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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dois modos de ler: o poder de aferição da crítica materialista em Raymond Williams e Roberto Schwarz / Two ways of reading: the power of assessment of the materialist criticism in Raymond Williams and Roberto Schwarz

Morelli, Adriana Fernandes 12 April 2010 (has links)
O objeto de estudo deste trabalho são as obras The Country and the City, de Raymond Williams, publicada em 1973, e Duas Meninas, de Roberto Schwarz, de 1997. Na primeira, o foco incide principalmente sobre a obra de Thomas Hardy e o romance Jude, the Obscure, autor de fundamental importância para Williams; na segunda, em Dom Casmurro, de Machado de Assis, e em Minha Vida de Menina, de Helena Morley. A partir da premissa de que a crítica de arte pode e deve ser um instrumento de aferição social, tanto Williams quanto Schwarz questionam os pressupostos da cultura hegemônica e da tradição literária, com consequências não só para a literatura como também para a sociedade. Em Cambridge, Williams constata um problema de perspectiva histórica na representação do meio rural, ligado à ideologia que sustenta o sistema capitalista no centro, cujo avanço e democracia acredita serem questionáveis. No Brasil, na periferia do capitalismo, Roberto Schwarz detecta a reposição do atraso, por vezes aparentemente em vias de ser superado, como constata a partir das dinâmicas sociais explicitadas em Minha Vida de Menina. Assim, esta tese discute os pressupostos teóricos de Williams e de Schwarz, com a finalidade de explicitar os modos como os dois críticos leem a literatura, a sociedade e a tradição. O objetivo é o de demonstrar que a crítica literária pode ser uma ferramenta de produção de conhecimento, e que, vistos pelo olhar desses críticos, Brasil e Inglaterra, centro e periferia do capitalismo, têm muito a revelar um sobre o outro. / The aim of this study is to present a reading of The Country and the City, by Raymond Williams, published in 1973, and Duas Meninas, by Roberto Schwarz, 1997. In order to exemplify Williamss way of approaching literature, I investigate how the critic analyses the work of Thomas Hardy, especially the novel Jude, the Obscure. Departing from the idea that cultural criticism could and should be an instrument of social assessment, both Williams and Schwarz question the hegemonic culture and the literary tradition, with consequences both to society and literature, in the works mentioned above. In Cambridge, Williams realizes that there usually is a problem of perspective whenever the country is depicted in the English literature, a problem connected to the ideology that sustains the capitalist system in the center. To him, both progress and democracy can be put to doubt in there. In Brazil, the periphery of capitalism, Roberto Schwarz points to the reinstatement of old social problems, at times apparently almost to be left behind, as proven by the social dynamics found in Minha Vida de Menina, by Helena Morley. Therefore, in this dissertation I discuss the main topics of the theoretical apparatus of Williams and Schwarz, aiming at demonstrating how both critics approach literature, society and tradition. The main drive of this paper is to demonstrate that literary criticism could and should be a tool to enlighten the knowledge a society has of itself, and that, seen through the perspective of these critics, Brazil and England, center and periphery of capitalism, are pieces that have a lot to reveal about each-other.

Un modèle unifié pour les phénomènes de givrage en aéronautique et les systèmes de protection thermiques / A unified model for aircraft icing phenomena and ice protection system modeling

Chauvin, Rémi 17 December 2015 (has links)
Le givrage a été identifié comme un danger important dès le début de l'aéronautique.L'accrétion de givre sur les ailes d'avion, due à la présence de gouttelettes surfonduesdans les nuages, cause parmi d'autres conséquences néfastes une dégradation des performancesaérodynamiques pouvant conduire au décrochage. C'est pourquoi les avionneursdéveloppent depuis longtemps des systèmes de protection. Comme les essais en vols ou ensoufflerie sont souvent complexes à mettre en oeuvre et onéreux, la simulation numériqueest devenue un outil efficace et complémentaire pour dimensionner ces systèmes.Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le contexte de la modélisation de l'accrétion de givre, duruissellement et des systèmes de protection thermique. Elle s'articule en sept chapitres.Après avoir présenté les enjeux et contexte, on introduit une approche tricouche permettantde modéliser l'accrétion de givre et le ruissellement de manière instationnaire. Les troischapitres suivants traitent des méthodes de discrétisation de ce modèle ainsi que de soncouplage avec un modèle du système de protection thermique. Les deux derniers sontconsacrés à la présentation des résultats de simulations numériques montrant l'intérêt del'approche développée et la faisabilité de simulations complètes de phénomènes d'accrétionde givre sur une paroi chauffée ou non. / Icing has been identified as a serious issue since the start of aeronautics. Ice accretion onwings, due to supercooled droplets inside clouds, leads to severe degradation of aerodynamicperformances, among other undesirable effects. Therefore, aircraft manufacturers have sincea long time developed ice protection systems. As flight tests or wind tunnel experimentsare often complicated to implement and expensive, numerical modeling is an effective andcomplementary tool to design those systems. This thesis concerns the modeling of ice accretion, runback and thermal ice protectionsystems. It consists of seven chapters. The first one is dedicated to the presentation of theconcerns and the context. Then a three layer approach allowing to model in an unsteadyway ice accretion and runback is presented. Following three chapters deal with this modeldiscretization as well as a method to couple it with a thermal ice protection system model.Two last chapters are dedicated to numerical simulations showing the sake of the approachand the feasibility of a whole simulation of ice accretion on a heated or unheated surface.

Roberto Schwarz, arquitetura e crítica / Roberto Schwarz, architecture and critic

Rosatti, Camila Gui 27 April 2010 (has links)
O crítico Roberto Schwarz, pensador da cultura, assume o ângulo estético como primazia para a interpretação da sociedade brasileira. Sua obra perpassa diversos âmbitos da produção cultural, mobilizando a relação entre análise formal e crítica social. Assumindo a importância da sua trajetória intelectual, esta dissertação dá ênfase à sua contribuição em relação ao debate sobre Arquitetura. À luz desta questão apresenta-se um percurso sobre seus ensaios, buscando-se elucidar suas análises, referências e pressupostos, assim como suas implicações para o significado da crítica de arquitetura diante dos impasses históricos por esta enfrentados no presente. / The critic Roberto Schwarz, thinker of culture, assumes the aesthetic perspective as a primacy for an interpretation of the Brazilian society. His essayistic production overviews a diversity of cultural productions, putting in motion the connection between formal analysis and social critics. Taking on the importance of his intellectual trajectory, this dissertation emphasizes his contributions about Architecture discussion. Considering this question, this work shows a way among his essays, seeking to elucidate his analysis, references, premisses and also their implications for the meaning of the Architecture criticism, forward the historical dilemmas that it presently faces.

Développement d’une méthodologie de couplage multimodèle avec changements de dimension : validation sur un cas-test réaliste / Methodological development for model coupling with dimension heterogeneity : validation on a realistic test-case

Daou, Mehdi Pierre 27 September 2016 (has links)
Les progrès réalisés depuis plusieurs décennies, à la fois en termes de connaissances physiques, numériques et de puissance informatique disponible, permettent de traiter des simulations de plus en plus complexes. Les modélisations d'écoulements fluviaux et maritimes n'échappent pas à cette tendance. Ainsi, pour de très nombreuses applications de ce type, les modélisateurs doivent mettre en œuvre de véritables "systèmes de modélisation", couplant entre eux plusieurs modèles et logiciels, représentant différentes parties du système physique. La mise en place de tels systèmes permet de traiter de nombreuses études, comme par exemple les impacts de construction d'ouvrages d'art ou industriels, ou encore l'évaluation des aléas suite à un événement exceptionnel, etc.Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous abordons cette problématique en utilisant une méthodologie de type Schwarz, empruntée à la théorie de décomposition de domaine, dont le principe est de ramener la résolution d'un problème complexe à celle de plusieurs sous-problèmes plus simples, grâce à un algorithme itératif. Ces méthodologies sont particulièrement bien adaptées au couplage de codes industriels puisqu'elles sont très peu intrusives.Cette thèse, réalisée dans le cadre d'un contrat CIFRE et grâce au financement du projet européen CRISMA, a été fortement ancrée dans un contexte industriel. Elle a été réalisée au sein d'Artelia en collaboration avec l'équipe AIRSEA du Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, avec pour objectif principal de transférer vers Artelia des connaissances et du savoir-faire concernant les méthodologies de couplage de modèles.Nous développons, dans le cadre de cette thèse, une méthodologie de couplage multi-modèles et de dimensions hétérogènes basée sur les méthodes de Schwarz, afin de permettre la modélisation de problématiques complexes dans des cas opérationnels (en complexifiant les problématiques étudiées au fur et à mesure de la thèse). Du point de vue industriel, les couplages mis en place sont fortement contraints par les logiciels utilisés répondant aux besoins d'Artelia (Telemac-3D, Mascaret, InterFOAM, Open-PALM).Nous étudions tout d'abord un couplage 1-D/3-D résolvant des écoulements à surface libre sous un même système de logiciel Telemac-Mascaret. L'avantage d'un tel couplage est une réduction de coût grâce à l'utilisation du modèle 1-D. Toutefois l’une des difficultés liées au changement de dimension réside dans la définition même de la notion de couplage entre des modèles de dimensions différentes. Ceci conduit à une solution couplée qui n’est pas définie d’une façon unique et qui dépend du choix des opérateurs d’interfaces.Puis nous nous intéressons au couplage monophasique/diphasique (1-D/3-D et 3-D/3-D) entre le système de logiciel Telemac-Mascaret et InterFOAM (modèle diphasique VOF), où la difficulté du choix des opérateurs d'interface lors du changement de physique (monophasique/diphasique) est aussi présente. Ce couplage a pour avantage de rendre possible la résolution d’écoulements complexes, que le système Telemac-Mascaret ne peut pas simuler (déferlement, lame d'eau, écoulement en charge, etc.) en utilisant localement InterFOAM avec son coût de calcul très important. Enfin, nous étudions l’application du couplage monophasique/diphasique sur un cas opérationnel d’étude d’ingénierie.Par ailleurs, les travaux effectués lors du projet CRISMA, pour le développement d'une application permettant de simuler les différents aspects d'une crise liée aux risques de submersions marines en Charente Maritime, coordonnés par Artelia, sont également présentés. Le projet CRISMA a pour objectif d'améliorer l'aide à la décision en se basant sur la simulation pour la gestion opérationnelle des situations de crise dans différents domaines du risque naturel et industriel (inondations, feux de forêt, pollutions accidentelles, etc.). / Progress has been performed for decades, in terms of physical knowledge, numerical techniques and computer power, that allows to address more and more complex simulations. Modelling of river and marine flows is no exception to this rule. For many applications, engineers have now to implement complex "modelling systems", coupling several models and software, representing various parts of the physical system. Such modelling systems allow addressing numerous studies, like quantifying the impacts of industrial constructions or highway structures, or evaluating the consequences of an extreme event.In the framwork of the present thesis, we address model coupling techniques using Schwarz's methodology, which is based on domain decomposition methods. The basic principle is to reduce the resolution of a complex problem into several simpler sub-problems, thanks to an iterative algorithm. These methods are particularly well suited for industrial codes, since they are very few intrusive.This thesis was realized within the framework of a CIFRE contract and thanks to the funding of the European CRISMA project and was thus greatly influenced by this industrial context. It was performed within the Artelia company, in collaboration with the AIRSEA team of the Jean Kuntzmann Laboratory, with the main objective of transferring to Artelia some knowledge and expertise regarding coupling methodologies.In this thesis, we develop a methodology for multi-model coupling with heterogeneous dimensions, based on Schwarz's methods, in order to allow modelling of complex problems in operational cases. From the industrial viewpoint, the developed coupled models must use software meeting Artelia's needs (Telemac-3D, Mascaret, InterFOAM, Open-PALM).We firstly study a testcase coupling 1-D and 3-D free surface flows, using the same software system Telemac-Mascaret. The advantage of such coupling is a reduction of the computation cost, thanks to the use of a 1-D model. However the change in the model dimension makes it difficult to define properly the notion of coupling, leading to a coupled solution which is not defined in a unique way but depends on the choice of the interface operators.Then we study a coupling case between a monophasic model and a diphasic model (1-D/3-D and 3-D/3-D), using Telemac-Mascaret and InterFOAM software systems. Once again, the main difficulty lies in the definition of interfaces operators, due to the change in the physics (monophasic / diphasic). Such a coupling makes it possible to solve complex flows that the Telemac-Mascaret system alone cannot address (breaking waves, water blade, closed-conduit flow, etc.), by locally using InterFOAM where necessary (InterFOAM is very expensive in terms of computations). Finally, we implement such a monophasic/diphasic coupling on an operational engineering study.In addition, we also present the work done during the CRISMA project. The overall objective of the CRISMA project was to develop a simulation-based decision support system for the operational crisis management in different domains of natural or industrial risks (floods, forest fires, accidental pollution, etc.). In this context, Artelia coordinated the development of an application allowing to simulate various aspects of crisis linked to flood risks in Charente-Maritime.

Dois modos de ler: o poder de aferição da crítica materialista em Raymond Williams e Roberto Schwarz / Two ways of reading: the power of assessment of the materialist criticism in Raymond Williams and Roberto Schwarz

Adriana Fernandes Morelli 12 April 2010 (has links)
O objeto de estudo deste trabalho são as obras The Country and the City, de Raymond Williams, publicada em 1973, e Duas Meninas, de Roberto Schwarz, de 1997. Na primeira, o foco incide principalmente sobre a obra de Thomas Hardy e o romance Jude, the Obscure, autor de fundamental importância para Williams; na segunda, em Dom Casmurro, de Machado de Assis, e em Minha Vida de Menina, de Helena Morley. A partir da premissa de que a crítica de arte pode e deve ser um instrumento de aferição social, tanto Williams quanto Schwarz questionam os pressupostos da cultura hegemônica e da tradição literária, com consequências não só para a literatura como também para a sociedade. Em Cambridge, Williams constata um problema de perspectiva histórica na representação do meio rural, ligado à ideologia que sustenta o sistema capitalista no centro, cujo avanço e democracia acredita serem questionáveis. No Brasil, na periferia do capitalismo, Roberto Schwarz detecta a reposição do atraso, por vezes aparentemente em vias de ser superado, como constata a partir das dinâmicas sociais explicitadas em Minha Vida de Menina. Assim, esta tese discute os pressupostos teóricos de Williams e de Schwarz, com a finalidade de explicitar os modos como os dois críticos leem a literatura, a sociedade e a tradição. O objetivo é o de demonstrar que a crítica literária pode ser uma ferramenta de produção de conhecimento, e que, vistos pelo olhar desses críticos, Brasil e Inglaterra, centro e periferia do capitalismo, têm muito a revelar um sobre o outro. / The aim of this study is to present a reading of The Country and the City, by Raymond Williams, published in 1973, and Duas Meninas, by Roberto Schwarz, 1997. In order to exemplify Williamss way of approaching literature, I investigate how the critic analyses the work of Thomas Hardy, especially the novel Jude, the Obscure. Departing from the idea that cultural criticism could and should be an instrument of social assessment, both Williams and Schwarz question the hegemonic culture and the literary tradition, with consequences both to society and literature, in the works mentioned above. In Cambridge, Williams realizes that there usually is a problem of perspective whenever the country is depicted in the English literature, a problem connected to the ideology that sustains the capitalist system in the center. To him, both progress and democracy can be put to doubt in there. In Brazil, the periphery of capitalism, Roberto Schwarz points to the reinstatement of old social problems, at times apparently almost to be left behind, as proven by the social dynamics found in Minha Vida de Menina, by Helena Morley. Therefore, in this dissertation I discuss the main topics of the theoretical apparatus of Williams and Schwarz, aiming at demonstrating how both critics approach literature, society and tradition. The main drive of this paper is to demonstrate that literary criticism could and should be a tool to enlighten the knowledge a society has of itself, and that, seen through the perspective of these critics, Brazil and England, center and periphery of capitalism, are pieces that have a lot to reveal about each-other.

Numerical Conformal mappings for regions Bounded by Smooth Curves

Andersson, Anders January 2006 (has links)
Inom många tillämpningar används konforma avbildningar för att transformera tvådimensionella områden till områden med enklare utseende. Ett exempel på ett sådant område är en kanal av varierande tjocklek begränsad av en kontinuerligt deriverbar kurva. I de tillämpningar som har motiverat detta arbete, är det viktigt att dessa egenskaper bevaras i det område en approximativ konform avbildning producerar, men det är också viktigt att begränsningskurvans riktning kan kontrolleras, särkilt i kanalens båda ändar. Denna avhandling behandlar tre olika metoder för att numeriskt konstruera konforma avbildningar mellan ett enkelt standardområde, företrädesvis det övre halvplanet eller enhetscirkeln, och ett område begränsat av en kontinuerligt deriverbar kurva, där begränsningskurvans riktning kan kontrolleras, exakt eller approximativt. Den första metoden är en utveckling av en idé, först beskriven av Peter Henrici, där en modifierad Schwarz-Christoffel-avbildning avbildar det övre halvplanet konformt på en polygon med rundade hörn. Med utgångspunkt i denna idé skapas en algoritm för att konstruera avbildningar på godtyckliga områden med släta randkurvor. Den andra metoden bygger också den på Schwarz-Christoffel-avbildningen, och utnyttjar det faktum att om enhetscirkeln eller halvplanet avbildas på en polygon kommer ett område Q i det inre av dessa, som till exempel en cirkel med centrum i origo och radie mindre än 1, eller ett område i övre halvplanet begränsat av två strålar, att avbildas på ett område R i det inre av polygonen begränsat av en slät kurva. Vi utvecklar en metod för att hitta ett polygonalt område P, utanför det Omega som man önskar att skapa en avbildning för, sådant att den Schwarz-Christoffel-avbildning som avbildar enhetscirkeln eller halvplanet på P, avbildar Q på Omega. I båda dessa fall används tangentpolygoner för att numeriskt bestämma den önskade avbildningen. Slutligen beskrivs en metod där en av Don Marshalls så kallade zipper-algoritmer används för att skapa en avbildning mellan det övre halvplanet och en godtycklig kanal, begränsad av släta kurvor, som i båda ändar går mot oändligheten som räta parallella linjer. / In many applications, conformal mappings are used to transform two-dimensional regions into simpler ones. One such region for which conformal mappings are needed is a channel bounded by continuously differentiable curves. In the applications that have motivated this work, it is important that the region an approximate conformal mapping produces, has this property, but also that the direction of the curve can be controlled, especially in the ends of the channel. This thesis treats three different methods for numerically constructing conformal mappings between the upper half-plane or unit circle and a region bounded by a continuously differentiable curve, where the direction of the curve in a number of control points is controlled, exact or approximately. The first method is built on an idea by Peter Henrici, where a modified Schwarz-Christoffel mapping maps the upper half-plane conformally on a polygon with rounded corners. His idea is used in an algorithm by which mappings for arbitrary regions, bounded by smooth curves are constructed. The second method uses the fact that a Schwarz-Christoffel mapping from the upper half-plane or unit circle to a polygon maps a region Q inside the half-plane or circle, for example a circle with radius less than 1 or a sector in the half--plane, on a region Omega inside the polygon bounded by a smooth curve. Given such a region Omega, we develop methods to find a suitable outer polygon and corresponding Schwarz-Christoffel mapping that gives a mapping from Q to Omega. Both these methods use the concept of tangent polygons to numerically determine the coefficients in the mappings. Finally, we use one of Don Marshall's zipper algorithms to construct conformal mappings from the upper half--plane to channels bounded by arbitrary smooth curves, with the additional property that they are parallel straight lines when approaching infinity.

Desigualdade de Adams em domínios ilimitados / Adams inequality in unbounded domains

Rocha, Fábio Sodré 10 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Liliane Ferreira (ljuvencia30@gmail.com) on 2018-09-05T10:48:04Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Fábio Sodré Rocha - 2018.pdf: 2598970 bytes, checksum: 6dcbeb213d900d41e0a2064ff8a20d22 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-09-05T11:22:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Fábio Sodré Rocha - 2018.pdf: 2598970 bytes, checksum: 6dcbeb213d900d41e0a2064ff8a20d22 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-05T11:22:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Fábio Sodré Rocha - 2018.pdf: 2598970 bytes, checksum: 6dcbeb213d900d41e0a2064ff8a20d22 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-10 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / In this work our aim is to present an extension of the Trudinger-Moser inequality [20] in unbounded domains of Rn for Sobolev Spaces involving high order derivatives. This inequality is nowadays known as Adams-type inequality [1]. We study the techniques developed in the works due to F. Sani and B. Ruf in [23] and due to N. Lam and G. Lu in [16] which are, essentially, combinations of the Comparison Principle of Trombetti and Vazquez for polyharmonic operators and a symmetrization argument, also known as Schwarz Symmetrization. "With such techniques in hands", our aim is to reduce our problem to the radial case and, as a consequence, find an upper bound for the supremum over all functions belonging to the unit ball of Wn;mn (Rn) provided with some specific norm, as well as the sharpness of the constant that appears in Adams inequalities. / Neste trabalho temos como objetivo apresentar uma extensão da desigualdade de AdamsTrudinger-Moser [1] em domínios ilimitados de Rn para espaços de Sobolev envolvendo derivadas de ordem superior no caso crítico. Esta desigualdade é conhecida hoje como desigualdade do tipo Adams [1]. Nosso estudo é baseado nas técnicas desenvolvidas nos trabalhos devidos à F. Sani e B. Ruf em [23] e à N. Lam e G. Lu em [16], que são, essencialmente, combinações do Princípio de Comparação de Vazquez-Trombetti para operadores poliharmônicos e um argumento de simetrização, também conhecido como Simetrização de Schwarz. Munidos de tais técnicas, nosso objetivo é reduzir nosso problema ao caso radial, e como consequência, encontrar um limite superior para o supremo sobre todas as funções pertecentes à bola unitária de Wn;mn (Rn) provido de uma norma específica, bem como também mostrar a otimalidade da constante presente na desigualdade do tipo Adams.

Roberto Schwarz, arquitetura e crítica / Roberto Schwarz, architecture and critic

Camila Gui Rosatti 27 April 2010 (has links)
O crítico Roberto Schwarz, pensador da cultura, assume o ângulo estético como primazia para a interpretação da sociedade brasileira. Sua obra perpassa diversos âmbitos da produção cultural, mobilizando a relação entre análise formal e crítica social. Assumindo a importância da sua trajetória intelectual, esta dissertação dá ênfase à sua contribuição em relação ao debate sobre Arquitetura. À luz desta questão apresenta-se um percurso sobre seus ensaios, buscando-se elucidar suas análises, referências e pressupostos, assim como suas implicações para o significado da crítica de arquitetura diante dos impasses históricos por esta enfrentados no presente. / The critic Roberto Schwarz, thinker of culture, assumes the aesthetic perspective as a primacy for an interpretation of the Brazilian society. His essayistic production overviews a diversity of cultural productions, putting in motion the connection between formal analysis and social critics. Taking on the importance of his intellectual trajectory, this dissertation emphasizes his contributions about Architecture discussion. Considering this question, this work shows a way among his essays, seeking to elucidate his analysis, references, premisses and also their implications for the meaning of the Architecture criticism, forward the historical dilemmas that it presently faces.

Sociologia da crítica em torno de Machado de Assis – localismo versus universalismo em Roberto Schwarz e Abel Barros Baptista / Sociology of criticism around Machado de Assis - localism versus universalism in Roberto Schwarz and Abel Barros Baptista

Noronha, Marcelo Brice Assis 20 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-03-21T11:15:53Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Marcelo Brice Assis Noronha - 2015.pdf: 2359956 bytes, checksum: a85ead4abe0c7298a2b205bc31710fa8 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-03-21T11:16:11Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Marcelo Brice Assis Noronha - 2015.pdf: 2359956 bytes, checksum: a85ead4abe0c7298a2b205bc31710fa8 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-21T11:16:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Marcelo Brice Assis Noronha - 2015.pdf: 2359956 bytes, checksum: a85ead4abe0c7298a2b205bc31710fa8 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-20 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / There is a historical dispute over the appropriation of Machado de Assis and his work in the various critical readings. One such disputes revolves around the notion of localism and universalism. The author is not fruitful because it falls to any approach, but by always fruitful developments that can flourish from and through it. Machado de Assis is an author of this order exactly because the more one studies more possibilities appear and others may be reassessed. It has long been considered an author absent from the things of his country, then found local traits that permeated. Now, at a time of new reconsideration, the dispute is the recognition of its amplitude as a writer. Concerned about making distinct and meaningful literature, Machado de Assis was also attached to the substrate that motivated, and especially attentive to his legacy. We propose to put into perspective Machado issues by conflicting views of Roberto Schwarz and Abel Barros Baptista. Summaries of perspectives: the socio-historical and poststructuralist. The guidelines of this crossroads seem to indicate an effort by modulating the critical activity and object permanence under review. Through frames presented as prospects in action, with a general tone, despite the specificity is expected to be able to group the qualities and the criticism involved in some part of that is cheered up by the writer Machado de Assis: his artistic achievement - literature and Brazil. / Há uma disputa histórica pela apropriação de Machado de Assis e sua obra nas diversas leituras críticas. Uma dessas querelas se dá em torno da noção de localismo e universalismo. O autor é fecundo não porque lhe caiba qualquer abordagem, mas pelos desdobramentos sempre profícuos que podem florescer a partir e através dele. Machado de Assis é um autor dessa ordem exatamente porque quanto mais se estuda mais possibilidades aparecem e outras podem ser reavaliadas. Por muito tempo foi considerado um autor ausente das coisas de seu país, depois se descobriram os traços locais que o permeavam. Agora, em um momento de novas reconsiderações, a disputa é pelo reconhecimento de sua amplitude como literato. Preocupado em fazer literatura distinta e significativa, Machado de Assis também esteve ligado ao substrato que a motivava, e notadamente atento ao seu legado. Propomos colocar em perspectiva questões machadianas pelos pontos de vista conflitivos de Roberto Schwarz e Abel Barros Baptista. Sínteses de perspectivas: a sócio-histórica e a pós-estruturalista. As diretrizes dessa encruzilhada parecem indicar um esforço pela modulação da atividade crítica e a permanência do objeto em análise. Por meio de quadros apresentados como perspectivas em ação, com um tom de generalidade, apesar da especificidade, espera-se poder agrupar as qualidades e as críticas envolvidas em alguma parte do que está animado pelo escritor Machado de Assis: sua realização artística – a literatura e o Brasil.

Blocage de Coulomb dynamique : des fluctuations électroniques aux micro-ondes quantiques / Dynamical Coulomb blockade : from electronic fluctuations to quantum microwaves

Parlavecchio, Olivier 16 January 2015 (has links)
Au cours de ma thèse, je me suis intéressé à deux aspects de l'interaction charge-rayonnement dans des jonctions tunnel. Premièrement j'ai étudié la dynamique des transferts de charge à travers une jonction tunnel normale lorsque celle-ci est couplée à un environnement dont l'impédance est comparable au quantum d'impédance (RK= h/e^2). Nous avons montré que les uctuations de courant portent des signatures de processus à un, deux et trois photons. Deuxièmement j'ai caractérisé le rayonnement émis par une jonction Josephson lorsque celle-ci est couplée à deux résonateurs de fréquences différentes, nu_1 et nu_2, et soumise à une tension 2eV = h nu_1+h nu_2. Nous avons montré que les photons sont émis pas paires, ce qui constitue un rayonnement non-classique violant l'inégalité de Cauchy-Schwarz.Nos résultats montrent que le blocage de Coulomb dynamique constitue une ressource pour la production de micro-ondes quantiques. / In this thesis work, I have focused on two aspects of the charge-light interaction for tunnel junctions. On one hand, I have investigated the influence of the coupling to electromagnetic radiation on the dynamics of charge transfer through a normal tunnel junction when the impedance of its environment gets comparable to the resistance quantum (RK=h/e^2). We showed that the current fluctuations bear signature of the processes where one, two or three photons are emitted.On the other hand, we used a Josephson junction, embedded in a circuit made of two resonators at different frequencies, nu_1 and nu_2, and biased at the voltage 2eV=h nu_1+h nu_2. We showed that the Josephson junction emits photon pairs corresponding to a non classical state of radiation which violates the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality.Our results extend the toolbox for performing quantum optics experiments in the microwave domain.

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