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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Obraz války u Georgese Bataille / An Image of War in Georges Bataille's Conceptions

Zítko, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
The war represents one of the most conspicuous manifestations of the overabundance of energy that Georges Bataille has been theorizing as part of his theory of general economics. On the background of this facts, work seeks to define war as an inherently non-utilitarian expenditure of energy with which the human must necessarily contend. Next, the work attempts to question the common denominators of the excessive moments that war undoubtedly belongs to, and to point out their importance in philosophy of Bataille. The sovereignty that accompanies such moments will be further themed, bearing in mind the specificity that the author devotes to it, which breaks out of dialectical necessity. Keywords: Georges Bataille, sovereignty, accursed share, heterogeneity, self-consciousness, critique of utilitarity, war

A Window to the (Dissolved) Self? : Psychedelic Ego-dissolution as a Case of Minimal Self-consciousness / Ett fönster mot (det upplösta) jaget? : Psykedelisk egoupplösning som ett fall av minimalt självmedvetande

Johansson, Jesper January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Racial Stigma and Sense of agency: Implications for neurocognitive and social-cognitive research

Anwarzi, Deewa January 2023 (has links)
As social creatures, our social encounters matter. They matter for how we experience the world, as well as ourselves. The role of psycho-social experiences has recently been recognized in the neurocognitive literature on the sense of agency. Defined as the experience of control over one’s actions and outcomes, researchers have begun exploring how social interactions and contextual cues modulate this experience, using an implicit task known as intentional binding. This task claims to capture the sense of agency by assessing differences in perception of time across conditions that are theoretically considered to be higher in sense of agency as compared to those that are lower. Drawing inspiration from this new literature, this thesis explores, across five studies, the impact of different psycho-social experiences, particularly those related to stigmatized racial minority groups, on the sense of agency. Our first two studies (n= 36, n=123) indicate that reflection on both negative and positive psycho-social experiences, including racial stigma, bias, and acceptance, reduces the sense of agency, as indexed by lower action-effect interval estimates. Further, our latter three studies (n=45, n=44, n=44), which focus on North American and international samples, suggest that expectations of racial bias reduce the sense of agency and that this reduction is greatest amongst people who experience a threat to their identity because of the event, as well as people who are low-self monitors. Insights from these studies are used to advance neurocognitive and social cognitive work, including psycho-social modulates of intentional binding and psychological mechanisms that affect racial minorities. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / One of the most fascinating aspects of human consciousness is our ability to feel in control of our actions and their outcomes. This experience, better known as a sense of agency, allows us to distinguish our own actions from others and feel responsible for the events we cause in the world. As an important psychological phenomenon, many researchers have taken an interest in understanding how this experience is shaped within our subjective minds. This work has revealed that individual characteristics, as well as social/environmental processes, can affect the sense of agency, at times, even disrupting/impairing the experience. Extending these early findings, this thesis aims to explore the role of psycho-social factors, namely, racial stigma, on the sense of agency. Across five experiments, we reveal that race-based experiences, including perceived and expected racial bias as well as racial acceptance, decrease the sense of agency. With replication and further inquiry, these studies have important implications for the neurocognitive and social-cognitive literature, as well as society at large.

Understanding College Students' Purchase Behavior of Fashion Counterfeits: Fashion Consciousness, Public Self-Consciousness, Ethical Obligation, Ethical Judgment, and the Theory of Planned Behavior

Lee, Jinhwa January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

A Self-Presentational Perspective on Foreign Language Listening Anxiety

Kimura, Harumi January 2011 (has links)
This study uses a self-presentational framework to investigate second language listening anxiety (L2 listening anxiety) among university students learning English in Japan and demonstrate that L2 listening involves social concerns that are specific to L2 settings. Successful performance in aural interaction presupposes mutual understanding, and L2 listeners have good reason to become anxious when it is doubtful whether they properly comprehend what others say. The Shortened Scale of Foreign Language Listening Anxiety, the Revised Interaction Anxiousness Scale, the Penn State Worry Questionnaire as well as a dictation test were administered to 1,177 students in 15 universities for the quantitative part of this study. Introspection verbal report data were collected from 17 students in two universities to investigate the thought processes of L2 listeners for the qualitative part. The profile analysis indicated the following: L2 listening anxiety was (a) specific to L2 situations and (b) linked to L2 proficiency because high and low L2 listening proficiency groups were different in the overall levels of L2 listening anxiety, but not different in general anxiety measures. The exploratory factor analysis and Rasch principle component analyses demonstrated that L2 listening anxiety was a broad construct composed of two related but distinct dimensions, Self-Focused Apprehension and Task-Focused Apprehension. The former is a concern over social evaluative threat, and the latter is worry over effective processing of aural input. The univariate analyses of variance confirmed that L2 listening anxiety was partly socially constructed because social anxiety was linked to both dimensions of L2 listening anxiety. The verbal data suggested that L2 listening anxiety was receiver-specific in that it involved concerns over comprehending and responding appropriately to aural messages. They also indicated that the levels of L2 listening anxiety were (a) susceptible to individual differences, and (b) influenced by different social situations. This study contributes to conceptual developments in the area of L2 learner psychology because understanding others is of profound importance in successful communication, and anxiety over non-understanding or misunderstanding can have significant personal and interpersonal consequences. / CITE/Language Arts

La doctrine de la science de Fichte : idéalisme spéculatif et réalisme pratique

Roy, Manuel January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Statut et légitimité du Moi pur dans la phénoménologie husserlienne

Hardy, Jean-Sébastien January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Crise identitaire : Arrested Development et le portrait d’une sitcom dans le paysage télévisuel contemporain

Martineau, Julien 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Rôle de la mise à jour égocentrée dans la mémoire épisodique / Functional involvement of egocentric-updating in episodic memory

Gomez, Alice 13 July 2011 (has links)
La mémoire épisodique lie différents éléments dans un contexte spatial et temporel particulier. Il a été proposé que lors de la récupération d‟un épisode, la ré-instanciation d‟une cohérence entre les éléments néocorticaux soit opérée grâce à une représentation spatiale allocentrée stockée au niveau de la structure hippocampique (i.e., codage de la position des objets entre eux, indépendamment de la position de l‟individu, Burgess, Becker, King, & O'Keefe, 2001; Nadel & Moscovitch, 1998). Ce travail de thèse propose de traiter la mémoire épisodique et le sentiment de projection dans son passé (i.e., conscience autonoétique) comme une qualité attribuée à une dextérité relative dans le traitement spatial égocentré mis à jour (i.e., la position, orientation et le déplacement de son corps dans l‟environnement). Le rôle des traitements spatiaux allocentrés et égocentrés mis à jour dans la mémoire épisodique a été évalué expérimentalement. Les résultats suggèrent l‟existence d‟un lien causal entre le traitement de la mise à jour égocentré et les performances de mémoire épisodique. De plus, les études ont mis en évidence l‟existence de spécificités cérébrales et comportementales de la mise à jour égocentrée confirmant l‟adéquation de ce traitement au modèle théorique proposé. Par ailleurs, en référence à cette dissociation entre l‟information égocentrée mis à jour et allocentrée, des études neuropsychologiques ont révélé la présence de déficits de la mise à jour égocentrée, et d‟une préservation allocentrée dans l‟amnésie bihippocampique qu‟elle soit acquise ou développementale. Enfin, l‟évaluation des conséquences cérébrales lors de la récupération épisodique d‟un encodage maximisant le traitement égocentré mis à jour a permis de révéler une implication spécifique des structures temporo-pariétales. Ce travail de thèse a été organisé autour d‟un modèle théorique original du fonctionnement de la mémoire épisodique proposant de nouvelles prédictions expérimentales. Les approches comportementale, neuropsychologique et en imagerie fonctionnelle soulèvent à leur tour de nouvelles pistes de recherche sur le lien entre conscience de son corps et mémoire épisodique. / Episodic memory binds various elements in a specific spatial and temporal context. During retrieval, disparate neocortical elements can be re-associated into a coherent episode due to an allocentric spatial context maintained within the hippocampal formation (ie, coding for object-to-object relations, independently of the individual‟s position, Burgess, Becker, King, & O‟Keefe, 2001, Nadel & Moscovitch, 1998). Phenomenological experience is characteristic of episodic memory. In this thesis, it is described as an individual‟s attribution to a fluency in processing egocentric-updating spatial information (i.e., the position, orientation and movement of one‟s body) during retrieval. The function of egocentric-updating and of allocentric spatial processing in episodic memory was assessed experimentally. Results demonstrate the presence of a causal link between egocentric-updating and episodic memory performance. Moreover, experiments showed cerebral and behavioural specificities of egocentric-updating spatial processing supporting its involvement in episodic memory. Additionally, in line with this distinction between allocentric and egocentric-updating spatial processing, neuropsychological experiments revealed deficits in egocentric-updating with a preservation of allocentric spatial processing in both acquired and developemental bi-hippocampal amnesia. Finally, the assessment of cerebral consequences of encoding an episode while maximizing egocentric-updating processes revealed a higher involvement of temporo-parietal regions during the subsequent episodic retrieval. This thesis work was structured over an original theoretical model on episodic memory functioning allowing new experimental predictions. Combining behavioural, neuropsychological and neuroimaging approaches raised in turn new questions concerning links between episodic memory and self-consciousness.

男女大學生的外表吸引力知覺與自我檢校、自我意識關係之研究 / The study of relationships between physical attractiveness perception and self-monitoring, self consciousness of college students.

劉翠華, Liu, Tsu Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是由自評的角度,利用三種測量指標來探討臺灣地區大學生外表吸引方知覺的現況,內容包括外表知覺、身體滿意度、俊男美女自覺;其次,探討性別與外表吸引力知覺的關係;最後,再探討外表吸引方知覺與自我檢校、自我意識的關係。   本研究以以臺灣地區各公私立大學院校畢生為取樣對象,有效樣本計有479人(男239人、女240人)。所採用的研究工具包括「外表知覺量表」、「身體滿意度量表」、「俊男美女自覺量表」、「自我檢校量表」和「自我意識量表」。研究中所使用的統計方法包括皮爾森積差相關、t考驗、單因子多變量變異變分析和典型相關。   本研究的主要結果如下:   一、外表吸引力知覺的現況方面:     (一)大學生的外表知覺接近中上程度,對自己的身體傾向於有點滿意,認為自己有些符合俊男美女的條件。     (二)身體滿意度經因素分析共得「身材體貌」、「五官部位」、「氧質舉止」三類滿意度,其排行順序由高而低依序為「氣質舉止」、「五官部位」、「身材體貌」。俊男美女自覺經因素分析共得「內在美特質」、「柔性外在美」、「剛性外在美」三類,其排行順序由高而低依序為「內在美特質」、「柔性外在美」、「剛性外在美」。   二、性別和外表吸引力知覺的關係方面:     (一)男女大學生在外表知覺上有顯著差異,此差異表現在「體重意識」、「重視外表」、「在乎外表」「外表對事業之影響」上。亦即女生的體重意識顯著高於男生;女生顯著地比男生更重視外表、更在乎外表;男生顯著地比女生更認為外表會影響事業成功。     (二)男女大學生在身體滿意度上有顯著的差異,此差異反映在「身材體貌」上,亦即男生顯著地比女生對自己的身材體貌更傾向於「有點滿意」。     (三)男女大學生在俊男美女自覺上有顯著的差異,此差異反映在「柔性外在美」與「剛性外在美」上,亦即女生顯著地比男生認為自己更符合「柔性外在美」、更不符合「剛性外在美」。   三、外表吸引力知覺和自我檢校的關係方面:     (一)大學生的外表知覺與自我檢校大致呈顯著的正相關,其中,以「注意穿著、在意流行」與「重視外表」、「在乎外表」之相關最高。     (二)大學生的身體滿意度大致與自我檢校呈顯著的相關,其中,身體滿意度與「調整表現、符合要求」之相關較強;與「符合團體期望」則呈負相關。     (三)大學生的俊男美女自覺與其我檢校呈顯著的正相關,其中,以「內在美特質」與「觀察敏銳」、「即興表演」、「調整表現、符合要求」之相關較高。   四、外表吸引力知覺和自我意識的關係方面:     (一)大學生的外表知覺與自我意識呈顯著的相關,其中以「重視外表」、「在乎外表」與「外表意識」,「一般印象」之相關最高,「外表自評」、「性感魅力」典「社會焦慮」則呈顯著的負相關。     (二)大李生的身體滿意度與自我意識有顯著的相關,其中,身體滿意度各分量表與「情緒覺知」、「自我反省」、「外表意識」均呈顯著正相關;與「社會焦慮」、「一般印象」則呈顯著負相關。     (三)大學生的俊男美女自覺與自我意識大致呈顯著正相關,其中,以「柔性外在美」與「外表意識」的相關較高,「內在美特質」與「情緒覺知」、「自我反省,之相關亦高。   五、大學生的外表知覺、身體滿意度、俊男美女自覺與自我檢校、自我意識之間共可抽出四組顯著的典型相關。

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