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Factores más influyentes en la calidad percibida del servicio de taxi asistido por aplicativo móvil, desde la percepción de los usuarios que viven o trabajan en Lima Moderna / Most influential factors in the perceived quality of the taxi service assisted by mobile application, from the perception of users who live or work in Modern LimaFlores Sosa, Jorge, Valencia Cisneros, Pavel Vladimir 20 July 2019 (has links)
El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es determinar los factores más influyentes en la calidad percibida del servicio de taxi asistido por aplicativo móvil, desde la percepción de los usuarios que viven o trabajan en Lima Moderna. Para ello, se utilizó la metodología del modelo Servqual y se realizó un estudio no experimental del tipo descriptivo.
El instrumento de recolección fue una encuesta estructurada de 22 preguntas, tanto para las percepciones como para las expectativas. La diferencia entre ambas dio como resultado brechas negativas del servicio. Las preguntas se agruparon en cinco factores (fiabilidad, sensibilidad, seguridad, empatía y tangibilidad). La encuesta se aplicó a 388 usuarios, lo que permitió conocer el nivel de satisfacción por cada factor, por sexo y por empresa. Entre los resultados más relevantes de la investigación se pudo evidenciar que los usuarios se sienten insatisfechos con la calidad del servicio, especialmente los relacionados con los factores de seguridad y empatía.
El trabajo también investiga la relación entre cada factor y la calidad percibida, estableciéndose una correlación moderada. Además, se usa la herramienta Net Promoter Score que mide la lealtad de los usuarios basándose en sus recomendaciones.
Si bien en el Perú no existen estudios que aplican Servqual para medir la calidad de servicio en la industria del taxi por aplicativo, este es muy usado internacionalmente. Confiamos que esta investigación servirá de base para futuros estudios a nivel nacional. Nuestra investigación puede ser aprovechada por los directivos de las empresas de taxi por aplicativo para realizar acciones de mejora en su servicio. / The aim of this recent investigation is to determine the most significant aspects that influence in the quality of taxi service apps in Modern Lima. For this, it was used the methodology of Servqual Model and it was developed as a non-experimental research of descriptive design.
The instrument to collect data was a structured survey of 22 questions for both, perceptions, as well as expectations. The difference between them result in negative gaps in the service. The questions were classified according to five aspects (reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles). The survey was applied to 388 users, which allowed to know the level of satisfaction in each factor, by gender and company. Among the most relevant results of the investigation it was noticeable that user feel unsatisfied with the quality of the service, especially those related to factors of reliability and empathy.
Likewise, the research attempts to stablish the relationship between each factor and the quality perceived, stablishing a moderate correlation. Furthermore, it was used the Net Promoter Score tool, which measures the users’ loyalty based on their recommendations.
Although in Peru there has not been any research that apply Servqual to measure the quality of service in transportation network companies, it is a model used internationally. We trust that this research will be used as a reference for future local studies. This investigation can benefit managers of taxi companies in order to carry out improvements in their service. / Tesis
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A formative evaluation of LPC’s Montessori Preschool ProgrammeUbisse, Amosse Francisco 25 February 2020 (has links)
Research shows that early childhood interventions with fidelity to Montessori model generate learner’s outcomes that outperform the traditional model. The evidence is confirmed in developed and in developing countries. This formative evaluation reports the results of a Montessori model in implementation in township of Mfuleni, located in Cape Town, South Africa. Providing insights into the functioning of the programme, the evaluation confirms that the roll out of the Montessori model is still underway which may explain the reason of the learners not outperforming the comparison group.
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Automation and design in observational causal inferenceTajik, Mattias January 2022 (has links)
The use of automated procedures has recently become popular in the causal inference literature. Naive implementations of automatic procedures stand in contrast to the perspective advocated in Imbens and Rubin's Causal Inference. Imbens and Rubin suggest that researchers should make modelling decisions informed by subjective knowledge. We make use of simulated data to compare Imbens and Rubin's approach to naive implementations of two automatic procedures: Genetic Matching and Entropy Balancing. In addition we perform a small Monte Carlo simulation, based on one of the simulated data sets. Using the simulated data sets and the Monte Carlo simulations, we illustrate and explore benefits and drawbacks of the different approaches. We argue that there are benefits to make use of design-decisions grounded in subjective knowledge.
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Metal som filmmusik i actionkomedi : Ett stickprov i spontana känslor och reaktioner som metal framkallar i actionkomedin Clean Objective / Metal as Film Music in Action ComedyNeplokh, Vassili January 2022 (has links)
Trots ett något befläckat och periodvis kontroversiellt förflutet, har metal och hårdrock blivit en av de större musikgenrer som har fått sin spridning och sitt fäste i stora delar av världen. Denna uppsats är ett stickprov i spontana känslor och reaktioner som metal, skriven som konventionell filmmusik, framkallar i en actionkomedi. I studien har progressiv, instrumental metal komponerats som filmmusik till en scen ur kortfilmen Clean Objective (2022) och sedan översatts till klassisk orkestermusik. Samma scen med de två olika orkestreringar visades för fyra fokusgrupper med varierande bakgrund, för att undersöka respondenternas spontana reaktioner och känslor på metal som filmmusik i jämförelse med orkestermusiken som generellt förekommer oftare än metal i film. Alla respondenter upplevde att metal förstärkte komiken i och med kontrasten mot flera av filmens element, så som det visuella, pauser i musiken, samt mot en annan låt av en annan genre som också fanns med i scenen som studien gjordes på. De flesta respondenter tyckte att orkestern var mer dynamisk, bidrog med seriositet och passade bättre för uppbyggnaden av spänning, men tyckte att metal passade i actionsekvenserna. Respondenterna bidrog även med många olika enskilda åsikter och reaktioner som också presenteras i uppsatsen.
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The Body Profile Score : an assessment of whole body walking patterns in children with cerebral palsyRomero, Vincent January 2016 (has links)
Patients with cerebral palsy account for great upper extremities deviationswhile walking. However, the number of studies assessing their upper bodygait kinematics are rare and no studies have been conducted interested inthe whole body kinematics during walking. In this study, we created awhole body index, the Body Profile Score made of modified existing kinematicindexes assessing the gait pattern of children with cerebral palsy. TheBody Profile Score (BPS) is an average of combination of the Gait ProfileScore (GPS), a modified Trunk Profile Score (TPS), a modified Arm PostureScore (APS) and a also new index called Head Profile Score (HPS), basedon a similar calculation. Dierent versions of the BPS were tested on threegroups: a control group, a CP group before botulinum toxin A treatmentand a CP group after botulinum toxin A treatment. The results showed apoor level of linear correlations between the dierent BPS versions and theGait Profile Score, indicating that lower body indexes such as the GPS orGait Deviation Index (GDI) and full body index such as the BPS do not renderthe same information. The BPS is the first index proposing a full bodykinematic analysis and aims at showing that such an analysis is needed ingait assessment of spastic children in order to have a realistic overview ofthe pathological walking condition.
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Die prädiktive Rolle von Interleukin 6 bei Brandverletzten mit positiven BlutkulturenJocović, Jovan 31 May 2022 (has links)
Im klinischen Alltag stellt die Diagnosestellung der Sepsis bei Schwerbrandverletzten eine Herausforderung dar. Ursächlich sind pathophysiologische Besonderheiten der Verbrennungskrankheit, die in ihrer klinischen Präsentation dem Bild einer Sepsis ähnelt und somit die differentialdiagnostische Abgrenzung erschwert.
Es existieren aktuell keine Parameter, Scores, oder Sepsiskriterien, die mit ausreichender Kompetenz eine Sepsis bei Brandverletzten feststellen können. Traditionelle Infektionsparameter (WBC, CRP, Fieber) gelten als zu unspezifisch. Das in der allgemeinen Intensivmedizin weithin etablierte Procalcitonin wird bei Brandverletzten ebenfalls kontrovers diskutiert. Für die Sepsis-3-Definition unter Verwendung des SOFA-Scores konnten bislang keine ausreichende Sensitivität und Spezifität nachgewiesen werden.
IL-6 ist ein etablierter Marker der Inflammation mit sehr rascher Induktion bei einer Sepsis. Während das Ergebnis von Blutkulturen häufig erst nach 24-48 Stunden vorliegt, ist die Bestimmung des IL-6 innerhalb weniger Stunden möglich. Der diagnostische Wert des IL6 in der Frühphase der Sepsis bei Brandverletzten ist bislang ungeklärt. Das Ziel unserer Studie war es, die mögliche Beziehung zwischen positiven Blutkulturen und Il- 6-Serumspiegel bei schwerbrandverletzten Patienten mit klinischem Verdacht auf eine Sepsis zu überprüfen und den prädiktiven Wert des IL-6 mit dem anderer Parameter (PCT, WBC, Tmax und SOFA Score) zu vergleichen.
In einer retrospektiven Studie wurden über einen 7-Jahreszeitraum alle Patienten eingeschlossen, bei denen bei klinischem Verdacht auf eine Sepsis Blutkulturen abgenommen sowie IL6, PCT und WBC bestimmt wurden. Die Patienten mit vollständigen Daten wurden gemäß Blutkultur in zwei Gruppen eingeteilt: Blutkultur-positive (BSI) und Blutkultur-negative Gruppe (Non-BSI). Die Gruppen wurden für alle gemessenen Biomarker, SOFA-Score und die maximale Körpertemperatur (T max) verglichen.
Insgesamt wurden 101 Patienten eingeschlossen (BSI= 39, non-BSI= 62). Beide Gruppen waren hinsichtlich demographischer Daten und der Verletzungsschwere vergleichbar. IL-6 war bei den Patienten der BSI-Gruppe signifikant höher [1047 (339,9; 9000,5) vs. 198,5 (112,43; 702,52) ng/ l; p = 0,001]. In einer ROC-Analyse ergab sich eine AUC von 0,7 (59; 80,8 %). Somit ist IL-6 ein Biomarker mit moderater Aussagekraft. Als optimaler Cut-Off Wert erwies sich ein IL-6-Serumspiegel von 312,8 ng/ l (Sensitivität 79,5 %, Spezifität 56,5 %). Hinsichtlich der PCT, WBC und der Tmax zeigten die Gruppen keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Der SOFA-Score in der BSI-Gruppe war signifikant höher, allerdings wurde ein Anstieg um mindestens 2 Punkte im Vergleich zum Vortag nicht erreicht.
Unsere Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, daß IL-6 bei klinischem Verdacht auf eine Sepsis bereits frühzeitig eine positive Blutkultur vorhersagen kann. In diesem Kontext sind andere getestete Parameter (WBC, T max, PCT, SOFA-Score) weniger geeignet.
Der frühe Anstieg des IL-6 könnte im klinischen Alltag hilfreich sein, da die Ergebnisse der IL-6-Bestimmung im Gegensatz zur Kultivierung von Blutkulturen innerhalb weniger Stunden vorliegen. Insbesondere in unklaren Fällen und Situationen, bei denen ein Zuwarten bezüglich der Einleitung einer Antibiotikatherapie möglich erscheint (z.B. fehlende Organdysfunktion) kann IL-6 einen Beitrag bei der Diagnosestellung leisten und einen Hinweis geben, ob differentialdiagnostische Überlegungen weiter verfolgt werden müssen. Die Bestimmung des IL-6 könnte somit zur Vermeidung eines zu liberalen, unkritischen Antibiotikaeinsatzes und den damit assoziierten Folgen beitragen.
Das retrospektive Design und die Fallzahl sind relevante Limitationen unserer Studie. Eine Aussage zu möglichen Unterschieden zwischen grampositiven und gramnegativen Keimen kann daher nicht sicher getroffen werden. Weitere prospektive Untersuchungen mit einer höheren Patientenzahl sind daher unbedingt zu empfehlen.:Inhaltsverzeichnis
1. Einleitung…………………………………………………………………………..2
1.1 Epidemiologie der Schwerbrandverletzungen in Deutschland…...……..2
1.2 Pathophysiologie………………..……..…………………………….……….2
1.2.1 Verbrennungskrankheit………………………………….....…………….3
1.2.2 Schockphase……………....………………………………………..…….3
1.2.3 Phase der Ödemrückresorption…………………….………………..….4
1.2.4 Phase der Inflammation/ Infektion und des Hypermetabolismus…....4
1.2.5 Spätphase………………………………………………………......…..…4
1.3 Sepsis bei schwerbrandverletzten Patienten…………...…………………5
1.4 Stellenwert von Infektionsparametern und Scores in der Sepsis bei
schwerbrandverletzten brandverletzten Patienten………………………..….6
1.5 Interleukin 6…………………………………..……………………………….7
1.5.1 Zelluläre Mechanismen und die Rolle von Interleukin 6 in der
1.5.2 Interleukin 6 in der Sepsis……………………...……………………….8
1.6 Material und Methoden………………...…………………...………………..9
1.7 Fragestellung und Zielsetzung des Forschungsvorhabens…………..…12
2. Publikation…………………………………………………………… ………….13
3. Zusammenfassung der Arbeit..…………………………..……………………..22
4. Literaturverzeichnis…………...……………….…………………………………25
5. Anlagen……………………………………………….…………………………...29
5.1 Erklärung über den wissenschaftlichen Beitrag des Promovenden zur
5.2 Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit…….……………….30
5.3 Lebenslauf…………………………….......………………………………...……31
5.4 Danksagung………………………………………......………………………….32
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Garden PartyMonick, Julien 25 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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The effect of mobile cellular network performance and contextual factors on smartphone users’ satisfaction : A study on QoE evaluation for YouTube video streaming via CrowdSourcingZhen, Zuguang January 2015 (has links)
Mobile data traffic will continue to show rapid growth in the coming years; however the data revenue is not rising fast enough to ensure the operators’ profitability. Therefore, mobile operators must seek new approaches to find out what service does the customers need and what quality makes the customers satisfied in order to keep their increasingly sophisticated customers satisfied at the same time minimizing their revenue gap. This paper investigate the effect of mobile cellular network performance and contextual factors on smartphone users’ satisfaction, this was done via crowdsourcing through an experiment where an Android Application and a user Survey were included, which is able to evaluate and analyze the perceived quality of experience (QoE) for YouTube service for Android Smartphone users. To achieve this goal, the App NPT performs measurements of objective quality of service (QoS) parameters, whereas the survey carriers out collecting subjective user opinion. The result show that network performance parameters do impact the MOS (Mean Opinion Score) exponentially, either in a positively or negatively way, however, multiple parameters need to be considered together in order to draw a more accurate correlation with QoE. In addition, QoE are heavily affected by many other contextual factors, such as age and gender as well as users location. QoE are also impacted by several subjective factors, such as user expectation. Not always the highest throughput will lead to the best QoE, and not always the best technology (LTE) deserves the best MOS. Even though user received very high downlink throughput, their MOS value may still be low due to they might think the video were not fun to watch and the quality has not meet their expectation.
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Biomarker-And Pathway-Informed Polygenic Risk Scores for Alzheimer's Disease and Related DisordersChasioti, Danai 05 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Determining an individual’s genetic susceptibility in complex diseases like Alzheimer’s
disease (AD) is challenging as multiple variants each contribute a small portion of the
overall risk. Polygenic Risk Scores (PRS) are a mathematical construct or composite that
aggregates the small effects of multiple variants into a single score. Potential applications
of PRS include risk stratification, biomarker discovery and increased prognostic accuracy.
A systematic review demonstrated that methodological refinement of PRS is an active
research area, mostly focused on large case-control genome-wide association studies
(GWAS). In AD, where there is considerable phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity, we
hypothesized that PRS based on endophenotypes, and pathway-relevant genetic
information would be particularly informative. In the first study, data from the NIA
Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) was used to develop
endophenotype-based PRS based on amyloid (A), tau (T), neurodegeneration (N) and
cerebrovascular (V) biomarkers, as well as an overall/combined endophenotype-PRS.
Results indicated that combined phenotype-PRS predicted neurodegeneration biomarkers
and overall AD risk. By contrast, amyloid and tau-PRSs were strongly linked to the
corresponding biomarkers. Finally, extrinsic significance of the PRS approach was
demonstrated by application of AD biological pathway-informed PRS to prediction of
cognitive changes among older women with breast cancer (BC). Results from PRS analysis
of the multicenter Thinking and Living with Cancer (TLC) study indicated that older BC
patients with high AD genetic susceptibility within the immune-response and endocytosis pathways have worse cognition following chemotherapy±hormonal therapy rather than
hormonal-only therapy. In conclusion, PRSs based on biomarker- or pathway- specific
genetic information may provide mechanistic insights beyond disease susceptibility,
supporting development of precision medicine with potential application to AD and other
age-associated cognitive disorders.
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A Dashboard For Monitoring Of Online Media Applications : Presenting Microservice Monitoring Data To Non-DevelopersSonebo, Christina January 2022 (has links)
Microservice architecture is an emerging approach to application development. While the decentralized nature of microservices comes with advantages it also introduces new challenges to monitoring as the graph of interactions between services can be complex. We explore how a dashboard for microservice monitoring can support first-line operators with limited experience in software development and microservice architecture. We apply a participatory design approach and create a prototype in an iterative fashion together with developers, operators and stakeholders. The final prototype is evaluated through a think-aloud protocol and a system usability scale survey. A thematic analysis of the think-aloud renders three prevalent design lessons: (1) automation and context-switches; (2) consistency across views and states; and (3) language differences between developers and operators. / Mikrotjänstarkitektur används alltmer inom applikationsutveckling. Även om dess decentraliserade natur kommer med vissa fördelar, introducerar den också nya utmaningar inom övervakning, då den samtidigt kan medföra komplexa beroenden mellan tjänster. Vi utforskar hur en dashboard för mikrotjänstövervakning kan stödja first-line operatörer med begränsad erfarenhet av mjukvaruutveckling och mikrotjänstarkitektur. Vi närmar oss problemet med hjälp av participatory design och skapar en prototyp på ett iterativt sätt tillsammans med utvecklare, operatörer och intressenter. Den slutliga prototypen utvärderas genom ett think-aloud-protokoll och en System Usability Scale-enkät. En tematisk analys av think-aloud sessionerna resulterade i tre teman: (1) automatisering och kontextväxling; (2) att vara konsekvent mellan vyer och tillstånd; och (3) språkskillnader mellan utvecklare och operatörer.
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