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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Background, Status, and Improvement of the Senior Civil Service Examination for the public officials

Lin, Nan-Jung 19 June 2005 (has links)
Examinations have long been adopting for the selection of the public officials and become an essential tradition in our country. For centuries, the examination system, incorporated with fairness, has served as the recruitment mechanism and its functions and value still remain. The Senior Civil Service Examination traces its roots to the traditional examination systems and has become the most important examination. In order to recommend the brightest and ablest for the notion¡¦s recruitment and service, it is necessary to look into the background and the implementation status of the Senior Civil Service Examination system after seven decades since its establishment, while reviewing its capacity in response to the changes of the external environment. In addition, the reengineering of the examination system from the western countries to meet the challenges of new century is also the subject of the concern. This paper has three purposes. First, investigate the establishment and the current development of the Senior Civil Examination and explore its implementation and the potential problems. Second, research the recruiting system from other counties such as United Kingdom, United States, Germany, French, and Japan, etc. and take their experience as the reference. Last but not least, provide a feasible proposal to improve the effectiveness of our existing Senior Civil Examination for the public officials. Three different methodologies are used in this paper, the Document Analysis method, the Comparative method, and the In-depth interviewing method. The objective of this paper is to propose a suggestion of innovation and development for our existing Senior Civil Examination system for the public officials in regard to aspects such as the implementation status of our current examination systems and the experience learned from other countries. Keywords: the public officials, examination, the examination system, the Senior Civil Service Examination, background¡C

年金改革對我國高階公務人員工作意願之研究 / The Study of the Influence of Pension Reform on Work Motivation for Senior Civil Servants

李美惠 Unknown Date (has links)
當前我國公務人員退休年金的財政結構因受到人口結構失衡、退休年齡過早、經費不足及世代不均等問題,其財務壓力猶如各國般逐漸顯現,考試院爰於102年4月11日提出「公務人員退休撫卹法」草案,自目前的「85制」逐年延後至「90制」,並調降公務人員退休所得替代率及提高其繳費比率。 由於退休金制度不僅只是員工基本的權益,亦是組織用來留才、激勵士氣等有效的策略工具,公務人員退休制度自100年1月1日修正實施迄102年4月未滿3年又再度提出改革,於組織中扮演的關鍵角色及重要影響力之高階公務人員,對此次退休年金改革其看法與支持度為何,是否會影響其工作意願,對整體退休政策推動具有關鍵性影響。 本研究採用文獻分析法與深度訪談法,就高階公務人員結構、高階公務人員對年金改革整體性看法、退休年金改革主要核心-退休給付及延後退休年齡之分析與影響,綜合深度訪談之結果,探討年金改革對我國高階公務人員之工作意願可能產生之影響程度,然後提出建議。 / Currently, Taiwan’s civil service pension fund is effected by the population structural imbalances, premature retirement age, lack of funds and generational inequality and other issues, financial pressure is gradually emerging as other countries; therefore, the Examination Yuan on April 11, 2013, proposed a draft of "Civil Service Retirement and Survivor Relief Act " which is about to change the civil servant retirement system from the "rule of 85" to the "rule of 90" and furthermore, reduce the income replacement ratio and increase the contribution rate. Since the pension system is not just the employees' basic rights, is also used by organizations to retention, morale and other effective strategies, therefore, after less than three year of amendments implemented since Jan.1, 2011, that Another public service pension reform has been set out for who in the organization plays a key role or has significant influence of senior civil service from their point of view regarding to the retirement pension reform and support on whether they would affect their willingness to work that have a critical impact on the overall policy to promote retirement. This study has adapted the literature analysis and in-depth interview, according to the structure of senior civil service and senior civil servants with holistic view of pension reform, the reform of the retirement annuity main core - Analysis and impact of postpone retirement age and retirement benefits and impact of the results of a comprehensive in-depth interviews to investigate the impact of pension reform on the work of senior civil service intention may arise, and then make recommendations.


范祥偉, Fan, Syang-wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究側重於探索性和描述性的研究,討論英國自一九七九年至二○○二年期間的文官制度改革,藉由對於英國文官制度改革的相關文獻的蒐集、整理及分析,能夠讓所研究的主題輪廓更為清晰,並且系統化地呈現出英國文官制度發展的脈絡與內容。 本研究之範圍,就研究的時間而言,係自一九七九年至二○○二年期間,涵蓋英國二十餘年來歷經柴契爾、梅傑及布萊爾等三位首相所推動及施行的各項文官制度改革活動為主;就研究的對象而言,係以英國文官為研究對象;就研究的主題而言,則以英國文官制度的主要內容為主,包括文官的考選、任用、陞遷、薪給、福利、考績、保障、培訓、退養及撫卹,乃至文官政策、人事機關等相關活動。 本論文之研究目的,在瞭解英國文官改革的背景與內涵、深入瞭解英國文官改革的重大政策變遷以及英國文官制度發展對我國人事制度興革的啟示。本論文第三章及第四章分別先就英國人事管理體制的轉變及中央人事機關的變革,依發展時間序列進行分析,經由對制度的演進及人事決策機制轉變的瞭解,探索英國一九七九年以來文官改革的啟動、發展及轉折的制度系絡及推動機制。 第五章到第八章中,則體察「組織變革」、「強化領導」、「績效課責」及「服務傳送」等英國文官管理重要改革課題,分別就政署的創制、高級文官職位的發展、課責制度的變革及新公共服務改革之發展及其對文官管理的影響進行分析,詳細敘述其政策內涵,同時注重各項人事管理政策與公共治理相關理論間的連結,評估各項政策結果,以及未來可能發展。 最後,則於第九章中,分別就我國近年來所推動相關之人事興革措施,包括核心價值及核心能力、行政法人化、績效管理制度(考績改革及績效獎金制度)、高階文官甄補等,與英國的文官改革經驗進行比較性的對話,並提出未來我國相關制度的改革方向建議。

我國高階文官制度之研究-法制研究途徑 / The Legal Approach to the Study on the Institution of Senior Civil Service in Taiwan

張騰亞, Chang, Teng Ya Unknown Date (has links)
文官體制為體現國家公權力的表徵,文官系統則為落實政策的團隊,面對現代政府複雜而多元的治理情境,考量文官結構中的「高階文官」位居銜接政務官與事務官的關鍵階層,同時肩負政治角色、管理角色與專業行政角色,對於國家公共政策績效影響甚鉅。是以,為提升我國高階文官核心職能,有必要探討現行高階文官法制,並做為未來擘劃「高階主管特別管理制度」的基礎。 為達成本研究之目的,本研究所處理的問題包含:現行各國高階文官法制及實施成果;他國實施高階文官專法之原因、做法和推動成果;我國訂定高階文官專法所選擇的制度邏輯與立法原因;而為達成我國訂定專法之目的,相關制度內容應如何設計?在專法制定與推動過程中,可能碰到哪些阻礙?又應如何解決? 本研究運用文獻分析法,爬梳現行各國實施高階文官制度及高階文官專法的內容與情形,並歸納3項制度邏輯及相應的立法原因,進而提出6項高階文官專法的法制項目:法制編制、甄選任用、訓練發展、績效待遇、陞遷退離、政務-事務關係。此外,應用深度訪談法瞭解我國高階文官專法相關規劃人員、人事主管、高階文官,以及高階文官業務重要相關人員等對於我國高階文官制度的想像,從中勾勒出未來我國訂定高階文官專法的輪廓。 本研究運用前揭研究方法,歸納10項研究發現: 1.他國實施高階文官專法原因與作法歸納;2.高階文官制度邏輯決定立法原因與制度內容;3.臺灣高階文官專法主要是為創造合作文化;4.高階文官培養歷程應納入「職位制」思維;5.高階文官專法適用職務範圍仍未達成共識;6.高階主管職位開放遴用規範仍需細緻化;7.高階文官發展性訓練與人才庫應結合部分強制任用;8.應發展客觀並重視團體績效的考核方法;9.績效待遇結合績效管理計畫及契約任期制度;10.院際間對專法關鍵項目仍需協商以獲支持。 本研究對上開研究發現提出相應政策建議: 1.確認臺灣高階文官專法制度邏輯與立法原因;2.高階文官專法適用職務範圍分階段納入;3.小規模試辦高階主管職位開放制度;4.強化發展性訓練及人才庫之訓用連結;5.績效待遇機制結合績效管理計畫、6.建構院際合作機制以促進高階文官之政策溝通。 期望藉由本研究對高階文官制度及專法在理論面向與實務經驗的歸納與分析結果,對於未來我國規劃高階文官專法政策能夠略盡貢獻。 / The civil institution is an embodiment that government to exercise of public authority; the civil system is a team to implement their policies. When the modern government to face the complicated and pluralistic situation to govern, we must discuss the ability of our senior civil servant due to they are the key node to play three roles, including politics, management and administrative specific. The aim of this research is to gain a better understanding of the legal institution of Senior Civil Service(SCS), and the results of this research would become a basic to legislate the Senior Executives Administration System in Taiwan. To achieve the goal of this study, there are some problems to deal with, such as the institutional logics and the legislative purposes; the other countries’ legislation and outcomes of SCS, and the reason why we choose to legislate the SCS and how to enact it. This research takes legal approach and using the Documentary Analysis to explore the results of the other countries to implement SCS, and this thesis distributed three institutional logics and the corresponding causes. Furthermore, there are six legislative subjects of SCS: 1. The system of staffing classification; 2. Recruitment; 3. Training & Development; 4. Performance Related Pay; 5. Promotion & Withdrawal; 6. Politics-Administration Relations. This study applies the in-depth interviews to realize and gather the opinions and suggestions of the important relevant persons how to consider the SCS. The interviewee such as the law-makers, the personnel leaders of the government, senior civil servants and councilors, etc. Conclusions were made based on the research results, and contributed 10 findings: 1.Summarizing the current institution of the nations have enacted the special norms of Senior civil servant ; 2. The Institution logics decides the legislative purposes and the context of act; 3.The main subject of SCS in Taiwan is mainly to create the collaboration culture in the civil system; 4.The development process of senior civil servant should take the thinking of “Position System” instead of “Career System”; 5.The range to implement SCS does not reach a consensus yet in Taiwan; 6.The prescript of the open recruitment is lack of the widely discussion; 7.The TOP(Take Off Program for Senior Civil Service) is inefficient the link between promotion and recruitment of SCS; 8.The skills of performance evaluation should consider highly of the performance of the group(or team); 9.The Performance Related Pay(PRP)should combine the performance agreement and the terms of contract of SCS; 10.The Examination Yuan should to negotiate the core subjects of SCS between the different departments to get their supports. This research makes six policy suggestions to reach the conclusions above:1. To confirm the institution logics and legislative purposes of SCS in Taiwan;2. The range of open recruitment of SCS should enact with the different phase; 3. The open positions for external competitor could implement to specific positions in the beginning; 4. To improve the linkage of developmental training between promotion and recruitment; 5. The mechanism of performance pay should combine the plan of performance agreement; 6.To enhance the quality of collaborative mechanism of Intergovernmental Relations to advance the useful consensus of SCS in Taiwan.

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