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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Measures to Facilitate Necessity Entrepreneurship : Western Cape South Africa

Macura, Alexander, Sjölund, John January 2005 (has links)
Problem- In the townships and rural areas of the Western Cape province of South Africa unemployment can be as high as 60%. For many, starting a business is the only viable option to survive. There are many organizations seeking to help entrepreneurs to successfully start and manage a business, but services are significantly lacking. We therefore wish to determine what business service providers in the Western Cape are doing today to help necessity entrepreneurs succeed, and what can be done better in the future to facilitate entrepreneurship in the region. Purpose- The purpose of our research is to identify measures necessary to facilitate successful entrepreneurial start-up activities in the Western Cape province of South Africa for necessity entrepreneurs. Method- To address our purpose we have used snowball sampling to conduct six in-depth interviews with necessity entrepreneurs and eight with Business Service Providers using semistructured interviews. In addition, we have utilized convenience sampling to interview 27 necessity entrepreneurs with whom we conducted brief interviews. Results- From our research it can be concluded that the most important measure necessary to facilitate entrepreneurship for necessity entrepreneurs in the Western Cape is to increase the entrepreneurial capacity of the people. People must be provided with the resources to develop the skills and mindsets necessary to succeed as an entrepreneur and see entrepreneurship as a way of making a career. Secondly, resources must be diverted so that those necessity entrepreneurs with a viable business plan and necessary capacities are provided financial assistance to establish their business. Thirdly, the provincial government must make significant improvements in the abilities of entrepreneurs to access markets. Currently entrepreneurs cannot efficiently access markets and are thereby withheld from valuable business opportunities. Fourthly, the services offered by business service providers must be made more effective and achieve a much greater standard of quality in order to help those most in need better. We are optimistic with regards to development of entrepreneurship in the Western Cape, but must emphasize the fact that there is a significant need for change with regards to services offered to necessity entrepreneurs.

Den serviceanställdes användande av humor, charm och flirt i kundmötet / The Service Employees’ Use of Humour, Charm and Flirt in the Customer Interaction

Andrén, Gustav, Pettersson, Sara January 2009 (has links)
Abstract   This essay is written to answer the questions of why, how and against who employees in the service sector use humour, charm and flirt in the interaction with their customers. The service management research is quite extensive, but despite this the research partly misses studies around why employees tend to act in certain ways while interacting with their customers. To understand the reasons of why they act in these particular ways, we need to know which factors that can be crucial when it comes to the employees’ behaviour in these situations. By knowing the underlying reasons of using a special way to communicate with customers, it is much easier to achieve a clearer overview of the subject. That is why we also have studied if the employees tend to act different the moment they start the daily work, by taking on a mask or play a role. Of course many factors can play a ruling role in this quite wide concept, and that is why we have delimited the study to contain what we believe is the most important and revealing research within the service management discourse. To get to this understanding we formulated some questions to answer. These questions are the following.  Why does service employees use humour, charm and flirt in the customer interaction? In which ways does the use of humour, charm and flirt show? Against whom does service employees use humour, charm and flirt? Is there a connection between the concepts humour, charm and flirt? By interviewing employees within the service sector we came to the conclusion that they use humour, charm and flirt to create a pleasant atmosphere for the customer. The employees also mentioned that it is more fun to work in a positive atmosphere. The use of humour, charm and flirt was mostly described as something that was adapted to every single customer. That means that the use humour, charm and flirt could imply several different things as for example joking, being rude in a friendly way and it could sometimes even mean verbally flirting, but in a friendly way, with regulars. The employees’ use of humour, charm or flirt was explained as something that was applied on many customer, depending on the judgement that was made by the employee based on what signals the customer sends out. Finally, by exploring the concepts, we found that there is an explicit connection between them. You are able to see a quite clear connection between humour and charm as well as between charm and flirt, since charm tended to be an extension of both these concepts. Humour and flirt where also connected since for example one employee described flirt as something that was only used with regulars. The conclusion of this is that employees in these matters only flirt with people they know and with people they therefore can assume do not take it the wrong way. / Sammanfattning Denna uppsats är menad att besvara frågeställningarna varför, hur och mot vilka serviceanställda använder sig av humor, charm och flirt i kundmötet. Service managementforskningen är oerhört omfattande, trots detta saknas det delvis forskning kring anledningarna till serviceanställdas beteende gentemot sina kunder. För att förstå dessa olika typer av agerande behöver vi känna till de faktorer som kan vara avgörande i dessa situationer. Genom att känna till de bakomliggande skälen till ett visst förhållningssätt gentemot kunden, är det också lättare att uppnå en vidare förståelse inom ämnet. Det är bland annat därför vi också har studerat om de anställda, när de arbetar, tenderar att agera på ett annat sätt än de till vardags beter sig genom att exempelvis ikläda sig en roll eller "ta på sig en mask". Självklart är de faktorer som kan vara avgörande för resultatet i detta vida begrepp många, och därför har vi avgränsat oss till att endast ta upp sådan forskning som vi tycker är relevant, och för arbetet mest givande, inom service managementdiskursen. För att få en klarare bild av vad undersökningen i själva verket ska klargöra utformade vi fyra frågeställningar. Frågorna är följande. Varför använder sig anställda av humor, charm och flirt i kundmötet? Vilka konkreta uttryck tar sig användandet av humor, charm och flirt? Mot vilka personer används humor, charm och flirt? Finns det någon koppling mellan humor, charm och flirt? Genom att genomföra intervjuer med anställda inom servicesektorn kom vi fram till att de använder humor, charm och flirt för att skapa en trivsam atmosfär för kunden. De anställda nämnde att det också är roligare att arbeta i en miljö präglad av positivitet. Användandet av humor, charm och flirt blev mestadels beskrivet som något den anställde anpassade efter de olika kundernas enskilda behov. Detta innebär att tillämpandet kunde innefatta flera olika typer av beteende såsom skämtsamhet, oförskämdhet på ett vänskapligt sätt. Det kunde i vissa fall även innebära verbalt flirtande, också på ett vänskapligt sätt, då framförallt med stamgästerna. Användandet av humor, charm och flirt förklaras av intervjupersonerna som något som är applicerbart på många kunder, beroende på den bedömning av varje kund som den anställde utförde genom att tolka de olika signaler kunden sänder ut. Slutligen, genom att utforska de olika begreppen, kom vi fram till att det finns ett klart samband mellan dem. Mellan humor och charm samt mellan charm och flirt går det att se en tydlig koppling, då charm tenderar att fungera som någon sorts mellanting mellan de båda "extremerna" humor och flirt. Humor och flirt har också en liten koppling. En anställd säger till exempel att hon flirtar med sina stamgäster. Av detta drar vi slutsatsen att denna typ av flirt enbart uppstår då den anställde är bekant med gästen, varpå själva flirten blir mer humoristisk och vänskaplig. Den anställde kan därmed i högre grad anta att gästen inte tar flirten på fel sätt.

Coordination between Firms and their Logistics Service Providers : What do Firms in Sweden Think About the Coordination Carried Out by their LSPs?

Tamasiunas, Antanas, Pang, Jinxu January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis 5 Swedish companies that use logistics service providers (LSPs: carriers, intermediaries and third party logistics providers) are interviewed to establish how Swedish LSPs fare in terms on coordination. More specifically, the research is focused on answering 3 questions: (1) what are users’ perceptions about their LSPs’ coordination, (2) what coordination behaviors are the LSPs most and least successful in, and (3) what factors are affecting LSPs’ coordination.

GAP i efterfrågan : En undersökning om efterfrågan på miljövänliga transporter

Rehnström, Simon, Almlöf, Linnea January 2013 (has links)
Purpose: Corporations today see a greater responsibility towards society regarding the environmental impact of their actions, using available transportation options that are more eco-friendly can reduce this impact significantly. Martinsen and Björklund (2012) identifies a set of gaps between supply and demand of green logistics services. This paper aims to address what it is that affects the demand for these alternative solutions and what could be done to increase the usage of them, thereby decreasing this gap. Design/methodology/approach: A quantitative study with six Logistics Service Providers (LSP) and 24 companies that purchase transportation services, all operating in Sweden. Data is collected through semi-structured telephone interviews with people responsible for the purchasing of transports as well as key account managers within the service providing companies. Findings: Just as the LSP’s interviewed in this paper thought, the main focus of the transport buying companies are the costs. Therefore paying extra only to benefit the environment and not the economy of the company is not something a lot of companies are prepared to do at this time. However there are solutions such as intermodality which are highly demanded, these are often both cost effective and more environmentally friendly, the problem as many companies see it, is that the rail network needs to expand to be able to cover bigger areas and increase the capacity. Research limitations/implications: The research paper focuses on companies operating on the Swedish market, for that reason findings cannot be generalized to other countries and sectors. Practical implications: Findings can be used by LSP’s and political decision making parties to get a better understanding of the demand for this type of services and what is perceived as important by the customers. Originality/value: There is a lack of earlier studies that mainly focus on the demand of more environmentally friendly transport services. Therefore a study of this kind is important to create an understanding and thereby improve the overall situation on the market in terms of environmental sustainability.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) impacts as selection criteria when buying services from Third Party Logistics (TPL) providers: A case study of ITAB Scanflow

Kiatkulthorn, Pakitta, Sathapornwanit, Thanaporn January 2012 (has links)
Introduction – People and society are more concerned about Corporate Social Responsibility as well as the demand of outsourcing logistics services. When buyer companies select TPL providers, the selection criteria are focused on cost and on time delivery, while issues like CSR are often placed in a low priority. Purpose – The purpose of this master thesis is to analyze how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) impacts as selection criteria when buying services from Third Party Logistics (TPL) providers. Design/Methodology – The research approach of this thesis is qualitative. Both primary data and secondary data collection were used; semi-structured interviews, emails, field observation and documentation. There are seven respondents from three different companies. Findings – From buyer companies’ perspective, CSR was taken into account when buying services from TPL providers. However, it had impact on a low priority since the buyer company chose leading TPL providers that have a good reputation and image. The buyer company believes that those selected TPL providers have already implemented CSR practice. Moreover, the results show that the main driving force behind the application of CSR was the customer requirement Research limitations – This master thesis has studied in a specific Swedish company when selecting TPL providers. Moreover, this research has been studied from the buyer companies’ perspective.

Using The EVA To Measure The Merger Performance Of BroadbandISP ~ Takes "Excite@Home" For Example

Yeh, Chun-Mei 02 August 2001 (has links)
¡iAbstract¡j After the disregulation of the telecommunication in Taiwan, Strategy Alliances become the hit among the companies. And the M&A is a great mass fervor in advanced countries. What we concern are if the alliance performance is the same with what the manger expect and how to measure the value of the enterprise. As we know, Sometimes the financial reports can¡¦t reflect the market value of a company. EVA (Economic Value Added) is a new indicator in financial field. It is aimed at the new hi-tech companies, which have little asset and high R&D abilities. The research is focused on the Excite@Home, the biggest broadband internet service provider (ISP) in the USA. Excite, the sixth internet content provider (ICP) in America, was merged by @Home in 1999. According to the conclusion, the marketing cost affect FGV so much, both of them are direct proportion. It means the marketing makes sense and increases the market value of the business when the merger occurred. But the margin advertising revenue didn¡¦t increase for a long time. Why? Because the integration of the merger didn¡¦t work out very well and people anticipate negatively for the company¡¦s future. Thus it can be seen the value drivers reflect the success or failure of their strategic decision. The result also shows the business model drives FGV. Taking the Excite@Home for example, FGV has huge variation accompany COV just a ripple when the company makes vast investment. In a word, when the strategic planning matches with the market expectation and it implement successfully, the FGV goes up so that the market value of the enterprise increases. On the contrary, either the failure operation or the wrong strategy makes FGV slump, even lower than COV.

Varför väljer företag/organisationer att använda en Application Service Provider (ASP)?

Augustsson, Fredrik January 2001 (has links)
<p>Outsourcing är en företeelse som, trots att den egentligen är relativt gammal, fått sitt genombrott under 1990-talet. En Application Service Provider (ASP) är en ny typ av företag som bygger vidare på konceptet för outsourcing. Genom att anlita en ASP kan ett företag/organisation få tillgång till applikationer utan att behöva köpa licenser eller hårdvara.</p><p>Det finns flera anledningar till att ett företag/organisation väljer att använda sig av ASP. Genom att intervjua företag/organisationer som använder ASP har en undersökning gjorts om vilka anledningar, så kallade faktorer, som varit avgörande då beslutet att anlita en ASP togs. Utgångspunkten för undersökningen har varit anledningar som ASP-marknaden och dess analytiker menar är orsaker till att ASP väljs. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att de faktorer företagen uppgett varit avgörande för beslutet att anlita en ASP i stor utsträckning överensstämmer med de kända anledningar ASP-marknaden och dess analytiker presenterat.</p>

Application Service Provider, lever modellen upp till förväntningarna?

Claesson, Peter January 2001 (has links)
<p>Allt sedan datorer började användas som en resurs i företag har mindre företag sett de höga kostnaderna dessa fört med sig. I slutet av 1990-talet skapas en modell som möjliggör att hyra program från en Application Service Provider, ASP. Med ASP-modellen följer ett flertal förväntningar och fördelar om vad modellen kan tillföra i framförallt mindre företag. De ska till exempel till lägre kostnader få tillgång till program som kan öka deras konkurrensförmåga. Denna rapports fråga är om modellen lever upp till dessa förväntningar hos kunderna.</p><p>Vid intervjuer som genomfördes med fem olika företag framkom bland annat att ASP-modellen kan möjliggöra ett minskat behov av egen IT-personal och att internt kunna ge användarsupport. ASP-leverantören tar istället över denna roll. ASP-modellen kan också hjälpa till att öka ett företags konkurrenskraft gentemot andra företag och sett ur ett helhetsperspektiv sänka företagets kostnader. Användningen av ASP-tjänster anses i flera fall ha levt upp till förväntningarna.</p>

Bör införandet av ”application service provider”- modellen medföra förändrat fokus för företags IT-avdelningar?

Gustafsson, Jonas January 2001 (has links)
<p>Denna rapport syftar till att besvara frågan om det är nödvändigt att göra omfördelningar av befintliga IT-resurser för att erhålla största möjliga nytta med application service provider-modellen (ASP-modellen). Rapporten besvarar även frågan om hur IT-avdelningens fokus hos en ASP-kund påverkats av det nya arbetssättet. De svar som presenteras i rapporten visar på att en omfördelning av IT-resurserna kan vara en bidragande orsak till att införandet av ASP anses lyckat. Vidare påvisar rapporten att efter att ASP införts försvinner vanligtvis en del av de tekniska arbetsuppgifterna och undersökningen som gjorts pekar mot att IT-avdelningen får ansvar för att ta fram krav för vidare samarbete med ASPn. Ansvaret yttrar sig genom att någon på företaget får ansvaret för att kontrollera om leverantören håller de servicenivåer som kontraktet fastställer. Slutligen pekar denna undersökning på att införandet av ASP-modellen inte medför att IT-avdelningen får ökat ansvar för att upprätta visioner och strategier för användandet av ASP-tjänster.</p>

Measures to Facilitate Necessity Entrepreneurship : Western Cape South Africa

Macura, Alexander, Sjölund, John January 2005 (has links)
<p>Problem- In the townships and rural areas of the Western Cape province of South Africa unemployment can be as high as 60%. For many, starting a business is the only viable option to survive. There are many organizations seeking to help entrepreneurs to successfully start and manage a business, but services are significantly lacking. We therefore wish to determine what business service providers in the Western Cape are doing today to help necessity entrepreneurs succeed, and what can be done better in the future to facilitate entrepreneurship in the region.</p><p>Purpose- The purpose of our research is to identify measures necessary to facilitate successful entrepreneurial start-up activities in the Western Cape province of South Africa for necessity entrepreneurs.</p><p>Method- To address our purpose we have used snowball sampling to conduct six in-depth interviews with necessity entrepreneurs and eight with Business Service Providers using semistructured interviews. In addition, we have utilized convenience sampling to interview 27 necessity entrepreneurs with whom we conducted brief interviews.</p><p>Results- From our research it can be concluded that the most important measure necessary to facilitate entrepreneurship for necessity entrepreneurs in the Western Cape is to increase the entrepreneurial capacity of the people. People must be provided with the resources to develop the skills and mindsets necessary to succeed as an entrepreneur and see entrepreneurship as a way of making a career. Secondly, resources must be diverted so that those necessity entrepreneurs with a viable business plan and necessary capacities are provided financial assistance to establish their business. Thirdly, the provincial government must make significant improvements in the abilities of entrepreneurs to access markets. Currently entrepreneurs cannot efficiently access markets and are thereby withheld from valuable business opportunities. Fourthly, the services offered by business service providers must be made more effective and achieve a much greater standard of quality in order to help those most in need better. We are optimistic with regards to development of entrepreneurship in the Western Cape, but must emphasize the fact that there is a significant need for change with regards to services offered to necessity entrepreneurs.</p>

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