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Znalosti žáků vybraných základních škol o ovoci a zelenině a jejich významu pro lidské zdraví / Selected elementary schools pupils' knowledge of fruits and vegetables and their importance to human healthLišková, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
The theoretical part of this thesis deals with the importance of fruits and vegetables from the point of view of human health. In the first part, the chapters deal with the division of fruits and vegetables into groups and the importance of specific fruits and vegetables. Other chapters deal with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which are abundant in fruit and vegetables. The "Ovoce a zelenina do škol" project is also an integral part. In the last part of the theoretical part, thematic plans of elementary school Bratří Venclíků are discussed, specifically the topics related to fruits and vegetables. The practical part is based on the results of a quantitative survey in the form of a questionnaire, which focused on pupils' knowledge of fruits and vegetables and their importance for human health. The research was carried out at two primary schools in Prague, namely Bratří Venclíků Primary School and Campanus Primary School. Some of the questions are focused on the popularity of fruit and vegetables among pupils, and some questions are in the form of tests about the knowledge of vitamins, minerals, fiber, alternative nutrition and other topics related to fruits and vegetables. The results show an average to below-average student knowledge of fruit and vegetables. In total, pupils chose 695 correct...
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Stravování žáků druhého stupně / Alimentation of secondary school pupilsBílková, Monika January 2020 (has links)
Healthy diet isn't only important aspect of life, but also an important topic discussed within school system and one of the main chapters of Education of health. Thanks to early prevention this can save from many deceases like ischemic heart decease, diabetes mellitus, cancer or obesity. All of these can be prevented thanks to healthy eating, exercising and leading healthy lifestyle. Puberty is one of the main points of person's life, that's why I was interested if pupils of middle school are eating within nutrition recommendation or not, which is also the main topic of this thesis. I wanted to research to what point young people are eating healthy, if they are getting better with their food choices and where they have the best and the worst results in their eating habits. The thesis is divided to two parts. The first part is focused on healthy and recommended eating of teenagers in general. The sources are mainly literature focused on healthy eating, health of children and teenagers and recommended eating for children in middle school. The second part is focused on comparison between general requirements for healthy eating and the results of survey of children in middle school. This part also includes project of 8th grade students, in which they solely put together a healthy diet for whole day....
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A Study to Determine the Soundness of Procedures to Compensate for Individual Differences in the High School Pupils of Selected Counties in TexasGray, Sam, Jr. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to make an analysis of the practices and procedures for meeting individual differences by a group of secondary schools to determine the extent to which they meet accepted criteria in this field.
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Pradinių klasių mokinių mokymosi motyvacijos skatinimo vadybiniai aspektai / Management aspects for stimulation of primary school pupils learning motivationAdomaitienė, Daiva 16 August 2007 (has links)
Lietuvai atkūrus nepriklausomybę, staiga keitėsi gyvenimo būdas, atsirado naujų gyvenimo
iššūkių - atviresnių tarpusavio santykiai, vis atsinaujinančios technologijos, įvairios reformos, reorganizacijos ir pan. Daug ką kopijuojame ar tiesiog perimame iš kitų šalių, nes mąstymas, sąmonė, tradicijos, įpročiai nespėja keistis.
Mokykla pasuko vakarietiško demokratėjimo kryptimi. Todėl keičiasi mokyklos klimatas,
kartu keičiasi ir mokyklos bendruomenės narių tarpusavio santykiai, kuriamos sąlygos asmenybės ugdymui. Visuomenė mokyklai iškelia dvejopą vaidmenį: mokyklą turi suteikti mokiniams kokybišką išsilavinimą ir ugdyti laisvai bei kritiškai mąstančius asmenis, gebančius priimti savarankiškus sprendimus ir mokančius prisitaikyti kintančiame pasaulyje.
Kiekvienam vaikui įgimtas noras eiti į mokyklą, kur įgyjama pirmoji patirtis. Šalia esantys
žmonės mokykloje sukuria sąlygas vaikams, kad šie „judėtų reikiama kryptimi“.
Mokinių pasiekimų tyrimai rodo, kad prastėja mokymosi kokybė, dažniau mokiniai paliekami kurso kartoti, daugiau mokinių praleidžia pamokas be pateisinamos priežasties ar iš vis nustoja lankyti mokyklą. Pirmuosius sunkumus mokiniai patiria jau III-IV klasėje ar anksčiau. Vadinasi, ugdymo proceso organizavime yra trūkumų. Todėl tyrimo objektas - mokyklos vadovų ir mokytojų pradinių klasių mokinių mokymosi motyvacijos skatinimas, o tikslas - išsiaiškinti pradinės mokyklos ugdymo organizavimo ir valdymo galimybes bei įtaką pradinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / After Lithuanian going independence our may of life changed, we met have more open relationship, new technologies, different reforms, reorganization and etc. Our way of thinking, consciousness, traditions and habits are slowly changing that’s way a lot of things we just copy from other countries.
School has turned to western democracy. With this turn school’s climate is changing together with school’s community member’s relationship and growing conditions for personality development. Society raises dual task for school. Firstly school has to give qualified education, then develop free and critical thinking, also persons who can take independent decisions and adopt in changing world.
Every child has innate desire go to school, where he gets his first experience. School’s personal create circumstances, which lead children.
Pupil’s achievements research shows that studying quality is decreasing; more children miss classes without just fictive reasons or stop attending school at all. Every child has innate desire so know and learn, but already in 3rd and 4th forms they experience first studying difficulties. It means that there are some defects of development process management. The object of this survey is learning of the motivation school’s heads, teachers and pupils of primary school. To reach the purpose these methods were chosen theoretical (pedagogical, psychological, social, philosophical) literature, educational system documents studies; comparative conception and... [to full text]
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Pradinių klasių mokinių konstrukcinio intelekto ir mokyklinio nerimastingumo sąsajos / Correlation of structural intelect and school anxiety of primary school pupilsLapašinskaitė, Neringa 18 June 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų konstrukcinio intelekto ir mokyklinio nerimastingumo sąsajas. Šiuo darbu siekiama nustatyti, ar berniukai ir mergaitės patiria vienodą nerimo lygį mokykla, ar yra savęs vertinimo skirtumų tarp berniukų ir mergaičių, kaip intelekto koeficientas pasiskirsto tarp berniukų ir mergaičių. Taip pat siekiama išsiaiškinti, ar aukšti intelektiniai gebėjimai įtakoja vaikų mokyklinį nerimastingumą, somatinius nerimastingumo požymius, aukštą / žemą savęs vertinimą. Nerimastingumo sąvoka šiame darbe apima mokyklinį kontekstą.
Tyrimas buvo atliktas, naudojantis J. C. Raveno Spalvotomis progresuojančiomis matricomis – vaikų konstrukciniam intelektui nustatyti, ir S. Saransono sukurta, S. Feldo ir J. Levio modifikuota „Vaikų mokyklinio nerimastingumo skale“ – mokykliniam nerimastingumui nustatyti. Tyrimas atliktas dvejose Kauno miesto mokyklose. Apklausta 150 mokinių. 9 anketas teko anuliuoti, kadangi mokiniai anketas atliko neatidžiai ir žymėjo bet kokius atsakymus, nepriklausomai nuo to, ar jam atsakymas tinka, ar ne. Duomenų analizei buvo panaudoti 141 tiriamojo duomenys. Aukštesnio už vidutinį konstrukcinio intelekto kategorijai priskirti vaikai, kurių IQ lygus ar didesnis už 112.
Tyrimas atskleidė, kad patiriamas nerimas dėl kontrolinių darbų nepriklauso nuo konstrukcinio intelekto lygio, mokinių, kurie patiria rūpestį mokykla, intelektiniai gebėjimai gali būti aukšti, žemi ar vidutiniai. Aukštą ar labai aukštą nerimą dėl... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Objective of research is to define the correlation of structural intelect and school anxiety of junior pupils. This work is aimed to define whether boys and girls undercome the equal level of anxiety that is related to school and the presence of differences in self-esteem between boys and girls, as well as the intelligence quotient proportion between boys and girls. It is aimed to clarify whether high intellectual faculties influence shool anxiety of children, the features of systemic worries, high/low self-esteem. In this paper the definition of anxiety covers school context.
The research was made by applying Raven's coloured progressive matrices to define the structural intelect of children and using "School Anxiety Scale for Children" that was developed by Saranson and modified by Feld and Lewis in order to define the school anxiety. The research was performed at two schools of Kaunas. 150 pupils were interrogated. 9 questionnaires had to be cancelled as pupils were not attentive while filling in the questionnaires and marked irrelevant answers, despite the fact of its personal actuality. The data of 141 investigated persons was used for the data analysis. The children that were attributed to the above the average structural intellect category were the ones with IQ equal or over 112.
The study has revealed that anxiety related to tests does not depend on the level of structural intellect of the pupils that experience school related anxiety and their intellectual faculties... [to full text]
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Pradinių klasių mokinių daržovių ir vaisių vartojimo ypatumai / The characteristics of the vegetables and fruits consumption among the primary classes pupilsButkus, Gintautas 27 June 2014 (has links)
Pakankamas vaisių ir daržovių vartojimas – tai neabejotinas gerų sveikos mitybos įpročių pagrindas. Vaisiai ir daržovės ypač svarbūs jaunam organizmui, nes jų pakankamas vartojimas vaikystėje susijęs su sumažejusia rizika sirgti širdies bei kraujagyslių ligomis, tam tikromis vėžio formomis ir kitomis lėtinėmis neinfekcinėmis ligomis tiek jaunystėje, tiek vyresniame amžoiuje. Moksliniais tyrimais įrodyta, kad vaikai, vartojantys mažiau vaisių ir daržovių, yra linkę turėti viršsvorį ar net būti nutukę, o vaikystėje susiformavę tinkami šių produktų vartojimo įpročiai dažniausiai išlieka ir suaugus. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti ir įvertinti Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų pradinių klasių mokinių daržovių ir vaisių vartojimo ypatumus. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. įvertinti pradinių klasių mokinių daržovių ir vaisių vartojimą ir jo atitikimą sveikos mitybos rekomendacijoms; 2. nustatyti veiksnius, galinčius daryti įtaką mokinių vaisių ir daržovių vartojimui; 3. įvertinti mokinių nuomonę ir žinias apie daržovių ir vaisių vartojimą bei sveiką mitybą. Atsitiktinės atrankos būdu tyrimui buvo atrinktos 72 Lietuvos Respublikos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos. Buvo išdalinta 3750 apklausos anktetų, gauta 2402 teisingai užpildytos anketos. Atsako dažnis – 64,1% . Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) statistinę programinę įrangą (13.0 for Windows versija) ir Epi Info (Version 5.1) kompiuterinę programą. Išanalizavus atlikto tyrimo duomenis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Adequate consumption of fruits and vegetables is the undisputed evidence of healthy nutrition skills. These foods are extremely important for the children because of their ability to protect against cancers and cardiovascular diseases and the consumption of these foods during childhood is associated with decreased risk of stroke and cancer. It is scientificly proven that higher fruit and vegetable intake was associated with a lower risk of overweight or even obese and healthy eating habits formed by consumption of fruits and vegetables tend to persist into adulthood. The objective of this research – to evaluate and assess the pecularities of the fruits and vegetables consumption among primary classes of Lithuanian schools. The tasks of the paper – assessment of the fruits and vegetables consumption and concordance with healthy nutrition recommendations among primary school pupils, evaluation the circumstances affecting fruits and vegetables consumption among primary school pupils, assessment of the knowledge and opinion of primary school children about fruits and vegetables consumption healthy eating. In this randomized study 72 general education schools of the Republic of Lithuania were selected. 3750 questionnaires were distributed, 2402 correctly filled questionnaires received. The response rate – 64,1%. The statistical data was processed with the help of SPSS 13.0 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) and Epi Info (Version 5.1). As the reserch data shows, it is... [to full text]
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Domácí příprava žáků / Pupils' homeworkKubátová, Stanislava January 2015 (has links)
This thesis engages in the theme of pupil's home preparation for basic school. Finding the pupils', parents' and teachers' attitudes to homework is the purpose of this thesis. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on relationship between the family and the school, especially parents' involvement in this problem. Hereafter we occupy with home preparation as organize form of teaching. We describe types and forms of homework. The empirical part we address the attitudes of pupils, attitudes of parents and attitudes of children to homework. The main research questions are importance, types, forms, individualization, reviews, failure of homework. Further we are interested in these attitudes on the first and second grade at the basic school. The research is qualitative-quantitative composed. We pursue to the theme from the point of parents and pupils in qualitative part, the teachers in quantitative part. For this research we used questionnaire and semi-structured interview. It is the form of mixed design.
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Znají žáci základních a středních škol význam nově přejatých anglicismů? / Do pupils of primary and secondary schools know meaning of newly borrowed anglicisms?Jindřichová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with comprehension of newly borrowed anglicisms into the Czech language. As newly borrowed we considered those which are listed in the dictionaries of neologisms, or have not been included in them yet. The comprehension was tested at primary school pupils and students of lower secondary school. The theoretical part describes ways of enriching vocabulary, especially borrowing from foreign languages. The main research method used in the practical part was a survey. It took place in April 2014 among the pupils of the 6th and 9th classes at one of Prague's primary schools and in corresponding classes at Opava secondary school. The results were related to the sex and age of the respondents and also to the type of school they are attending. We observed increased number of successful responses in closed questions testing the passive comprehension of anglicisms than in the open-ended questions testing the active comprehension of anglicisms. Comparing responses by gender, girls reached higher percentage of successful answers or the successful answers of boys and girls were balanced. The most striking differences brought comparison of respondents by age. Older pupils reached on all issues significantly higher success rate than younger pupils. Differences were also observed in the...
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Didaktická doporučení pro výuku problematiky HIV/AIDS na základní škole / Didactic recommendation for teaching HIV/AIDS issue at a primary schoolMatějíčková, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis puts as its goal to define didactical recommendations for teaching HIV/AIDS issue at a primary school and thus provide support for effective teaching about this topic. It presents information about the analyzed issue and by using quantitative anonymous questionnare research among pupils of eighth grade of three chosen primary schools, it determines their knowledge and attitudes towards the HIV/AIDS topic. Based on the results of applied pre-test research it puts forward the proposal of a teaching unit which is then realized in the target group. Then by means of post-test examination, it is verified how effective the designed teaching unit was and how much in contributed to increasing the knowledge of the respondents. Realisation of the teaching unit increased their knowledge by about 37.5% (from the former 54.2% of correct answers to knowledge-based questions to 91.7%) and it can therefore be considered as effective. The main topics of the teaching unit were the diagnostics of HIV positivity, the question of curability of HIV/AIDS, development of the epidemiological situation, difference between the terms HIV and AIDS and the means of transmission of the HIV virus. The benefit of this thesis is a description of a teaching unit focused on the HIV/AIDS issue, including methodical...
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Skrivning i barnperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om hur förskoleklasselever talar om skrivning / The child´s conception of writing : a qualitative study of how pre-school children speaks about writingTruks, Elin January 2017 (has links)
Abstract English title: The child´s conception of writing – a qualitative study of how pre-school children speaks about writing. Author: Elin Truks, spring term of 2017 Supervisor: Anna Malmbjer The aim of this essay is to describe how children speak about writing. I´ll also compare how children speak about their writing today compared to Dahlgren and Olssons studie from 1985. To achieve the aim have two questions been formulated: What is writing for pre-school children? Which similarities and differences is there today compared to Dahlgren and Olssons study from 1985? The study is based on interviews with eight pre-school children to get answers for the aim of this study. The questions for the interview has been proposed by Gösta Dahlgren, Karin Gustafsson, Elisabeth Mellgren och Lars-Erik Olsson (2013) which they have used for research purposes. The results showed that children in pre-school are aware about what writing is and can express it in a creative and detailed way. They have many conceptions of writing, what it is and for what purpose writing is used. The results also showed that pre-school children are at different levels in their writing development. Results showed that there are similarities and differences today compared to Dahlgren and Olssons study from 1985. The similarities showed that pre-school children describe reading and writing as a mental act (metacognition) and that they see possibilities of it. They mean that reading and writing can be used as a means of communication and they describe the reading and writing of the text based on the structure of it. They also express an external requirement as a motive of reading and writing. The differences showed that children in Dahlgren and Olssons study express reading as external observable behaviors and as a process expressed with their bodies. The pre-school children in my study speak about writing with digital tools. Keywords: pre-school pupils, writing, metacognition, conceptions of writing
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