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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

(Des)apre(e)nder o ver com a paisagem: a expedição pela Paragem das Conchas

Junqueira, Lilian Maus January 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa nasce do encontro do olhar-expedicionário, sempre curioso e disposto a relacionar arte e ciência, com a Paragem das Conchas - nome atribuído à primeira sesmaria do Rio Grande do Sul, que corresponde hoje a um conjunto de municípios, dentre os quais, está Osório – lugar onde se desenvolvem as incursões aqui analisadas, entre os anos de 2012 e 2016. As experiências começam no ateliê, que funciona como um jardim onde se cultiva a linguagem do desenho, até que este lugar de produção de imagens abre-se e passa a ser compreendido como um observatório da natureza, fundindo-se, ao final, com a própria floresta. A principal pergunta que surge daí é: como se dá essa relação entre o ver e o conhecer a partir das experiências fenomenológicas com a paisagem que o meu trabalho artístico (obras em desenho, poesia, fotografia, objetos e instalação) proporciona? As rotas e o instrumental utilizados para as observações foram sendo redefinidos no próprio andar, como se fosse um Caminho de Peabiru, esse conjunto de trilhas indígenas cultivadas pelos Incas, que ligavam o Oceano Pacífico ao Atlântico. No andamento, foi preciso desaprender a ver o que eu pensava saber e aprender a ver o que não sabia que existia. O conjunto de trabalhos aqui apresentados forma um atlas onde procuro transmutar essas vivências por meio da linguagem poética. A narrativa divide a expedição em três momentos: Estudos sobre a terra | Estudos sobre a água | Estudos sobre o vento. A ação de expedir é interpretada em seu sentido literal de “liberar os pés das cadeias”. A pesquisa está dividida em dois volumes. No TOMO I apresento um percurso teórico em que o sol metaforiza, inicialmente, a relação entre o ver e o conhecer e, passo a passo, vai sendo eclipsado pela imagem da fogueira, que provoca uma queima de arquivo em que é necessário transmutar as memórias. O TOMO II é um livro de artista concebido a partir das travessias por TERRA (“Inventário de Fauna e Flora” e “Herbarium”), ÁGUA (“Travessia de Beija-Flor por águas doces”) e AR (“Tipologia do Mar – Escala Beaufort” e “Tipologia das nuvens – L. Howard”). / This research was created from the meeting of the expeditionary perspective, always curious and open to connect art and science, and Paragem das Conchas - the name given to the first sesmaria in Rio Grande do Sul - which today corresponds to a few different cities, amongst them Osório - the chosen spot for this expedition, which took place between 2012 and 2016. The experiences begin in the studio, which acts as a garden to cultivate the drawing language, till this image-production site opens up to be acknowledged as a nature observatory, ultimately merging with the forest itself. The main question that arises from that is: how does the relationship between seeing and knowing from phenomenological experiences in the landscape that my artistic work (drawing, poetry, photography, objects and art installation) provides me presents itself? The routes and instruments used in the observational trips were redefined while they were happening, such as in Caminho de Peabiru, the indigenous trails created by the Incas connecting the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic. As the project went on, I had to unlearn how to see what I thought I knew and learn how to see what I did not know existed. The body of work presented here forms an atlas where I seek to transmute those experiences into a poetic narrative. The expedition was divided between three installments: Studies of the earth | Studies of the water | Studies of the wind. “Expedition” is interpreted here in a literal sense, that of “freeing the feet from the chains.” The research is divided in two volumes. In TOME I the theoretical path is presented, initially, in a way in which the sun acts as a metaphor of the relationship between seeing and knowing and, gradually, is eclipsed by the image of the bonfire, which leads to an indispensable documentation burning in order to transmute memories. TOME II is an artistic book created from crossings through land (“Inventário de Fauna e Flora” and “Herbarium”), water (“Travessia de Beija-Flor por águas doces”) and air (“Tipologia do Mar – Escala Beaufort” and “Tipologia das nuvens – L. Howard”).

Análise de soft errors em conversores analógico-digitais e mitigação utilizando redundância e diversidade

Chenet, Cristiano Pegoraro January 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda os soft errors em conversores de dados analógico-digitais e a mitigação usando redundância e diversidade. Nas tecnologias CMOS recentes, os efeitos singulares (SEEs, Single Event Effects) são um grupo de efeitos da radiação espacial que afetam a confiabilidade e disponibilidade dos sistemas. Os soft errors são SEEs que não danificam diretamente o sistema e podem ser posteriormente corrigidos. Seus principais subgrupos são o Single Event Upset (SEU), o Single Event Transient (SET) e o Single Event Functional Interrupt (SEFI). Uma das técnicas em nível de sistema amplamente usadas para proteger os circuitos eletrônicos desses efeitos é a Redundância Modular Tripla (TMR, Triple Modular Redundancy), que pode ainda ser melhorada com a adição da técnica de diversidade. Nesse contexto, esse trabalho adota um esquema baseado nessas duas técnicas para a implementação de um sistema de aquisição de dados (SAD) analógico-digital. Seus objetivos são observar o comportamento dos conversores de dados frente aos soft errors e avaliar a eficácia de um sistema baseado em TMR e diversidade espacial-temporal contra esses efeitos da radiação. A implementação desse SAD em um SoC (System-on-Chip) da Cypress Semiconductor, chamado PSoC 5LP e fabricado em tecnologia CMOS de 130 nm, propiciou a realização de dois estudos: no primeiro, é realizada a irradiação com nêutrons, caso de particular interesse para os equipamentos eletrônicos embarcados em aviões; e no segundo, são realizadas injeções de falhas por software e em tempo de execução nos registradores de controle dos periféricos e na SRAM do PSoC 5LP. O resultado da irradiação do primeiro estudo foi a não observância de erros, o que impediu cumprir os objetivos propostos para esse teste. Essa situação permitiu duas observações principais: primeiro, o fluxo de nêutrons do experimento é uma característica fundamental que impacta na capacidade de se observar os efeitos da radiação, principalmente quando a seção de choque do circuito em análise é baixa; e segundo, de que a probabilidade de ocorrerem mascaramentos de SETs nos circuitos combinacionais e analógicos é elevada, o que contribui significativamente para reduzir a sensibilidade desses circuitos. Para avaliar a eficácia do sistema baseado em TMR e diversidade espacial-temporal foi então realizada uma investigação teórica baseada em análise combinatória, e os resultados mostraram que a adição de diversidade temporal gera, em comparação ao TMR clássico, um ganho significativo na tolerância de falhas duplas e múltiplas, ao preço de um aumento do atraso do circuito. Os resultados das injeções de falhas por software e em tempo de execução nos registradores de controle dos periféricos e na SRAM mostraram que apenas um baixo percentual das falhas injetadas é detectado na forma de erros, convergindo para a justificativa de que os mascaramentos foram determinantes para a não observância de erros no primeiro estudo, de injeção de falhas por radiação. Também verificou-se que os registradores de controle dos periféricos são mais importantes no nível de aplicação do que os dados da memória SRAM. Considerações sobre a auto injeção de falhas e auto monitoramento sugerem que a utilização desses conceitos pode trazer diversas limitações e complicadores aos testes. / The present thesis addresses the soft errors in analog-to-digital data converters and mitigation of such errors using redundancy and diversity. In modern CMOS technologies, the Single Event Effects (SEEs) comprises an important group of space radiation effects that influence the reliability and availability of the systems. Soft errors are SEEs that do not directly damage the system and that can be further corrected. Their main subgroups are the Single Event Upset (SEU), the Single Event Transient (SET) and the Single Event Functional Interrupt (SEFI). One of the system level techniques broadly used to protect the electronic circuits against these effects is the Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR), which may be improved with the addition of the diversity technique. In this context, this work proposes a scheme based on these two techniques to implement a tolerant analog-to-digital data acquisition system (DAS). The main objectives are to observe the behavior of the data converters under soft errors, and evaluate the effectiveness of a system based on TMR and spatial-temporal diversity on mitigating these radiation effects. The implementation of this DAS in a Programmable SoC (System-on-Chip) from Cypress Semiconductor (PSoC 5LP) manufactured in 130 nm CMOS, allowed the development of two studies. In the first one, an irradiation with neutrons is performed, case of particular interest to electronic equipment embedded on planes. In the second study, runtime software fault injections are performed at the peripheral control registers and SRAM of the studied device. As a result from irradiation on the first study no errors were found, what does not allowed meet the objectives of this test. This situation allow two main observations: first, the neutron flux of the experiment is a key feature that influences the ability to observe the radiation effects, mainly when the cross section of the circuit in analysis is low; and second, the probability of occurring SETs masking in combinational and analog circuits is high, which contributes significantly to reduce the sensibility of these circuits. To evaluate the effectiveness of a system based on TMR and spatial-temporal diversity then was performed a theoretical investigation based on combinatorial analysis, and the results show that the addition of temporal diversity generates a significant gain in tolerating double and multiple faults, if compared to the classical TMR, at the price of an increase in the circuit delay. The results of the second study, performed by runtime software fault injections at the peripheral control registers and SRAM, showed that only a low percentage of injected faults is detected as errors, according to the justification that no errors were found on irradiation of neutrons due to masking. Also was verified that at the application level the peripheral control registers are more important than the data stored in the SRAM memory. Considerations for faults self-injection and self-monitoring were done, suggesting that the use of these concepts may bring numerous limitations to the test.

Análise de soft errors em conversores analógico-digitais e mitigação utilizando redundância e diversidade

Chenet, Cristiano Pegoraro January 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda os soft errors em conversores de dados analógico-digitais e a mitigação usando redundância e diversidade. Nas tecnologias CMOS recentes, os efeitos singulares (SEEs, Single Event Effects) são um grupo de efeitos da radiação espacial que afetam a confiabilidade e disponibilidade dos sistemas. Os soft errors são SEEs que não danificam diretamente o sistema e podem ser posteriormente corrigidos. Seus principais subgrupos são o Single Event Upset (SEU), o Single Event Transient (SET) e o Single Event Functional Interrupt (SEFI). Uma das técnicas em nível de sistema amplamente usadas para proteger os circuitos eletrônicos desses efeitos é a Redundância Modular Tripla (TMR, Triple Modular Redundancy), que pode ainda ser melhorada com a adição da técnica de diversidade. Nesse contexto, esse trabalho adota um esquema baseado nessas duas técnicas para a implementação de um sistema de aquisição de dados (SAD) analógico-digital. Seus objetivos são observar o comportamento dos conversores de dados frente aos soft errors e avaliar a eficácia de um sistema baseado em TMR e diversidade espacial-temporal contra esses efeitos da radiação. A implementação desse SAD em um SoC (System-on-Chip) da Cypress Semiconductor, chamado PSoC 5LP e fabricado em tecnologia CMOS de 130 nm, propiciou a realização de dois estudos: no primeiro, é realizada a irradiação com nêutrons, caso de particular interesse para os equipamentos eletrônicos embarcados em aviões; e no segundo, são realizadas injeções de falhas por software e em tempo de execução nos registradores de controle dos periféricos e na SRAM do PSoC 5LP. O resultado da irradiação do primeiro estudo foi a não observância de erros, o que impediu cumprir os objetivos propostos para esse teste. Essa situação permitiu duas observações principais: primeiro, o fluxo de nêutrons do experimento é uma característica fundamental que impacta na capacidade de se observar os efeitos da radiação, principalmente quando a seção de choque do circuito em análise é baixa; e segundo, de que a probabilidade de ocorrerem mascaramentos de SETs nos circuitos combinacionais e analógicos é elevada, o que contribui significativamente para reduzir a sensibilidade desses circuitos. Para avaliar a eficácia do sistema baseado em TMR e diversidade espacial-temporal foi então realizada uma investigação teórica baseada em análise combinatória, e os resultados mostraram que a adição de diversidade temporal gera, em comparação ao TMR clássico, um ganho significativo na tolerância de falhas duplas e múltiplas, ao preço de um aumento do atraso do circuito. Os resultados das injeções de falhas por software e em tempo de execução nos registradores de controle dos periféricos e na SRAM mostraram que apenas um baixo percentual das falhas injetadas é detectado na forma de erros, convergindo para a justificativa de que os mascaramentos foram determinantes para a não observância de erros no primeiro estudo, de injeção de falhas por radiação. Também verificou-se que os registradores de controle dos periféricos são mais importantes no nível de aplicação do que os dados da memória SRAM. Considerações sobre a auto injeção de falhas e auto monitoramento sugerem que a utilização desses conceitos pode trazer diversas limitações e complicadores aos testes. / The present thesis addresses the soft errors in analog-to-digital data converters and mitigation of such errors using redundancy and diversity. In modern CMOS technologies, the Single Event Effects (SEEs) comprises an important group of space radiation effects that influence the reliability and availability of the systems. Soft errors are SEEs that do not directly damage the system and that can be further corrected. Their main subgroups are the Single Event Upset (SEU), the Single Event Transient (SET) and the Single Event Functional Interrupt (SEFI). One of the system level techniques broadly used to protect the electronic circuits against these effects is the Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR), which may be improved with the addition of the diversity technique. In this context, this work proposes a scheme based on these two techniques to implement a tolerant analog-to-digital data acquisition system (DAS). The main objectives are to observe the behavior of the data converters under soft errors, and evaluate the effectiveness of a system based on TMR and spatial-temporal diversity on mitigating these radiation effects. The implementation of this DAS in a Programmable SoC (System-on-Chip) from Cypress Semiconductor (PSoC 5LP) manufactured in 130 nm CMOS, allowed the development of two studies. In the first one, an irradiation with neutrons is performed, case of particular interest to electronic equipment embedded on planes. In the second study, runtime software fault injections are performed at the peripheral control registers and SRAM of the studied device. As a result from irradiation on the first study no errors were found, what does not allowed meet the objectives of this test. This situation allow two main observations: first, the neutron flux of the experiment is a key feature that influences the ability to observe the radiation effects, mainly when the cross section of the circuit in analysis is low; and second, the probability of occurring SETs masking in combinational and analog circuits is high, which contributes significantly to reduce the sensibility of these circuits. To evaluate the effectiveness of a system based on TMR and spatial-temporal diversity then was performed a theoretical investigation based on combinatorial analysis, and the results show that the addition of temporal diversity generates a significant gain in tolerating double and multiple faults, if compared to the classical TMR, at the price of an increase in the circuit delay. The results of the second study, performed by runtime software fault injections at the peripheral control registers and SRAM, showed that only a low percentage of injected faults is detected as errors, according to the justification that no errors were found on irradiation of neutrons due to masking. Also was verified that at the application level the peripheral control registers are more important than the data stored in the SRAM memory. Considerations for faults self-injection and self-monitoring were done, suggesting that the use of these concepts may bring numerous limitations to the test.

Statistical and computational methodology for the analysis of forensic DNA mixtures with artefacts

Graversen, Therese January 2014 (has links)
This thesis proposes and discusses a statistical model for interpreting forensic DNA mixtures. We develop methods for estimation of model parameters and assessing the uncertainty of the estimated quantities. Further, we discuss how to interpret the mixture in terms of predicting the set of contributors. We emphasise the importance of challenging any interpretation of a particular mixture, and for this purpose we develop a set of diagnostic tools that can be used in assessing the adequacy of the model to the data at hand as well as in a systematic validation of the model on experimental data. An important feature of this work is that all methodology is developed entirely within the framework of the adopted model, ensuring a transparent and consistent analysis. To overcome the challenge that lies in handling the large state space for DNA profiles, we propose a representation of a genotype that exhibits a Markov structure. Further, we develop methods for efficient and exact computation in a Bayesian network. An implementation of the model and methodology is available through the R package DNAmixtures.

Examining the role of traditional health networks in the Karen self determination movement along the Thai-Burma border : examining indigenous medical systems and practice among displaced populations along the Thai-Burma border

Neumann, Cora Lockwood January 2015 (has links)
According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), by 2012 there were 15.4 million refugees and 28.8 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) forced to flee their homes due to war or violent conflict across the globe. Upon arrival in their host settings, forced migrants struggle with acute health and material needs, as well as issues related to identity, politics, power and place. The Karen ethnic minority of Burma (also known as Myanmar) has been involved in a prolonged civil conflict with the Burmese military government for nearly six decades. This fighting has resulted in massive internal displacement and refugee flight, and although a ceasefire was signed in 2012, continued violence has been reported. This study among the displaced Karen population along the Thai-Burma border examines the relationships between traditional – or indigenous – medicine, the population's health needs, and the broader social and political context. Research was conducted using an ethnographic case-study approach among 170 participants along the Thai-Burma border between 2003 and 2011. Research findings document the rapid evolution and formalisation of the Karen traditional medical system. Findings show how the evolutionary process was influenced by social needs, an existing base medical knowledge among traditional health practitioners, and a dynamic social and political environment. Evidence suggests that that Karen traditional medicine practitioners, under the leadership of the Karen National Union (KNU) Department of Health and Welfare, are serving neglected and culturally-specific health needs among border populations. Moreover, this research also provides evidence that Karen authorities are revitalising their traditional medicine, as part of a larger effort to strengthen their social infrastructure including the Karen self-determination movement. In particular, these Karen authorities are focused on building a sustainable health infrastructure that can serve Karen State in the long term. From the perspectives of both refugee health and development studies, the revival of Karen traditional medicine within a refugee and IDP setting represents an adaptive response by otherwise medically under-served populations. This case offers a model of healthcare self-sufficiency that breaks with the dependency relationships characteristic of most conventional refugee and IDP health services. And, through the mobilisation of tradition for contemporary needs, it offers a dimension of cultural continuity in a context where discontinuity and loss of culture are hallmarks of the forced migration experience.

Zapojenie Svätej stolice do medzinárodných vzťahov / Holy See and its involvement in international relations

Pospíšilová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to a special actor of international relations - the Holy See, Roman Catholic Church representation. It analyzes its behaviour mainly in the issue of recognition of the new state with the majority use of an official discourse of its diplomatic delegates. Specifically, Holy See's position towards criteria for recognition of the new state, which are recommended for state actors, is observed through its rhetoric. Similarities and differences with the state actor are also scrutinized through comparison with a typical behaviour of small states in foreign policy. Case study of the analysis focuses on the question of Palestine and its worldwide recognition as a state, as this topic has possessed a significant role in foreign policy for long time.

Optimalizační modelování rizik v GAMSu / Optimization Risk Modelling in GAMS

Kutílek, Vladislav January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of using the optimization modelling software system GAMS in risk management. According to the assignment, emphasis is placed on a detailed approach to the program for those, who are interested in its use in the field of risk engineering applications. The first part of the thesis contains the knowledge to understand what the GAMS program is and what it is used for. The next part of the work provides instructions on how to download, install, activate the program and what the user interface of the program looks like. Thanks to mathematical programming, it will be explained on a project on the distribution of lung ventilators, what basic approaches may be used in risk modelling in the GAMS program on a deterministic model. The following are more complex wait-and-see models, which contains the probability parameters and here-and-now models, where we work with demand scenarios and verify whether if they meets the requirements of other scenarios or calculate costs for the highest demands. The two-stage model is also one of the here-and-now models, but it is significantly more complex in its size and range of input data, it includes additional price parameters for added or removed pieces of lung ventilators from the order.

We See You White American Theatre: An Exploration of Inward-Facing Theatre Activism

Dewey, Lia Christine January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Mitteldeutsche Seenlandschaft: Gewässerkatalog 2019 - 2021 : Seen, Fließgewässer, Kanäle

Berkner, Andreas 27 September 2019 (has links)
Im Ergebnis des Workshop-Prozesses zur Mitteldeutschen Seenlandschaft 2005/2006, der zugleich den Auftakt für die Steuerungsgruppe Leipziger Neuseenland bildete, entstand unter der Federführung der Regionalen Planungsstelle Leipzig ein Seenkatalog, der als Novum Daten und Fakten zu allen wichtigen natürlichen und künstlichen Standgewässer zusammenführte. Erstmals 2007 herausgegeben, fand das Kompendium als Informationsbasis auch für weitergehende Recherchen eine sehr gute Aufnahme, so dass die Ausgabe schon nach wenigen Wochen restlos vergriffen war. Ganz ähnlich war die Situation bei der 2 Ausgabe 2010, mit der zugleich eine Umstellung auf das handliche A4-Format erfolgte. 2013 folgte die 3. Ausgabe erneut mit einer Reihe von Innovationen zwischen neu aufgenommenen Themenspecials, grundhaft überarbeiteten Luftbildkarten und Übersichten „auf einen Blick“ und war wiederum nach 10 Wochen restlos vergriffen. Deshalb erfolgte schon im Sommer 2013 ein Nachdruck als 4. Auflage mit Aktualisierungen nach dem Hochwasser vom Juni des Jahres. 2015 erschien die vorerst letzte Ausgabe, nunmehr als Gewässerkatalog unter Einbeziehung von Flüssen, Kanälen und Schleusen. Insgesamt wurden bislang rund 15.000 Exemplare an Interessenten abgegeben.

Dynamik und Energietransfer einer planktischen Crustaceengemeinschaft in Abhängigkeit von der Nahrungsgrundlage und den Planktivoren

Steiner, Silke 08 October 2002 (has links)
Ziel der Arbeit war es, die Hypothese von CARNEY & ELSER (1990), dass unter mesotrophen Bedingungen die trophische Transfereffizienz vom Phytoplankton zum Crustaceenplankton maximal ist, in einem Ganz-Seen-Experiment zu überprüfen. Die Untersuchungen erfolgten im Rahmen des Projektes "Top-Down-Steuerung planktischer Biozönosen" am mesotrophen Großen Vätersee (Brandenburg). Die Fragen, welchen Einfluß das Crustaceenplankton auf die Primärproduzenten ausübt, wie die Primärproduzenten auf den Grazingdruck reagieren, und welche Verhaltensweisen der Crustaceen die Kopplungsstärke zu den Primärproduzenten oder den Prädatoren kausal beeinflussen, standen im Mittelpunkt. Primärproduktion (PPR) und Crustaceengrazing wurden in situ gemessen, Crustaceen-biomassen, -produktion und -verteilung bestimmt und mit den Daten der angrenzenden Teilprojekte in Beziehung gesetzt. Der prozentuale Anteil des Nanoplanktons an der absoluten PPR erreichte im Durchschnitt 52 %. Die Chl a spezifische PPR dieser Fraktion war signifikant positiv korreliert mit den effektiven Filtrierraten der Daphnien. Die spezifische PPR von Pico- und Netzphytoplankton blieb von den effektiven Filtrierraten unbeeinflusst. Die Blaualgen, Hauptbestandteil des Picoplanktons, stellten eine schlechte Nahrungsquelle für Daphnien dar. Dies zeigten Laborversuche zur Nahrungsqualität. Durch den hohen Beitrag des Nanoplanktons an der PPR bestand zwischen den Primärproduzenten und den Crustaceen eine starke Kopplung. 1998 betrug die Konsumtions-Transfereffizienz von den Primärproduzenten zu den Crustaceen 25 %. Im Vergleich dazu war der Anteil der Planktivorenkonsumtion an der Produktion der Crustaceen mit 14 % deutlich geringer. Die Konsumtion erklärte im Frühsommer während der hohen Verluste der Daphnien maximal 20 % der Mortalität. Kam es im Hochsommer zu höheren Abundanzen invertebrater Räuber, war deren Prädationsdruck hoch genug, die Daphnienpopulation auf niedrigem Niveau zu halten. Somit war der Top-down-Druck der Planktivoren auf die Daphnien sehr gering. Eine Nahrungskettensteuerung durch Besatz mit Piscivoren würde keine Verminderung der Mortalität der Crustaceen zur Folge haben, sondern eher den Fraßdruck auf Cladoceren durch erhöhte Abundanzen der invertebraten Räuber verstärken.

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