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Corrosion Behaviour Of Aisi 304 Stainless Steel In Contact With Eutectic Salt For Concentrated Solar Power Plant ApplicationsAhmed, Omar 01 January 2013 (has links)
In response to the extensive energy demands on national and global levels, concentrated solar power (CSP) plants are designed to harness and convert solar energy to electricity. For such green energy application, robust, reliable and durable materials for CSP constructions are required. The corrosion resistance is among many parameters to consider in these thermalelectrical stations such as for pipes and storage tanks in CSP. In this investigation, the corrosion behavior of AISI 304 stainless steel (18 wt. % Cr, 8 wt. % Ni) with the heat transfer fluid, also known as solar salt, has been examined. The ternary eutectic salt mixture with the composition, 53 wt. % KNO3, 40 wt. % NaNO2, and 7 wt. % NaNO3, that melts at 142°C, has a potential use in CSP as a heat transfer fluid. The solar salt was prepared for this corrosion study from reagent grades of high purity nitrites and nitrates. Samples of AISI 304 stainless steel were sectioned from a sheet stock of the alloy and exposed to solar salt at 530°C in air at 1 atmospheric pressure. After test intervals of 250, 500, and 750 hours in total immersion condition, AISI 304 stainless steel samples have developed a scale of corrosion products made up of multiple oxides. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy with X-ray energy-dispersive spectroscopy were employed to examine the extent of corrosion and identify the corrosion products. Transmission electron microscopy was used to verify the corrosion products identity via electron diffraction patterns. Oxides of iron were found to be the primary corrosion products in the presence of the molten alkali nitrates-nitrite salt mixture because of the dissolution of the protective chromium oxide (Cr2O3) scale formed on AISI 304 stainless steel coupons. The corrosion scale was uniform in thickness and made up of sodium iron oxide (NaFeO2), iron oxide, hematite (Fe2O3), and chromium-iron oxide (Cr,Fe)2O3 solid solution. The latter was iv found near the AISI 304 stainless steel. This indicates that the scale formed, particularly on the upper layers with presence of sodium iron oxide and iron oxide, hematite, is protective, and forms an effective barrier against penetration of fused solar salt. At the alloy interface with the bulk corrosion scale, the corrosion process induced a compositional modification in the grains located at the interface. There are iron rich and iron depleted grains at the interface if compared to the nominal iron content of the alloy. The mode of attack is identified as uniform at the test temperature of 530°C, showing a parabolic behavior with a parabolic rate constant (Kp) equals to (m2 /sec). By extrapolation, annual corrosion rate is estimated to reach 0.784 mils per year. Corrosion behavior of AISI 304 stainless steel is discussed in terms of thermodynamics and reaction paths.
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Feasibility of HALEU-loaded Breed-and-Burn Molten Salt Fast Reactor without Online Actinide Treatment / Genomförbarhet av HALEU-laddad ras- och brännsmält salt snabbreaktor utan onlineaktinidbehandlingShi, Lei January 2023 (has links)
Molten Salt Fast Reactors (MSFRs) have prominent advantages such as fuel breeding, nuclear waste transmutation, and inherent safety. They are the only liquid-fueled nuclear reactors currently receiving significant attention as fourth-generation advanced nuclear systems. To address the challenges of short operational lifetimes and proliferation issues during online fuel processing, the breed-and-burn (B&B) MSFR is among the most promising advanced reactor types. In this study, a large-volume B&B MSFR model without online actinide element treatment was simulated and analyzed using the Monte Carlo simulation software SERPENT, considering different power levels and sizes of the inactive core. The results demonstrate that, under otherwise identical conditions, the operational lifetime and conversion ratio of MSFRs increase with decreasing power levels and increasing the size of the inactive core. These findings provide a foundation and theoretical basis for achieving B&B MSFRs without online actinide element treatment. / Smält saltsnabbreaktorer (MSFRs) har framträdande fördelar såsom bränsleförädling, transmutation av kärnavfall och inneboende säkerhet. De är de enda flytande drivna kärnreaktorerna som för närvarande får betydande uppmärksamhet som fjärde generationens avancerade kärnkraftverk. För att möta utmaningarna med korta driftstider och spridningsproblem vid online bränslebearbetning är rask-och-bränning (B&B) MSFR bland de mest lovande avancerade reaktortyperna. I denna studie simulerades och analyserades en storskalig B&B MSFR-modell utan behandling av aktinidelement online med hjälp av Monte Carlo simuleringsprogramvaran SERPENT, med hänsyn till olika effektnivåer och storlekar på den inaktiva kärnan. Resultaten visar att livslängden och konverteringsförhållandet för MSFRs ökar under annars identiska förhållanden i takt med att effektnivåerna minskar och storleken på den inaktiva kärnan ökar. Dessa resultat ger en grund och teoretisk grund för att uppnå B&B MSFRs utan behandling av aktinidelement online.
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The Radiative Heat Transfer Properties of Molten Salts and Their Relevance to the Design of Advanced ReactorsChaleff, Ethan S. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Advancements in Molten Salt Physical Property Measurement: Archimedean Density, Couette Viscometer, and FLiBe-Te Solution Penetration AnalysisDetrick, Kent Powell 29 November 2023 (has links) (PDF)
This work primarily centers on measuring the physical properties of molten salts. It's dedicated to outlining the methodology, enhancing measurement methods, and scrutinizing data to uncover insights regarding the interaction between molten salt and solid structures in the context of designing and generating electrical energy in molten salt reactors. The initial phase of this research involved collaborating with Brigham Young University's molecular dynamics simulation group to create an Archimedean density measurement device. This endeavor was primarily geared towards generating empirical data for the purpose of enhancing molecular dynamics simulation data. The tasks encompassed designing and validating the experimental setup, with a particular focus on measuring the densities of a novel salt composition--FMgNaK, a prospective nuclear fuel salt fuel/coolant. In the next chapter, we delve into the development, validation, and significant improvement of the rotational Couette viscosity measurement method at high temperatures. Originally designed for room temperature conditions, the methodology failed to account for the substantial temperature difference between the calibration fluids and the molten salts. Consequently, we introduce a theory aimed at correcting errors stemming from the thermal expansion of the solid container material during the transition from calibration to high temperature fluid measurement. As part of this comprehensive discussion, we also present the correction applied during the validation testing of the viscosity setup, with a specific focus on a nitrate salt known as solar salt. The final experiment development centered on the creation and validation of the Axisymmetric Drop-Shape Analysis (ADSA) method for use with molten salt. However, working with a specific nitrate salt, known as solar salt, posed challenges due to its propensity to wet all common high temperature substrates. This high degree of wetting posed hindrances to several physical properties measurements. Therefore, the primary objective of this work was to identify a non-wetting substrate to enhance the accuracy of ADSA and other measurement methods. Within this context, we present the results of surface tension and contact angle measurements, which were derived from the ADSA method, and the development of a non-wetting substrate for use with solar salt. In the final stage of this research, the ADSA method was applied to FLiBe, a critical fluoride salt in molten salt nuclear reactor design, and tellurium-bearing FLiBe to examine its interaction with boron nitride, a key solid porous material used in reactor vessel structures. Surface tension and contact angle measurements were conducted on various substrates, revealing the influence of oxygen on boron nitride wetting. Additionally, the study confirmed that tellurium, despite its chemical similarity to oxygen, did not significantly affect surface tension or contact angle, ruling out a substantial impact on boron nitride infiltration. The chapter also presents comprehensive data on the surface tension and densities of FLiBe, FLiNaK, and the chloride salt NaCl-KCl.
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[pt] A importância do sal em diversas atividades humanas tem acompanhado as
fases principais da civilização. Aplicações estratégicas e inovadoras envolvendo
rochas salinas são planejadas até os dias atuais, tais como barreiras geológicas
para abandono de poços e cavernas de estocagem para novas fontes de energia
ou descarbonização. Esta tese foca no comportamento geomecânico do sal com
atenção especial à fluência, dilatância, efeitos térmicos e seus impactos no
comportamento hidráulico. Modelos deram suporte ao desenvolvimento de
metodologias para avaliação de condições de integridade e estanqueidade de
projetos estratégicos no contexto de energia. Eles incluem o abandono de poços
do pré-sal, cavernas de sal e sal como rocha capeadora de reservatórios
carbonáticos. Simulações numéricas avançadas utilizando o framework GeMA
investigaram cenários representativos de cada projeto. Para tanto, modelos
constitutivos de fluência, condições de contorno customizadas e variáveis de
saída específicas foram implementados. Dentre os modelos de fluência, o EDMT
foi desenvolvido no contexto desta pesquisa de doutorado, com foco no sal
brasileiro. Os estudos de caso conduziram a observações importantes. Um poço
do pré-sal pode fechar completamente por fluência após a remoção do
revestimento. A redução da pressão e o aquecimento do poço aceleraram seu
fechamento de modo significativo. No cenário mais crítico, a permeabilidade final
foi ligeiramente superior a 100 vezes o valor inicial. Uma caverna de sal pode
suportar mecanicamente ciclos de pressão causados por um esquema
contingencial de fornecimento de hidrocarbonetos, embora uma permeabilidade
final de 6,5 vezes o valor inicial tenha sido observada. Na geomecânica de
reservatórios, a contribuição da fluência da rocha capeadora na subsidência é
pequena e irreversível mesmo que a pressão do reservatório seja recuperada. As
mudanças na permeabilidade foram sutis apesar da contribuição da fluência do
sal e da variação de pressão do reservatório. A revisão da literatura, os modelos
de fluência, as metodologias de análise, as funcionalidades incorporadas ao
framework e as discussões motivadas pelos estudos de caso representam o valor
agregado da tese para a comunidade científica e para a indústria no que tange ao
aproveitamento estratégico de rochas salinas. / [en] The importance of salt in many human activities has accompanied the main
phases of civilization. Strategic and innovative applications in salt rocks are
planned until the present day, such as geological barriers for well abandonment
and storage caverns for new energy sources or decarbonization. This thesis
focuses on the geomechanical behavior of salt with special regards to creep,
dilation, thermal effects and their impact on the hydraulic behavior. Models have
supported the development of methodologies to assess integrity and tightness
conditions of strategic projects in the context of energy. These include Pre-salt well
abandonment, salt caverns and salt as caprock of carbonate reservoirs. Advanced
numerical simulations using the framework GeMA have investigated
representative scenarios of each project. To this end, creep constitutive models,
customized boundary conditions and specific output variables have been
implemented. Among the creep models, the EDMT has been developed in the
context of this doctoral research, focusing on Brazilian salt. The case studies have
led to important findings. A Pre-salt well can close completely by creep after casing
removal. Pressure reduction and well heating have accelerated closure
significantly. In the most critical scenario, the final permeability was slightly higher
than 100 times the initial value. A salt cavern can mechanically support pressure
cycles caused by a contingency hydrocarbon supply scheme; however, a final
permeability of 6.5 times the initial value has been noticed. In reservoir
geomechanics, the caprock creep contribution in the subsidence is small and
irreversible even if the reservoir pressure is recovered. Permeability changes have
been subtle despite the creep contribution and the reservoir pressure variation.
The literature review, the creep models, the analysis methodologies, the
capabilities incorporated into the framework and the discussions motivated by the
case studies represent the added value of the thesis to the scientific community
and industry regarding the strategic use of salt rocks.
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The petrology and geochemistry of the Cienega Falls diabase sill, Salt River Canyon area, Gila County, ArizonaSchofield, Richard Edward, 1946- January 1976 (has links)
No description available.
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The effect of compost and priming on the salt tolerance of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. S-24 and cv. Slambo) during germination and early seedling establishmentGadeh, H. M. January 2013 (has links)
Soil salinity and the arid climate in Libya are major constraints in agriculture and predominantly in foodstuff production which are limiting wheat production and yield. The effect of pre-sowing seed treatments with 50 mM of KCl, NaCl, CaCl2, and distilled water as hydropriming on germination and early seedling growth in two wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars S-24 (tolerant) and Slambo (untested before) under 0, 100, 200 and 300 mM NaCl concentrations was examined. CaCl2 was the only priming treatment that significantly improved the germination percentage, germination rate, and mean germination time in both cultivars under almost all NaCl concentrations. Thus, priming with CaCl2 was selected for further experiments. In the greenhouse, seeds primed with 50 mM of CaCl2 also improved the emergence percentage, emergence rate, shoot and root length, and fresh and dry weight of shoots and roots of both cultivars under all NaCl concentration except at 300 mM where the emergence was completely inhibited. The response of wheat cultivars to three compost treatments including cow manure compost (CC), greenwaste compost (GC) and 50:50 mixture (mix) between them and sand at percentage inclusions of 10 and 30 % by weight under 0, 100, 200, and 300 mM of NaCl was also investigated. Among all compost treatments, 30% GC and 30% mix were the best treatment and improved almost all growth parameters under salt stress, and 30% GC was also the only treatment that had any emergence at 300 mM NaCl. 30% GC and 30% mix were selected for further experiments. The effect of the combination of the selected priming agent (CaCl2) and the best two compost treatments (30% GC and 30% mix) on the emergence and early seedling growth of both cultivars was tested. The results showed that all the treatments enhanced plant growth parameters including seedling ion uptake in both cultivars, with preference to primed seeds sown in 30% GC. The treatments had the following order of the performance of both cultivars under salt stress. Primed seeds sown in 30% GC > unprimed seeds sown in 30% GC > primed seeds sown in 30% mix > unprimed seeds sown in 30% mix. This enhancement is possibly due to the provision of Ca2+ and / or the improvement in the availability of water as both of them were improved by the application of priming and compost.
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Assessment of Bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) and Red Oak (Quercus rubra) for salinity tolerance and propagation through semi-hardwood cuttingsSimranjit Singh 30 March 2016 (has links)
Growth performance of Bur oak (Q. macrocarpa Michx.) and Red oak (Q. rubra L.) under salinity conditions was assessed by growing seedlings in the presence of increasing levels of NaCl. Salinity reduced root growth in both species, although its repressive effect was more pronounced in Red oak. Exposure to 75 mM NaCl for three weeks almost arrested root growth in Red oak, while it reduced it only by 40 % in Bur oak. Red oak roots showed extensive necrosis and limited branching. Salinity also induced leaf injury, which at a NaCl level of 25 mM was less severe in Bur oak possibly due the higher expression of dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX), enzymes participating in the detoxification of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Salinity also altered nutrient uptake and accumulation in root and leaf tissue. Compared to Red oak, the relative calcium level in Bur oak roots exposed to increased salinity remained elevated, while an opposite trend was observed in leaf tissue. This was in contrast to nitrogen and potassium, the relative level of which was higher in Red oak leaves grown in the presence of NaCl. The better performance of Bur oak root tissue under salinity conditions was ascribed to structural modifications of the root system with maturation of casparian bands and suberinization occurring closer to the root tip. These structures are known to act as barriers enhancing ion selectivity. Collectively this study demonstrates that relative to Red oak, Bur oak is more tolerant to NaCl induced salinity conditions. / February 2017
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Ökad grundvattenbildning genom pumpning av salt grundvatten från berggrunden på Gotland / Increased groundwater recharge by the pumping of saline groundwater from the bedrock in GotlandAndersson, Magnus January 2019 (has links)
På grund av ökad brist och ökad efterfrågan efter vatten på Gotland undersöks möjligheten att genom pumpning av salt grundvatten, lokalt sänka gränsen mellan salt och sött grundvatten som ligger under ön samt öka grundvattenbildningen. Med saltvattengränsen längre ner i marken skulle djupare brunnar kunna borras och större uttag skulle kunna ske vid upprättande av en grundvattentäkt. För att undersöka konceptet skapades en grundvattenmodell över delar av Sudret, ett område på södra delen av ön Gotland. För att kunna simulera förhållanden med pumpning i ett grundvattensystem där blandning sker mellan salt och sött grundvatten av olika densitet, utvecklades modellen i grundvattenmodelleringsprogrammet GMS i kombination med modulerna MODFLOW, MT3DMS samt SEAWAT. Tillsammans med modulerna kunde modellen hantera densitetsskillnader, förändring av saltkoncentrationer och påverkan av pumpar. Som grund vid utvecklingen av modellen användes en geologisk tredimensionell modell framtagen av SGU. Då inga platsspecifika undersökningar vad gäller grundvattennivåer och flödes/spridningsparametrar fanns att tillgå valdes modellparametrar utifrån litteraturvärden och tidigare undersökningar från liknande förhållanden. Först skapades en modell utan pumpning för att simulera fram ett stabilt läge för saltvattengränsen och en stabil tjocklek på språngskiktet. Modellens parametrar anpassades till dess att grundvattennivån låg nära markytan och språngskiktet låg runt övergången från kalksten till sandsten. När en relativt stabil saltvattengräns simulerats fram utvecklades modellen vidare med pumpning från det salta grundvattnet. Resultaten från arbetet visar att det med pumpning går att sänka saltvattengränsen och att en ökning av grundvattenbildningen sker motsvarande 55 % av den bortpumpade volymen saltvatten. På grund av avsaknad av lokala materialparametrar bör resultaten inte ses som mer än en indikation på att konceptet fungerar. Vidare föreslås att lokala geohydrologiska undersökningar genomförs för att i framtiden kunna skapa en modell som bygger på lokalt uppmätta flödes- och spridningsparametrar vilket skulle generera mer pålitliga resultat. I en framtida modell bör även pumpning från den söta delen av grundvattnet adderas till modellen för att se hur utvinnande av färskvatten skulle påverka språngskiktets utbredning samt ge svar på hur stora uttag som skulle vara möjliga. / Because of an increased shortage and an increased demand of fresh water on Gotland, the possibility to pump saline groundwater and thereby locally lower the saltwater interface and increase recharge was investigated. With the saltwater interface further down in the bedrock, deeper wells could be drilled and extraction of more fresh water would therefore be possible. To examine the concept, a groundwater model was created to simulate the idea on a region of the peninsula Sudret on the southern part of the island of Gotland, Sweden. To be able to simulate the idea of pumping groundwater in an aquifer with a mix of saline and fresh groundwater of variable density, a model was built using the groundwater modelling program GMS in combination with the modules/program codes MODFLOW, MT3DMS and SEAWAT. With these modules, the model can handle the complex situation with extraction by pumping from groundwater of variable density and changes of salt concentration over time. A three dimensional geological model over the area produced by SGU was used as a foundation for building the model. Since no site specific surveys considering groundwater levels and flow/dispersion parameters have been previously undertaken in the study area, the parameters of the model were chosen according to literature and findings from similar projects conducted in the past. First, a model was developed to simulate a stable saltwater interface without pumps. Parameters were changed until a groundwater level close to the surface of the model was given and the saltwater interface ended up around the transition between limestone and sandstone. When the model generated desirable results, it was further developed to include the extraction of saltwater by pumping. Results from the project showed that the concept of lowering the saltwater interface by pumping works, with an increased recharge corresponding to 55 % of the extracted saltwater volume. Because of a lack of site specific parameters, the results should not be seen as more than an indication that the concept works. Furthermore, geohydrological measures should be made to provide local parameters regarding flow and dispersion for more reliable future models. To gain a greater understanding of how well the concept would work in reality, further development should be undertaken to include fresh groundwater extraction to assess how that would affect the position of the saltwater interface.
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Comportement thermomécanique du sel gemme : Application au dimensionnement des cavités / Thermomechanical behavior of rock salt : Application to cavern designLabaune, Paule 09 October 2018 (has links)
Les cavités salines représentent une technique prometteuse de stockage massif d’énergie, notamment pour les énergies renouvelables dont la production est par nature intermittente et imprévisible. Historiquement utilisées pour le stockage saisonnier d’hydrocarbures (méthane, pétrole...), les cavités salines sont aujourd’hui sollicitées pour le stockage de nouveaux fluides (hydrogène, dioxyde de carbone...) avec des scenarii plus exigeants. Les méthodes de dimensionnement des cavités doivent être mises à jour pour répondre aux nouveaux défis de la transition énergétique.Cette thèse propose une nouvelle méthodologie de dimensionnement des cavités salines, basée sur le développement d’un nouveau modèle constitutif pour le sel gemme incluant des critères de dilatance et de traction. Ce nouveau modèle permet d’ajuster avec un unique jeu de paramètres de nombreux essais de laboratoire différents, en particulier courts et longs.Des simulations couplées thermo-mécaniques de cavités, remplies de méthane ou d’hydrogène, et du sel gemme environnant sont réalisées pour différents scenarii d’exploitation, classiques ou se rapprochant des nouveaux besoins liés à la transition énergétique. On étudie en particulier les effets de la durée et de l’amplitude des cycles, du débit d’injection ou de soutirage. Les résultats obtenus avec la nouvelle méthodologie sont comparés avec ceux de la méthodologie classique. / Salt caverns are a promising technique for massive energy storage, especially in the case of the intermittent and unpredictable renewable energy. Historically used for seasonal storage of hydrocarbons (methane, oil...), they are potentially operated with increasingly demanding scenarios for the storage of other fluids (hydrogen, carbon dioxide...). Design methods need to be updated to rise to the new challenges of the energy transition.This thesis proposes a new methodology for salt cavern design, based on the development of a new rheological model including a dilatancy and a tensile criteria. This new model allows to fit numerous different laboratory tests with a single parameter set, in particular short- and long-term tests.Thermo-mechanical numerical simulations of caverns, filled with either methane or hydrogen, and the surrounding rock salt are performed under various cycling scenarios which are classical or closer to the needs associated with the energy transition. Effects of cycle duration, amplitude and mass flow are especially investigated. Results obtained with the new and the classical methodologies are compared.
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