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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hydrogeochemical Modeling of Saltwater Intrusion and Water Supply Augmentation in South Florida

Habtemichael, Yonas T 01 April 2016 (has links)
The Biscayne Aquifer is a primary source of water supply in Southeast Florida. As a coastal aquifer, it is threatened by saltwater intrusion (SWI) when the natural groundwater flow is altered by over-pumping of groundwater. SWI is detrimental to the quality of fresh groundwater sources, making the water unfit for drinking due to mixing and reactions with aquifer minerals. Increasing water demand and complex environmental issues thus force water utilities in South Florida to sustainably manage saltwater intrusion and develop alternative water supplies (e.g., aquifer storage and recovery, ASR). The objectives of this study were to develop and use calibrated geochemical models to estimate water quality changes during saline intrusion and during ASR in south Florida. A batch-reaction model of saltwater intrusion was developed and important geochemical reactions were inferred. Additionally, a reactive transport model was developed to assess fate and transport of major ions and trace metals (Fe, As) at the Kissimmee River ASR. Finally, a cost-effective management of saltwater intrusion that involves using abstraction and recharge wells was implemented and optimized for the case of the Biscayne Aquifer. Major processes in the SWI areas were found to be mixing and dissolution-precipitation reactions with calcite and dolomite. Most of the major ions (Cl, Na, K, Mg, SO4) behaved conservatively during ASR while Ca and alkalinity were affected by carbonate reactions and cation exchange. A complex set of reactions involving thermodynamic equilibrium, kinetics and surface complexation reactions was required in the ASR model to simulate observed concentrations of Fe and As. The saltwater management model aimed at finding optimal locations and flow rates for abstraction and recharge wells. Optimal solutions (i.e., minimum total salt and total cost Pareto front) were produced for the Biscayne Aquifer for scenarios of surface recharge induced by climate change-affected precipitation. In general, abstraction at the maximum rate near the coast and artificial recharge at locations much further inland were found to be optimal. Knowledge developed herein directly supports the understanding of SWI caused by anthropogenic stressors, such as over-pumping and sea level rise, on coastal aquifers.

Förstärkt grundvattenbildning genom bortpumpning av salt grundvatten : modellering av lokala effekter och identifiering av plats för pilottest på Gotland

Edlund, Harald January 2020 (has links)
Gotland suffers from a shortage of drinking water at infrequent intervals which is onlypredicted to get worse with time. The problem is not a shortage of precipitation, the shortagelies in the combined problem of runoff and high water usage during the summer months.From September to March there is an abundance of water which mostly goes to runoff intothe sea surrounding Gotland. Due to the fact that Gotland is an island, a concave boundryis formed between the deeper saline groundwater and the fresh groundwater closer to thesurface. In an effort to possibly help in solving the water shortage, an idea was introducedto pump out the saline groundwater from the deep and thus creating an increase in storageof fresh groundwater.Firstly an investigation into suitable locations for modeling was conducted where two siteswere chosen. To test this concept and see if the idea was feasable a 2D-model was establishedusing GMS, MODFLOW, MT3DMS and SEAWAT with the aim of simulating the groundwaterat the well chosen sites on Sudret, Gotland. Two wells were implemented in the model,one for extracting fresh groundwater and one for extracting saline groundwater. The hopeswere to be able to simulate an increase of the storage of fresh water during the rechargeperiod and thus helping to solve the problem with insufficient water during the strenuoussummer months. Hopefully the results of the simultations can make up the foundations foran implementation of the concept at a location at Gotland.Results for site 1 indicate that the volume of fresh water in the akvifer can be increasedby 13of the extraction volume when only saline groundwater is removed. The maximumflow of only saline extraction at site 1 has been determined to 35m3år per meter. For example,with only an extraction of saline water of 35m3år at site 1 the fresh water in the aquifer willincrease by 340m3 per metre after 10 years.The model indicates that the volume of fresh water in the akvifer can be increased bya minimum of 15 of the saline extraction volume when only saline water is removed. Themaximum flow of only saline groundwater at site 2 was decided to be 65m3år per meter. Forexample, with only an extraction of saline water of 65m3år at site 1 the fresh water in theakvifer will increase by 940m3 per metre after 10 years. / Gotland lider till och från av vattenbrist under sommaren, problemen förväntas även ökai samband med klimatförändringar och expanderande antropogen påverkan. Under vinterhalvåretfår Gotland mer än tillräckligt med sötvatten för att täcka efterfrågan, problemetuppkommer från att majoriteten av vattnet evapotranspireras samt går till ytavrinning tillÖstersjön. Ytterligare en orsak till vattenbristen beror på att Gotlands grundvatten omgesav saltvatten. Saltvattnet kring Gotland bildar en konkav gräns mellan sött och salt vatten igrundvattenmagasinet vilket väsentligt begränsar den möjliga lagringen av sött grundvatten.För att hjälpa till att lösa problemen med vattenbrist på Gotland introducerades en idé attutöka andelen sött vatten i grundvattenmgasinen genom att pumpa salt grundvatten fråndjupet under återhämtningsperioden.Arbetet påbörjades genom att undersöka en lämplig plats på Gotland, både ur en modelleringssynpunktsamt inför ett eventuellt fortsatt arbete. Två platser valdes slutligen dären 2D-grundvattenmodell skapades vid båda platserna med hjälp av GMS, MODFLOW,MT3DMS och SEAWAT. I modellen implementerades två uttagsbrunnar, en för salt grundvattenfrån djupet och en för sött grundvatten närmare ytan. Eftersom modellen skapats i 2Dinnebär det det en förenkling av geometrin och modellresultat motsvarar då en horisontelltborrad brunn, därför anges resultaten som flöde per meter horisontell brunn. Förhoppningenvar att genom simulering kunna påvisa en ökning av sötvatten i grundvattenmagasinet genomatt extrahera salt grundvatten under återhämtningsperioden. målet är att undersökningarnaska leda till en implementering av metoden i verkligheten i ett försök att minska vattenbristen.Modellresultat för plats 1 indikerar att volymen sött vatten i akviferen ökar med 13 avuttaget när endast salt vatten extraheras. Det maximala uttagsflödet vid plats 1 för endastsalt vatten bestämdes till 35m3år per meter. Vid ett saltvattenuttag på 35m3år vid plats 1 ökarsötvattenvolyem i akviferen t.ex. med 340m3 per meter efter 10 år.Modellresultat för plats 2 indikerar att volymen sött vatten i akviferen ökar med 15 avuttaget när endast salt vatten extraheras. Det maximala uttagsflödet vid plats 2 för endastsalt vatten bestämdes till 65m3år per meter. Vid ett saltvattenuttag på 65m3år vid plats 2 ökarsötvattenvolyem i akviferen t.ex. med 940m3 per meter efter 10 år. / diva2:1345440

Risker och åtgärder för saltvatteninträngning i dricksvattenbrunnar i ett nutids- och framtidsperspektiv / Risks and preventive measures of saltwater intrusion in drinking water wells in a present and future perspective

Bizet, Alicia January 2022 (has links)
Drygt en miljon invånare i Sverige är beroende av enskild dricksvattenförsörjning från grundvatten. För låga grundvattennivåer i grundvattenmagasin, kan bland annat leda till saltvatteninträngning i dricksvattenbrunnar. Syftet med studien var att fastställa om topografi, avstånd till hav, brunnsdjup, jorddjup och jordart är kopplat till kloridhalter i dricksvatten, att undersöka om och vad det finns för risker för saltvatteninträngning i ett framtida förändrat klimat, av klimatförändringar, samt om det finns några åtgärder mot saltvatteninträngning.  Korrelationstestet Kendall’s tau användes för att undersöka om det fanns en signifikant korrelation mellan kloridhalter och topografi, avstånd till hav, brunnsdjup och jorddjup och Wilcoxon rank sum test användes för att undersöka om det fanns någon signifikant skillnad mellan de olika jordarterna. I denna studie fastställdes negativ korrelation mellan kloridhalter och avstånd till hav (p=0,000341), samt kloridhalter och topografi (p=0,0124). Studien visade på att det inte fanns någon signifikant korrelation mellan kloridhalter och resterande parametrar, vilket tidigare forskning dock indikerar. Vad gäller brunnsdjup, fanns en signifikant korrelation mellan topografi och brunnsdjup, vilket kan tyda på att brunnar generellt är borrade grundare i låglänta områden. Gällande jorddjupet kopplat till kloridhalter, antogs det vara för tunt (cirka en meter) för att kunna se något tydligt resultat av korrelationstestet, då ett för tunt jordlager inte påverkar grundvattenbildningen i tillräckligt stor utsträckning. Detta bidrog även till att det inte fanns någon signifikant skillnad mellan jordarterna.  För den andra delen av studien utformades en modell i Matlab, för att undersöka om och hur klimat- förändringar kommer påverka grundvattennivåförändring och därmed även saltvatteninträngning. Referensperioden var 2004-2020 och framtidsscenariona var RCP4.5 och RCP8.5, vilka delades upp i två olika perioder: 2021-2060 och 2061-2099. Modellen visade på att grundvattennivåer blir lägre i ett framtida påverkat klimat, vilket kan tyda på att det är en större risk för saltvatteninträngning. Dock fanns det många osäkerheter och modellen skulle kunna göras mer nyanserad.  För den tredje delen av studien gjordes en litteraturstudie där sju olika åtgärder undersöktes: kontrollering av grundvattenuttag, vattensnåla åtgärder i hemmet, att borra grundare brunnar i riskområden, anslutning till kommunalt vatten, omvänd osmos, ADR (abstraction, desalination, recharge) och SWT (subsurface water technologies). Dessa jämfördes därefter mot varandra genom att ställa upp för- och nackdelar för alla åtgärder. Överlag är förebyggande åtgärder att föredra, dock tycks SWT eller ADR vara bättre än omvänd osmos för redan kontaminerat vatten. / Just over one million inhabitants in Sweden are dependent on individual drinking water supply from groundwater. When the groundwater levels are too low in a groundwater reservoir, it can lead to saltwater intrusion in drinking water wells. The purpose of this study was to establish whether topography, distance to sea, well depth, soil depth and type of soil correlated with chloride in drinking water, to investigate whether there is a risk for saltwater intrusion in a future changed climate, due to climate change, and to investigate if there are any measures to minimize saltwater intrusion.  Kendall’s tau was used to investigate if there were any significant correlations between chloride and topography, distance to sea, well depth and soil depth. Wilcoxon rank sum test was used to investigate if there was a significant difference between the soil types. In this study the results only showed a significant correlation between chloride and distance to sea (p=0,000341) and between chloride and topography (p=0,0124). There was no significant correlation between chloride and the rest of the parameters. However, earlier research has shown that there is a correlation between chloride and all previous mentioned parameters. There was a significant correlation between topography and well depth, which can imply that the wells are drilled shallower in lowland areas. Regarding the soil depth connected to chloride, it is assumed that the soil depth is too thin (about one meter) to see any clear results, since a shallow soil depth won’t affect the groundwater recharge enough. This could also contribute to no significant difference between chloride and soil types.  For the second part of the study a model was built in Matlab, to investigate if and how climate change will affect changes in groundwater levels and therefore if it will influence saltwater intrusion. The reference period was 2004-2020 and the future scenarios were RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, which were divided into two periods: 2021-2060 and 2061-2099. The model showed lower groundwater levels in the future, which can imply there is a greater risk of saltwater intrusion. Although there are multiple limitations and the model could be made more nuanced.  For the third part of this study, a literature study was made, where seven different measures where investigated: to control groundwater abstraction, to install waterefficient techniques in households, to drill shallower wells in risk areas, reversed osmosis, ADR (abstraction, desalination, recharge) and SWT (subsurface water technologies). These were compared to each other, where advantages and disadvantages were balanced against each other. Overall, preventative measures are preferable, although SWT and ADR are better than reversed osmosis for already contaminated water.


Gigante, Bethany Marie 24 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Μελέτη θεμάτων διαχείρισης παράκτιων υδροφορέων με αριθμητικά μοντέλα

Ζιώγας, Αλέξανδρος 01 August 2014 (has links)
Διερευνώνται επιμέρους θέματα διαχείρισης παράκτιων υδροφορέων που αφορούν στην διασφάλιση της αειφορίας των υπόγειων αποθεμάτων μέσω (α) της προστασία τους έναντι στην υποβάθμιση της ποιότητάς τους που μπορεί να προέλθει από τη διείσδυση του θαλασσινού νερού και από ανθρωπογενείς δραστηριότητες και (β) της διασφάλισης της κάλυψης των αναγκών σε υπόγειο νερό κατά τις περιόδους αυξημένης ζήτησης. Η διερεύνηση βασίζεται στη χρήση δύο αριθμητικών μοντέλων υπόγειας ροής που λαμβάνουν υπόψη τις διαφορές πυκνότητας μεταξύ γλυκού και αλμυρού νερού και περιλαμβάνει τα ακόλουθα: Παρουσιάζεται ο τρόπος με τον οποίο διατυπώνονται και επιλύονται οι εξισώσεις που περιγράφουν την υπόγεια ροή υπό την επιρροή διαφορών πυκνότητας σε δύο ευρέως χρησιμοποιούμενα αριθμητικά μοντέλα, που είναι το μοντέλο SEAWAT-2000 (Langevin et al., 2003) και το μοντέλο SUTRA v2.2 (Voss & Provost, 2010). Βάσει των ανωτέρω και της εμπειρίας που αποκτήθηκε από την παράλληλη εφαρμογή τους, οι δύο κώδικες αξιολογούνται συγκριτικά και διατυπώνονται κριτήρια, στα οποία μπορεί να βασιστεί η επιλογή του κατά περίπτωση προσφορότερου κώδικα. Γίνεται η ρύθμιση αριθμητικού μοντέλου, το οποίο είναι βασισμένο στον κώδικα SEAWAT-2000, για τον παράκτιο υδροφορέα του Γλαύκου π., ο οποίος βρίσκεται στα νότια της πόλης των Πατρών και αποτελεί σημαντικό υδατικό πόρο για την περιοχή. Η ρύθμιση του μοντέλου βασίζεται σε μετρήσεις της υπόγειας στάθμης που προέρχονται από ένα σχετικά πυκνό δίκτυο γεωτρήσεων παρατήρησης το οποίο όμως έχει χρονικά περιορισμένη διάρκεια λειτουργίας. Το δίκτυο κατασκευάστηκε στα πλαίσια του προγράμματος INTERREG Ελλάδα – Ιταλία, 2000 – 2006, σε συνεργασία του Εργαστηρίου Υδραυλικής Μηχανικής του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών και της Δημοτικής Επιχείρησης Ύδρευσης και Αποχέτευσης της Πάτρας (Δ.Ε.Υ.Α.Π.) και ολοκληρώθηκε στα μέσα του 2008. Η διαδικασία ρύθμισης του μοντέλου περιλαμβάνει τα εξής: (α) Τη συστηματική οργάνωση, συνδυασμό και αξιολόγηση των διαθέσιμων πληροφοριών σε λογισμικό συστημάτων γεωγραφικών πληροφοριών. (β) Την εφαρμογή υδραυλικών και στατιστικών μεθόδων σε συνδυασμό με την τροποποίηση και εφαρμογή μεθόδων αριθμητικής προσομοίωσης αντλητικών δοκιμών για τον προσδιορισμό των υδραυλικών χαρακτηριστικών του υδροφορέα. (γ) Τη συνδυαστική ανάλυση υδρολογικών δεδομένων και χρονοσειρών της υπόγειας στάθμης για την εκτίμηση των συνιστωσών του υδρολογικού ισοζυγίου. (δ) Τον καθορισμό κατάλληλων κριτηρίων αξιολόγησης των προσομοιώσεων. (ε) Την εμπειρική ρύθμιση των παραμέτρων του μοντέλου, η οποία επειδή έγινε παράλληλα με την συλλογή των μετρήσεων της υπόγειας στάθμης πραγματοποιήθηκε για δύο περιόδους, κατ’ αρχήν για την περίοδο 2008-2010 και εν συνεχεία για την περίοδο 2010-2012 και (στ) την εκτέλεση προσομοιώσεων Monte Carlo για την πραγματοποίηση καθολικής ανάλυσης ευαισθησίας (global sensitivity analysis, βλ. Saltelli et al., 2004) και τη διερεύνηση ύπαρξης περισσοτέρων συνδυασμών των τιμών των παραμέτρων του μοντέλου που οδηγούν σε παρόμοια αποτελέσματα (equifinality thesis, Beven, 2006). Από τη ρύθμιση του μοντέλου με τη βοήθεια των μετρήσεων της υπόγειας στάθμης που συλλέχτηκαν με το δίκτυο παρατήρησης προέκυψαν πληροφορίες για τους μηχανισμούς εμπλουτισμού του υδροφορέα στις διάφορες περιοχές, κάτι που είναι σημαντικό για τη διαχείρισή του. Το ρυθμισμένο μοντέλο του παράκτιου υδροφορέα του Γλαύκου χρησιμοποιήθηκε για την εξέταση θεμάτων διαχείρισης του υδροφορέα: (α) Προσδιορίστηκαν οι ζώνες τροφοδοσίας των γεωτρήσεων της ΔΕΥΑΠ με χρήση του κώδικα MODPATH v3 (Pollock, 1994) και εκτιμήθηκε η τρωτότητα αυτών των γεωτρήσεων. Διαπιστώθηκε ότι οι γεωτρήσεις που βρίσκονται κοντά στην κοίτη του Γλαύκου, όπως συμβαίνει με πολλές από τις γεωτρήσεις της ΔΕΥΑΠ, αντλούν σχεδόν αποκλειστικά νερό που προέρχεται από τον ποταμό. Έτσι είναι δυνατόν να προσβληθούν από ρυπάνσεις του νερού του ποταμού καθώς επίσης και από ανθρωπογενείς δραστηριότητες στις παρόχθιες ζώνες. (β) Εκτιμήθηκε ο κίνδυνος διείσδυσης θαλασσινού νερού σε περίπτωση εμφάνισης περιόδων ξηρασίας, για δύο διαφορετικά σενάρια αντλήσεων: ένα σύμφωνα με το σημερινό καθεστώς χρήσης του υπόγειου νερού και ένα για την αύξηση των αντλήσεων κατά 50%. Διαπιστώθηκε ότι για ξηρασία διάρκειας τεσσάρων ετών και αύξηση των αντλούμενων ποσοτήτων τα φαινόμενα υφαλμύρισης θα είναι έντονα. Με την επάνοδο όμως των μέσων υδρολογικών συνθηκών ο υδροφορέας ανακάμπτει. (γ) Για συνθήκες ξηρασίας εξετάστηκε η αποτελεσματικότητα του τεχνητού εμπλουτισμού για τον περιορισμό της διείσδυσης του θαλασσινού νερού. Ως μέθοδος εμπλουτισμού εξετάστηκε η εποχιακή αύξηση της στάθμης του νερού στον ποταμό με τη βοήθεια φουσκωτών φραγμάτων (βλ. Κωτσοβίνος, 1999). Διαπιστώθηκε ότι με τη μέθοδο αυτή μπορεί να επιτευχθεί σημαντική αύξηση των υπόγειων αποθεμάτων. Τέλος, εξετάζεται ως μέτρο προστασίας έναντι της διείσδυσης του θαλασσινού νερού η τεχνική των υπόγειων φραγμών. Επειδή στις μελέτες της τεχνικής αυτής που έχουν παρουσιαστεί στη βιβλιογραφία (π.χ. Luyun et al., 2011) έμφαση δίνεται μόνο στην επιρροή των γεωμετρικών χαρακτηριστικών των φραγμών (απόσταση από την ακτή, βάθος φραγμού), έγινε στην παρούσα εργασία συστηματική διερεύνηση της συναρτησιακής σχέσης ανάμεσα στην αποτελεσματικότητα της μεθόδου και τα χαρακτηριστικά τόσο των φραγμών όσο και του υδροφορέα (υδραυλική αγωγιμότητα, ανισοτροπία, υδρομηχανική διασπορά, παροχή γλυκού νερού προς τη θάλασσα, αντλήσεις στην παράκτια ζώνη, υλικό κατασκευής του φραγμού). Η διερεύνηση έγινε με τη βοήθεια του αριθμητικού μοντέλου SUTRA 2.2 (Voss and Provost, 2010), για δύο τύπους υπόγειων φραγμών: τους διαφραγματικούς τοίχους και τα υπόγεια φράγματα. Δίδονται διαγράμματα και αναλυτικές σχέσεις με χρήση αδιάστατων μεταβλητών και για εύρος τιμών των μεταβλητών αυτών που μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν για τη διαστασιολόγηση φραγμών σε εφαρμογές πεδίου. Βάσει των αποτελεσμάτων που προκύπτουν από τη διερεύνηση της προαναφερθείσας συναρτησιακής σχέσης και χρησιμοποιώντας και το μοντέλο του Γλαύκου, εξετάστηκε η αποτελεσματικότητα της κατασκευής ενός φραγμού περιορισμένου μήκους στον υδροφορέα. Διαπιστώθηκε ότι πέραν του περιορισμού της διείσδυσης αλμυρού νερού σε περιόδους ξηρασίας που επιτυγχάνεται, ο φραγμός επιταχύνει την υποχώρηση της αλμυρής σφήνας όταν επανέλθουν οι συνήθεις υδρολογικές συνθήκες. / In the present study coastal aquifer management issues are investigated. These issues concern measures which ensure the sustainability of the coastal groundwater and particularly: (a) protective measures against the degradation of groundwater caused by saltwater intrusion and human activities and (b) measures allowing the availability of sufficient volumes of fresh groundwater during periods of high demand. The investigation is based on the application of two numerical codes, which are suitable for simulating the groundwater flow under the influence of density differences. The investigation procedure is as follows. The application of the equations of groundwater flow with density differences and transport, the limitations and the advantages are presented for two widely used numerical models, the SEAWAT-2000 code (Langevin et al., 2003) and the SUTRA v.2.2 code (Voss & Provost, 2010). Based on the analysis above and on the experience acquired through the parallel use of the two codes, basic criteria are derived that allow for the selection of the code that best suits the needs of a certain problem. The investigation focuses on the Glafkos coastal aquifer, which is located at north Peloponnese (Greece), south of the city of Patras and is an important source of freshwater for the region. For this aquifer the SEAWAT-2000 code is implemented and calibrated. The model calibration is based on groundwater level time series that were registered by a relatively dense monitoring network, whose operation time, however, is limited. The network of the monitoring wells was constructed during 2007-2008 in cooperation of the Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Patras) and the Municipal Enterprise of Water Supply and Sewage of Patras (DEYAP), in the frame of the project INTERREG IIIA GREECE-ITALY. The calibration procedure is based on: (a) The application of a G.I.S. system to organize, combine, analyse and evaluate the available information. (b) The application of hydraulic and statistical methods combined with the modification and application of pumping tests simulation methods, for the estimation of the hydraulic parameters of the coastal aquifer. (c) The combined analysis of hydrological data and groundwater level time series for the estimation of the aquifers water budget components. (d) The establishment of appropriate criteria for the evaluation of simulation results. (e) The empirical calibration of the model is performed for two periods, i.e. the period 2008-2010 and the period 2010-2012. This procedure is due to the availability of the groundwater level time series which were registered parallel to the model calibration. (f) The application of the Monte-Carlo method in order to investigate the probability that different combinations of model parameters give similar or better simulation results. The model calibration led to a better understanding of the aquifers recharge mechanisms which is crucial for the development of a groundwater management policy and the implementation of a management plan. The calibrated groundwater model of the Glafkos coastal aquifer is used for the investigation and evaluation of coastal aquifer management applications: (a) The capture zones of the municipal production wells are delineated by applying the MODPATH v3 code (Pollock, 1994). It is found out that the production wells that are located close to the Glafkos River, as it is the fact for the majority of the municipal production wells, pump water that originates almost exclusively from the river. Consequently, polluted water from the river or polluting human activities close to the riverbank can affect the quality of the pumped water. (b) The saltwater intrusion risk is estimated, in case of a prolonged drought period. Two cases are investigated; the first considers the current pumping rates of groundwater while the second considers a 50% increased pumping. It is found out that a four-year drought period combined with an increase of the groundwater exploitation will lead to significant saltwater intrusion problems. (c) The applicability and effectiveness of in-channel artificial recharge with the use of rubber dams, as a countermeasure against the saltwater intrusion, which may be induced by a four-year drought period, is investigated. It is found that the method is applicable and effectively reduces the intrusion of saltwater. Further it increases the groundwater storage in the aquifer. Finally, the construction of a cutoff wall which covers only a small part of the aquifers width, is evaluated as a countermeasure to saltwater intrusion problems which may arise in Glafkos coastal aquifer. Due to the fact that existing studies on the technique of the subsurface barriers focus only on the influence of the geometrical characteristics of barriers covering the whole width of the aquifer, a systematic investigation is curried out on the functional relationship between the effectiveness of the barriers and all the parameters influencing it, i.e. the geometrical characteristics of the barriers, the aquifer parameters (the hydraulic conductivity, anisotropy, hydromechanical dispersion, groundwater flow towards the sea) and the pumping rate. The investigation is curried out by the use of the finite element code SUTRA v.2.2 and concerns two types of barriers; the subsurface dams and the cutoff walls. The results include graphs and functional relationships for the assessment of the effect of subsurface dams and cutoff walls and the design of such structures. The results are presented in terms of dimensionless variables, with ranges suitable for field applications. Based on these results, a cutoff wall of small width is designed for the Glafkos coastal aquifer. Its effectiveness is evaluated by applying the calibrated SEAWAT-model of the coastal aquifer. It is shown that the cutoff wall not only reduces the saltwater intrusion during drought periods, but also it reduces the retreat time of the saltwater front under normal hydrological conditions.

Obtenção e caracterização de Minced Fish de sardinha e sua estabilidade durante a estocagem sob congelamento / Obtaining and characterization of Minced Fish sardines and its stability during storage under freezing

Neiva, Cristiane Rodrigues Pinheiro 06 June 2003 (has links)
É muito elevado o potencial de utilização do pescado na forma de minced fish - MF, servindo de matéria-prima para outros produtos. O MF de sardinha foi avaliado quanto ao rendimento, ao efeito da lavagem sobre a melhoria da cor, à caracterização química e quanto à estabilidade química e sensorial durante estocagem sob congelamento de -17 a -18°C. O rendimento do MF de sardinha lavado com água foi de 55% em relação ao peixe inteiro e próximo do rendimento teórico da parte comestível. A lavagem do MF com água ou água + bicarbonato de sódio proporcionou a obtenção de um produto com cor vantajosamente mais clara e apreciável. Com relação à composição química básica o MF de sardinha lavado com água apresentou maior hidratação e menor teor de cinzas em relação ao controle e semelhantes quantidades de proteína e lípides. Comparado ao controle, o MF de sardinha lavado com água, não apresentou diferença quanto ao perfil de ácidos graxos e pH, o que não ocorreu com o nitrogênio das bases voláteis - N-BVT, que diminuiu, e às substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico - TBARS, que aumentaram. O MF de sardinha lavado com água, contendo ou não antioxidantes artificialmente adicionados, apresentou estabilidade química e sensorial quando mantido sob congelamento, com base nos parâmetros pH, N-BVT, TBARS, odor a ranço e cor, em até 26 semanas de estocagem. Os resultados do presente trabalho são favoráveis à possibilidade de obtenção de MF de sardinha lavado com água e seu emprego como matéria-prima para outros produtos pesqueiros. / The potentiality of fish\'s utilization as minced fish - MF is very high, actually turning into a raw material to other products. The sardine\'s MF was evaluated according to its yield, the washing effect improving the color, its chemical characteristic and chemical and sensorial stability, during frozen storage under -17,-18°C. The yield of sardine\'s MF washed in with water, was 55% related to the whole fish and close to the theoretic yield of eatable portion. The MF\'s washing in water or in water plus sodium bicarbonate provide a product with clearer and more desirable color. Related to the chemical basic composition, sardine\'s MF washed in water, presented better hydration and lower ashes contents than its control, and similar quantity of protein and lipids. Compared to the control, the sardine\'s MF washed in water, had not presented any difference related to the fatty acids profile and pH, that had not happened with the nitrogen of volatile bases - N-BVT, which had been decreased, and the thiobarbituric acid reactant substances - TBARS, that had been increased. The sardine\'s MF washed in water, containing or not added antioxidants, was chemical and sensorial stable when maintained frozen, based on parameters as pH, N-BVT, TBARS, rancidity odor, and color, stored for 26 weeks. The results of this work are propitious to the possibility of achieving sardine\'s MF washed in water, and your utilization as a raw material to others seafoods.

Water-borne geophysics for Murray River salt-load detection

Barrett, Brian Edward. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 112-115) Towed DC Resistivity and Transient Electromagnetic arrays have been trialled for suitability in monitoring salt-loads on the Murray River at Waikerie, South Australia.

Obtenção e caracterização de Minced Fish de sardinha e sua estabilidade durante a estocagem sob congelamento / Obtaining and characterization of Minced Fish sardines and its stability during storage under freezing

Cristiane Rodrigues Pinheiro Neiva 06 June 2003 (has links)
É muito elevado o potencial de utilização do pescado na forma de minced fish - MF, servindo de matéria-prima para outros produtos. O MF de sardinha foi avaliado quanto ao rendimento, ao efeito da lavagem sobre a melhoria da cor, à caracterização química e quanto à estabilidade química e sensorial durante estocagem sob congelamento de -17 a -18°C. O rendimento do MF de sardinha lavado com água foi de 55% em relação ao peixe inteiro e próximo do rendimento teórico da parte comestível. A lavagem do MF com água ou água + bicarbonato de sódio proporcionou a obtenção de um produto com cor vantajosamente mais clara e apreciável. Com relação à composição química básica o MF de sardinha lavado com água apresentou maior hidratação e menor teor de cinzas em relação ao controle e semelhantes quantidades de proteína e lípides. Comparado ao controle, o MF de sardinha lavado com água, não apresentou diferença quanto ao perfil de ácidos graxos e pH, o que não ocorreu com o nitrogênio das bases voláteis - N-BVT, que diminuiu, e às substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico - TBARS, que aumentaram. O MF de sardinha lavado com água, contendo ou não antioxidantes artificialmente adicionados, apresentou estabilidade química e sensorial quando mantido sob congelamento, com base nos parâmetros pH, N-BVT, TBARS, odor a ranço e cor, em até 26 semanas de estocagem. Os resultados do presente trabalho são favoráveis à possibilidade de obtenção de MF de sardinha lavado com água e seu emprego como matéria-prima para outros produtos pesqueiros. / The potentiality of fish\'s utilization as minced fish - MF is very high, actually turning into a raw material to other products. The sardine\'s MF was evaluated according to its yield, the washing effect improving the color, its chemical characteristic and chemical and sensorial stability, during frozen storage under -17,-18°C. The yield of sardine\'s MF washed in with water, was 55% related to the whole fish and close to the theoretic yield of eatable portion. The MF\'s washing in water or in water plus sodium bicarbonate provide a product with clearer and more desirable color. Related to the chemical basic composition, sardine\'s MF washed in water, presented better hydration and lower ashes contents than its control, and similar quantity of protein and lipids. Compared to the control, the sardine\'s MF washed in water, had not presented any difference related to the fatty acids profile and pH, that had not happened with the nitrogen of volatile bases - N-BVT, which had been decreased, and the thiobarbituric acid reactant substances - TBARS, that had been increased. The sardine\'s MF washed in water, containing or not added antioxidants, was chemical and sensorial stable when maintained frozen, based on parameters as pH, N-BVT, TBARS, rancidity odor, and color, stored for 26 weeks. The results of this work are propitious to the possibility of achieving sardine\'s MF washed in water, and your utilization as a raw material to others seafoods.

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