Spelling suggestions: "subject:"delving"" "subject:"sheltering""
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Man måste ställa upp : Hylluppställning på svenska högskole- och specialbibliotek som klassificerar i DDC / Shelving Dewey : Shelving strategies among Swedish university and special libraries using the DDCEhn, Einar Gustav January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this master's thesis is to examine how shelving is organized among Swedish libraries that have switched from the Swedish classification system SAB to using the DDC, and what problems arise in this process. The method used is interviewing librarians at Swedish university and special libraries. The Swedish national library announced their swap to the DDC in 2008, and several libraries followed suit. The reported advantages with a switch were mainly that using an international classification system meant that Swedish libraries would no longer have to undertake a time consuming classification work, since most of the foreign literature already is Dewey classified. Disadvantages were that the DDC is not adapted to Swedish circumstances. Research on open shelving show that obtaining a browsable book collection requires a broad shelf classification. If libraries motivate their shelving solution by wanting browsable collections, efforts will be made to keep shelf classification broad enough. Certain categories have by tradition been shelved separately in Swedish libraries, and this study seeks to find out if a classification shift changes this custom, and if so, whether or not this is only attributable to the change of classification. Findings show that libraries motivated their swapping of classification mostly by the perceived flaws of the SAB system, and not by the promise of saving time, nor by the benefits of the DDC system. Most librarians seemed to lack sufficient knowledge of the DDC, which may be a reason why librarians claimed that the workload necessary to re-shelve the stock was the biggest drawback with switching to the DDC. Most libraries desired browsable shelves, and therefore used shelf lists to better be able to adapt the classification system to the stock. The custom of shelving certain categories separately survived the classification swap for some categories, but not for others. In the latter case this can be ascribed to a dwindling use of these specific categories by the patrons.
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Der Ort der Bücher in der Bibliothek und im Katalog am Beispiel von Herzog Augusts Wolfenbütteler BüchersammlungSchneider, Ulrich Johannes 17 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Jedes Buch begehrt viele Plätze und kann doch nur einen haben, jedenfalls im Regal. Das ist das zentrale Problem der Bibliothek: Ordnung heißt für sie Verortung. Bücher werden im Regal abgestellt, und wo immer sie stehen, verletzt und beschränkt das die Ordnungen, die sie entwerfen, in die sie sich selbst entworfen haben, in denen
sie entworfen werden. Die Frage WAS? wird in der
Bibliothek gekoppelt an die Frage WO?, und diese Koppelung war und ist sowohl ein Problem der Erkenntnis wie eines der Praxis des Umgangs mit Büchern, der sich durch die Bibliothek und mit der Bibliothek realisiert.
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The Effects of Extended Loan Period, Released Time, and Incentive Pay on Increasing Shelving and Shelf-Reading Productivity of Student Assistants in Academic LibrariesBanks, Julia Ann 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to determine if an extended loan period, released tine, and incentive pay increased the student assistants' shelving and shelf-reading rates. The first quasi-experiment utilized loan, time, and pay given across the board as motivators. Because the population for this study was small, a questionnaire, intended to strenghten the study's results by identifying additional libraries which effectively use similar motivational techniques, was mailed to the forty private university libraries throughout Texas. A second questionnaire polled the student participants about their feelings about shelving and shelf-reading and about the motivators used in the study. The second quasi-experiment motivated the student assistants by pay tied to productivity. Gender, grade point average, and academic classification were control variables for this study.
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Att organisera beståndet eller ”Äntligen hittar man!” : om hylluppställning och exponering på Arkenbiblioteket / Organizing the Collection : a Case Study on Library Shelving and Displays at ArkenbiblioteketGeijer, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is to examine how libraries can organize their collections in terms of library shelving and displays and to what extent these activities stem from a desire to create a user-friendly library. The thesis is based upon a case study of Arkenbiblioteket in Sweden and the material consists of a literature study and qualitative, semi-structured interviews with three librarians at Arkenbiblioteket. The theoretical framework consists of theories on information-seeking behavior, classification and displays. These theories form the basis of the analysis of the empirical material.The main reason for the changes in shelf arrangement at Arkenbiblioteket was a desire among the library staff to create a user-friendly library. Their experience of the previously used SAB classification system was that it was outdated and suited neither the collection nor the users’ information-seeking behavior. Many Swedish libraries have recently decided to change from SAB classification to the internationally used Dewey decimal classification. This, however, was not an option for Arkenbiblioteket as the staff believed that DDC, with its classification’s notation based on Arabic numerals, was likewise ill-suited for their users. As a result they created their own classification and shelving system using text in plain and colours for each category. Furthermore, the staff at Arkenbiblioteket focuses on library displays with commercial inspiration from bookshops. They work with face-front displaying techniques to inspire users. In conclusion, both the new shelving system and the library displays are designed to suit the users and their information-seeking behavior, whether they are conducting a specific search or merely browsing. The feedback from users on the new shelving system has been mainly positive.This study is a two years master’s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies.
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High fidelity readout and protection of a 43Ca+ trapped ion qubitSzwer, David James January 2009 (has links)
This thesis describes theoretical and experimental work whose main aim is the development of techniques for using trapped <sup>43</sup>Ca⁺ ions for quantum information processing. I present a rate equations model of <sup>43</sup>Ca⁺, and compare it with experimental data. The model is then used to investigate and optimise an electron-shelving readout method from a ground-level hyperfine qubit. The process is robust against common experimental imperfections. A shelving fidelity of up to 99.97% is theoretically possible, taking 100 μs. The laser pulse sequence can be greatly simplified for only a small reduction in the fidelity. The simplified method is tested experimentally with fidelities up to 99.8%. The shelving procedure could be applied to other commonly-used species of ion qubit. An entangling two-qubit quantum controlled-phase gate was attempted between a <sup>40</sup>Ca⁺ and a <sup>43</sup>Ca⁺ ion. The experiment did not succeed due to frequent decrystallisation of the ion pair, and strong motional decoherence. The source of the problems was never identified despite significant experimental effort, and the decision was made to suspend the experiments and continue them in an improved ion trap which is under construction. A sequence of pi-pulses, inspired by the Hahn spin-echo, was derived that is capable of greatly reducing dephasing of any qubit. If the qubit precession frequency varies with time as an nth-order polynomial, an (n+1) pulse sequence is theoretically capable of perfectly cancelling the resulting phase error. The sequence is used on a 43Ca+ magnetic-field-sensitive hyperfine qubit, with 20 pulses increasing the coherence time by a factor of 75 compared to an experiment without any spin-echo. In our ambient noise environment the well-known Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill dynamic-decoupling method was found to be comparably effective.
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Klassifikationslandschaft ÖsterreichLindpointner, Rudolf 18 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In der österreichischen Bibliothekenlandschaft waren bis vor einiger Zeit Klassifikationen kaum ein Thema, wenn doch dann für die Freihandaufstellung, wobei auch hier die sog. Haussystematiken bei weitem in der Überzahl waren und es auch weiterhin sind.
Erst in den letzten Jahren ist, verbunden mit dem Thema der Suchmaschinentechnologie, auch das Thema Klassifikationen wieder etwas in den Vordergrund gerückt, wobei in Österreich bisher vor allem die Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (RVK) und die Basisklassifikation (BK) angewendet werden, und auch das Interesse an der DDC wächst. Aber auch das Thema Aufstellung stellt sich für viele Bibliotheken in diesem Kontext erneut in dem Sinn, dass – im Zuge von Baumaßnahmen, aber teilweise auch aus grundsätzlichen Erwägungen – auch größere Bibliotheken ein Abgehen von vorhandenen Haussystematiken in Erwägung ziehen.
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Klassifikationslandschaft ÖsterreichLindpointner, Rudolf 18 January 2012 (has links)
In der österreichischen Bibliothekenlandschaft waren bis vor einiger Zeit Klassifikationen kaum ein Thema, wenn doch dann für die Freihandaufstellung, wobei auch hier die sog. Haussystematiken bei weitem in der Überzahl waren und es auch weiterhin sind.
Erst in den letzten Jahren ist, verbunden mit dem Thema der Suchmaschinentechnologie, auch das Thema Klassifikationen wieder etwas in den Vordergrund gerückt, wobei in Österreich bisher vor allem die Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (RVK) und die Basisklassifikation (BK) angewendet werden, und auch das Interesse an der DDC wächst. Aber auch das Thema Aufstellung stellt sich für viele Bibliotheken in diesem Kontext erneut in dem Sinn, dass – im Zuge von Baumaßnahmen, aber teilweise auch aus grundsätzlichen Erwägungen – auch größere Bibliotheken ein Abgehen von vorhandenen Haussystematiken in Erwägung ziehen.
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Der Ort der Bücher in der Bibliothek und im Katalog am Beispiel von Herzog Augusts Wolfenbütteler BüchersammlungSchneider, Ulrich Johannes 17 July 2014 (has links)
Jedes Buch begehrt viele Plätze und kann doch nur einen haben, jedenfalls im Regal. Das ist das zentrale Problem der Bibliothek: Ordnung heißt für sie Verortung. Bücher werden im Regal abgestellt, und wo immer sie stehen, verletzt und beschränkt das die Ordnungen, die sie entwerfen, in die sie sich selbst entworfen haben, in denen
sie entworfen werden. Die Frage WAS? wird in der
Bibliothek gekoppelt an die Frage WO?, und diese Koppelung war und ist sowohl ein Problem der Erkenntnis wie eines der Praxis des Umgangs mit Büchern, der sich durch die Bibliothek und mit der Bibliothek realisiert.
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Návrh marketingové strategie pro firmu ITAB, s.r.o. na rumunském trhu / Proposal of the Marketing Strategy for ITAB, s.r.o. on the Romanian MarketsKoudela, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to design a marketing strategy. The first part presents theoretical knowledge of marketing, marketing strategy, competitive analysis and methods of penetration for new markets. In second part is introduced the company and made the analysis of the current situation. Furthermore, this work deals with analysis of the situation and competition on the Romanian markets (searching for potential distributors and their evaluation). On the basis of analysis is proposed appropriate marketing strategies, options of the penetration to the markets and costing. These options are then evaluated and selected the most appropriate.
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Optimalizace organizace knihovního fondu Knihovny společenských věd T. G. Masaryka v Jinonicích (s důrazem na volný výběr dokumentů) / Optimalization of the organization of the T.G. Masaryk Library of Social Science's book collection (with emphasis on open access shelves)Slabochová, Jitka January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis deals with an issue of optimizing organization of the library shelves in the T.G. Masaryk Library of Social Sciences in Jinonice. The first part focuses on theory and defines basic concepts of organizing open access shelves. The next part provides a comparison of open access collections in selected libraries with particular emphasis on methods of books shelving. The core part describes rearrangement of the Library's collection on the basis of implementing new categorization scheme ordered in a subject-territory manner. The thesis also presents results of a survey asking whether this new arrangement enables more effective searching in the Library's open access collection.
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