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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structural Alterations to the Axon Initial Segment Following Diffuse Axonal Injury as a Consequence of Age

Behl, William 01 May 2014 (has links)
An epidemiological shift towards the elderly population has occurred in traumatic brain injury (TBI). Age is believed to be one of the strongest prognostic indicators following TBI. Diffuse axonal injury (DAI), a prevalent feature of TBI, is believed to be the primary cause for much of the morbidity and mortality associated with TBI. The pathobiology associated with DAI is believed to occur in response to the primary injury in a progressive, secondary fashion. Though the injury mechanisms behind DAI have been shown to occur at numerous sites along the axon, recent work suggests that the axon initial segment (AIS) may show specific vulnerability to DAI and be the primary site of axonal pathobiogenesis. Despite its established predilection for injury, the mechanisms responsible for the pathobiology remain largely unclear – particularly with regard to the age. The current study aims to shed light on the mechanisms responsible for injury by investigating structural alterations to the AIS following DAI in young and old mice. To address this question we have used a central fluid percussion injury (cFPI) model to induce mild DAI on 22-month old aged mice and 3-month old young mice at 3-hours and 24-hours survival time. Double-labeling fluorescent immunohistochemistry was used to demonstrate colocalization of ankG, an AIS domain marker, and APP, a marker used to establish traumatic axonal injury (TAI). Qualitative-quantitative observations based on confocal microscopy demonstrated an increase in APP accumulation associated with AIS over time, post-injury. Initial segments displaying APP association consistently showed a significant overall shortening in young and aged groups at both survival times. No significant difference in AIS length was detected between AIS populations of young and aged mice. Qualitative findings, however, suggest that AIS degradation could be more profound with age, which could have implications on neuronal outcome.

Axon Initial Segment Stability in Multiple Sclerosis

Thummala, Suneel K 01 January 2015 (has links)
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system characterized by inflammation and demyelination. In addition to these hallmark features, MS also presents with axonal pathology, which is likely responsible for the signs and symptoms of the disease. Although prominent in MS, axonal pathology is frequently considered a consequence of demyelination and not a primary event. This conclusion is consistent with demyelination inducing the loss of specific axonal domains, known as the nodes of Ranvier that are responsible for the propagation of action potentials along the axon. In contrast, we propose that axonal pathology associated with MS is a primary pathological event, independent of demyelination, and not a product of it. In support of our hypothesis, we have analyzed a different axonal domain known as the axon initial segment. Whereas a single axon has numerous nodes of Ranvier uniformly distributed along the axon, each axon contains only a single axon initial segment that is positioned immediately distal to the neuronal cell body. The axon initial segment is responsible for action potential generation and modulation, and hence is essential for normal neuronal function. Background studies conducted by our lab, employing a murine model of demyelination/remyelination, revealed no correlation between axon initial segment stability and myelin integrity. Here we investigate the fate of the axon initial segment in human multiple sclerosis. While not statistically significant, we provide data demonstrating an apparent 40% reduction in AIS numbers in MS. We further provide qualitative evidence that AIS integrity in MS is not dependent on myelination suggestive that axonal pathology may be a primary event in MS, independent of demyelination. Our current findings are intriguing, but unfortunately this study is underpowered, and more samples will be required to determine whether this apparent reduction is statistically significant.

Spojování segmentů v českých souvětích / Joining Segments in Czech Complex Sentences

Čech, Josef January 2014 (has links)
Title: Joining segments in Czech sentences Author: Bc. Josef Čech Department: Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Vladislav Kuboň Ph.D. e-mail: vk@ufal.mff.cuni.cz Abstract: This thesis follows up segmentation of complex sentences to linguistic motivated objects - segments - and their mutual relations. These relations can be used for next work with segments. Main purpose for mapping relations is their joining into next level unit - clause. Theoretically should be possible to analyse each clause of complex sentence separately. Analysis of set of clauses should be quicker than of analysis whole complex sentence. Segments should be found thanks to linguistic separators and rule approach. Rule approach proves in problem relations between neighbouring segments. This thesis should attest that rule approach is best solution for joining segments into clauses. Position tag of segment was part of this thesis. This tag should be used in methods dealing with segments instead of custom segment. Keyword: segment, clause, tag, joining segments, syntactic analysis

Spojování segmentů v českých souvětích / Joining Segments in Czech Complex Sentences

Čech, Josef January 2013 (has links)
Title: Joining segments in Czech sentences Author: Bc. Josef Čech Department: Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Vladislav Kuboň Ph.D. e-mail: vk@ufal.mff.cuni.cz Abstract: This thesis follows up segmentation of complex sentences to linguistic motivated objects - segments - and their mutual relations. These relations can be used for next work with segments. Main purpose for mapping relations is their joining into next level unit - clause. Theoretically should be possible to analyze each clause of complex sentence separately. Analysis of set of clauses should be quicker than of analysis whole complex sentence. Segments should be found thanks to linguistic separators and rule approach. Rule approach prove in problem relations between neighbouring segments. This thesis should attest that rule approach is best solution for joining segments into clauses. Position tag of segment was part of this thesis. This tag should be used in metods dealing with segments instead of custom segment. Keyword: segment, clause, tag, joinig segments, syntactic analysis

Avaliação reprodutiva do macho de Tomodon dorsatus (dipsadidae), do estado de São Paulo, nas diferentes estações do ano

Abud, Luciane Lily January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Bruno César Schimming / Resumo: O ciclo reprodutivo das serpentes é caracterizado a partir de análises macroscópicas e histológicas do trato reprodutivo ao longo do ano. Estudos sobre eventos reprodutivos masculinos normalmente, não incluem qualquer análise microscópica, estando sujeitos a conclusões equivocadas. A histologia pode ser utilizada para caracterizar a condição testicular e ciclo espermatogênico em serpentes. Portanto, o uso dela é indispensável para o estudo do ciclo reprodutivo em serpentes. Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma análise da morfologia do trato reprodutivo da serpente Tomodon dorsatus nas diferentes estações do ano. Para tanto, foram utilizados 50 espécimes de Tomodon dorsatus provenientes da coleção hepetológica do Instituto Butantan e 6 indíviduos vivos que foram eutanasiados posteriormente. O testículo, rim e ducto deferente foram mensurados e em seguida coletados fragmentos destinados para análise histológica. A largura do túbulo seminífero foi maior no outono (p=0,001); o epitélio obteve maior altura no verão (p=0,001). Os testículos estavam ativos ao longo do ano, porém, a espermiogênese obteve um pico no verão; no outono, a maioria dos indivíduos estava em espermiogênese ou iniciando a regressão; no inverno, alguns indivíduos estavam em recrudescência ou em regressão. Espermatozoides foram encontrados no lumem dos ductos deferentes em todas as estações do ano. O comprimento renal foi maior no outono (p=0,027) e não houve diferença significativa na largura renal (p... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The snake reproductive cycle is characterized by macroscopical and histological analysis of the reproductive tract. Studies on reproductive cycle in the male do not included histological analysis, which can lead a erroneous conclusions. The histology is used to characterized the testicular conditions and spermatogenesis in snakes. Thus, the histology is pivotal to study the reproductive cycle in snakes. The aim of this study was analysed the morphology of the male reproductive tract in the snake Tomodon dorsatus in the different seasons of the year. For this purpose, 50 specimens of Tomodon dorsatus from the hepetological collection of the Butantan Institute and 6 living individuals were used and later euthanized. The testicular, kidney and vas deferens were measured and then fragments were collected for histological analysis. The width of the seminiferous tubule was greater in the autumn (p = 0.001); the epithelium had higher height in the summer (p = 0.001). The testicles were active throughout the year, however, the spermiogenesis peaked in the summer; in the fall, most individuals were either in espemiogenesis or initiating regression; in winter, some individuals are in recrudescence or regression. There were spermatozoa in the lumen of the vas deferens at all seasons of the year. Renal length was higher in autumn (p = 0.027), width did not show a significant increase (p = 0.237). The width of the renal sexual segment (SSR) was higher in winter (p = 0.001), as well as the... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Efficient Data Management and Policy Composition for Software-defined Networking

Barakat, Osamah 08 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Estratégia e vantagem competitiva na prestação de serviços: uma abordagem para a administração de serviços de assistência médica

Santos Netto, João Paulo dos 03 August 1999 (has links)
A pesquisa apura com as empresas de prestação de serviço atuam no campo do planejamento estratégico, considerando as principais teorias relativas ao assunto. / This research has the objectve to make a little deeper the competitive advantage and strategy study as regards rendering of service due to the scarceness of specific studies to the sector. Considering the wideness of service, the medical assitance service segment was chosen, with the objective of analysing the strategic aspects of this service and the hypothesis, to be checked, that these companies adopt empirical and informal strategies and, are little aligned to the competitive advantage required. Therefore, a study was developed, with emphasis to theoric research about the subjects and adopting the strategic plan stages, managerial instrument to formulation and implementation of strategies, as a guide of analisys process. This is, therefore, a qualitative research, developed with theoric support and in accordance whith research in some of main the companies of the segment of medical assistance. The three first chapters show the study justification, the theoric review and the research methodological aspects, respectively. Chapters four and five were assigned to show the research result and of the study conclusions.

As estratégias relativas às mudanças climáticas para a carne bovina no Brasil: estudo de caso de três elos da cadeia  produtiva / Strategies relating to climate change for beef in Brazil: a case study of three links in the production chain

Campos, José Guilherme Ferraz de 25 October 2013 (has links)
A questão das mudanças climáticas é indicada como um dos principais desafios atuais à humanidade. As empresas, enquanto ator importante da sociedade, inicialmente se mostraram refratárias à imputação da responsabilidade parcial pela questão das mudanças climáticas, tendo, por vezes, uma postura de negação quanto a sua ocorrência e contra a imposição de regulações que as obrigassem a reduzir suas emissões. Atualmente, contudo, as empresas têm se mostrado mais proativas no desenvolvimento de ações visando gerir as mudanças climáticas, o que inclui a mensuração e o estabelecimento de metas quanto às suas emissões de gases de efeito estufa, o desenvolvimento de estratégias de mitigação das emissões e a adaptação a possíveis consequências das mudanças climáticas. Isso tem ocorrido pela constatação das empresas de que as mudanças climáticas encerram tanto oportunidades quanto riscos aos seus negócios, sendo esta dinâmica variável de acordo com a visão estratégica da empresa a respeito da questão, dos países onde a empresa atua ou do setor ou cadeia produtiva da qual faz parte. Da mesma forma que vem acontecendo com outros aspectos da estratégia empresarial, a dimensão ambiental, incluindo a questão das mudanças climáticas, também tem sido observada sob o prisma da cadeia produtiva. A cadeia produtiva de carne bovina no Brasil se mostra muito sensível a essa dinâmica, seja porque a pecuária de corte bovina é bastante dependente do ambiente natural, seja porque é apontada como sendo responsável pelo maior volume de emissões de gases de estufa no Brasil e frequentemente é vista e sofre pressões por parte de diversos stakeholders, que a questionam a respeito de seu impacto ambiental. Por outro lado, a pecuária de corte bovina tem um eminente papel no país em termos econômicos, sociais e territoriais. Diante desse cenário, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo identificar as estratégias, desafios e oportunidades da cadeia produtiva de carne bovina no Brasil em relação à gestão das mudanças climáticas. Metodologicamente, optou-se por realizar uma pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando-se da estratégia de estudo de caso de três empresas atuantes no Brasil, cada qual representando cada um dos principais elos dessa cadeia produtiva: Grupo JD/Fazenda São Marcelo, o pecuarista; O Grupo Marfrig, o frigorífico e a indústria alimentícia; e o Grupo Carrefour, o varejo. Os resultados mostram que todos os elos da cadeia produtiva apresentam visão estratégica sobre as mudanças climáticas e têm desenvolvido estratégias relativas à gestão das mudanças climáticas, sendo que o frigorífico se mostrou o elo mais desenvolvido. Como principais oportunidades, observam-se fontes de financiamento e outras técnicas visando o aumento de produtividade da pecuária, melhorias de processos produtivos e logísticos nos frigoríficos e varejistas, e mecanismos que contribuem para o aprimoramento da coordenação da cadeia bovina a partir da questão ambiental. Como principais desafios, menciona-se o aprimoramento das metodologias para mensuração das emissões, a limitação da expansão territorial da fronteira agrícola e o investimento nas ações de adaptação. / The issue of climate change is indicated as one of the main current challenges to humanity. Companies, while an important actor of society, initially proved to be refractory to the imputation of partial liability by the issue of climate change, with sometimes an attitude of denial regarding its presence and against the imposition of regulations that obligate them to reduce their emissions. Currently, however, companies have been more proactive in developing actions to manage climate change, which includes measuring and setting the goals on their emissions of greenhouse gases, developing strategies to mitigate the emissions and adapting themselves to the possible consequences of climate change. This is due to the fact that companies are realizing that climate change presents both opportunities and risks to their business; and this dynamic is variable based on the company\'s strategic vision on the issue, on the countries where the company operates or on the industry or chain production which the company is part of. As with other aspects of business strategy, the environmental dimension, including the issue of climate change, has also been observed through the prism of the production chain. The production chain of beef in Brazil proves to be very sensitive to this dynamic, whether it\'s because the beef cattle segment is quite dependent on the natural environment, or because it is seen as being responsible for the highest level of greenhouse gases emissions in Brazil and it\'s often seen and coerced by several stakeholders, which argue about its environmental impact. On the other hand, the beef cattle segment has a prominent role in the country in terms of economic, social and territorial aspects. Against this backdrop, this thesis aims to identify the strategies, challenges and opportunities in the production chain of beef in Brazil in relation to the climate change management. Methodologically, a qualitative study was conducted using the case study strategy of three companies operating in Brazil, each representing one of the main links in the supply chain: Grupo JD/Fazenda São Marcelo, the cattle breeder; Marfrig, slaughterhouses and food industry, and the Carrefour Group retailer. The results show that all the links in the chain have strategic vision on climate change and have developed strategies for the management of climate change, being the cold storage facility the most developed link. As major opportunities, it has been observed sources of funding and other techniques aimed at increasing livestock productivity, improvements in production and logistics processes in cold storage facilities and retailers, as well as mechanisms that contribute to the improvement of the coordination of bovine chain from the environmental issue. As major challenges, it is mentioned the improvement of methodologies for measuring emissions, limiting the territorial expansion of the agricultural frontier and investment in adaptation actions.

Lealdade às marcas de produtos e às marcas de lojas de varejo: um estudo comparativo entre consumidores de baixa e alta renda / Loyalty to product brands and retail store brands: a comparative study among low income and high income consumers

Santos, Sergio Antonio dos 30 November 2009 (has links)
O interesse em entender o comportamento do consumidor de Baixa Renda vem ganhando importância nos últimos anos. Este interesse crescente baseia-se no entendimento de que o crescimento futuro das economias e organizações empresariais dependem, cada vez mais, da inserção desses consumidores no processo de consumo. Esta dissertação teve como objetivo verificar se os consumidores de Baixa Renda apresentam diferenças no que se relaciona ao comportamento de lealdade à marca de produto em comparação à marca de varejo. Adicionalmente buscou comparar o comportamento de lealdade à marca de produto e marca de varejo entre os indivíduos de baixa renda e alta renda, e identificar as causas possíveis das diferenças encontradas. Para tanto foi realizada uma pesquisa tipo survey com consumidores de Baixa Renda e Alta Renda através de dois questionários estruturados, um para marcas de produtos (televisores) e outro para marcas de varejo. O processo de análise envolveu testes de proporção de diferenças, de médias e associação e de análise de variância múltipla.Os resultados indicaram que a posição na classe de renda não influenciou, de maneira estatisticamente significativa, o comportamento de lealdade, seja em relação às marcas de produto, seja em relação às marcas de lojas de varejo. Porém o estudo indicou a existência de diferenças significativas no processo de lealdade entre loja e produto, não associadas à renda, que indicam que o consumidor apresenta uma relação mais intensa com as marcas de produto do que com as marcas de loja. Neste sentido, os consumidores que responderam sobre marcas avaliaram melhor os construtos de Valor e Comprometimento, reconhecidos como antecedentes do comportamento de lealdade, do que aqueles que responderam sobre a marca de varejo. Ao final, são apresentadas as contribuições acadêmicas e gerenciais do estudo e sugestões para a realização de novos estudos. / Interest in understanding the behavior of Low Income consumer has been gaining importance lately. This increasing interest is based upon the understanding that the future growth of economies and enterprises depend more and more on the insertion of these consumers in consume process. The aim of this essay was to verify if Low Income consumers present differences concerning loyalty behavior towards the product brand and retail store brand. Moreover it tried to compare the loyalty behavior towards the product brand and retail store brand among people of Low Income and High Income and to identify the possible causes of the found differences . To reach this purpose it was performed a research type survey with Low Income and High Income consumers by means of two structured questionnaires, one concerned to product (television) brands and other concerned to retail stores brands. The analyses process dealt with tests of difference proportion , averages and association and analyses of multiple variance The results showed that the position in the income class had no influence, in a statistically significant way, on the loyalty behavior, either concerning product brands or retail store brands. However the study showed the existence of significant differences in the loyalty process between store and product not associated to income, which show that consumer has a more intense relationship with product brands than with store brands. In this way, the consumers that responded about brands evaluated better the constructs Value and Commitment, recognized as antecedents of the loyalty behavior, than the ones that responded about the retail store brand. At the end, the academic and managing contributions of the study as well the suggestions concerning further studies are presented.

The role of the socio-economic environment on medical outcomes after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

Roth, Christian, Berger, Rudolf, Kuhn, Michael January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Background: According to the World Health Organization, coronary artery disease (CAD), including ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), is the most common cause of death worldwide as well as in Europe and Austria. There is valid data on the impact of conventional risk factors on the medical outcomes for STEMI patients. However, only few studies examine the role of the socio-economic environment for medical outcomes. The main task of this study is to investigate if the socio-economic environment of patients who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) after STEMI has an impact on the distribution of risk factors and medical outcomes. Methods: The study focuses on the population of the City of Vienna, Austria, and includes 870 STEMI patients, who underwent PCI at the General Hospital of Vienna (AKH Wien) between 2008 and 2012. The following data were collected: conventional risk factors (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, overweight, smoking, family history and vascular disease) and socio-economic indicators of the patient's residential district (number of residents, income pre-tax, residents per general practitioner, residents per internal specialist, compulsory education only, academic degree and rate of unemployment). Cox regressions were performed to evaluate the impact of socio-economic environment and conventional risk factors on survival. Results: Most of the conventional risk factors show a significant difference between deceased and surviving patients. The study revealed significant differences across districts in relation to the socio-economic background of STEMI patients. Surprisingly, medical outcomes, as measured by the survival of patients, are significantly related to a patient's district of residence ( p -Value = 0.028) but not in a systematic way as far as the socio-economic environment of These districts is concerned. Conclusions: The study provides intuitive evidence for a hitherto understudied Central European context on the link between socio-economic environment and conventional risk factors at population level and the link between conventional risk factors and survival both at the population at the individual level. While this is in line with previous evidence and suggestive of the incorporation of measures of socio-economic status (SES) into policy & guidelines toward the management of CAD, more data on the SES - STEMI nexus are needed at individual level.

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