The final analytical methodology arrived at, could be conducted with minimal user-interaction, allowing rapid and objective assessment of 12 continuous variables per histological frame analysed. The processing time required for each histological frame was roughly 20-25 min, which greatly improved the efficiency of conducting such a quantitative assessment with respect to the time taken for a subjective semi-quantitative alternative approach. Significant agreement between the fully automated and the manual morphometric image segmentation was achieved, however, the strength of this quantitative approach was enhanced by the employment of interactive procedures, which enabled the operator / observer to rectify preceding automated segmentation steps, and account for the specimen’s variations. Results indicated that image analysis provided a viable alternative to a pathologist’s manual scoring, being more practical and time-efficient. In the second research chapter, feeding Atlantic salmon a high inclusion level of unrefined SBM (25 %) produced an inflammatory response in the distal intestine as previously described by other authors. The model feed trial successfully generated differentiable states, although these were not, for the most part, systemically differentiable through the majority of standard immunological procedures used, being only detectable morphologically. Quantitation of morphometric parameters associated with histological sections using the newly developed image analysis tool successfully allowed identification of major morphological changes. Image analysis was thus shown to provide a powerful tool for describing the histomorphological structure of Atlantic salmon distal intestine. In turn, the semi-automated image analysis methods were able to distinguish normal intestinal mucosa from those affected by enteritis. While individual parameters were less discriminatory, use of multivariate techniques allowed better discrimination of states and is likely to prove the most productive approach in further studies. Work described in the third research chapter sought to validate the semi-automated image analysis system to establish that it was measuring the parameters it was purported to be measuring, and to provide reassurance that it could reliably measure pre-determined features. This study, using the same sections for semi-quantitative and quantitative analyses, demonstrated that the quantitative indices performed well when compared to analogous semi-quantitative descriptive parameters of assessment for enteritis prognosis. The excellent reproducibility and accuracy performance levels indicated that the image analysis system was a useful and reliable morphometric method for the quantification of SB-induced enteritis in salmon. Other characteristics such as rapidity, simplicity and adaptability favour this method for image analysis, and are particularly useful where less experienced interpreters are performing the analysis. The work described in the fourth research chapter characterised changes in the morphology of the intestinal epithelial cells occurring as a result of dietary modulation and aspects of inflammatory infiltration, using a selected panel of enzyme and IHC markers. To accomplish this, image analysis techniques were used to evaluate and systematically optimise a quantitative immunolabelling assessment protocol. Digital computer-assisted quantification of labelling for cell proliferation and regeneration; programmed cell death or apoptosis; EGCs and t-cell like infiltrates; mobilisation of stress-related protein regenerative processes and facilitation of nutrient uptake and ion transport provided encouraging results. Through the description of the intestinal cellular responses at a molecular level, such IHC expression profiling further characterised the inflammatory reaction generated by the enteropathic diet. In addition, a number of potential diagnostic parameters were described for fish intestinal health e.g. the relative levels of antigenicity and the spatial distribution of antigens in tissues. Work described in the final research chapter focused on detailed characterisation of intestinal MCs / EGCs in order to try to elucidate their functional role in the intestinal immune responses. Through an understanding of their distribution, composition and ultrastructure, the intention was to better characterise these cells and their functional properties. The general morphology, histochemical characteristics and tissue distribution of these cells were explored in detail using histochemical, IHC and immunogold staining / labelling, visualised using light, confocal and TEM microscopy. Despite these extensive investigations, their physiological function and the content of their granules still remain somewhat obscure, although a role as immunodulatory cells reacting to various exogeneous signals through a finely regulated process and comparable to that causing the degranulation of mammalian MCs is suggested. The histochemical staining properties demonstrated for salmonid MCs / EGCs seem to resemble those of mammalian mucosal mast cells, with both acidophilic and basophilic components in their granules, and a granule content containing neuromodulator / neurotransmitter-peptides such as serotonin, met-enkephalin and substance-p. Consequently, distinguishable bio-chromogenic markers have been identified that are of utility in generating a discriminatory profile for image analysis of such cells.

Croissance et régime alimentaire des juvéniles de Saumon atlantique (Salmo salar L.) dans la rivière Allier

Descroix, Aurélie 10 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Ce projet a été conduit dans le contexte général du renforcement de la population naturelle de Saumon atlantique de l'Allier et s'est focalisé sur les modalités de croissance des juvéniles et tacons en grand cours d'eau. Nous nous sommes intéréssés au développement des juvéniles relâchés dans le milieu naturel, avant de considérer ensuite la chaîne trophique dans son ensemble. Notre travail avait plusieurs objectifs : 1-Effectuer une analyse de l'alimentation, de la croissance et du statut nutritionnel des tacons issus d'une salmoniculture, relâchés et recapturés le long du continuum fluvial de l'Allier ; 2-Evaluer si, en raison de compositions en acides gras différentes, les macroinvertébrés pouvaient affecter la croissance des tacons, ainsi que leur survie hivernale ; 3-Déterminer, grâce à une approche par les AG biomarqueurs, l'origine des composés lipidiques retrouvés dans les macroinvertébrés et identifier les sources de C assimilées par ces derniers le long du continuum fluvial.

Some Aspects of Conditioning Behavior in Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri

Harris, Reed E. 01 May 1972 (has links)
Effects of exercise, social facilitation, and delayed conditioning after vi exercise on the learning behavior of 5 to 6-inch rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, was measured in a conditioned avoidance response apparatus. The conditioning schedule contained an intertrial interval between alternate presentations of conditioned (light) and unconditioned (shock) stimuli. This randomization eliminated learning losses found in a previous study. Mean percentage avoidance, the measurement of learning, did not decrease significantly during conditioning trials. Exercised fish learned avoidance better than did non-exercised fish. Mean percentage avoidance for fish exercised at 0.5 ft/sec was 66.3; at 1.0 ft/ sec, 1.5 ft/sec, and no-exercise, mean percentage avoidance was 68.2, 68.9 and 65.0, respectively. Social facilitation affected learning in the one, two, and three fish per cell tests, where mean percentage avoidance was 55.5, 68.9, and 81.0 percent, respectively. A delay of 24 hours between exercise and conditioning resulted in decreased learning levels. Mean percentage avoidance was 60.3, 63.5, 67.7, and 53.7 for the 1-, 2-, 2-, and 24-hour delay tests, respectively; however, mean percentage avoidance for the last 60 trials of each test indicated the 1-, 2-, and 4-hour delay tests were all similar, over 70 percent, while mean percentage avoidance for the 24-hour delay test was only 57.8 percent.

Adaptive Significance of Lactate Dehydrogenase B2 Isozymes in Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri and a Biochemical Genetic Comparison of Cutthroat Trout (Salmo Clarki) Populations

Klar, Gerald Thomas 01 May 1978 (has links)
Rainbow trout lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) B2' B2' , B2' B2" and B2" B2" phenotypes were tested under a variety of conditions for swimming endurance, oxygen consumption rates, and blood pH, p02, and lactate. The B2" B2" phenotype exhibited a lower swimming endurance, under a limited oxygen supply, than the B2' B2' and B2' B2" phenotypes. Blood pH at fatigue did not differ among the LOH phenotypes that swam under low oxygen conditions (2 mg/1). Blood p02 at fatigue was significantly higher for females than for males under low oxygen conditions. Oxygen consumption rates were significantly higher for males than for females at dissolved oxygen concentrations of 3 mg/1 to 8 mg/1. The depression in oxygen consumption rates at low oxygen levels was greater for males than for females. The increase in blood lactate with swimming under low oxygen concentrations and static exposure to low oxygen depended on LOH phenotype. The adaptive significance of the LDH B2' and B2" alleles was discussed. Thirteen populations of Intermountain cutthroat trout were sampled for biochemical genetic variation. Variation was observed in muscle aspartate aminotransferase for all populations which would fit a genetic model of two loci and three alleles. Unique muscle A group lactate dehydrogenase variation was observed in Snake Valley cutthroat trout which suggested the presence of several variant alleles. Allele frequencies for tetrazolium oxidase changed during three consecutive years in Bear Lake cutthroat trout that were trapped and spawned artificially. The possible causes of those changes were discussed. No variation was observed in alphaglycerophosphate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, eye lactate dehydrogenase or muscle malate dehydrogenase in cutthroat trout.

Superchilling of muscle food : Storage stability and quality aspects of salmon (Salmo salar), cod (Gadus morhua) and pork

Duun, Anne Sissel January 2008 (has links)
<p>Superchilling is a method that can be used to prolong the shelf life of foods by partial freezing. Knowledge of the effects of this method on both the shelf life and quality of foods is important in order to find optimal processing and storage conditions and is of great importance both for the industry and for the consumers. Different raw materials of muscle foods were studied with the purpose of creating a basis for further improvements of both the process and the storage conditions. Products from the commercially important species pork (both roasts and rib steaks), Atlantic salmon (both vacuum packed and wrapped fillets) and Atlantic cod (vacuum packed fillets) were chosen to represent different muscle foods.</p><p>Based on both sensory and microbial evaluations, the superchilled storage improved shelf life of pork roasts from 2 to 16 weeks, and shelf life might even be further prolonged if temperature is kept more constant. The H2S-producing bacteria in superchilled cod fillets did not exceed the limit of consumption during the whole storage period of six weeks, while the microbial shelf life of the ice chilled fillets was estimated to be 8 days after processing.</p><p>Quality changes have been studied with focus on biochemical and physiochemical properties. One of the major goals in meat and fish processing is the ability to retain water and it was observed that drip loss was lower in superchilled samples compared to traditionally chilled samples in all species studied. However, the subsequent liquid loss was higher both in pork roasts and in cod fillets.</p><p>The extractability of protein was used as a tool to monitor protein denaturation. It was found that myofibrillar proteins denatured more easily during superchilled than during traditionally chilled storage both in salmon and in cod fillets. This was confirmed by electrophoresis in salmon. The amount of free amino acids were higher in cod than in salmon and increased more during superchilled storage than during ice chilled storage indicating exoproteolytic activity during storage. Activities of cathepsins B and B + L in salmon fillets were relatively stable during the storage period in all storage groups, demonstrating that these enzymes are not deactivated at the selected storage temperatures and may therefore lead to softening during subsequent chilled storage.</p><p>In superchilled samples of all species studied, white spots emerged on the product surface. However, the appearance of spots did not correspond either to higher drip loss or to higher microbial growth on surface of these samples. On the contrary, the total plate counts of superchilled samples were lower than of the other storage groups. This observation also applied to iron agar counts on cod fillets. These findings are interpreted as a strong indication of that the spots most likely were not of microbial origin.</p><p>The optimal superchilling process and storage conditions remains to be found for the products studied. From the present results it is reasonable to suggest that optimal storage temperature for the vacuum packed salmon fillets is found between the superchilled temperatures in the present experiments. The quality both of the pork roasts and the cod fillets would probably benefit from a storage temperature slightly closer to 0 °C than those studied. It can also be assumed that the control of the superchilling process is more essential to cod than to salmon and pork. In addition, the properties of the raw material are crucial in order to obtain high quality of products after processing and storage.</p> / Paper I-III are reprinted with kind permission from Elsevier, sciencedirect.com

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