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[pt] O estudo avalia o comportamento mecânico de uma areia reforçada com polímero, em comparação à areia pura. Foram realizados ensaios cisalhamento direto em amostras de areia pura e desta com a adição do copolímero de butadieno e estireno modificado (XSBR). O copolímero de butadieno e estireno é um elastômero composto de aproximadamente 75 porcento de butadieno e 25 porcento de estireno, presente em solução aquosa, sendo muito utilizada na indústria automobilística, para a produção de pneus. Pode ser produzido a partir dos processos de polimerização em emulsão ou polimerização em solução. A escolha destes materiais está relacionada às suas propriedades serem compatíveis as exigências para melhoramento de solos em obras geotécnicas. As amostras de areia com polímero apresentavam 50 porcento de densidade relativa, 10 porcento de umidade, nas proporções em volume água-polímero de 1:1, 1:2 e 1:4, sem tempo de cura, ou com tempos de cura de 24, 48, 72, 96, 576, 720 e 1080 horas. Foram constatadas melhorias nos parâmetros de resistência das amostras de areia com adição de polímero, em comparação aos parâmetros da areia pura, mostrando que a melhoria de solos com polímero é satisfatória para a aplicação em obras geotécnicas, como por exemplo: aterros sobre solos moles, solos de fundações superficiais e para a estabilidade de taludes. / [en] The study evaluates the mechanical behavior of a sand reinforced with polymer compared to pure sand. Direct-cut tests were carried out on pure sand samples and with the addition of modified styrene butadiene-styrene (XSBR) copolymer. The copolymer of butadiene and styrene is an elastomer composed of approximately 75 percent butadiene and 25 percent styrene, purchased in aqueous solution, being widely used in the automotive industry for the production of tires. It may be produced from the emulsion polymerization or solution polymerization processes. The choice of these materials is related to their properties being compatible the requirements for soil improvement in geotechnical works. Polymer sand samples had 50 percent relative density, 10% moisture, in water-polymer volume ratios of 1:1, 1:2 and 1:4, without curing time, or with times of cure 24, 48, 72, 96, 576, 720 and 1080 hours. Improvements in the resistance parameters of the sand samples with polymer addition were verified in comparison to the pure sand parameters, showing that the improvement of soils with polymers is satisfactory for the application in geotechnical works, such as: landfills on soft soils, soils of shallow foundations and for slope stability.
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Arising: Hurricane (Superstorm) Sandy’s Impact on Design/Planning ProfessionalsLeighton, Maxinne Rhea 20 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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A vegetation classification and description of five wetland sysems and their respective zones on the Maputuland Coastal PlainPretorius, Mathilde Luïse 14 May 2013 (has links)
The Maputaland Coastal Plain in Kwa Zulu-Natal is covered by aeolian sands . According to the
national wetland delineation manual delineating wetlands in this area is complex due to
problematic wetland soils. The aim of this study was to classify and describe the vegetation of
the different zones of the wetland systems to determine the main drivers of the plant
communities. The understanding of these complex ecosystems could assist in wetland
delineation. Twenty wetlands from five wetland systems were surveyed. The vegetation zones
of each wetland were sampled and basic environmental data were collected.
The results from this study indicate that different plant species assemblages are characteristic
for the wetland zones. However, zone delineation using vegetation composition varies between
the different wetland systems, and should be evaluated according to the system in question.
The major determinants of the vegetation communities in wetlands on the MCP are the
substrate type and hydrological regime / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Management)
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Produção secundária da macrofauna bentônica da zona entremarés no segmento norte da praia do Una, litoral sul do estado de São Paulo / Secondary production of brnthonic macrofauna in the intertidal zone in the northern segment of Una beach, on the coast of the estate of São PauloPetracco, Marcelo 04 April 2008 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo estimar a produção secundária e a taxa de renovação (P/B) do gastrópode Hastula cinerea, do isópode Excirolana armata e dos decápodes Austinixa patogoniensis e Callichirus major na zona entremarés da praia do Una, situada na Estação Ecológica Juréia-Itatins, litoral sul do estado de São Paulo. Para essa finalidade, coletas mensais foram realizadas durante o período de dezembro/03 a novembro/05 em duas áreas, A (24°28,67S e 47°07,36W) e B (24°27,53S e 47°05,86W), no segmento norte da praia que apresenta estado morfodinâmico dissipativo. H. cinerea apresentou distribuição diferencial de acordo com o tamanho dos organismos entre as áreas, com predominância de indivíduos menores na área A, o que conduziu à maior abundância, produção (ca 0,18 g PSLC m-2 ano-1) e razão P/B nessa área. Baixas razões P/B dessa espécie (entre 0,8 e 1,3 ano-1) foram decorrentes de crescimento lento, ausência de indíviduos recém-recrutados na zona entremarés e falha no recrutamento no segundo ano de estudo. Essas baixas razões foram corroboradas pela alta expectativa de vida estimada para essa espécie (4,8 anos). As estimativas de produções de E. armata, restritas à área B, foram semelhantes entre machos e fêmeas, assim como entre os anos (ca 0,25 g PSLC m-2 ano-1). As P/B dos machos (entre 3,2 e 4,3 ano-1) foram superiores às das fêmeas (ca 3,1 ano-1), decorrentes dos menores comprimentos alcançados pelos machos. Altos valores de P/B de E. armata na praia do Una foram decorrentes de crescimento rápido que se refletiram em altas taxas de mortalidade (Z) e baixas expectativas de vida. Verificou-se uma correlação significativa e inversa entre a P/B e a expectativa de vida ao utilizar estimativas dos cirolanídeos E. armata e E. braziliensis obtidas em estudos de praias arenosas brasileiras. O caranguejo A. patagoniensis apresentou densidade média anual de 1 indivíduo.galeria-1 do talassinídeo C. major e de cerca de 6 indivíduos.m-2. Essas baixas densidades conduziram à reduzida biomassa e, conseqüentemente, a uma pequena produção, apesar das consideráveis taxas de renovação estimadas para esse braquiúro (ca 2,5 ano-1). C. major apresentou a maior produção (2,33 g PSLC m-2 ano-1) dentre as espécies estudadas. Ao considerar a ampla distribuição dessa espécie ao longo da face praial na área B (mais de 50 metros), na qual foi obtida a sua produção, a estimativa em faixa de metro linear (ca 130 g PSLC m-1 ano-1) foi a mais adequada para demonstrar a importância dessa espécie. A baixa razão P/B de C. major, 0,9 ano-1, indica reduzida capacidade de compensar sobrexploração, fato esse crítico para uma espécie freqüentemente extraída em praias brasileiras para utilização como isca. Ao analisar os métodos de produção da taxa de crescimento específica em peso (TCEP) e da freqüência de comprimento (FC), a partir de algumas estimativas de estudos de praias arenosas brasileiras e do presente estudo, verificou-se que esses tenderam a gerar estimativas similares. Os métodos empíricos analisados, entretanto, tenderam a sobreou subestimar acentuadamente as estimativas de produções, não fornecendo estimativas confiáveis. Com relação às interações tróficas, as razões isotópicas estáveis de carbono e nitrogênio dos consumidores na praia do Una evidenciaram que os hábitos alimentares das espécies/gêneros estão de acordo com os referidos na literatura, no geral, e que o ecossistema da praia do Una depende basicamente do material particulado em suspensão, apesar de indícios de que o microfitobentos também possa ter papel relevante na trama trófica dessa praia. As plantas das dunas, entretanto, aparentemente não contribuem como produtores primários nesse ecossistema. / This study has as objective to estimate the secondary production and turnover rate (P/B) of the gastropod Hastula cinerea, the isopod Excirolana armata and the decapods Austinixa patogoniensis e Callichirus major in the intertidal zone of Una beach, situated in Estação Ecológica Juréia-Itatins, on the southern coast of the state of São Paulo. For that purpose, monthly samplings were carried out during the period going from December/03 to November/05 in two areas, A (24°28,67S and 47°07,36W) and B (24°27,53S and 47°05,86W), in the northern segment of the beach, which presents dissipative morphodynamic state. H. cinerea presented differential distribution according to the individual sizes between the areas, with predominance of smaller individuals in area A, which led to the higher abundance, production (ca 0.18 g PSLC m-2 ano-1) and P/B ratio in this area. Low P/B ratios of this species (between 0.8 e 1.3 ano-1) were caused by slow growth, lack of newly recruited individuals in the intertidal zone and flaws in the recruitment in the second year of study. These low ratios were corroborated by the high life span estimated for this species (4.8 years). The production estimates for E. armata, limited to area B, were similar between males and females, as well as between the years (ca 0.25 g PSLC m-2 year-1). Male P/B (between 3.2 and 4.3 year-1) were superior to the female ones (ca 3.1 year-1), resulting from the smaller lengths reached by males. High P/B values for E. armata in Una beach resulted from its fast growth, which were shown in high mortality rates (Z) and low lifespans. A significant and inverse correlation between P/B and life span was verified as estimates obtained in studies of Brazilian sandy beaches for the cirolanidae E. armata and E. braziliensis were used. The crab A. patagoniensis presented an average annual density of 1 individual.burrow-1 for the talassinidae C. major and of approximately 6 individuals.m-2. These low densities led to the limited biomass and, consequently, to a small production, in spite of the considerable turnover rates estimated for this brachyurous (ca 2.5 year-1). C. major presented the highest production (2.33 g PSLC m- 2 year-1) among the studied species. When considering the vast distribution of this species along the beach face in area B (more than 50 meters), in which its production was obtained, the estimate in linear meter strip (ca 130 g PSLC m-1 year-1) was more appropriate to demonstrate the importance of this species. The low P/B ratio of C. major, 0.9 year-1, indicates limited capacity to compensate over exploration, which is critical for a species frequently extracted in Brazilian beaches to be used as bait. While analyzing the methods of production of specific growth rate in weight (SGRW) and of length frequency (LF), from some estimates in studies of Brazilian sandy beaches and in the present study as well, it was verified that the mentioned methods tended to generate similar estimates. The empirical methods that were analyzed, however, tended to strongly super or underestimate the production estimates, thus not providing reliable estimates. With relation to trophic relations, the stable isotopic ratios of carbon and nitrogen of consumers in Una beach made it evident that the feeding habits of the species/genders are in accordance with the ones referred to in literature, generally speaking, and that the Una beach ecosystem depends basically on the suspended particulate material, in spite of indications that microphytobenthos may also play a relevant role in the trophic web in this beach. The plants in the dunes, nevertheless, apparently do not contribute as primary producers in this ecosystem.
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Les plages sableuses en environnement macro-tidal : de l'influence de la pente sur les processus morphodynamiques / Sandy beach in a macro tidal environment : the role of the beach slope on the morphodynamic processesCaulet, Charles 07 December 2018 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse concernent la morpho-dynamique d'une plage de poche sableuse, située en environnement macrotidal. L'étude est menée sur la plage de Porsmilin, une plage de type intermédiaire avec une terrasse de basse mer. Cette étude s’appuie sur des observations in situ acquises lors de campagnes de mesures, organisées au cours de cette thèse. Le principal objectif est de caractériser le rôle de la pente, dans l'équilibre dynamique existant entre les processus hydrodynamiques et la morphologie de la plage. La dynamique des niveaux d’eau, de la propagation des ondes infragravitaires et de la turbulence sont examinés et mis en regard des variations morphologiques de la plage, en particulier de la pente locale de la plage. Les niveaux d’eau sont globalement sous-estimés par les formulations empiriques proposées dans la littérature. Des formules adaptées au site de Porsmilin sont présentées. L’impact de la brisure de pente observée le long du profil de plage sur la dynamique de la plage, est étudié. La variabilité de la position de la brisure de pente est impliquée dans les processus d’accommodation à court terme de la plage. Cela se traduit par un retrait vers le haut de plage de la brisure de pente, permettant une dissipation plus efficace de l’énergie incidente par la terrasse de basse mer. En revanche, ce retrait peut conduire, à une concentration d’énergie importante en haut de plage, lors de conditions particulièrement énergétiques, associées à un marnage important. La position de la brisure de pente pourrait être un bon indicateur de l'état de vulnérabilité de la plage face à des évènements énergétiques, ce qui constitue une information primordiale dans le contexte actuel d’érosion généralisée des littoraux sableux. / This PhD work is focused on the morphodynamic of a pocket beach, located in a macrotidal environment. The beach type is intermediate, with a low tide terrace. The study is based on in situ observations, collected during field campaigns organized during the PhD. The objective is to characterize the beach slope impact on hydrodynamics processes and beach morphology. The water levels dynamic, infragravity waves propagation and turbulence generation in the swash zone, are examined and linked to the beach slope variability.The empirical formulations proposed in the literature show large under-estimations of water levels in the site. Empirical formulations adapted to the beach are proposed.The characteristic break slope presents along the cross-shore profile of low tide terrace beaches is studied. The variability of the break slope location is relevant to explain the short term accommodation of the beach. Under incident wave energy, the location of the beach slope moves shoreward, allowing higher wave dissipation by the low tide terrace. Nevertheless, the reflective part is reduced, which leads to a vulnerable state of the upper beach under strong forcing associated with high tide. The location of the beach slope is found to be a good indicator of the beach vulnerability under a given wave forcing. It provides valuable information in the globalized beach erosion context.
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Treibhausgasminderung auf Sandböden: Potenziale in verschiedenen NutzungssystemenKlepatzki, Julian 15 December 2017 (has links)
Die Ergebnisse aus den beiden Dauerfeldversuchen verdeutlichen, dass die mineralische N Düngung wie erwartet den größten Einfluss auf die Höhe der THG Emissionen hat. Die höchsten THG Minderungspotenziale zeigten sich folglich in der Reduktion der mineralischen N Düngung, insbesondere wenn die N Düngung oberhalb des standortspezifischen Ertragsoptimums liegt. Die Anpassung der Fruchtfolge kann zur Erhöhung der Bodenkohlenstoff-Vorräte beitragen und letztendlich die THG Emissionen mindern, allerdings bedarf diese These weiterer Untersuchungen. Die Ergebnisse haben weiterhin gezeigt, dass mit dem Aufbau organischer Bodensubstanz durch Stalldung erhebliche Potenziale zur THG-Minderung verbunden sind. Je nach methodischem Ansatz zur Berücksichtigung von Bodenkohlenstoff-Veränderungen ergaben sich allerdings große Unterschiede in den THG-Bilanzen und letztendlich auch in den ermittelten THG-Minderungspotenzialen. Die Entwicklung eines einheitlichen wissenschaftlichen Verfahrens zur Berücksichtigung von Bodenkohlenstoff-Veränderungen wird deshalb empfohlen.
Die Ergebnisse aus der Fallstudie haben gezeigt, dass die THG Minderung in der landwirtschaftlichen Praxis eine Veränderung der Ackerflächenverhältnisse erfordert. In diesem Zusammenhang ist der Anbau emissionsintensiver Fruchtarten mit einer intensiven mineralischen N Düngung wie beispielsweise Winterraps zu reduzieren und durch den Anbau emissionsarmer Fruchtarten zu ersetzen. Im untersuchten landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb erwiesen sich Mais mit organischer N Düngung sowie der Anbau von Leguminosen als besonders emissionsarm. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte darüber hinaus gezeigt werden, dass ein positiver Beitrag der ackerbaulichen Bodennutzung zur THG Minderung nicht zwangsläufig mit höheren Kosten für den Landwirtschaftsbetrieb verbunden sein muss, wenn bei der betriebswirtschaftlichen Optimierung die THG Emissionen angebauter Fruchtarten berücksichtigt werden. / The aim of this study was to analyze the potential for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in different land use systems on sandy soils in the Brandenburg region in Germany, based on two long-term field experiments at Thyrow and Groß Kreutz and an on farm case study. The calculations of the GHG balances are based on the LCA standard and the German emission report guidelines. There is currently no scientific consensus on how soil organic carbon changes are to be included in GHG balances. Therefore, different approaches to include soil organic carbon changes in GHG calculations from long-term field experiments were examined.
The results of the long-term field experiments showed that mineral nitrogen fertilization had the greatest influence on GHG emissions. The reduction of mineral nitrogen fertilization consequently showed the biggest GHG reduction potential especially if nitrogen fertilization was above the local level. The adaptation of crop rotations may increase soil organic carbon content and thereby mitigate GHG emissions, but this hypothesis requires further research. An increase of soil organic carbon stocks by organic fertilization was shown for the use of farmyard manure. Although this had a high GHG reduction potential, there were large differences between the analytical approaches. This highlights the need to develop standardized scientific methods for assessing GHG emissions from cropping systems.
The results of the case study showed that changing the proportions of different crop species can be used for GHG reduction. In particular, the reduction of crops with high mineral nitrogen demand, e.g. oilseed rape, and the substitution with crops having low GHG emissions is recommended. Maize, receiving high rates of organic fertilizer, as well as legumes showed low GHG emissions on the evaluated farm.
Furthermore, this study elaborates the potential economic benefit for agricultural enterprises with regards to the correlation of GHG reduction and an optimized crop rotation.
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Produção secundária da macrofauna bentônica da zona entremarés no segmento norte da praia do Una, litoral sul do estado de São Paulo / Secondary production of brnthonic macrofauna in the intertidal zone in the northern segment of Una beach, on the coast of the estate of São PauloMarcelo Petracco 04 April 2008 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo estimar a produção secundária e a taxa de renovação (P/B) do gastrópode Hastula cinerea, do isópode Excirolana armata e dos decápodes Austinixa patogoniensis e Callichirus major na zona entremarés da praia do Una, situada na Estação Ecológica Juréia-Itatins, litoral sul do estado de São Paulo. Para essa finalidade, coletas mensais foram realizadas durante o período de dezembro/03 a novembro/05 em duas áreas, A (24°28,67S e 47°07,36W) e B (24°27,53S e 47°05,86W), no segmento norte da praia que apresenta estado morfodinâmico dissipativo. H. cinerea apresentou distribuição diferencial de acordo com o tamanho dos organismos entre as áreas, com predominância de indivíduos menores na área A, o que conduziu à maior abundância, produção (ca 0,18 g PSLC m-2 ano-1) e razão P/B nessa área. Baixas razões P/B dessa espécie (entre 0,8 e 1,3 ano-1) foram decorrentes de crescimento lento, ausência de indíviduos recém-recrutados na zona entremarés e falha no recrutamento no segundo ano de estudo. Essas baixas razões foram corroboradas pela alta expectativa de vida estimada para essa espécie (4,8 anos). As estimativas de produções de E. armata, restritas à área B, foram semelhantes entre machos e fêmeas, assim como entre os anos (ca 0,25 g PSLC m-2 ano-1). As P/B dos machos (entre 3,2 e 4,3 ano-1) foram superiores às das fêmeas (ca 3,1 ano-1), decorrentes dos menores comprimentos alcançados pelos machos. Altos valores de P/B de E. armata na praia do Una foram decorrentes de crescimento rápido que se refletiram em altas taxas de mortalidade (Z) e baixas expectativas de vida. Verificou-se uma correlação significativa e inversa entre a P/B e a expectativa de vida ao utilizar estimativas dos cirolanídeos E. armata e E. braziliensis obtidas em estudos de praias arenosas brasileiras. O caranguejo A. patagoniensis apresentou densidade média anual de 1 indivíduo.galeria-1 do talassinídeo C. major e de cerca de 6 indivíduos.m-2. Essas baixas densidades conduziram à reduzida biomassa e, conseqüentemente, a uma pequena produção, apesar das consideráveis taxas de renovação estimadas para esse braquiúro (ca 2,5 ano-1). C. major apresentou a maior produção (2,33 g PSLC m-2 ano-1) dentre as espécies estudadas. Ao considerar a ampla distribuição dessa espécie ao longo da face praial na área B (mais de 50 metros), na qual foi obtida a sua produção, a estimativa em faixa de metro linear (ca 130 g PSLC m-1 ano-1) foi a mais adequada para demonstrar a importância dessa espécie. A baixa razão P/B de C. major, 0,9 ano-1, indica reduzida capacidade de compensar sobrexploração, fato esse crítico para uma espécie freqüentemente extraída em praias brasileiras para utilização como isca. Ao analisar os métodos de produção da taxa de crescimento específica em peso (TCEP) e da freqüência de comprimento (FC), a partir de algumas estimativas de estudos de praias arenosas brasileiras e do presente estudo, verificou-se que esses tenderam a gerar estimativas similares. Os métodos empíricos analisados, entretanto, tenderam a sobreou subestimar acentuadamente as estimativas de produções, não fornecendo estimativas confiáveis. Com relação às interações tróficas, as razões isotópicas estáveis de carbono e nitrogênio dos consumidores na praia do Una evidenciaram que os hábitos alimentares das espécies/gêneros estão de acordo com os referidos na literatura, no geral, e que o ecossistema da praia do Una depende basicamente do material particulado em suspensão, apesar de indícios de que o microfitobentos também possa ter papel relevante na trama trófica dessa praia. As plantas das dunas, entretanto, aparentemente não contribuem como produtores primários nesse ecossistema. / This study has as objective to estimate the secondary production and turnover rate (P/B) of the gastropod Hastula cinerea, the isopod Excirolana armata and the decapods Austinixa patogoniensis e Callichirus major in the intertidal zone of Una beach, situated in Estação Ecológica Juréia-Itatins, on the southern coast of the state of São Paulo. For that purpose, monthly samplings were carried out during the period going from December/03 to November/05 in two areas, A (24°28,67S and 47°07,36W) and B (24°27,53S and 47°05,86W), in the northern segment of the beach, which presents dissipative morphodynamic state. H. cinerea presented differential distribution according to the individual sizes between the areas, with predominance of smaller individuals in area A, which led to the higher abundance, production (ca 0.18 g PSLC m-2 ano-1) and P/B ratio in this area. Low P/B ratios of this species (between 0.8 e 1.3 ano-1) were caused by slow growth, lack of newly recruited individuals in the intertidal zone and flaws in the recruitment in the second year of study. These low ratios were corroborated by the high life span estimated for this species (4.8 years). The production estimates for E. armata, limited to area B, were similar between males and females, as well as between the years (ca 0.25 g PSLC m-2 year-1). Male P/B (between 3.2 and 4.3 year-1) were superior to the female ones (ca 3.1 year-1), resulting from the smaller lengths reached by males. High P/B values for E. armata in Una beach resulted from its fast growth, which were shown in high mortality rates (Z) and low lifespans. A significant and inverse correlation between P/B and life span was verified as estimates obtained in studies of Brazilian sandy beaches for the cirolanidae E. armata and E. braziliensis were used. The crab A. patagoniensis presented an average annual density of 1 individual.burrow-1 for the talassinidae C. major and of approximately 6 individuals.m-2. These low densities led to the limited biomass and, consequently, to a small production, in spite of the considerable turnover rates estimated for this brachyurous (ca 2.5 year-1). C. major presented the highest production (2.33 g PSLC m- 2 year-1) among the studied species. When considering the vast distribution of this species along the beach face in area B (more than 50 meters), in which its production was obtained, the estimate in linear meter strip (ca 130 g PSLC m-1 year-1) was more appropriate to demonstrate the importance of this species. The low P/B ratio of C. major, 0.9 year-1, indicates limited capacity to compensate over exploration, which is critical for a species frequently extracted in Brazilian beaches to be used as bait. While analyzing the methods of production of specific growth rate in weight (SGRW) and of length frequency (LF), from some estimates in studies of Brazilian sandy beaches and in the present study as well, it was verified that the mentioned methods tended to generate similar estimates. The empirical methods that were analyzed, however, tended to strongly super or underestimate the production estimates, thus not providing reliable estimates. With relation to trophic relations, the stable isotopic ratios of carbon and nitrogen of consumers in Una beach made it evident that the feeding habits of the species/genders are in accordance with the ones referred to in literature, generally speaking, and that the Una beach ecosystem depends basically on the suspended particulate material, in spite of indications that microphytobenthos may also play a relevant role in the trophic web in this beach. The plants in the dunes, nevertheless, apparently do not contribute as primary producers in this ecosystem.
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Treibhausgasemissionen unter Bewässerung und unterschiedlicher Stickstoffdüngungsintensität auf einem Sandboden in Nord-Ost-DeutschlandTrost, Benjamin 27 August 2015 (has links)
Ziel der Arbeit ist die Gesamtbilanzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen eines Anbausystems unter Bewässerung auf einem Sandboden. Die dazu aufgestellte Treibhausgasbilanz basiert auf langjährigen Datenreihen zu Erträgen und Corg-Vorräten eines Dauerfeldversuchs sowie auf zweijährigen im Feldversuch durchgeführten N2O-Messungen. Die durchgeführten Untersuchungen zum Einfluss der Bewässerung auf die Corg-Vorräte zeigen, dass der Einsatz von mineralischem Stickstoffdünger und Bewässerung auf einem leichten Standort unter den klimatischen Bedingungen Nord-Ost-Deutschlands positive Effekte hat. Die N2O-Emissionen eines Sandbodens unter den klimatischen Bedingungen Brandenburgs sind sehr niedrig. Die Applikation von mineralischem Stickstoffdünger hat nur schwache und Bewässerung hat aufgrund der der hohen Bodendurchlüftung des Sandbodens keine Effekte auf die Höhe der N2O-Emissionen. Die direkten und indirekten Emissionen aus dem Maschinen- und Betriebsmitteleinsatz erhöhen sich bei Bewässerung und steigender Stickstoffdüngung deutlich. Bei den indirekten Treibhausgasemissionen nehmen die Emissionen der Herstellung des mineralischen Stickstoffdüngers einen bedeutenden Anteil der Gesamttreibhausgasemissionen ein. Bewässerung führt durch den erhöhten Dieselverbrauch hauptsächlich zu einer Erhöhung der direkten Emissionen. Unter Bewässerung kann jedoch ein Teil der Emissionen durch zunehmende Corg-Vorräte kompensiert werden. Somit sind in einigen Fällen die Gesamttreibhausgasemissionen pro Hektar bei Bewässerung geringer als ohne Bewässerung. Die aus Stickstoffdüngung und Bewässerung resultierenden Ertragserhöhungen führen dazu, dass die Gesamttreibhausgasemissionen bezogen auf die Ertragseinheit in den meisten bewässerten Varianten deutlich geringer sind als in den unbewässerten. Daraus lässt sich ableiten, dass Bewässerung auf einem Sandboden zu einer Verminderung der Treibhausgasemissionen beitragen kann. / The aim of this work is the estimation of the net greenhouse gas emissions by a greenhouse balance for an irrigated cropping system on a sandy soil in north-east Germany under various nitrogen fertilizer intensities. The balances are based on data of yields and SOC stocks of an irrigated long term field experiment as well as on results of N2O-measurements over two years. The results of the analysis of the long term response of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization have shown that irrigation and mineral nitrogen fertilization led to significant increases in yields and harvest residues. The increased carbon inputs from above ground harvest residues had positive effects on the SOC stocks. The results of N2O measurements indicated that N2O emissions from a sandy soil are very low. Mineral nitrogen fertilization had only marginal effects. Irrigation showed no effects on the amount of N2O emissions. On the one hand the analysis of the prepared greenhouse gas balances showed that irrigation and increased nitrogen fertilization lead to a strong increase of direct and indirect emissions from machinery and maintenance resource use. The indirect emissions of nitrogen fertilizer production took up a main part of the net greenhouse gas emissions. Irrigation mainly increased greenhouse gas emissions of fuel use and fuel production as well as the emissions of the machinery production. On the other hand the increasing SOC stocks especially in the fertilized variants under irrigation led to a compensation of a huge part of the additional emissions. Thus, in many cases the net greenhouse gas emissions per unit area was lower under irrigation. Due to the increased yields under irrigation the net greenhouse gas emissions per unit yield were lower than that under non-irrigated conditions.
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Doses, fontes e modos de aplicação de zinco na cultura da cana-de-açúcar /Teixeira Filho, Marcelo Carvalho Minhoto. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Salatiér Buzetti / Banca: Marlene Cristina Alves / Banca: Marcelo Andreotti / Banca: William Natale / Banca: Renato de Mello Prado / Resumo: A produtividade e a longevidade dos canaviais podem estar sendo prejudicadas pela expansão da cultura para áreas de baixa fertilidade, nas quais pode ocorrer deficiência de micronutrientes, uma vez que as quantidades extraídas e exportadas pela cultura são significativas. Neste contexto, o zinco é importante, pois sua deficiência na cana-de-açúcar pode ocasionar redução do perfilhamente, internódios mais curtos e colmos mais finos. Assim que estabelecida a necessidade de aplicação de zinco, é importante determinar qual fonte deste micronutriente seria mais eficiente e qual o seu melhor modo de aplicação. Diante do exposto, o trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de doses e fontes de zinco aplicadas no sulco de plantio, além da aplicação foliar em dose fixa de duas fontes solúveis deste nutriente, em dois cortes (cana-planta e 1ª cana-soca), nas características produtivas, estado nutricional e qualidade tecnológica da cana-de-açúcar cultivada num solo de textura arenosa, com baixo teor de zinco. O experimento foi realizado num Argissolo Vermelho eutrófico de textura arenosa, em uma área agrícola administrada pela Usina Vale do Paraná Açúcar e Álcool, em Suzanápolis - SP. A variedade de cana-de-açúcar utilizada foi a RB867515. O delineamento estatístico utilizado tanto em cana-planta como na 1ª cana-soca foi o de blocos ao acaso, em um esquema fatorial (5x3+2), com cinco doses de zinco (0; 2,5; 5,0; 7,5 e 10,0 kg ha-1) e três fontes de zinco (FTE (silicato de Zn em pó) com 15% de Zn e 3,9% de S, quelato de Zn (Zn quelatizado com EDTA) com 7% de Zn e sulfato de Zn com 21% de Zn e 11% de S) aplicadas no sulco de plantio da cana-de-açúcar, mais dois tratamentos adicionais com pulverização foliar em dose fixa (0,3 kg ha-1 de Zn), aplicadas na cana-planta e 1ª cana-soca, usando as duas fontes solúveis (sulfato e quelato de Zn), com quatro... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The productivity and longevity of the sugarcane crop can be being prejudiced by expansion of the crop to areas of low fertility where micronutrients can be in lack, once the extracted and exported amounts by the crop are significant. In this context, the zinc is important, considering that its deficiency in sugarcane can result in reduction of tillering, shorter internodes and thinner stem. As soon as it was established the need of zinc application, it is important to determine which source of this micronutrient would be more efficient and also the best application way. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of doses and sources of zinc applied in the planting furrow, besides the leaf spray with the same dose of two soluble sources of this nutrient, in two cuts (cane-plant and first cane-ratton), in the productive characteristics, nutritional state and technological quality of the sugarcane cultivated in a sandy texture soil, with low zinc content. The experiment was accomplished in an eutrophic Alfisol, in an agricultural area administered by Usina Vale do Paraná Sugar and Alcohol, in Suzanápolis - SP, Brazil. The sugarcane variety used was RB867515. A randomized complete blocks design, with 4 repetitions, disposed in a factorial scheme 5x3+2, being: five doses of Zn (0; 2.5; 5.0; 7.5 e 10.0 kg ha-1), three sources of Zn (FTE (Zn silicate in powder) with 15% of Zn and 3.9% of S, Zn chelate (Zn chelated with EDTA) with 7% of Zn and Zn sulfate with 21% of Zn and 11% of S), applied at the sugar-cane planting furrow, more two additional treatments with leaf spray with the same dose (0.3 kg ha-1 of Zn), applied in the cane-plant and first cane-ratton, using the two soluble sources (sulfate and chelate of Zn), was used. The zinc sources, as well as the treatments with Zn applied in the soil and by leaf spray had similar effect in most of the productive... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Doses, fontes e modos de aplicação de zinco na cultura da cana-de-açúcarTeixeira Filho, Marcelo Carvalho Minhoto [UNESP] 18 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:35:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2011-03-18Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:46:26Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
teixeirafilho_mcm_dr_ilha.pdf: 928196 bytes, checksum: 42579b4adc33d9b5aade12acaa89a98d (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A produtividade e a longevidade dos canaviais podem estar sendo prejudicadas pela expansão da cultura para áreas de baixa fertilidade, nas quais pode ocorrer deficiência de micronutrientes, uma vez que as quantidades extraídas e exportadas pela cultura são significativas. Neste contexto, o zinco é importante, pois sua deficiência na cana-de-açúcar pode ocasionar redução do perfilhamente, internódios mais curtos e colmos mais finos. Assim que estabelecida a necessidade de aplicação de zinco, é importante determinar qual fonte deste micronutriente seria mais eficiente e qual o seu melhor modo de aplicação. Diante do exposto, o trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de doses e fontes de zinco aplicadas no sulco de plantio, além da aplicação foliar em dose fixa de duas fontes solúveis deste nutriente, em dois cortes (cana-planta e 1ª cana-soca), nas características produtivas, estado nutricional e qualidade tecnológica da cana-de-açúcar cultivada num solo de textura arenosa, com baixo teor de zinco. O experimento foi realizado num Argissolo Vermelho eutrófico de textura arenosa, em uma área agrícola administrada pela Usina Vale do Paraná Açúcar e Álcool, em Suzanápolis – SP. A variedade de cana-de-açúcar utilizada foi a RB867515. O delineamento estatístico utilizado tanto em cana-planta como na 1ª cana-soca foi o de blocos ao acaso, em um esquema fatorial (5x3+2), com cinco doses de zinco (0; 2,5; 5,0; 7,5 e 10,0 kg ha-1) e três fontes de zinco (FTE (silicato de Zn em pó) com 15% de Zn e 3,9% de S, quelato de Zn (Zn quelatizado com EDTA) com 7% de Zn e sulfato de Zn com 21% de Zn e 11% de S) aplicadas no sulco de plantio da cana-de-açúcar, mais dois tratamentos adicionais com pulverização foliar em dose fixa (0,3 kg ha-1 de Zn), aplicadas na cana-planta e 1ª cana-soca, usando as duas fontes solúveis (sulfato e quelato de Zn), com quatro... / The productivity and longevity of the sugarcane crop can be being prejudiced by expansion of the crop to areas of low fertility where micronutrients can be in lack, once the extracted and exported amounts by the crop are significant. In this context, the zinc is important, considering that its deficiency in sugarcane can result in reduction of tillering, shorter internodes and thinner stem. As soon as it was established the need of zinc application, it is important to determine which source of this micronutrient would be more efficient and also the best application way. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of doses and sources of zinc applied in the planting furrow, besides the leaf spray with the same dose of two soluble sources of this nutrient, in two cuts (cane-plant and first cane-ratton), in the productive characteristics, nutritional state and technological quality of the sugarcane cultivated in a sandy texture soil, with low zinc content. The experiment was accomplished in an eutrophic Alfisol, in an agricultural area administered by Usina Vale do Paraná Sugar and Alcohol, in Suzanápolis – SP, Brazil. The sugarcane variety used was RB867515. A randomized complete blocks design, with 4 repetitions, disposed in a factorial scheme 5x3+2, being: five doses of Zn (0; 2.5; 5.0; 7.5 e 10.0 kg ha-1), three sources of Zn (FTE (Zn silicate in powder) with 15% of Zn and 3.9% of S, Zn chelate (Zn chelated with EDTA) with 7% of Zn and Zn sulfate with 21% of Zn and 11% of S), applied at the sugar-cane planting furrow, more two additional treatments with leaf spray with the same dose (0.3 kg ha-1 of Zn), applied in the cane-plant and first cane-ratton, using the two soluble sources (sulfate and chelate of Zn), was used. The zinc sources, as well as the treatments with Zn applied in the soil and by leaf spray had similar effect in most of the productive... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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