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Distribuição espaço-temporal de Olivella minuta (LINK, 1807) (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Olividae) na praia de Barequeçaba, Litoral Norte do Estado de São Paulo / Spatial and temporal distribution of Olivella minuta (LINK, 1807) (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Olividae) Barequeçaba Beach, North Coast of São PauloTardelli, Daniel Teixeira 27 September 2013 (has links)
Praias arenosas são caracterizadas por uma abundante macrofauna, composta por poliquetas, moluscos e crustáceos. Dentre os moluscos, os gastrópodes constituem um dos grupos mais conspícuos. Entretanto, as informações sobre esse grupo em praias são escassas e se referem principalmente à ocorrência em comunidades. O neogastropoda Olivella minuta é comum e abundante em praias do Litoral Norte de São Paulo. Porém, há importantes lacunas no conhecimento quanto à distribuição desta espécie. Diante desse cenário, o presente estudo visou analisar a distribuição espaço-temporal de Olivella minuta na praia de Barequeçaba, bem como os fatores ambientais relacionados a essa distribuição. Para análise da distribuição espacial de O. minuta ao longo do entre-marés da praia, amostras foram obtidas em outubro de 2009, a partir de doze estações perpendiculares à linha da água, compostas por três transectos com seis níveis cada. Os fatores abióticos (características do sedimento) e bióticos (descritores da macrofauna) que compõem cada estação também foram amostrados e relacionados com a distribuição da espécie. Os resultados revelaram que os indivíduos ocorreram em maior densidade na porção sul da praia, e nos ambientes mais úmidos, próximos a linha da água. O carbonato de cálcio e a matéria orgânica foram os fatores mais determinantes, contrastando com a hipótese de que há influência tanto dos fatores abióticos quanto dos bióticos em tal distribuição. Para análise de distribuição temporal de Olivella minuta no eixo vertical da praia, amostras foram obtidas mensalmente no entremarés, a partir de cinco transectos aleatórios estabelecidos perpendicularmente à linha da água, com nove unidades amostrais. Além disso, amostras foram obtidas trimestralmente, no entremarés e infralitoral, a partir de cinco transectos aleatórios, compostos por nove e seis níveis amostrais, respectivamente. Os resultados revelaram um padrão de distribuição da espécie no entremarés ao longo do tempo, e confirmaram a hipótese de que há uma distribuição de O. minuta de acordo com o tamanho do indivíduos no eixo vertical da praia, com indivíduos menores ocorrendo apenas no infralitoral e migrando para o entremarés ao longo de sua ontogenia. Os avanços apresentados no presente estudo contribuem para o conhecimento sobre a ecologia de populações de praias arenosas, ao relacionar a distribuição de uma espécie da macrofauna com os fatores ambientais, e principalmente ao abranger o infralitoral nas amostragens, por tratar da distribuição de uma espécie cuja distribuição não é exclusiva do entremarés / Sandy beaches have typically abundant macrofauna, comprised of polychaetes, mollusks, and crustaceans. Among mollusks, gastropods comprise one of the most conspicuous groups. Nevertheless, data on this group for beaches are scarce and refer mainly to their occurrence in communities. The neogastropoda Olivella minuta is common and abundant on beaches along the Northern Coast of São Paulo. However, there are important gaps in the knowledge regarding the distribution of this species. Based on this scenario, the present study aims at analyzing the distribution of Olivella minuta in space and over time on Barequeçaba Beach, as well as the related environmental factors. To analyze the distribution of Olivella minuta along the intertidal zone of the beach, samples were obtained in October 2009 from twelve stations perpendicular to the waterline, comprised of three transects with six levels each. Abiotic (sediment characteristics) and biotic (macrofauna descriptors) factors that comprise each station were also sampled and linked to distribution. Results showed that there was higher density of individuals in the southern part of the beach, and in more humid environments, closer to the waterline. Calcium carbonate and organic matter were the most determining factors in the species\' distribution, as opposed to the hypothesis that both abiotic and biotic factors were influencing factors. To analyze the distribution of Olivella minuta over time in the vertical axis of the beach, samples were collected monthly in the intertidal zone, from five random transects set out perpendicularly to the waterline with nine sampling units. In addition, samples were also obtained quarterly with five random transects comprised of nine and six sampling levels in the intertidal zone and in the infralittoral zone, respectively. Results showed a distribution pattern for the species in the intertidal zone over time and confirm the hypothesis that O. minuta is distributed along the vertical axis of the beach according to the size of individuals, with smaller individuals occurring in the infralittoral and migrating to the intertidal zone throughout their ontogeny. Outcomes shown in the present study help improve the knowledge on population ecology of sandy beaches because they relate the distribution of a macrofauna species to environmental factors and mainly due to the fact that sampling covers also the infralittoral zone, since its distribution is not exclusive to the intertidal zone
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Distribuição espaço-temporal de Olivella minuta (LINK, 1807) (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Olividae) na praia de Barequeçaba, Litoral Norte do Estado de São Paulo / Spatial and temporal distribution of Olivella minuta (LINK, 1807) (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Olividae) Barequeçaba Beach, North Coast of São PauloDaniel Teixeira Tardelli 27 September 2013 (has links)
Praias arenosas são caracterizadas por uma abundante macrofauna, composta por poliquetas, moluscos e crustáceos. Dentre os moluscos, os gastrópodes constituem um dos grupos mais conspícuos. Entretanto, as informações sobre esse grupo em praias são escassas e se referem principalmente à ocorrência em comunidades. O neogastropoda Olivella minuta é comum e abundante em praias do Litoral Norte de São Paulo. Porém, há importantes lacunas no conhecimento quanto à distribuição desta espécie. Diante desse cenário, o presente estudo visou analisar a distribuição espaço-temporal de Olivella minuta na praia de Barequeçaba, bem como os fatores ambientais relacionados a essa distribuição. Para análise da distribuição espacial de O. minuta ao longo do entre-marés da praia, amostras foram obtidas em outubro de 2009, a partir de doze estações perpendiculares à linha da água, compostas por três transectos com seis níveis cada. Os fatores abióticos (características do sedimento) e bióticos (descritores da macrofauna) que compõem cada estação também foram amostrados e relacionados com a distribuição da espécie. Os resultados revelaram que os indivíduos ocorreram em maior densidade na porção sul da praia, e nos ambientes mais úmidos, próximos a linha da água. O carbonato de cálcio e a matéria orgânica foram os fatores mais determinantes, contrastando com a hipótese de que há influência tanto dos fatores abióticos quanto dos bióticos em tal distribuição. Para análise de distribuição temporal de Olivella minuta no eixo vertical da praia, amostras foram obtidas mensalmente no entremarés, a partir de cinco transectos aleatórios estabelecidos perpendicularmente à linha da água, com nove unidades amostrais. Além disso, amostras foram obtidas trimestralmente, no entremarés e infralitoral, a partir de cinco transectos aleatórios, compostos por nove e seis níveis amostrais, respectivamente. Os resultados revelaram um padrão de distribuição da espécie no entremarés ao longo do tempo, e confirmaram a hipótese de que há uma distribuição de O. minuta de acordo com o tamanho do indivíduos no eixo vertical da praia, com indivíduos menores ocorrendo apenas no infralitoral e migrando para o entremarés ao longo de sua ontogenia. Os avanços apresentados no presente estudo contribuem para o conhecimento sobre a ecologia de populações de praias arenosas, ao relacionar a distribuição de uma espécie da macrofauna com os fatores ambientais, e principalmente ao abranger o infralitoral nas amostragens, por tratar da distribuição de uma espécie cuja distribuição não é exclusiva do entremarés / Sandy beaches have typically abundant macrofauna, comprised of polychaetes, mollusks, and crustaceans. Among mollusks, gastropods comprise one of the most conspicuous groups. Nevertheless, data on this group for beaches are scarce and refer mainly to their occurrence in communities. The neogastropoda Olivella minuta is common and abundant on beaches along the Northern Coast of São Paulo. However, there are important gaps in the knowledge regarding the distribution of this species. Based on this scenario, the present study aims at analyzing the distribution of Olivella minuta in space and over time on Barequeçaba Beach, as well as the related environmental factors. To analyze the distribution of Olivella minuta along the intertidal zone of the beach, samples were obtained in October 2009 from twelve stations perpendicular to the waterline, comprised of three transects with six levels each. Abiotic (sediment characteristics) and biotic (macrofauna descriptors) factors that comprise each station were also sampled and linked to distribution. Results showed that there was higher density of individuals in the southern part of the beach, and in more humid environments, closer to the waterline. Calcium carbonate and organic matter were the most determining factors in the species\' distribution, as opposed to the hypothesis that both abiotic and biotic factors were influencing factors. To analyze the distribution of Olivella minuta over time in the vertical axis of the beach, samples were collected monthly in the intertidal zone, from five random transects set out perpendicularly to the waterline with nine sampling units. In addition, samples were also obtained quarterly with five random transects comprised of nine and six sampling levels in the intertidal zone and in the infralittoral zone, respectively. Results showed a distribution pattern for the species in the intertidal zone over time and confirm the hypothesis that O. minuta is distributed along the vertical axis of the beach according to the size of individuals, with smaller individuals occurring in the infralittoral and migrating to the intertidal zone throughout their ontogeny. Outcomes shown in the present study help improve the knowledge on population ecology of sandy beaches because they relate the distribution of a macrofauna species to environmental factors and mainly due to the fact that sampling covers also the infralittoral zone, since its distribution is not exclusive to the intertidal zone
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Grânulos plásticos em praias arenosas: avaliação de um método amostral quantitativo e da contaminação química / Plastic pellets in sandy beaches: evaluation of a quantitative sampling method and the chemical contaminationMara Fisner Cesar 11 December 2012 (has links)
Os grânulos plásticos são encontrados no ambiente marinho e, em função de suas características podem concentrar e transportar poluentes orgânicos. A Enseada de Santos representa um polo de grande importância econômica para o estado de São Paulo, devido à existência do Porto de Santos e do complexo industrial de Cubatão nos seus arredores. Essa região foi escolhida para o desenvolvimento deste estudo por possuir uma grande quantidade de grânulos na superfície arenosa de suas praias. O presente estudo teve como objetivos: (1) avaliar uma proposta metodológica para a coleta de grânulos plásticos, baseada no uso de transectos perpendiculares à linha da água compostos por escavações (amostragens) equidistantes; e (2) analisar a concentração, composição e fontes de contaminação de hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs) nos grânulos coletados em praias arenosas, considerando diferentes escalas espaciais e a influência do tipo de resina que os grânulos são produzidos, bem como o tempo de exposição destes no ambiente. O resultado da avaliação da proposta metodológica determinou o diâmetro do trado que fornece a melhor combinação entre tempo e volume de sedimento coletado, além da confirmação da profundidade de maior ocorrência dos grânulos na coluna sedimentar, bem como a constatação de que transectos tornam-se inviáveis para este procedimento. É sugerido, então, o desenvolvimento de estudos futuros a fim de encontrar o melhor desenho amostral, uma vez que não foi eficaz a realização de transectos, para a amostragem de grânulos plásticos em profundidade. De acordo com os resultados das análises, a concentração e composição de HPAs nos grânulos plásticos variaram de forma expressiva entre os pontos amostrais em uma mesma praia, de forma que, para a obtenção da real variabilidade de poluentes em uma praia, são necessárias coletas em diversos pontos amostrais, a fim de evitar uma equivocada extrapolação dos resultados. As análises dos grânulos coletados em diferentes profundidades no sedimento arenoso indicam resultados semelhantes, com uma alta variabilidade na composição e concentração de HPAs. Entre as resinas, houve diferença na concentração de HPAs (polietileno > polipropileno) e no tempo de exposição, com maiores concentrações nos grânulos mais escuros, ou seja, mais tempo expostos no ambiente. A contaminação na área de coleta é oriunda da mistura de compostos provenientes de fontes petrogênicas e pirolíticas e as análises da potencial toxicidade dos HPAs em grânulos, em geral, indicam um risco iminente aos organismos. São necessários, no entanto, estudos complementares também para a investigação da possibilidade de bioacumulação dos poluentes em organismos. / Plastic pellets are easily found in marine environment and due to its characteristics they may concentrate and bring organic pollutants. Santos bay represents a major economic center for the state of São Paulo because of Santos Port and the Cubatão industrial complex in its surroundings. This place was chosen for the development of the study for the great number of pellets found in the sandy surface of its beaches. This study aimed at (1) evaluating a sampling methodology for plastic pellets based on the use of transects perpendicular to the seawater line and made by diggings equally distant from one another (samplings). It also aimed at (2) analyzing the concentration, composition and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) contamination on the pellets sampled on sandy beaches, considering different spatial scales and resin kinds which the plastic pellets were made from as well as their exposure time in the environment. As a result of the evaluation of sampling methodology the sampler diameter was defined which provides the best combination between the time and the volume of sampled sediment. Apart from that the depth of the major occurrence of plastic pellets in the sedimentary column was confirmed and it was established that transects are impracticable for this kind of procedure. The development of future studies in order to figure out the best sample design is suggested once the use of transects was not efficient for plastic pellets sampling in depth. According to analyses results the PAHs concentration and composition on the plastic pellets vary largely among sampling sites on the same beach. In order to obtain real pollutant variability on one beach, samples taken from different sampling sites are necessary to avoid a wrong over sizing of results. The plastic pellets analyses taken from different depths in sandy sediment showed similar results to those from the surface with a high variability in PAH concentration and composition. Among the resins there was a difference on PAH concentration (polyethylene > polypropylene) and exposure time, showing larger concentrations on darker pellets, that is longer exposed in the environment. The contamination in the studied area comes from the mixture of compounds from petrogenic and pyrolitic sources and the PAHs potential toxicity in plastic pellets analyses generally reflect an imminent risk to organisms. Complementary studies are also necessary to investigate the possibility of pollutant bioaccumulation in organisms.
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Campos de solos arenosos do Sudoeste do Rio Grande do Sul:aspectos florísticos e adaptativosFreitas, Elisete Maria de January 2010 (has links)
Extensas áreas de campo do sudoeste do Rio Grande do Sul, no Bioma Pampa, ocorrem sobre solos arenosos suscetíveis ao processo de arenização. Nesses campos predominam condições de déficit hídrico, irradiação intensa, temperaturas extremas, baixa fertilidade do solo e uso pecuário. O estudo teve como objetivos, conhecer a diversidade florística dos campos com arenização; analisar os principais tipos de estratégias adaptativas apresentadas pelas espécies e as proporções em que essas adaptações ocorrem nas proximidades do areal, em um campo pastejado e em um campo excluído de pastejo; avaliar as mudanças nas proporções de área ocupada por solo exposto e por vegetação, considerando os fatores tempo (um ano) e cobertura vegetal (alta, intermediária e baixa). Áreas de campos nativos com arenização dos municípios de Alegrete, Manoel Viana e São Francisco de Assis foram percorridas para o levantamento florístico. O levantamento quantitativo foi realizado em três áreas de campos sob diferentes manejos (pastejo intenso, pastejo moderado e exclusão de pastejo) em novembro de 2007 e dezembro de 2008. Foram 36 unidades amostrais permanentes no campo excluído e 24 em cada campo pastejado. Para cada espécie amostrada foi registrada a cobertura absoluta, as estratégias adaptativas apresentadas e o respectivo hábito. Foram registradas 343 espécies pertencentes a 52 famílias, com duas novas citações para o Rio Grande do Sul: Eragrostis articulata e Eragrostis leucosticta e uma para o Brasil: Croton lorentzii. 89,5% do total das espécies apresentaram uma ou mais adaptações como resposta aos fatores de estresse. A presença de caracteres adaptativos no campo pastejado e no campo sem pastejo parece caracterizar as espécies dos campos de solos arenosos, cujas condições climáticas e edáficas são comuns. Os três campos diferem em composição e abundância das espécies. O campo com pastejo intermediário apresentou características de ambos os outros, indicando que há influência do pastejo na composição de espécies e na fisionomia dos campos. A dinâmica da vegetação nos campos pastejados foi influenciada tanto pelo tempo quanto pela cobertura vegetal. No campo excluído ocorreu variação na composição e abundância de espécies apenas conforme o gradiente de cobertura. O processo de arenização avança numa escala maior nas áreas pastejadas que no campo excluído, pois neste as áreas de maior cobertura vegetal tiveram menor influência do processo de arenização. Fatores como chuva e vento também contribuem para o aumento das áreas arenizadas ao longo do tempo, especialmente nos locais de menor cobertura vegetal. Para retardar o processo de arenização desses campos são sugeridas medidas como a retirada do gado das áreas atingidas e a utilização de materiais que impessam o deslocamento do solo, associadas à utilização de espécies nativas com potencial de resistência ao processo. / Extensive grassland areas in southwestern Rio grande do Sul, belonging to the Pampa Biome, are found in sandy soils that are susceptible to sandy patch process. In these grasslands, the prevailing conditions are water shortage, excessive irradiation, extreme temperatures, low fertility and cattle grazing. The objectives of this study were: to know the floristic diversity at grassland undergoing sandy patch process; to evaluate changes in exposed and plant-covered soil, considering time (one year) and vegetal cover (high, intermediary and low) as determining factors. Native grassland areas, located at Alegrete, Manoel Viana and São Francisco de Assis municipalities, were surveyed for the construction of a floristic list. The quantitative survey was carried out at three grassland areas under different managements (heavy-grazing, moderately-grazing and grazing-excluded) in November 2007 and December 2008, using 36 permanent sampling units at the excluded grassland area and 24 at each grazed grassland area. For each sampled species we registered absolute cover, adaptative strategies and habit. We registered 343 species, pertaining to 52 families, with two new citations for Rio Grande do Sul (Eragrostis articulata and Eragrostis leucosticte) and one for Brazil (Croton lorentzii). Among these species, 89.5% showed one or more adaptations as response to the stress-driving factors. The presence of adaptative characters at grazed grasslands and grazing-excluded grasslands seems to characterize sandy-soil grasslands species, since they share common climatic and edaphic conditions. The three grassland areas differ in species composition and abundance. The moderately-grazed area showed characteristics common to both other areas, indicating the influence of grazing on grassland formation physiognomy and species composition. Vegetation dynamics in grazed grasslands was influenced by time and vegetal cover. At the excluded grassland, variation in species composition and abundance occurred only according to the cover gradient. The sandy patch process advances faster in grazed areas than in grazing-excluded areas, due to higher soil cover values in the latter. Elements such as rain and wind also contribute to the enlargement of sandy patches over time, especially at sites presenting low soil cover values. In order to hamper the sandy patch process at these grasslands, we suggest measures such as cattle removal and use of soil-fixing equipments, associated to the use of native plant species that potentially resist the process.
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Mudança no uso da terra e efeito na composição e atividade microbiana de solos arenosos no semiárido brasileiroBARROS, Jamilly Alves de 23 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Mario BC (mario@bc.ufrpe.br) on 2017-03-10T14:09:02Z
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Jamilly Alves de Barros.pdf: 1194573 bytes, checksum: 75742892e248d2018b9529d59b784af4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-10T14:09:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Jamilly Alves de Barros.pdf: 1194573 bytes, checksum: 75742892e248d2018b9529d59b784af4 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-02-23 / Natural ecosystems have suffered great human interventions and one of them is the conversion of forests into agricultural land, and the TDF (FTS) one of the most affected in the world. Changes in land use can be reflected by biological, biochemical, chemical and physical parameters, the first two being the fastest and most sensitive to changes in soil quality. This study evaluated how the conversion of FTS in pasture with different levels of conservation acts on the community and microbial activity in Neossolos Regolíticos. The characterization of the microbial community and enzymatic activities of sandy soils of the semiarid region of Pernambuco in areas of drought and forest disturbed. In the first chapter, the study was conducted in the city of Saint John and the selected areas were: FTS = dry tropical forest, PP = preserved and PD = degraded pasture pasture. In the second chapter were selected five cities of Pernambuco semiarid region, which were collected two composite soil samples, one in FTS and another in area with human intervention. For Chapter 1 were determined analysis of the microbial biomass carbon (MBC), total organic carbon (TOC), the fatty acid profiles of the microbial community (FAMEs) and absolute and specific enzymatic activities. In chapter 2 were determined profiles of fatty acids and enzymes absolute. FTS conversion to pasture with different levels of conservation affected the microbial community and enzymatic activities of Entisol. And the type of vegetation is shown as one of the main factors responsible for the variation of the microbial community. Quantification of FAMEs in different areas analyzed demonstrated that populations of fungi are sensitive to changes in land use that bacterial populations, because these showed a faster metabolism, ie, unable to adapt to disturbances in the ecosystem. The evaluation of specific enzymes showed how these are influenced by the TOC and MBC, where enzymes by CBM unit expressed higher values. / Os ecossistemas naturais vêm sofrendo grandes intervenções humanas e uma delas é a conversão de florestas em terras agrícolas, sendo as florestas tropicais secas (FTS) uma das mais afetadas no mundo. Alterações no uso do solo podem ser refletidas por parâmetros biológicos, bioquímicos, químicos e físicos, sendo os dois primeiros os mais rápidos e sensíveis a alterações na qualidade do solo. O presente trabalho avaliou como a conversão de FTS em pasto com diferentes níveis de conservação age sobre a comunidade e atividade microbianas em Neossolos Regolíticos. A Caracterização da comunidade microbiana e atividades enzimáticas de solos arenosos do Semiárido de Pernambuco em áreas de floresta seca e antropizada. No primeiro capítulo, o estudo foi realizado no município de São João e as áreas selecionadas foram: FTS=floresta tropical seca, PP= pasto preservado e PD= pasto degradado. No segundo capítulo foram selecionadas 5 cidades do semiárido pernambucano, onde foram coletadas duas amostras compostas de solo, uma em FTS e outra em área com intervenção antrópica. Para o capítulo 1 foram determinadas as análises do carbono da biomassa microbiano (CBM), o carbono orgânico total (COT), os perfis de ácidos graxos da comunidade microbiana (FAMEs) e atividades enzimáticas absolutas e específicas. No capítulo 2 foram determinados os perfis de ácidos graxos e as enzimas absolutas. A conversão de FTS em pasto com diferentes níveis de conservação afetou a comunidade microbiana e as atividades enzimáticas de Neossolo Regolítico. Sendo que o tipo de vegetação se mostrou como um dos principais fatores responsável pela variação da comunidade microbiana. A quantificação do FAMEs nas diferentes áreas analisadas demonstrou que as populações de fungos são mais sensíveis a alterações no uso do solo que as populações bacterianas, devido estas apresentaram um metabolismo mais rápido, ou seja, conseguirem se adaptar a perturbações no ecossistema. A avaliação das enzimas específicas mostrou o quanto estas são influenciadas pelo COT e CBM, onde as enzimas por unidade de CBM expressaram valores mais elevados.
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Distribuição espaço-temporal de Olivella minuta (LNK,1807) (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Olividae) na zona entremarés da Baía do Araçá, litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo / Spatial-temporal distribution of Olivella minuta (LINK, 1807) (Mollusca, Gastropod, Olividae) in the intertidal zone of Araçá Bay, southeastern coast of São Paulo state, BrazilRita Monteiro Camargo 07 February 2013 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a distribuição espaço-temporal de um representante da macrofauna de praias arenosas protegidas. As abordagens em diferentes escalas (mesoescala, microescala e escala temporal) foram empregadas. O gastrópode Olivella minuta, abundante na região entremarés da Baía do Araçá, foi utilizado para essas análises. Para o estudo em mesoescala, 16 estações foram demarcadas na região entremarés (julho/2009) e, em cada uma, foram coletadas 8 amostras biológicas e 3 de sedimento. Alguns fatores abióticos (carbonato de cálcio, matéria orgânica e coeficiente de seleção) influenciaram negativamente a abundância do gastrópode, enquanto relações entre O. minuta e as demais espécies da macrofauna não foram evidentes. Em microescala, em poças de maré (metros) e em \"ripple marks\" (centímetros) verificou-se que em escala de centímetros, o gastrópode foi mais abundante em locais com maior conteúdo de água no sedimento, enquanto em escala de metros a abundância não diferiu dentro e fora das poças. Em escala temporal, foram observadas flutuações mensais da densidade da população de O. minuta, com diminuição/ausência de indivíduos entre fevereiro e março, o que sugere a ocorrência de migrações e mortalidade. O presente trabalho mostrou que a distribuição desse gastrópode é influenciada por diferentes fatores que atuam em diferentes escalas. / The objective of this study was to analyze the temporal and spatial distribution of one of the species representative of the macrofauna of sheltered sandy beaches. Measurements using different scales (mesoscale, microscale and time scale) were utilized. The gastropod Olivella minuta, which is abundant in the intertidal region of Baía do Araçá, was used for these analyses. For the mesoscale study, 16 stations were determined within the intertidal region (July/2009) and, in each station, 8 biological samples and 3 samples of sediment were collected. Some abiotic factors (calcium carbonate, organic matter and selection coefficient) had a negative influence on the abundance of the gastropod, while relationship between the O. minuta and other species of the macrofauna were not evident. In a microscale study of tidal ponds (meters) and ripple marks (centimeters), it was observed that, in a centimeter scale, the gastropod was more abundant in places where there was more water in the sediment, whereas in a meter scale the abundance didn\'t vary in or out of the ponds. In a temporal scale, monthly fluctuations of the O. minuta population\'s density were observed, with reduction/absence of individuals between February and March, which suggests that migration and mortality occurred. This study showed that the distribution of O. minuta is influenced by different factors which act in different scales.
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Impactos na dinâmica costeira decorrentes de intervenções em praias arenosas e canais estuarinos de áreas densamente ocupadas no litoral de São Paulo, uma aplicação do conhecimento a áreas não ocupadas / Impacts in the coastal dynamics caused by interventions in sandy beaches and estuarine channels in areas with high dense occupation in the São Paulo coast, ana application of the knowledge in not occupied areasFarinaccio, Alessandro 03 April 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa procurou compreender e avaliar os impactos decorrentes da ocupação desordenada do litoral paulista e estabelecer prognósticos de ocupação em áreas pouco ou não ocupadas e com similaridade geomorfológicas de processos costeiros. Por meio do método de matrizes foram identificados e avaliados os seguintes impactos: alteração da linha de costa, ocorrência de erosão costeira, alteração do regime de sedimentação do perfil praial, instalação de processos erosivos nas margens de canais estuarinos e redução de áreas naturais. A partir dos impactos avaliados na Baixada Santista estabeleceu-se um prognóstico para Ilha Comprida considerando a implantação de obras de engenharia, como estruturas rígidas perpendiculares (enrocamentos e canais de drenagem), um porto, e a ocupação em áreas de preservação permanente, que acarretariam as seguintes alterações: modificação da linha de costa na face exposta da ilha, alteração do regime de sedimentação, processos erosivos nos canais estuarinos e poluição de águas superficiais. Com base nos resultados foi elaborado um roteiro-guia para orientar futuros projetos de ocupação e prevenir impactos na dinâmica sedimentar. O trabalho ressalta a necessidade do conhecimento prévio dos processos da dinâmica sedimentar bem como a avaliação de acertos e erros em áreas geomorfologicamente similares, para implantação de obras costeiras. / This research looked for to understand and to evaluate the decurrent impacts of the disordered occupation of the São Paulo coast and to establish prognostics of occupation in areas occupied or not occupied with geomorphological and coastal processes similarity. They had been identified and evaluated by method of matrices the following impacts: alteration of the shoreline, occurrence of coastal erosion, alteration of the regimen of sedimentation of the beach profile, installation of erosive processes in the edges of estuarine channels and reduction of natural areas. The impacts evaluated in the Baixada Santista could established a prognostic for Ilha Comprida considering the implantation of engineering projects, as perpendicular rigid structures (groins and drainage channels), a port, and the occupation in areas of permanent preservation, that would cause the following alterations: modification of the shoreline in the external face of the island, erosive alteration of the regimen of sedimentation, erosive processes in the estuarine channels and superficial water pollution. On the basis of the results were elaborated a script-guide to guide futures occupation projects and to prevent impacts in the dynamics sedimentary. The work stands out the necessity for previous knowledge dynamics sedimentary processes as well as the evaluation of rightness and errors in geomorphological similar areas, for coastal projects implantation.
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Personal Puzzles: Exploring Meaning in a Printmaking WorkshopRydalch, Sally Jayne 01 March 2018 (has links)
In an effort to assist self-guided artists in constructing meaning and creativity through the technique of printmaking, the author has compiled a curriculum to engage these artist/students in thoughtful research, discussion, art-making, and critique. In this qualitative case study there are eight participants from age 14 to 79, with varying educational and art experience, who enrolled in a relief print workshop with no recompense other than participation. The particular benefits of learning relief printing are described. The author's goal is exploration of student responses to a curriculum centered around constructing meaning and engaging in introspective and informed discussion. In fostering open inquiry and analysis, the author was able to cultivate a place of personal discovery in a community class and gain insights into teaching, learning, and curriculum design.
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Application of a Geographical Information System to Estimate the Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in the Sandy and Clackamas River Basins, OregonBrownell, Dorie Lynn 26 May 1995 (has links)
A geographical information system (GIS) was used to develop a regression model designed to predict flood magnitudes in the Sandy and Clackamas river basins in Oregon. Manual methods of data assembly, input, storage, manipulation and analysis traditionally used to estimate basin characteristics were replaced with automated techniques using GIS-based computer hardware and software components. Separate GIS data layers representing (1) stream gage locations, (2) drainage basin boundaries, (3) hydrography, (4) water bodies, (5) precipitation, (6) landuse/land cover, (7) elevation and (8) soils were created and stored in a GIS data base. Several GIS computer programs were written to automate the spatial analysis process needed in the estimation of basin characteristic values using the various GIS data layers. Twelve basin characteristic data parameters were computed and used as independent variables in the regression model.
Streamflow data from 19 gaged sites in the Sandy and Clackamas basins were used in a log Pearson Type III analysis to define flood magnitudes at 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50- and 100-year recurrence intervals. Flood magnitudes were used as dependent variables and regressed against different sets of basin characteristics (independent variables) to determine the most significant independent variables used to explain peak discharge. Drainage area, average annual precipitation and percent area above 5000 feet proved to be the most significant explanatory variables for defining peak discharge characteristics in the Sandy and Clackamas river basins.
The study demonstrated that a GIS can be successfully applied in the development of basin characteristics for a flood frequency analysis and can achieve the same level of accuracy as manual methods. Use of GIS technology reduced the time and cost associated with manual methods and allowed for more in-depth development and calibration of the regression model. With the development of GIS data layers and the use of GIS-based computer programs to automate the calculation of explanatory variables, regression equations can be developed and applied more quickly and easily. GIS proved to be ideally suited for flood frequency modeling applications by providing advanced computerized techniques for spatial analysis and data base management.
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Tip Resistance Of A Miniature Cone Penetrometer Using Triaxial Apparatus For Clean And Silty SandRaju, K V S B 06 1900 (has links)
The static cone penetration tests are quite extensively used for carrying out in-situ geotechnical investigations both for onshore and offshore sites especially where the soil mass is expected to comprise of either soft to medium stiff clays or loose to medium dense sands. The wide use of the cone penetration tests (CPT) in geotechnical engineering has resulted in a great demand for developing necessary correlations between the cone penetration resistance and different engineering properties of soils. The successful interpretation of the cone penetration test data depends mainly on the various empirical correlations which are often derived with the help of a controlled testing in calibration chambers. The calibration chambers have been deployed in various sizes (diameter varying from 0.55 m to 2.10 m) by a number of researchers. It is quite an expensive and time consuming exercise to carry out controlled tests in a large size calibration chamber. The task becomes even much more difficult when a sample comprising of either silt or clay has to be prepared. As a result, most of the reported cone penetration tests in calibration chambers are mainly performed in a sandy material. Taking into account the various difficulties associated with performing tests in large calibration chambers, in the present study, it is attempted to make use of a miniature static cone penetrometer having a diameter of 19.5 mm. This cone was gradually penetrated at a uniform rate in a triaxial cell in which a soil sample of a given material was prepared; the diameter of the cone was intentionally chosen smaller so that the ratio of the diameter of the cell to that of the cone becomes a little larger. Two different diameters of the cells, namely, 91 mm and 140 mm, were used to explore the effect of the ratio of chamber (cell) size to that of the cone size. In addition, the rate of penetration rate was also varied from 0.6 mm/minute to 6.0 mm/minute (the maximum possible rate for the chosen triaxial machine with the larger cell) to examine the effect of the rate of the penetration of the miniature cone on the tip resistance. By using the chosen experimental setup, a large number of static miniature cone penetrometer tests were carried out on four different materials, namely, (i) clean sand, (ii) sand with 15% silt, (iii) sand with 25% silt, and (iv) sand with 15% fly ash. The cone tip resistance for each material was obtained for a wide range of three different relative densities. The effective vertical pressure (σv) for the tests on different samples was varied in between 100 kPa and 300 kPa. The variations of the tip resistance with axial deformation in all the cases were monitored so as to find the magnitude of the ultimate tip resistance. In contrast to the standard cone, the diameter of the piston shaft was intentionally kept a little smaller than that of the cone itself so as to restrict the development of the piston resistance. For each cell (chamber) size, two different sizes of the pistons were used to assess the resistance offered by the penetration of the piston shaft itself. It was noted that the resistance offered by the chosen piston shaft is not very substantial as compared to that of the cone tip itself. Most of the experimental observations noted from the present experiments were similar to those made by the penetration of the standard size cone in a large calibration chamber. The ultimate tip resistance of the cone was found to increase invariably with an increase in the magnitude of σv. An increase in the relative density of the soil mass leads to an increase in the value of qcu. For the same range of relative densities, an addition of fly ash in the sample of sand, leads to a considerable reduction in the magnitude of qcu. Even with the addition of 25% silt, the values of qcu were found to become generally lower as compared to clean sand and sand added with 15% silt. An employment of a larger ratio of the diameter of the cell to that of the miniature cone leads to an increased magnitude of qcu. An increase in the penetration rate from 0.6 mm/min to 6.0 mm/min, was found to cause a little increase in the magnitude of qcu especially for sand added with fly ash and silt. The effect of the penetration rate on the results was found to increase continuously with a reduction in the rate of penetration. At higher penetration rates, in a range closer to those normally employed in the field (20 mm/sec), it is expected that the rate of penetration of the cone will not have any substantial effects on the magnitude of qcu for clean sands.
The magnitude of qcu obtained in this thesis at different values of σv for all the cases with the use of the miniature cone were compared with the two widely used correlations in literature. It is found that except for dense sands, in most of the cases, the present experimental data lie generally in between the two correlation curves from literature; for dense sands the measured values of qcu were found to be significantly lower than the chosen correlation curves. It was noted that with the use of the miniature cone penetrated in a given sample prepared in a triaxial cell, it is possible to obtain reasonably an accurate estimate of the tip resistance of the standard cone especially for loose to medium dense states of all the materials. Further, from the analysis of all the tests results, it was noted that approximately a linear correlation between qcu/σv and soil friction angle (φ) for different chosen materials exists provided the dependency of the φ on the stress level is taken into account. As compared to the standard cone penetrometer which is usually employed in the field, the miniature cone used in this study is expected to provide a little conservative estimate, of the tip resistance of the standard static cone penetrometer with reference to the different materials used in this study on account of the facts that (i) there is a reduced area behind the cone, (ii) the ratio of the diameter of the calibration chamber (cell) to that of cone is not very high, (iii) the chosen size of the cone is smaller than the standard cone, and (iv) the chosen penetration rate is much smaller than the standard rate of penetration.
Further, in the case of clean sand, an attempt has also been made in this thesis, with the help of a number of direct shear tests at different stress levels, to generate an expression correlating peak friction angle, critical state friction angle, relative density of sand and vertical effective stress. A correlation has been generated with the help of which, the value of peak dilatancy angle can be obtained from the known values of peak friction angle and critical state friction angle. In confirmation with the available information in literature, this exercise on clean sand has clearly indicated that a decrease in the magnitude of vertical effective stress leads to an increase in the values of both peak friction angles and peak dilatancy angles.
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