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[pt] O comportamento sísmico de taludes tem sido um tópico de
interesse da engenharia geotécnica nos últimos 40 anos.
Durante este período, a
prática da engenharia nesta área evoluiu do emprego de
técnicas elementares para
procedimentos numéricos bastante complexos. A abordagem
mais simples é a
análise pseudo-estática na qual o carregamento do
terremoto é simulado por uma
aceleração horizontal estática equivalente atuando na
massa de solo deslizante,
utilizando-se um procedimento de equilíbrio limite
das fatias),
geralmente conservativo. O parâmetro que descreve o
comportamento dinâmico
do solo é referido como coeficiente sísmico k, e sua
seleção depende fortemente
da experiência e normas técnicas locais, porque não há
maneira simples e segura
de se escolher um valor adequado. O segundo procedimento
conhecido como
método de Newmark, que envolve o cálculo de uma
de escoamento,
definida como a força inercial necessária para o fator
segurança atingir 1 em
uma análise pseudo-estática pelo método de equilíbrio
limite. O procedimento
então usa os registros de aceleração do terremoto de
projeto e o integra
duplamente no tempo para calcular os deslocamentos
permanentes acumulados.
O terceiro método é referido como análise de Makdisi-
que procura definir a
estabilidade sísmica do talude em termos de
aceitáveis em vez de
um fator de segurança tradicional através de uma versão
modificada do método de
Newmark. Esta técnica apresenta uma maneira racional de
calcular uma
aceleração de escoamento média, necessária para produzir
um valor do coeficiente
de segurança do talude igual a 1. Gráficos específicos
foram também
desenvolvidos para estimativa dos deslocamentos
permanentes, tendo sido
bastante aplicados em aterros rodoviários, barragens e
aterros sanitários.
Finalmente, o mais sofisticado método para análise de
estabilidade sísmica de
taludes é conhecido como análise dinâmica, que
incorpora modelos
de elementos finitos e relações tensão x deformação
complexas numa tentativa de obter melhores
para o comportamento mecânico de taludes sob
cargas cíclicas Os resultados destas análises podem
incluir a história no tempo dos
deslocamentos e tensões, bem como das freqüências
naturais, efeitos de
amortecimento, etc. Este trabalho apresenta uma
entre os métodos
mencionados anteriormente, analisando o comportamento
sísmico dos taludes da
estrutura de contenção dos resíduos de lixiviação de
minério de urânio, na Bahia,
e dos taludes do bota-fora sul da mina de cobre
situada no Peru. / [en] The seismic stability of slopes has been a topic of
considerable interest in
geotechnical engineering for the past 40 years. During
that period, the state of
practice has moved from simples techniques to more
complicated numerical
procedures. The simplest approach is the pseudo-static
analysis in which the
earthquake load is simulated by an equivalent static
horizontal acceleration
acting on the mass of the landslide, according to a
generally conservative limit
equilibrium analysis. The ground motion parameter used in
a pseudo-static
analysis is referred to as the seismic coefficient k, and
its selection has relied
heavily on engineering judgment and local code
requirements because there is no
simple method for determining an appropriate value. The
second main procedure
is known as the Newmark displacement analysis which
involves the calculation of
the yield acceleration, defined as the inertial force
required to cause the static
factor of safety to reach 1 from the traditional limit
equilibrium slope stability
analysis. The procedure then uses a design earthquake
strong-motion record which
is numerically integrated twice for the amplitude of the
acceleration above the
yield acceleration to calculate the cumulative
displacements. These displacements
are then evaluated in light of the slope material
properties and the requirements of
the proposed development. The third method is referred to
as the Makdisi-Seed
analysis sought to define seismic embankment stability in
terms of acceptable
deformation instead of conventional factors of safety,
using a modified Newmark
analysis. Their method presents a rational means to
determine yield acceleration,
or the average acceleration required to produce a factor
of safety of unity. Design
curves were developed to estimate the permanent earthquake-
deformations of embankments, which have since been applied
to sanitary landfill and highway embankments. Finally, the
most sophisticated method for seismic
slope stability calculations is known as the dynamic
analysis, which normally
incorporates a finite element model and a rather complex
stress-strain behavior for
geological materials in an attempt to obtain a better
representation of the behavior
of soils under cyclic loading. The results of the analysis
can include a time
history of displacements and stresses, as well as natural
frequencies, effects of
damping, etc. This work presents a comparison of the
results obtained by the
aforementioned approaches, considering the seismic
behavior of the slopes of an
uranium lixiviation pad situated in Bahia, Brazil, and the
South embankment of
the waste landfill of the Toquepala Mine, Peru.
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[pt] O presente trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um
procedimento numérico para a análise sequencial estática e
dinâmica de barragens de terra, durante as principais fases
da vida da estrutura:construção, enchimento do reservatório
e carregamentos sísmicos. A modelagem numérica é feita
mediante o método dos elementos finitos, incorporando as
não linearidades dos materiais através de módulos
dependentes do nível de tensões, para a análise estática, e
do nível de deformações para a análise dinâmica.
Inicialmente são apresentadas as características do
comportamento de barragens de terra submetidos a
carregamentos estáticos e dinâmicos. Apresentam-se também
alguns dos fatores que influenciam a resposta estática e
dinâmica deste tipo de estrutura geotécnica.
Em seguida apresentam-se as formulações e implementações
numéricas realizadas para a análise sequencial, estática e
dinâmica, por elementos finitos. Desenvolveu-se neste
trabalho um programa de microcomputador para análise de
barragens considerando varias opções como elementos
infinitos, elementos de interface, contornos viscosos, etc.
Outras obras de terra e problemas geotécnicos, além de
barragens, podem também serem analisadas por este programa,
de caráter bastante geral.
Finalmente ilustra-se a aplicabilidade do programa e
procedimentos implementados, através da previsão do
comportamento da Barragem de Recreta, localizada no Peru.
Os resultados desta análise, considerando no estudo
dinâmico o registro disponível do terremoto de Lima (1974),
são apresentados e discutidos. / [en] This work presents the development of numerical procedures
for static and dynamic sequential analysis of earth dams
during the main phases of their life: construction,
reservoir filling and seismic loading. The numerical
modeling is performed using the finite element method with
material modulus that exhibit either stress state (static
analysis) or strain state (dynamic analysis) dependency.
General behavior characteristics of earth dams subjected to
static and dynamic loads are initially presented. The main
factors influencing the static and dynamic responses are
also indicated e briefly discussed.Mathematical
formulations and the numerical algorithms considered in the
development of a computer code specially written for this
research, such as interface elements, infinite elements,
viscous boundaries, etc., are fully described with several
illustrative examples to validate their application.
The prediction of both static and dynamic responses of the
Recreta Dam, in Peru, is also carried out considering the
available seismic records of the Lima earthquake, occurred
in 1974. The computed numerical results indicate that the
computer program is reliable, efficient and potentially
useful for other geotechnical applications. / [es] Este trabajo presenta el desarrollo de un procedimiento numérico para el análisis secuencial estático
y dinámico de dique de tierra, durante las principales fases de la vida de la extructura:construción,
llenado del reservatorio y cargas sísmicas. La modelación numérica se realiza mediante el método de
los elementos finitos, incorporando las no linealidades de los materiales a través de módulos
dependientes del nível de tensiones, para el análisis estático, y del nível de deformaciones para el
análisis dinámico. Inicialmente se presentan las características del comportamiento de dique de tierra
sometidos a sobrecargas estáticas y dinámicas. Se presentan también algunos de los factores que
influyen en la respuesta estática y dinámica de este tipo de extructura geotécnica. En seguida se
presentan las formulaciones e implementaciones numéricas realizadas para el análisis secuencial,
estático y dinámico, por elementos finitos. Se desarrolló en este trabajo un programa de
microcomputador para el análisis de dique considerando varias opciones como elementos infinitos,
elementos de interface, contornos vizcosos, etc. Otras obras de tierra y problemas geotécnicos,
además de dique, pueden también ser analizadas por este programa, de carácter bastante general.
Finalmente se ilustra la aplicabilidad del programa y los procedimentos implementados, a través de
la previsión del comportamiento del Dique de Recreta, localizada en el Peru. Los resultados de este
análisis, considerando en el estudio dinámico el registro disponible del terremoto de Lima (1974), son
presentados y discutidos.
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Factors Affecting The Static And Dynamic Response Of Jointed Rock MassesGaraga, Arunakumari 01 September 2008 (has links)
Infrastructure is developing at an extremely fast pace which includes construction of metros, underground storage places, railway bridges, caverns and tunnels. Very often these structures are found in or on the rock masses. Rock masses are seldom found in nature without joints or discontinuities. Jointed rocks are characterized by the presence of inherent discontinuities of varied sizes with different orientations and intensities, which can have significant effect on their mechanical response. Constructions involving jointed rocks often become challenging jobs for Civil Engineers as the instability of slopes or excavations in these jointed rocks poses serious concerns, sometimes leading to the failure of structures built on them. Experimental investigations on jointed rock masses are not always feasible and pose formidable problems to the engineers. Apart from the technical difficulties of extracting undisturbed rock samples, it is very expensive and time consuming to conduct the experiments on jointed rock masses of huge dimensions. The most popular methods of evaluating the rock mass behaviour are the Numerical methods. In this thesis, numerical modelling of jointed rock masses is carried out using computer program FLAC (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua).
The objective of the present study is to study the effect of various joint parameters on the response of jointed rock masses in static as well as seismic shaking conditions. This is achieved through systematic series of numerical simulations of jointed rocks in triaxial compression, in underground openings and in large rock slopes. This thesis is an attempt to study the individual effect of different joint parameters on the rock mass behaviour and to integrate these results to provide useful insight into the behaviour of jointed rock mass under various joint conditions.
In practice, it is almost impossible to explore all of the joint systems or to investigate all their mechanical characteristics and implementing them explicitly in the model. In these cases, the use of the equivalent continuum model to simulate the behaviour of jointed rock masses could be valuable. Hence this approach is mainly used in this thesis. Some numerical simulations with explicitly modelled joints are also presented for comparison with the continuum modelling. The applicability of Artificial Neural Networks for the prediction of stress-strain response of jointed rocks is also explored. Static, pseudo-static and dynamic analyses of a large rock slope in Himalayas is carried out and parametric seismic analysis of rock slope is carried out with varying input shaking, material damping and shear strength parameters.
Results from the numerical studies showed that joint inclination is the most influencing parameter for the jointed rock mass behaviour. Rock masses exhibit lowest strength at critical angle of joint inclination and the deformations around excavations will be highest when the joints are inclined at an angle close to the critical angle. However at very high confining pressures, the influence of joint inclination gets subdued. Under seismic base shaking conditions, the deformations of rock masses largely depend on the acceleration response with time, frequency content and duration rather than the peak amplitude or the magnitude of earthquake. All these aspects are discussed in the light of results from numerical studies presented in this thesis.
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Análisis estructural sísmico de una edificación existente ubicada en Lima Metropolitana que no cumple el control de derivas y propuesta de reforzamiento con acero estructural / Seismic structural analysis of an existing building located in Metropolitan Lima that does not comply with drift control and a proposal for reinforcement with structural steelSilva Segura, Renzo Alessandro, Apaza Bocanegra, Carlo David 09 December 2020 (has links)
La presente tesis tiene como objetivo analizar y evaluar la efectividad de reforzar con acero estructural a una edificación existente que no cumple el control de derivas. La edificación a reforzar, ubicada en el distrito de Lince en la ciudad de Lima, cuenta con un área de terreno total de 193m2, con 5 pisos destinados al uso de oficinas y un sistema estructural de pórticos de concreto armado construido en el año 2004.
Se exponen todos los sistemas de reforzamiento con acero estructural más utilizados en la actualidad para rigidizar la edificación y que la estructura logre un comportamiento sismorresistente adecuado. El material del reforzamiento será acero estructural ASTM A36.
Se verificará las irregularidades que presenta la edificación existente; dado a que la edificación fue construida bajo las especificaciones de la Norma E.030 del 2004, se actualizarán todos los parámetros sísmicos a la más reciente Norma E.030 Diseño Sismorresistente 2018.
Se modela la edificación con cada tipo de reforzamiento con acero, se realiza un análisis símico para comprobar que la estructura cumpla con los requisitos especificados en la Norma E.030, y verificar que los desplazamientos laterales relativos de entrepisos (derivas) no superen el límite máximo permitido de 0.007 establecido en la Norma. De esta manera, se optará por el sistema de reforzamiento con acero más efectivo y viable para la edificación.
Por último, se verifican todos los elementos estructurales de concreto y se diseña los nuevos elementos de acero implementados a la estructura, bajo la Especificación AISC 360 para acero estructural. / The objective of this thesis is to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of reinforcing an existing building with structural steel that does not comply with drift control. The building to be reinforced is located in the Lince district in the city of Lima, has a total land area of 193m2. The building consists of 5 floors for office use, it is a structural system of reinforced concrete porches and was built in 2004.
All the systems of reinforcement with structural steel most used today are exposed to stiffen the building and that the structure achieves an adequate earthquake-resistant behavior. The reinforcement material will be ASTM A36 structural steel.
Irregularities in the existing building will be verified; Since the building was built under the specifications of Standard E.030 of 2004, all seismic parameters will be updated to the most recent Standard E.030 Seismic-resistant Design 2018.
The building is modeled with each type of steel reinforcement, a simian analysis is carried out to verify that the structure complies with the requirements specified in Standard E.030, and to verify that the relative lateral displacements of the floors (drifts) do not exceed the limit. maximum allowed of 0.007 established in the Standard. In this way, the most effective and viable steel reinforcement system for the building will be chosen.
Finally, all the concrete structural elements are verified and the new steel elements implemented to the structure are designed, under the AISC 360 Specification for structural steel. / Tesis
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Análisis comparativo de la respuesta sísmica de una clínica con aislamiento sísmico en Lima bajo las normas NCh 2745 y ASCE SEI 7 con la norma peruana E031Rosales Villanueva, Aldair Santos, Sandivar Ramirez, Jessica Jhovanna 06 December 2021 (has links)
El presente estudio de investigación evalúa la respuesta sísmica de una clínica con aislamiento símico en Lima bajo la Norma Peruana de Aislamiento Sísmico E.031. Esta será comparada con la norma la Norma Chilena de Diseño Sísmico de Edificios NCh2745 y la Norma Americana ASCE/SEI 7, dichas normas internacionales han sido diseñadas para soportar eventos sísmicos severos, presentando parámetros rigurosos, con los cuales se podrá destacar las fortalezas y debilidades frente a la nueva Norma Peruana.
En los capítulos siguientes se da entendimiento a la información que se debe poseer para analizar las tres normas, conceptos básicos de sismología y dinámica estructural, dentro de cada norma se verán los alcances, factores y parámetros que intervienen en la determinación del espectro de diseño, así como el análisis sísmico dinámico que las normas proponen y el modelamiento de la estructura de la clínica en el software ETABS. Luego se comparan los resultados de la respuesta sísmica, desplazamientos laterales, derivas y fuerzas cortantes, en las que se verán las exigencias que cada norma, llegando a saber si nuestra Norma Peruana en su modificación y mejora de su contenido se proyecta a ser una de las mejores normas de diseño sismorresistente, obteniendo así una perspectiva de nuestra Norma Peruana frente a una norma internacional ya consolidada y avalada por los años frente a sismos severos. / This research study evaluates the seismic response of a clinic with simian isolation in Lima under the draft Peruvian Seismic Isolation Standard E.031. This will be compared with the North American standard ASCE SEI 7-16 and the Chilean Seismic Design Standard for Buildings 2745, these international standards have been designed to withstand severe seismic events, presenting rigorous parameters, with which we can highlight the strengths and weaknesses against the new Peruvian Standard.
In the following chapters, understanding is given to the information that must be possessed to analyze the three norms, basic concepts of seismology and structural dynamics, within each norm the scope, factors and parameters that are involved in the determination of the design spectrum will be seen, as well as the dynamic seismic analysis that the standards propose and the modeling of the clinical structure in the ETABS software. Then the results of the seismic response, lateral displacements, drifts and shear forces are compared, in which the requirements of each norm will be seen, getting to know if our Peruvian Standard in its modification and improvement of its content is projected to be one of the best seismic resistant design standards, thus obtaining a perspective of our Peruvian Standard against an international standard already consolidated and endorsed by the years against severe earthquakes. / Tesis
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Impact assessment of the environmental protection policies in the upstream oil industry in Nigeria / A.M. Bayagbon.Bayagbon, Anthony Mamurhomu January 2011 (has links)
The need for energy and the associated economic benefits from the oil and gas deposits found mainly in
the Niger Delta region of Nigeria necessitated the exploration and exploitation activities being carried
out by the oil and gas Companies. However, these exploration and exploitation activities due to their
unpredictable nature have a huge potential for environmental pollution as been experienced in the form
of oil spills, gas flaring, irresponsible disposal of waste and several other activities that have resulted in
the environmental degradation of the Niger Delta region.
In the light of these, the Federal Government of Nigeria having experienced the consequences of
pollution of the environment during the Koko Toxic Waste Dump incident in the then Bendel State in
1987 established a regulatory body tasked with the responsibility of harmonizing the economic interest
from the oil and gas exploration and exploitation activities with the sustainability of the natural
environment by developing well structured and articulated policies aimed at guiding the operations of
the oil and gas operators, track their compliance and administer appropriate punitive measures for non
However, this research work which is aimed at evaluating the impact of the environmental protection
policies in upstream oil and gas activities in the Niger Delta region, involved the use of questionnaires
and interviews. These questionnaires were completed by the management and staff of three major oil
and gas companies operating within the area, the Department of Petroleum Resources and members of
the Host communities. The interview was carried out to provide relevant feedback on their assessment
of the impact made by the environmental protection policies on the upstream oil and gas activities in
their operational areas/host communities.
The study however concluded that “Although there is a regulatory body tasked with the responsibility to
develop, implement and track compliance of the environmental protection policies in the upstream oil
industry, the body is ineffective and as such the impact of the environmental protection policies is
Appropriate informed recommendations on the improvement strategies to the identified gaps that
resulted in the unfavorable conditions were also provided. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011
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Impact assessment of the environmental protection policies in the upstream oil industry in Nigeria / A.M. Bayagbon.Bayagbon, Anthony Mamurhomu January 2011 (has links)
The need for energy and the associated economic benefits from the oil and gas deposits found mainly in
the Niger Delta region of Nigeria necessitated the exploration and exploitation activities being carried
out by the oil and gas Companies. However, these exploration and exploitation activities due to their
unpredictable nature have a huge potential for environmental pollution as been experienced in the form
of oil spills, gas flaring, irresponsible disposal of waste and several other activities that have resulted in
the environmental degradation of the Niger Delta region.
In the light of these, the Federal Government of Nigeria having experienced the consequences of
pollution of the environment during the Koko Toxic Waste Dump incident in the then Bendel State in
1987 established a regulatory body tasked with the responsibility of harmonizing the economic interest
from the oil and gas exploration and exploitation activities with the sustainability of the natural
environment by developing well structured and articulated policies aimed at guiding the operations of
the oil and gas operators, track their compliance and administer appropriate punitive measures for non
However, this research work which is aimed at evaluating the impact of the environmental protection
policies in upstream oil and gas activities in the Niger Delta region, involved the use of questionnaires
and interviews. These questionnaires were completed by the management and staff of three major oil
and gas companies operating within the area, the Department of Petroleum Resources and members of
the Host communities. The interview was carried out to provide relevant feedback on their assessment
of the impact made by the environmental protection policies on the upstream oil and gas activities in
their operational areas/host communities.
The study however concluded that “Although there is a regulatory body tasked with the responsibility to
develop, implement and track compliance of the environmental protection policies in the upstream oil
industry, the body is ineffective and as such the impact of the environmental protection policies is
Appropriate informed recommendations on the improvement strategies to the identified gaps that
resulted in the unfavorable conditions were also provided. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011
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Control of the submarine palaeotopography on the turbidite system architecture : an approach combining structural restorations and sedimentary process-based numerical modeling, applied to a Brazilian offshore case study / Contrôle de la paléotopographie des fonds sous-marins sur l'architecture des systèmes turbiditiques : une approche couplée de restauration structurale et de modélisation numérique des processus sédimentaires, appliquée à un exemple de l'offshore du Brésil.Albertao, Gilberto 21 September 2010 (has links)
La dynamique des courants de turbidité est fortement contrôlée par la morphologie du fond marin. Les turbidites issues de ces courants constituent des réservoirs d’hydrocarbures très importants dans les bassins sédimentaires à travers le monde. L'objectif principal de ce travail est de comprendre comment le paleorelief a contrôlé la géométrie et l'architecture des réservoirs turbiditiques, en utilisant comme zone d'étude les réservoirs du Crétacé d'un champ pétrolier du bassin de Campos (offshore du Brésil), où la tectonique a été en partie dominée par l'halocinèse. La méthodologie utilisée dans cette thèse a couplé deux approches. La première a inclus à la fois la description des séquences sédimentaires, à partir de données de sismique-réflexion et de puits, et les restaurations structurales. Six horizons régionaux et quatre unités-réservoirs ont été identifiés et cartographiés afin de construire un modèle géologique multi-2D. Ces surfaces ont ensuite été aussi restaurées. Les résultats de cette étape suggèrent que les failles liées à l'halocinèse ont contraint la paléotopographie pour le dépôt des réservoirs plus anciens et que des structures tectoniques et un canyon ont formés les contraintes paléotopographiques pour la distribution des réservoirs plus jeunes. La seconde approche a été l'analyse du rôle des paramètres des écoulements en effectuant des simulations numériques du type stratigraphique (Dionisos) et des automates cellulaires (CATS). Une surface restaurée, considérée comme référence pour le dépôt des unités-réservoirs a été utilisée comme paléotopographie pour les simulations CATS. Le modèle numérique a été contraint par les données réservoirs. Cette utilisation inédite des simulations 3D avec des automates cellulaires dans une étude de cas réel concernant des dépôts marins anciens a produit des résultats réalistes par rapport aux exemples modernes connus. Elle a également fourni des résultats plus exploitables à l'échelle de réservoir que les modèles numériques de type "stratigraphique". Ce travail met en évidence l'importance des interactions tectonique-sédimentation et de la paléotopographie pour la distribution de réservoirs turbiditiques. / The dynamic of gravity-driven turbidity currents is strongly influenced by the morphology of the seafloor. The resulting turbidites constitute important hydrocarbon reservoirs in sedimentary basins throughout the world. The main objective of the present work is thus to understand the way the paleorelief controls turbidite reservoir architectures, with application in a specific study area with Cretaceous reservoirs in Campos Basin (Brazilian offshore). The tectonics in this Basin was partly controlled by halokinesis. The first approach was describing the local Cretaceous sedimentary sequence architecture, from seismic and well data, and performing structural restorations. Six regional horizons and four reservoir-scale units were identified and mapped in order to build a multi-2D geological model. Structural restorations highlighted the structural evolution and allowed the related horizon palaeotopography to be obtained. The results of this work step suggest that the halokinesis-related listric faults regulated the distribution of the basal reservoirs. Moreover, at the top of the Albian carbonates, a canyon was identified, which, in association with the tectonic structures, forms the palaeotopographic constraints for the upper reservoir geometry. The second approach was analyzing the role of flow controlling parameters by performing stratigraphic (Dionisos) and cellular automata-based (CATS) numerical simulations. The latter provided a more appropriate reservoir scale-simulation process than Dionisos. A restored surface, considered as reference for the deposition of the reservoir units, was used as the palaeotopography for CATS simulations, having as constraints the reservoir data. This pioneer use of cellular automata simulations in a real subsurface case study produced coherent results when compared with the actual reservoir distribution. This work sheds light on the importance of tectonic-sedimentation interactions and of palaeotopography for the distribution of turbidite reservoirs.
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Análisis sísmico comparativo entre un edificio de placas de concreto armado y una edificación de pórticos de acero a través del Diseño Directo Basado en Desplazamientos. / Comparative seismic analysis between a dual wall-frame building and a steel frame building through Direct Displacement Based Design.Ccahuana Nieto, Willians Joseph, Coronel Aguilar, Juan Alejandro 26 November 2020 (has links)
Muchas ciudades del Perú se encuentran ubicadas en el cinturón de fuego del Pacífico, en consecuencia, existe una mayor probabilidad de ocurrencias de sismos que generen cuantiosas pérdidas de vida y grandes perjuicios económicos.
Debido a este problema, la ingeniería civil está en la obligación de investigar nuevos diseños sísmicos más precisos, los cuales originaron diversos métodos que usan a los desplazamientos de la estructura como parámetro principal, ya que a través de los desplazamientos se pueden obtener los momentos y cortantes de la estructura. A este método se le conoce como Diseño Basado en Desplazamientos. El autor que le dio los lineamientos teóricos más amplios y consistentes es Priestley, con su propuesta llamada Diseño Directo Basado en Desplazamientos.
Por otro lado, en la realidad peruana, las edificaciones con sistema estructura del pórtico de acero son atípicos en comparación con las de sistema dual de concreto armado. En consecuencia, se desaprovecha las propiedades de este material y de este sistema estructural, el cual se sumerge más en el rango inelástico que el concreto.
La tesis analizará los resultados obtenidos del análisis sísmico de una estructura de sistema dual y otra de pórticos de acero, ambas con una misma configuración arquitectónica, bajo las metodologías de Diseño Directo Basado en Desplazamientos y de Diseño Basado en Fuerzas. Esto generará la comparación entre los sistemas estructurales bajo las metodologías mencionadas. / Many cities in Peru are located in the Pacific ring of fire, consequently, there is a greater probability of earthquakes that generate large losses of life and great economic damage.
Due to this problem, civil engineering is obliged to investigate new more accurate seismic designs, which originated several methods that use the displacements of the structure as the main parameter, since through the displacements the moments and shear of the structure can be obtained. This method is known as Displacement Based Design. The author who gave the broadest and most consistent theoretical guidelines is Priestley, with his proposal called Direct Displacement Based Design.
On the other hand, in the Peruvian reality, steel frames buildings system are atypical compared to those of the dual wall-frame with reinforced concrete system. Consequently, the properties of this material and this structural system are wasted, which is more immersed in the inelastic range than concrete.
The thesis will analyze the results obtained from the seismic analysis of a dual wall-frame building and another of steel frames, both with the same architectural configuration, under the Direct Displacement Based Design method and the Design Based Force method, which is the method used in most standards. The thesis will generate the comparison between the structural systems under the mentioned methodologies. / Tesis
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Seismic analysis of concrete structures within nuclear industry / Dimensionering av nukleära betongkonstruktioner med avseende på seismisk påverkanTabatabaei Araghi, Pedram January 2014 (has links)
Earthquake has always been a hazard for civil structures and keeping the structures integrity during and after an earthquake is of vital importance. This phenomenon’s impact is sudden and there is little or no warning to make the preparations for this natural disaster. Much damage has been done on structures which have led to major collapses and loss of many lives. Civil structures such as nuclear power plants are designed to withstand earthquakes and in the event of a major seismic event, to shut down safely. The aim of this thesis is to present the seismic design procedures for concrete structures, in basic and detailed design, according to Eurocode 8. Also to describe and understand the difference between Eurocode 8 and the DNB in seismic analysis of nuclear power plants. To evaluate the use of DNB instead of Eurocode 8 with Swedish seismic conditions is also another aim in this thesis. Loads and actions which apply on a structure in a seismic design and corresponding load combinations are presented for Eurocode 8 and the DNB. An example is also given to clarify the design of primary seismic beams and columns with high ductility class (DCH). A case study of a nuclear structure from a test project named SMART2013 has been made by analyzing and comparing the results from Eurocode 8 and the DNB with a finite element model in FEM-Design software. Natural frequencies of the model are compared with the tested model in SMART2013-project to evaluate the finite element modeling. The model is seismically analyzed with load combinations from Eurocode 8 and the DNB with Swedish elastic ground response spectrum with the probability of 10-5. Results obtained from the primary seismic beams and columns are compared and analyzed. Being on the safe and conservative side of the design values is always preferred in seismic analysis of a vital and sensitive structure such as nuclear power plants. The results from this thesis shows that, purely structural, combination of Swedish elastic ground response spectrum with the Eurocode 8 load combination will give more conservative values than the DNB. / I stora delar av världen har jordbävningar alltid varit ett hot för byggnaders integritet. Karaktären av en jordbävning är plötslig och föranleds av små eller inga varningar. Om jordbävningen medför att byggnader kollapsar sker ofta stora förluster av människoliv direkt eller indirekt. Kärnkraftsverk är anläggningar som dimensioneras för att klara jordbävningar och ska kunna gå till säker avställning vid en sådan händelse. Syftet med föreliggande rapport är att presentera hur betongkonstruktioner dimensioneras för jordbävning enligt Eurokod 8. Rapporten redogör även för skillnader mellan att dimensionera enligt Eurokod 8 och DNB (Dimensionering av nukleära byggnadskonstruktioner) samt hur det slår att använda Eurokod med svenska seismiska förhållanden. Laster och lastkombinationer som används vid jordbävningsdimensionering av betongbyggnader är presenterad enligt både Eurokod och DNB. Ett exempel presenteras för att visa hur primära balkar och pelare med hög duktilitetsklass (DCH) dimensioneras för seismisk påverkan. En fallstudie av en nukleär byggnad från ett internationellt projekt, SMART2013, har använts för att analysera och utvärdera resultaten från Eurokod och DNB. Byggnaden har analyserats med finita element med programvaran FEM Design. Modellens riktighet har verifierats genom att jämföra bland annat egenfrekvenser med de från officiella rapporter från SMART2013. Byggnaden är analyserad för seismisk last enligt svenska förhållanden med markresponsspektra 10-5, och primära balkar och pelare har analyserats och utvärderats enligt både Eurokod och DNB.
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