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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialinio darbo savanorių kvalifikacijos kėlimo prielaidos / Preconditions of in-service training in social work volunteers

Zaleckienė, Vitalija 27 June 2006 (has links)
The in-service training and its status was chosen as the research object of the present thesis. The research aims to reveal the preconditions of in-service training in social work volunteers. The goals of the research are to perform an analytic overview of academic literature on the topic of the present master thesis; to highlight the occurrences of the activity of social work volunteers; to reveal the motivation behind volunteer activity; and to determine the most important constituents of occupational skills for social work volunteers. The following research methods are applied: analytical overview of academic literature on the topic of the master thesis, questionnaires and individual interviews with social work volunteers, as well as statistical data processing (in Excel). The results of the research are reflected in the conclusions of the master thesis. The following are the main conclusions: · The motivation of volunteer activity is closely related to the need to gain experience of various types of social work, taking into consideration the feelings, needs, capabilities, and abilities of participants of the learning process. In most cases, volunteer activity is based on goodwill; on a wish to help others, to communicate, to collaborate, and to fulfil the concepts, which are important to a modern person. · The in-service training of social work volunteers is mostly related to high intellect and maturity. The in-service training is oriented towards possibilities for... [to full text] / The in-service training and its status was chosen as the research object of the present thesis. The research aims to reveal the preconditions of in-service training in social work volunteers. The goals of the research are to perform an analytic overview of academic literature on the topic of the present master thesis; to highlight the occurrences of the activity of social work volunteers; to reveal the motivation behind volunteer activity; and to determine the most important constituents of occupational skills for social work volunteers. The following research methods are applied: analytical overview of academic literature on the topic of the master thesis, questionnaires and individual interviews with social work volunteers, as well as statistical data processing (in Excel). The results of the research are reflected in the conclusions of the master thesis. The following are the main conclusions: · The motivation of volunteer activity is closely related to the need to gain experience of various types of social work, taking into consideration the feelings, needs, capabilities, and abilities of participants of the learning process. In most cases, volunteer activity is based on goodwill; on a wish to help others, to communicate, to collaborate, and to fulfil the concepts, which are important to a modern person. · The in-service training of social work volunteers is mostly related to high intellect and maturity. The in-service training is oriented towards possibilities for... [to full text]

Sporto savanorių motyvavimas sporto organizacijoje / Motivation of sports voluntary in sports organization

Januškevičiūtė, Agnė 05 July 2011 (has links)
Savanoriškos veiklos įnašas į darbo rinką yra svarbus visose išsivysčiusiose šalyse. Tai priklauso nuo socialinių ir ekonominių sąlygų, atitinkamos kultūros, paremtos tradicijomis bei vertybėmis, kai individas yra mokomas, ugdomas tapti doru, visuomenišku piliečiu. Pasak Anot S. J. Ellis (2002), žmonės savanoriauja dėl daugybės priežasčių, ypač norėdami padėti kitiems ir gauti šiek tiek naudos sau. Savanoriška veikla įvairiose organizacijose: psichologinės pagalbos, neįgalių ir senyvų žmonių priežiūros, Raudonojo kryžiaus draugijos, yra gerai žinoma, tačiau savanoriavimas sporto sektoriuje Lietuvoje dar nėra populiarus, nors ši laisvalaikio praleidimo forma sparčiai plinta. Savanorių darbo organizavimas reikalauja didelės motyvacijos. Savanorystė sporte- plačiai paplitęs ir vis labiau populiarėjantis reiškinys pasaulyje. Šiandien be savanorių, talkinančių sporto renginių organizatoriams, praktiškai neapsieina nė viena didesnė ir svarbesnė sporto šventė, todėl yra labai aktualus sporto savanorių motyvavimas organizacijoje. Sporto savanorių motyvavimas yra svarbi sporto vadybos dalis, kuri pateikia ir sunkumų, ir teigiamų galimybių sporto organizacijų vadovams. Norint išlaikyti savanorius, reikia nuolatos juos motyvuoti skatinančiomis priemonėmis. / Voluntary contribution to the labor market is important in all developed countries belonging from the social and economic conditions, also appropriate culture based on democratic traditions and values, when the individual is trained and educated in the spiritual way to offer public satisfaction. According to S. J. Ellis (2002), people volunteer for many reasons, particularly to help others and get some benefit for themselves. Voluntary activities in various organizations: psychological support, disabled and oldster care, the Red Cross Society, is well known, but volunteering in the sports sector in Lithuania is not yet popular, even though this form of leisure activities are growing rapidly. Organization of volunteer work requires great motivation. Volunteering in sport is common and growing worldwide phenomenon. At this time no bigger and important sports festival can manage without assistance of volunteers, backing the organizers. It is therefore very important to motivate sports volunteers in organization. Motivation of sports volunteers is an important part of sport management, which delivers difficulties and positive opportunities for the leaders of sports organization. It is needed, in order to keep volunteers, to constantly motivate them with stimulating tools.

Savanoriai kaip žmogiškieji ištekliai, įgyvendinant Caritas misiją / Volunteers as human resources realizing Caritas mission

Slavėnaitė, Vincenta 19 June 2008 (has links)
Socialinio darbo reikšmė neatsiejama nuo vertybių, teorijos ir praktikos. Savanorišką pagalbą taip pat nulemia vertybės, per praktinę veiklą įgyti pagalbos teikimo įgūdžiai ir socialinio darbo išmanymas. Solidarumo principas gali būti laikomas ir Caritas misijos, ir socialinio darbo misijos pagrindu. Prieštaravimai išryškėja misijos įgyvendinimo procese ir susiję su savanorių pasiruošimu teikti socialinę pagalbą. Tai ir yra pagrindinė tyrimo problema. Temos aktualumas. Temą nagrinėti skatina šios srities lietuviškos literatūros stoka, Literatūros šaltiniuose pristatoma bendro pobūdžio informacija apie savanorišką veiklą. Visuomenės transformacijos procesai kelia Caritas organizacijai naujus iššūkius, verčia iš naujo perm�����styti, kokiais būdais geriausiai gali tarnauti vargstantiesiems. Analizuojamas fenomenas skatina planuoti pokyčius organizacijoje, apibrėžiant veiklos struktūrą, atsakomybes ir išryškinant savanorišką potencialą. Tyrimo objektas – Caritas misijos įgyvendinimas. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti savanorių kaip žmogiškųjų išteklių reikšmingumą, įgyvendinant Caritas misiją. Pirmoje šio darbo dalyje apibūdinama solidarumo principo sąvoka, kaip Caritas misijos pagrindas, remiantis Katalikų Bažnyčios socialiniu mokymu. solidarumas išreiškia organizacijos vertybes, sąveikos esmę ir nusako veiklos kryptį. Antroje darbo dalyje aptariamas profesionalus ir savanoriškas socialinis darbas, atrandama, kad profesionalus ir savanoriškas socialinis darbas vienas kitą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The meaning of social work is not separable from value, theory and practice. Voluntary work determine values, acquired through practical action help offering knowledge and social work skills. The principle of Caritas work can be holding Caritas missions as well social work missions ground. Contradictions are highlighted during realization of the process of mission and it is connected with preparation of volunteers to provide help. There is the main problem of the research. Theme actuality. The main motive to handle a theme is a lack of literature translated in Lithuanian language; literature sources provide general type of information about volunteer’s work. The processes of transformation of the society make new challenges for Caritas organization, it urges rethink anew, how better to serve for people in need. The analyzing phenomenon urges to plan the changes in the organizations inside, by the way, determining the structure of the work and responsibility and bold the potential of volunteers. Object of the research - realization of Caritas mission. The aims of research- unfold the meaning of volunteers as human resources, realizing Caritas mission. In the first part of this research is determining the concept of solidarity as the ground of Caritas mission, according to Catholic social doctrine, solidarity shows values of this organization, the meaning of interaction and shows direction of Caritas work. Second part of the research discusses the meaning of the... [to full text]

Savanorystės poreikis sporto organizacijoms ir jų veiklos kaita, dirbant su savanoriais / Need of volunteering in sport organizations and their activities change, working with volunteers

Šiaulys, Andrius 06 September 2013 (has links)
1. Tyrime dažniau dalyvavo moterys (62 proc.). Savanoriais dažniausiai dirba 22-30 m. (32 proc.) asmenys, turintys aukštąjį universitetinį išsilavinimą. Didžiąją dalį tyrimo dalyvių (91 proc.) sudarė savanoriai. Daugiau nei pusė tiriamųjų (64 proc.) yra vieniši asmenys. Visi tyrimo dalyviai (100 proc.) savanoriauja „Kauno krepšinio lygoje“. 2. Savanoriška veikla yra teigiamai vertinama sporto organizacijų vadovų ir savanorių (p>0,05). Visi tyrimo dalyviai yra dalyvavę savanoriškoje veikloje (p>0,05). Savanoriai dažniau nei sporto organizacijų vadovai, nurodo, kad nuo savanoriavimo juos sulaiko laiko stoka (p<0,05), savanoriai dažniau atlieka administracinius vaidmenis organizacijoje, o sporto organizacijų vadovai – rengia ir apmoko organizacijos narius (p<0,05). Savanorystę sporto organizacijose skatina galimybė įgyti naujų įgūdžių bei patirties (p>0,05). Savanoriai dažniau nei sporto organizacijų vadovai, kaip priemonę, skatinančią dalyvauti savanoriškoje veikloje sporto organizacijose išskiria karjeros galimybes (p<0,05). Sporto organizacijų vadovai dažniau nei savanoriai nurodo, kad savanorystę riboja biudžeto limitai, įgalinantys suteikti tinkamą atsilyginimą savanoriams (p<0,05). 3. Sporto organizacijų vadovų ir savanorių nuomone, savanorių dalyvavimas sporto organizacijų veikloje yra teigiamas veiksnys (p>0,05). Savanoriai sporto organizacijoje turi skirtingą potencialą, pateikia naujų idėjų, yra lankstūs dirbti sutartomis valandomis, dėl ko jų įtaka sporto... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / 1. The study involved more women (62 percent). In sport organizations usually work 22-30 years (32 percent) volunteers with higher education. The majority of survey participants (91 percent.) were volunteers. More than half (64 percent.) of volunteers are single. All study participants are volunteers in “Kaunas basketball league”. 2. Volunteering is positively valued by sports organizations leaders and volunteers (p>0.05). All study participants have participated in voluntary activities (p> 0.05). Volunteers more often than managers of sports organizations, indicate that lack of time is keeping them from volunteering (p <0.05), volunteers more often perform administrative roles in an organization, and managers of sports organizations - develop and train members of the organization (p <0,05). Volunteering in sport organizations, encourages opportunity to gain new skills and experience (p> 0.05). Volunteers are more likely than managers of sports organizations promote mean of volunteering by distinguishing career (p <0.05). Managers of sports organizations more often than volunteers indicate that volunteering is limited by budget limits, what enables to provide adequate settling for volunteers (p <0.05). 3. Managers of sports organizations and volunteer consider that volunteering in sport organizations is positive factor (p> 0.05). Volunteers in sports organization have different potential, present new ideas, ate flexible to work flexible in agreed hours, that’s why they... [to full text]

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