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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

所得稅負、公司儲蓄與家庭儲蓄:因果關係檢定 / A Test of Causality Relationship among Income Tax、Corporate Saving and Household Saving.

董靜文, Tung, Jing Wen Unknown Date (has links)
對於私部門儲蓄(private saving)之組成成分──公司儲蓄(cor- porate saving)與家庭儲蓄(household saving)間究竟存在著什麼樣 的互動關係,因涉及政府之租稅重分配政策是否可提升私部門儲蓄的課題 ,一直是關心資本形成的經濟學者所爭論的焦點。本文即希望透過 Granger- Sims檢定法則,首次透過因果關係的角度澄清兩者之間的關連 關係,確立可能存在的因果方向及型態,以作為政府施政時的參考。臺灣 地區之實證結果顯示:公司儲蓄(SC)、家庭儲蓄(SH)不論在所得稅負變數 是否存在下,均呈現同向之回饋因果關係。個體儲蓄決策過程中,超理 性 (ultra rationality)並不存在,一旦公司儲蓄、家庭儲蓄兩者之一有 所增減,必帶動另一者作同方向之變動,對整體私部門儲蓄率之變動只有 加劇而無抵消之效果。是故在所得稅負重分配政策的採行上,政府須審慎 考慮其對私部門資本形成所帶來之負面打擊。

Understanding the relationships between bank-customer relations, financial advisory services and saving behavior

Hermansson, Cecilia January 2015 (has links)
While the saving environment has become more complex in recent years, so has the demand for individual activity. Important impetuses include financial deregulation, globalization, technological change, and reformed pension systems. Financial institutions can provide financial advisory services to help their customers to obtain positive net benefits by avoiding mistakes and using economies of scale, and they can also attract and maintain their customers by creating strong relationships. Earlier studies show that the incentive structure often leads to advice that is not to the benefit of the customers. In addition, not all customers seek and receive advisory services. The objective of this study is to increase our understanding of the relationship between the bank advisor – customer relation and the bank customer’s saving behavior. The scope of the study is to analyze relevant theories and develop a model that includes financial advisors as a mediator of saving behavior, and to understand the relational attributes that can affect saving behavior. Also, the characteristics of customers with a relational versus a transactional exchange form with the bank are explored. Given the problems of establishing causality, the scope is also to understand the impact of the relationship and, in particular, face-to-face advisory meetings on saving behavior. The analysis is mainly carried out with the help of customer data – both objective bank register data and subjective survey data – while the advisor characteristics are to a lesser extent part of the data material. Five studies are carried out using various methodologies, i.e., theoretical review and model development, probit and multinomial logistic regressions, difference-in-difference regression, and structural equation modelling. In addition, a case study is made analyzing dyads of customers and advisors in order to explore theoretical assumptions. Economics and relationship marketing are used to explain saving behavior with transactional, interimistic relational, and enduring relational exchange forms (Paper 1). Several major findings emerge in the quantitative analysis: First, the attributes are longer and stronger, the more relational the exchange form is (Paper 2). A second finding is that relational attributes also surface in transactional exchange, a finding that requires further research to be understood in more detail (Paper 2). Third, among relational attributes, duration and context have the largest total effects on saving behavior, while trust is a mediating variable (Paper 5). Fourth, not only demographic and socioeconomic factors can predict whether customers use the relational exchange form; psychological factors, such as saving motives and risk attitudes, are also predictors. Results are clearly different for women and men (Paper 3). Finally, financial advisory meetings are found to increase saving volumes and saving products held in stock. The largest effects are found for young customers with low wealth and low profitability to the bank, i.e., customers who initially have low activity levels and thus create a large potential (Paper 4). Limitations include endogeneity problems in general, and selection bias in particular, making it difficult to establish causality, and internal and external validity. Future research should focus on data management, especially building time series with enhanced methods to adjust for selection bias. In addition, studies to better understand the transactional exchange form are needed, as well as studies that deepen the definition of relational exchange, not least when alternative channels to face-to-face meetings include mobile banking and internet banking, and the digitalization of  the social know-how of financial advisors. Managerial implications include understanding the relational attributes that affect saving behavior, such as context, duration, and trust. Also useful to know are the factors that can help to predict the probability of a customer’s having a transactional or relational exchange form, i.e., including demographics, socioeconomics, psychology, and gender, to see how channels and customers can be better matched. Policy implications include using the model in this study to match relational attributes to the degree of financial literacy, since the risk of misselling is particularly large for relational-oriented customers with low financial literacy. / Samtidigt som sparandet har blivit mer komplext under senare år, har behovet av individens egen aktivitet ökat. Viktiga drivkrafter för denna utveckling har varit finansiell avreglering, globalisering, teknisk utveckling och reformerade pensionssystem. Finansiella institutioner kan erbjuda finansiell rådgivning för att hjälpa kunderna erhålla positiv nettonytta genom att de då kan undvika att göra vanliga misstag och kan få skalfördelar med ökad tillgång till information. Genom att skapa starka kundrelationer kan dessa institutioner också använda rådgivningen för att attrahera och behålla kunder. Tidigare studier visar att incitamentsstrukturen ofta leder till att rådgivningen missgynnar kunderna. Det är heller inte alla kunder som söker och får tillgång till rådgivning. Syftet med denna avhandling är att öka förståelsen för sambanden mellan bankkundens sparbeteende, finansiell rådgivning och relationen mellan bankrådgivaren och kunden. I avhandlingens omfång ingår att analysera teorier, utveckla en modell som inkluderar finansiella rådgivare som intermediärer till sparbeteende samt förstå de relationsattribut som kan påverka sparbeteendet. Dessutom görs jämförelser mellan kunders karaktäristika utifrån deras utbytesform. Med hänsyn tagen till svårigheterna att fastställa kausalitet ingår även att förstå hur relationen i allmänhet, och rådgivningsmöten i synnerhet, påverkar sparbeteendet. Analyser görs med hjälp av kunddata, både objektiva registerdata och subjektiva enkätdata, medan karaktäristiska för rådgivarna i mindre utsträckning finns med i datamaterialet. Fem studier utförs som använder olika metoder, såsom teoretisk genomgång och modellutveckling, probit- och multinomiala logitregressioner, ”difference-in-difference” regressioner samt struktur-ekvationsmodellering. Inledningsvis gjordes också en fallstudie som analyserade dyader av bank-kunder och rådgivare för att undersöka teoretiska antaganden. Det framkommer att national-ekonomi och relationsmarknadsföring tillsammans kan användas för att förklara sparbeteende med hjälp av tre utbytesformer (transaktion, interimistisk relation, djupgående relation) (Art. 1). Ju mer relation utbytesformen innehåller, desto längre och större är relationsattributen (Art. 2). Relations-attribut finns också representerade i transaktionsutbytet, ett resultat som kräver ytterligare forskning (Art. 2). För det tredje framkommer att bland relationsattributen är duration och kontext viktigast för att förklara sparbeteendet, följt av förtroende som är en intermediär variabel (Art. 5). För det fjärde framkommer att förutom demografiska och socioekonomiska faktorer är psykologiska faktorer, såsom sparmotiv och riskpreferenser, prediktorer för utbytesform. Resultaten är markant olika för män och kvinnor (Art. 3). Slutligen, givet endogenitetsproblem, syntes finansiella rådgivningsmöten öka sparvolymer och antal produkter som bankkunder använder. De största effekterna observeras för unga, personer med låga förmögenheter samt personer med låg lönsamhet för banken, d v s kunder som initialt har en låg aktivitetsnivå men som utgör en potential (Art. 4). Begränsningar i studierna handlar om endogenitetsproblemen i allmänhet, och selektions-svårigheter i synnerhet, vilka gör det svårt att fastställa kausalitet och vilka begränsar extern och intern validitet. Framtida forskning bör därför fokusera på datahanteringen genom att bygga upp tidsseriedata och utveckla metoder som justerar för selektionsproblem. Dessutom behöver transaktionsattributen studeras. Samtidigt är studier som fördjupar förståelsen kring relationen viktiga, inte minst som alternativa kanaler till mänskliga rådgivningsmöten – såsom mobilbank och internetbank – snabbt vinner gehör i bankerna och bland kunderna.     Avhandlingens implikationer för bankledningar inkluderar ett ramverk som kan användas för hur relationen och dess attribut påverkar sparbeteendet, såsom duration, kontext och förtroende. Vidare är det användbart att förstå de faktorer som predicerar sannolikheten att kunden har en relations- eller transaktionsutbytesform, och de inkluderar demografi, socioekonomiska faktorer, psykologi och genus, inte minst som behovet att bättre matcha kanaler med kunder ökar. För politiska beslutsfattare kan avhandlingens modell användas för att matcha relationsattribut till graden av finansiell förmåga, inte minst som risken för ”misselling” är särskilt stor för relationsorienterade kunder med låg finansiell läsförmåga. / <p>QC 20150327</p>

Energetický audit / Energy Audit

Kořista, Ján January 2016 (has links)
The goal of the master's thesis is elaborating energy audit within the current legislation in Czech republic. Thesis includes introduction, in which has been described photovolatics panels. The building is evaluated in terms of energetic, economic and environmental. Part of the energy audit was to designed and evaluated austerity measures.

Exploring how to engage Swedish Millennials with pension planning

An aging Swedish population is putting an increased pressure on the Swedish pension system. To address this, the Swedish pension system was reformed in the late 1990s. This reformation resulted in an increased individual responsibility for pension investments among the Swedish population. The individual responsibility has shown to be challenging for many since they feel a great uncertainty in this area. Adding to the notion that the Swedish population is aging; young Swedes are also entering the working life later than before, without planning to retire later than the current seniors. This will implicate that a smaller part of the retirement payments will come from the national public pension, making the individual's pension planning more important. This means that the role of occupational pension and private savings has and will grow in importance years to come.Even so, private pension savings among young people is decreasing. Young people born between 1980 and 2000, often denoted Millennials (also called Generation Y) in literature, are an interesting cohort to research, since they will be the first generation to experience the full impact of the new Swedish pension system. Recent studies indicate that this generation has low interest for pension planning and that they find information about pensions hard to understand. The study will, therefore, investigate how Swedish Millennials could become better informed, engaged and active in their pension planning.The study was conducted through interviews with five representatives from the Swedish pension industry and a survey with 146 Swedish Millennials.Findings indicated that the Millennials’ current attitudes towards pension have a negative impact on their pension planning behaviour. It has been concluded that Millennials engagement to pension planning can be strengthened by improving four factors: Relevance, Content, Channels and Motivation

Maatskappybesparing en die investeringsbesluit

Van Zyl, Cecilia J. 11 1900 (has links)
The share of corporate saving in total saving in South Africa has increased during the past four decades. In this dissertation various economic theories are examined in order to try to explain this change and to determine the possible implications of this change. The conclusion is that the relationship between the investment decision of companies and their savings decision is governed by the determinants of the financing choice of firms. These include cost, risk, control and availability. If, because of these factors, firms prefer to finance investment with retained earnings, there is a relationship between investment and the level of corporate saving. The degree to which the investment decision is dependent on the availability of internal financing will determine the importance of the level of corporate saving in a country. / Oor die afgelope vier dekades het die aandeel van maatskapybesparing in die totale besparing in Suid-Afika toegeneem. In hiersie vehandeling word veskillende ekonomiese teoriee ondersoek ten einde hierdie verandering te probeer veklaar en te probeer vasstel wat die implikasies van hierdie veandering is. Die gevolgtrekking waartoe gekom word, is dat die verband tussen die investeringsbeleid en die maatskappye se besparingsbesluit bepaal word deur faktore wat die finansieringskeuse van die firmas beinvloed, naamlik koste, risiko, beheer en beskikbaarheid. Indien hierdie faktore daartoe lei dat die maatskapye verkies om investering met terruggehoue bespaaring the finansier, is daar 'n verband tussen investering en die vlak van maatskappybesparing. Die mate waarin die investeringsbesluit afhanklik is van die beskikbaarheid van interne finansiering, sal bepaal hoe belangrik die vlak van maatskappybesparing in 'n land is. / Economics and Management Sciences / M.Com.

Maatskappybesparing en die investeringsbesluit

Van Zyl, Cecilia J. 11 1900 (has links)
The share of corporate saving in total saving in South Africa has increased during the past four decades. In this dissertation various economic theories are examined in order to try to explain this change and to determine the possible implications of this change. The conclusion is that the relationship between the investment decision of companies and their savings decision is governed by the determinants of the financing choice of firms. These include cost, risk, control and availability. If, because of these factors, firms prefer to finance investment with retained earnings, there is a relationship between investment and the level of corporate saving. The degree to which the investment decision is dependent on the availability of internal financing will determine the importance of the level of corporate saving in a country. / Oor die afgelope vier dekades het die aandeel van maatskapybesparing in die totale besparing in Suid-Afika toegeneem. In hiersie vehandeling word veskillende ekonomiese teoriee ondersoek ten einde hierdie verandering te probeer veklaar en te probeer vasstel wat die implikasies van hierdie veandering is. Die gevolgtrekking waartoe gekom word, is dat die verband tussen die investeringsbeleid en die maatskappye se besparingsbesluit bepaal word deur faktore wat die finansieringskeuse van die firmas beinvloed, naamlik koste, risiko, beheer en beskikbaarheid. Indien hierdie faktore daartoe lei dat die maatskapye verkies om investering met terruggehoue bespaaring the finansier, is daar 'n verband tussen investering en die vlak van maatskappybesparing. Die mate waarin die investeringsbesluit afhanklik is van die beskikbaarheid van interne finansiering, sal bepaal hoe belangrik die vlak van maatskappybesparing in 'n land is. / Economics and Management Sciences / M.Com.

Med alla korten på bordet : Vilken sparform skulle du välja för att pensionsspara privat? / With all the cards on the table : Which saving form would you choose to pension save private?

Lindqvist, Angela, Kedestad, Fredrik Sott January 2013 (has links)
Efter det svenska pensionssystemets reform 1998 har ett missnöje väckts hos många pensionssparare. Den allmänna pensionen tillsammans med tjänstepensionen räcker inte alltid till och därför finns det möjlighet till ett eget avdragsgillt privat pensionssparande. Det har dock visat sig att det avdragsgilltiga privata pensionssparandet är en ekonomisk förlustaffär för 76 procent av pensionsspararna. Då ett privat pensionssparande inte alltid är lönsamt, finns det frågeställningar angående om hur spararna bör agera. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka långsiktiga sparalternativ som finns för ett privat pensionssparande, utifrån en sparares perspektiv. Vidare ska vi belysa vilka faktorer som påverkar en individs val mellan de långsiktiga sparalternativ som finns. Slutligen ska vi förklara hur ett långsiktigt sparande skiljer sig åt beroende på vilken beskattningsbar förvärvsinkomst individen har. Studien har använt sig av metodtriangulering, genom att först genomföra en kvalitativ undersökning med bankaktörer, för att sedan genomföra en kvantitativ webbenkät. Analysen ledde fram konklusionen att det finns många långsiktiga sparformer att välja mellan, dock är valet av sparform högst individuellt. Vad gäller ett privat pensionssparande är denna sparform lönsammast för höginkomsttagare, på grund av skattesystemets utformning. Enligt denna uppsats empiriska resultat, har ett privat pensionssparande vissa fördelar jämfört med ett alternativt sparande. Detta indikerar att ett privat pensionssparande aldrig bör bytas ut, utan bör ses som ett komplement till ett alternativt långsiktigt sparande. / The aim with this paper is to examine which long-term saving alternatives there are for a private pension saving, from a savers perspective. Furthermore, we shall illuminate which factors that influence an individual’s choice between the long-term saving options that exists. Finally, we are going to explain how a long-term saving deviate due to which taxable income the individual have. In the frame of reference we introduce how the saving looks like in Sweden. Furthermore, former research and theories are introduced, which aims to illuminate the factors that influence the saver’s decision about saving alternative. The paper uses method triangulation, by first implementing a qualitative interview study with bank participants, followed by a quantitative questionnaire study online. The analysis leads to the conclusion that there are many saving forms to choose amongst, but the choice of saving form are very individual. In terms of a private pension saving this saving form are most profitable for high income earners, due to how the tax system is designed. According to the empirical results of this paper, a private pension saving have certain advantages compared with an alternative saving. This indicates that a private pension saving should not be replaced, but rather should be seen as a compliment to an alternative long-term saving.

China's pension reform, its impact on household savings, and interaction with financial market.

January 2002 (has links)
Li Wei. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 79-84). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / English Abstract --- p.ii / Chinese Abstract --- p.vii / Acknowledgements --- p.vi / Table of Contents --- p.vii / List of Graphs and Tables --- p.ix / Chapter Chapter 1: --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter 2: --- Literature Review / Chapter 2.1 --- Social Security and Savings --- p.3 / Chapter 2.2 --- Pension Funds and Financial Markets --- p.10 / Chapter 2.3 --- China's Pension Reform --- p.14 / Chapter Chapter 3: --- China's Pension Reform / Chapter 3.1 --- The Evolution of Pension System --- p.18 / Chapter 3.2 --- The Background for Current Reform --- p.21 / Chapter 3.3 --- The New Pension System --- p.27 / Chapter 3.4 --- Key Issues for Future Reform --- p.31 / Chapter Chapter 4: --- The Impact of Pension Reform on Private Savings in China / Chapter 4.1 --- The Theory --- p.36 / Chapter 4.2 --- The Model --- p.40 / Chapter 4.3 --- Data and Methodology --- p.45 / Chapter 4.4 --- Empirical Results --- p.49 / Chapter Chapter 5: --- The Interaction between Pension Reform and Financial Marketin China / Chapter 5.1 --- The Effects of A Funded Pension System on Financial Market --- p.53 / Chapter 5.2 --- Pension Reform and Financial Market in China --- p.59 / Chapter Chapter 6: --- Experiences of Chile and Singapore and the Implications for China / Chapter 6.1 --- The Pension Reform in Chile --- p.69 / Chapter 6.2 --- The Central Provident Funds in Singapore --- p.70 / Chapter 6.3 --- The Implications for China --- p.71 / Chapter Chapter 7: --- Conclusion --- p.76 / Bibliography --- p.79 / Data Appendix --- p.85

Microfinance and regional growth in Peru / Microfinanzas y crecimiento regional en el Perú

Aguilar Andía, Giovanna 10 April 2018 (has links)
The objective of this study is to make a quantitative evaluation of the impact that the expansion of microcredit has had on the growth of economic activity in the Peruvian regions. Taking as a theoretical framework the theory developed to analyze the relationship between economic growth and financial development and with annual information for 24 regions of the country for the period 2001 - 2008, a panel data model is estimated with per capita GDP growth as a dependent variable; and the loans provided by various types of microfinance institutions, loans from commercial banks and other variables that affect economic growth as explanatory variables. The evidence found suggests that microfinancial expansion has a positive impact on the growth of economic activity in the regions, which is not the case for the expansion of banking intermediation. A comparative static exercise shows that if CMAC, CRAC and specialized bank loans come to reach10% of GDP in each region, the growth rate of GDP per capita would rise by at least 4 percentage points. In the regions with greatest poverty, this increase is much more striking and significant. / El objetivo de este estudio es hacer una evaluación cuantitativa del impacto que la expansión del microcrédito ha tenido sobre crecimiento de la actividad económica en las regiones peruanas. Teniendo como marco conceptual la teoría desarrollada sobre el vínculo entre el crecimiento económico y el desarrollo financiero y con información anual para 24 regiones del país en el período 2001-2008, se estima un modelo de datos de panel que tiene como variable dependiente la tasa de crecimiento del PBI per cápita y como variables explicativas las colocaciones de los distintos tipos de instituciones microfinancieras como porcentaje del PBI, las colocaciones bancarias en porcentaje del PBI y otras variables que afectan el crecimiento económico. La evidencia encontrada sugiere que la expansión microfinanciera tiene un impacto positivo en el crecimiento del nivel de actividad de las regiones a diferencia de lo que ocurre con la expansión de la intermediación bancaria. Un ejercicio de estática comparativa muestra que si las colocaciones de las CMAC, CRAC y bancos especializados llegan a alcanzar el 10% del PBI, la tasa de crecimiento del PBI per cápita se elevaría en por lo menos 4 puntos porcentuales. En las regiones de mayor índice de pobreza este incremento es mucho más impactante y significativo.

Automação como suporte ao manejo sustentado da irrigação na cultura da alface no no município de Itabaiana - SE

Giacomelli, Waldiney 31 March 2011 (has links)
The present work was developed in the experimental area of the project "Pequeno Produtor, Grande Empreendedor that it is an area of vegetables production. It is located in the municipal district of Itabaiana in the state of Sergipe. The objective was to project and to create an automatized control of an irrigation system by leak, verifying the productive aspects related to the sustainability indicators. The calculation for water replacement in the soil was based on the estimate of the evapotranspiration starting from the reading of the climatological greatness accomplished by the agriculture-meteorological station installed at the experiment place. The equation of Penman-Montheith was used, recommended by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Once the estimated evapotranspiration was known, the control system did the other calculations to establish the time for the replacement of the necessary water sheet. The final comparison between the experiment and the normal production used by the producer points to a significant profit in the consumption of water and electric power. The microcontrolled control besides contributing for the decrease of the consumption of water supplies and electric power also provided an economy in the maintenance of the installed equipments. Doing so, a possibility of a higher economical profit is presented, contributing for life improvement of the small family producers, making their social and economic indicators better. / O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido na área experimental do projeto Pequeno Produtor Grande Empreendedor que é uma área de produção de hortaliças. Fica localizada no município de Itabaiana no estado de Sergipe. O objetivo foi projetar e criar um controle automatizado de um sistema de irrigação por gotejamento, verificando os aspectos produtivos relacionados com os indicadores de sustentabilidade. O cálculo para a reposição de água no solo foi baseado na estimativa da evapotranspiração a partir da leitura das grandezas climatológicas realizadas pela estação agro-meteorológica instalada no local do experimento. Utilizou-se a equação de Penman-Montheith, considerada padrão desde 1998 e recomendada pela Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Conhecida a evapotranspiração estimada, o sistema de controle realizou os demais cálculos para estabelecer o tempo necessário para a reposição da lâmina de água necessária. A comparação final entre o experimento e a produção normal utilizada pelo produtor aponta um ganho significativo no consumo de água e de energia elétrica. O controle microcontrolado além de contribuir para a diminuição do consumo dos recursos hídricos e energia elétrica, também proporcionou uma economia na manutenção dos equipamentos instalados. Com isso, chega-se a apresentar uma possibilidade de ganho econômico maior contribuindo para a melhoria de vida dos pequenos produtores familiares melhorando seus indicadores sócio-econômicos.

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