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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sjuksköterskors arbete inom barnhälsovården med familjer som söker asyl / Nurses work in child health care with families seeking asylum

Tärneberg, Emily, Svahn Karlsson, Carina January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det stora antalet familjer som söker asyl påverkar sjuksköterskans arbete inom barnhälsovården. I Sverige erbjuds alla barn mellan 0-6 år att göra regelbundna hälsokontroller, vilket även omfattar barn som söker asyl. Sjuksköterskors hälsofrämjande och förbyggande vård omfattar barns hälsa utifrån det fysiska, psykiska och sociala välbefinnandet. Det hälsofrämjande arbetet utvecklar empowerment hos familjerna där målet är en god hälsa. Flykt och trauman påverkar familjer som söker asyl och många lider av psykisk ohälsa. Sjuksköterskors arbete kräver speciella och individuella insatser i mötet med dessa familjer. Syfte: Var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av arbetet inom barnhälsovården med familjer som söker asyl. Metod: Intervjustudien har en kvalitativ design med en induktiv ansats. Femton sjuksköterskor från sex olika kommuner deltog i studien. Samtliga med erfarenhet av arbete med asylsökande familjer inom barnhälsovård. Insamlad data analyserades enligt kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: I resultatet framkom tre kategorier: Familjers behov och stöd påverkar arbetet, Yttre faktorer påverkar arbetet, Komplexiteten i mötet med familjerna påverkar arbetet. Slutsats: Studien visar att sjuksköterskor inom barnhälsovården anpassar arbetet efter asylsökande familjers behov och förutsättningar. Sjuksköterskornas erfarenheter och utbildning är grunden för hens kompetens. Den psykiska ohälsan och en social komplex situation för familjerna som söker asyl medför en utmaning för sjuksköterskorna i det hälsofrämjande arbetet. / Background: The large number of families seeking asylum affect nurses work in child health care. All children in Sweden between 0-6 years, do regular check-ups, including children seeking asylum. Nurses health promotion and preventive care covers childrens health based on the physical, mental and social well-being. Health promotion develops empowerment of families where the goal is good health. Escape and trauma affect families seeking asylum and many suffer from mental illness. Nurses work requires special and individual efforts in meeting with families. Purpose: To describe nurses experience of work in child health care with families seeking asylum. Method: The interview study had a qualitative design with an inductive approach. Fifteen nurses from six different municipalities participated in the study, all with experience working with asylum-seeking families in child health care. Collected data were analyzed according to qualitative content analysis. Results: The results revealed three categories: Families needs and support affect the work, External factors affect the work, The complexity of the meeting with the families affect the work. Conclusion: The study shows that nurses in child health care adapts work to asylum seeking families needs and circumstances. Nurses experience and education is the foundation of his or her skills. Mental illness and a socially complex situation for families seeking asylum is a challenge for nurses working with health promotion.

I had some problems back home with a big group of people and it was not safe for me there anymore so I had to run away : How LGBT asylum seekers move

Östlund, Rosanna January 2016 (has links)
Due to the increased number of the amount of asylum-seekers that have migrated to Sweden lately, the topic has received increased attention. This has contributed to housing shortage and policy reforms for new migrants to arise in order to ensure that everybody gets housing. Asylum seekers often experience more difficult patterns to housing, and for LGBT asylum seekers especially since they are such a marginalised group in our society already. Housing is an important part in the initial settlement stage and good housing enables successful resettlement and that will help with the integration process. The aim of this thesis is to look at LGBT asylum seekers mobility and what constrains and opportunities they face in that process. To answer these questions qualitative method and semi-structured life story interviews have been performed with twelve LGBT asylum seekers. The result of these interviews has been presented around four different concepts that were factors contributing to their mobility. These four concepts that were found in the interviews was forced migration, homophobia, social network and freedom. These findings should be of interest for further studies in order for LGBT asylum seekers mobility patters to become more safe and secure.

Vi svenskar och de där flyktingarna : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsundersökning av flyktingrapporteringen före och efter det att Sverige införde gränskontroller i november 2015 / Us Swedes and those refugees : A quantitative and qualitative content study of the reports on refugees prior to and after border controls were enforced by the Swedish government in november 2015

Wiberg, Natalie January 2016 (has links)
Den här undersökningen gjordes för att ta reda på om svensk flyktingrapportering ändrades efter det att Sverige införde gränskontroller den 12 november 2015. Syftet var att se om rapporteringen ändrades när det politiska läget och opinionen ändrades, men även att generellt se hur flyktingrapporteringen ser ut. Både kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning gjordes. I den kvantitativa undersökningen jämfördes 50 artiklar från september 2015 med 50 artiklar från januari 2015. Variablerna togs fram bland annat med hjälp av gestaltningsteorin och orientalism, som båda är delar av undersökningens teoretiska ramverk. Sedan undersöktes artiklarna kvalitativt genom en kombinerad diskurs- och framinganalys för att på ett djupare plan ta reda på hur flyktingfrågan och flyktingar beskrivs. Resultaten ger en indikation på att det skett en förändring mellan september 2015 och januari 2016. Flyktingarna beskrevs bland annat mer frekvent som passiva, och mer sällan som individer. Mer generellt visar resultaten att flyktingarna oftast beskrevs som en grupp utan någon identitet. Adjektiv som kan väcka identifikation användes sällan för att beskriva flyktingarna. De beskrevs istället med adjektiv som ensamkommande och asylsökande. Den mest förekommande benämningen på flyktingar var just ordet flyktingar, följt av flyktingbarn och asylsökande. Flyktingarna beskrivs ofta som passiva i artiklarna, och de citeras sällan. De som citeras mest i artiklarna är myndighetspersoner och politiker. Dessa resultat pekar på att svenska journalister, omedvetet eller medvetet, skapar en bild av verkligheten där orientalismens mönster av världen finns kvar. Det skapas en gräns mellan ”vi svenskar” och ”de där flyktingarna”. Denna gräns förstärktes efter gränskontrollernas införande. / The aim of this study was to find out whether Swedish news reports on refugees changed after border controls were enforced on the 12th of November 2015, and thereby investigate if the changed political policies had any effect in the news reporting. Another aim was to study the general patterns in the news. Both qualitative and quantitative researches were made. Regarding the quantitative research, 50 articles from September 2015 were compared with 50 articles from January 2016. The variables were designed by means of framing theory and orientalism, both being parts of the theory framework of this study. Then the articles were analyzed qualitatively with a combined discourse and framing analysis to find out on a deeper level how refugees and the refugee situation in Sweden were described. The results indicate that there has been a change in the reporting between September 2015 and January 2016. The refugees were more frequently described as passive, and more seldom as individuals. More general, the results illustrated that, in most cases, refugees are described as a group without an identity. Identity-generating adjectives were sporadically used to describe them. Instead, they were associated to adjectives like ensamkommande (unaccompanied) and asylsökande (~asylum seeker). The most common word to describe refugees was flyktingar (refugees), followed by flyktingbarn (refugee children) and asylsökande (asylum seekers). Most frequently quoted people in the articles were government officials as well as politicians. These results indicate that Swedish journalists, consciously or not, are creating a picture of the world were the lines of orientalism still persist. A demarcation line between “us swedes” and “those refugees” is created. This line became more distinct after border controls were enforced.

Att möta flyktingar och migranter : Vårdpersonalens erfarenheter / Meeting refugees and migrants : Experiences from the perspective of heath care personnel

Isaksson, Mikael, Lundgren, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
Att möta flyktingar och migranter - vårdpersonalens erfarenheter Bakgrund: Sverige har gått från en homogen population med fyra procent av befolkningen födda i ett annat land år 1960 till 17 procent år 2015. Med tillströmningen av över 160 000 flyktingar under 2015 står det svenska samhället och i synnerhet sjukvården inför nya utmaningar, studier har visat att flyktingar har högre prevalens av psykisk sjukdom. Tidigare studier där man undersökt vårdpersonals erfarenheter av att vårda flyktingar och migranter påvisar att språkbarriärer, kulturella skillnader, ökad arbetsbelastning och att migranter har bristande kunskaper i hur hälso- och sjukvårdssystemet fungerar är vanliga erfarenheter. Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka vårdpersonalens erfarenheter av att möta och vårda migranter och flyktingar. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på tio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Artiklarna har granskats, analyserats och sammanställts. Artikelsökningarna har skett i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i fyra huvudkategorier och tio subkategorier. De fyra huvudkategorierna är: Att skapa förtroende, Hinder för att skapa en god omvårdnadsrelation, Ett system som försvårar arbetet och Ett behov av kunskap. Konklusion: Vården står inför nya utmaningar i och med att det sker stora folkomflyttningar. För att kunna möta dessa utmaningar krävs goda kunskaper om andra kulturer, och att vårdpersonalen kan anpassa sig efter individens behov. Nyckelord: Asylsökande, erfarenheter, migranter, vårdpersonal. / Meeting refugees and migrants: Experiences from the perspective of health care personnel Background: Sweden has gone from a homogenous population with four percent of its inhabitants originating from another country in 1960 to 17 percent in 2015. With the influx of over 160 000 refugees in 2015, the Swedish society and health care in particular faces new challenges. Studies have shown that this group has higher rates of mental illness and other previous studies on the experiences of from the personnel suggests that language barriers, cultural differences, increased workload and the migrants´ lack of knowledge about the health care system are common experiences. Aim: The aim of this study is to explore the experiences of health personnel working with migrants and refugees. Methods: A literature study based on ten articles with qualitative approach. The articles were reviewed, analyzed and compiled. The search was conducted in the databases PubMed and Cinahl. Result: The result is presented in four main categories and ten subcategories. The Four main categories are: Creating trust, Barriers to creating a good caring relationship, A system that complicates the work and A need of knowledge. Conclusion: New challenges faces the health care system due to the big movement of people. Nurses need knowledge about different cultures and the skill to adapt to the needs of the individual to give a professional care. Keywords: Asylum seekers, caring personnel, experience, migrants, nursing staff.

Human rights and refugee protection in South Africa (1994-2004)

Enwere, Corlivics Onuoha 31 October 2006 (has links)
Student Number : 0413400A - MA research report - School of Social Science - Faculty of Humanities / Refugees and asylum seekers are vulnerable group that requires both national and international protection in South Africa. It is the duty and responsibility of the South African government and international community to provide adequate protection to individuals who are compelled to flee their countries of origin due to well-founded fears of persecution or other life threatening problems. Such protection must meet internationally recognized and acceptable standards for the protection and treatment of refugees and asylum seekers, as outlined in various international law and conventions. South Africa has pledged through her democratic Constitution and the Refugee Act of 1998 to protect and promote the rights of refugees and asylum seekers in her territory. The research explores how South Africa has responded to the protection of the rights of refugees and asylum seekers in the post-apartheid era. The research also explicates the relationship between human rights and refugee protection and how human rights have been used to facilitate the rights of refugees and asylum seekers in South Africa. The thesis identifies the extent of compliance with the international refugee law, which South Africa has achieved within the first decade of democracy and the roles played by nonstate actors and other stakeholders in refugee protection in South Africa. It also explores the major problems and obstacles militating against the realisation and in pursuit of the rights of refugees and asylum seekers in the post-apartheid South Africa. Finally, the findings of this research are expected to contribute to our understanding of the problems facing refugees, the government and international community, and the range of options and interventions open to policy makers in the field which will help to secure such rights.

Job Hunting: One Experience

Anderson, Joanna M. 04 July 2012 (has links)
Excerpt: National Public Radio’s All Things Considered recently featured a piece by Annie Baxter called “Fear Is The Biggest Hurdle For Some Job Seekers” (February 16, 2012). This feature presented a hurdle that most people probably do not realize exists; namely, that for many long-term job-seekers, the fear of going back to work is quite real and intimidating.

Perceptions About the Asylum-Seeking Process in the United States After 9/11

Nalumango, Keith 01 January 2019 (has links)
Asylum seekers in the U.S. have faced a plethora of impediments leading to some of them abandoning their applications, which may deny them their rights under the United Nations convention on refugees. Despite the abundance of literature on the plight of these persons, no study has examined the lived experiences of asylum seekers in the U.S. from the time they apply for asylum to the time their applications are adjudicated. Using Benet's polarities of democracy as the theoretical framework, the purpose of this single participant narrative study was to explore these experiences in order to provide policy makers with a better understanding of the impacts of US Asylum policies on the rights of asylum seekers. The study's single participant was an attorney from the Congo who sought and received asylum in the U.S. Thematic analysis was applied to her responses using hand coding. Cultural challenges were identified as the dominant negative theme in the asylum-seeking process. These cultural challenges generated fear in the face of survival issues such as joblessness, poor housing, hunger, and lack of health care. These interrelated sub-themes, analyzed through the lens of the polarities of democracy, suggest that policy makers might improve the asylum-seeking process by using the theory to better understand the impacts that the process has on the rights of asylum seekers. This may allow policy makers to develop strategies to maximize the positive aspects of the polarities of democracy pairs while minimizing the negative aspects, particularly for the pairs of freedom and authority, justice and due process, and diversity and equality.

The New Regulation on Labour Immigration : A Qualitative Research Exploring Perceptions of Asylym Seekers and Irregular Migrants on a Socio - Political Level in Sweden

Runell, Charlotta, Ahlberg, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>This is a qualitative research study utilising a theoretical framework of democracy theory, human rights and theories on migration and irregular migrants. The purpose of this research is to explore how the new Swedish Regulation on Labour Immigration, in relation to the harmonization of migration policy within the European Union, represents and effects the perception of asylum seekers and irregular migrants on a socio-political level in Sweden. Through four semi-structured interviews this study seeks to explore the following areas: the reasons behind the compromise concerning asylum seekers in the Regulation; the exclusion of irregular migrants in the Regulation; and the correlation between the Regulation and the harmonising of migration policy within the EU. The theoretical framework, together with the statements by informants and the grounding information concerning human rights and the migration policy within the EU, constitutes the analysis. The analysis shows that the perceptions of asylum seekers and irregular immigrants as an undesirable solution to demographical challenges represent a relativistic approach to human rights. By legitimating this perception those concerned become even more vulnerable and at a higher risk of exploitation. The correlation between the contemporary democratic welfare state, international human rights law and the Regulation, together with increasing and irreversible migration flows, visualises an incompatible and diffuse organisation, which have to transform into cosmopolitan democracy and global solidarity if to survive.</p>

Do we have a moral duty to offer severely ill asylum-seeking children residence permits?

Björck, Jenny January 2006 (has links)
<p>Do we have a moral duty to offer severely ill asylum- seeking children permanent residence permits?</p><p>This thesis analyses our moral duty to offer 410 severely ill asylum-seeking children permanent residence permits. During 2004 an emotionally charged debate started in Sweden. The debate concerned the deportation of 410 severely ill asylum- seeking children and their families. For this and other reasons Sweden was criticized by the United Nations commission along with human rights organizations for being too restrictive in its migration and asylum politics. My thesis outlines the migration and asylum debate and the refugee situation in the world at present together with facts about how the asylum procedure takes place in Sweden. Further I draw upon medical research connected to the asylum procedure along with how the Swedish Government and Save the Children respond to the migration and asylum debate.</p><p>I also explore which rights, in terms of legal implications and ethical principles, these children have. Additional I outline theories in political philosophy from the utilitarian and communitarian tradition. The two philosophers I refer to are Michael Walzer and Peter Singer to apply their views to my primary question. Finally, I reach a critical analysis where I summarize and discuss my research. In the end I offer my final reflections in order to further debate on migration and asylum issues.</p>

Do we have a moral duty to offer severely ill asylum-seeking children residence permits?

Björck, Jenny January 2006 (has links)
Do we have a moral duty to offer severely ill asylum- seeking children permanent residence permits? This thesis analyses our moral duty to offer 410 severely ill asylum-seeking children permanent residence permits. During 2004 an emotionally charged debate started in Sweden. The debate concerned the deportation of 410 severely ill asylum- seeking children and their families. For this and other reasons Sweden was criticized by the United Nations commission along with human rights organizations for being too restrictive in its migration and asylum politics. My thesis outlines the migration and asylum debate and the refugee situation in the world at present together with facts about how the asylum procedure takes place in Sweden. Further I draw upon medical research connected to the asylum procedure along with how the Swedish Government and Save the Children respond to the migration and asylum debate. I also explore which rights, in terms of legal implications and ethical principles, these children have. Additional I outline theories in political philosophy from the utilitarian and communitarian tradition. The two philosophers I refer to are Michael Walzer and Peter Singer to apply their views to my primary question. Finally, I reach a critical analysis where I summarize and discuss my research. In the end I offer my final reflections in order to further debate on migration and asylum issues.

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