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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelagem da eficiência de coleta em ciclones utilizando a fluidodinâmica computacional / Modeling the cyclone collection efficiency using computational fluid dynamics

Ramirez, Maribel Valverde 30 September 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:55:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5587.pdf: 3066852 bytes, checksum: 17d88d3ab913d61bb315842b57ec5a74 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-30 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / Cyclones are used to separate suspended particles from gas streams. The analysis of flow inside the cyclone is complex due to the large number of parameters and operating variables that influence the dynamics of the system. Due to its versatility of use and its robustness, results in computational fluid dynamic are an important alternative often used to study the dynamics of flow in the cyclone. In the literature, several works make use of computational fluid dynamics in order to study the pressure drop of cyclones. However, the works about the efficiency of collection are fewer. For the cyclone, computational fluid dynamics allows an accurately simulation of the collection efficiency of particles with diameter greater than 5 µm; but for particles with smaller diameters the simulated results diverge from experimental values. In this work, Stairmand s cyclone was numerically simulated with injected particles with diameters from 1 to 5 µm. The results were verified using available experimental data reported in the literature. The experimental data taken from literature belong to Zhao and Shen Kang (2004) and Zhao (2005). The simulation mesh was analyzed before and after the simulations. The turbulence models used in the simulation of flow in the cyclone were: Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) and Large Eddy Simulation (LES). The dispersed phase was simulated considering one and two way couplings. The equation of motion of the particles was integrated using the integration schemes: implicit, analytic, trapezoidal, and Runge-Kutta. The results showed that the methodology was adequate to reproduce the behavior of the flow in the cyclone. The error percentages obtained in pressure drop were under 5% and the average collection efficiency was reproduced with good accuracy for diameters of 3, 4 and 5 µm. / O ciclone é um equipamento utilizado para separar partículas suspensas em correntes gasosas. A análise do escoamento dentro do ciclone é complexa devido ao grande número de parâmetros e variáveis operacionais que influenciam na dinâmica do sistema. Devido a sua versatilidade de uso e a sua robustez nos resultados a fluidodinâmica computacional é uma alternativa importante utilizada com frequência no estudo da dinâmica do escoamento no ciclone. Na literatura existem vários trabalhos que fazem uso da fluidodinâmica computacional no estudo da queda de pressão. Entretanto, no estudo da eficiência de coleta, os artigos são em menor quantidade. No ciclone, a fluidodinâmica computacional permite simular a eficiência de coleta de partículas com diâmetro maiores que 5 µm com bastante precisão; a modelagem da eficiência de coleta para partículas com diâmetros menores ainda resultam em valores diferentes dos valores experimentais. Neste trabalho foram realizadas as simulações numéricas no ciclone tipo Stairmand; foram injetadas partículas de 1 a 5 µm. Para a verificação foram tomados dados experimentais disponíveis na literatura. Os dados experimentais foram obtidos por Zhao, Shen e Kang (2004) e Zhao (2005). A malha utilizada nas simulações, foi analisada antes e depois das simulações. Os modelos de turbulência utilizados para simular o escoamento no ciclone foram: Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) e Large Eddy Simulation (LES). A fase dispersa foi simulada considerando acoplamento de uma via e acoplamento de duas vias. Para integrar as equações de movimento das partículas, foram utilizados os esquemas de integração: implícito, analítico, trapezoidal e Runge-Kutta. Os resultados mostraram que a metodologia empregada mostrou-se adequada para reproduzir o comportamento do escoamento no ciclone. As porcentagens de erro obtidos na queda de pressão foram em média menores que 5% e na eficiência de coleta foram reproduzidas com boa precisão para os diâmetros de 3, 4 e 5 µm.

「意」的多義現象研究:以語料庫為本 / A Corpus-based Semantic Analysis of Mandarin Polysemy /Yi4/

莊舜雯, Chuang, Shun Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以「意」的雙字詞彙為主要研究範圍,由詞彙內部結構及上下文切入以釐清「意」的多義現象。前人關於「意」的多義現象討論不多,僅有歷時的探源研究、與內在身體部位「心」的比較以及心理學認識活動的相關論述,至今尚未有關於「意」之共時性語料庫研究。於彙整《中文詞彙網路2.0》與《教育部重編國語辭典修訂本》中「意」的義項,並清楚制定「認知」、「情感」、「意志」三個語意類別後,本研究分析了《中央研究院現代漢語平衡語料庫4.0》一千萬詞條版本中的相關語料。研究結果包含了兩個面向的討論:「意」的詞彙內部結構和語意分佈之間的關係以及「意」的意象圖式。 首先,研究發現「意」在構詞上屬於名詞性黏著詞根詞素,可同時作為詞在句子中自由移動的情形不多;「意」在語意上則屬於「心理集合名詞」,而心理集合名詞為一多義詞素,詞彙語意的完整有賴其共現成分。其次,「*意」結構的詞類包含了名詞、狀態動詞、動作動詞、副詞四種詞類,而「意*」結構僅包含名詞、狀態動詞、動作動詞三種。其中,「*意」的構詞能力較「意*」強,語意分佈上則皆以「意志」類為主。 最後,從雙音詞的上下文中發掘了「意」的三條刺激反應路徑,統整出「意」的意象圖式,得知「意」的雙字詞多用於「報導」方面。若刺激類別為「文章/話語」或「外在景色」通常由「當局經驗者」報導概念內涵或刺激為其帶來之感覺,若刺激類別為「人際客體」則通常由「旁觀經驗者」報導當局經驗者理解概念之過程、心理狀態或意志狀態。華語教師在講解「意」之詞彙時,可透過解釋其共現成分之詞意為學生建立語意類別的概念,亦可運用刺激類別及報導的方式讓學生知道「意」的雙音詞使用上的差別。 關鍵字: 「意」、多義名詞、詞彙內部結構、意象圖式、中研院現代漢語平衡語料庫 / Key word: Yi4,polysemy, word component structure, image schema, Mandarin Corpus This thesis reports the polysemous usage of the disyllabic words containing Yi4 ‘meaning’ with the emphasis on their internal structure and co-text. Previous studies on Mandarin polysemy Yi4 mostly focused on the classic manuscripts, the comparison between Xin1 ‘heart’ and Yi4 ‘meaning’, or the philosophical system of knowing. However, none of them was based on real texts from the corpus. Based on the senses taken from the Chinese Wordnet 2.0 and the Revised Mandarin Chinese Dictionary, we categorized the usage of Yi4 as FEELING, COGNITION and INTENTION. Using these as the criteria, we analyzed the data from the Sinica Corpus 4.0. The results were discussed based on two aspects, the interrelationship between the internal structures and meaning distribution, and the image schema of Yi4. For the internal structures, we discovered that Yi4 serves not only as a bound-root morpheme at the syntactical level but also as a semantically polysemous psycho-collection morpheme which needs the co-occurred morpheme to fulfill its word meaning. We also found that most instances in both ‘X+Yi4’ and ‘Yi4+X’ structures belong to INTENTION, and these include nouns, action verbs, and stative verbs. However, only the ‘X+Yi4’ structure, with its stronger word-forming ability, contains adverbial use. In addition to internal structures, for the analysis of co-texts, we came up with the image schema of Yi4 which contains three stimulus-response routes. If the stimulus is article/speech/scenery, Yi4 tends to have a direct experiencer conducting a first-hand report about his/her feeling. If the stimulus comes from a human body, Yi4 prefers having an indirect experiencer conducting a second-hand report about the direct experiencer’s emotion, cognitive process or willing. Finally, this thesis also offers some pedagogical suggestions and application based on the findings.

Implementering av ett bokningssystem med Google Calendar / Implementation of a Booking System with Google Calendar

Blom, Oskar, Kovan, Novan January 2014 (has links)
Denna rapport redogör för implementationen av ett bokningssystem med integrering av Google Calendar API. Uppdraget var främst till för att utvärdera potentialen av ett bokningssystem där Google Calendar användes som scheman för personalen. Projektet skulle även kunna användas som ett grundsystem för att skräddarsy bokningssystem för olika företagsmodeller. Det slutgiltiga systemet blev en hemsida för tidsbokning, ett Web-API för kommunikation med hemsidan, integration av Google Calendar API för att hämta och lägga till tidsbokningar på personalens scheman samt lagring av data i en databas. / This report describes the implementation of a booking system with the integration of Google Calendar API. The objective was primarily to evaluate the potential of a booking system where Google Calendar was used as schedules for staff. The project could also be used as a base system for customizing booking systems for different business models. The final system consisted of a website for making appointments, a Web API for communicating with the website, integration of Google Calendar API to retrieve and add appointments to the schedules of the staff and storing data in a database.

Cercles citoyens et espace public : la démocratisation organisationnelle à l’épreuve des rodas brésiliennes

Ruelland, Isabelle 05 1900 (has links)
Au Brésil, les mouvements antiautoritaires engagés notamment dans de la réforme psychiatrique participent de la création de dispositifs de participation sociale parmi les plus innovants qu’on puisse trouver sur le plan de la démocratisation. La présente recherche avait d’abord pour objectif de comprendre comment de ces dispositifs agissent sur les rapports sociaux de pouvoir traversant le réseau de santé mentale de la ville de Campinas dans l’État de São Paulo. Nous problématisons les forces sociales et économiques qui participent de la construction de ce réseau et de son « système d’analyse et de cogestion » ; une organisation participative impliquant côte à côte des destinataires, des travailleurs, des gestionnaires et parfois des élus locaux. En survolant les différents courants de la sociologie des organisations, nous découvrons le rôle central de la prise en compte du destinataire de services pour l’étude de la dimension sociopolitique de l’organisation. Il ne s’agit pas d’étudier les rapports sociaux de pouvoir sous l’angle des dispositifs participatifs, mais bien à partir des expériences vécues et de la production collective de subjectivation politique. À partir de données recueillies lors d’une ethnographie de huit mois auprès du réseau de santé mentale de Campinas, nous observons en quoi la transformation des rapports sociaux de pouvoir vécue subjectivement par les acteurs renvoie à des configurations collectives spécifiques communément nommées rodas (cercle en portugais). Cette notion fait référence aux situations au cours desquelles un petit groupe d’acteurs se réunit pour réfléchir, débattre et décider d’actions à mener en rapport à la santé mentale dans la ville. Ces configurations collectives permettent aux citoyens de donner sens et forme à un projet local de démocratisation. L’étude se consacre alors à comprendre comment les rodas agissent sur les rapports sociaux de pouvoir induits par l’organisation participative locale. En 2012, le réseau de santé mentale de Campinas traverse une des plus importantes crises de son histoire. Des coupures et la privatisation de services ont mené à une vaste mobilisation citoyenne. Dans ce contexte, nous identifions les points de tensions et d’agencements entre les rodas et les dispositifs participatifs du réseau en portant attention aux expériences quotidiennes. L’analyse des rodas ouvre de nouvelles pistes de compréhension des dynamiques de pouvoir collectif en contexte organisationnel. Par le partage de temps dans une pluralité d’espaces ouverts, par le partage d’affects ainsi que par la problématisation collective d’évènements critiques affectant le quotidien, les rodas agissent sur la hiérarchisation de manière à la réduire. Cet effort collectif de démocratisation sans cesse renouvelé ne permet toutefois pas de venir à bout des inégalités de pouvoir induites par l’organisation des services et par la société brésilienne. Comme pratique citoyenne, les rodas constituent néanmoins des leviers collectifs pour dénoncer des contradictions et des injustices sociales au sein et en dehors de l’organisation participative. Elles relèvent la possibilité d’une critique collective continue ouverte à la créativité sociale. Cette recherche ouvre un nouveau champ d’études sur les innovations citoyennes en contexte d’organisation participative; un champ d’autant plus prometteur qu’il s’inscrit dans un renouvellement critique de la sociologie des organisations. / In Brazil, anti-authoritarian movements, particularly those engaged in psychiatric reform, are creating some of the newest innovative democratic forms of social participation. The aim of this research is first to understand how these new participatory schema act on the social relations of power across the mental health network in the city of Campinas in the State of São Paulo. I first problematize the social and economic forces involved in the construction of this network and its "system of analysis and co-management". This participatory model of organization requires users, workers, managers and sometimes local elected officials work side by side. Across the different streams of organizational sociology, the user is seen to play a central role in defining the socio-political dimension of the organization. However this is not achieved through participatory schema rather the user arises from the production of political subjectivation and the actual experiments themselves. Using ethnographic data collected during an eight-month period from across the Campinas mental health network, I observe how the transformation of the subjective social relations of power experienced by the actors refers to specific collective configurations commonly known as "rodas" (Circle in Portuguese). The term “rodas” refers to small groups of actors who meet to reflect, debate and decide on actions to be taken in relation to mental health practices in the city. These collective configurations allow citizens to give meaning and form to a local democratization project. The study then focuses on how the rodas influence the social relations of power induced by the local organization. In 2012, the Campinas mental health network went through one of the biggest crises in its history. Cuts and the privatization of services led to widespread citizen mobilization. In this context, I identify tensions and strategies within the rodas and their means for participation across the network paying attention to their everyday experiences. The analysis of rodas opens up new avenues of understanding the levers of collective power in an organizational context. Through the sharing of time in a plurality of open spaces, through sharing affect as well as through collective problem-solving of critical events impacting affecting daily life, the rodas act to reduce organisational e hierarchy. This collective effort of constantly renew democratization does not however make it possible to overcome the inequalities of power induced by the organization of services and by Brazilian society. As a form of citizen participatory practice, rodas nevertheless provide collective levers that denounce contradictions and social injustices within and outside the organization. Their practices highlight the possibility of a continuous collective criticism open to social creativity. This research opens a new field of study on citizen participation and innovation in the context of the organization; a field that is all the more promising because it is part of a critical renewal of the sociology of organizations.

L’ordonnancement singulier du sujet : autocensure et constitution du sujet politique / The Singular Organization of the Subject : Auto-Censorship and constitution of the Political Subject

Iarossi, Pauline 03 December 2016 (has links)
Au départ et de façon générale, on se propose ici une édification du concept d’autocensure. Mais le concept d’autocensure ne s’appréhende pas, à notre sens, sans l’élaboration simultanée d’un autre concept qu’est le sujet et particulièrement le sujet politique. En partant de la notion de refoulement et de sublimation chez Freud puis, en reconstituant les relations entre corps et monde nécessaires à la transformation de ce corps en sujet, nous proposons de comprendre la relation étroite entre une subjectivation historico-politique (souci de soi et ascèse chez Michel Foucault) et une autocensure c’est-à-dire une autoconstitution du sujet dans l’histoire par une interprétation symbolique incessante de l’homme et par un ensemble de technologies ( savoirs, vérités, pouvoirs). Celles-ci sont le support des réponses que le sujet, engagé dans l’histoire, se renvoie lui-même pour se déterminer à devenir un sujet politique. / In the beginning and in general, I here propose a construction of the concept of autocensorship. In the sense in which I employ the term, however, the concept of auto-censorship cannot be grasped without the simultaneous elaboration of another concept, namely, the subject and the political subject in particular. Beginning with the notions of repression and sublimation in Freud before reconstituting the relations between body and world necessary for the transformation of the body into a subject, I propose an understanding of the strict relation between a historico-political subjectification (care of the self and asceticism in Michel Foucault) and an auto-censorship, that is to say, an auto-constitution of the subject in history by an endless symbolic interpretation of the human and a complex of technologies (knowledge or expertise, truths, powers). These technologies constitute the underpinning of responses that the subject, engaged in history, returns to itself in order to become a political subject.

Influence of Caloric Vestibular Stimulation on Body Experience in Healthy Humans

Schönherr, Andreas, May, Christian Albrecht 16 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The vestibular system has more connections with and influence on higher cortical centers than previously thought. These interactions with higher cortical centers and the phenomena that they elicit require a structural intact cerebral cortex. To date, little is known about the role and influence of the vestibular system on one’s body experience. In this study we show that caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS) in healthy participants has an effect on the perceptive component of one’s body experience. After CVS all participants showed a statistically significant difference of thigh width estimation. In contrast to previous studies, which demonstrated an influence of CVS on higher cortical centers with an intact cerebral cortex both the cognitive and affective component of body experience were not effected by the CVS. Our results demonstrate the influence of the vestibular system on body perception and emphasize its role in modulating different perceptive-qualities which contributes to our body experience. We found that CVS has a limited influence on one’s conscious state, thought process and higher cortical functions.

Influence of Caloric Vestibular Stimulation on Body Experience in Healthy Humans

Schönherr, Andreas, May, Christian Albrecht 16 January 2017 (has links)
The vestibular system has more connections with and influence on higher cortical centers than previously thought. These interactions with higher cortical centers and the phenomena that they elicit require a structural intact cerebral cortex. To date, little is known about the role and influence of the vestibular system on one’s body experience. In this study we show that caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS) in healthy participants has an effect on the perceptive component of one’s body experience. After CVS all participants showed a statistically significant difference of thigh width estimation. In contrast to previous studies, which demonstrated an influence of CVS on higher cortical centers with an intact cerebral cortex both the cognitive and affective component of body experience were not effected by the CVS. Our results demonstrate the influence of the vestibular system on body perception and emphasize its role in modulating different perceptive-qualities which contributes to our body experience. We found that CVS has a limited influence on one’s conscious state, thought process and higher cortical functions.

Jazykový obraz Chodů / Linguistic Picture of Chods

Strenková, Johana January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this work is to compile the linguistic picture of Chods, that is how the word is fixed in the language and the conceptual system of a native speaker. For this purpose, canonical literature has been chosen that thematizes Chods, furthermore some Chod newspapers, corpus syn2013pub and Jindřich's song-books and a few collections of Chod fairytales and legends representing folk literature. This thesis has also drawn upon systemic data, i. e. dictionaries wherein the word Chod can be found in order to record the denotations of this word. Next, the thesis explored the etymology of the word Chod and its synonyms, which also helps to clarify the objective of this work. All the data have been analysed and the connotations, collocations and also attittude towards the dennotation have been gathered that have been featured in more sources to compile the linguistic picture of Chods. Among the most frequent collocations and connotations confirmed in more than one source are Chodsko, border service, privileges and duties of Chods, Kozina and Lomikar, the uprising, Újezd, rebels, defenders against the Germans, nacionalism, freedom, a traditional costume, dialect, music, bagpipes, pies, Chod festival, ceramics, farmers, a banner, a dog, stubborness, repulsion, pride, distinctiveness, togetherness, hard...

Parní turbína v paroplynovém cyklu / Steam Turbine in the Combi Cycle

Filoušová, Natálie January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis named Steam turbine in the combi cycle deals with design of low pressure part of three-body turbine and it’s lateral outlet throat to the air condenser. Before the design itself, the thermal schema of entire turbine is calculated. Than follows the detail draft, the strength calculations are included as well. Turbine has any technological consumption of steam or any regenerativ consumption. Turbine will be suplly to Panama. The thesis includes following drawings: cut of flowing part, design of outlet throat and fixing of inner body in outer body of low pressure part. The diploma thesis is created for Doosan Škoda Power company.

Odpovídání na otázky nad strukturovanými daty / Question Answering over Structured Data

Birger, Mark January 2017 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá problematikou odpovídání na otázky nad strukturovanými daty. Ve většině případů jsou strukturovaná data reprezentována pomocí propojených grafů, avšak ukrytí koncové struktury dát je podstatné pro využití podobných systémů jako součástí rozhraní s přirozeným jazykem. Odpovídající systém byl navržen a vyvíjen v rámci této práce. V porovnání s tradičními odpovídajícími systémy, které jsou založené na lingvistické analýze nebo statistických metodách, náš systém zkoumá poskytnutý graf a ve výsledků generuje sémantické vazby na základě vstupních párů otázka-odpověd'. Vyvíjený systém je nezávislý na struktuře dát, ale pro účely vyhodnocení jsme využili soubor dát z Wikidata a DBpedia. Kvalita výsledného systému a zkoumaného přístupu byla vyhodnocena s využitím připraveného datasetu a standartních metrik.

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