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Consistency and heritability of personality in red junglefowl (Gallus gallus) : Applying scientific research methods when teaching biologyKvarnström, Josefin January 2013 (has links)
Observations of consistency in behavioural responses in animals suggest that animals have personality, a term previously mainly used when describing humans. The expression of differences in personality, similar to expression of variation in behaviour, is in principle dependent on genetic background, environmental factors and experiences. Therefore, by estimating heritability one can determine to which extent the genes affect the phenotypic expression of behaviour. This has rarely been done for variation in animal personality. The aim of the present study was therefore to estimate the consistency and heritability of personality traits in red junglefowl chicks (Gallus gallus). Consistency of behaviours within individuals (n=100) was determined from their responses to repeated novel arena tests, novel object tests and tonic immobility tests. A comparison between the offspring and the parent generation, both with known personalities, through a linear regression enabled me to estimate heritability of behavioural responses in these birds. The results showed a consistency in exploratory, boldness, risk-taking behaviour, and fearfulness in red junglefowl. Additionally, heritability estimates for exploratory, risk-taking and foraging behaviours were found. Taken together, this shows that in the red junglefowl, similar to in other species, personality have both a heritable and an environmental component. An important aim in biology education is the scientific approach, where hypothesis, experimentation, processing results and discussing the results are in focus. Learning and gaining knowledge through the process is a key factor, and will hopefully increase the interest in science among Swedish pupils.
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A total quality management approach to appropriate clinical laboratory test utilisation in acute myocardial infarctionIsouard, Godfrey, University of Western Sydney, Macarthur, Faculty of Health January 1996 (has links)
The first goal of this investigation was to undertake a non-equivalent quasi-experimental design to test the effect of a total Quality management (TQM) approach to improve the appropriateness of clinical laboratory test utilisation in the management of early acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The study was conducted at 2 public hospitals in Sydney over a 30 month period, and in 2 stages- pre and post TQM intervention. Using specifically a Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) FOCUS-PDCA model, a multidisciplinary team was empowered to make appropriate changes in order to improve a variety of problem areas that affected the total pathology service. Improvement was directed at the total system of pathology testing, not just test ordering. It was observed that the introduction of a TQM environment had provided a more committed, integrated and motivated clinical care effort towards improving the appropriateness of test ordering. Such team efforts were accompanied by demonstrated customer satisfaction at various aspects of the laboratory service and further benefits to patient care. Patient care benefited greatly from the highly significant changes towards more appropriate timing of blood collections for cardiac enzyme testing. Other improvements included overall improvements to the turnaround time of test results, reductions in specimen delivery delays, more appropriate use of clinical laboratory tests, a streamlined distribution of printed reports and marked improvements in communication between staff involved in the process of test ordering. Of major importance was the finding that CQI strategies resulted in substantial savings of 23.0% of the overall cost of pathology services. Adoption of the TQM approach appears to be a strategy worthy of exploration by laboratory directors and health administrators interested in improving patient care while at the same time reducing expenditure. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Scientific approach in clinical placement in nursing education -Phenomenographic studyGillrell, Charlotte January 2016 (has links)
Gillrell, C. Vetenskapligt förhållningssätt i verksamhetsförlagd-sjuksköterskeutbildning. Fenomenografisk studie. Examensarbete i omvårdnad 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö högskola: Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle, Institutionen för Vårdvetenskap, 2015.Det är en utmaning för sjuksköterskestudenten att identifiera omvårdnadsbehov hos en patient. Aktuell studie har fokuserat på vad den handledande sjuksköterskan uppfattar vara centralt i ett vetenskapligt förhållningssätt i omvårdnadsarbetet och hur fenomenet förmedlas till sjuksköterskestudenter. Resultatet visade variation i syftet med ett vetenskapligt förhållningssätt. En del handledare uppfattade att syftet med fenomenet var att identifiera omvårdnadsbehov, andra menade att syftet var att utföra omvårdnad flexibelt utifrån faktakunskap och vad som var det bästa för patienten. Starkast stöd för målet med ett vetenskapligt förhållningssätt i omvårdnadsarbetet var att ge den bästa och säkraste vården för specifik patient. Fenomenet vetenskapligt förhållningssätt kunde förmedlas om den verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen gavs tid, utrymme och hade strukturerade läraktiviteter samt reflektion i handling, och på handling. / Gillrell, C. Scientific approach in clinical placement in nursing education. A phenomenographic study. Degree project in Care Science 15 credits. Malmö University: Faculty of health and society, Department of Care Science, 2015.It is a challenge for nursing students to identify the care needs of a patient. Current study has focused what the supervising nurse perceived to be the center of a scientific approach in nursing and how the phenomenon was communicated to the nursing students. The results showed variation in the purpose of a scientific approach. Some supervisors perceived that the purpose of the phenomenon was to identify care needs, others meant that the aim was to carry out nursing flexible based on factual knowledge and what was best for the patient. The strongest support for the goal of a scientific approach in nursing work was to provide the best and safest care for a specific patient. The phenomenon of scientific approach could be communicated, in the clinical placement, if given the time and space, and if the student had structured learning activities and reflection in action, and on action.
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Hur kan det gå ihop? : en studie om lärarutbildningens betydelse i yrketStenudd, Sara, Westergren, Johanna January 2007 (has links)
Denna studie redogör för utbildningens betydelse i fråga om nyexaminerade lärares pedagogiska och vetenskapliga förhållningssätt. För att studera nyexaminerade lärares beskrivningar av sin yrkesverksamhet samt sin syn på utbildningen, har kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med tre lärare under former som säkerställt etisk riktighet, reliabilitet och validitet. De kvalitativa intervjuerna har, i studien, en låg grad av standardisering och fokus på ett visst tema, trots en relativt hög grad av strukturering. Vidare har intervjuerna analyserats utifrån den nuvarande lärarutbildningens intentioner och tidigare forskning där lärarutbildningens betydelse, det vetenskapliga och pedagogiska förhållningssättet samt tiden som ny lärare berörs. Tre tydliga infallsvinklar på utbildningens betydelse har följaktligen urskiljts, vilka sedan användes för att presentera resultatet. Infallsvinklarna var kunskapssynen, det vetenskapliga förhållningssättet samt förhållandet mellan teori och praktik. Dessa infallsvinklar användes även vid resultatdiskussionen. Uppsatsens författare anser även att nyexaminerade lärares pedagogiska och vetenskapliga förhållningssätt är påverkade av utbildningen liksom av tidigare erfarenheter i flertalet avseenden. Författarna är även av åsikten att studenterna tidigt bör erhålla en medvetenhet om sitt eget lärande och utbildningens syfte samt utformning för att utbildningens betydelse ska optimeras. Denna åsikt baseras på de positiva erfarenheterna som erhållits av uppsatsförfattarna. / This study describes the importance of the teacher education concerning newly graduated teacher.s pedagogical and scientific approach. Qualitative interviews have been conducted with the purpose of studying newly graduated teacher.s descriptions of their profession as well as their views on the education. The reliability and ethics have been taken into consideration. The qualitative interviews, in this study, have a low grade of standardization and focus on a certain subject, in spite of the relative high grade of structuring. The interviews have been analysed with regard to both the intentions of the current teacher education and prior research on the subject. From the interview data three distinct views on the importance of the education have been revealed, which has been used to present the result. The different views have been organized into three separate categories which have been named: Epistemological Beliefs, A Scientific Approach and finally Theory and Practice. These same categories are also used in the discussion. The authors of the essay conclude that the new graduated teacher.s pedagogical and scientific approaches are affected by the education as well as by their earlier experiences in many different aspects. The authors are also by the opinion that the students need to be aware of their own learning and of the purpose of the education at an early stage, so that the importance of the education is optimized. This opinion is based on the positive experiences that the authors have gained during the compilation of this study.
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Hur kan det gå ihop? : en studie om lärarutbildningens betydelse i yrketStenudd, Sara, Westergren, Johanna January 2007 (has links)
<p> </p><p>Denna studie redogör för utbildningens betydelse i fråga om nyexaminerade lärares pedagogiska och vetenskapliga förhållningssätt. För att studera nyexaminerade lärares beskrivningar av sin yrkesverksamhet samt sin syn på utbildningen, har kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med tre lärare under former som säkerställt etisk riktighet, reliabilitet och validitet. De kvalitativa intervjuerna har, i studien, en låg grad av standardisering och fokus på ett visst tema, trots en relativt hög grad av strukturering. Vidare har intervjuerna analyserats utifrån den nuvarande lärarutbildningens intentioner och tidigare forskning där lärarutbildningens betydelse, det vetenskapliga och pedagogiska förhållningssättet samt tiden som ny lärare berörs. Tre tydliga infallsvinklar på utbildningens betydelse har följaktligen urskiljts, vilka sedan användes för att presentera resultatet. Infallsvinklarna var kunskapssynen, det vetenskapliga förhållningssättet samt förhållandet mellan teori och praktik. Dessa infallsvinklar användes även vid resultatdiskussionen. Uppsatsens författare anser även att nyexaminerade lärares pedagogiska och vetenskapliga förhållningssätt är påverkade av utbildningen liksom av tidigare erfarenheter i flertalet avseenden. Författarna är även av åsikten att studenterna tidigt bör erhålla en medvetenhet om sitt eget lärande och utbildningens syfte samt utformning för att utbildningens betydelse ska optimeras. Denna åsikt baseras på de positiva erfarenheterna som erhållits av uppsatsförfattarna.</p><p> </p> / <p> </p><p>This study describes the importance of the teacher education concerning newly graduated teacher.s pedagogical and scientific approach. Qualitative interviews have been conducted with the purpose of studying newly graduated teacher.s descriptions of their profession as well as their views on the education. The reliability and ethics have been taken into consideration. The qualitative interviews, in this study, have a low grade of standardization and focus on a certain subject, in spite of the relative high grade of structuring. The interviews have been analysed with regard to both the intentions of the current teacher education and prior research on the subject. From the interview data three distinct views on the importance of the education have been revealed, which has been used to present the result. The different views have been organized into three separate categories which have been named: Epistemological Beliefs, A Scientific Approach and finally Theory and Practice. These same categories are also used in the discussion. The authors of the essay conclude that the new graduated teacher.s pedagogical and scientific approaches are affected by the education as well as by their earlier experiences in many different aspects. The authors are also by the opinion that the students need to be aware of their own learning and of the purpose of the education at an early stage, so that the importance of the education is optimized. This opinion is based on the positive experiences that the authors have gained during the compilation of this study.</p><p> </p>
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`n Sosiaal-wetenskaplike benadering tot die eerste-eeuse mediterreense persoonlikheid van Jesus soos gevind in die JohannesevangelieKaiser, Elizabeth Hendrica 30 November 2003 (has links)
This study deals with the character of Jesus in the Gospel of John and follows the social-scientific approach and aims to correct the traditional views regarding the personality of Jesus. The aim is not a personality analysis but to situate Jesus as a typical person who was a part of and functioned in the first Mediterranean world.
The pivotal values of the ancient world such as honor/shame; collectivistic/dyadic personality; family and group orientation; kinship; the patronage system with the patron/broker/client relationship and the purity system are applied to reach the aim of my thesis. It is found that Jesus was a collectivistic/dyadic personality. He functioned in this family orientated as well as in a group orientated community and socially structured patronage system as a broker, totally the contrary to contemporary personality drawings of Jesus found in modern literature. / In hierdie studie, wat 'n skripsie van beperkte omvang is, word nie gepoog om 'n
persoonlikheidsanalise van Jesus te doen nie. Die studie wil die probleem van die
toepassings en interpretasies van Jesus in populere literatuur aanspreek. Jesus word deur
moderne mense en teoloe in prentjies en idees van 'n moderne mens met moderne
kategoriee, denke en perspektiewe, waardes en oordele beskryf, geteken en geinterpreteer,
en dit is nie 'n werklike getroue en realistiese weergawe van Jesus as historiese mens nie.
Jesus word in populere literatuur as 'n individualis geteken; sy persoon en emosies word
alleenlik in moderne denke en kategoriee geinterpreteer en dit word slegs op grond van
moderne individuele ervaring gedoen. Hierdie interpretasies is nie tipies van die
kollektiwistiese, groep-georienteerde eerste-eeuse mediterreense persoon nie. Afsydigheid
en terughoudendheid (4:9, 10; 13:36-38) is kenmerkend van persone in hierdie samelewing
waar warmte in verhoudings ontbreek het (2:16; 9:16)'. Emosies soos 'liefde' wat Jesus
toon, is nie 'n emosionele konnotasie wat in die moderne samelewing dui op die
gevoelslewe van die mens nie. In hierdie antieke samelewing het 'liefde' gedui op
lojaliteit, solidariteit en groepgebondenheid en as Jesus die blinde man sy sig teruggee
(9:7), herstel hy nie hier die geneesde man se plek as individu in terme van die moderne
samelewing nie, maar hy herstel die sieke in sy regmatige, groep-georienteerde sosiale
plek in die antieke samelewing waarin hy - weens sy siekte - as 'buitestaander' geetiketteer
is en dus geen deel in die groep gehad het nie.
In hierdie antieke eerste-eeuse mediterreense samelewing het ander spilpuntwaardes as in
ons moderne samelewing gegeld. In hierdie kollektiwistiese en groepgebonde kultuur het
persone gedeel in 'n gemeenskap met die spilpuntwaardes, norme en ingestelde sosiale
reels van hierdie spesifieke kultuur en aspekte wat vormend op hulle ingewerk het. Jesus
se persoon en optrede moet nagevors word in hierdie sosiale sisteem waar mag deur simbole daargestel is, en waar mense, dinge en gebeure elkeen 'n simboliese werklikheid
verteenwoordig het. / New Testament / M. A. (Biblical Studies)
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`n Sosiaal-wetenskaplike benadering tot die eerste-eeuse mediterreense persoonlikheid van Jesus soos gevind in die JohannesevangelieKaiser, Elizabeth Hendrica 30 November 2003 (has links)
This study deals with the character of Jesus in the Gospel of John and follows the social-scientific approach and aims to correct the traditional views regarding the personality of Jesus. The aim is not a personality analysis but to situate Jesus as a typical person who was a part of and functioned in the first Mediterranean world.
The pivotal values of the ancient world such as honor/shame; collectivistic/dyadic personality; family and group orientation; kinship; the patronage system with the patron/broker/client relationship and the purity system are applied to reach the aim of my thesis. It is found that Jesus was a collectivistic/dyadic personality. He functioned in this family orientated as well as in a group orientated community and socially structured patronage system as a broker, totally the contrary to contemporary personality drawings of Jesus found in modern literature. / In hierdie studie, wat 'n skripsie van beperkte omvang is, word nie gepoog om 'n
persoonlikheidsanalise van Jesus te doen nie. Die studie wil die probleem van die
toepassings en interpretasies van Jesus in populere literatuur aanspreek. Jesus word deur
moderne mense en teoloe in prentjies en idees van 'n moderne mens met moderne
kategoriee, denke en perspektiewe, waardes en oordele beskryf, geteken en geinterpreteer,
en dit is nie 'n werklike getroue en realistiese weergawe van Jesus as historiese mens nie.
Jesus word in populere literatuur as 'n individualis geteken; sy persoon en emosies word
alleenlik in moderne denke en kategoriee geinterpreteer en dit word slegs op grond van
moderne individuele ervaring gedoen. Hierdie interpretasies is nie tipies van die
kollektiwistiese, groep-georienteerde eerste-eeuse mediterreense persoon nie. Afsydigheid
en terughoudendheid (4:9, 10; 13:36-38) is kenmerkend van persone in hierdie samelewing
waar warmte in verhoudings ontbreek het (2:16; 9:16)'. Emosies soos 'liefde' wat Jesus
toon, is nie 'n emosionele konnotasie wat in die moderne samelewing dui op die
gevoelslewe van die mens nie. In hierdie antieke samelewing het 'liefde' gedui op
lojaliteit, solidariteit en groepgebondenheid en as Jesus die blinde man sy sig teruggee
(9:7), herstel hy nie hier die geneesde man se plek as individu in terme van die moderne
samelewing nie, maar hy herstel die sieke in sy regmatige, groep-georienteerde sosiale
plek in die antieke samelewing waarin hy - weens sy siekte - as 'buitestaander' geetiketteer
is en dus geen deel in die groep gehad het nie.
In hierdie antieke eerste-eeuse mediterreense samelewing het ander spilpuntwaardes as in
ons moderne samelewing gegeld. In hierdie kollektiwistiese en groepgebonde kultuur het
persone gedeel in 'n gemeenskap met die spilpuntwaardes, norme en ingestelde sosiale
reels van hierdie spesifieke kultuur en aspekte wat vormend op hulle ingewerk het. Jesus
se persoon en optrede moet nagevors word in hierdie sosiale sisteem waar mag deur simbole daargestel is, en waar mense, dinge en gebeure elkeen 'n simboliese werklikheid
verteenwoordig het. / New Testament / M. A. (Biblical Studies)
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Реализация государственной политики в сфере профилактики распространения кибераддикции в молодежной среде : магистерская диссертация / Implementation of the state policy in the prevention sphere of the spread of cyberaddiction among youthПопов, П. М., Popov, P. M. January 2022 (has links)
ВКР (магистерская диссертация) состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, библиографического списка, включающего 123 наименования, 5 приложений. Работа включает 23 таблицы, 11 рисунков и 5 диаграмм. Общий объем ВКР (магистерской диссертации) – 187 страниц. Объект исследования: процесс реализации государственной политики в сфере профилактики распространения кибераддикции в молодежной среде. Цель исследования: проанализировать реализацию государственной политики в сфере профилактики распространения кибераддикции в молодежной среде на территории Республики Дагестан и разработать рекомендации по совершенствованию государственной политики в этой сфере. Научная новизна исследования заключается в постановке научной проблемы реализации государственной политики в сфере профилактики кибераддикции в молодежной среде; уточнении понятий «кибераддикция» и «профилактика кибераддикции». Практическая значимость исследования заключается в разработке рекомендаций по совершенствованию реализации государственной политики в сфере профилактики распространения кибераддикции в молодежной среде, которые носят универсальный характер и могут быть рекомендованы для использования в других субъектах РФ. / WRC (master's thesis) consists of a direction, three chapters, presence, a bibliographic list, including 123 titles, 5 applications. The work includes 23 tables, 11 figures and 5 diagrams. The total volume of the WRC (master's thesis) is 187 pages. Object of study: the process of implementing state policy in the field of preventing the spread of cyber addiction among young people. The purpose of the study: to assess the state policy in the field of the spread of cyber addiction among the youth in the Republic of Dagestan and develop recommendations for improving state policy in this area. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the formulation of the scientific problem of the implementation of state policy in the field of preventing cyber addiction among young people; clarification of the concepts of "cyberaddiction" and "prevention of cyberaddiction". The practical significance of the study lies in the development of recommendations for improving the implementation of state policy in the field of preventing the spread of cyber addiction among young people, which are universal in nature and can be recommended for use in other regions of the Russian Federation.
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