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A prática pedagógica do professor de Educação Física e a aprendizagem significativa / Practical pedagogical of the professor of Physical Education and the significant learningAntunes, Alan Rodrigo 25 June 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-06-25 / During practical the pedagogical one he verified himself that the learning of many contents presented little resulted satisfactory, that is, in the evaluation, the pupils memorized the content or reproduced of form mechanics the movements. Thus, the necessity appeared to deepen this quarrel by means of the joint, in the lessons of Physical Education, of the content, the methodology and the evaluation to a model of learning that contributes for a pedagogical practical effective, in which the professor can concentrate its efforts in the indispensable elements to a good learning. In this perspective, the model of the Significant Learning of Ausubel, based on psychology, was used as theoretical bedding. However, this model of learning would have to associate the proposals to it of the Physical Education, that is, to interact with the productions of the area, and, thus, to reveal the possibilities of a practical significant learning in the pedagogical one. In this direction, it was necessary to analyze that teach-learning process the professors of Physical Education are providing. For this, it was considered as the professors worked with the previous knowledge of the pupils, with the material of learning and the disposal to learn, that is, as the appropriation of the knowledge in the lessons of Physical Education was happening. The general objective of the research was centered in analyzing practical the pedagogical one of professors of Physical Education who acts with pupils of Average Education, looking for to understand if this action favors the learning significant. The identification of the elements was defined as objective specific - gifts in the scienters of the professors and daily pedagogical practical its - that they propitiate the significant learning. This work was characterized as a qualitative research, with delineation of case study. Two professors of the public net of the State of São Paulo had been citizens of the research, called professor and the teaching B, that lessons in first and the second series of Average Education give, respectively; as well as the pupils of these series, in a total of 20 pupils, corresponding to the half of the total of pupils of each series. For the collection of data he opted himself to the interview with the professors and the pupils by means of semistructuralized scripts, comments of lessons and documentary analysis (proposal pedagogical used by the professors). From ownership of the data, it was proceeded the analyses. On the basis of the theoretical referencial of the research and in the reading of the collected data had emerged categories that had allowed to analyze the process of teach-learning of the Physical Education and the possibilities to unchain the significant learning, what it disclosed to the necessity of practical changes and improvement of the pedagogical ones of the professors. Finally, one expects that this research contributes for one better understanding of the teach-learning process and favors practical the pedagogical one of the professor of Physical Education in the search of a significant learning. / Durante a prática pedagógica verificou-se que a aprendizagem de muitos conteúdos apresentava resultados pouco satisfatórios, isto é, na avaliação, os alunos memorizavam o conteúdo ou reproduziam de forma mecânica os movimentos. Assim, surgiu a necessidade de aprofundar essa discussão por meio da articulação, nas aulas de Educação Física, do conteúdo, da metodologia e da avaliação a um modelo de aprendizagem que contribua para uma efetiva prática pedagógica, na qual o professor possa concentrar seus esforços nos elementos indispensáveis a uma boa aprendizagem. Nesta perspectiva, o modelo da Aprendizagem Significativa de Ausubel, baseado na psicologia, foi usado como fundamento teórico. Porém, esse modelo de aprendizagem deveria vincular-se às propostas da Educação Física, isto é, interagir com as produções da área, e, assim, manifestar as possibilidades de uma aprendizagem significativa na prática pedagógica. Nesse sentido, foi necessário analisar que processo de ensino-aprendizagem os professores de Educação Física estão proporcionando. Para isso, foi considerado como os professores trabalhavam com os conhecimentos prévios dos alunos, com o material de aprendizagem e a disposição para aprender, isto é, como estava acontecendo a apropriação do conhecimento nas aulas de Educação Física. O objetivo geral da pesquisa centrou-se em analisar a prática pedagógica de docentes de Educação Física que atuam com alunos do Ensino Médio, procurando compreender se essa ação favorece a aprendizagem significativa. Definiu-se como objetivo específico a identificação dos elementos presentes nas intencionalidades dos docentes e na sua prática pedagógica cotidiana que propiciam a aprendizagem significativa. Este trabalho caracterizou-se como uma pesquisa qualitativa, com delineamento de estudo de caso. Foram sujeitos da pesquisa dois docentes da rede pública do Estado de São Paulo, denominados docente A e docente B, que ministram aulas na primeira e segunda série do Ensino Médio, respectivamente; bem como os alunos dessas séries, num total de 20 alunos, correspondendo à metade do total de alunos de cada série. Para a coleta de dados optou-se pela entrevista com os docentes e com os alunos por meio de roteiros semiestruturados, observações de aulas e análise documental (proposta pedagógica utilizada pelos professores). De posse dos dados, procedeu-se às análises. Com base no referencial teórico da pesquisa e na leitura dos dados coletados emergiram categorias que permitiram analisar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da Educação Física e as possibilidades de desencadear a aprendizagem significativa, o que revelou a necessidade de mudanças e aprimoramento das práticas pedagógicas dos docentes. Por fim, espera-se que esta pesquisa contribua para uma melhor compreensão do processo de ensino-aprendizagem e favoreça a prática pedagógica do professor de Educação Física na busca de uma aprendizagem significativa.
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Vztah textových postupů a popularity při receptu mediálního textu na příkladu rozhlasového seriálu "Tlučhořovi" / elation between Textual Devices and Popularity of Media Text on the Example of Radio Series "Tlučhořovi"Pouzarová, Patricie January 2008 (has links)
The target of the thesis Relation between Textual Devices and Popularity of Media Text on the Example of Radio Series "Tlučhořovi" is to reveal if there exist any connection between significant textual devices used in the series and its popularity and success. As methods there are used semiotic analysis of sample of the series episodes and "respondent interview" with the listeners. In the first there is focus mainly on particular textual devices and in the second on what respondents consider to be reasons why they do listen to the series. Significant textual devices are one of the central themes of cultural studies and this work sets itself a task to deduce from findings conclusion which would be generalizable to relation between media texts and their audiences universally.
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Testing effectiveness of educational approaches in facilitating learning among cattle farmers in north central NamibiaNekongo-Nielsen, Haaveshe Ndeutalala January 2005 (has links)
Doctor Educationis / This is a doctoral thesis in which the effectiveness of selected educational approaches in facilitating adult learning, using cattle farmers in the Onamhinda village was tested. In this study I tested three educational approaches of content centred, learner centred and situation centred for their ability to facilitate learning, which could bring about change in society. I used cattle farmers as a target group because the livelihood of farmers in north central Namibia depends on agriculture, mainly millet and beef production. The study began by discussing the selected approaches in relation to the relevant learning theories as a basis for the theoretical framework of facilitating adult learning and to support the hypothesis that certain educational approaches, if used under the right conditions, will facilitate significant learning among the target audience. The research design used in testing this hypothesis followed an action and qualitative design. It followed an action research design in order to get participants involved in their own learning, to put into practice what has been learned and be able to evaluate and discuss
their progress. Through a qualitative design the study explored a much broader phenomenon of facilitating adult learning on a large scale and enabled reliable data collection to be undertaken for a study conducted in an environment where there were no tight controls over the learning process. An educational programme for cattle farmers was developed and used as a tool in testing the educational approaches. The educational programme utilised a combination of learning techniques to provide a means of learning for cattle farmers, which included a
radio course of 12 lessons, self help facilitated study groups, printed materials and demonstrations by experts. In addition, a feedback system was built into the educational programme to enable participants to ask questions and experts to respond to such questions. The educational programme materials were written in the local language of Oshiwambo, and the research study was organised around a study group of 17 participants and two facilitators as well as a participant observer. A participant observation research method was used to observe and collect data during all learning sessions of the educational campaign. Furthermore, four months after the educational campaign a summative
evaluation was conducted to assess the impact of the educational programme on the target audience and to learn more about how these types of approaches facilitated learning among farmers. The analysis of data explored whether such learning was significant enough to bring about social change and sustainable development. The study assisted in creating an opportunity for rural people to learn collectively and
influence each other for positive change and to enable them to participate fully in their own development. It proved that using a combination of educational approaches and incorporating well developed communication strategies adult educators will be able to provide enhanced learning opportunities and reach even the remotest human being alive. Recommendations are given for successful implementation and replicating the educational approaches at a large scale and for other vital adult learning opportunities in the country and elsewhere.
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Forgiveness through the dialogical self : a qualitative track of self-identity reconstruction among surviving HIV-positive spouses in Gwanda South constituencyMaphosa, Sibangilizwe 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the nature of changes that take place in surviving HIVpositive spouses’ explanations of themselves in relation to their acquired positive status, and in
relation to the role that forgiveness may play, all through Hermans’ theory of dialogical self in
the self-identity reconstruction process. The interpretive qualitative paradigm was used, along
with a phenomenological research design. Research was carried out in a rural area of Gwanda
South Constituency in Zimbabwe. Homogenous purposive sampling was used to select five HIVpositive widows and five HIV-positive widowers. In-depth, semi-structured interviews were used
and thematic, narrative and interpretive phenomenological analyses were employed to analyse
the data. The results showed that the surviving HIV-positive spouses faced a plethora of
challenges following the deaths of their partners. Identified key relations to the reconstruction of
a new self were found to be: a good knowledge of HIV; being at peace with the past self;
forgiveness of self; and reconciliation with what has happened. These were found to be good
ingredients for quick recovery and self-identity reconstruction. Significant others play an
important role in self-identity reconstruction as they offer an environment that is supportive of
HIV disclosure, thereby reducing the occurrence of stigma and discrimination. The study
recommends that HIV activists and all education systems that are involved in the HIV campaigns
in Gwanda South Constituency incorporate teachings about and awareness of forgiveness,
reconciliation, stigma and discrimination at all levels of their education efforts and campaigns. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)
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Predictive effect of the relationship between debt-instruments and the usage of savings tools by consumersRisenga, Arthur 11 1900 (has links)
This study seeks to show that a higher usage of debt instruments by consumers with limited available funds leads to the usage of savings tools to finance debt costs, which subsequently results in lower levels of savings. This was espoused by the literature on PFM and also proven by the test results from the research hypotheses that were computed by means of a logistic regression. The test results showed that there is a statistically significant relationship between the usage of debt instruments and the usage of savings tools. An emphasis is placed on the importance of savings as an integral component of the PFM concept: it is namely seen to be indispensable to good financial planning to ensure current and future consumer financial security. Therefore, this study concludes by highlighting the importance of consumers’ financial- management skills in minimising debt costs to increase levels of savings by controlling higher consumption expenditure through debt. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business management)
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Yrkesväxling : En beskrivning av drivkrafterna bakom vändpunktsprocessen hos individer i medelåldern. / Job Change : A description of the motivating behind the turning point process of middle-aged individuals.Larsen, Anne-Marie, Dahlberg, Caroline January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att klargöra bakomliggande yttre och inre drivkrafter i samband med yrkesväxling mitt i livet, vad som bidrar till att våga ta klivet att börja studera, som en del av den personliga utvecklingen. Teoretiska utgångspunkter är följande: Abraham Maslows (1989/1943) behovspyramid, George Herbert Meads (2001/1934) signifikanta andra, Fuchs Ebaughs (1988) teori om vändpunktsprocesser och teorin om Planned Happenstance som Kathleen Mitchell, Al Levin och John Krumboltz (1999) är grundare till. Metoden som har använts är fokusgruppsintervjuer. Resultaten visar att de bakomliggande drivkrafterna i samband med yrkesväxling kan kopplas till behoven i Maslows (1989/1943) behovspyramid. De mest grundläggande behoven måste vara tillgodosedda för att individen ska känna sig motiverad till att påbörja en självutveckling. Ett hinder för att våga satsa på utbildning är sviktande självförtroende. För att överbrygga detta får omgivningens, signifikanta andras, (Mead 2001/1934) inställning en avgörande betydelse. En vändpunktsprocess innebär en identitetskris där en ny yrkesroll ska inträdas, en påfrestning för såväl deltagaren som hela familjen (Fuchs Ebaugh 1988). Andra drivkrafter, förutom självförverkligande, är en efterlängtad förändring av sin arbetslivssituation och deltagarnas önskan om att komma in i gemenskapen i en arbetsgrupp som de ser upp till. För att nå dit ser deltagarna utbildning som en väg och ett sätt att öka sin anställningsbarhet. Deltagarna i studien menar i flera fall att det var slumpen som avgjorde vilken utbildning de hamnade på men med Planned Happenstance som förklaringsmodell framgår det att valen egentligen byggde på medvetna ställningstaganden (Mitchell, Levin och Krumboltz 1999). Studiens resultat redogör med andra ord för några av de drivkrafter som motiverar individer att våga ta klivet till att börja studera, vilket kan öka kunskapen för studie- och yrkesvägledare, om hur individer bör bemötas och vilka områden som professionen bör fokusera på för att hjälpa individer nå framtida yrkesambitioner genom ett välgrundat val. / The aim of this thesis is to clarify the underlying human motives, both external and internal, in career choices of professional change, of which contributes to career changes. This thesis enlightens some of the societal conditions or obstacles that exist to a future study start, as part of the participants personal development, and clarify what led them to take the decisive step towards a new career path. Theoretical framework used is Abraham Maslow's (1989/1943) needs pyramid, George Herbert Meads (2001/1934) concept of significant others, Fuchs Ebaugh's (1988) theory of turning point processes and the theory of planned Happenstance which Kathleen Mitchell, Al Levin and John Krumboltz (1999) are the founders of. Method used is focus group interviews. Results show that the underlying human motivation processes in participants' professional exchange can be linked to the needs of Maslow's (1989/1943) needs pyramid. The most basic needs must be met in order for the individual to feel motivated to begin self-development. One obstacle whether to decide to invest in education or not, is failing self-confidence. To overcome this, the attitude of the significant other (Mead 2001/1934) takes on a decisive importance. A turning point process involves an identity crisis in which a new professional role is to take place, a strain for both the participant and the whole family (Fuchs Ebaugh 1988). Other human motivation processes, besides self-realization, are a long-awaited change in their working life situation and the participants' desire to enter the community in a working group they look forward to. To get there, participants see education as a fulfilling way and a way to increase their employability. The participants in this study believe that it was random that decided which education they ended up with in many cases, but with Planned Happenstance as an explanatory model it appears that the choice were really based on conscious attitudes (Mitchell, Levin and Krumboltz 1999). This thesis can increase the knowledge for study and career counselors, about how individuals should be approached and what areas the profession should focus on to help individuals reach future career aspirations through an informed choice.
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Bemötande av närstående inom kirurgisk verksamhetHansson, Johanna, Jörgren, Lina January 2007 (has links)
Att möta och stödja närstående till svårt sjuka patienter är en av sjuksköterskans många uppgifter. Författarparet har genomfört en empirisk kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur närstående uppfattar att de blivit bemötta inom kirurgisk verksamhet. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fem stycken deltagare vars anhöriga vårdas eller vårdats för malign sjukdom i övre mag- tarm kanalen inom kirurgisk verksamhet. Syftet med studien var att få ökad kunskap i hur närstående uppfattar bemötandet. Vidare var syftet att ta reda på hur anhöriga önskar bli bemötta. Resultatet visade att närstående uppfattade brister i bland annat informationen och stödet de fick från personalen. / One of many tasks that nurses have is to meet and support significant others to severely ill patients. The authors´ aim with this empirical qualitative study was to examine how significant others get treated by hospital staff in surgery care sector. Semi structured interviews were held with five significant others to patients who were treated for cancer diseases in a surgical division. The aim of this study was to improve the knowledge of how significant others perceive the treatment they got from the hospital staff. Furthermore was the aim to examine how significant others would like to be received by the hospital staff. The results of this study showed that significant others had experienced, that the availability of information and support from the hospital staff, were inadequate.
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Development and Psychometric Validation of a Questionnaire Assessing the Impact of Tinnitus on Significant OthersBeukes, Eldré W., Maidment, David W., Andersson, Gerhard, Fagleson, Marc A., Heffernan, Eithne, Manchaiah, Vinaya 01 January 2022 (has links)
INTRODUCTION: Despite evidence showing that tinnitus can have a detrimental impact on significant others (SOs), no standardized self-reported measure is currently available that specifically assesses the presence of third-party disability for tinnitus. The aim of this study was to develop and assess the psychometric properties of a newly developed self-reported measure for SOs of tinnitus and assess how scores could be meaningfully interpreted. METHODS: The research consisted of two phases. During Phase I, the Consequences of Tinnitus on Significant Others Questionnaire (CTSOQ) was developed using the The COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN) guidance. Phase II included the assessment of psychometric properties of the CTSOQ including the construct validity, internal consistency, interpretability, and responsiveness. Pairs of 194 individuals with tinnitus and their SOs completed a series of online questionnaires. SOs completed the CTSOQ measure while individuals with tinnitus completed measures related to tinnitus distress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and quality of life. RESULTS: A 25 item CTSOQ was developed using a formative model. The questionnaire validation process indicated good psychometric properties with an internal consistency of 0.93 and inter-item correlation of 0.60. Support was found for the construct and discriminative validity of the measure. Floor and ceiling effects were negligible. Scores can be meaningfully interpreted to indicate mild, significant, or severe effect of tinnitus on SOs. The questionnaire was also found to be responsive to treatment-related changes. CONCLUSIONS: The CTSOQ was found to have sufficient measurement properties suggesting that it is a suitable measure of third-party disability for SOs of individuals with tinnitus. Further research should be initiated to measure face validity and what scores reflect clinically meaningful change.
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« Je ne serais pas la même personne si je n’avais pas eu tous ces adultes » : perception des adolescents sur l’influence des adultes significatifs dans leur vieLussier, Anouk 04 1900 (has links)
La période de l’adolescence entraîne d’importants changements au niveau de l’univers social et des relations interpersonnelles des jeunes. La présente recherche s’intéresse au point de vue des adolescents face aux adultes significatifs présents dans leur réseau social. Les objectifs de l’étude visent à mieux comprendre l’influence de ces derniers sur la vie des adolescents au secondaire. Le présent mémoire est une recherche qualitative exploratoire dans laquelle la voix des adolescents a été mise de l’avant. Un entretien de groupe focalisé et des entretiens individuels ont été réalisés auprès de dix adolescents. Les entrevues ont permis d’avoir une discussion ouverte avec les participants sur différents thèmes en lien avec les adultes significatifs présents dans leur vie. Cette recherche démontre que les relations avec un adulte significatif influencent positivement la vie des adolescents au secondaire. L’analyse des résultats a permis d’identifier les rôles joués par les adultes significatifs, ainsi que les caractéristiques de ces derniers. L’examen des données recueillies a contribué à la compréhension de la place des membres du personnel en milieu scolaire dans la vie des adolescents au Québec. En somme, la discussion met en lumière le désir des adolescents d’être entourés d’adultes bienveillants, qui les respectent et qui croient en eux. Ils souhaitent pouvoir apprendre et s’épanouir à leurs côtés. Ce mémoire entend contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des relations entre un adolescent et un adulte significatif et à l’amélioration des pratiques en intervention auprès de cette clientèle et de son entourage. / The period of adolescence brings about important changes within the social universe and interpersonal relationships of young people. Taken from the teenagers' point of view, this study looks at the significant adults present in their social network. The objectives of the study are to better understand the influence of the latter in the lives of high schoolers. This memoir is an exploratory qualitative research study in which the voice of teens was brought forward. A focus group interview along with individual interviews were conducted with ten adolescents. The interviews allowed for an open discussion with the participants on various themes related to the significant adults in their lives. This research demonstrates that relationships with a significant adult positively influence the lives of adolescents in high school. The analysis of the results made it possible to identify not only the characteristics but also the roles played by the significant adults. Examination of the data collected contributed to an understanding of the place occupied by school personnel in the lives of adolescents in Quebec. In sum, the discussion highlights young people's desire to be surrounded by caring adults who respect and believe in them. They want to be able to learn and grow alongside these individuals. This memoir aims to contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between a young person and a significant adult and to the improvement of intervention practices with this clientele and their entourage.
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Solidworks Enterprise PDM Application for Semi-Intelligent Part Numbering System using Group TechnologyShedge, Bipin T. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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