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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bolagsordningens jämställbarhet med aktieägaravtal : Kan en jämförelse lösa normkollisioner? / The comparability of articles of association and shareholders agreement : Can a comparison solve norm collisions?

Morling, Felix January 2012 (has links)
Aktieägaravtal är ett frekvent använt sätt att mellan delägare i ett aktiebolag reglera frågor avseende det gemensamma aktieägandet. Aktieägaravtalet reglerar många gånger frågor som även i bolagsordningen reglerats. Vid ingående av ett aktieägaravtal riskerar en normkollision uppstå: är det bolagsordningsnormen som ska gälla eller är det aktieägaravtalet? Då rättsläget rörande sådana normkollisioner är oklart, är det av intresse att undersöka om en jämförelse mellan bolagsordning och aktieägaravtal kan klargöra rättsläget. Analysen har möjliggjorts genom insamling av historiska argument rörande bolagsordningens likhet med aktieägaravtal. Dessa argument härleds sedan till nu gällande rätt i den mån det är möjligt. Analysen baserar sig även på en beskrivning av aktieägaravtalet samt vissa avtalsrättsliga aspekter rörande tolkning. Resultatet av framställningen är att bolagsordning och aktieägaravtal uppvisar sådana likheter att en jämförelse kan göras för att lösa normkollisioner genom tillämpning av vissa avtalsrättsliga aspekter rörande tolkning. Vad som härvidlag framkommer är för det första att bolagsordningen genom dess tvingande normer begränsar vad som med aktiebolagsrättslig verkan kan föreskrivas i aktieägaravtal. För det andra, när alla aktieägare inte är part till aktieägaravtalet får parterna istället göra vad de kan för att söka uppfylla avtalets innehåll. Slutligen kan lojalitetsplikt användas för att fastställa hur aktieägaravtalet ska tillämpas för att så långt som möjligt undgå normkollisioner mellan bolagsordning och aktieägaravtal. / Shareholders agreements are a frequently used form for regulating issues arising as a result of a common interest as owners in a joint-stock company. The shareholder agreement often regulates issues already regulated in the articles of association. When entering into a shareholders agreement standard collisions may occur: shall the articles of association or the shareholders agreement supersede? As the legal situation as regards such standard collisions is unclear, it is of interest to find out if a comparison between the articles of association and shareholders agreement can clarify the legal situation. The analysis has been made possible by looking at the history. In the retrospective, arguments regarding the similarity of the articles of association and shareholders agreement are identified. Then these arguments are derived to current law to the extent possible. The analysis is also based of a description of the shareholders agreement and certain contractual aspects of interpretation. The result of the thesis is that the articles of association and shareholders agreements are similar to that extent that a comparison between the two can be conducted in order to solve standard collisions through an application of certain contractual aspects of interpretation. In this respect, firstly, the articles of association limit through its mandatory standards the issues that can be legally regulated in a shareholders agreement. Secondly, if not all shareholders are part to the shareholders agreement the parties have to do what they can to make sure the agreement is fulfilled. Finally, the duty of loyalty can be applied to determine an application of shareholders agreement that avoid standard collisions between the articles of association and the shareholders agreement.

Att vara perfekt : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om unga kvinnors berättelser kring prestationer och välmående i gymnasiet / To be perfect : A qualitative interview study of young women’s stories about their accomplishments and mental health in upper secondary school

Svensson, Eric January 2017 (has links)
To be perfect is a study about the experiences among young women in upper secondary school about how they see themselves as student vis-a-vis their mental health. These experiences are analysed from a school sanctioned femininity, which intend to expose how the structures of school affects the young women. This femininity is based on the concept of “how to be” a young woman, which the school both encourage and support. With a qualitative interview study the following experiences of the young women are examined: Their view at the role of the school, how they view themselves as students and how the school affects them. The material is analysed through a phenomenological research approach to illustrate the essence of the phenomenon. The study shows us that the school which is an important part in the respondents’ lives, also entails stress to the young women according to themselves. The stress, which in some cases leads to anxiety, is based on the high demands and high expectations the young women experience. These demands and expectations are based on their own pressure within, but also based on what others demand and expects from them. This means that both the respondents themselves and teachers and other students sees them as” good students”. To be a good student is a role which affects the young women to behave in a certain way, where perfection is the main purpose to achieve. This perfection is based on behavior and how you perform good grades in school, and can be linked to how it is to be a young woman in upper secondary school. Thus, the young woman has an ideal which she has to follow to “succeed” in school, and to be seen as the good student.

Shadow IT – Skuggsystem : En förklarande fallstudie om när verksamheten tar makten över IT

Malmer, Johan, Seipel, Niklas January 2017 (has links)
Sådana system i en organisation som inte är sanktionerade kallas skuggsystem. I detta arbete har vi genomfört en fallstudie vid Försvarets materielverk FMV för att undersöka vad som orsakar att skuggsystem uppkommer. I studien har ett antal skuggsystem identifierats och möjliga orsaker har analyserats. Det är viktigt för en organisation att skaffa kunskap om skuggsystemens existens för att kunna hantera dem och därför är det viktigt med en förståelse för orsakerna bakom. / Systems in an organization that are not formally sanctioned are called shadow systems. In this paper we have conducted a case study at the Swedish Defence Material Administration FMV to better understand the drivers behind the creation of shadow systems. The study has identified a number of shadow systems and possible drivers have been analyzed. It is important for an organization to gain knowledge about the existence of shadow systems in order to manage them. Therefore it is important to have an understanding of the drivers behind shadow systems.

A reestruturação e o fortalecimento do direito administrativo sancionador: a necessidade da terceira via para a efetividade da proteção dos direitos do consumidor / The reestructuring and strengthening of the administrative law sanctioned: the need of the third way for effective protection of consumer rights

Favaro, Maria Carolina Pacheco 08 May 2012 (has links)
Atualmente, faz-se necessário pensar em uma nova forma de tutela de direitos supraindividuais, tão em evidência na denominada sociedade de risco. Isto pois o Direito Penal vem sendo utilizado de forma desarrazoada e desproporcional, como principal instrumento para a coibição de condutas que, nem sempre, mostram adequação e necessidade de sua intervenção. Um dos maiores exemplos deste equívoco é encontrado no Direito do Consumidor, em que muitas condutas que sequer protegem bem jurídico com dignidade e carência penais são tuteladas por meio da via penal. É certo que este modo de atuar do Direito Penal somente o transforma em instrumento meramente simbólico e sem poder coercitivo real, o que faz com que, na realidade, os consumidores restem desprotegidos. Além disso, a utilização do Direito Penal como vala comum de todas as condutas que se pretende proteger, mas não se sabe de que modo, culmina por desconfigurá-lo e enfraquecê-lo. Não se deve dar à via penal mais encargos do que aqueles para os quais ela fora criada. Neste sentido, ao invés de utilizar o Direito Penal, modo mais gravoso de atuação social, como prima ratio na proteção dos direitos consumeristas, mostra-se mais razoável e inteligente a reestruturação do Direito Administrativo Sancionador, inserido no sistema de atuação denominado Terceira Via. As deficiências da via administrativa devem ser sanadas, de modo a torná-la suficiente para a proteção de grande parte dos bens jurídicos consumeristas. Assim, o Direito Administrativo Sancionador, fortalecido e marcado por sua independência, em variadas vertentes, passaria a ser a prima ratio na proteção dos direitos do consumidor, sendo que a via penal, como tradicionalmente foi concebida, seria a ultima ratio, sendo utilizada de forma fragmentária e subsidiária. Neste sentido, haveria o funcionamento relativamente independente, entre os dois instrumentos de atuação. Somente lançar-se-ia mão da via penal em situações em que o bem jurídico atingido demonstrasse ser digno da tutela penal, bem como demonstrasse haver a carência de sanção penal, como nos casos de fraude a medicamentos e a alimentos. Deste modo, as relações de consumo restariam mais e melhor protegidas, bem como haveria a mantença da função e do papel do Direito Penal, bem como de seus princípios constitucionais basilares. / Currently, it is necessary to consider a new form of guardianship rights supraindividuais, so evident in so-called \"risk society\". This is because the criminal law has been used so unreasonable and disproportionately, as the main instrument for the deterrence of conduct that do not always show the appropriateness and need for its intervention. One of the greatest examples of this mistake is found in Consumer Law, in which even many behaviors that protect the legal rights of consumers without criminal dignity and lack are tutored through the criminal route. It is true that this way of doing make the criminal law becomes an instrument merely symbolic and not real coercive power, which means that, in fact, a lot of consumers become unprotected. In addition, the use of criminal law as a common grave of all ducts to be protected, but do not know how, culminates by unconfigure and weaken it. Should not be given to the criminal case over charges than those for which it was created. In this sense, instead of using the criminal Law, that is the more serious way of social action, as prima ratio in protecting the consumers rights, seems more reasonable and intelligent restructuring of Administrative Law sanctioned, inserted in the actuation system called the Third Way. The deficiencies must be remedied administratively in order to make it sufficient for the protection of consumers interests. Thus, the Administrative Law sanctioned, marked by strengthened and its independence in various aspects, would be the best instrument to the protection of consumer rights, and the criminal case, as has traditionally been conceived, would be a last resort and is used in a fragmentary and subsidiary way. In this sense, there would be relatively independent operation between the two instruments of action. Only release would hand the means of criminal law in situations where the legal reached proved to be worthy of criminal protection, as well as having demonstrated a lack of criminal sanction, as in cases of fraud of medicines and food. In this way, consumer relations would remain more and better protected, and there would be a maintenance function and the role of criminal law, as well as their basic constitutional principles

Prescription Drug Abuse and DEA-Sanctioned Drug Take-Back Events: Characteristics and Outcomes in Rural Appalachia

Gray, Jeffrey A., Hagemeier, Nicholas E. 25 June 2012 (has links)
Proper disposal of controlled substance medications, a legally gray area since the Controlled Substance Act of 1970 was passed, has received renewed attention in recent years because of an increase in deaths related to opioid pain reliever (OPR) overdoses and increased nonmedical use of OPRs.1,2 Prescription drug take-back events have been organized under the purview of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to properly dispose of controlled substance medications; to decrease prescription medication diversion, abuse, and accidental poisonings; and to decrease environmental hazards resulting from improper medication disposal. The DEA has reported pounds of medications in aggregate donated at take-back events but has not examined the extent to which OPRs are being donated at these events.3 We analyzed the characteristics of donors and medications donated at 11 take-back events in rural Appalachia, an area struggling with disproportionately high rates of OPR nonmedical use and abuse.

A reestruturação e o fortalecimento do direito administrativo sancionador: a necessidade da terceira via para a efetividade da proteção dos direitos do consumidor / The reestructuring and strengthening of the administrative law sanctioned: the need of the third way for effective protection of consumer rights

Maria Carolina Pacheco Favaro 08 May 2012 (has links)
Atualmente, faz-se necessário pensar em uma nova forma de tutela de direitos supraindividuais, tão em evidência na denominada sociedade de risco. Isto pois o Direito Penal vem sendo utilizado de forma desarrazoada e desproporcional, como principal instrumento para a coibição de condutas que, nem sempre, mostram adequação e necessidade de sua intervenção. Um dos maiores exemplos deste equívoco é encontrado no Direito do Consumidor, em que muitas condutas que sequer protegem bem jurídico com dignidade e carência penais são tuteladas por meio da via penal. É certo que este modo de atuar do Direito Penal somente o transforma em instrumento meramente simbólico e sem poder coercitivo real, o que faz com que, na realidade, os consumidores restem desprotegidos. Além disso, a utilização do Direito Penal como vala comum de todas as condutas que se pretende proteger, mas não se sabe de que modo, culmina por desconfigurá-lo e enfraquecê-lo. Não se deve dar à via penal mais encargos do que aqueles para os quais ela fora criada. Neste sentido, ao invés de utilizar o Direito Penal, modo mais gravoso de atuação social, como prima ratio na proteção dos direitos consumeristas, mostra-se mais razoável e inteligente a reestruturação do Direito Administrativo Sancionador, inserido no sistema de atuação denominado Terceira Via. As deficiências da via administrativa devem ser sanadas, de modo a torná-la suficiente para a proteção de grande parte dos bens jurídicos consumeristas. Assim, o Direito Administrativo Sancionador, fortalecido e marcado por sua independência, em variadas vertentes, passaria a ser a prima ratio na proteção dos direitos do consumidor, sendo que a via penal, como tradicionalmente foi concebida, seria a ultima ratio, sendo utilizada de forma fragmentária e subsidiária. Neste sentido, haveria o funcionamento relativamente independente, entre os dois instrumentos de atuação. Somente lançar-se-ia mão da via penal em situações em que o bem jurídico atingido demonstrasse ser digno da tutela penal, bem como demonstrasse haver a carência de sanção penal, como nos casos de fraude a medicamentos e a alimentos. Deste modo, as relações de consumo restariam mais e melhor protegidas, bem como haveria a mantença da função e do papel do Direito Penal, bem como de seus princípios constitucionais basilares. / Currently, it is necessary to consider a new form of guardianship rights supraindividuais, so evident in so-called \"risk society\". This is because the criminal law has been used so unreasonable and disproportionately, as the main instrument for the deterrence of conduct that do not always show the appropriateness and need for its intervention. One of the greatest examples of this mistake is found in Consumer Law, in which even many behaviors that protect the legal rights of consumers without criminal dignity and lack are tutored through the criminal route. It is true that this way of doing make the criminal law becomes an instrument merely symbolic and not real coercive power, which means that, in fact, a lot of consumers become unprotected. In addition, the use of criminal law as a common grave of all ducts to be protected, but do not know how, culminates by unconfigure and weaken it. Should not be given to the criminal case over charges than those for which it was created. In this sense, instead of using the criminal Law, that is the more serious way of social action, as prima ratio in protecting the consumers rights, seems more reasonable and intelligent restructuring of Administrative Law sanctioned, inserted in the actuation system called the Third Way. The deficiencies must be remedied administratively in order to make it sufficient for the protection of consumers interests. Thus, the Administrative Law sanctioned, marked by strengthened and its independence in various aspects, would be the best instrument to the protection of consumer rights, and the criminal case, as has traditionally been conceived, would be a last resort and is used in a fragmentary and subsidiary way. In this sense, there would be relatively independent operation between the two instruments of action. Only release would hand the means of criminal law in situations where the legal reached proved to be worthy of criminal protection, as well as having demonstrated a lack of criminal sanction, as in cases of fraud of medicines and food. In this way, consumer relations would remain more and better protected, and there would be a maintenance function and the role of criminal law, as well as their basic constitutional principles

Leaving the Classroom: A Multiple Case Study on the Experiences of Black Women who Transitioned from Teaching to a Non-Teaching Role

Booker, Standra Nicole 05 1900 (has links)
This qualitative multiple case study aims to describe the experiences of two Black women who chose to leave the classroom and transition to other roles within the field of education. Using metaphorical analysis, this study employed the four-capital theoretical framework. This framework connects human capital, structural capital, social capital, and positive psychological capital as factors related to teacher attrition and retention. This study illustrates how the participants' experiences fit into the four-capital theoretical framework and highlights the metaphors the participants use to describe their transition. The researcher conducted two semi-structured open-ended interviews in which the participants were asked to describe their experiences in the classroom as well as their experiences in their new positions. The researcher analyzed the metaphors used by the participants and categorized their responses based on the four capitals. The identified metaphors offered a vivid description of the participants' experiences. The results indicated that although the experiences of the participants are similar to those found throughout the literature, the four-capital theory helps describe their experiences more holistically. Rather than having isolated reasons for leaving the classroom, the attrition of the participants can be explained by examining the interconnectedness of the various capitals. These findings suggest that teacher retention and attrition be studied by looking at a variety of causes as opposed to isolated factors.

"Direful Vengeance": A U.S.-Mexican War Massacre and the Culture of Collective Violence in Nineteenth-Century North America

Troester, Patrick T. 17 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Both temple and tomb: difference, desire and death in the sculptures of the Royal museum of central Africa

Morris, Wendy Ann 30 November 2003 (has links)
Both Temple and Tomb is a dissertation in two parts. The first part is an examination and analysis of a collection of 'colonial' sculptures on permanent display in the Royal Museum of Central Africa in Tervuren Belgium. The second part is a reflection on the author's own paintings, drawings and film and an examination of the critical potential of these images in challenging the colonial narratives of the RMCA. Part I presents two arguments. The first is that European aesthetic codes have been used to legitimize the conquest of the Congo and to award sanction to a voyeuristic gaze. The second is that the organization of the sculptures of Africans (and European females) into carefully managed spaces and relationships results in the creation of erotically-charged formations that are intended to afford pleasure to male European spectators. Part II examines the strategies used in Re-Turning the Shadows to disrupt (neo)colonial patterns of viewing that have become ritual and 'naturalized'. Against RMCA narratives that pay homage to the objectivity of science and research, the paintings and film present images that explore multiple subjectivities, mythologizing impulses, and metaphoric allusions. / Art History, Visual Arts & Musicology / M.A. (Visual Arts)

Both temple and tomb: difference, desire and death in the sculptures of the Royal museum of central Africa

Morris, Wendy Ann 30 November 2003 (has links)
Both Temple and Tomb is a dissertation in two parts. The first part is an examination and analysis of a collection of 'colonial' sculptures on permanent display in the Royal Museum of Central Africa in Tervuren Belgium. The second part is a reflection on the author's own paintings, drawings and film and an examination of the critical potential of these images in challenging the colonial narratives of the RMCA. Part I presents two arguments. The first is that European aesthetic codes have been used to legitimize the conquest of the Congo and to award sanction to a voyeuristic gaze. The second is that the organization of the sculptures of Africans (and European females) into carefully managed spaces and relationships results in the creation of erotically-charged formations that are intended to afford pleasure to male European spectators. Part II examines the strategies used in Re-Turning the Shadows to disrupt (neo)colonial patterns of viewing that have become ritual and 'naturalized'. Against RMCA narratives that pay homage to the objectivity of science and research, the paintings and film present images that explore multiple subjectivities, mythologizing impulses, and metaphoric allusions. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M.A. (Visual Arts)

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