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Suitability of Casuarina equisetifolia as utility poles in SenegalGueye, Babacar Salif 10 January 2009 (has links)
The use of <i>Casuarina equisetifolia</i> trees grown in Senegal as utility poles was investigated as follows: (1) to determine the longitudinal air permeability of the species with regard to its treatability; (2) to determine the treatability of the wood using a full-cell process; (3) to determine the mechanical properties of the species relative to its use as utility poles in Senegal.
The mean superficial longitudinal air permeability of 60 specimens was 4990 cm³(air)/cm s atm whereas the theoretical permeability was 4710 cm³/cm s atm. It was determined an average of 1830 vessels per cm² with a mean diameter of 117 microns and a volume fraction of 0.20 . The presence of tyloses was not observed during the anatomical measurements.
As expected, the most important variables influencing the effectiveness of the preservative treatment were the impregnation pressure and the permeability of the specimens. Retention increased as the impregnation pressure was increased; and at a given pressure, retention was positively correlated to permeability. Since the wood seems to be fairly permeable, it can therefore be satisfactorily treated by controlling the impregnation pressure.
The results of static bending tests were compared to the theoretical maximum stress at ground line (R) of the different classes of utility poles used in Senegal. With an average modulus of rupture (MOR) of 108 megaPascals, the ratio of MOR to R varied between 2.12 to 2.34. This ratio provides evidence that Casuarina's wood meets the mechanical requirements of the Standard NFC67-100, which sets the guidelines for utility poles in Senegal. / Master of Science
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Problématique de l'affirmation de la baisse du niveau scientifique et de la relation entre connaissances déclaratives et résolution de problèmes: les représentations spontanées de la démarche scientifique chez les élèves. Etude de cas dans l'enseignement de la biologie au SénégalThiaw, Mame January 2000 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences psychologiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Diagnostic partiel de la flore et de la végétation des Niayes et du bassin arachidier au Sénégal: application de méthodes floristique, phytosociologique, ethnobotanique et cartographique / Partial diagnosis of flora and vegetation of the Niayes and Peanut Basin in Senegal: application of floristic, phyotsociologic, ethnobotanic and mapping methodsFaye, El Hadji 13 September 2010 (has links)
Résumé<p>Les recherches menées dans cette thèse ont porté sur la réactualisation des données sur la flore et la végétation de deux grandes zones agro-écologiques du Sénégal (les Niayes et le Bassin arachidier) en utilisant l’approche terroir pour mieux envisager la gestion conservatoire des ressources ligneuses. Dans les zones de savanes et de végétations sub-guinéennes respectivement du Bassin arachidier et des Niayes au Sénégal, 288 relevés ont été réalisés par stratification basée sur les villages ou groupes ethniques (Peul, Sérer et Wolof), les systèmes d’utilisation des terres et la topographie dans 6 terroirs villageois et 25 dans les sites de référence. Dans ces terroirs, la connaissance, la priorisation à la conservation des espèces, leur utilisations, comme préalables à la gestion durable de la biodiversité des agrosystèmes, ont aussi été abordées sur 124 espèces ligneuses par enquête ethnobotanique auprès de 216 répondants équitablement répartis entre les ethnies, âges et genres. Ces informants ont aussi évalué la dynamique des formations végétales suivant leur position sur la toposéquence. Les informations sur la dynamique d’occupation des terres ont été obtenues par la cartographie multi-date à partir de photo-aériennes (1954, 1989) et d’image Google earth 2006. Une expérimentation factorielle à trois facteurs (espèces, hauteur et diamètre de coupe) avec 15 répétitions, a été conduite dans le Bassin arachidier sur la régénération des souches des deux principales Combretaceae de la zone (Combretum glutinosum et Guiera senegalensis). Les données obtenues ont été soumises à des analyses multi et uni-variées. <p>Les résultats phytosociologiques ont montré l’individualisation de onze groupements (G) dont d’une part, deux de savane (G4 et G8), un de forêts secondaires (G10) et deux autres issus des végétations semi-aquatiques (G1 et G5) qui sont les plus proches des situations naturelles, et d’autre part deux de milieux perturbés (G6 et G7) et quatre de milieux cultivés et post-culturaux (G2, G3, G9 et G11). Les premiers groupements sont progressivement envahis par les espèces des milieux perturbés, et les seconds par les espèces rudérales et nitrophiles. La position synsystématique de ces groupements a été donnée. 336 espèces ont été recensées :260 dans les Niayes et 176 dans le Bassin arachidier. La richesse des critères de naturalités des terroirs peuls n’est pas toujours supérieure à celle des autres terroirs dans les deux zones. <p>Les résultats d’enquête montrent une subdivision des espèces en quatre classes de priorité à la sauvegarde. Les plus prioritaires sont à usages multiples. En outre, les résultats ethnobotaniques montrent clairement que les villages des Niayes sont globalement séparés de ceux du Bassin arachidier mais aussi que les villages homologues sont différents. L’évaluation ethnobotanique de la diversité végétale est plus importante dans la zone du Bassin arachidier comparée aux Niayes. Elle augmente avec la densité dans les Niayes comme dans le Bassin arachidier excepté dans le terroir wolof de ce dernier. Les villages du Bassin arachidier ne présentent aucune restriction dans le choix des espèces destinées à satisfaire leurs différents besoins. Ce manque de sélectivité y est total et renseigne sur le niveau de rareté des ressources ligneuses. <p>Les résultats cartographiques montrent que les zones des Niayes et du Bassin arachidier connaissent une transformation importante du paysage essentiellement due au processus de création ou d’agrégation des champs en vigueur partout. Cela s’est fait au détriment des formations végétales :suppression des savanes arborées dans les deux zones, suppression et agrégation des savanes arbustives dans les Niayes, fragmentation et dissection dans le Bassin arachidier. <p>Dans le régime de taillis à courte rotation du Bassin arachidier, il serait plus indiqué de pratiquer une coupe sélective suivant les classes de diamètre et les espèces afin de concilier productivité et durabilité en favorisant le développement des rejets proventifs. <p>Une extension de l’approche terroir dans les autres zones éco-géographiques du pays devrait être testée pour vérifier les tendances obtenues dans ce travail et recenser et suivre les groupements végétaux, les intégrer dans la classification moderne afin de faciliter le suivi de leur évolution spatio-temporelle. Elle permettrait sans doute l’évaluation de la variabilité locale de l’importance des espèces.<p><p>Abstract<p>Researches carried out in this thesis about updating flora and vegetation data from two major agroecological regions of Senegal (Niayes and Peanut Basin) used village-scale based methodology in order to better consider ligneous resources conservation. In savannas and sub-guinean vegetations of respectively Peanut Basin and Niayes, 288 records were realized upon stratification method based on ethnic groups (Wolof, Peul and Sérer), land use systems and topography in 6 villages and 25 records in the reference sites. In these villages, knowledge, priorisation and uses, prior to sustainable agrobiodiversity management, were also addressed on 124 ligneous species by ethnobotanic survey with 216 respondants equally distributed to ethnic groups, ages and gender. Respondants also addressed vegetation dynamics a long topographic position. Informations on land occupation trends were gained by air-photography cartography and Google earth 2006 image. Factorial experimentation on 3 factors (species, high and diameter of sprouting) with 15 repetitions was implemented on stump regeneration dynamics of the 2 principal Combretaceae in the Peanut Basin region (Combretum glutinosum and Guiera senegalensis). Multivariate and univariate analysis were performed on the data. <p>Phytosociological results showed discrimination of 11 vegetation groups (G). Two of them (G4 and G8) are savannas samples, one secondary forest (G10), two from semi-aquatic vegetation (G1 and G5); in the other hand, two groups of disturbed situations (G6 and G7) and four cultivated and postcultural groups were found (G2, G3, G9 and G11). The first groups were progressively invaded by cultural and poscultural species and the second groups by ruderary and adventitious species. Systematic position of these groups was indicated. 336 species were recorded: 260 in the Niayes and 176 in the Peanut Basin). Richness in wilderness criterion was not always superior in peul villages.<p>Ethnobotanical results showed subdivision of species diversity in 4 classes of conservation priority. Most conservation priority species were multipurpose trees. A clear separation between Niayes villages and Peanut basin ones, and also between counterparts’ villages was found. Ethnobotanical valuation of species was higher in the Peanut Basin area. It grows with human density a part from wolof village of the Peanut basin. Villages of the Groundnut Basin showed no selectivity in the choice of species to meet their different needs. This lack of selectivity is complete and translates woody resources scarcity. <p>Cartographic results show an important landscape transformation in Niayes and Peanut basin areas due to fields creation or aggregation processes running everywhere. This occurred against vegetation formations :attrition of woody savanna in the two zones, attrition and aggregation of shrubby savanna in Niayes area, fragmentation and dissection in Peanut basin. <p>In short term cutting system of the Peanut Basin, it should be better to practise a selective logging method according to species and diameter classes in order to reconcile productivity and sustainability by ensuring stumps’ low-stem resprouting. <p>An extension of terroir approach methodology in other local eco-geographical zones of Senegal should be tested in order to complete the identification and monitoring of the dynamics of plant communities, their integration into modern classification to facilitate the monitoring of their spatio-temporal evolution. It should allow the assessment of species local importance variability.<p><p><p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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The natural history of the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) at Mt. Assirik, SenegalBaldwin, Pamela Jane January 1979 (has links)
This study examines the natural history of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in Senegal, West Africa. This western form of chimpanzee is the least studied of the three geographical races. Ecological studies of chimpanzees have been neglected in favour of behavioural investigations. Those studies which have focussed on ecology have often been distorted by unnatural human intervention. Field studies of chimpanzees are reviewed in terms of their length, the extent of disturbance at the site, and the methods involved. The study area is described: its hot, arid climate and undisturbed state are emphasised. Methods were devised to gain knowledge of the chimpanzees' ecology without interfering with their behaviour or habitat. A detailed description of the types of vegetation is given, and their proportional distribution reveals that there is less forest and woodland at Mt. Assirik than at any other site where chimpanzees have been studied. Chimpanzees use the types of vegetation differentially and this shows seasonal variation. Forest is most used at the end of the dry season. At other times of the year, extensive use is made of woodland. Grassland is used during the wet season. Data from observations of chimpanzees and their nests is used to estimate the population size, range and density. The total number of chimpanzees at Mt. Assirik is estimated as about 25 to 30, density is reckoned as 0.1/km² and their home range as 250 to 300km². The chimpanzees appear to be healthy. Many features of social behaviour, described elsewhere, were confirmed for this subspecies. A high proportion of mixed parties was discovered. This is thought to be an adaptation to an area of open vegetation: its distribution of food, water, and the presence of large carnivores. The chimpanzees are omnivorous. Although mainly frugivorous, they also eat leaves, flowers, seeds, bark, honey, insects and meat. Two species of insect are eaten seasonally, and two types of tool are used to obtain termites and driver ants respectively. Chimpanzees appear to specialise in nocturnal prosimians as mammalian prey. Nests are examined in detail and found to be similar to those made elsewhere. Preferences, for certain species are demonstrated for the first time. Finally, the results of the study are compared with the cultural ecology of a human hunter-gatherer society, the !Kung San of Southern Africa. The comparison is used as a basis for speculation on the behaviour of the ancestral hominids.
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Médias et pouvoir au Sénégal depuis l'indépendance (1960) / Senegal, Media, Authority, Power, PoliticsBarry, Moustapha 07 March 2012 (has links)
Ce travail examine les rapports entre médias et pouvoir au Sénégal depuis l'indépendance en 1960. Les médias et le pouvoir ont connu des relations ambivalentes, plus ou moins conflictuelles. Cette situation est liée au processus de démocratisation du pays qui n'a pas été linéaire. De 1856 à 1960, il faut distinguer deux cas : les quatre communes (Gorée, Rufisque, Saint-Louis et Dakar) où s'applique la loi française, et le reste du pays où le code de l'indigénat fait office de loi. Dans le premier cas où la liberté de la presse existe plus ou moins, c'est le bouillonnement politique qui favorise l'émergence des médias, notamment la presse politique partisane. Sous le régime de Léopold Sédar Senghor (1960-1980), la presse plurielle héritée de la colonisation a cédé la place à un monopole médiatique avec l'instauration du parti unique malgré l’existence de quelques téméraires qui s'aventuraient à créer des journaux. Abdou Diouf (1981-2000) a décrété le multipartisme entraînant un foisonnement de la presse. Mais le tournant a été la deuxième moitié des années 1980 où la presse dite indépendante va prendre place dans le paysage médiatique. Des conflits ont été notés entre son régime et les médias, même si cela a été plus ou moins mesuré. Sous le régime d'Abdoulaye Wade, depuis 2000, le nombre de médias s'est accru. Les télévisions privées ont fait irruption. Mais Abdoulaye Wade innove dans les rapports entre médias et pouvoir par ses attaques contre les médias de son pays. C'est dans ce contexte que ce travail offre la possibilité de s'interroger sur l'éventualité d'un nouveau paysage médiatique dont les règles vont clairement être définies et respectées au Sénégal par l'ensemble des acteurs. C'est dans cette perspective qu'il est proposé de favoriser l'éclosion d'une presse régionale pour mieux accompagner la démocratie locale. / This work examines the relationship between media and authority in Senegal since the independence in 1960, after a historical review. The media and authority have had ambivalent relationships. Sometimes stable, sometimes conflicting. This relationship is related to the democratization process of the country that has not been linear. From 1856 to 1960, there were two distinguished cases: the four municipalities, that are Goree, Rufique, Saint-Louis and Dakar, where French law and the rest of the country native code were applied as law.. In the first case where the press freedom more or less exists, the political turmoil has led to the media emergence, particularly in partisan politics press. Under Leopold Sedar Senghor’s regime (1960-1980), the plural press inherited from the colonialism, gave a way to a monopoly media with the introduction of a single party. Even if few reckless people ventured to create newspapers, the multiparty decreed by President Abdou Diouf (1981-2000) led to a proliferation of the press. However, the turning point was the mid-1980’s, when the so-called independent press founded by journalists, appeared. Under Abdou Diouf regime, conflicts were noted between his regime and the media, although it was more or less moderate. Since 2000, under Abdoulaye Wade’ regime, the number of media has increased. Private television sprung. The new relationship between media and authority under Abdoulaye Wade’ reign, is that ihe is the one who confronted the media of his country. It is in this perspective that this work examines a new media landscape potential where the rules are clearly defined and respected. It is also proposed to promote a regional press emergence.
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La loi des femmes : La parité au Sénégal : représentations, enjeux et stratégies / Equality in politics for women in Senegal : Depictions, challenges and strategiesAmelot, Adélaïde 03 October 2011 (has links)
En mai 2010, l'Etat du Sénégal se dotait d'une loi instituant la parité entre hommes et femmes. L'objet de ce travail a été d'interroger la manière et les raisons pour lesquelles la question de l'introduction en droit du principe de la parité a constitué un enjeu politique pour le mouvement d'émancipation de la question féminine. Comme nombre de politiques intéressant la problématique des femmes, la loi sur la parité est formellement justifiée par la nécessité de mettre en œuvre une dynamique de genre. Nous avons alors interrogé la capacité du genre, tel qu'il a été élaboré en Occident, à refléter l'organisation des rapports sociaux de sexe au Sénégal. En effet, la catégorie du genre a émergé en Occident au milieu du siècle dernier comme reflet des bouleversements à la fois des relations entre hommes et femmes et des représentations sociales liées à la différenciation des sexes. Le questionnement intellectuel, culturel et sociohistorique de la thèse a alors conduit à déconstruire le concept de genre dans l'objectif de faire émerger les ressorts sociaux, politiques et culturels qui l'appuyaient. Il s'est ensuite agi d'analyser la manière dont le genre, en tant que construction des relations de pouvoir entre hommes et femmes, s'exprimait au Sénégal. Quel y était le lien entre relations de pouvoir entre les sexes et rapport au pouvoir. Comment le genre, tel qu'il s'exprime dans la société sénégalaise, rencontre le genre, tel que l'élite intellectuelle et politique, l'a construit comme catégorie ? Ce questionnement a pu être élaboré à l'appui de la mobilisation qui s'est exprimée en faveur de l'inscription de la parité en droit afin de faire émerger les enjeux qui s'y manifestaient / In May 2010, the government of Senegal passed a law instituting parity between men and women. The purpose of this work was to question how and why the introduction of the principle of parity in law constituted a political challenge for the female emancipation movement. Like many policies relevant to women, the law on parity is officially justified by the necessity of implementing a gender-based approach. We then examined the ability of gender, as it has been established in the West, to reflect the organisation of social relationships between the sexes in Senegal. The gender category emerged in the West in the middle of the last century as a reflection of the upheavals both in the relationships between men and women and in the social depictions related to the differentiation of the sexes. The intellectual, cultural and socio-historical questioning of the thesis then led to deconstructing the concept of gender with the aim of highlighting the social, political and cultural impulses that supported it. It then analysed how gender, as a construction of the power relationships between men and women, expressed itself in Senegal. What was the link there between power relationships between the sexes and relationships to power? How did gender, as expressed in Senegalese society, encounter gender as the intellectual and political elite constructed it as a category? This enquiry was prepared in support of the mobilisation in favour of enacting parity in law in order to highlight the issues that were apparent.
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Essays on migration between Senegal and Europe : migration attempts, investment at origin and returnees' occupational statusMezger Kveder, Cora Leonie January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to contribute to the better understanding of determinants and consequences of international migration from Senegal, a West-African country with a longstanding tradition of migration to both African and European countries. Using a longitudinal (retrospective) and multi-sited micro dataset on 'Migration between Africa and Europe' (MAFE-SN), three selected topics are explored empirically. Firstly, the research examines the role of individual and contextual factors for the migration decision-making process, analysing jointly selection into migration attempts and departure. Results indicate that selection processes at the decision and realisation stages do not necessarily coincide, for instance with regard to the role of sex, education, but also immigration policies. Secondly, the impact of international migration experience on investments in real estate or business assets in the country of origin is examined. Direct migration experience is found to stimulate investment, though the effect varies according to the type of asset, the location and the destination region. International migration also appears as a way to overcome certain social disadvantages in terms of access to property. However, nonmigrants with access to migrant networks are not more likely to invest. Thirdly, the thesis investigates the effect of return migrant status on occupational attainment in Dakar. The main result obtained, a positive effect on self-employment, conforms to previous studies' findings on other countries. Yet, when using variables on the hierarchical socio-economic status or prestige position of the occupation, the positive effect of return migration is confined to wage-employed activities. In addition to the empirical analyses, the thesis contributes to the conceptual and methodological discussion on measurement of immigration policies. A database with detailed data on immigration policies in France, Italy and Spain over the period from 1960 to 2008 is constructed and qualitative information is converted into quantitative scores.
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Faith, identity, status and schooling : an ethnography of educational decision-making in northern SenegalNewman, Anneke January 2016 (has links)
This thesis investigates how families in northern Senegal negotiate between state and Islamic schools. Studies of education strategies within anthropology of education predominantly employ Bourdieu's concept of capital. These studies are useful for illuminating the role of education within people's strategies of social mobility, but tend to render invisible preferences based on non-material considerations like spiritual benefits. To overcome this challenge, this thesis uses economic theory which acknowledges both intrinsic and material factors informing school choice. It draws on fifteen months' ethnographic fieldwork comprising life histories, informal interviews and participant observation. The thesis contributes to several debates in anthropology of development and education. Findings reveal the importance of a caste-like social hierarchy in shaping education strategies, and challenge simplistic predictions common in development discourse about how gender or being Muslim influence educational trajectories. Results also show how education preferences reflect context-specific routes to social mobility. In northern Senegal, lack of formal sector employment makes the secular state school's promises of economic advancement largely inaccessible. Qur'anic schools present a more certain investment for men of privileged social groups who monopolise access to this education, for the prestige of Islamic knowledge and insertion into trade and migration networks. Intrinsic benefits of Qur'anic schooling, like blessing and moral education, also inform school preference. These factors are neglected in development discourse and state education provision - including recent reforms to engage Islamic knowledge to meet Education For All and the Millennium Development Goal – due to secularist and rationalist biases. This undermines families' access to affordable schooling that combines the intrinsic and material benefits which they prioritise, and privileges those who can afford private alternatives. Inspired by applied anthropology committed to social justice, this thesis draws on people's strategies to overcome these challenges to recommend non-formal alternatives to enable education provision compatible with popular worldviews.
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Leading Muslims to Christ in Dakar, SenegalNevius, Wesley A. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 2006. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 149-157).
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Association Of Socio Demographic Characteristics With Condom Used At Last Sexual Intercourse Among Adults 15 To 49 Years Between Côte D’Ivoire And Senegal An Examination Of Measure Demographic Health Survey Data 2005Kingbo, Marie Huguette Kayi Akpedje 17 May 2013 (has links)
Background: HIV/AIDS is one of the world’s most serious health challenges. Sub-Saharan Africa remains the region most heavily affected by HIV, with 69% of the people living with HIV in the world. Côte d'Ivoire has a high HIV prevalence rate and Senegal a low prevalence rate. The main research question is whether or not the HIV risk behavior of Ivorian differs from the HIV risk behavior of Senegalese in terms of selected categorical and continuous variables. In other words, if using condoms at last sexual intercourse differs between Côte d’Ivoire and Senegal.
Methods: Cross-sectional data from the Measure Demographic and Health Survey (MDHS) involving 9,686 Ivorian and 18,363 Senegalese from 2005 were used. The Pearson Chi-square test were performed to determine any significant relationship between the variables across the two countries with respect to socio-demographic and HIV risky behaviors status. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to test the significance of any association between the independent and the dependent variables (Condoms used at last sexual intercourse). Throughout all the analysis performed, a p-value of 0.05 and confidence interval of 95% were used to determine any statistical significance.
Results: Logistic regression models showed that Côte d’Ivoire respondents had decrease odds of using condoms during their last sexual intercourse (OR=0.7; 95% CI 0.62 - 0.79) as compared to Senegal and the difference was statistically significant at p < 0.05. In Côte d’Ivoire and Senegal, wealth and education have been consistently found to be positively associated with condoms used at last sexual intercourse.
Conclusion: HIV risk behaviors seem to be associated with condoms used and marital status. The results in our study suggest a possible relation with condoms used, HIV prevalence and polygamy in Senegal, so men use condoms less frequently with marital partners. More studies need to assess the role of polygamy in the transmission and/or acquisition of HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Key words: HIV/AIDS, Risky behaviors, Condoms used, Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal
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