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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Educação ambiental no contexto escolar do ensino médio / Ambient Education in School Context of Average Education

Macedo, Iraci de Souza 20 June 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T18:50:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IRACI_DISSERTACAO_COMPLETA.pdf: 2044570 bytes, checksum: 3c049f667ecbf913ac09c03f105f554c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-06-20 / This research, Environmental Education in the School Context of High School, has as mark to analyze the development of the concerning pedagogic practices to the environmental subject, the level of quality of the theoretical formation and the current methodological procedures of the theme in question, emphasizing the actions developed in E. E. Francisco Pessoa, in Presidente Prudente. She chose for the analysis of the education practice (Case Study), Qualitative Research, defined as method of Data Collection, Documental Analysis, which allowed identifying information in the researched documents, which orientated the research, verification and proof of the initial hypothesis that the Environmental Education in High School has worked the construction of the environmental subjects from distorted theoretical concepts. This research contemplates the analysis and critical reflection on the environmental school practice in High School and the description has documental character, it has as analysis object, Final Reports of Apprenticeships, Pedagogic Proposal, Plan of Administration and teachers' Classes Plans, besides applied questionnaires to students, teachers and manager equip, which contributed so that, in the end of this research, relevant data concerning the used methodologies, so much for Francisco Pessoa, as for the partners, mainly those involved in projects of Environmental Education, could review their practices and improve the results obtained during the construction process of the teaching and learning, as well as, to contemplate about the complexity, that is inherent to the environmental projects and the school context in which they happen. / Esta pesquisa, Educação Ambiental no Contexto Escolar do Ensino Médio, tem como escopo analisar o desenvolvimento das práticas pedagógicas concernentes à questão ambiental, o nível de qualidade da formação teórica e os procedimentos metodológicos decorrentes da temática em questão, enfatizando as ações desenvolvidas na E. E. Francisco Pessoa, na cidade de Presidente Prudente. Optou-se pela análise da prática educacional (Estudo de Caso), Pesquisa Qualitativa, definindo-se como método de Coleta dos Dados, a Análise Documental, que permitiram identificar informações, nos documentos pesquisados, os quais nortearam a pesquisa, verificação e comprovação da hipótese inicial de que a Educação Ambiental no Ensino Médio tem trabalhado a construção das questões ambientais a partir de conceitos teóricos distorcidos. Esta pesquisa contempla a análise e reflexão crítica sobre a prática escolar ambiental no Ensino Médio e a descrição tem caráter documental, visto que tem como objeto de análise, Relatórios Finais de Estágios, Proposta Pedagógica, Plano de Gestão e Planos de Aulas de professores, além de questionários aplicados a alunos, professores e equipe gestora.

Luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden ammatillisten käsitysten kehittyminen päättöharjoittelujakson biologian ja maantieteen opetuksessa

Jeronen, E. (Eila) 07 November 2003 (has links)
Abstract This study aims to interpret professional development of teachers, focusing specifically on the development of professional conceptions of a group of student-teachers in an Initial Teacher Education class during their final school practice period in Biology and Geography. During this practice period, the student-teachers became acquainted with new pedagogical approaches and made efforts to implement them in the practice classrooms in the training school at the University of Oulu. The study is a qualitative case study. A total of 50 student teachers participated in the research. The empirical material was collected between 1992 and 1994. The resultant data is based on reflective diaries and teaching practice reports written by the student-teachers, and on recordings and videotapes from supervision meetings and lessons. The data was analysed by using inductive and deductive content analysis methods. The interpretation is focused on the most typical and the most exceptional conceptions of the student-teachers. According to the student-teachers, their awareness of themselves as teachers and of teaching of Biology and Geography developed during the final practice period. At the beginning, they reflected their status, whereas at the end they considered the work of a teacher as a whole and what kind of teachers they want to be. The student-teachers expressed that they were no longer nervous to the same extent about their teaching and that their self-confidence had improved. However, they said that they were unsure about subject content knowledge and working methods, and wanted to develop themselves in these areas. They started to discuss more about their curriculum and subject content knowledge. The student-teachers expressed the opinion that to respect the pupils is important. They started to stress learning processes, instead of facts, as the basis of teaching situations. They reported having tried to move from traditional teaching methods to active learning methods. None of the student-teachers changed their social strategies. Most of the student-teachers followed the practices of the training classes they were teaching in. Only a fifth changed patterns or habitual ways of acting in classrooms. Coping strategies used by the student-teachers were varied in different situations. They wrote that their professional strategies developed during the practice period. The tutorial collaboration and reflective, theory-based discussions aided this professional development. The support of class teachers and other student-teachers was also an important factor. However, it is impossible to draw any long-term conclusions on the influences on the professional development of the student teachers, due to the results being based on the conceptions of the student-teachers in these specific contexts, and the short length of the study period researched, which was only eight credits per group (a credit being equivalent to 40 working hours). To confirm whether there were long-term changes in their conceptions on teaching actions, further research on the group is required, when they work as teachers in schools. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen aiheena on luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden ammatillisten käsitysten kehittyminen päättöharjoittelujakson biologian ja maantieteen opetuksessa. Kehittymistä tarkastellaan opetusharjoittelijoiden omien käsitysten pohjalta ammatillisen kasvun viitekehyksessä. Teoreettisilta lähtökohdiltaan aihe edustaa symbolisen interaktionismin ja opettajan ajattelun ja oman työn tutkimisen perinnettä. Se liittyy myös didaktisen tutkimuksen piiriin. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen tapaustutkimus. Tutkimukseen osallistui 50 päättöharjoittelujakson opetusharjoittelijaa Oulun yliopiston harjoittelukoulusta. Empiirinen aineisto kerättiin opintopäiväkirjoina ja raportteina sekä ohjausten ja opetustilanteiden nauhoituksina vuosina 1992-94. Aineisto analysoitiin induktiivis-deduktiivisesti aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä. Tarkastelu kohdistuu yleisimpiin ja niistä selvästi poikkeaviin opetusharjoittelijoiden käsityksiin. Opetusharjoittelijoiden käsitysten mukaan tietoisuus itsestä opettajana ja biologian ja maantieteen opetuksesta kehittyi päättöharjoittelujaksossa. Päättöharjoittelujakson alussa opetusharjoittelijat sanoivat tarkastelleensa omaa asemaansa luokassa, ja lopussa he kuvasivat opettajan työtä kokonaisuutena ja itseään opettajana ja kasvattajana. Opiskelijoiden mielestä oppituntien jännittäminen väheni ja itseluottamus kasvoi. Epävarmuutta ja kehittymisen tarvetta opetusharjoittelijat kokivat ainetiedossa ja työtavoissa. Opetussuunnitelmaa ja oppiainetta koskevat käsitykset laajenivat tuntipohjaisesta, oppikirjakeskeisestä näkökulmasta jaksokohtaiseen ja monipuoliseen oppiaineiden tarkasteluun. Koko päättöharjoittelujakson ajan opetusharjoittelijat pitivät oppilaan tuntemusta ja kunnioittamista tärkeänä. Ajankäytön havaittiin kehittyneen asiamäärän perusteella tapahtuneesta oppilaiden oppimista huomioivaksi. Opetusharjoittelijat kertoivat pyrkineensä siirtymään perinteisestä aktivoivaan opetustapaan. Kukaan opetusharjoittelijoista ei muuttanut alun perin omaksumaansa sosiaalista strategiaa. Pääosa heistä sanoi noudattaneensa luokan käytänteitä: vain noin viidennes kertoi muuttaneensa luokan toimintatapoja. Opetusharjoittelijoiden selviytymisstrategiat vaihtelivat tilanteesta toiseen. Omaa ammatillista taitotietoa kehittävät strategiat näyttivät kehittyneen päättöharjoittelujakson aikana. Käsitysten kehittymistä biologian ja maantieteen opetuksessa tuki opetusharjoittelijoiden mukaan yksin ja yhdessä tapahtunut reflektio. Tässä selvitetyt tutkimustulokset ilmentävät opetusharjoittelijoiden ammatillisten käsitysten kehittymistä biologian ja maantieteen opetuksessa kahdeksan opintoviikon pituisessa päättöharjoittelujaksossa. Yksi opintoviikko muodostui 40 työtunnista. Koska tutkimustulokset perustuvat opetusharjoittelijoiden omiin käsityksiin ja koska tutkimusaika on lyhyt, ei voida tehdä johtopäätöstä, että opetusharjoittelijoiden ammatilliset käsitykset olisivat muuttuneet pysyvästi. Tämän toteamiseksi tarvittaisiin jatkotutkimusta opetusharjoittelijoiden opettajaksi valmistumisen jälkeen.

Educação ambiental no contexto escolar do ensino médio / Ambient Education in School Context of Average Education

Macedo, Iraci de Souza 20 June 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-18T17:54:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IRACI_DISSERTACAO_COMPLETA.pdf: 2044570 bytes, checksum: 3c049f667ecbf913ac09c03f105f554c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-06-20 / This research, Environmental Education in the School Context of High School, has as mark to analyze the development of the concerning pedagogic practices to the environmental subject, the level of quality of the theoretical formation and the current methodological procedures of the theme in question, emphasizing the actions developed in E. E. Francisco Pessoa, in Presidente Prudente. She chose for the analysis of the education practice (Case Study), Qualitative Research, defined as method of Data Collection, Documental Analysis, which allowed identifying information in the researched documents, which orientated the research, verification and proof of the initial hypothesis that the Environmental Education in High School has worked the construction of the environmental subjects from distorted theoretical concepts. This research contemplates the analysis and critical reflection on the environmental school practice in High School and the description has documental character, it has as analysis object, Final Reports of Apprenticeships, Pedagogic Proposal, Plan of Administration and teachers' Classes Plans, besides applied questionnaires to students, teachers and manager equip, which contributed so that, in the end of this research, relevant data concerning the used methodologies, so much for Francisco Pessoa, as for the partners, mainly those involved in projects of Environmental Education, could review their practices and improve the results obtained during the construction process of the teaching and learning, as well as, to contemplate about the complexity, that is inherent to the environmental projects and the school context in which they happen. / Esta pesquisa, Educação Ambiental no Contexto Escolar do Ensino Médio, tem como escopo analisar o desenvolvimento das práticas pedagógicas concernentes à questão ambiental, o nível de qualidade da formação teórica e os procedimentos metodológicos decorrentes da temática em questão, enfatizando as ações desenvolvidas na E. E. Francisco Pessoa, na cidade de Presidente Prudente. Optou-se pela análise da prática educacional (Estudo de Caso), Pesquisa Qualitativa, definindo-se como método de Coleta dos Dados, a Análise Documental, que permitiram identificar informações, nos documentos pesquisados, os quais nortearam a pesquisa, verificação e comprovação da hipótese inicial de que a Educação Ambiental no Ensino Médio tem trabalhado a construção das questões ambientais a partir de conceitos teóricos distorcidos. Esta pesquisa contempla a análise e reflexão crítica sobre a prática escolar ambiental no Ensino Médio e a descrição tem caráter documental, visto que tem como objeto de análise, Relatórios Finais de Estágios, Proposta Pedagógica, Plano de Gestão e Planos de Aulas de professores, além de questionários aplicados a alunos, professores e equipe gestora.

A Proposta Curricular de Geografia do Estado de São Paulo e seus impactos no trabalho docente: um estudo de caso

Gomes, Francisco Eudes 13 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Aparecida de Souza Cardozo (mcardozo@pucsp.br) on 2016-10-28T13:17:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Francisco Eudes Gomes.pdf: 4096963 bytes, checksum: 06fff8f3415d80fa865bd8e5f3a0abdf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-28T13:17:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Francisco Eudes Gomes.pdf: 4096963 bytes, checksum: 06fff8f3415d80fa865bd8e5f3a0abdf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-13 / This research aimed to understand the impacts of Programa São Paulo Faz Escola (Program São Paulo Makes School) has produced within the São Paulo’s public schools during 2008-2014 period. The Brazilian public school has adhered to the current reform fundaments which are notably related into some pedagogical competences. It is noticed, during its practice, the booklets sent to schools which were created to didactically guide the teacher, just ends removing teacher’s autonomy because they have too many detailed procedures. To understand these changes, the concepts of curriculum and educational reform, understood in its historical context, were used to guide the research. The research sources used were some Public School official documents located in São Paulo East Zone, during the period of 2008-2014, and 33% of São Paulo Public School geography teacher interviews. In addition to these sources it was also considered documents produced by the mentioned authors who study the subject. During the research process it was noticed the observation importance and school transformation process analysis which were happening. The reason which justifies this paper is the desire to contribute with information which may be significant for the next new generation formation. External evaluations, such as SARESP, indicate this program (Programa São Paulo Faz Escola) does not have contributed to achieving the objectives appointed by the government, yet / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender os impactos que o ‘Programa São Paulo Faz Escola’ tem produzido no âmbito das escolas públicas paulistas, no período de 2008-2014. A rede tem aderido aos fundamentos da reforma em curso, notadamente aos relacionados à pedagogia das competências. Observou-se, na prática, que as apostilas enviadas aos estabelecimentos escolares para orientar didaticamente o professor, acabam retirando sua autonomia, dado o detalhamento dessas orientações contidas nos cadernos analisados. Para compreender tais transformações, os conceitos de currículo e reforma educacional, entendidos no seu contexto histórico, foram norteadores da pesquisa bibliográfica. As fontes de pesquisa utilizadas foram os documentos oficiais da Escola Estadual localizada na Zona Leste de São Paulo, no período de 2008-2014, e em as entrevistas com 33% dos docentes de geografia da Escola Estadual. Além dessas, os documentos produzidos pelos autores indicados que estudam o assunto, também foram considerados. Notou-se no decorrer da pesquisa, a importância da observação e análise das transformações escolares que ora se processam, motivo que justifica a realização dessa pesquisa e o desejo de contribuir com informações que possam ser significativas para a formação das novas gerações. As avaliações externas, como SARESP, indicam, até o momento, que o Programa São Paulo Faz escola, ainda não têm contribuído para alcançar os objetivos apontados pelo governo

Proposta curricular do estado de São Paulo : novos papéis ou continuísmo na prática escolar do professor coordenador?

Paula, Adelgício Ribeiro de 02 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:35:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4437.pdf: 1685395 bytes, checksum: 7b1c5cf84d8c2b3b03546b79aaf08413 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-02 / This research has the objective to investigate new roles required of the Teacher Coordinator in the implementation of Curriculum Proposal of the State of São Paulo by the State Secretariat of Education. Our hypothesis is that there are factors in the dynamic that moves the school practice that act as mediators and are strong brands in the daily lives of those working within the school. Sought to verify in school practice of Teacher Coordinator as occur the appropriations of content and procedures required by the standards set by the central organs of the State Department of Education of São Paulo. With focal measures, the State of Sao Paulo seeks to invest resources in a timely manner to combat problems involving the school, however, without to invest in education and structural aspects of society. The Curriculum Proposal presents as purpose, the establishment of a homogeneous curriculum for all schools in its education network. The practice school held in each school is marked by institutional, by differences and the demands of the society around them. It appears that the historical movement of capital expansion prints the movement of society and determines the range of possibilities of the individual in their social action. These premises put to school and workers who operate in it certain prerogatives as the solution of structural and social problems whose origins are external to it. It is observed in the measures and pragmatic actions established under the rhetoric of rupture, old traces of continuity and conservation. / Este trabalho de pesquisa apresenta como objetivo investigar os papéis exigidos do Professor Coordenador na implantação do Programa São Paulo Faz Escola por meio da Proposta Curricular do Estado de São Paulo, pela Secretaria Estadual de Educação. Partimos da hipótese de que existem fatores na dinâmica que movimenta a prática escolar que atuam como mediadores e são fortes marcas na vida diária daqueles que trabalham no interior da escola. Procuramos verificar na prática escolar do Professor Coordenador como ocorrem as apropriações relativas aos conteúdos e procedimentos requeridos por meio das normas estabelecidas pelos órgãos centrais da Secretaria Estadual de Educação de São Paulo. Com medidas focais, o Estado de São Paulo procura investir recursos de maneira pontual para combater os problemas que envolvem a escola, sem, no entanto, investir nos aspectos estruturais da educação e da sociedade. A Proposta Curricular apresenta como pressuposto a implantação de um currículo homogêneo para todas as escolas de sua rede de ensino. A prática escolar realizada em cada escola é marcada pelo institucional, pelas diferenças e pelas demandas da sociedade em seu entorno. Verifica-se que o movimento histórico de expansão do capital imprime uma dinâmica na sociedade determinando a amplitude de possibilidades do indivíduo em seu fazer social. Tais pressupostos colocam à escola e aos trabalhadores que nela atuam determinadas prerrogativas como solução de problemas estruturais e sociais cujas origens são exteriores a eles. Assim nos relatos dos agentes escolares podemos observar a construção histórica e ainda em andamento das práticas do Professor Coordenador na rede estadual de ensino do Estado de São Paulo. Observa-se, portanto, nas medidas e ações pragmáticas, estabelecidas sob a retórica de ruptura, velhos traços de continuísmo e conservação.

O ensino da hist?ria e o pensamento reflexivo-cr?tico da professora no 3? ano do Ensino Fundamental

Medeiros, Maria de F?tima Gomes 15 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:36:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaFGM.pdf: 1776192 bytes, checksum: c7ffad1852d7db651fb46b6795728501 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-15 / This collaborative research is a qualitative approach, from historical and cultural perspective, made about a teacher of third grade of basic education in the area of history, in the municipality of Caic? / RN. It has as objective to investigate, in a collaborative action, if the design process of teaching and learning the discipline of history based on the relationship before / after allows the development of critical reflective thinking of the teacher in school practices. The theoretical and methodological approaches are supported in the postulates of Vygotsky (1998), Rubinstein (1973) and Linblinskaia (1979), among others, whose understanding has led us to reflect if the teacher develops the reflective critical-thinking in history discipline classes. The complexity of the study led us to an analysis exercise, using different methodological procedures, such as: bibliographic review of the literature, considering also the literature of the history area, interviews, observation in the classroom, video recordings and reflective sessions, enabling clarify the construction and reconstruction of thought that the teacher had been developing during the process of teaching and learning. The test results point to a dichotomy between theory and practice, and also to a certain fragility in the position of professor in teaching and learning the discipline of history, at the third grade of basic education. The teacher recognizes that she requires a theoretical deepening with more intensity, as a process of continuous training to improve the practice of teaching in history school, though, stating in her speech that her teaching practice is based on critical reflection. However, she presents serious limitations in classroom practices. We conclude that, although she has shown willing to work on a critical perspective of reality, showed also poor change at school practices, starting to reflect about her own actions, pointing her limits and the changes needed that didn t become reality yet. It s necessary a formative process for her. The study therefore showed that even with the sessions and reflective of deepening theoretical studies, the teacher does not change its profile, while maintaining its traditional vision in any pedagogical action. This research recommends the formation of school groups for further studies and discussion on the practices of education in history area from a reflective-critical thought perspective as a mean of personal and professional development / Esta pesquisa se insere na abordagem qualitativa, do tipo, colaborativa numa perspectiva hist?rico-cultural, realizada com a professora do 3? ano do ensino fundamental, na ?rea da Hist?ria, no munic?pio de Caic?/RN. Tem como objetivo investigar, numa a??o colaborativa, se a estrutura??o do processo de ensino e de aprendizagem da disciplina Hist?ria com base na rela??o antes/depois possibilita o desenvolvimento na professora do pensamento reflexivo-cr?tico nas pr?ticas escolares. As abordagens te?rico-metodol?gicas est?o respaldadas nos postulados de Vigotski (1998), Rubinstein (1973) e Linblinskaia (1979), entre outros, cuja compreens?o nos levou a refletir se a professora desenvolve o pensamento reflexivo-cr?tico nas aulas da disciplina Hist?ria. A complexidade do estudo nos conduziu a um exerc?cio de an?lise utilizando diferentes procedimentos metodol?gicos, tais como: revis?o bibliogr?fica da literatura especializada, considerando tamb?m a literatura da ?rea da Hist?ria, entrevistas, observa??o em sala de aula, v?deo grava??es e sess?es reflexivas, possibilitando clarificar a constru??o e reconstru??o do pensamento que a professora fora elaborando durante o processo de ensino e de aprendizagem. Os resultados das an?lises apontam para uma dicotomia entre a teoria e a pr?tica, bem com, fragilidade na postura da professora no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem da disciplina Hist?ria, no 3? ano do ensino fundamental. A professora reconhece que necessita de um aprofundamento te?rico com mais intensidade, ou seja, um processo de forma??o cont?nua para melhorar a pr?tica escolar no ensino da Hist?ria, embora afirme no seu discurso que a sua pr?tica docente tem como base a reflex?o cr?tica. No entanto, apresenta limita??es no que se refere a sua pr?tica em sala de aula. Conclu?mos que, a professora se mostra disposta a trabalhar numa perspectiva cr?tica da realidade, mas, pouco demonstrou mudan?as no que concerne a sua pr?tica escolar, chegando a refletir sobre a sua a??o, apontando seus limites e as mudan?as que n?o se realizaram concretamente. Isso evidencia a necessidade no seu processo formativo. O estudo, portanto, mostrou que mesmo com as sess?es reflexivas e estudos de aprofundamento te?rico, a professora n?o modificou o seu perfil, mantendo sua a??o pedag?gica numa vis?o tradicional. A investiga??o recomenda a forma??o de grupos de estudos na escola para aprofundamento e discuss?o sobre as pr?ticas de ensino na ?rea da Hist?ria numa perspectiva do pensamento reflexivo-cr?tico como forma de desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional

A apropriação da proposta curricular do programa São Paulo faz escola pelos professores de língua portuguesa

Silva, Valéria Andrade 27 October 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-07-21T18:35:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 B_Valeria Andrade Silva.pdf: 1400248 bytes, checksum: 4e5af8b25b075c6893daf79bdf0c096b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-21T18:35:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 B_Valeria Andrade Silva.pdf: 1400248 bytes, checksum: 4e5af8b25b075c6893daf79bdf0c096b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-27 / The appropriation of the Curricular Proposal of São Paulo faz escola program into the Portuguese teachers school practice is focus of the analysis in this research, aiming to apprehend those teachers comprehension about the principles and fundaments guiding the Curricular Proposal and also to identify the changes in their teaching practice due to the implement of the program mentioned. The field research took place at state school unit in São Paulo state capital that serves only the ciclo II of Ensino Fundamental. Semi-structured interview were held with five Portuguese teachers and with the pedagogical coordinator along with non-structured observations of HTPCs and informal moments at the teachers room. At first we approach the different steps of the curriculum development as proposed by Sacristán (2000) and adopted in the theoretical and methodological course of this work because it considers the political, social, economical, cultural and administrative dimensions in the prescribed curriculum elaboration and it includes its presentation to the school agents, its re-signification and modeling by them until it is presented as active curriculum in teaching practices, always mediated by school conditioners. After that, we discuss the Curricular Proposal of São Paulo faz escola based on its documents, its implementation mechanisms and theoretical principles and fundaments expressed in it. The Portuguese Curricular Proposal elaborated by the SEE-SP and Teaching Plans made by the investigated school s teachers are presented with the purpose of identifying convergences and divergences from the prescribed curriculum. From the characterization of that school unit as the context of the teaching practice, in the third part of this paper, we analyzed this reform control mechanisms and the Portuguese teachers comprehension about the theoretical fundament of the Curricular Proposal based on the teachers and pedagogical coordinator reports, under the categories of appropriation and objectification and continuities e changes. / A apropriação da Proposta Curricular do programa São Paulo faz escola na prática escolar dos professores da disciplina de Língua Portuguesa é o foco da análise desta pesquisa que tem como objetivo apreender qual a compreensão daqueles professores acerca dos princípios e fundamentos norteadores da Proposta Curricular e identificar mudanças na sua prática docente advindas da implementação do referido programa. A pesquisa de campo se deu em uma unidade escolar da rede estadual na capital paulista que atende apenas o ciclo II do Ensino Fundamental. Realizamos entrevistas semi-estruturadas com cinco professores da disciplina de Língua Portuguesa e com o coordenador pedagógico, além de observações não-estruturadas dos HTPCs e dos momentos informais na sala dos professores. Em um primeiro momento, abordamos a delimitação das diferentes etapas do processo de desenvolvimento do currículo, propostas por Sacristán (2000) e adotadas no percurso teórico-metodológico desta pesquisa, por considerar as dimensões política, social, econômica, cultural e administrativa da elaboração do currículo prescrito, incluir a apresentação deste aos agentes escolares, sua ressignificação e modelação pelos professores, até se apresentar como currículo em ação na prática docente, sempre mediado por condicionamentos escolares. A seguir, discutimos o programa São Paulo faz escola a partir de seus documentos, seus mecanismos de implementação e controle e dos princípios e fundamentos teóricos que este expressa. Apresentamos a Proposta Curricular de Língua Portuguesa elaborada pela SEE-SP, bem como os Planos de Ensino desta disciplina confeccionados pelos professores da escola pesquisada, buscando as convergências e divergências com o currículo prescrito. Partindo da caracterização da unidade escolar como contexto das práticas docentes, no terceiro momento, analisamos os mecanismos de controle da reforma e a compreensão dos professores de Língua Portuguesa dos fundamentos teóricos da proposta curricular, segundo as falas dos professores e do coordenador pedagógico, à luz das categorias apropriação e objetivação e continuidades e mudanças.

Co se žáci naučili v hodinách výtvarné výchovy / What the students learned in art classes

Hrabánková, Ilona January 2014 (has links)
This thesis has character of the research has focused on the recogni tion of art istic educational gains in art lessons by teachers and pupils in pr imary school . The thesis is based on empi rical research consisting of three phases of research that address the issues examined using three dif ferent methods. The research in i ts stages involved students of the fourth year of primary school in Prague 10, teachers of pr imary school level and in the thi rd stage were examined entr ies in the books of class thi rd to f if th grade. The results show how the pupi ls evaluate their work and what is best and the most important in the art lesson. There are sti ll teachers wi th problems to identi f icate the curriculum in primary cur riculum documents. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Galerijní a muzejní edukace na prvním stupni ZŠ / Gallery and museum education in primary school

Lišmanová, Aneta January 2016 (has links)
In thesis I focus on the current position of art gallery and museum education, which is influenced by science disciplines pedagogy and museology. In the theoretical part, on the basis of specialized literature, I define terms related to the theme of the work (gallery/museum pedagogy and educator, gallery/museum educator position within the institution, General educational program etc.). I am seeking further possibilities of cooperation and limits of cooperation of an elementary school with galleries/museums as institutions that have educational potential. Didactic work is based on qualitative research, which mainly uses the methods of open coding of videos from executed programs. My intention is to compare the differences and similarities in the implementation of educational programs between the 1st and 5th grade. Based on defined objectives I evaluate their implementation in accordance with educational programs, which are crucial for cooperation of galleries and schools. The focus is mainly on the conception, implementation and reflection of a three-phase educational program. The didactic part also reveals a possible link to the interdisciplinary relations. In the creative part of the thesis, I compile a topic of an authoring book, on the theme of the exhibition of Květa Pacovská: Maximum Contrast.

Análise do processo de apropriação dos gêneros discursivos em práticas letradas socialmente valorizadas : redações de alunos do cursinho pré-vestibular da UFSCar

Modro, Marcos Vinícius 03 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:25:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2529.pdf: 1199163 bytes, checksum: def7609b8e93f447e3bf0ec0edd2eccc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-07-03 / This work investigates the process of appropriation of secondary discourse genres (Bakhtin, 1992) in institutional contexts as a part of processes of social participation. Our main objective was to describe and to understand how students of the Vestibular preparatory Course (Cidade Aracy II neighborhood, in São Carlos) appropriate themselves of discursive and textual mechanisms that imply the meaning manners in the argumentative discourse genres, and as these mechanisms interconnect with the social and discursive structures, as ways of participation in the institutional literacy practices. We consider three theoretical assumptions: discourse genres studies into process of teaching/ learning of Portuguese language; the three-dimensional concept of the language of the English linguist Norman Fairclough (2001); and, the Literacy Studies. The work focuses on the access and students participation in different literacy practices and on the textual elements that they integrate into the textual production of those social contexts. The data collected through semi-structured questionnaire and the textual production of the subject of research demonstrate that the students are involved in an initial process of appropriation of the genres of the institutional sphere. We are referring to the knowledge of certain social rules and specific linguistic and discursive of the social sphere (i.e. the Vestibular exam, the University). The results of this research point to the fact that the teacher, as literacy agent, needs to focus on social activities to provide an enlargement of the students previous knowledge, besides creating opportunities so the students to participate in social reading and writing practices of the different social spheres. Thus, through the qualitative research, we intend to offer subsidies for: a) a responsive reflection concerning the school practices and the processes that involve the production of argumentative texts for the Vestibular exam; b) the understanding in the dialectic relationship among social and linguistic elements in the teaching and learning process of Portuguese language; c) the understanding of the inherent subject to the social mobility, to the social identity construction and to the practices of sense production in the speech and in the writing concerning specific social contexts. / Este trabalho investiga o processo de apropriação dos gêneros discursivos secundários (cf. Bakhtin, 1992) em esfera de circulação institucional como parte dos processos de participação social. Nosso objetivo principal foi buscar descrever e compreender como os alunos do Cursinho Pré-Vestibular da UFSCar (unidade bairro Cidade Aracy II, em São Carlos) se apropriam dos mecanismos textuais e discursivos que implicam os modos de significação nos gêneros discursivos argumentativos, e como estes mecanismos se relacionam com as estruturas social e discursiva, possibilitando ao sujeito a sua participação em práticas letradas socialmente valorizadas. Para tanto, consideramos três pressupostos teóricos: os estudos sobre os gêneros discursivos no âmbito do processo de ensino/ aprendizagem de língua materna; a concepção tridimensional da linguagem na linha da teorização do lingüista inglês Norman Fairclough (2001); e, os Estudos sobre o Letramento. Direcionamos nosso estudo tanto para as questões referentes ao acesso e participação dos alunos em práticas de letramento diversificadas, quanto para os elementos textuais e discursivos a que os alunos recorrem no processo de produção dos textos dessas esferas sociais. Os dados coletados através de questionário semi-estruturado e a produção textual dos sujeitos de pesquisa demonstram que os alunos estão envolvidos num processo inicial de apropriação dos gêneros da esfera institucional. Estamos referindo-nos aos conhecimentos de certas normas e convenções lingüísticas, discursivas e sociais específicas de determinada instituição social (i.e. o Vestibular, a Universidade). Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para o fato de que o professor, como agente de letramento, precisa direcionar suas atividades com vistas a promover a ampliação dos conhecimentos prévios e particulares dos alunos, além de possibilitar-lhes, também, uma vivência mais efetiva em práticas sociais de leitura e escrita voltadas para certas atividades específicas. Nesse sentido, a partir da pesquisa qualitativa que desenvolvemos, pretendemos oferecer subsídios para: a) uma reflexão responsiva acerca das práticas escolares e os processos que envolvem a produção de textos argumentativos exigidos no vestibular; b) a compreensão das formas com que os elementos sociais e lingüísticos se relacionam dialeticamente no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de língua materna; c) a compreensão da questão inerente à mobilidade social, à construção da identidade social e às práticas voltadas para o domínio dos modos de produção de sentido na escrita e na oralidade em contextos sociais efetivamente significativos.

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