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[pt] Firmas que distribuem suas próprias marcas via lojas monomarca – as varejistas de marcas internacionais (VMI) –, em sua maioria oriundas de países desenvolvidos, têm se expandido para países emergentes. Embora as estratégias de expansão adotadas pelas VMI em países emergentes apresentem variações, essas firmas parecem ter adotado um padrão geral em mercados emergentes, qual seja, a localização de lojas – quase que de forma exclusiva – em shopping centers (SC). Tal preferência não encontra paralelo em mercados de destino desenvolvidos, nos quais comércios de rua e lojas de departamento são fortes concorrentes de SC. Por seu turno, SC de países emergentes, em busca de aumentarem sua atratividade perante seu público-alvo, atribuem especial valor às marcas de apelo global distribuídas pelas VMI. Consequentemente, nota-se interdependência entre as VMI originárias de países desenvolvidos e os SC de países emergentes, fenômeno que pode ser analisado sob a ótica das abordagens de redes de relacionamentos interorganizacionais. Esta tese teve por objetivo investigar as influências dos relacionamentos com SC brasileiros no processo de internacionalização varejista das VMI originárias de países desenvolvidos, no que tange às decisões de entrada (seleção de mercados, modo de entrada e adaptação do mix de marketing) e de pós-entrada (expansão intramercado). Em virtude da natureza exploratória do estudo e de carência de literatura que explique o relacionamento em foco, realizou-se um estudo de caso do fenômeno no Brasil, composto por entrevistas em profundidade – cuja unidade de análise é o relacionamento entre as VMI e as empresas que atuam de forma especializada como proprietárias, desenvolvedoras e gerenciadoras de um portfólio de SC, as empresas de SC (ESC) – e por uma análise descritiva da indústria de SC brasileira, com abordagem de redes. Os resultados indicam que há influências dos relacionamentos com SC no processo de internacionalização das VMI, no que tange às decisões de entrada e de pós-entrada (expansão intramerca do). Nas decisões de entrada, mais do que simples provedores de espaços locatícios, as ESC atuaram como um pull factor no ingresso das VMI no mercado brasileiro; enquanto que nas decisões de expansão intramercado, as ESC foram o principal orientador das decisões expansionistas das VMI dentro do Brasil, representando um push factor no ingresso em mercados regionais. Tais influências de SC são decorrentes da posição ocupada pelas ESC na rede varejista brasileira, notadamente com relação aos aspectos de alta centralidade e de alta reputação, caracterizados a) pelo domínio que exercem sobre os espaços qualificados para as lojas das VMI, SC que representam uma ilha de desenvolvimento no país; b) pelos relacionamentos que têm com vários atores e c) pelo seu porte, tradição e expertise varejista. O presente estudo contribuiu para a literatura sobre internacionalização varejista ao a) investigar o processo de internacionalização específico de VMI para mercados emergentes, b) ampliar o conhecimento sobre atividades que ocorrem após a entrada das VMI no mercado de destino, c) destacar o papel das redes de relacionamentos no processo de internacionalização varejista, e d) identificar a relevância dos SC que, mais do que meros provedores de espaços varejistas, são atores determinantes na viabilização da operação das VMI em mercados emergentes. / [en] Firms that distribute their own brands via mono-brand stores – the so called international branded retailers (IBR) – mostly originated from developed markets, have expanded to emerging markets. Although the expansion strategies adopted by IBR in emerging markets vary, these firms seem to have adopted a general pattern in emerging markets, namely, the preference for the installation of stores in shopping centers (SC), an industry that has increasingly replaced the urban spaces in these markets. This preference is not observed in developed markets, where street commerce and department stores are strong competitors of SC. In turn, SC in emerging markets, as they seek to increase their attractiveness towards their target segments, derive particular value from the overall appeal of the brands distributed by IBR. Consequently, there is interdependence between the IBR from developed markets and the SC in emerging markets, a phenomenon that can be analyzed from the perspective of networks. This dissertation investigates the influences of the relationships with Brazilian SC over the retail internationalization process of IBR, originated from developed markets, regarding entry decisions (market selection, entry mode and marketing mix adaptation) and post entry decisions (intra-market expansion). Due to the exploratory nature of the study and the lack of literature that explains the focused relationship, a case study in Brazil was conducted, composed by in-depth interviews, in which the unit of analysis was the relationship between IBR and specialized firms operating as owners, developers and managers of an SC portfolio (SCF), and a descriptive analysis of the SC industry in Brazil under a network approach. The findings indicate that there are influences of the relationships with SC on the internationalization process of IBR, regarding entry decisions and intra-market expansion. As for entry decisions, SCF represented a pull factor in the entry of IBR in the Brazilian market; whereas in intra-market expansion decisions, SCF were the main driver of expansionary decisions of IBR within Brazil, representing a push factor in the entry in the Brazilian regional markets. The influences of SC arise from their position in the Brazilian network, notably with regard to high centrality and high reputation, characterized by a) their occupation of qualified spaces for stores of IBR, thus representing a development island in the country; b) the relationships they have with various actors and c) their size, tradition and retail expertise. This study contributes to the literature on retail internationalization since it a) investigates the process of internationalization of IBR into emerging markets, b) increases knowledge about the activities that take place after the entry of IBR in a target market, c) highlights the role of network relationships in the retail internationalization process, and d) identifies the relevance of SC as key actors in facilitating IBR operations in emerging markets.
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Blickbeteende i dagligvaruhandel online : En eye-tracking studie om i vilken mån användares ögonrörelser avviker från förväntatmönster vid hunger och mättnadskänsla under onlineshopping av mat / Gazing behavior in online grocery shopping : An eye tracking study about how much users gazing patterns deviate from an expected pattern when they are being hungry or fullLarsson, Arvid, Olsson, Petra January 2017 (has links)
Our study aims to investigate if people who are hungry are affected by that when shopping groceries online. Nine people participated in two user tests, one in the morning, just before lunch and one in the afternoon, just after lunch. They were asked not to eat any breakfast if they were to conduct a test in the morning. This meant that the participants would be hungry in one of the cases and full in the other. The study was based on the participants being able to add groceries to the cart from a list that was read for them. They did this in two different interfaces, coop.se and ica.se, while an eye tracker logged their eye movements. The study was supplemented with surveys that determined whether the participants were hungry or full after each test and a final survey with the participants' preferences, BMI and habits in digital interfaces. After the study was completed we looked for deviations to see if the hunger affected the number of deviations and what the participants were looking for. Deviations were calculated partly as the number of products viewed as not belonging to the task, and partly as products with a high number of calories. Specially viewed products include sauces, breakfast products and ready meals and recipes. A distinction between the two interfaces could be found in that one interface received more deviations than the other. A significant difference in the number of data deviations between morning and afternoon could not be determined, on the other hand, at a 10% level of significance, we could determine that there was a difference between the different interfaces and that the subjects deviated more the first time the test was performed. We were able to contradict our hypothesis, that people would deviate with their eyes more when they are hungry than when they are not. Our results show, rather that other factors are crucial to what affects the deviations, such as which interface you’re in and whether it's the first time you do grocery shopping online. / Vår undersökning ämnar ta reda på om personer som är hungriga påverkas av den aspekten när de handlar mat på internet. Nio deltagare gjorde två användartester, ett på förmiddagen, precis innan lunch och ett på eftermiddagen, precis efter lunch. Detta för att personerna skulle känna sig hungriga i ett fall och känna sig mätta i det andra. Personerna blev ombedda att inte äta någon frukost om de skulle utföra ett test på förmiddagen. Undersökningen gick ut på att deltagarna fick handla från en uppläst inhandlingslista i två olika gränssnitt, coop.se samt ica.se, medan en eye-tracker loggade deras ögonrörelser. Undersökningen kompletterades med enkäter som fastställde om deltagarna var hungriga eller mätta efter varje undersökning och en avslutande med deltagarnas matpreferenser, BMI och vana i digitala gränssnitt. Därefter letade vi avvikelser för att se huruvida hungern påverkade antalet avvikelser och vad deltagarna tittade på för varor. Avvikelser räknades dels som antalet varor man titta på som inte tillhörde uppgiften, och dels som varor med högt antal kalorier. Särskilt förekommande varor var bland annat såser, frukostprodukter och färdiga maträtter och recept. En skillnad mellan de två gränssnitten kunde hittas i form av att det ena gränssnittet fick fler antal avvikelser än det andra. En signifikant skillnad i antal uppgiftsavvikelser mellan förmiddag och eftermiddag kunde inte fastslås, däremot kunde vi på en 10% signifikansnivå fastslå att det var en skillnad mellan de olika gränssnitten och att försökspersonerna avvek mer den första gången man fick utföra testet. Vår hypotes, att personer skulle avvika med blicken mer när de är hungriga än när de inte är det, kan vi i efterhand dementera. Våra resultat visar snarare på att andra faktorer är avgörande för vad som påverkar blickavvikelserna, såsom gränssnitt och om det är första gången man handlar mat online.
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The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on consumer buying behavior towards online shopping in SwedenAssadi Moghaddam, Payam, Fedak, Tobias January 2022 (has links)
Background The covid-19 pandemic has been an inescapable tragedy that affects all countries and their economic systems. Due to Covid-19, e-commerce has risen and people more and more purchase goods online. Therefore, it's critical to identify and assess the effects of these behavioral changes on Swedish customers' online purchase intentions and to evaluate the impact on future intentions for online shopping. Purpose From an online consumers’ perspective, investigate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on customer buying behavior towards online shopping explored through the Theory of Planned Behavior. Method In this thesis qualitative methodology is used by the authors which has been noticed by using an inductive approach that is based on positivism and it involved 10 semi-structured interviews with Swedish customers in different cities of various ages. Conclusion Based on the results, it is observed that there is a slight increase in Swedish customers' online shopping levels during the Covid-19 pandemic, but many of our participants' behaviors do not appear to indicate that the pandemic has had a significant impact on their online shopping habits. Instead, other components of the TPB model appear to be having a greater impact on our respondents' future intentions.
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Hur fungerar mobilshopping i praktiken? : En studie om hur konsumenter använder sin smartphone för att shoppa på olika sätt / How does mobile shopping work in practice? : A study of how consumers usetheir smartphone in different ways to shopSpjut, Anila, Ek, Malou January 2022 (has links)
Sedan början på 2000-talet har det skett en förvandling i detaljhandelslandskapet. Flera företag har valt att övergå från fysisk butik till att istället bedriva e-handel. I samband med smartphonens ökade användning har detaljhandelslandskapet förändrats ytterligare, där tekniken möjliggjort ett nytt sätt för konsumenter att förhålla sig till shopping. Smartphonen har alltså blivit ett verktyg som tillämpas i konsumenters vardag och tillkommer i flera shoppingrelaterade syften. Tidigare forskning kring mobilshopping kan delas in i två fält; forskning som fokuserar på acceptans, motiv och incitament, och sedan forskning som fokuserar på praktiker och handlingar. Med tanke på att det sistnämnda fältet är så pass outforskat, har denna studie antagit ett praktikteoretiskt perspektiv för att på ett djupare plan kunna analysera hur mobilshopping fungerar i praktiken. Syfte Syftet med vår studie är att få en bredare insikt i hur mobilshopping fungerar i praktiken genom att analysera hur konsumenter använder sin smartphone på olika sätt för att shoppa. Detta genom att anta en praktikteoretisk ansats för att analysera fenomenet mobilshopping. Metod Studien utgår från en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där 15 semistrukturerade intervjuer ligger till grund för datainsamlingen. Ytterligare har studien antagit ett praktikteoretiskt perspektiv, där sekundärdata samlats in kring praktikteori som fenomen, både praktikteori kopplat till konsumtion samt praktikteori kopplat till mobilshopping. Uppsatsen utgår således från ett urval som baseras på livssituationen hos de olika deltagarna för att på så sätt kunna se hur dessa skiljer sig åt i deras mobilshopping. Slutsats Uppsatsen visar att en praktik kan se olika ut beroende på vem som utför den då individer är unika i sitt sätt att utföra praktiken. Trots vetskapen kring detta fann vi att det finns vissa likheter mellan vissa grupper med olika livssituation, då vissa hade liknande bakomliggande meningar, brukade samma material och hade jämlik kompetensnivå i sin mobilshopping. Det resulterade i tre olika sätt att utföra mobilshopping på bland våra fem grupper, det vill säga ett målinriktat, strategiskt och vanemässigt sätt. Slutligen kan resultatet i vår studie framöver bidra till en ökad förståelse för mobilshopping som praktik. Studien ger inte bara ökad förståelse inom fältet konsumentbeteende, utan även för detaljhandlare. / Since the beginning of the 2000s, there has been a transformation in the retail landscape. Several companies have chosen to switch from a physical store to e-commerce. As the usability of the smartphone is increasing, the retail landscape is also under development, whereas technology has made it possible for a new way for consumers to pursue their shopping. Therefore, smartphones have become a tool in consumers' everyday lives and are used for several shopping-related purposes. Previous research on mobile shopping can be divided into two fields; research that focuses on acceptance, motives and incentives, and research that focuses on practices and actions. Given that the latter field is rather unexplored, this study has adopted a practice-theoretical perspective in order to be able to analyze on a deeper level how mobile shopping works in practice. Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to gain a broader insight into how mobile shopping works in practice by analyzing how consumers use their smartphone in different ways to shop. This is done by adopting a practical theoretical approach to analyzing the phenomenon of mobile shopping. Method The thesis is based on a qualitative research method where 15 semi-structured interviews form the basis of our data collection. Furthermore, the study has also inducted a practice theory perspective, where secondary data is collected on practice theory as a phenomenon, practice theory linked to consumption and finally practice theory in relation to mobile shopping. The essay is thus based on a selection based on the life circumstances of the various participants and how they differ in their mobile shopping. Conclusion The thesis shows that mobile shopping as a practice can look different depending on who performs it, as individuals are unique in their way of performing the practice. Nevertheless, we found that there are certain similarities between certain groups with different life circumstances. Each group had similar underlying meanings, used the same material and had equal levels of competence in their mobile shopping practices. This resulted in three different ways of performing mobile shopping among our five groups, i.e, goal-oriented, strategic and habitual way. To sum up, the results of our study in the future can contribute to an increased understanding of mobile shopping as a practice. As well as provides increased understanding in the field of consumer behavior and thereby contribute with a clearer approach for retailers. This thesis is written in Swedish.
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[pt] Esta dissertação buscou contribuir para análise de como os consumidores da classe C consomem shopping centers. Para alcançar tal objetivo, primeiramente foi revisada a literatura sobre Consumer Culture Theory para proporcionar um contexto relativo à análise, depois estudou-se o consumo no segmento de baixa renda, especificamente o conceito de Nova Classe Média (classe C), segundo Neri (2008), e suas implicações para o comportamento do consumidor. Adicionalmente, buscou-se entender na literatura a questão sobre o comportamento dos consumidores da baixa renda, especificamente da classe C, com relação aos shopping centers. Foram conduzidas 22 entrevistas em profundidade com entrevistados em quatro shopping centers da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, todos tendo como público principal consumidores de baixa renda. Na análise dos dados, foram estudadas as entrevistas de membros da classe C, sendo codificadas utilizando o programa Atlas-ti. Os temas e descrições foram relacionados com a teoria fundamentada para, então, se chegar a interpretações dos significados dos mesmos. Os principais achados foram: é mais importante frequentar o shopping para os entrevistados que a compra no shopping; apesar da preferência pelo ambiente do shopping, os entrevistados demonstraram maior intenção de compra nos ambientes varejistas de rua; a internet influenciou mudanças no comportamento dos consumidores da classe C em relação aos shopping centers; e mesmo tendo a expectativa de não reduzir a frequência de idas ao shopping devido à redução de renda, os consumidores da classe C acabaram frequentando menos os shopping após uma redução de renda. / [en] This study sought to contribute to the understanding of how class C consumers consume malls. Firstly, in order to achieve this goal, literature on Consumer Culture Theory was reviewed to provide context to the analysis. Then, consumption by the low-income segment, specifically the New Middle Class (class C), according to Neri (2008), was studied and its implications on consumer behavior. In addition, available literature regarding the behavior of low-income consumers, specifically of class C consumers, with respect to shopping malls was analyzed. A total of 22 in-depth interviews were conducted with respondents in four shopping malls in the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro, all having as main target segment low-income consumers. In data analysis, interviews from class C consumers were studied and encoded using the Atlas-ti software. The themes and reports were related to the contextual theory to then arrive at interpretations of the meanings of such accounts. The main findings were: visiting the mall was more important than buying in the malls, as purchase intent in street retail environments was higher than in malls despite the preference for shopping environment; the internet has influenced changes in class C consumer behavior with respect to shopping malls; and even though the expectation of consumers is that their mall visitation frequency will not be reduced as a result of a decrease in income, class C consumers ended up reducing the amount of visits to the mall after an actual income reduction.
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[pt] Os padrões atuais de desenvolvimento urbano produzem uma série de
impactos, que acarretam em consequências para o clima das cidades. A falta de um
planejamento atento à questão ambiental, vem ocasionando problemas na qualidade
de vida humana, tal como o desenvolvimento do fenômeno das Ilhas de calor
urbanas (ICU). Diante desta problemática, este estudo analisa a evolução do
fenômeno no estacionamento do BarraShopping (Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro),
com o enfoque na mitigação das Ilhas de calor em estacionamentos a nível de escala
microclimática, objetivando o desenvolvimento de soluções que visam melhorar o
desempenho ambiental do meio urbanizado. A metodologia da pesquisa foi
desenvolvida com base no referencial teórico, na análise de temperaturas de
superfície, com utilização de imagens de satélite para delimitação do local de estudo
e visitas ao local a fim de registrar as temperaturas durante as horas mais quentes
do dia. Após a análise das medições, conclui-se que fatores como a alta densidade
construída, a falta de vegetação e grande quantidade de materiais de superfície com
alta absorção de radiação solar acarretam mudanças nos elementos climáticos
aumentando a temperatura. Diante desses dados, foi possível traçar estratégias para
a mitigação do fenômeno, como a combinação da mudança de pavimentos e
inserção de arborização, respondendo melhor à redução de temperatura de
superfície. / [en] The urban heat islands (ICU) are the most evident example of climate changes
inadvertently caused by man, having been observed in practically all cities in the
world. This thermal pattern suggests the existence of a warmer urban center, since
the materials used in urban and suburban areas absorb and retain more heat than the
sun than natural materials in less urbanized rural areas.
The Brazilian practical experience in mitigating the effects of heat islands has
been constantly evolving, with substantial research in the academic area, pointing
to the importance of the issue in the Brazilian urban panorama. Most of this
scientific production turns to theoretical models, in most cases, punctual. As a result
of urban expansion, the importance of urban climate studies is debated and, in this
context, they are fundamental for the understanding of ICU in the regional climate,
through scales of analysis, integrating the environmental quality of the citizen.
When thinking, on a scale closer to daily life, studies on urban
microclimates come into play. When correlating to the field of architecture and
urbanism, we can understand the urban microclimate as a change in the climate of
an area on a small urban scale, being formed according to the influence of the
natural environment and the built environment (Duarte, 2015).
Evaluating this scenario, this dissertation seeks to evaluate the microclimatic
conditions around Barrashopping, more specifically its parking, and propose
mitigating measures for the phenomenon of heat islands in its surroundings.
In the public space, pedestrians are subject to variations in environmental
comfort and discomfort, being constantly influenced by the surrounding urban
landscape and the surrounding buildings that are naturally heated and cooled,
releasing energy in the surrounding urban environment, in the form of heat.
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Downtown redevelopment: a feasibility analysis of enhanced relocation services in Manhattan, KansasHyde, Frank W. January 1985 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .R4 1985 H92 / Master of Regional and Community Planning
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Food shopping behavior of parents with young childrenBassler, Eunice. January 1979 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1979 B37 / Master of Science
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Effects of source credibility and information quality on attitudes and purchase intentions of apparel products : A quantitative study of online shopping among consumers in SwedenFanoberova, Anna, Kuczkowska, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
Nowadays rapid development of information and communication technologies induced changes in many spheres of society. Digital media gives an access to diverse information sources ensuring vast available information. However, it became more difficult to evaluate credibility of these sources and quality of information provided by them. Issues of source credibility and information quality are particularly important in the context of online shopping. Consumers have to rely on information provided by online retailers and other sources in order to make a right purchase decision. The purpose of this master thesis is to examine effects of source credibility and information quality on attitude toward using the information source and purchase intention. Previous research investigated these effects only for one information source, thus, this study addresses this gap by exploring three online information sources: retailer source, eWOM source and neutral source. Furthermore, the theoretical framework is applied to the context of online apparel shopping, as no similar studies have beenconducted in this area before. We have formulated the following research question: What kind of effects do source credibility and information quality have on attitude toward using information source and purchase intention of apparel products? We used Theory of Reasoned Action and Information Adoption Model to develop a conceptual model. Data was collected from a sample of 180 respondents, who completed the online survey. Empirical findings demonstrate that factors of source credibility such as trustworthiness, expertise and attractiveness have positive effects on the attitude toward using eWOM source, while only trustworthiness and expertise positively affect the attitude toward using neutral source. For eWOM and neutral source relationships between factors of information quality and the attitude toward using the information source were found insignificant. On the contrary, for retailer source only factors ofinformation quality, accuracy and relevance, show positive effects on the attitude toward using retailer source. For all three sources attitudes toward using the information source and subjective norms positively affect purchase intentions. This work contributes to the existing knowledge by examining three online information sources in one study, which enables to discover differences in effects of source credibility and information quality on the attitude toward using the information source and purchase intention among sources. Furthermore, this paper provides recommendations for practitioners regarding improvement of perceived credibility and information quality ofeach information source in order to increase the number of consumers willing to use the source during information search.
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The Main Influencing Factors of Customer Trust in China’s Import Cross-Border E- commerce Business ModelZhou, Lu, Liu, Jiaqi, Lu, Yanzhu January 2016 (has links)
China’s import cross-border e-commerce (CICBEC) business model differs from other online shopping business models in both the participators and transaction processes. Government as an important participator has greatly promoted the healthy and rapid development of this business model. As a vital topic in all kinds of businesses, customer trust is also a core research topic in online shopping. Many scholars have studied customer trust in traditional online shopping while few of them focused on cross-border online shopping, let alone the CICBEC business model. The government is a new participator, whose contribution on customer trust is not clear. Also, other known variables’ influences on customer trust are still worthy of discussion. This research aims to address existing research gap by contributing to Lee and Turban (2001)’s Customer Trust in Internet Shopping (CTIS) Model and constructing a new customer trust model. A number of influencing factors of customer trust were defined and tested in this research. It shows that influencing factors from four participators, the e-retailers, e- commerce platforms, government and third-parties, have a significant correlation with customer trust. The final results show that order fulfillment, government actions, e-retailer reputation, information quality, e-commerce platform security and e-commerce platform reputation have significant influences on customer trust.
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