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Motivational changes due to individual differences and situational variations in ingroup identification can influence accessibility of memories of ingroup violence, victimization and glories. In Study 1, high identifiers recalled fewer incidents of ingroup violence and hatred than of ingroup suffering. As well, they recalled fewer incidents of ingroup violence and hatred than did low identifiers. In Study 2, a manipulation of ingroup identity produced shifts in memory. Relative to those in the low identity condition, participants in the high identity condition recalled fewer incidents of violence and hatred and more good deeds by members of their group. Participants in a control condition recalled more positive than negative group actions; this bias was exaggerated in the high identity condition and eliminated in the low identity condition. With respect to memories of ingroup tragedies, Studies 3 and 4 demonstrated that experimental reminders of ingroup suffering enhanced participants' sense of connectedness to the ingroup. The findings suggest that memories of ingroup aggressions threaten ingroup identity whereas memories of ingroup suffering enhance ingroup identity. Societal implications of the findings are discussed. The present research informs the literature on reconstructive memory by extending previous findings on the flexibility of personal memories to historical memory.
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Investigation of schema modes in the eating disordered populationJenkins, Gwenllian January 2009 (has links)
Many eating disordered patients fail to respond to traditional cognitive behaviour therapy. As a result it has been suggested that further research needs to be completed to determine the cognitive processes and mechanisms that underpin these disorders. This research aims to empirically test Young’s Schema Mode concept (Young et al., 2003) within the eating disordered population and determine the relationship between schema modes and early maladaptive schemata, experience of invalidation of emotion during childhood and symptoms of anxiety and depression. In total 15 patients from an outpatient eating disorders service and 28 non patient controls completed the Schema Mode Inventory, The Young Schema Questionnaire, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, The Invalidating Childhood Environment Scale, and measures of eating disordered pathology. Non parametric analyses were completed to determine the differences between the two groups. The relationship between all measures was determined using correlation analyses. The eating disordered group were significantly more dysfunctional than the control group across all schema modes and early maladaptive schemata. Both groups did not display uniformity in their dysfunctional schema modes. The eating disordered group had raised scores in the detached self soother, the compliant surrender and the vulnerable child mode, whereas the control group had lower scores in the detached protector and the vulnerable child modes. The measure if eating pathology was not associated with the total score on any questionnaire measure. This research indicates that the schema mode concept may be a useful addition to the schema model of eating disorders.
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L’intégration des identités : contraste de deux hypothèses contradictoiresCaron-Diotte, Mathieu 08 1900 (has links)
Tous les individus possèdent plusieurs identités, qui peuvent être vues entre elles comme étant conflictuelles ou compatibles. Lorsque des identités sont perçues comme compatibles, elles sont qualifiées d’intégrées. Deux théories tentent d’expliquer le processus cognitif derrière l’intégration identitaire. Le modèle biculturel de l’intégration des identités propose que les identités sont fusionnées alors que le modèle cognitif-développemental de l’intégration des identités (MCDII) suggère qu’elles restent distinctes. Afin de comparer ces modèles, deux études préliminaires et une étude expérimentale ont été menées. L’activation de l’identité étudiante fut manipulée auprès d’étudiants travailleurs, suivie d’une tâche de décision lexicale. Si les identités sont fusionnées, un effet de facilitation devrait être observé pour identifier des mots reliés à l’identité travailleuse. Si elles sont distinctes, un effet d’inhibition devrait être observé. Les résultats révèlent que les participants intégrés du groupe expérimental étaient plus lents pour identifier les mots ayant rapport à l’identité travailleuse que les participants du groupe contrôle. Conformément au MCDII, les résultats soutiennent que les identités intégrées sont distinctes. Les implications théoriques et pratiques sont discutées. / Every individual has multiple identities, which can be seen as conflictual or compatible. When identities are seen as compatible and complementary, they are said to be integrated. Two theoretical models try to explain the cognitive processes by which identities become integrated. The bicultural identity integration model propose that identities are merged while the cognitive-developmental model of identity integration (CDMII) proposes that identities stay distinct. Two preliminary studies and an experimental study have been conducted to compare the two models. The activation of the student identity has been manipulated with student workers, followed by a lexical decision task. If identities are combined, a facilitation effect should be observed. However, if they are distinct, an inhibition effect should be observed. Statistical analyses reveal that participants having integrated identities in the experimental group were slower to identify words linked to the worker identity than participants in the control group. These results support that integrated identities stay distinct. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
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Black women are disproportionately affected by cardiovascular disease (CVD). While chronic stress has been identified as a key contributor to CVD risk, research has not identified the specific mechanisms through which stress influences CVD risk among Black women. Research suggests that in response to stress, Black women who internalize the SBW Schema engage in high effort coping, avoidant coping, postponement of self-care, and other maladaptive health behaviors and experience premature health deterioration. However, it is important to consider that internalization of the SBW Schema may exert differential effects on the physiological profiles of Black women due to varied interpretations of experiences filtered through the Schema and differences in emotion regulation. As emotion regulation has a robust impact on cardiovascular outcomes, individual differences in internalization of the SBW Schema may be explained by this related construct. Given that limited research has examined the impact of psychological factors associated with CVD risk in Black women, the current study examined relations between CVD risk, chronic stress, emotion regulation, and the Strong Black Woman (SBW) Schema. Hypotheses were: 1) internalization of the SBW Schema (i.e., higher levels of endorsement) and chronic stress are unique predictors of CVD risk, 2) the relation between internalization of the SBW Schema and CVD risk will be partially mediated by emotion regulation, and 3) the effect of chronic stress on CVD risk will be moderated by internalization of the SBW Schema. Results provided partial support for the first hypothesis and did not support the second and third hypotheses. Results of exploratory analyses revealed relationships among psychological variables, such that greater endorsement of SBW Schema characteristics (obligation to manifest strength, dedication to care, independence, and emotion suppression) was related to greater overall difficulties with emotion regulation. Additionally, greater dedication to care predicted lower CVD risk and greater emotional suppression predicted higher CVD risk. The relationship between emotional suppression and CVD risk was mediated by emotion regulation. Results stand to inform future research and culturally specific prevention strategies to decrease CVD risk in Black women.
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Fuzzy databáze založená na E-R schématu / Fuzzy database based on an E-R schemaPlachý, Milan January 2012 (has links)
This text is especialy intended to those who are interested into fuzzy logic and its application in relational databases. It is mainly focused on concept of fuzzyfied relational database and implementation of such database. This text consists of two parts: theoretical aspects of fuzzyfication and implementation part. Selected extension is based on fuzzy E-R model so the requirements of the real world can be better met. This paper also describes existing solutions on different level of fuzzyfication. Part of the work is design and implementation of a simple software for querying over fuzzyfied relational database. This work shoud also serve as a guide for design and implementation of fuzzy database.
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Aktualizace XML dat / Updating XML dataMikuš, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
Updating XML data is very wide area, which must solve a number of difficult problems. From designing language with sufficient expressive power to the XML data repository able to apply the changes. Ways to deal with them are few. From this perspective, is this work very closely dedicated only to the language XQuery. Thus, its extension for updates, for which the candidate recommendation by the W3C were published only recently. Another specialization of this work is to focus only on the XML data stored in the objectrelational database with that repository will enforce the validity of documents to the scheme described in XML Schema. This requirement, combined with the possibility of updating of data in the repository is on the contradictory requirements. In this thesis is designed language based on XQuery language, designed and implemented evaluating of the update queries of the language on the store and a description and implementation of the store in objectrelational database.
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An Automated Data WarehouseSharathkumar, Sudhindra 07 August 2003 (has links)
An increasing number of organizations are implementing data warehouses to strengthen their decision support systems. This comes with the challenges of the population and the periodic update of data warehouses. In this thesis, we present a tool that provides users with features to create a warehouse database and transform structures of the source database into structures for the warehouse database. It is highly interactive, easy to use, and hides the underlying complexity of manual SQL code generation from its users. Attributes from source tables can be mapped into new attributes in the warehouse database tables using aggregate functions. Then, relevant data is automatically transported from the source database to the newly created warehouse. The tool thus integrates warehouse creation, schema mapping and data population into a single generalpurpose tool. This tool has been designed as a component of the framework for an automated data warehouse being developed at theComputer Science Department, University of New Orleans. Users of this framework are the database administrators, who will also be able to synchronize updates of multiple copies of the data warehouse. Warehouse images that need to be updated are taken offline and applications that need to access the data warehouse can now access any of the other image warehouses. The Switching Application built into this framework switches between databases in a way that is totally transparent to applications so that they do not realize existence of multiple copies of the data warehouse. In effect, even non-technical users can create, populate and update data warehouses with minimal time and effort.
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Contributions Of the Human Medial Prefrontal Cortex To Associative Recognition Memory: Evidence From Functional NeuroimagingIyengar, Vijeth January 2016 (has links)
<p>Neuroimaging studies of episodic memory, or memory of events from our personal past, have predominantly focused their attention on medial temporal lobe (MTL). There is growing acknowledgement however, from the cognitive neuroscience of memory literature, that regions outside the MTL can support episodic memory processes. The medial prefrontal cortex is one such region garnering increasing interest from researchers. Using behavioral and functional magnetic resonance imaging measures, over two studies, this thesis provides evidence of a mnemonic role of the medial PFC. In the first study, participants were scanned while judging the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with the sociopolitical views of unfamiliar individuals. Behavioral tests of associative recognition revealed that participants remembered with high confidence viewpoints previously linked with judgments of strong agreement/disagreement. Neurally, the medial PFC mediated the interaction between high-confidence associative recognition memory and beliefs associated with strong agree/disagree judgments. In an effort to generalize this finding to well-established associative information, in the second study, we investigated associative recognition memory for real-world concepts. Object-scene pairs congruent or incongruent with a preexisting schema were presented to participants in a cued-recall paradigm. Behavioral tests of conceptual and perceptual recognition revealed memory enhancements arising from strong resonance between presented pairs and preexisting schemas. Neurally, the medial PFC tracked increases in visual recall of schema-congruent pairs whereas the MTL tracked increases in visual recall of schema-incongruent pairs. Additionally, ventral areas of the medial PFC tracked conceptual components of visual recall specifically for schema-congruent pairs. These findings are consistent with a recent theoretical proposal of medial PFC contributions to memory for schema-related content. Collectively, these studies provide evidence of a role for the medial PFC in associative recognition memory persisting for associative information deployed in our daily social interactions and for those associations formed over multiple learning episodes. Additionally, this set of findings advance our understanding of the cognitive contributions of the medial PFC beyond its canonical role in processes underlying social cognition.</p> / Dissertation
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Extraction de modèles thermiques simplifiés des machines électriques à partir d’un calcul du champ de températures / Extraction of simplified equivalent thermal models of electrical machines from temperature field calculationsIdoughi, Mohand Laïd 09 December 2011 (has links)
L’élévation de la température est l’un des principaux paramètres limitant la puissance nominale des machines électriques. La température atteinte au niveau des bobinages, peut avoir de graves conséquences sur le système d’isolation des enroulements et peut ainsi réduire la durée de vie des machines électriques. Le travail de recherche effectué dans cette thèse s’attache à l’extraction de modèles thermiques simplifiés permettant la prédiction des niveaux d’échauffement. Nous avons alors mis en place une démarche basée sur une méthode numérique (Finite Intgeration Technique) qui permet une identification naturelle des grandeurs du modèle thermique. Cette démarche nécessite d’homogénéiser le bobinage en le remplaçant par un seul matériau homogène équivalent permettant de reproduire le même comportement thermique du cas réel du bobinage. Pour ce faire, plusieurs techniques d’homogénéisation ont été employées. Nous nous sommes également intéressés aux différentes configurations des conducteurs dans l’encoche en vue d’obtenir une meilleure évacuation de la chaleur dans le bobinage des machines électriques. La démarche proposée dans ce travail a pout objectif d’obtenir des modèles thermiques simplifiés qui peuvent être réduit à un seul nœud pour calculer la température du point chaud. La validité des modèles est évaluée par comparaison aux éléments finis en considérant deux formes géométriques de l’encoche : une encoche simple puis une encoche de géométrie plus complexe que l’on retrouve dans une machine à commutation de flux. / The temperature rise is one of the main parameters limiting the power of electrical machine. In fact in the stator windings the temperature rise decreases the performances of its insulation system and it can reduce the life time of the motors and it may even lead to the motor failure. Appropriate models of the windings are necessary to find the hot spot of the machine. The work proposed in this thesis focuses on the extraction of simplified thermal models in order to evaluate the temperature distribution. An approach based on a numerical method (Finite Integration Technique) has been developed allowing the identification of the thermal model parameters. As a first step the homogenization of the winding is necessary to obtain the thermal model of the stator slot which has a complex heterogeneous structure requiring careful modeling. The objective is then to replace the conductors and the resin by one homogenous material that reproduces a similar thermal behavior. Several homogenization techniques are used to determine the effective thermal conductivity of the composite material. We are also interested to study different configurations or distributions of the conductors in the slot to limit heat dissipation in the windings of electrical machines. The second part of this thesis presents a method, based on the Finite Integration Technique (FIT) for the discretization that gives us an equivalent thermal model allowing the evaluation of transient temperature evolutions in the slot with low calculation cost.
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La construction du schéma corporel dans un cerveau en développement / Body schema building in a developping brainFontan, Aurélie 12 July 2017 (has links)
La proprioception est la modalité essentielle pour la construction du schéma corporel (SC) qui se construit au cours de la vie. Cette thèse cherche à comprendre la construction du SC au cours du développement en explorant l’intégration proprioceptive (IP). L’utilisation des vibrations tendineuses en IRMf chez l’enfant et l’adulte, révèle que les bases neurales de l’IP sont établies dès 7 ans. Mais, chez l’enfant apparait une moindre activation des régions pariétales et sensorielles ainsi que l’activation du cortex frontopolaire, confirmant la lente maturation de l’IP. L’étude de la maturation de l’acuité proprioceptive (AP) corrélé à des données d’IRMf de repos chez l’enfant et l’adulte révèle que l’AP est supportée dès 8 ans par une interaction entre le réseau sensorimoteur (SMN) et frontopariétal (FPN). Chez l’enfant seulement apparait une relation inverse entre FPN-SMN et AP et une relation cerebello-corticales et AP. Un désengagement des connexions cerebello-corticales laisse place à des connexions cortico-corticales avec l’âge. L’exploration du couplage perception-action, essentiel pour la construction du SC, révèle que la manipulation de l’action impacte plus largement la perception des enfants et des adolescents. La construction d’une représentation stable grâce à ce couplage est fonctionnelle dès 6 ans mais poursuit sa maturation au cours de l’adolescence. Nous avons révélé l’établissement précoce et la lente maturation des bases neurales du SC. L’engagement de structures supplémentaires chez l’enfant renforcerait le neurodéveloppement du SC. La construction du SC utilisant l’IP est moins efficace chez les enfants et les adolescents révélant sa lente maturation. / Proprioception is the sensory modality essential to body schema (BS) building which is built through ontogenesis. This thesis’ aim highlights the building of the BS through childhood and adolescence by exploring proprioceptive integration (PI) at both behavioural and brain level. Using tendon vibration during fMRI in children and adults, revealed that the neural basis of BS are already established from the age of 7. Yet, in children appeared a less activation of parietal and sensory areas as well as an exclusive activation of the frontopolar cortex confirming the slow maturation of PI. Proprioceptive acuity (PA) assessment correlated with resting state data in children and adults revealed that PA is supported by an interaction between the sensorimotor and the frontoparietal networks in both groups. Yet, in children only, this interaction is reversed compared to adults, and they presented also the involvement of cortico-cerebellar connexions to support PA. The disengagement of cortico-cerebellar connexions leaves room to cortico-cortical connexions with age. The evaluation of the perception-action coupling, essential to the BS building through development, revealed that action strongly impact children’s and adolescents’ perception of human body. The building of a reliable representation thanks to this coupling, is present from the age of 6 but continue its maturation through adolescence. Therefore, we revealed the early establishment and the slow maturation of the BS neural basis. The engagement of additional structures in children would reinforce the BS neurodevelopment. The BS building using PI is less efficient in children and adolescents revealing its slow maturation.
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