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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Automatic Recognition of Dialogue Acts / Reconnaissance automatique des actes de dialogue / Automatické rozpoznávání dialogových aktu

Král, Pavel 12 November 2007 (has links)
Ce mémoire concerne la reconnaissance automatique des Actes de Dialogues (ADs) en tchéque et en français. Les ADs sont des unités au niveau de la phrase qui représentent des différents états d’un dialogue, comme par exemple les questions, les affirmations, les hésitations, etc. La première contribution de ce travail est de proposer et comparer plusieurs approches de reconnaissance des ADs qui sont basées sur trois types d’informations : lexical, prosodique et relative à la position des mots dans une phrase. Ces approches ont eté testées sur un corpus tchèque de dialogues homme-homme. Ce corpus a été transcris en mots manuellement, et avec un moteur de reconnaissance automatique afin de valider les approches dans des conditions réelles. Les résultats expérimentaux confirment que chaque type d’attributs apporte des informations pertinentes et complémentaires. Les méthodes proposées qui exploitent la position des mots sont particulièrement intéresantes, parce qu’elles utilisent une information globale sur la structure de la phrase. Une autre contribution conséquente, relative au manque de corpus étiquettés dans le domaine de la reconnaissance automatique des ADs, concerne le développement et l’étude de méthodes d’étiquetage semi-automatique de nouveaux corpus. Cette méthode est basée sur l’algorithme d’Espérance-Maximisation avec des ADs prédéfinis spécifiques à la tâche visée. Nous proposons deux mesures de confiance pour sélectionner les exemples qui ont le plus de chance d’être classifiés correctement. Les résultats expérimentaux démontrent que la méthode proposée est une approche intéressante pour la création de nouveaux corpus d’actes de dialogues à moindre coût. / This thesis deals with automatic Dialogue Act (DA) recognition in Czech and in French. Dialogue acts are sentence-level labels that represent different states of a dialogue, such as questions, statements, hesitations, etc. The first main contribution of this work is to propose and compare several approaches that recognize dialogue acts based on three types of information: lexical, prosodic and word positions. These approaches are tested on the Czech Railways corpus that contains human-human dialogues, which are transcribed both manually and with an automatic speech recognizer for comparison. The experimental results confirmed that every type of feature (lexical, prosodic and word positions) bring relevant and somewhat complementary information. The proposed methods that take into account word positions are especially interesting, as they bring global information about the structure of a sentence, at the opposite of traditional n-gram models that only capture local cues. One of the main issue in the domain of automatic dialogue act recognition concerns the design of a fast and cheap method to label new corpora. The next main contribution is to apply the general semi-supervised training approach based on the Expectation Maximization algorithm to the task of labeling a new corpus with the pre-defined DAs. We further proposed to filter out the examples that might be incorrect by two confidence measures, namely the maximum a posteriori probability and the a posteriori probability difference methods. Experimental results showed that the proposed method is an efficient approach to create new dialogue act corpora at low costs.

Mise en oeuvre et propriétés des mélanges PET/polyoléfines en vue du recyclage d'emballages / Processing and properties of PET/polyolefins blends for packaging recycling

Leprêtre-Dropsit, Sophie 11 December 2008 (has links)
Le polyéthylène téréphtalate (PET) et les polyoléfines (PE, PP ... ) sont largement utilisés dans le secteur de l'emballage (bouteiIIes notamment) et génèrent un tlux de déchets important. Recycler ces thermoplastiques en évitant de coûteuses opérations de tri présente par conséquent un intérêt économique, mais aussi un challenge scientifique du fait de leur caractère immiscible et semi-cristallin. L'objectif de l'étude était d'élaborer des mélanges binaires (PET/PE, PET/PP) et ternaires (PET/PE/PP) fortement déséquilibrés (PET en phase majoritaire à 80-90% en poids), compatibilisés de manière à conserver des performances mécaniques satisfaisantes en traction, choc et ténacité. La compatibilisation des mélanges PET recyclé/polyoléfines par ajout d'EGMA (copolymère bloc éthylène-méthacrylate de glycidyle) engendre une diminution de la taille des nodules de la phase polyoléfine dispersée dans la matrice PET, ainsi qu'une amélioration des conditions interfaciales. Le comportement mécanique (traction, choc et ténacité) des mélanges tend vers celui du PET d'origine, dès lors que le diamètre moyen des inclusions de polyoléfine(s) reste inférieur à une valeur critique (3 µm). L'étude et la modélisation des cinétiques de cristallisation anisothermes des mélanges a montré également que l'EGMA et les polyoléfines jouent le rôle d'agent nucléant du PET et accélèrent ainsi la cristallisation (sans toutefois influencer le taux de cristallinité de manière significative). L'effet de la modification du processus de cristallisation sur les propriétés mécaniques des mélanges reste toutefois marginal au regard de celui des modifications morphologiques et interfaciales. / Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polyolefins (PE, PP ... ) are widely used for packaging applications (e.g., bottles) and generate a significant amount of waste. Recycling such thermoplastic materials avoiding costly sorting operations presents an economic and a scientific challenge because they are immiscible and semi-crystaIIine polymers. The aim of the study is to process binary (PET/PE, PET/PP) and temary (PET/PE/PP) blends, strongly unbalanced (0-90% by weight of PET), and compatibilized to maintain satisfactory mechanical performances in traction, impact and toughness. The recycled PET/polyolefins blends compatibilization by adding EGMA (ethylene copolymer-glycidyl methacrylate) leads to a decrease of polyolefins droplets size dispersed in the PET matrix, as weil as an improvement of interfacial conditions. The mechanical behavior (traction, impact and toughness) of blends tends to the ones of PET, when the average diameter of polyolefin inclusions is below a critical value of 3 µm. The study and modelisation of nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of blends showed that EGMA and polyolefins play the role of a nucleating agent for the PET and accelerate the crystallization (without intluencing significantly the cristallinity rate). The mechanical properties of blends are more atfected by cristaIIization process modification than by morphological and interfacial changes.

Semi-Classical Analysis of One-Dimensional Power- Plus Inverse-Power-Law Potentials

Dewald, Andrew S. 13 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Subvariedades de álgebras de semi-Heyting

Cornejo, Juan Manuel 17 November 2011 (has links)
Las álgebras de semi-Heyting fueron introducidas como una nueva clase ecuacional por H. P. Sankappanavar en [33]. Éstas álgebras representan un generalizacióon de las álgebras de Heyting. Si bien la manera de definir la axiomáatica para una clase u otra es casi la misma, de hecho difieren en un só-lo axioma, el comportamiento entre las variedades es distinto y hace rico el trabajo de estudiar cuáles son las propiedades que se extienden a las álgebras de semi-Heyting y cuáles no. / Semi-Heyting algebras were introduced as a new equational class by H. P. Sankappanavar en [33]. These algebras represent a generalization of Heyting algebras. In fact, their definition can be obtain from a certain axiomatic of Heyting algebras replacing one of the axioms by a weaker one. Nevertheless, as we will see, the behavior of semi-Heyting algebras is much more complicated than that of Heyting algebras.

Semi-continuity and Related Properties

Huggins, Frank N. 08 1900 (has links)
The elementary notion of a function originated in the work of mathematicians of the seventeenth century, and was somewhat closely connected with investigations in the field of algebra. This paper will be concerned with an investigation of a generalized type of continuity known as semi-continuity.

Semi-síntese de derivados da afidicolina: busca por novos protótipos leishmanicidas / Semi-synthesis of aphidicolin derivatives: The search for new leishmanicidal prototypes

Santos, Gabriela Bianchi dos 09 March 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda a transformação semi-sintética de afidicolina visando a criação de uma biblioteca de compostos para fins de ensaios de atividade sobre espécies de Leishmania spp. Recentemente, estudos demonstraram a alta atividade da afidicolina, um diterpeno tetracíclico produzido pelo fungo Nigrospora sphaerica, frente ao protozoário Leishmania major. Apesar do promissor potencial leishmanicida, a afidicolina apresenta propriedades físico-químicas e perfil farmacocinético inadequado para terapêutica. Considerando que abordagens semi-síntética são comuns na busca de novos protótipos para doenças negligenciadas e na otimização de propriedades farmacocinéticas, foram desenvolvidas metodologias diversas de transformação de grupo funcional, alquilação e acilação da afidicolina a fim de avaliar os requisitos estruturais para atividade leishmanicida. Um estudo preliminar computacional foi realizado para determinação de cargas atômicas e potencial eletrostático da afidicolina, que forneceu informações valiosas sobre a reatividade química desta molécula, úteis para o planejamento de futuras modificações envolvendo este protótipo. No total, foram sintetizados dez compostos, sendo sete inéditos, que foram testados contra espécies de L. major e L.braziliensis. A avaliação leishmanicida dos compostos sintetizados demonstrou seletividade do derivado do tipo oxima contra a espécie L. brasiliensis, epidemiologicamente importante no Brasil. A partir dos dados da avaliação biológica foi possível propor, de forma preliminar, requisitos estruturais para a atividade leishmanicida da afidicolina e de seus derivados semi-sintéticos. / his work presents the use of semisynthetic approach to create a library of compounds from the lead compound aphidicolin for biological assays against Leishmania spp. Recently, studies have shown high activity of aphidicolin, a secondary metabolite from the fungus Nigrospora sphaerica, against the protozoan Leishmania major. Despite the promising leishmanicidal potential, aphidicolin presents physico-chemical and pharmacokinetic profile unsuitable for therapy. As the semi-synthetic approach is widely used in the search for new prototypes for neglected diseases, new methodologies have been developed for functional group transformation, alkylation and acylation of aphidicolin. A preliminary computational study was conducted to determine the atomic charges and electrostatic potential of aphidicolin, which provided valuable information on the chemical reactivity of this molecule, useful for planning future changes involving this prototype. Ten compounds were synthesized; seven of them are unpublished, which have been tested against different species of the protozoa Leishmania spp. The preliminary evaluation of the synthesized compounds showed leishmanicidal selectivity of the compound oxime against L. brasiliensis specie, which has a notorious occurrence in Brazil. We have proposed a preliminary perspective of the structural requirements for the leishmanicidal activity of aphidicolin and its semisynthetic derivatives based on the biological essays.

Classificação semi-automática de componentes Java / Semi-automatic classification of Java components

Melo, Claudia de Oliveira 29 September 2006 (has links)
As recentes tecnologias de desenvolvimento e distribuição de componentes possibilitaram o aumento do número de componentes disponíveis no mercado. No entanto, eles muitas vezes estão dispersos e não publicados adequadamente para a comunidade de pesquisa e desenvolvimento de software. Encontrar componentes apropriados para solucionar um problema particular não é uma tarefa simples e novas técnicas devem ser desenvolvidas para o reuso efetivo de componentes. Um dos maiores desafios em reusar componentes consiste em classificá-los corretamente para futuras consultas. Classificar componentes para possibilitar uma busca eficaz depende da qualidade das informações adquiridas, que viabilizam melhor precisão e cobertura das consultas ao encontrar componentes reutilizáveis em potencial. Ao mesmo tempo, mecanismos de classificação e busca devem ser fáceis o suficiente para convencer os desenvolvedores a reusar componentes. Este trabalho estuda as técnicas de classificação de componentes de software, repositórios e métodos de busca. é apresentada uma proposta de modelo de classificação de componentes que considera não apenas sua função, mas o negócio onde ele está inserido e seus atributos de qualidade. Um método de preenchimento semi-automático das informações é proposto, de modo a diminuir os custos de classificação. O protótipo REUSE+ foi construído para exemplificar o uso do modelo e do método de classificação semi-automática, de forma a validar a proposta, destacando, por fim, as principais contribuições do trabalho. / The recent developments on components technologies have increased the number of components available to the market. These components are, however, distributed overall the world and not properly advertised to the research and development communities. Finding the appropriate components to solve a particular problem is not very straightforward and new techniques must be developed to effectively reuse components. One of the great challenges in reusing components is concerned with how to actually classify components \"properly\" in order to further retrieve them. Classifying components for effective retrieval depends on acquiring the appropriate information in classification to improve the precision and recall rates in retrieval; finding only the potentially reusable components and not missing potential solutions. At the same time, the classification and retrieval mechanisms must be easy enough to persuade developers to reuse components. This work studies the classification techniques of software components, repository and retrieval methods. Hereafter is presented a proposal of components classification model that considers not just its function, but business and quality attributes. It is proposed a semi-automatic classification mechanism of software information, allowing a cheaper classification. REUSE+ prototype was built to exemplify the use of model and method of semi-automatic classification, allowing the described proposal validation, highlighting at the end the mainly contributions of the work.

Semi-síntese de derivados da afidicolina: busca por novos protótipos leishmanicidas / Semi-synthesis of aphidicolin derivatives: The search for new leishmanicidal prototypes

Gabriela Bianchi dos Santos 09 March 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda a transformação semi-sintética de afidicolina visando a criação de uma biblioteca de compostos para fins de ensaios de atividade sobre espécies de Leishmania spp. Recentemente, estudos demonstraram a alta atividade da afidicolina, um diterpeno tetracíclico produzido pelo fungo Nigrospora sphaerica, frente ao protozoário Leishmania major. Apesar do promissor potencial leishmanicida, a afidicolina apresenta propriedades físico-químicas e perfil farmacocinético inadequado para terapêutica. Considerando que abordagens semi-síntética são comuns na busca de novos protótipos para doenças negligenciadas e na otimização de propriedades farmacocinéticas, foram desenvolvidas metodologias diversas de transformação de grupo funcional, alquilação e acilação da afidicolina a fim de avaliar os requisitos estruturais para atividade leishmanicida. Um estudo preliminar computacional foi realizado para determinação de cargas atômicas e potencial eletrostático da afidicolina, que forneceu informações valiosas sobre a reatividade química desta molécula, úteis para o planejamento de futuras modificações envolvendo este protótipo. No total, foram sintetizados dez compostos, sendo sete inéditos, que foram testados contra espécies de L. major e L.braziliensis. A avaliação leishmanicida dos compostos sintetizados demonstrou seletividade do derivado do tipo oxima contra a espécie L. brasiliensis, epidemiologicamente importante no Brasil. A partir dos dados da avaliação biológica foi possível propor, de forma preliminar, requisitos estruturais para a atividade leishmanicida da afidicolina e de seus derivados semi-sintéticos. / his work presents the use of semisynthetic approach to create a library of compounds from the lead compound aphidicolin for biological assays against Leishmania spp. Recently, studies have shown high activity of aphidicolin, a secondary metabolite from the fungus Nigrospora sphaerica, against the protozoan Leishmania major. Despite the promising leishmanicidal potential, aphidicolin presents physico-chemical and pharmacokinetic profile unsuitable for therapy. As the semi-synthetic approach is widely used in the search for new prototypes for neglected diseases, new methodologies have been developed for functional group transformation, alkylation and acylation of aphidicolin. A preliminary computational study was conducted to determine the atomic charges and electrostatic potential of aphidicolin, which provided valuable information on the chemical reactivity of this molecule, useful for planning future changes involving this prototype. Ten compounds were synthesized; seven of them are unpublished, which have been tested against different species of the protozoa Leishmania spp. The preliminary evaluation of the synthesized compounds showed leishmanicidal selectivity of the compound oxime against L. brasiliensis specie, which has a notorious occurrence in Brazil. We have proposed a preliminary perspective of the structural requirements for the leishmanicidal activity of aphidicolin and its semisynthetic derivatives based on the biological essays.

Synthesis, characterization and self-assembly of liquid-crystalline ambipolar semi-conductors/Synthèse, caractérisation et auto-assemblage de cristaux liquides semi-conducteurs ambipolaires

Debever, Olivier R O 22 March 2011 (has links)
These days, organic photovoltaic devices (OPV) have received a large interest from both academic and industrial researchers as alternative energy source to replace petroleum and nuclear fission. New organic semi-conductors (OSC) are actively researched since these materials can be purified and processed by solution techniques that are cheaper than those required for silicon. The current record efficiency is 8.3%. Further improvement of the OPV performances is desired in order to decrease both the pay-back time of the device and the price of the energy produced. On that purpose, academic research is focused on two main axes: (i) develop new organic materials characterized by high charge mobilities for both p-type (holes) and n-type (electrons) semi-conduction and (ii) increase as much as possible the contact surface between both p-type and n-type OSC (p-n junction), where the electric charges are created. In the frame of this PhD thesis, we proposed to investigate this second aspect by building the interface at a nanoscopic scale, creating a molecular heterojunction. Liquid crystalline (LC) materials composed of donor-acceptor dyads were chosen as OSC since they can lead to complex supramolecular structures made of two interpenetrated networks: the first one is related to the donor and provides holes transport, while the second one is related to the acceptor and affords electrons conduction. In this context, we decided to synthesize new donor-acceptor molecules composed of a phthalocyanine (donor) covalently connected to a fullerene (acceptor) through a non-conjugated bridge and to investigate their supramolecular assembly in solution and solid state. This specific molecular structure was inspired from a mesogenic phthalocyanine developed earlier in our laboratory and the very popular fullerene derivative referred to as PCBM. Four dyads with different bridge lengths were prepared via multi-step synthesis. Two key steps are: (i) the formation of low-symmetry A3B phthalocyanines bearing three mesogenic substituents and one hydroxyl-terminated chain and (ii) the esterification of these phthalocyanines with the carboxylic acid homologue of PCBM. In solution, no electron transfer from the phthalocyanine to the fullerene is evidenced in the ground state. On the contrary fluorescence quenching indicates that a photo-induced charge transfer takes place. Also, cyclic voltammetry measurements confirmed that both phthalocyanine and fullerene moieties act as independent -systems in the ground state. Strong self-aggregation in solution was demonstrated as well by combined use of 1H NMR and UV-Visible absorption spectroscopies. Impact of concentration and temperature on the level of aggregation was studied. Finally, supramolecular organization in the solid state was investigated for pure dyads and in blends. All four dyads produced amorphous phases, mainly due to the important steric hindrance created by the bulky fullerenes in the columnar mesophase of phthalocyanines. On the contrary, mesomorphism was observed in binary blends with two different mesogenic phthalocyanines. We showed that three parameters can be used to tune the supramolecular organization of dyads: (i) the chemical structure of the phthalocyanine used for the blend, (ii) the composition of the blend and (iii) the eventual application of a thermal annealing to the material. Supramolecular organization of the fullerenes in a regular lattice could not be demonstrated./Actuellement, les panneaux solaires à base de matériaux organiques sont pressentis pour devenir dans un futur proche une source d’énergie alternative au pétrole et à la fission nucléaire et constituent dès lors un pole de recherche important dans les domaines académiques et industriels. Une part importante de la recherche se concentre sur le développement de nouveau matériaux semi-conducteurs organiques. Ces derniers présentent l’avantage de pouvoir être purifiés et mis en œuvre plus aisément au départ d’une solution, contrairement au silicium. Le record d’efficacité actuel pour les cellules solaires organiques est de 8.3%. Toutefois, afin de diminuer le prix de l’électricité ainsi produite de même que le coût de revient du dispositif photovoltaïque, il est souhaitable d’en améliorer encore l’efficacité. Dans cette optique, la recherche académique se concentre principalement sur deux axes : (i) développer de nouveaux semi-conducteurs organiques caractérisés par une mobilité de charges élevée tant pour le transport de trous que celui des électrons et (ii) augmenter au maximum la surface de contact entre les deux matériaux semi-conducteurs (jonction p-n), lieu où sont produites les charges électriques. Dans le cadre de travail, nous nous sommes proposés d’étudier ce second aspect en essayant de construire cette interface à une échelle nanoscopique : la jonction moléculaire. Le système choisi consiste en des diades donneur-accepteur pour lesquelles la formation de phases cristal-liquide est souhaitée. En effet, ce type de phases peut mener à des structures supramoléculaires complexes correspondant à deux réseaux imbriqués distincts imbriqués : le premier formé par les unités donneuses assure le transport de trous, tandis que le second, formé par les unités accepteuses, permet le transport d’électrons. Dans ce contexte, nous avons décidé de synthétiser de nouvelles diades incluant une phtalocyanine (donneur) connectée à un fullerène (accepteur) par un pont covalent non-conjugué. La deuxième partie du travail concerne l’étude de leurs propriétés tant en solution qu’à l’état solide. Cette structure moléculaire particulière se compose d’une moitié PCBM, un dérivé bien connu du fullerène, et d’une phtalocyanine précédemment étudiée au sein de notre laboratoire et formant des phases cristal liquide d’autre part. Quatre diades comportant des ponts covalents de longueur différente ont été synthétisées par le biais d’une synthèse multi-étapes. Deux étapes-clés de la synthèse sont : (i) la formation de phthalocyanines de type A3B substituées par trois groupes mésogènes et un quatrième portant une fonction alcool libre et (ii) l’estérification de ces phthalocyanines à l’aide de l’homologue acide carboxylique du PCBM. En solution, aucun transfert de charge spontané à l’état fondamental n’a pu être mis en évidence. Au contraire, le quenching de fluorescence observé pour la phthalocyanine indique qu’un transfert d’électron photo-induit de la phthalocyanine vers le fullerène a lieu. D’autre part, les études de voltammétrie cyclique on confirmé que les deux systèmes électroniques de la phthalocyanine et du fullerène sont indépendants à l’état fondamental. L’utilisation combinée des spectroscopies d’absorption UV-Visible et de RMN 1H ont permis de mettre en évidence la forte tendance des diades à s’agréger en solution. L’impact de la température et de la concentration ont dès lors été étudiés. Finalement, l’organisation supramoléculaire des diades à l’état solide a été étudiée à la fois en tant que matériaux purs mais également au sein de mélanges. Les quatre diades produisent des phases amorphes, principalement dû à l’encombrement stérique important généré par les fullerènes au sein de la phase colonne des phthalocyanines. Au contraire, la formation de mésophases colonne a été observée dans le cas de mélanges avec deux phthalocyanines mésogènes. Aucun arrangement régulier des fullerènes sur un réseau défini. Nous avons donc pu illustrer l’impact de trois paramètres sur les propriétés thermotropes des mélanges : (i) la structure chimique de la phthalocyanine utilisée pour réaliser le mélange, (ii) la composition du mélange et (iii) l’application ou non d’un recuit thermique sur l’échantillon.

The Hero¡¦s Journey¡X¡XReading The Semi-gods and the Semi-devils by mythological criticism

Yen, Chia-yi 21 June 2006 (has links)
The Semi-gods and the Semi-devils is one of Jin Yong¡¦s most popular Martial-arts novels. Strange adventures of the main characters: Hsiao feng, Tuan yu, Hsu-chu are analogous to those of mythic heroes. This paper uses the archetypal approach to illustrate the main characters, the heroes¡¦journeys, for archetypes are universal patterns from which myths derive. My intention is that the theory of archetypes would enable us to see the literary work differently and give fresh insights to the novel in which important elements and meanings might otherwise go unnoticed.

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