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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Modelo de referência para estruturar o programa de qualidade seis sigma: proposta e avaliação. / Modelo de referência para estruturar o programa de qualidade seis sigma: proposta e avaliação.

Santos, Adriana Barbosa 09 February 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:50:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseABS.pdf: 2232752 bytes, checksum: a1757428e1651e0e6c2121d798b0d831 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-02-09 / With the growth of customer demand level, at last two decades it appeared quality improvement approach focusing customer satisfaction as the way to the organizations improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their processes. Though this, to get their aim, it was necessary broke some paradigms; to stimulate creativity; to innovate; to intensify the effort to reduce processes variation; and above all to assume customer satisfaction in all operations as a priority. Six Sigma approach has been solidifying as an efficient alternative to organizational growth on the strength of quality levels elevation. But, how can we define Six Sigma? Making a theoretical and conceptual research several definitions founded in literature were rescued and examined with purpose to compose a broader definition which translates better Six Sigma meaning. About structure of Six Sigma Quality Program (PQSS), this thesis became as a link between theory and practice when it aided others theories to Six Sigma context and when it used empirical subsidies to identify and evaluate the essential components to structure the PQSS. The empirical subsidies were obtained from qualitative research (case studies) involving four Brazilian subsidiaries of American multinational companies. After to analyze the empirical evidences, it was possible to formalize a set of arguments to purpose a Reference Model to structure the PQSS. This model is sustained by the followings components: strategic orientation; statistical thinking; performance measurement; Six Sigma methodology; and people graduation and qualification. To evaluate the Reference Model it was developed a quantitative research based in Green belts, Black belts and Master Black belts information. Statistical results showed that each one of these components has a meaningful relevance to compose the minimal structure to the PQSS. As principal conclusions this thesis highlights: (1) the PQSS as an integrator program of strategic and operational objectives; (2) strategic orientation and alignment are fundamental to define Six Sigma projects; (3) the use of performance measures increases the potential of Six Sigma projects; (4) its not clear for many specialists that statistical thinking is a background to PQSS; (5) Six Sigma projects are catalysts of a system which uses these projects to reflect it strategic orientation and customer focus importance to get measurable results; and (6) the Reference Model can be valid and can be utilized to structure or re-structure the PQSS implementation. / Com o aumento do nível de exigências dos clientes, as iniciativas de melhoria da qualidade que surgiram nas últimas duas décadas focaram fortemente a satisfação do cliente como o caminho para as organizações aumentarem a eficiência e a eficácia de seus processos produtivos. Todavia, para trilharem este caminho, foi necessário quebrar paradigmas; estimular a criatividade; inovar; intensificar o esforço em reduzir a variação dos processos; e, sobretudo, priorizar a satisfação dos clientes em todas as operações. O Seis Sigma é uma abordagem que vêm se consolidando como uma forma eficiente de crescimento organizacional, decorrente da elevação dos níveis de qualidade. Mas, afinal, como Seis Sigma é definido? Por meio de uma pesquisa teórico-conceitual, diversas definições encontradas na literatura foram resgatadas e analisadas visando compor uma definição mais ampla, e que traduza melhor a abrangência do Seis Sigma. No tocante ao Programa de Qualidade Seis Sigma (PQSS), esta tese trouxe um enlace de teoria e prática ao incorporar outras teorias ao contexto do Seis Sigma, e ao agregar subsídios empíricos para identificar e avaliar componentes que são essenciais para estruturar o PQSS. Estes subsídios decorreram de uma pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa realizada com quatro subsidiárias brasileiras de empresas multinacionais americanas (estudo de casos). Após análise das evidências empíricas foi possível formalizar um conjunto de argumentos que levaram a proposição de um Modelo de Referência para estruturar o PQSS, o qual é sustentado basicamente pelos seguintes componentes essenciais: orientação estratégica; pensamento estatístico; medição de desempenho; metodologia Seis Sigma; e capacitação/especialização das pessoas. Uma avaliação preliminar do Modelo de Referência é apresentada logo após o modelo ter sido proposto e detalhado. Esta avaliação foi realizada com base em uma pesquisa empírica com abordagem quantitativa que envolveu Green belts, Black belts e Master black belts. Realizada a análise estatística, os resultados obtidos revela ram, entre outros pontos, que cada um dos componentes considerados no Modelo de Referência possui uma relevância significativa para estruturar o PQSS. Como conclusões a tese destaca que: (1) o PQSS é um programa integrador dos objetivos estratégicos e operacionais que facilita o direcionamento e a implementação dos projetos Seis Sigma; (2) a orientação estratégica e o alinhamento são priorizados na definição dos projetos Seis Sigma; (3) o uso de indicadores de desempenho aumenta o potencial dos projetos Seis Sigma; (4) ainda não há uma compreensão de que o pensamento estatístico consiste num pano de fundo para o PQSS; (5) os projetos Seis Sigma são catalisadores de um sistema que reflete, por meio destes, a visão estratégica e a importância do foco no cliente para se conseguir resultados mensuráveis que impactam em uma ou mais dimensões do sistema de medição do desempenho organizacional; e (6) há evidências de que o Modelo de Referência pode ser válido, o que permite que ele seja utilizado para estruturar ou re-estruturar o PQSS.

An approach to the improvement of the Selenium analysis process of the Western Cape Provincial Veterinary Laboratory

Cloete, Bronwyn Claudia January 2011 (has links)
Thesis (MTech(Engineering))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2011 / Reliable analytical results represent the pinnacle assessment of the quality of an analytical laboratory. Variability associated with the analytical method, or process known as selenium analysis which is being used at Western Cape Provincial Veterinary Laboratory (WC PVL), presents a critical quality problem. This is due to the narrow margin of safety between toxic and deficient doses for animal health. In addition, control features of this selenium process, were found to be limited. Limited control features represent ‘process waste’. To overcome the adverse impact of variation and limited control, steps towards process improvement present the best solution.The primary research objective of the research study is: “To establish an alternative accurate and safer digestion procedure within the ‘selenium analysis process, in order to attain quality improvement of the process”.The scientific method was employed to accomplish the research objective. The research design and methodology selected was based on the scientific PDCA cycle, and is known as Lean Six Sigma. A research hypothesis was set as H0 : Variation in process, time and control procedures have a direct impact on the disparity in selenium testing results. Research was able to test the hypothesis using scientific methodology which was empirical, inductive and deductive, systematic, relied on data and was fact based.Implementation of an alternative, more reliable and safer selenium analysis process is believed to result in reduced risks associated to the digestion procedure, while optimising selenium yield and ultimately translating into improved quality in terms of accuracy and precision, thus confidence in results.

Integração dos programas de melhoria Lean Manufacturing e Six Sigma aplicados à logística de transporte de produtos de uma indústria metalúrgica

Fernandes, Simone Tavares [UNESP] 20 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2008-06-20Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:39:46Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 fernandes_st_me_guara.pdf: 826161 bytes, checksum: 1d2c98dc42fcc4f9ab290957112eccca (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Este trabalho apresenta a aplicação do Lean Six Sigma em um estudo de caso na indústria metalúrgica. O Six Sigma e o Lean Manufacturing são dois processos de melhoria utilizados por diversas empresas. Atualmente, a integração destes processos é um desafio para estas empresas, que buscam uma maneira mais eficiente de reduzir seus desperdícios e se adaptarem às necessidades de seus mercados consumidores. O trabalho teve como finalidade demonstrar a aplicabilidade do Lean Six Sigma em um problema logístico real de transporte de produtos entre as unidades de uma indústria metalúrgica. As etapas usadas para a solução do problema seguem o ciclo DMAIC – Definir, Medir, Analisar, Melhorar e Controlar. A dissertação apresenta detalhadamente a abordagem integrada dos processos de melhoria Lean Manufacturing e Six Sigma, seus conjuntos de ferramentas, bem como os resultados obtidos no estudo de caso. / This work presents the application of Lean Six Sigma in a case study of the metallurgic industry. The Six Sigma and the Lean Manufacturing are two processes of improvement used by many enterprises. Currently the integration of these processes is a challenge for these companies, which search a way more efficient to reduce their wastes and to adapt to the needs of their markets. The work had as purpose to demonstrate the applicability of the Lean Six Sigma in a real logistical problem of the transportation of goods among units of the metallurgic industry. The stages used for the solution of the problem follow the DMAIC cycle – Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. The dissertation presents in details the integrated approach of the improvement processes Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma, their tools set, as well the results obtained in the case study.

Seis sigma : um estudo aplicado ao setor eletrônico

Reis, Delmar Alfredo Flemming dos January 2003 (has links)
O tema deste trabalho é a metodologia Seis Sigma. O objetivo principal é apresentar e desenvolver uma metodologia para aplicação do Seis Sigma e desenvolver estudo aplicado. Inicialmente, é realizada uma revisão bibliográfica, enfocando os temas qualidade, satisfação do cliente e Seis Sigma. Na seqüência, é apresentada uma proposta de modelo para a aplicação do Seis Sigma em processos industriais. O modelo proposto aborda a estrutura para aplicação do Seis Sigma, os treinamentos e as principais atividades e ferramentas do ciclo DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve e Control). O modelo proposto é aplicado através de uma série de projetos. Um desses projetos é descrito detalhadamente, ilustrando o modelo proposto. Os resultados apresentados na aplicação do Seis Sigma são amplamente positivos. Os resultados obtidos abrangem melhorias radicais de qualidade, produtividade e custos. As atividades e ferramentas que apresentaram melhores resultados são destacadas. Apesar do Seis Sigma estar associado à aplicação intensiva de estatística, verifica-se que, de um modo geral, o Seis Sigma pode ser aplicado de um modo mais simplificado. / The subject of this work is the Six Sigma methodology. The main purpose is to present and develop a methodology for Six Sigma application, illustrating through a case study. First, a literature review, focusing on the items quality, customer satisfaction and Six Sigma methodology, is carried out. Next, a model proposed for Six Sigma application in industrial processes is presented. The proposed model deals with the structure for Six Sigma application, the training of the people involved and the main activities and tools of the DMAIC cycle (Define, Measure, Analysis, Improve, Control). The proposed model is applied to many projects. One of these projects is described in detail, illustrating the proposed model. The results achieved with Six Sigma are very positive. The results include breakthrough improvements in quality, productivity and costs. The activities and tools that show best results are emphasized. Despite the association of Six Sigma with intensive statistical application, it is possible to verify that this methodology can be applied in a more simplified way.

Análise crítica de um projeto seis sigma em uma indústria petroquímica

Franz, Luís Antonio dos Santos January 2003 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta o programa Seis Sigma e o ramo petroquímico. O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar uma análise crítica do processo de implantação de um projeto Seis Sigma em um setor de uma indústria do ramo petroquímico. A empresa focada desejava obter a diminuição da variabilidade presente na diferença entre os níveis de viscosidade da entrada e da saída em um setor de coagulação e acabamento de látex. Para tanto, é usado um método chamado DMAIC, termo provindo das palavras Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve e Control, que identificam cada uma de suas fases. Na dissertação são abordados Análise dos Modos de Falha e seus Efeitos (FMEA), Projetos de Experimentos (DOE), Controle Estatístico de Processo (CEP), Análise de Sistemas de Medição (ASM), Aprendizagem Organizacional, PDCA e Desdobramento da Função Qualidade (QFD). O autor faz uso da pesquisa-ação, com uma abordagem basicamente quantitativa. Na fase Analisar do projeto detectou-se uma ineficiência do sistema de medição para os objetivos do projeto, assim como, no laboratório as leituras a partir de borracha seca apresentam menor variabilidade que as leituras a partir do látex em estado aquoso. A idade dos rotores e a pressão utilizada nos viscosímetros não são significativas para a redução da variabilidade nas leituras. Porém, a adoção de banho térmico no látex e o reposicionamento dos termosensores nos viscosímetros mostraram-se eficazes. Na fase Controlar ao final do projeto ficou evidenciada uma redução no número de lotes redirecionados. A principal dificuldade encontrada na implementação do método DMAIC foi o acompanhamento inadequado dos indicadores técnicos e financeiros. Houve atrasos no cronograma em função da má definição dos papéis das pessoas envolvidas no projeto, pela falta de uma agenda clara de trabalho e pelo uso de um problema muito complexo em um único projeto.

Aplicación de metodología DMAIC para la mejora de procesos y reducción de pérdidas en las etapas de fabricación de chocolate

Varas Acuña, Cristián Antonio January 2010 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título de Ingeniero en Alimentos / El chocolate es considerado uno de los productos más importantes dentro del negocio de confitería. Las pérdidas de materias primas durante el 2008 en la fábrica de chocolates alcanzaron los $ 784 millones de pesos y el 25% se concentró en la etapa de fabricación de chocolates. Se utilizó la metodología DMAIC (Definir, medir, analizar, implementar y controlar) para reducir las pérdidas y mejorar los procesos involucrados en las etapas de fabricación de chocolate, a nivel de ingeniería, producción y calidad. Siguiendo la metodología DMAIC se creó un equipo multidisciplinario de trabajo. Se identificaron las causas potenciales de pérdidas en cada etapa del proceso de fabricación, se priorizaron y se asignaron responsables para su implementación. La capacidad del proceso se midió mediante el uso de herramientas estadísticas, obteniendo un sigma inicial de 1,83, y luego de implementar las mejoras el sigma final fue de 3,87. Se crearon planillas para mantener bajo control las mejoras implementadas. Con el uso de la metodología DMAIC implementada, las pérdidas disminuyeron en el proceso de 207,6 kg por día promedio, a 137,3 kg por día promedio, esto significará un ahorro de $ 22 millones de pesos anuales. / The chocolate is considered one of the most important products in the confectionery business. The raw material losses during 2008 in the Manufacture chocolate business reached $ 784 million (chilean pesos) and 25% was focused on the stage of manufacture chocolate. It was used the DMAIC (Define, measure, analyze, implement and control) methodology to reduce losses and improve the processes involved in the stages of chocolate manufacture at the level of engineering, production and quality. Following the DMAIC methodology was created by a multidisciplinary team work. The potential causes of losses was identified at each stage of the manufacturing process, and assigned responsibility people was prioritized for its implementation. The process capability was measured by using statistical tools, obtaining an initial sigma of 1,83, and then implement the improvements was the final sigma 3,87. Spreadsheet were created to keep control of the improvements implemented. Using the DMAIC methodology implemented, the losses in the process decreased from 207,6 kg per day average to 137,3 kg per day average, this will mean was saving of $ 22 million (chilean pesos) per year.

The Prevalence of Six Sigma Trends in the Construction Industry in Pakistan

Hassan, Muhammad M 01 July 2017 (has links)
Economic development in any country or area depends heavily on the performance of the construction industry. This is because the subsequent development of infrastructure increases economic activity, living standards, direct foreign investments, and business opportunities. The construction industry in Pakistan also plays a significant role in its economic activity, and the government’s focus towards increasing infrastructure development provides the construction industry with growth prospects. It is observed that quality management practices in the Pakistan construction industry are highly inadequate to enhance quality. The construction industry there is highly challenged with inadequate delays in projects and project quality. The need for the implementation of Six Sigma in the construction industry in Pakistan is underestimated. The structured questionnaire has been developed to collect data from a sample size of 100 managers from 100 construction companies in Pakistan. Current study determines the current trends, the extent of implementation, prior knowledge and related training required in the implementation of Six Sigma.

Sexually Transmitted Disease Rates and Sexual Education Programs in the Georgia School System

Masutier, Valerie 03 August 2017 (has links)
The prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) continues to be a significant challenge to public health in the United States. While educational institutions, health professionals, and community outreach programs have helped the rates of transmission on local, national, and global scales, we are still seeing a rise in contraction and spreading of these infections. Half of these STI cases are from individuals ages 15 -24 years of age. For that reason, we must explore why this age group has the highest cases of STI rates (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], Sexually Transmitted Disease Transmission 2015). The focus of this project is to explore the relationship between sex education programs in Georgia public schools and their contribution to rise in STIs in this state. Here I argue that the curriculum of these programs affect students in numerous ways through teaching concepts, curriculum choices, romanticized ideology of sex, scare and shame tactics, and inaccurate information. With the consideration of these factors and student testimony, the sex education programs’ contribution to the high rates of STIs in Georgia are assessed.

An integrated systems approach to engineering education throughput improvement using Lean Six Sigma

Kanakana, Grace Mukondeleli 07 October 2015 (has links)
D.Phil. (Engineering Management) / Process improvement is essential for an organisation to remain competitive in the global market. Regardless of the type of products or service being rendered, such improvement is essential for remaining profitable and staying at the top of one’s industry market. The Lean Six Sigma (LSS) methodology is a preferred methodology for continuously improving business processes, thereby improving profitability and increasing market share. Higher education institutions are increasingly being placed under pressure to improve throughput and to ensure that that their institutions are sustainable. This focus on higher education inefficiencies has resulted in institutions looking for new ways to improve processes which will lead to increases in throughput. In this study, a LSS framework has been developed and applied for improving engineering education processes...

Optimalizace reklamačního procesu vybraného podniku / Complaint handling process optimization of the chosen enterprise

Dolní, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This Master's thesis is focused on complaint handling process in the chosen enterprise. The main goal of this thesis is optimization of the chosen customers' complaints using the appropriate Six Sigma methods. In the theoretical part the reverse logistics and its importance are described then Lean enterprise concepts and methods, which are used for the complaint handling process optimization, are explained. The first part of the practical part introduces the enterprise and its logistics and complaint handling process. The rest of the thesis contains the complaint handling process optimization using the DMAIC method.

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