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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ett matsystem med biologiska jordbruksmetoder och växthusodling : Kost, jordbruk och energibalans i växthus / A food system with biological farming methods and greenhouse cultivation : Diet, farming and greenhouse energy balance

Norlén, Mikael January 2016 (has links)
The project examines the possibilities to develop a local and sustainable model for food production in Uppsala with focus on diet, farming methods and different types of greenhouse installations. With the simulation software VIP energy 3.1.1 the energy balance and temperature development of greenhouses of different materials were calculated for different operating cases. The results were also compared when the greenhouse was installed stand-alone or integrated to the wall of a small standard or passive house. With a starch based diet and biological farming methods research suggests it is possible to produce food efficiently without compromising the environment or our health. The yearly food needs for a family of four that follows the suggested diet was estimated to 4362 kg and the outdoor land required to produce it was calculated to 4676 m2 through organic yield statistics. The area could however be reduced to 2813 m2 if the only starch staple in production was potatoes. The tender growing season in a greenhouse constructed with a covering of 5 mm glass or 5-16Ar-5 mm was calculated to 85 and 148 days respectively. The energy use required for year round production of mushrooms in the respective greenhouses was calculated to 53 or 16 kWh/m2,year. Half hardy plants required 399 or 173 kWh/m2,year and tender plants 953 or 358 kWh/m2,year. When the greenhouses were connected to the wall of a small house the heating demand could be reduced by up to 22 % depending on the operating case.

Refugee economic self-sufficiency in the US Resettlement Program

Ott, Eleanor Marie January 2015 (has links)
Globally, twenty-seven countries have resettlement programs associated with UNHCR - representing commitments to the international refugee framework and domestic commitments to those refugees resettled. Since 1975, the US has resettled over three million refugees, including over 75,000 Bhutanese refugees since 2008 - more than all other countries combined on both accounts. The US Office of Refugee Resettlement has the mandate to 'make available sufficient resources for employment training and placement in order to achieve economic self-sufficiency among refugees as quickly as possible' (The Refugee Act of 1980). Nevertheless, their economic self-sufficiency and the intertwined ideas of employment and wellbeing remain little examined. A global systematic review of available high-quality evidence examined whether interventions affect resettled refugees' economic self-sufficiency and wellbeing. Although 9,260 citations were reviewed from a wide variety of academic, policy, and grey literature, no studies met inclusion criteria. This Campbell-registered systematic review concludes that evidence is insufficient to determine if programs affect resettled refugees' economic self-sufficiency and wellbeing. Subsequently, qualitative research explored existing interventions to improve the economic self-sufficiency of resettled refugees, their theories of change, and perceptions of effectiveness in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Program design follows a policy mandate and expects that initial employment leads to sustained self-sufficiency and wellbeing, albeit without measuring these outcomes or providing long-term assistance. The findings serve as a basis for future research and reveal programming implications for the Bhutanese refugee community in Pittsburgh and broadly for refugee resettlement. Next, a cross-sectional survey of 145 randomly selected Bhutanese refugees in Pittsburgh (a response rate of 92.9%) was conducted to provide groundbreaking demographics, rates of economic self-sufficiency, and correlates with improved outcomes. The population was overwhelmingly low-income with high usage of certain assistance such as food assistance. Both bivariate relationships and predictive models for employment, gross income, wages, assistance usage, and having 'enough' money to pay the bills were examined. Overall, these paint a complex picture, including the potential importance of neighborhoods, household size, and religious affiliation as well as a more typical picture of the importance of gender, education levels, and time in the country for certain measures of employment, earnings, and household self-sufficiency. The evidence-based perspective on the economic self-sufficiency of resettled refugees shows that little is known globally, including the potential for interventions to cause harm or success. Understanding the employment services and perspectives of economic self-sufficiency and wellbeing for the Bhutanese population provides a lens to view not only the challenges and successes of this population, but also national and international obligations. As one focus group participant stated, 'Government should understand the nature of the refugees arriving and put us with jobs that ... allow the life to sustain.'

Energetický systém a energetická politika ČR v mezinárodních souvislostech / The energy system and the energy policy of the Czech Republic in the international context

Hanzlíková, Helena January 2010 (has links)
The economic level of the individual states, the community and the global economy depends on reliable activity and the results of individual economic sectors and subsectors, including all participants in this process. From the entire spectrum of economic sectors the energy sector has been selected as the most important and critical infrastructure in the Czech Republic, the EU, and in the world. The selected energy sector subdivides into other subsectors: electricity, natural gas and oil. The work deals with the analysis of the above mentioned sectors, their fundamentals, stocks, consumption, equipment, resources, entities, price developments and potential risks. The aim of the work is to analyse the state of the energy resources in the Czech Republic, the EU, and in the world, including current and potential threats, to which the key infrastructures have to face.

Stav fotovoltaiky v České republice / State of photovoltaic in the Czech Republic

Lukášek, Kamil January 2015 (has links)
Photovoltaic in the Czech Republic has gone through significant development during last few years. The thesis describes physical principle of converting solar energy into electrical energy using photovoltaic cells. Photovoltaic power plant is a set of technologic components connected together to utilize solar energy and convert it into electric energy that could be distributed to electric power network. Review of the photovoltaic development in the Czech Republic and the list of the biggest operational photovoltaic power plants present important data for assessment of the current status of photovoltaic technology in the Czech Republic. Chapter operations and maintenance of photovoltaic power plants summarizes the most common causes of failures and presents diagnostic tools for service requests. Due to legislative changes, hybrid photovoltaic power plants construction has been prioritized as it is economically more efficient now. Construction of new hybrid photovoltaic power plant was assessed analytically using SWOT analysis that evaluates strong and weak sides of the projects in comparison with opportunities and threats of construction. After evaluation of obtained data the next steps of the hybrid photovoltaic power plant’s construction plan are proposed. The first part of hybrid photovoltaic power plant design contains PVGIS program's data evaluation, which provides sunlight intensity information for specified area. Obtained data were used in the second part of the design to determine proper components selection for family house hybrid photovoltaic power plant. Finally the economic view of the design and return of investments were assessed.

Modeling and Optimization of Photovoltaic Installations at Urban Scale

Fuster Palop, Enrique 15 January 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El sector de la edificación representa el 20% y el 40% de la energía primaria mundial, contribuyendo al 30% de las emisiones de CO2, un desafío amplificado por el crecimiento de la población. Sin embargo, el creciente interés en las fuentes de energía renovables ya maduras, como la energía solar fotovoltaica (PV), ofrece oportunidades para mitigar los anteriores impactos, así como potenciales beneficios económicos, ambientales y sociales. El presente trabajo investiga las posibilidades y limitaciones en el despliegue masivo de sistemas de autoconsumo fotovoltaico (PVSC) en áreas urbanas desde una perspectiva de planificación urbana, considerando las limitaciones técnicas y económicas actuales. Con este fin, esta tesis emplea estrategias basadas en datos para desarrollar modelos físicos y modelos ágiles basados en regresiones como herramientas de evaluación del potencial técnico y económico de los sistemas PVSC en contextos urbanos. En primer lugar, se ha desarrollado y validado un submodelo empírico de producción fotovoltaica con mediciones climáticas y de producción recopiladas de una planta fotovoltaica de 50MW en funcionamiento. Además, se han investigado varias mejoras en el modelado del performance ratio (PR) en entornos de baja irradiancia. En la segunda etapa de esta investigación, el submodelo anterior se ha integrado en un modelo tecnoeconómico 3D basado en sistemas de información geográfica (GIS) capaz de evaluar el PVSC económico para una muestra de edificios residenciales. Además, el modelo incorpora modelos de sombras y estimaciones de demanda eléctrica horaria para evaluar una muestra de edificios residenciales. Una base de datos de simulación, derivada de los resultados anteriores, ha permitido el desarrollo de una metodología para entrenar un modelo basado en regresión y con ello estimar la producción y el periodo de retorno económico (PB) a escala de edificio con una precisión asumible para fines de planificación energética. Como último paso, se mejoró el submodelo de demanda empleando datos reales agregados de series temporales para múltiples patrones de consumo y proporcionando estimaciones realistas para otras tipologías de edificios. Además de las restricciones espaciales, el modelo optimiza el tamaño de las instalaciones según su demanda y limitaciones económicas, maximizando la relación entre autosuficiencia (SS) y el PB. Además, la metodología basada en regresión se ha ampliado para estimar, además del retorno de la inversión, múltiples indicadores clave de desempeño (KPIs) como la tasa interna de retorno (IRR), la tasa de autoconsumo (SC) y SS. A través de una adecuada identificación de predictores y una metodología de entrenamiento y validación, estas correlaciones permitieron estimaciones de rendimiento con una desviación aceptable respecto al modelo físico. La disponibilidad de datos relacionados con la construcción está aumentando progresivamente en la mayoría de los países, lo que permite una amplia aplicación y generalización de las metodologías propuestas y reduce el costo de simulación de estos estudios para cubrir áreas urbanas más extensas. Como aplicación de las metodologías anteriores, se analizaron los resultados del potencial económico fotovoltaico del parque inmobiliario completo de un municipio mediterráneo bajo diferentes escenarios económicos y de demanda a escala de edificio y municipal. Para el escenario que cumple con la regulación actual en España, la SS municipal oscila entre el 22%-43% para los escenarios más optimista y pesimista, respectivamente. El dimensionamiento óptimo de las instalaciones según las curvas de carga en la modalidad de Net Billing (NB) es crucial para obtener resultados económicos competitivos. En consecuencia, la generación fotovoltaica anual representó el 68% del consumo eléctrico total anual. / [CA] El sector de l'edificació representa el 20% i el 40% de l'energia primària mundial, contribuint al 30% de les emissions de CO2, un desafiament amplificat pel creixement de la població. No obstant això, el creixent interés en les fonts d'energia renovables ja madures, com l'energia solar fotovoltaica (PV), ofereix oportunitats per a mitigar els anteriors impactes, així com potencials beneficis econòmics, ambientals i socials. El present treball investiga les possibilitats i limitacions en el desplegament massiu de sistemes PVSC en àrees urbanes des d'una perspectiva de planificació urbana, considerant les limitacions tècniques i econòmiques actuals. A aquest efecte, aquesta tesi empra estratègies basades en dades per a desenvolupar models físics i models àgils basats en regressions com a eines d'avaluació del potencial tècnic i econòmic dels sistemes PVSC en contextos urbans. En primer lloc, s'ha desenvolupat i validat un submodel empíric de producció fotovoltaica amb mesuraments climàtics i de producció recopilats d'una planta fotovoltaica de 50MW en funcionament. A més, s'han investigat diverses millores en el modelatge del performance ràtio (PR) en entorns de baixa irradiància. En la segona etapa d'aquesta investigació, el submodel anterior s'ha integrat en un model tecnoeconòmic 3D basat en sistemes d'informació geográfica (GIS) capaç d'avaluar el PVSC econòmic per a una mostra d'edificis residencials. A més, el model incorpora models d'ombres i estimacions de demanda elèctrica horària per a avaluar una mostra d'edificis residencials. Una base de dades de simulació, derivada dels resultats anteriors, ha permés el desenvolupament d'una metodologia per a entrenar un model basat en regressió i amb això estimar la producció i la període de retorn econòmic (PB) a escala d'edifici amb una precisió assumible per a fins de planificació energètica. Com a últim pas, es va millorar el submodel de demanda emprant dades reals agregats de sèries temporals per a múltiples patrons de consum i proporcionant estimacions realistes per a altres tipologies d'edificis. A més de les restriccions espacials, el model optimitza la grandària de les instal·lacions segons la seua demanda i limitacions econòmiques, maximitzant la relació entre la taxa d'autosuficiència (SS) i PB. A més, la metodologia basada en regressió s'ha ampliat per a estimar, a més del retorn de la inversió, múltiples indicadors clau d'acompliment (KPIs) com la taxa interna de retorn (IRR), la taxa d'autoconsum (SC) i la SS. A través d'una adequada identificació de predictors i una metodologia d'entrenament i validació, aquestes correlacions van permetre estimacions de rendiment amb una desviació acceptable respecte al model físic. La disponibilitat de dades relacionades amb la construcció està augmentant progressivament en la majoria dels països, la qual cosa permet una àmplia aplicació i generalització de les metodologies proposades i redueix el cost de simulació d'aquests estudis per a cobrir àrees urbanes més extenses. Com a aplicació de les metodologies anteriors, es van analitzar els resultats del potencial econòmic fotovoltaic del parc immobiliari complet d'un municipi mediterrani baix diferents escenaris econòmics i de demanda a escala d'edifici i municipal. Per a l'escenari que compleix amb la regulació actual a Espanya, la taxa d'autosuficiència municipal oscil·la entre el 22%-43% per als escenaris més optimista i pessimista, respectivament. El dimensionament òptim de les instal·lacions segons les corbes de càrrega en la modalitat de Net Billing (NB) és crucial per a obtindre resultats econòmics competitius. En conseqüència, la generació fotovoltaica anual va representar el 68% del consum elèctric total anual. / [EN] The building sector in developed countries consumes 20% to 40% of global primary energy, contributing to 30% of the CO2 emissions, a challenge amplified by urban population growth. However, the rising interest in mature renewable energy sources, such as solar photovoltaic (PV), offers opportunities to mitigate these impacts and potential economic, environmental, and social benefits. The present research investigates the possibilities and constraints in the massive deployment of photovoltaic self-consumption (PVSC) systems in urban areas from an urban planning perspective, considering the current technical and economic limitations. To this end, this thesis employs data-driven strategies to develop both bottom-up physical and agile regression-based models as assessment tools for the technical and economic potential of PVSC systems in urban contexts. First, an empirical PV production submodel has been developed and validated with climate and production measurements collected from a 50MW utility-scale in operation. Additionally, several improvements in modeling the performance ratio (PR) in low-irradiance environments have been investigated. In the second stage of this research, the previous submodel has been integrated into a physical 3D GIS-based techno-economic model capable of assessing the economic PVSC for a sample of residential buildings. Additionally, the model incorporates shadow modeling and hourly electric demand estimations to assess sample residential buildings. A simulation database, derived from the previous results, has allowed the development of a methodology to train a regression-based model to estimate the production and the economic payback (PB) at a building scale with an assumable accuracy for energy planning purposes. As the last step, the demand submodel was improved by employing real aggregated time series data for multiple consumer patterns and providing realistic estimations for other building typologies. In addition to spatial restrictions, the model optimizes the sizing of the facilities according to their demand and economic constraints, maximizing the relationship between self-sufficiency (SS) and PB. Furthermore, the regression-based methodology has been extended to estimate, besides the payback, multiple key performance indicators such as internal rate of return (IRR), self-consumption rate (SC), and SS. Through an appropriate predictor identification and a training and validation methodology, these correlations allowed performance estimations with an acceptable deviation compared with the physical model. The availability of building-related data is progressively increasing in most countries, enabling widespread application and generalization of the proposed methodologies and reducing the simulation cost of these studies to cover larger urban areas. As an application of the previous methodologies, a complete-census economic PV potential results of a Mediterranean municipality's building stock was performed under different demand and economic scenarios at a building and municipality scale. For the scenario that meets the current regulation in Spain, the municipality SS ranged between 22%-43% for the most optimistic and pessimistic scenarios, respectively. The optimal sizing of the facilities according to the load curves in the Net Billing (NB) modality is crucial to obtaining competitive economic results. Consequently, the annual PV generation represented 68% of the annual total electricity consumption of the municipality for a net billing scenario, while a net metering scenario represented 103%. Owing to economies of scale and high demand intensity, a higher profitability was found in rooftops of apartment blocks and industrial buildings, which also achieve the highest savings in emissions. / Fuster Palop, E. (2023). Modeling and Optimization of Photovoltaic Installations at Urban Scale [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202061 / Compendio


Yue Qin (14845333) 27 March 2023 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Food insecurity describes the lack of access to foods and affects 10.2% of general U.S. households and 27% of low-income households in 2021. Food insecurity is a pervasive public health concern in the United States and has been linked to poor dietary intake and diet quality, overweight and obesity (especially among women), and risk of other chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia. </p> <p>To better understand food security status and address its associated health and dietary outcomes among low-income populations, a conceptualized model was built and served as research framework for the dissertation, including 1) internal factors and motivations, such as traits related to self-efficacy and sufficiency that may influence diet and health; 2) external factors of temporary support, such as financial benefits from assistance programs that low-income populations are eligible for that may influence diet and health; and 3) external factors of potentially long-term support, such as nutrition education programs targeting low-income groups that may foster internalized knowledge that could sustain impact and improvement of diet and health in the long-term. Each chapter of this dissertation addresses a component of the model.</p> <p>Cross-sectional analysis of a sample of rural veterans using food pantries quantified psychological traits related to self-motivation and efficacy including grit and help seeking, at the individual and internal factors level of the conceptualized model, and their links to food security and resource use, and revealed an inverse association between grit score and risk of food insecurity. The findings provided evidence for future interventions targeting food insecurity improvement to include education and resources that address traits related to self-efficacy, such as grit, among low-income populations to improve health outcomes directly or through improving food security or use of resources. </p> <p>Using nationally representative data, the second study investigated relationships between food assistance through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participation, a type of societal level external support, and dietary outcomes among low-income older U.S. adults. There were no differences in dietary quality, usual nutrient intake or risk of inadequacy between SNAP participants and eligible nonparticipants. Furthermore, results revealed a high prevalence of not meeting the Estimated Average Requirement from dietary sources for several nutrients (vitamins A, C, D, E, calcium, and magnesium) but the prevalence was lower when nutrients from dietary supplements were included. The results highlight a need for continued effort to improve nutrient and dietary intake among low-income older adults.</p> <p>External factors of potentially long-term support (e.g. nutrition education and food assistance) were evaluated for relationships with body mass index. A longitudinal sample of low-income women interested in participating in nutrition education through SNAP-Education (SNAP-Ed) was examined to determine the relationship between nutrition education (SNAP-Ed) and food assistance program participation through (SNAP, WIC), separately and in combination, with long-term changes in body mass index. No differences in changes of weight status over time were observed by nutrition education, food assistance, or combination participation. The prevalence of obesity was high among this sample, calling for targeted obesity prevention interventions and further support of healthy lifestyle promotion among low-income populations. </p> <p>The findings shown in this dissertation further reveal a high health burden among low-income groups. The studies filled several research gaps described in the conceptualized model. The results may be used to inform future tailored interventions to address food insecurity, dietary and health outcomes at individual and societal levels, incorporating internal motivation and external support to mediate health and dietary risks among low-income population.</p>

Alternativa urbana odlingsmetodernas potential för självförsörjning i Sverige / Alternative urban farming methods potential for self-sufficiency in Sweden

Andersson, Jessica, Magnusson, Carl January 2024 (has links)
During the COVID pandemic of 2019, Sweden saw a huge increase in food prices, as many of the country's grocery chains import a large amount of all foods. This research is motivated by the Swedish Parliament's motion "Self-Sufficiency of Food in Sweden" and the need for innovative solutions to enhance Sweden's food supply. This study focuses on alternative urban agriculture methods, with a focus on aeroponics, aquaponics, hydroponics, and vertical farming, and their potential for self-sufficiency in Sweden. This study aims to fill the gap in Swedish research on soilless urban farming methods and contribute to the understanding and acceptance of the alternative methods above. The study seeks to determine whether the yield of alternative cultivation methods is comparable to traditional methods, soil-based and greenhouse-based farming, in terms of resources invested and to identify the alternative method with the highest yield. Resources in this thesis will be defined as the amount of water that is used. Our thesis aims to support businesses and local governance in decision-making regarding implementation of alternative urban farming in Sweden. A literature search was conducted using keywords such as hydroponic, vertical farming and sustainability. Statistical analysis of collected data indicates significant differences in yield and water usage among the collected examples which resulted in vertical hydroponic farming offering the highest yield in terms of space utilization, with significant statistical significance (p &lt; 0.05). Additionally, hydroponic farming requires the least amount of water compared to other methods although this is not a certainty as there was no significant statistical difference between the different methods. The study demonstrates that hydroponic farming can achieve higher yields compared to traditional soil-based farming and other alternative farming methods. The study emphasizes organizational and governmental solutions to improve self-sufficiency at the local and national levels. Alternative urban farming methods offer a sustainable contribution to increasing self-sufficiency while minimizing resource usage. / Denna studie undersöker potentialen hos alternativa urbana odlingsmetoder för självförsörjning i Sverige. Den svenska riksdagen stödjer motion om "Självförsörjning av mat i Sverige" och behovet av innovativa lösningar för matförsörjning i landet. Denna forskning fyller en kunskapsbrist i den svenska litteraturen om jordlösa odlingssystem såsom aeroponiska, akvaponiska, hydroponiska och vertikala odlingar. Syftet med studien är att sammanfatta den befintliga kunskapen om dessa alternativa odlingsmetoder och klargöra deras fördelar i en urban miljö. Denna studie strävar att stödja företag och lokala myndigheter vid implementering av alternativa odlingsmetoder, genom att studera de alternativa odlingsmetodernas avkastning i förhållande till resursanvändning. Studien har samlat exempel från forskningsartiklar och företags-hemsidor som använde de ovan nämnda alternativa odlingsmetoder som sedan analyserats och jämfört deras avkastning med traditionella jordbaserade odlingar såsom åker odlingar och växthusbaserade odlingar. Med den statistisk analys som gjorts har vi funnit att vertikal hydroponisk odling visar den högsta avkastningen per yta jämfört med de andra alternativa odlingsmetoderna och traditionella odlingar. Vi har dessutom fastställt att hydroponiska odlingar använder minst vatten per kg skörd i jämförelse med andra metoder. Studien betonar vikten av att fokusera på organisatoriska och statliga lösningar för att öka självförsörjningsgraden på lokal och nationell nivå. Medan privatpersoner kan vara självförsörjande med grönsaker och frukt på en normalstor tomt, kan det vara svårt för alla privatpersoner att upprätthålla en egen grönsaksträdgård och undvika skador på marken och ekosystemtjänsterna i staden. Därmed riktar vi denna studie till kommunen och staten som ett stöd för att säkerställa självförsörjning på en lokal och regional nivå. För att uppnå hållbar samhällsutveckling och stödja självförsörjning av mat i Sverige, är integreringen av alternativa urbana odlingsmetoder på lokal, regional och nationell nivå ett innovativt steg framåt. Metoderna nämnda i denna rapport erbjuder fördelar såsom effektiv minskad vatten- och markanvändning samt möjlighet att integrera odling i stadsområden. Genom att använda dessa odlingsmetoder kan Sverige öka sin självförsörjningsgrad och minska sin miljöpåverkan från livsmedelsproduktionen. Framtida forskning bör utforska och utveckla dessa innovativa lösningar för att möta Sveriges matförsörjnings- och hållbarhetsmål.

Die voedselparadoks : 'n ondersoek na vraagstukke rondom voedselsekuriteit in Suid-Afrika

Kotzé, Derica Alba 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Miljoene mense ervaar voedselonsekerheid en een uit elke 50 hanger mense is woonagtig in Suid­ Afrika. Daar is genoeg voedsel op ons planeet om elke mens van 'n voldoende voorraad voedsel te verseker; dit waarborg egter nie voedselsekuriteit aan almal nie. Dit is die voedselparadoks: ondanks globale surplusproduksie van voedsel, ly miljoene mense wereldwyd aan wanvoeding en honger, maar veral in die ontwikkelende lande. Suid-Afrika is geen uitsondering nie en ten spyte van selfvoorsiening in voedsel, balanseer die voedselgelykstelling nie. Daar bestaan 'n ekstreme gaping tussen die produksie en verbruik van voedsel. Gevolglik is die probleem wat nagevors is in hierdie studie die gebrek aan voedselsekuriteit binne 'n wereldkonteks met voedselsurplusse en hoe dit reflekteer in Suid-Afrika. Teen hierdie agtergrond is daar 'n studie gedoen van die oorsake van voedselonsekerheid en die teoriee en verduidelikings van hongersnood. Die fokus van hierdie navorsingstudie is drieledig van aard. Eerstens fokus dit op 'n konseptuele ondersoek na hanger, armoede, voedselsekuriteit en hongersnood in Afrika. Tweedens is ondersoek ingestel na die oorsake vir die gebrek aan voedselsekuriteit in Afrika. Derdens is daar gefokus op Suid-Afrika en is 'n ondersoek gedoen na die voorkoms van hanger, wanvoeding, armoede en die nasionale konteks van voedselsekuriteit met die doel om vraagstukke daaromheen te identifiseer. Daar is bevind dat voedselsekuriteit bepaal word deur die beskikbaarheid van voedsel (aanbod) en die vermoe van mense om dit te bekom (aanvraag). Dit blyk dat die ontwikkelingsproses, regeringsbeleid, ekologiese omgewing en tegnologie, wetenskap en navorsing 'n direkte invloed het op die voedselsekuriteit van mense, en dat Suid-Afrika nie verskil van ander Afrikalande in hierdie verband nie. Hoewel Suid-Afrika voedselselfvoorsiening bereik het, ly miljoene mense honger weens armoede en die gebrek aan aansprake wat bydra tot 'n gebrek aan voedselsekuriteit. Die studie toon dat die Suid-Afrikaanse regering verskeie beleidsmaatreels in plek het ter bevordering van voedselsekuriteit, maar dat dit nie in die praktyk verwesenlik word nie. / Millions of people in the world experience food insecurity and one out ofevery 50 hungry people lives in South Africa. There is enough food on our planet to assure every person of an adequate supply of food; however, this does not guarantee food security for all. This is the food paradox: despite a global surplus production of food, millions of people experience malnutrition and hunger all over the world, but especially in the developing countries. South Africa is no exception and despite self-sufficiency in food, the food equation is not balanced. An extreme gap exists between the production and consumption of food. Consequently, the problem researched in this study is the lack of food security in a world context with surplus food and how this is reflected in South Africa. Against this background a study was undertaken of the causes of food insecurity and the theories and explanations of famine. The focus of this research study is threefold. Firstly it focuses on a conceptual enquiry intohunger, poverty, food security and famine in Africa. Secondly there is an enquiry into the causes of the lack of food security in Africa. Thirdly it focuses on South Africa and an enquiry is done into the incidence of hunger, malnutrition and poverty, and into the national context of food security with the aim of identifying relevant problems in food security. It was found that food security is determined by the availability of food (supply) and the capability of people to obtain it (demand). It appears that the development process, government policy, ecological environment and technology, science and research directly affect the food security of people, and that South Africa does not differ from other African countries in this regard. Although South Africa has achieved food self-sufficiency, millions of people experience hunger because of poverty and the lack of entitlements. The study shows that the South African government has various policy measures for the promotion of food security in place, but that food security does not materialise in practice. / Development Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Ontwikkelingsadministrasie)

Die voedselparadoks : 'n ondersoek na vraagstukke rondom voedselsekuriteit in Suid-Afrika

Kotzé, Derica Alba 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Miljoene mense ervaar voedselonsekerheid en een uit elke 50 hanger mense is woonagtig in Suid­ Afrika. Daar is genoeg voedsel op ons planeet om elke mens van 'n voldoende voorraad voedsel te verseker; dit waarborg egter nie voedselsekuriteit aan almal nie. Dit is die voedselparadoks: ondanks globale surplusproduksie van voedsel, ly miljoene mense wereldwyd aan wanvoeding en honger, maar veral in die ontwikkelende lande. Suid-Afrika is geen uitsondering nie en ten spyte van selfvoorsiening in voedsel, balanseer die voedselgelykstelling nie. Daar bestaan 'n ekstreme gaping tussen die produksie en verbruik van voedsel. Gevolglik is die probleem wat nagevors is in hierdie studie die gebrek aan voedselsekuriteit binne 'n wereldkonteks met voedselsurplusse en hoe dit reflekteer in Suid-Afrika. Teen hierdie agtergrond is daar 'n studie gedoen van die oorsake van voedselonsekerheid en die teoriee en verduidelikings van hongersnood. Die fokus van hierdie navorsingstudie is drieledig van aard. Eerstens fokus dit op 'n konseptuele ondersoek na hanger, armoede, voedselsekuriteit en hongersnood in Afrika. Tweedens is ondersoek ingestel na die oorsake vir die gebrek aan voedselsekuriteit in Afrika. Derdens is daar gefokus op Suid-Afrika en is 'n ondersoek gedoen na die voorkoms van hanger, wanvoeding, armoede en die nasionale konteks van voedselsekuriteit met die doel om vraagstukke daaromheen te identifiseer. Daar is bevind dat voedselsekuriteit bepaal word deur die beskikbaarheid van voedsel (aanbod) en die vermoe van mense om dit te bekom (aanvraag). Dit blyk dat die ontwikkelingsproses, regeringsbeleid, ekologiese omgewing en tegnologie, wetenskap en navorsing 'n direkte invloed het op die voedselsekuriteit van mense, en dat Suid-Afrika nie verskil van ander Afrikalande in hierdie verband nie. Hoewel Suid-Afrika voedselselfvoorsiening bereik het, ly miljoene mense honger weens armoede en die gebrek aan aansprake wat bydra tot 'n gebrek aan voedselsekuriteit. Die studie toon dat die Suid-Afrikaanse regering verskeie beleidsmaatreels in plek het ter bevordering van voedselsekuriteit, maar dat dit nie in die praktyk verwesenlik word nie. / Millions of people in the world experience food insecurity and one out ofevery 50 hungry people lives in South Africa. There is enough food on our planet to assure every person of an adequate supply of food; however, this does not guarantee food security for all. This is the food paradox: despite a global surplus production of food, millions of people experience malnutrition and hunger all over the world, but especially in the developing countries. South Africa is no exception and despite self-sufficiency in food, the food equation is not balanced. An extreme gap exists between the production and consumption of food. Consequently, the problem researched in this study is the lack of food security in a world context with surplus food and how this is reflected in South Africa. Against this background a study was undertaken of the causes of food insecurity and the theories and explanations of famine. The focus of this research study is threefold. Firstly it focuses on a conceptual enquiry intohunger, poverty, food security and famine in Africa. Secondly there is an enquiry into the causes of the lack of food security in Africa. Thirdly it focuses on South Africa and an enquiry is done into the incidence of hunger, malnutrition and poverty, and into the national context of food security with the aim of identifying relevant problems in food security. It was found that food security is determined by the availability of food (supply) and the capability of people to obtain it (demand). It appears that the development process, government policy, ecological environment and technology, science and research directly affect the food security of people, and that South Africa does not differ from other African countries in this regard. Although South Africa has achieved food self-sufficiency, millions of people experience hunger because of poverty and the lack of entitlements. The study shows that the South African government has various policy measures for the promotion of food security in place, but that food security does not materialise in practice. / Development Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Ontwikkelingsadministrasie)

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