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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enhancing realistic academic self-actualisation : a psycho-andragogical perspective / Bevordering van realistiese akademiese selfaktualisering : 'n Psigo-andragogiese perspektief

Sonnekus, Ingrid Phyllis 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / This research was triggered by the need to assist first year students in a way which had not been addressed by the people involved with the upliftment of disadvantaged students. The aspect which was addressed was the personal growth of the adult learner within the academic situation with consideration of his own personal circumstances and ideals. This means that a micro level approach was generated by creating the Academic Enhancement Programme (AEP). The purpose of the programme is to give adult learners the opportunity to understand themselves and their own value systems better on a micro, meso and macro level, to experience personal growth or self-actualisation and to see how these factors influence the adult learners' interaction with the tertiary academic situation. Eight possible value systems were discussed and introduced to the adult learners who participated in the Academic Enhancement Programme. The adult learners were given the opportunity to measure themselves against the value systems and to evaluate how these influenced their realistic academic self-actualisation. The psycho-andragogical categories were utilised during the application of the programme as criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme. The following recommendations were made • the creation of a faculty specific induction programme • linking study packages directly to the context of adult learners • organising personal academic contact • giving personal academic support • making the evaluation procedures transparent • creating and supporting informal study groups Although the study has certain limitations, it should be of great value to the university system during the transformation phase that it is experiencing at present. The main aim of the study is, however, the contribution to the academic growth of the adult learner in the tertiary situation / Hierdie navorsing het ontstaan vanuit die behoefte om eerstejaarstudente op 'n bepaalde wyse te ondersteun. Hierdie wyse is nog nie aangespreek deur mense wat met benadeelde studente gewerk het nie. Die aspek wat ondersoek is, is die persoonlike groei wat volwasse leerders ervaar binne die akademiese situasie met inagneming van hulle eie persoonlike omstandighede en ideale. Dit het beteken dat daar deur middel van 'n mikrobenadering 'n Akademiese Verrykingsprogram geskep moes word. Die doel van die program is drievoudig: Dit meet aan volwasse leerders die geleentheid bied om hulleself en hulle waardesisteme beter te verstaan in 'n mikro-, meso- en makroverband; om persoonlike groei I selfaktualisering te ervaar en om tot die besef te kom dat hierdie aangeleenthede hulle interaksie met die tersiere akademiese situasie be'invloed. Agt verskillende waardesisteme is bespreek en aan die volwasse leerders wat aan die Akademiese Verrykingsprogram deelgeneem het, voorgehou. Die volwasse leerders het die geleentheid gekry om hulself aan hierdie waardesisteme te meet. Hulle kon ook in die loop van die program vasstel hoe dit hulle realistiese akademiese selfaktualisering be'invloed. Die psigo-andragogiese kategoriee is tydens die toepassing van die program as kriteria gebruik om die effektiwiteit van die program te bepaal. Die volgende aanbevelings is gemaak: • dat 'n fakulteit-spesifieke induksieprogram geskep meet word, • dat studiepakkette direk aan die volwasse leerder se verwysingsraamwerk gekoppel meet word, • dat persoonlike akademiese ondersteuning gebied meet word, • dat persoonlike kontak op akademiese gebied bewerkstellig moet word, • dat evalueringsprosedures deursigtig gemaak meet word, • dat informele studiegroepe tot stand gebring en onderhou meet word. Alhoewel die studie aan verskeie beperkings onderhewig is, behoort dit vir die universiteitswese tydens die huidige transformasiegebeure van groot waarde te wees. Die belangrikste doel van die navorsing is egter die bydrae wat dit kan lewer tot die akademiese groei van die volwasse leerder in die tersiere situasie. / Psychology of Education / D.Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Bevordering van selfaktualisering by milieu-geremde leerders binne 'n multikulturele onderwyssisteem / The promotion of selfactualisation of milieu disadvantaged learners with a multi-cultural education system

De Bruyn, Carina Elizabeth 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / The promotion of multi-cultural education and the upliftment of milieu disadvantaged children are closely related to each other, and is presently an important issue in the South African educational system. Poor knowledge of milieu disadvantaged children and multi-cultural education result in the loss of valuable learner potential and the non-fulfilment of the education policy. In this study, the promotion of self-actualisation of milieu disadvantaged children within a multi-cultural education system is discussed from a psychological-educational perspective. Attention is given to the problems and issues that play a defining role in the implementation of such an educational system. The influence of the environment en the development and functioning of milieu disadvantaged learners is investigated further. Qualitative research is done to identify the developmental areas where most problems occur. Finally, recommendations are made to the government, teachers and parents that ~an serve as guidelines to promote the selfactualisation of these learners. / Die bevordering van multikulturele onderwys en die opheffing van die milieu-geremde leerder hou nou verband met mekaar, en is tans 'n belangrike vraagstuk in die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwyssisteem. Gebrekkige kennis van milieu-geremdheid en multikulturele onderwys veroorsaak dat leerderpotensiaal verlore gaan en die onderwysbeleid nie uitgevoer word nie .. In hierdie studie word die bevordering van selfaktualisering van milieu-geremde leerders binne 'n multikulturele onderwyssisteem vanuit 'n opvoedkundig-sielkundige perspektief bespreek. Aandag word geskenk aan die problema en faktore wat 'n bepalende rol by die suksesvolle implementering van 'n multikulturele onderwyssisteem speel. Die invloed van die omgewing op die ontwikkeling en funksionering van milieu-geremde leerders word verder ondersoek. Kwalitatiewe navorsing is gedoen om die ontwikkelingsareas waar die meeste problema ervaar word, te identifiseer. Laastens word aanbevelings aan die regering, onderwysers en ouers gemaak wat as riglyne kan dien om die selfaktualisering van hierdie leerders te bevorder. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (met spesialisering in Voorligting)

Graad sewe-leerders van die Wolmer-gemeenskap se persepsies oor hulle toekomsverwagting

Kotze, Jeanne 12 January 2005 (has links)
It has been determined who the adolescent in the Wolmer community is. An investigation into the adolescent’s relationship with the resources in this area was also done. It was determined that this community has a long history of poverty and that a large percentage of the families living here experience a variety of problems. We refer to them as multi-problem families. It has also been confirmed that social services by various organizations have been delivered on an ongoing base over the past eight years. From the literature we have learned that the use of resource’s aid programmes as means of social support, focusing on families, primary and secondary school learners, should have an impact on the future expectations of the children involved. The aim of this study was to determine what the perception of the grade seven learners of their future expectations was. From this it would then be possible to derive what recommendations should be made with regard to social work programmes for the parents and children in the Wolmer community. Socio-economic problems that are not addressed cause bad school performance and as a result of this children tend to leave school at an early age. Leaving school at an early age evidently leads to conflict with the police, imprisonment and alcohol and drug abuse. These aspects tend to be a part of the life in Wolmer and ultimately have an influence on the child attaining his or her goals as well as on his or her future expectations. These will have to be addressed by appropriate school programmes. The researcher’s knowledge of this community leads her to the conclusion that the absence of parenting by the parents of these children, their lack of involvement, lack of skill to equip their children adequately for life, their own lack of adequate knowledge as well as lack of a proper value system tends to play a huge part in the behaviour and perception of the adolescent of their own future expectation. In the Wolmer community children that are sometimes advised by their parents not to leave school at an early age, question this because of parents leaving school at an early age in order to co-provide for their families. In cases where children do not have the cognitive ability to change their surroundings, they tend to too fall back in the vicious circle known to them and the generations before them. The child must be motivated and idealistic and be able to make realistic decisions. Because of this it is of the utmost importance that children that do not have the ability with regard to the abovementioned are assisted in doing so. Also that aid programs in future be focused on this in order to empower the new generation. Parents have a huge influence on the choices made by their children. Regardless of social standing and ability adolescents usually have higher ideals for themselves when their parents motivate them as well as give recognition to good work. The researcher unfortunately came to realize that the assistance by their parents, are a very rare phenomenon in this community. Out of the two focus groups being held with the adolescents, it seemed a lack of interest by the parents, lack of information on higher education as well as little financial resources, have a huge impact and influence on the future expectation of the adolescent in Wolmer. It would be the ideal situation if adolescents chose a career that suited their abilities, interests and personality and that would promote a higher self-esteem. Because of their circumstances this is not always possible for the adolescents in this community. These happen in vary rare cases because the parent’s expectations for their children usually fit their expectations for themselves, which is usually very low. Peer group pressure and peer group acceptance have a huge impact on taking responsibility and on the making of choices. In order to have future success individuals can use their problem-solving abilities, mobilise their social support system and become involved in skills that will promote their social capability. The above mentioned should be actively addressed by social workers in the development of programs that focuses on social support, problem-solving skills, peer group acceptance, school involvement and socio-economic adaptation off adolescents in die Wolmer community. By determining the future expectations of the youth, programs for the empowerment of them can be implemented in order to assist the adolescents to break away from the vicious circle of poverty and to reach their ideals. The researcher is of the opinion that is has become of the utmost importance for the resources in this community, to assess their role presently in the promoting of future expectations and as an outcome of this the promotion of economic-self sustainability. / Dissertation (MSW) (Play Therapy))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Social Work and Criminology / Unrestricted

Invloed van denkontwikkeling op die aanleer van Afrikaans as tweede taal by hoërskoolleerders / The influence that thought development has on high school students when learning Afrikaans as a second language

Noke, Daisy Deseré 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van die ondersoek sentreer rondom die verband tussen denkontwikkeling (‘n kognitiewe veranderlike) en prestasie in Afrikaans as tweede taal. Denkont-wikkeling is egter nie die enigste kognitiewe veranderlike wat prestasie in ‘n taal kan beïnvloed nie. Verbale begrip en geheue is ook as vername kognitiewe verander-likes geïdentifiseer. Affektiewe veranderlikes soos motivering, selfkonsep en angs, kan ook met prestasie in Afrikaans as tweede taal in verband gebring word. ‘n Empiriese ondersoek is uitgevoer waarby 174 hoërskoolleerders betrek is. Kognitiewe en affektiewe veranderlikes, asook leerstyl, is gemeet. Uit die empiriese ondersoek blyk dit dat selfkonsep, geheue, verbale begrip en motivering as die vernaamste veranderlikes beskou kan word wat met prestasie in Afrikaans as tweede taal verband hou. Denkontwikkeling is nie as ‘n vername faktor geïdentifiseer nie. Die bevindinge in die literatuurstudie en die empiriese ondersoek is bespreek om ouers en onderwysers van riglyne te voorsien om prestasie in Afrikaans te verhoog. / The aim of the research focusses on the relationship between thought development (a cognitive variable) and achievement in Afrikaans as a second language. Besides thought development, verbal understanding and memory recollection are also identified as distinctive cognitive variables. Affective variables such as motivation, self-concept and anxiety could also relate to performance in Afrikaans as a second language. Empirical research was conducted amongst 174 High School learners. Cognitive variables, affective variables and learning styles were measured. Resulting from the empirical research, it appears that self-concept, memory recollection, verbal comprehension and motivation are the main variables that impact on the performance of Afrikaans as a second language. Thought process development was not identified as a main factor. Results from the literature study and the empirical research are discussed in order to assist parents and teachers with guidelines to increase achievement in Afrikaans as a second language. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

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