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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


BERNARDO ARRAES VINHOSA 02 October 2007 (has links)
[pt] O sistema Clairvoyant é um protótipo de repositório de medições de software cujo diferencial é oferecer a capacidade de evolução transparente do modelo de medição. Isso quer dizer que as alterações no modelo de medição podem ser feitas sem expor a estrutura interna do armazenamento de medições que torna possível essa evolução. A importância desse tema advém do fato das necessidades de informação que geram as medições em ambientes de engenharia de software estarem em constante mudança. Para que o sistema Clairvoyant comportasse a evolução transparente do modelo de medição, foi necessário dotálo de um meta-modelo de medições e um modelo de consultas adequados a este fim. Na dissertação são explicados esses modelos e a influência deles nos macroprocessos operacionais do repositório de medição (manutenção do modelo de medições, importação de dados, consulta aos dados e exportação de dados). / [en] The Clairvoyant system is a software measurement repository prototype which stands out for allowing transparent evolution in its measurement model. This means that changes can be made to its measurement model without revealing the underlying storage structure which makes possible this evolution. This is an important concern due to the fact that the information needs to which the measurements respond constantly evolve. The Clairvoyant system was designed based on a measurement meta-model and a measurement query model to make it possible to transparently evolve its measurement model. This work explains these models and studies their influence on the repository´s operational macro-processes (measurement model maintenance, measurement data importing, measurement data querying and measurement data exporting).

Gender Performativity and Motherhood in Coraline

Nilsson, Nina January 2019 (has links)
Coraline by Neil Gaiman has several characters who in many ways break gender norms. The main protagonist of the novel, Coraline, acts more in accordance with masculine gender norms, and the mother figures are mothers who do not fully conform to the traditional mother role. The purpose of this study is to look at how Coraline and the mother figures perform their gender, and in which ways this breaks with or aligns with traditional gender norms. The analytical approach is based on Judith Butler’s theory of gender performativity, and on masculine and feminine gender schemas defined by John Stephens. For the analysis of motherhood, gender performativity has also been used, and works by Adrienne Rich and Einat Natalie Palkovich. This study shows that the protagonists challenge traditional gender role norms of masculinity and femininity, whereof motherhood is part. The study also shows that there is a lack of female role models for the young protagonist, and that acting according to masculine gender norms is desirable and necessary in the novel. But for the mothers, breaking gender norms is undesirable, dangerous, and even punished. A conclusion of the study is that even though Coraline appears to be a feminist novel, the underlying message is not entirely so.


DANIELA FRANCISCO BRAUNER 10 December 2008 (has links)
[pt] Um mediador é um componente de software que auxilia o acesso a fontes de dados. Com o advento da Web, a construção de mediadores impõe desafios importantes, tais como a capacidade de fornecer acesso integrado a fontes de dados independentes e dinâmicas e a habilidade de resolver a heterogeneidade semântica entre os esquemas destas fontes. Para lidar com esses desafios, o alinhamento de esquemas é uma questão fundamental. Nesta tese são propostas abordagens de alinhamento de esquemas de classificação (tesauros) e esquemas conceituais, utilizando instâncias como evidências para os mapeamentos. As abordagens propostas são classificadas em dois tipos: adaptativa e a priori, referindo-se, respectivamente, à descoberta dos mapeamentos de forma incremental ou à definição dos mapeamentos antes da implantação do mediador. Por fim, são apresentados experimentos para validação e teste das abordagens propostas. / [en] A mediator is a software component that helps accessing data sources. With the advent of the Web, the design of mediators imposes important challenges, such as the ability of providing integrated access to independent and dynamic data sources and the ability of resolving the semantic heterogeneity between different data source schemas. To deal with these challenges, schema matching is a fundamental issue. In this thesis, matching approaches for classification schemas (thesauri) and conceptual schemas are proposed, using instances as evidences for the mappings. The proposed approaches are classified as adaptative and a priori, referring to, respectively, the discovery of the mappings in an incremental way or the definition of the mappings before the deployment of the mediator. Finally, experiments to validate and test the proposed approaches are presented.

Posição e crítica da função simbólica nos primeiros trabalhos de Merleau-Ponty. / Position and criticism against the symbolic function in Merleau-Ponty\'s first works.

Verissimo, Danilo Saretta 02 September 2009 (has links)
No presente estudo, propomos o exame do problema da função simbólica nos primeiros trabalhos de Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Mais especificamente, trata-se de abordar a posição do problema n\' \"A estrutura do comportamento\", obra publicada em 1942, e sua retomada crítica na \"Fenomenologia da percepção\", publicada em 1945. Esse tema, pouco explicitado pelo filósofo, é também objeto de raros debates entre seus comentadores. Em seu primeiro trabalho, Merleau-Ponty, apropriando-se da semântica do símbolo advinda da neuropsiquiatria do início do século XX, caracterizara o nível de organização da corporalidade humana a partir da sua capacidade de ultrapassar o caráter imediato das situações vividas. A atitude categorial, ou simbólica, aparecia, então, como uma nova significação do comportamento, tendo em vista as formas sincrética e amovível do comportamento encontradas na escala zoológica. A atividade humana investiria o meio de virtualidade e, assim, redimensionaria a existência concreta que se denota no comportamento animal. Nos capítulos da \"Fenomenologia da percepção\" em que Merleau-Ponty trata da espacialidade, da motricidade e da expressividade do corpo próprio, do mesmo modo que o autor prescinde das explicações causais dos fenômenos patológicos utilizados à guisa de material de discussão, ele prescinde das explicações calcadas na função simbólica, doravante associadas a análises de cunho intelectualista. O filósofo combate, tanto na neuropsiquiatria representada especialmente por Gelb e Goldstein quanto na filosofia de Cassirer, o que considera representar uma autonomia crescente da ideação simbólica na dinâmica entre conteúdo e forma. Ao mesmo tempo, Merleau-Ponty nos faz ver que, nessa neuropsiquiatria e nessa filosofia do símbolo, é possível apreender análises fenomenológicas acerca da expressividade motora, gesticular e linguageira do corpo próprio. Tais análises revelam, nele, uma forma de saber que não se reduz nem à ordem do em si nem à ordem do para si, delineando, portanto, a noção de intencionalidade que interessa ao filósofo desenvolver, fundada na unidade sinérgica do corpo próprio. Daí a importância que um outro dispositivo teórico-antropológico adquire ao longo da \"Fenomenologia da percepção\": a noção de esquema corporal. / In this study, we aim to investigate the problem of the symbolic function in Maurice Merleau-Ponty\'s first works. More specifically, we address the position of that problem in \"The Structure of Behavior\", published in 1942, and its critical review in the \"Phenomenology of perception\", published in 1945. This theme, on which the philosopher provided few specifications, is also a source of rare debates among his commentators. In his first work, Merleau-Ponty, using the semantics of the symbol from early 20th-century neuropsychiatry, characterizes the organizational level of human corporality based on its ability to go beyond the immediate nature of the experienced situations. The categorial or symbolic attitude seemed to be a new signification of behavior, in view of the synchretic and movable forms of behavior found on the zoological scale. Human activity would imbue the environment with virtuality and, thus, redimension the concrete existence denoted in animal behavior. In those chapters of the \"Phenomenology of perception\" in which Merleau-Ponty discusses the spatiality, motricity and expressiveness of the own body, in the same way as the author does without the causal explanations of the pathological phenomena used as discussion material, he dispenses with the explanations traced in the symbolic function, hereafter associated with intellectualist analyses. The philosopher combats, both in the neuropsychiatry particularly represented by Gelb and Goldstein and in Cassirer\'s philosophy, what he considers to represent a growing autonomy of the symbolic idea in the dynamics between content and form. At the same time, Merleau-Ponty makes us see that, in this neuropsychiatry and philosophy of the symbol, phenomenological analyses can be apprehended about motor, gesture and language expressions of the own body. These analyses reveal a form of knowing that is reduced neither to the order of in itself nor to the order of for itself, thus outlining the notion of intentionality which the philosopher wants to develop, based on the synergical unit of the own body. This explains the importance another theoretical-anthropological device gains in the \"Phenomenology of perception\": the notion of body schema.

XEM: XML Evolution Management

Kramer, Diane S. 21 July 2001 (has links)
"As information on the World Wide Web continues to proliferate at an astounding rate, the Extensible Markup Language (XML) has been emerging as a standard format for data representation on the web. In many application domains, specific document type definitions (DTDs) are designed to enforce a semantically agreed-upon structure of the XML documents. In XML context, these structural definitions serve as schemata. However, both the data and the structure (schema) of XML documents tend to change over time for a multitude of reasons, including to correct design errors in the DTD, to allow expansion of the application scope over time, or to account for the merging of several businesses into one. Most of the current software tools that enable the use of XML do not provide explicit support for such data or schema changes. Using these tools in a changing environment entails making manual edits to DTDs and XML data and reloading them from scratch. In this vein, we put forth the first solution framework, called XML Evolution Manager (XEM), to manage the evolution of DTDs and XML documents. XEM provides a minimal yet complete taxonomy of basic change primitives. These primitives, classified as either data or schema changes, are consistency-preserving. For a data change, they ensure that the modified XML document conforms to its DTD both in structure and constraints. For a schema change, they ensure that the new DTD is well-formed, and all existing XML documents are transformed also to conform to the modified DTD. We prove both the completeness of our evolution taxonomy, as well as its consistency-preserving nature. To verify the feasibility of our XEM approach we have implemented a working prototype system in Java, using the XML4J parser from IBM and PSE Pro as our backend storage system. We present an experimental study run on this system where we compare the relative efficiencies of the primitive operations in terms of their execution times. We then contrast these execution times against the time to reload the data, which would be required in a manual system. Based on the results of these experiments we conclude that our approach improves upon the previous method of making manual changes and reloading data from scratch by providing automated evolution management facilities for DTDs and XML documents."

Djupläsning? : En analys av läroboksuppgifter riktade mot skönlitterära texter

Strandberg, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att genom en jämförande läsning av olika skönlitterära lärobokstexter och dess tillhörande uppgifter kunna få ytterligare kunskap om vilken/vilka lässtrategier som uppgifterna inbjuder till. Studiens material utgörs av tre olika läroböcker och studeras med hjälp av ett analysverktyg som är utformat efter studiens frågeställningar; - Är uppgifterna till lärobokstexterna inriktade mot det som står på, mellan och/eller bortom raderna? - Vilka strategier krävs av eleverna för att de ska kunna besvara frågorna? - Förekommer det skillnader vad gäller uppgifternas inriktning och de lässtrategier som uppgifterna inbjuder till mellan de olika målgrupperna? Metoden för studien är textanalys som dels är kvalitativ, dels kvantitativ. Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgörs av schemateori, vilken har sin bakgrund i kognitivistisk teori. Av resultatet framgår att i två av läroböckerna är svar som står att finna både på och mellan raderna det allra vanligaste och i en av läroböckerna är svar som står att finna på raderna det vanligaste. Eftersom på raderna och på och mellan raderna är uppgifternas vanligaste inriktning dras bland annat slutsatsen lärare behöver gå utanför läroböckerna när läsförståelse är den förmåga som ska tränas eftersom uppgifterna inte inbjuder till analys och reflektion och därmed heller inte att scheman inte aktiveras. En annan slutsats som dras är att bara för att uppgifter inbjuder till elaboreringsstrategier, övervakningsstrategier eller struktureringsstrategier – som är djupa och därmed inverkar positivt på läsförståelsen – är det inte säkert att det är dessa som eleverna tillämpar. Elever behöver därför få explicit strategiundervisning. Utifrån studiens tredje frågeställning framgår att läroboken för yrkesprogrammen är den som i störst grad uppmanar elever till användande av ytliga strategier och därmed ytläsning istället för djupläsning. Det innebär att förväntningen på elever är olika och det är det som läroböckerna speglar.

Metáforas e significados na composição musical : quando o compositor revisita e ressignifica seus passos

Soares, Carlos Walter Alves January 2016 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta elucidações técnicas e interpretações póscomposicionais de quatro peças compostas durante o doutorado: “Io” e “Calisto”, para piano solo, “Ganimedes” e “Europa”, para dois pianos. A composição musical é abordada em três etapas: a) descrição dos aspectos musicais e extramusicais dos primeiros estágios da composição; b) investigação das características sonoras das peças; c) construção de interpretações ficcionais pós-composicionais, imaginando as luas de Júpiter como ímpeto composicional e interpretativo. O terceiro estágio é realizado na perspectiva da teoria contemporânea das metáforas, tal qual proposta por George Lakoff e Mark Johnson e, posteriormente, por Mark Turner e Gilles Falconnier. Através da apresentação das categorias de metáforas, cruzamentos de mapeamento de domínios, esquemas de imagens, princípio de invariância, espaços conceptuais e mesclagem conceptual, se estabelecem, neste trabalho, conexões entre os conceitos metafóricos e a conceptualização metafórica da música. Isso contribui para a aproximação entre as características marcantes das peças e as cenas/ações propostas como primeira etapa das interpretações pós-composicionais, construídas pelo compositor. O trabalho propõe-se a pensar sobre a atribuição de significados da composição musical em uma perspectiva global, em que elementos extramusicais podem expandir a assimilação do fenômeno musical, bem como contribuir para a pedagogia da composição musical e para a produção de trabalhos colaborativos. / This thesis presents technical elucidations and post-compositional interpretations of four pieces composed during my doctorate degree: "Io" and "Calisto", for solo piano, "Ganimedes" and "Europa" for two pianos. The music composition is approached in three steps: a) description of the musical and extra musical aspects of the first stages of the composition; b) investigation of the sonorous characteristics of the pieces; c) construction of fictional postcompositional interpretations, imagining Jupiter's moons as compositional and interpretative impetus. The third stage is achieved under the perspective of the contemporary theory of metaphor proposed by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, and posteriorly developed by Mark Turner and Gilles Falconnier. Through the introduction of metaphor categories, the cross-domain mapping, the image schema, the invariance principle, the mental spaces and the conceptual blending, some connections are established between the metaphoric concepts and the metaphoric conceptualization of music. This contributes to the approximation between the main characteristics of the pieces and the scenes/actions proposed in the first step of the post-compositional interpretations. This work proposes a reflection about the attribution of meanings on the musical composition in a global perspective, where extra musical elements can expand the assimilation of the musical phenomenon, as well as to contribute to the pedagogy of musical composition and the production of collaborative works.

Modélisation dynamique de systèmes complexes pour le calcul de grandeurs fiabilistes et l’optimisation de la maintenance / Dynamic modeling of complex systems for reliability calculations and maintenance optimization

Lair, William 18 November 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer une méthode permettant d’optimiser la stratégie de maintenance d’un système multi-composants. Cette nouvelle stratégie doit être adaptée aux conditions d’utilisation et aux contraintes budgétaires et sécuritaires. Le vieillissement des composants et la complexité des stratégies de maintenance étudiées nous obligent à avoir recours à de nouveaux modèles probabilistes afin de répondre à la problématique. Nous utilisons un processus stochastique issu de la Fiabilité Dynamique nommé processus markovien déterministe par morceaux (Piecewise Deterministic Markov Process ou PDMP). L’évaluation des quantités d’intérêt (fiabilité, nombre moyen de pannes...) est ici réalisé à l’aide d’un algorithme déterministe de type volumes finis. L’utilisation de ce type d’algorithme, dans ce cadre d’application, présente des difficultés informatiques dues à la place mémoire. Nous proposons plusieurs méthodes pour repousser ces difficultés. L’optimisation d’un plan de maintenance est ensuite effectuée à l’aide d’un algorithme de recuit simulé. Cette méthodologie a été adaptée à deux systèmes ferroviaires utilisés par la SNCF, l’un issu de l’infrastructure, l’autre du matériel roulant. / The aim of this work is to propose a methodology to optimize a multi-components system maintenance. This new maintenance strategy must be adapted to budget and safety constraints and operating conditions. The aging of components and the complexity of studied maintenance strategies require us to use new probabilistic models in order to address the problem. A stochastic process from Dynamic Reliability calculations are here established by using a deterministic algorithm method based on a finite volume scheme. Using this type of algorithm in this context of application presents difficulties due to computer memory space. We propose several methods to counter these difficulties. The optimization of a maintenance plan is then performed using simulated annealing algorithm. This methodology was used to optimize the maintenance of two rail systems used by the French national railway company (SNCF).

Inference of an XML Schema with the Knowledge of XML Operations / Inference of an XML Schema with the Knowledge of XML Operations

Mikula, Mário January 2012 (has links)
Recently, plenty of methods dealing with automatic inference of XML schema have been developed, however, most of them utilize XML documents as their only input. In this thesis we focus on extending inference by incorporating XML operations, in particular XQuery queries. We discuss how can XQuery queries help in improving the inference process and we propose an algorithm based on chosen improvements, extending an existing method of a key discovery, that can be integrated to methods inferring so-called initial grammar. By implementing it, we created the first solution of XML schema inference using XML documents along with XML operations.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: An Experimental Study Examining the Relationship Between Music Lyrics and Body Satisfaction in Emerging Adult Women

Davis, Emilie Jill 01 August 2017 (has links)
Over the past decade, there has been an increase in academic research on media and its influences on body satisfaction. To date, the majority of body image literature focuses on low body satisfaction. While low body satisfaction leads to negative outcomes, high body satisfaction leads to a host of positive outcomes. Further, in a non-academic domain, it would seem that even some media icons are starting to take part in the effort to try to promote positive appearance messages. Singers like Christina Aguilera, Colbie Caillat, and Alessia Cara have begun writing songs like Beautiful, Try, and Scars To Your Beautiful to combat the rampant standard of the thin ideal. The current study consists of an experiment to examine the effects of positive or negative appearance music lyrics and their influence on body related outcomes (body satisfaction measured implicitly through an IAT, self-reports of body satisfaction, and observed body surveillance) in emerging adult women while moderating by adherence to sociocultural attitudes of media ideals. Results revealed that participants who listened to the positive lyrics reported significantly better body satisfaction as compared to those who listened to the negative lyrics. However, those who listened to positive lyrics did not report significantly better body satisfaction compared to those in the neutral condition and those in the neutral condition did not differ significantly from those in the negative condition. Due to preconceived schema regarding how participants already felt about their appearance, perhaps they were primed to hear lyrics confirming their appearance fears (or soothing them), but failed to attend to lyrics "unappearance" related (the neutral lyrics). Therefore, when asked about their body satisfaction, their responses reflected what they attended to, namely, either the positive or negative lyrics, not the neutral lyrics.

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