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Depositional Analysis of a Holocene Carbonate Strand Plain Using High Resolution GPR, Sediment Analysis, and C-14 DatingMarkert, Kaleb Robert 01 December 2019 (has links)
Understanding modern carbonate depositional systems gives valuable insights into the interpretation of ancient carbonate systems. Ancient carbonate strand plains have the potential to act as productive hydrocarbon reservoirs because of their relatively high porosity. Unfortunately, they are difficult to identify in the rock record because of the lack of work done on modern analogues. San Salvador Island in the Bahamas hosts a well-exposed and easily accessible Holocene strand plain, ideal as a modern analogue. Sandy Hook, located on the southeast part of the island, consists of approximately 35 ridge-swale features that show signs of four distinct zones of deposition. In this study, 20 sediment samples were collected from one meter in depth, and throughout each zone. The sediment analysis reveals remarkably consistent grain-size distributions across the four zones. Carbon-14 ages were taken from the sediment samples. They revealed ages decreasing from 2617 ± 188 YBP to modern moving seaward through zone 4. The ages reveal depositional rates of 0.08 to 0.29 meters of accretion per year. Four pseudo-3D GPR surveys were acquired in Zones B, C, and D, and a 2D GPR survey was acquired that spanned the three zones. The pseudo-3D surveys revealed consistent reflectors through the width of the survey indicating that the 2D surveys represent more than the single line. The 2D survey reveals semi-parallel seaward-dipping reflectors (representing fair-weather deposits) that are truncated by sigmoidal seaward-dipping reflectors (high-energy storm deposits). Indicating that Sandy Hook was built through both fair-weather deposits and high-energy storm events.
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A subsurface irrigation experiment on a St. Samuel sandy loam soil /Hoyningen Huene, Bernhard von January 1984 (has links)
No description available.
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Predicting leatherback sea turtle sex ratios using spatial interpolation of nesting beach temperaturesUnknown Date (has links)
Sex determination in leatherback sea turtles is directed primarily by the temperatures a
clutch experiences during the middle third of development. Warmer temperatures tend to produce females will cooler temperatures yield males. Nest temperatures can vary
spatially and temporally. During the 2010 and 2011 nesting seasons, this study estimated the hatchling sex ratio of leatherback sea turtles on Sandy Point National Wildlife Refuge (SPNWR), St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. I measured sand temperatures from May- August and across the spatial range of leatherback nesting habitat. I spatially interpolated those temperatures to create maps that predicted temperatures for all nests incubating on SPWNR. Nest temperatures were also directly measured and compared with predicted nest temperatures to validate the prediction model. Sexes of dead-in-nest hatchlings and full term embryos were used to confirm the sex-temperature response. The model showed that microclimatic variation likely impacts the production of both sexes on SPNWR. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013.
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The distribution of predaceous fire ant species on important sea turtle nesting beaches in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin IslandsUnknown Date (has links)
The tropical fire ant, Solenopsis geminata is a New World species with a wide native
range including South America as well as several Caribbean islands. The red imported
fire ant, Solenopsis invicta is native to parts of South America. Both species are known
for preying on sea turtles’ eggs and hatchlings. The objectives of this thesis research
were to conduct follow-up and baseline ant species distribution surveys on four sea turtle
nesting beaches in St. Croix, U. S. Virgin Islands. Tuna baits were set out at beaches;
specimens were collected, frozen, preserved then identified. Results show that there was
a significant change in the fire ants’ distribution at Sandy Point National Wildlife Refuge
(SPNWR) while none were found at Jack Bay. Fire ants were also present on the other
two baseline surveyed nesting beaches. The displacement of S. geminata by S. invicta
was observed at SPNWR, which also was presumed by previous surveys. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Dynamique actuelle d'une embouchure fluviale estuarienne à flèche sableuse, la Bouche du Roi, Bénin, Golfe de Guinée : caractérisation hydrosédimentaire et géomorphologique / Current dynamics of an estuary river mouth with sandy spit, the "Bouche du Roi", Benin, Gulf of Guinea : geomorphological and hydrosedimentary characterizationLaibi, Raoul Adéniyi 23 September 2011 (has links)
L'estuaire du Mono est établi dans la partie occidentale du littoral béninois. C'est un estuaire microtidal à dominance de houle qui assure les échanges avec la mer par le biais d'une embouchure tidal connue sous le nom de "Bouche du Roi". Il forme un système hydrosédimentaire côtier associé à trois générations de cordons de barrières témoins des dernières oscillations marines du Quaternaire récent. Ce travail de thèse a permis d'étudier la dynamique des cordons de barrières de l'estuaire du Mono à diverses échelles temporelles et suivant une approche résolument pluridisciplinaire et instrumentale. Les résultats montrent que les deux anciens cordons barrières de l'estuaire se sont construits et détruits au rythme des variations du niveau marin du Quaternaire récent. Par contre, la dynamique contemporaine des cordons barrières actuels (plage actuelle) se traduit par la morphogénèse d'un système de flèche-crique, sous le contrôle du régime de houle et des conditions de marée d'une part, puis des saisons hyrdologiques du fleuve d'autre part. Avant la mise en service du barrage de Nangbéto, du fait du caractère temporaire des écoulements du Mono, la morphodynamique du couple flèche-crique était limitée dans l'espace et dans le temps. Mais depuis la mise en eau du barrage en 1987, cette morphodynamique est devenue persistante, en raison de la consistance et de la permanence des écoulements du Mono désormais régulés par le barrage. Les conséquences de cette morphodynamique anthropique sur l'environnement physique et humain sont incommensurables : pertes des plages à très hautes renommée touristique, engloutissement des terres et des cultures (salicultures, cultures agraires, aquacultures,...) par la mer, destruction d'habitations et autres infrastructures socio-communautaires (écoles, routes,...), déplacements de populations, exhumation des dépouilles de parents défunts,...La solution de mitigation proposée est le déplacement des populations de Hokoué et de Docloboé et la pratique périodiques (tous les 7 ans) des ouvertures mécaniques au niveau de la plage d'Avlo. / The Mono river estuary is established in the Western part of the Benin coastal zone. It's a microtidal estuary with predominance of swell. It ensures the exchanges with the sea by means of a tidal inlet named "Bouche du Roi". It forms a coastal hydro-sedimentary system associated with three generations of sand barrier which attest the last marine oscillations of the recent Quaternary. This thesis work studies the dynamics of these barriers-inlets on various temporal scales and according to a multi-field approach. The results show that the two old sand barriers are built and destroyed at the rhythm of marine level variations of recent Quaternary. On the other hand, the contemporary dynamics of the current barrier results in the morphogenesis of a spit-creek system, under control of littoral drift, tide conditions and hydrological seasons of the Mono river. Before the startup of Nangbeto dam, because of the temporary character of the Mono flows, the spit-creek morphodynamic was limited in space and time. But since the operating of the dam in 1987, the spit-creek morphodynamic became persistent, owing to consistency and permanence of Mono flows from now on controlled by the dam. The effects of this anthropic morphodynamics on the physical and human environment are immeasurable : loss of touristic beach, swallowing up of grounds and cultures (salt productions, agrarian cultures, aquacultures,...), destruction of dwellings and other socio-community infrastructures (schools, roads,...), populations displacements, exhumation of late parents remains,... The migration solution proposed consists in displacement of Hokoue and Docloboe populations and in periodical practice (every 7 years) of mechanical breaches on the level of Avlo beach.
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Estimativa do torque de instalação de fundações por estacas helicoidais por meio de resultados de ensaio SPT / Estimation of the installation torque of helical piles using SPT dataSilva, Bruno Oliveira da 10 October 2018 (has links)
As linhas de transmissão no Brasil são geralmente muito extensas, uma vez que os grandes centros de consumo de energia ficam distantes das usinas hidrelétricas. Por essa razão, a construção e manutenção de linhas de transmissão é de grande importância e, em uma grande porcentagem destas linhas, as estacas helicoidais são usadas como fundações. No entanto, a previsão da profundidade final de instalação destas estacas ainda é um grande desafio para os projetistas, fornecedores de estacas helicoidais e construtoras. A profundidade final destas fundações é controlada pelo torque de instalação; portanto, se o torque necessário para instalar uma estaca pudesse ser calculado com acurácia, com base em suas dimensões, e nos resultados de ensaios de investigação de solo in situ (SPT), a previsão de comprimentos de estaca para estimativas de custos, a definição de equipamentos adequados para instalação e a estimativa da quantidade de seções de estacas a serem transportadas para uma determinada linha de transmissão seriam mais acuradas. Além disso, a capacidade de carga de estacas helicoidais pode ser estimada usando os resultados do torque final de instalação. Sendo assim, para atender à necessidade de se determinar o torque de instalação de fundações helicoidais ainda na fase de projeto, um método simplificado foi desenvolvido e validado com os resultados de 752 estacas helicoidais multi-hélices instaladas em solos predominantemente arenosos, de uma linha de transmissão brasileira. O modelo desenvolvido baseia-se nos resultados de ensaios SPT e considera o efeito de instalação das estacas no solo penetrado. Nesta dissertação é apresentada uma descrição detalhada do método proposto e uma comparação entre os resultados medidos em campo e calculados pelo método. Os resultados da comparação mostram que o método proposto pode estimar com sucesso o torque de instalação de estacas helicoidais. / The transmission lines in Brazil are usually very extensive, since the centers of power consumption are often far from the most hydroelectric plants. For this reason, the construction and maintenance of transmission lines is frequent in this country, and in a large percentage of transmission lines, helical piles are used as guy wire anchors and foundations for transmission towers. However, the estimates of the final embedded depth of numerous helical piles to be used in several towers of the transmission lines is still a challenge for the designers, pile suppliers and contractors. The final depth of helical foundations is controlled by the installation torque; therefore, if the torque necessary to install a helical pile could be accurately calculated based on the pile dimensions and results of in-situ soil tests (SPT), the prediction of pile lengths for costs estimations, the definition of suitable equipment for pile installation, and the estimate of the quantity of helical piles sections to be transported for a particular transmission line would be more precise. Additionally, the uplift capacity of helical piles can be estimated using the results of final installation torque. In order to address the existed need of determining the installation torque of helical foundations during the design phase, a simplified method was developed and validated with the results of 753 multi-helix piles installed in predominantly sandy soils of a Brazilian transmission line. The model proposed is based on the results of SPT tests, and considers the installation effect of helical piles on the soil penetrated. This text presents a detailed description of such method and a comparison between measured and predicted results. The comparison shows that the method proposed can successfully estimate the installation torque of helical piles.
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Variação na dinâmica do nitrogênio e nos atributos foliares em fisionomias de restinga da região Sudeste do Brasil / Variation in nitrogen dynamics and leaf traits at restinga physiognomies from Southeastern BrazilMardegan, Silvia Fernanda 18 April 2013 (has links)
As restingas constituem um complexo de tipos vegetacionais que ocorrem sobre cordões arenosos ao longo da costa brasileira. Sua diversidade fisionômica, florística e estrutural contrasta com grande número de fatores ambientais limitantes, incluindo a disponibilidade de água e nutrientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a dinâmica do nitrogênio, bem como os atributos foliares relacionados ao uso do nitrogênio e da água, em três formações vegetais inseridas no \"complexo vegetacional da restinga\", as quais ocorrem ao longo de um gradiente de precipitação que varia de cerca de 800 a 2.600 mm anuais. Para tanto, foram avaliados parâmetros relacionados à ciclagem do nitrogênio e alguns atributos foliares funcionais relacionados às estratégias de uso de água e nutrientes nas principais espécies botânicas que nelas se desenvolvem. O primeiro capítulo compara a variação na disponibilidade e na composição isotópica de nitrogênio (?15N) nestas três formações de restinga que ocorrem sob regimes hídricos distintos. Foram analisados e comparados parâmetros relacionados à disponibilidade e às taxas de transformação do nitrogênio nos solos e sua assimilação e uso pelas plantas. Os solos das três áreas, arenosos e ácidos, apresentam deficiência nutricional, sendo o nitrogênio amoniacal (N-NH4 +) a principal forma disponível. Suas taxas líquidas de transformação foram baixas e variáveis, com prevalência de imobilização, sobretudo nas restingas sob menor precipitação média anual (PMA). Na vegetação, o aumento na PMA refletiu em maiores concentrações foliares de nitrogênio e fósforo, juntamente com menores razões C/N e massas foliares por unidade de área (MFA). Os valores de ?15N foliar foram baixos e variáveis, ocorrendo enriquecimento gradual em 15N com o aumento na PMA. As concentrações foliares de nitrogênio e fósforo, bem como a MFA e a razão C/N mostraram-se diretamente relacionadas; já a MFA relacionou-se inversamente à concentração foliar de nitrogênio. O aumento da PMA ao longo do gradiente, juntamente com variações nas condições edáficas e nas comunidades bióticas, pareceu contribuir para o aumento da disponibilidade de nitrogênio, refletindo na redução gradual da conservação do mesmo. O segundo capítulo compara as restingas quanto aos atributos foliares de gêneros por elas compartilhados. As maiores diferenças foram observadas entre os gêneros das restingas seca e úmida, com a última apresentando maiores concentrações de nitrogênio e fósforo foliares e menor razão C/N. Seus gêneros ainda apresentaram menores MFA e composição isotópica de carbono (?13C), além de maior ?15N que aqueles das restingas seca e intermediária. As relações entre os atributos foliares dos pares congenéricos das restingas seca e úmida, assim como dos contrastes filogeneticamente independentes (CFIs), mostraram que a concentração de nitrogênio relaciona-se diretamente à concentração de fósforo e inversamente ao ?15N, enquanto que a concentração de fósforo relaciona-se diretamente com o ?15N e inversamente com a razão C/N. A grande diferença entre as restingas e a similaridade nas correlações - utilizando-se tanto os pares congenéricos e os CFIs - fortalece a distinção quanto à economia foliar da restinga úmida e as demais, enfatizando a importância das condições ambientais no ajuste dos atributos analisados, independente do grau de parentesco filogenético das espécies. / Restingas are consisted of a complex of vegetation types that occur on sand ridges along the Brazilian coast. Their physiognomic, floristic and structural diversity contrasts with a large number of environmental limiting factors, including the availability of water and nutrients. The aim of this study was to compare the dynamics of nitrogen, as well as leaf traits related to the use of nitrogen and water at three vegetation types inserted in the \"restinga vegetation complex\", and occur along a precipitation gradient ranging from about 800 to 2600 mm annually. Accordingly, parameters related to nitrogen cycling were assessed, as well as some functional leaf traits related to strategies for use of water and nutrients from the main plant species that occur therein. The first chapter compares the variation in nitrogen availability and its isotopic composition (?15N) at these three restinga formations that occur under different water regimes. It was analyzed and compared parameters regarding nitrogen availability and transformation rates in soils, and also its uptake and use by plants. The sandy and acidic soils of the three areas have high nutritional deficiency, and ammoniacal nitrogen (N-NH4 +) is the major available form. Its net rates of transformation were low and variable, with the prevalence of immobilization, especially at the restingas under lower mean annual precipitation (MAP). At the vegetation, MAP increase reflected in higher leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations, along with lower C/N ratios and leaf mass per area (LMA). Leaf ?15N values were low and variable, observing gradual 15N-enrichment with MAP increase. Nitrogen and phosphorus leaf concentrations, as well as LMA and C/N ratio were directly related, whereas LMA was inversely related to leaf nitrogen concentration. The increase in MAP along the gradient, jointly to variations in soil conditions and biota, seemed to contribute to an increment on nitrogen availability, reflecting in the gradual reduction of its conservation. The second chapter compares the restingas in relation to leaf traits of genera shared by them. The largest differences were observed between genera from dry and wet restingas, with the latter having higher leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and lower C/N ratio. Their genera also had lower LMA and carbon isotopic composition (?13C), as well as greater ?15N than those from dry and intermediate restingas. Relationships between leaf traits of the congeneric pairs from dry and wet restingas, and also of the phylogenetically independent contrasts (PICs), showed that nitrogen concentration is directly related to phosphorus and inversely to ?15N, whilst phosphorus concentration is directly related to ?15N and inversely to C/N ratio. The bulky difference amongst restingas, and the similarity in correlations - using both congeneric pairs and PICs - reinforces the distinction regarding leaf economy between wet restinga and the others, emphasizing the importance of environmental conditions on the adjustment of the analyzed leaf traits, apart from of the degree of species phylogenetic relatedness.
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Grânulos plásticos em praias arenosas: avaliação de um método amostral quantitativo e da contaminação química / Plastic pellets in sandy beaches: evaluation of a quantitative sampling method and the chemical contaminationCesar, Mara Fisner 11 December 2012 (has links)
Os grânulos plásticos são encontrados no ambiente marinho e, em função de suas características podem concentrar e transportar poluentes orgânicos. A Enseada de Santos representa um polo de grande importância econômica para o estado de São Paulo, devido à existência do Porto de Santos e do complexo industrial de Cubatão nos seus arredores. Essa região foi escolhida para o desenvolvimento deste estudo por possuir uma grande quantidade de grânulos na superfície arenosa de suas praias. O presente estudo teve como objetivos: (1) avaliar uma proposta metodológica para a coleta de grânulos plásticos, baseada no uso de transectos perpendiculares à linha da água compostos por escavações (amostragens) equidistantes; e (2) analisar a concentração, composição e fontes de contaminação de hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs) nos grânulos coletados em praias arenosas, considerando diferentes escalas espaciais e a influência do tipo de resina que os grânulos são produzidos, bem como o tempo de exposição destes no ambiente. O resultado da avaliação da proposta metodológica determinou o diâmetro do trado que fornece a melhor combinação entre tempo e volume de sedimento coletado, além da confirmação da profundidade de maior ocorrência dos grânulos na coluna sedimentar, bem como a constatação de que transectos tornam-se inviáveis para este procedimento. É sugerido, então, o desenvolvimento de estudos futuros a fim de encontrar o melhor desenho amostral, uma vez que não foi eficaz a realização de transectos, para a amostragem de grânulos plásticos em profundidade. De acordo com os resultados das análises, a concentração e composição de HPAs nos grânulos plásticos variaram de forma expressiva entre os pontos amostrais em uma mesma praia, de forma que, para a obtenção da real variabilidade de poluentes em uma praia, são necessárias coletas em diversos pontos amostrais, a fim de evitar uma equivocada extrapolação dos resultados. As análises dos grânulos coletados em diferentes profundidades no sedimento arenoso indicam resultados semelhantes, com uma alta variabilidade na composição e concentração de HPAs. Entre as resinas, houve diferença na concentração de HPAs (polietileno > polipropileno) e no tempo de exposição, com maiores concentrações nos grânulos mais escuros, ou seja, mais tempo expostos no ambiente. A contaminação na área de coleta é oriunda da mistura de compostos provenientes de fontes petrogênicas e pirolíticas e as análises da potencial toxicidade dos HPAs em grânulos, em geral, indicam um risco iminente aos organismos. São necessários, no entanto, estudos complementares também para a investigação da possibilidade de bioacumulação dos poluentes em organismos. / Plastic pellets are easily found in marine environment and due to its characteristics they may concentrate and bring organic pollutants. Santos bay represents a major economic center for the state of São Paulo because of Santos Port and the Cubatão industrial complex in its surroundings. This place was chosen for the development of the study for the great number of pellets found in the sandy surface of its beaches. This study aimed at (1) evaluating a sampling methodology for plastic pellets based on the use of transects perpendicular to the seawater line and made by diggings equally distant from one another (samplings). It also aimed at (2) analyzing the concentration, composition and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) contamination on the pellets sampled on sandy beaches, considering different spatial scales and resin kinds which the plastic pellets were made from as well as their exposure time in the environment. As a result of the evaluation of sampling methodology the sampler diameter was defined which provides the best combination between the time and the volume of sampled sediment. Apart from that the depth of the major occurrence of plastic pellets in the sedimentary column was confirmed and it was established that transects are impracticable for this kind of procedure. The development of future studies in order to figure out the best sample design is suggested once the use of transects was not efficient for plastic pellets sampling in depth. According to analyses results the PAHs concentration and composition on the plastic pellets vary largely among sampling sites on the same beach. In order to obtain real pollutant variability on one beach, samples taken from different sampling sites are necessary to avoid a wrong over sizing of results. The plastic pellets analyses taken from different depths in sandy sediment showed similar results to those from the surface with a high variability in PAH concentration and composition. Among the resins there was a difference on PAH concentration (polyethylene > polypropylene) and exposure time, showing larger concentrations on darker pellets, that is longer exposed in the environment. The contamination in the studied area comes from the mixture of compounds from petrogenic and pyrolitic sources and the PAHs potential toxicity in plastic pellets analyses generally reflect an imminent risk to organisms. Complementary studies are also necessary to investigate the possibility of pollutant bioaccumulation in organisms.
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Distribuição espaço-temporal de Olivella minuta (LNK,1807) (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Olividae) na zona entremarés da Baía do Araçá, litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo / Spatial-temporal distribution of Olivella minuta (LINK, 1807) (Mollusca, Gastropod, Olividae) in the intertidal zone of Araçá Bay, southeastern coast of São Paulo state, BrazilCamargo, Rita Monteiro 07 February 2013 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a distribuição espaço-temporal de um representante da macrofauna de praias arenosas protegidas. As abordagens em diferentes escalas (mesoescala, microescala e escala temporal) foram empregadas. O gastrópode Olivella minuta, abundante na região entremarés da Baía do Araçá, foi utilizado para essas análises. Para o estudo em mesoescala, 16 estações foram demarcadas na região entremarés (julho/2009) e, em cada uma, foram coletadas 8 amostras biológicas e 3 de sedimento. Alguns fatores abióticos (carbonato de cálcio, matéria orgânica e coeficiente de seleção) influenciaram negativamente a abundância do gastrópode, enquanto relações entre O. minuta e as demais espécies da macrofauna não foram evidentes. Em microescala, em poças de maré (metros) e em \"ripple marks\" (centímetros) verificou-se que em escala de centímetros, o gastrópode foi mais abundante em locais com maior conteúdo de água no sedimento, enquanto em escala de metros a abundância não diferiu dentro e fora das poças. Em escala temporal, foram observadas flutuações mensais da densidade da população de O. minuta, com diminuição/ausência de indivíduos entre fevereiro e março, o que sugere a ocorrência de migrações e mortalidade. O presente trabalho mostrou que a distribuição desse gastrópode é influenciada por diferentes fatores que atuam em diferentes escalas. / The objective of this study was to analyze the temporal and spatial distribution of one of the species representative of the macrofauna of sheltered sandy beaches. Measurements using different scales (mesoscale, microscale and time scale) were utilized. The gastropod Olivella minuta, which is abundant in the intertidal region of Baía do Araçá, was used for these analyses. For the mesoscale study, 16 stations were determined within the intertidal region (July/2009) and, in each station, 8 biological samples and 3 samples of sediment were collected. Some abiotic factors (calcium carbonate, organic matter and selection coefficient) had a negative influence on the abundance of the gastropod, while relationship between the O. minuta and other species of the macrofauna were not evident. In a microscale study of tidal ponds (meters) and ripple marks (centimeters), it was observed that, in a centimeter scale, the gastropod was more abundant in places where there was more water in the sediment, whereas in a meter scale the abundance didn\'t vary in or out of the ponds. In a temporal scale, monthly fluctuations of the O. minuta population\'s density were observed, with reduction/absence of individuals between February and March, which suggests that migration and mortality occurred. This study showed that the distribution of O. minuta is influenced by different factors which act in different scales.
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Facilitation and competition in coastal dunes: meta-analysis of determinants of plant interactions / Facilitação e competição em planícies costeiras: meta-análise de fatores determinantes de interações entre plantasSouza, Luanne Caires da Cruz 23 July 2018 (has links)
Plants established next to other plants may have their performance positively or negatively affected by their neighbors, which characterizes interactions of facilitation and competiton, respectively. Facilitation and competition, however, may occur simultaneously and understanding which one predominates in pairwise interactions under different ecological contexts is important to comprehend the structure of plant communities. According to the stress-gradient hypothesis (SGH), facilitation is expected to prevail in more severe environments, but the outcome of interactions may change depending on features of interacting individuals, such as life form and ontogenetic stages. As harsh conditions and high diversity of plant life-forms are characteristic of coastal dunes, the amount of studies about plant interactions has been rapidly increasing in these ecosystems, with apparent divergent conclusions. However, until now, there is not a systematic and quantitative synthesis about the factors affecting the net outcome of facilitation and competition in these ecosystems. We conducted a meta-analysis to investigate the effects of environmental stress and the simultaneous influence of plant life form and ontogenetic stage on the outcome of facilitation and competition in coastal dunes around the world. We used four performance measures to estimate the outcome of interactions: abundance, survival, growth, and reproduction. Contrary to what was expected by SGH, we found that negative impacts of neighbors on plant reproduction increase towards more arid conditions, but this effect was not observed for other performance measures. Our results also indicate that woody neighbors facilitate the survival of woody seedlings and the reproduction of herbs, while herbaceous neighbors facilitate the growth of other herbaceous plants. Overall, the outcome of plant interactions in coastal dunes depends on the performance variable measured and on both environmental conditions and plant features, indicating an interaction between these factors. Such interaction and different mechanisms underlying facilitation and competition should be more investigated in the future. The global scale of our meta-analysis supports generalization of important processes of succession and conservation in coastal dunes. Benefits of woody neighbors to the survival of woody seedlings corroborate the concept of successional feedbacks in the beach-inland physiognomic gradient, and our results reinforce the use of nurse plants in coastal dunes as a valuable tool to restoration of these endangered ecoystems / Plantas estabelecidas nas proximidades de outras plantas podem ter sua performance afetada positiva ou negativamente por seus vizinhos, caracterizando, respectivamente, interações de facilitação e competição. Considerando que ambas as interações podem ocorrer de forma simultânea, compreender o predomínio de cada uma delas em diferentes contextos ecológicos é fundamental para o entendimento da estrutura de comunidades vegetais. De acordo com a hipótese do gradiente de estresse (HGE), a facilitação tende a predominar em ambientes mais severos, mas o balanço das interações depende ainda das características dos indivíduos envolvidos, como forma de vida e estágio ontogenético. Como condições ambientais severas e alta diversidade de formas de vida vegetais são características de planícies costeiras, o número de estudos investigando interações entre plantas tem aumentado rapidamente nesses ambientes, com conclusões aparentemente divergentes. No entanto, ainda não há uma síntese sistemática e quantitativa dos fatores que afetam o balanço entre facilitação e competição nesses ecossistemas. Nós realizamos uma meta-análise em escala global para investigar os efeitos do estresse ambiental e a influência simultânea da forma de vida e do estágio ontogenético das plantas sobre o balanço entre facilitação e competição em planícies costeiras. Utilizamos quatro variáveis de performance para estimar o balanço de interações: abundância, sobrevivência, crescimento e reprodução. Ao contrário do predito pela HGE, encontramos que impactos negativos de plantas vizinhas sobre a reprodução de outras plantas aumentam com a aridez do ambiente, mas que esse efeito não é observado para outras variáveis de performance. Nossos resultados também mostram que vizinhos lenhosos facilitam a sobrevivência de plântulas lenhosas e a reprodução de plantas herbáceas, enquanto vizinhos herbáceos facilitam o crescimento de outras herbáceas. De modo geral, o balanço das interações depende da variável de performance medida e tanto de condições ambientais quanto de características das plantas, indicando que esses fatores interagem. Tal interação e os diferentes mecanismos subjacentes à facilitação e à competição devem ser melhor investigados no futuro. A maior sobrevivência de plântulas lenhosas na presença de vizinhos lenhosos corrobora a ideia de retroalimentação positiva no processo sucessional que caracteriza o gradiente fisionômico da praia ao interior. Nossos resultados também reforçam o potencial do uso de plantas-berçários como ferramenta para restauração de planícies costeiras degradadas
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