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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die intra- en interpersoonlike ontwikkeling en opleiding van die Christelike dienswerker : 'n prakties-teologiese studie / Alida Jemima (Mimie) van der Merwe

Van der Merwe, Alida Jemima January 2005 (has links)
The aim of this study is to indicate the necessity for training Christian workers and to formulate suitable criteria for undergraduate study. The central theoretical argument is that criteria regarding the effective training of Christian workers are lacking and should therefore be formulated. An increasing demand for healthy reformed-theological and ministry oriented undergraduate training of Christian workers, calls for an interesting and new challenge for the departments of Practical Theology at Theological Faculties in South Africa and worldwide. The first aim of this study was to determine which possible Scriptural perspectives exist on the intra- and interpersonal development of the believer. The basis-theoretical perspective showed a distinct relationship and interdependency between the development of emotive and spiritual skills. Both form an integral part of the believer's process of growth towards spiritual maturity and maturity of faith. The second aim was to examine the contributions of other relevant disciplines. Regarding the metatheoretical perspective, emotive training is considered increasingly important. Disciplines such as Sociology. Psychology, Psycho Neurology and Social Work contributes interesting perspectives on the intra- and interpersonal development of the individual. This knowledge has to be taken into account when a scientifically answerable training course for Christian workers is to be developed. Empirical research clearly showed the need for ministry oriented undergraduate training of Christian workers, which should include the development of intra- and interpersonal skills. The third goal was reached by integrating the basis- and meta-theoretical perspectives, and by laying down guidelines for this new field of practice. The researcher evaluated relevant study material of the above-mentioned disciplines and integrated the information into criteria for a new theo-psychosocial study course for undergraduate training of Christian workers. / Thesis (M.A. (Pastoral))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006

Die intra- en interpersoonlike ontwikkeling en opleiding van die Christelike dienswerker : 'n prakties-teologiese studie / Mimie van der Merwe

Van der Merwe, Alida Jemima January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Pastoral))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

Die intra- en interpersoonlike ontwikkeling en opleiding van die Christelike dienswerker : 'n prakties-teologiese studie / Alida Jemima (Mimie) van der Merwe

Van der Merwe, Alida Jemima January 2005 (has links)
The aim of this study is to indicate the necessity for training Christian workers and to formulate suitable criteria for undergraduate study. The central theoretical argument is that criteria regarding the effective training of Christian workers are lacking and should therefore be formulated. An increasing demand for healthy reformed-theological and ministry oriented undergraduate training of Christian workers, calls for an interesting and new challenge for the departments of Practical Theology at Theological Faculties in South Africa and worldwide. The first aim of this study was to determine which possible Scriptural perspectives exist on the intra- and interpersonal development of the believer. The basis-theoretical perspective showed a distinct relationship and interdependency between the development of emotive and spiritual skills. Both form an integral part of the believer's process of growth towards spiritual maturity and maturity of faith. The second aim was to examine the contributions of other relevant disciplines. Regarding the metatheoretical perspective, emotive training is considered increasingly important. Disciplines such as Sociology. Psychology, Psycho Neurology and Social Work contributes interesting perspectives on the intra- and interpersonal development of the individual. This knowledge has to be taken into account when a scientifically answerable training course for Christian workers is to be developed. Empirical research clearly showed the need for ministry oriented undergraduate training of Christian workers, which should include the development of intra- and interpersonal skills. The third goal was reached by integrating the basis- and meta-theoretical perspectives, and by laying down guidelines for this new field of practice. The researcher evaluated relevant study material of the above-mentioned disciplines and integrated the information into criteria for a new theo-psychosocial study course for undergraduate training of Christian workers. / Thesis (M.A. (Pastoral))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006

Exploring Perceptions of Accountability Practices Used in Social Services

Williamson, Tankiya L 01 January 2018 (has links)
As required by the Government Performance Results Act of 1993, the use of performance measurements in social service organizations to measure outcome data has increased expectations of efficient outcomes in service delivery. This study addressed the problem of inefficient service delivery in nonprofit human service organizations from the perspective of direct service staff responsible for service provision. The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study was to explore how direct service staff in nonprofit organizations perceive their individual contributions to the overall goal of providing efficient quality service. Principal agent theory framed the inquiry regarding how direct service staff working in nonprofit human service organizations perceive the nature and value of using performance measurements as required by law. Data were collected from 5 direct service workers through semi-structured interviews and analyzed for content themes using Ethnograph software. The results of this study indicated direct service workers perceive organizational efficiency related to how well they do their jobs and not overall at the organizational level. In addition, participants identified job training and more open communication with management to understand how organizational level goals would be valued to do their jobs effectively. This study contributes to social change by informing those who develop nonprofit human services policy and practice of the potential for further staff training curriculum and improvements to the organizational accountability culture.

Använda metoder från Progressive Web Application för att lösa specifika problem i en webapplikation

Carlbom, Carolina January 2019 (has links)
Computers and similar units are taking a larger part in our lives and we expect ourwork tools to operate the same way the applications in our private units do. Qpick is awarehouse management software in the shape of a web application that is used onhandheld units with the operating system Android, and desktops with the operatingsystem Windows. The purpose of this thesis is to test and examine which well knowntechnical solutions can be used to solve specific problems in a web application.The study is a case study focusing on the software Qpick. To answer the thesis´ tworesearch questions, two Qpick users were interviewed and observed during a shift.Qpicks´ product owner and a Qpick technician were interviewed. The application wasexamined and underwent performance testing, before and after the implementation oftechnical solutions.The result proved that implementing a service worker is a solution to handle lack ofinternet access. Caching of resources is a solution to lower the load on the web serveras well as speeding up the application and making it more responsive. AJAX is asolution to keep the application up to date without having to update the wholeapplication, and not send or receive more information than necessary. localStorage isa solution to store data in the browser. / Tekniken blir en allt större del av vår vardag och vi förväntar oss att våraarbetsredskap ska fungera på samma sätt som applikationerna på våra privata enhetergör. Qpick är en lagerhanteringsmjukvara i form av en webapplikation som användspå handdatorer med operativsystem Android samt truckdatorer med operativsystemetWindows. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att bepröva välkända tekniska lösningarför att lösa specifika problem i en webapplikation.Studien är en fallstudie med inriktning på programmet Qpick, för att besvara studienstvå forskningsfrågor har två Qpick-användare intervjuats och observerats under ettarbetspass. Vidare har Qpicks produktägare samt en Qpick.tekniker intervjuats.Applikationen granskades och genomgick prestandatester både före och efterimplementation av tekniska lösningar.Resultatet visade att implementera en service worker är en lösning för att hanterabristande internetåtkomst, cachning av resurser är en lösning för att minska tryck påwebservern samt göra applikationen snabbare och mer responsiv. AJAX är en lösningför att hålla applikationen uppdaterad utan att behöva uppdatera hela sidans innehåll,och inte skicka och ta emot mer innehåll än det som faktiskt är nödvändigt.localStorage är en lösning för att lagra data i webbläsaren.

Arbete med aktivering : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare arbetar med aktivering av försörjningsstödstagare / Work with activation : A qualitative study on how social service workers work with activation of the welfare receivers

Forssén, Tatiana, Åkerberg, Dennis January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera hur socialsekreterare arbetar med aktivering av försörjningsstödstagare och vilka faktorer som påverkar arbetet med aktiveringen. Materialet för studien består av fyra intervjuer med socialsekreterare som arbetar med ekonomiskt bistånd i en kommun i Sverige. Resultaten visar att aktivering av arbetslösa försörjningsstödstagare utförs i form av jobbaktivering eller resursaktivering. Alla intervjuade socialsekreterare ser på aktivering som en bra och nödvändig åtgärd, som både har en stöttande och kontrollerande funktion med tyngdpunkt på stöd. Vidare visar resultaten att det finns faktorer på tre nivåer som påverkar arbete med aktivering: Samhällsnivå: Socialtjänstlagen, arbetsmarknaden, politiska beslut, skärpta regelverk, information och samverkan; Organisationsnivå: otydligt uppdrag, riktlinjer och kriterier; resursbrist, tidsbrist, arbetsbelastning, bristande samverkan, bristande information; Individnivå: socialsekreterarens erfarenhet och utbildning, syn på aktivering; klienteras utbildning, arbetslivserfarenheter, motivation, socialkompetens och eventuella individuell problematik, önskningar, mål och syn på framtid, tidigare erfarenheter av kontakt med socialtjänsten. / The purpose with this paper is to study how social service workers work with activation of welfare receivers, and witch elements that influence the work with activation. The material for the study consists of four interviews with social service workers that work with financial assistance in a municipality in Sweden. The results show that activation of unemployed benefit claimants are carried out in the form of job activation or resource activation. All the interviewed social service workers share a view on activation as a good and necessary line, that have both a supporting and controlling functions with emphasis on support. Furthermore the results show that there are three levels that influence the activation of the welfare receivers: Social aspects: SoL, labour market, political decisions, stringent regulations, information and collaboration; Organization aspects: unclear mission, guidelines and criteria, lack of resources, lack of time, workload, insufficient collaboration and insufficient information; Individual aspects: the social service workers experience and education, view upon activation; clients’ education, working experience, motivation, social competence and eventual individual problems, wishes, goals and view upon the future, earlier experiences of contact with the social service.

MAKTASPEKTEN I MÖTET MELLAN KLIENT OCH SOCIALSEKRETERARE – en forskningsöversikt, utifrån maktens fyra ansikten / POWER DIMENSIONS IN THE INTERACTION BETWEEN THE CLIENT AND THE SOCIAL SERVICE WORKER - a research review, illustrated with the four dimensions of power

Botonić, Emina, Ylikorpi, Katri January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna forskningsöversikt är att undersöka hur makt och maktrelationer beskrivs och teoretiseras i forskningen mellan socialsekreterare och klient med fokus på klientens beskrivningar. Denna studie är en integrativ och kvalitativ forskningsöversikt med en abduktiv ansats, där 29 tidigare studier har tematiserats och analyserats med hjälp av maktens fyra ansikten. Studien påvisar att maktbegreppet är ett komplext och svårdefinierat begrepp. Studien visar hur makten kan betraktas utifrån maktens fyra ansikten inom det sociala arbetet i mötet mellan klienten och socialsekreteraren. Vidare diskuteras rekommendationer gällande maktaspekten för det sociala arbetet utifrån olika studier samt rekommendationer för fortsatt forskning. Det är viktigt att klienternas perspektiv, såsom upplevelsen av makt och kontroll, tas upp angående deras möte med de professionella. Eftersom mötet och relationen mellan socialsekreterare och klient är en av de grundläggande faktorerna för ett bra samarbete är studier som denna viktiga att genomföra. Studien påvisar även hur viktigt det är att uppmärksamma maktobalansen, detta för att kunna medföra en medvetenhet hos de professionella inom socialt arbete om den påverkan och upplevelse som klienterna erfar av de ojämlika maktrelationerna. / The purpose of this research review is to examine how power and power relations are described and theorized in research between social worker and client, focusing on the client's descriptions. This study is an integrative and qualitative research review with an abductive approach where 29 previous studies have been thematized and analyzed by means of the four dimensions of power. This study demonstrates that the concept of power is a complex and difficult concept to define. The study shows how power in social work can be viewed with the perspective from the four dimensions of power in the interaction between the client and the social service worker. Furthermore the study discusses different recommendations regarding the power dimensions in social work based on various studies and recommendations for further research. It is important that the clients' perspective, such as the experience of power and control, is noticed regarding their encounters with the professionals. Since the encounter and the relationship between the social service worker and the client are one of the main factors for a good collaboration studies like these are important to conduct. The study also shows the importance of bringing awareness to the imbalance of power, to thenceforth bring awareness to the professionals of social work about the impact and experience which clients experience in unequal power relations.

Evaluation of Security of ServiceWorker and Related APIs

Kravchenko, Maxim January 2018 (has links)
The Service Worker is a programmable proxy that allows the clients to keep offline parts of websites or even the whole domains, receive push notifications, have back-ground synchronization and other features. All of these features are available to the user without having to install an application - the user only visits a website. The service worker has gained popularity due to being a key component in the Progressive Web Applications (PWAs). PWAs have already proven to drastically increase the number of visits and the duration of browsing for websites such as Forbes [1], Twitter [2], and many others. The Service Worker is a powerful tool, yet it is hard for clients to understand the security implications of it. Therefore, all modern browser install the service workers without asking the client. While this offers many conveniences to the user, this powerful technology introduces new security risks. This thesis takes a closer look at the structure of the service worker and focuses on the vulnerabilities of its components. After the literature analysis and some testing using the demonstrator developed during this project, the vulnerabilities of the service worker components are classified and presented in the form of the vulnerability matrix; the mitigations to the vulnerabilities are then outlined, and the two are summarized in the form of security guidelines.

Prevence syndromu vyhoření u pracovníků v terénních sociálních službách na Mladoboleslavsku / Preventing occupational burnout among field social workers in the Mladá Boleslav District

Brodská, Martina January 2017 (has links)
Occupational burnout is a serious and increasingly discussed topic. Its serious consequences do not affect only workers employed in social services, but also employees of individual facilities. Appropriate prevention could help to stop the loss of qualified workers. This thesis explores possible preventive measures against the burnout focusing among field social workers in the Mladá Boleslav District. The theoretical part of this thesis defines occupational burnout, describes its causes of origin, phases, its disease pattern, treatment, prevention including specific risks related to this profession. The final chapter focuses on the possibilities of personal development aimed at preventing the occurrence of occupational burnout. For the practical part, a combined research method was selected applying the quantitative approach of questionnaires for social service workers together with a qualitative method of conducting interviews with senior executives. The results are presented in verbal as well as graphical form. The aim of this research was to find out about the level of prevention among selected social service workers in Mladá Boleslav. By comparing the results, it was established that the prevention level by both employers and individual workers is satisfactory. Most workers enjoy what they do,...

Implementering av Signs of Safety-modellen. : En fallstudie utförd på en barn- och ungdomsenhet inom socialtjänsten.

Karlsson, Jessica, Åkerlund, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this qualitative case study was to examine social service workers and managers approach towards the implementation of the Signs-of-Safety (SoS) model and their comprehension of working with the model. This study took place at a children and youth unit at a social service office in Stockholm. The empiric is based on three qualitative semistructured interviews and participant observations. The result was analyzed by definitions from Hasenfeld’s Human service organizations (HSO), Lipsky’s and Johansson’s definitions of "street-level bureaucrats", and room for manoeuvre. Lundquist’s definitions of "understand", "want" and "can" was also used, as well as the core-components that Fixsen, Naoom, Blase, Friedman och Wallace draw together of a successful implementation. The main result of the study indicates that the SoS-model contributes to the participation of children and parents and that it is complicated to implement the SoS-model in such a specialized organization. The study’s result also shows that the implementation is promoted by the support and the resources of every level in the organization and the fact that the initiative came from the street-level bureaucrats. The documentary system that comes with the BBIC is complicated to combinate with the SoS-model and therefore this might become a restricting effect.

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