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Mineralizing Gelatin Microparticles as Cell Carrier and Drug Delivery System for siRNA for Bone Tissue EngineeringHinkelmann, Sandra, Springwald, Alexandra H., Schulze, Sabine, Hempel, Ute, Mitrach, Franziska, Wölk, Christian, Hacker, Michael C., Schulz-Siegmund, Michaela 02 June 2023 (has links)
The local release of complexed siRNA from biomaterials opens precisely targeted therapeutic options. In this study, complexed siRNA was loaded to gelatin microparticles cross-linked (cGM) with an anhydride-containing oligomer (oPNMA). We aggregated these siRNA-loaded cGM with human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) to microtissues and stimulated them with osteogenic supplements. An efficient knockdown of chordin, a BMP-2 antagonist, caused a remarkably increased alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity in the microtissues. cGM, as a component of microtissues, mineralized in a differentiation medium within 8–9 days, both in the presence and in the absence of cells. In order to investigate the effects of our pre-differentiated and chordin-silenced microtissues on bone homeostasis, we simulated in vivo conditions in an unstimulated co-culture system of hMSC and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (hPBMC). We found enhanced ALP activity and osteoprotegerin (OPG) secretion in the model system compared to control microtissues. Our results suggest osteoanabolic effects of pre-differentiated and chordin-silenced microtissues.
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Practical Applications of Molecular Modeling Pertaining to Oxidative Damage and DiseaseAllen, William Joseph 27 April 2011 (has links)
Molecular modeling is a term referring to the study of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and other bio- or macro- or small molecules at the atomistic level using a combination of computational methods, physico-chemical principles, and mathematical functions. It can be generally sub-divided into two areas: molecular mechanics, which is the treatment of atoms and bonds as Newtonian particles and springs, and quantum mechanics, which models electronic behaviors using the Schrödinger equation and wavefunctions. Each technique is a powerful tool that, when used alone or in combination with wet lab experiments, can yield useful results, the products of which have broad applications in studying human disease models, oxidative damage, and other biomolecular processes that are otherwise not easily observed by experiment alone. Within this document, we study seven different such systems. This includes the mode of inhibitor binding to the enzyme monoamine oxidase B, the active site mechanism of that same enzyme, the dynamics of the unstructured p53 C-terminal domain in complex with globular, structured proteins, the process of the viral protein B2 unbinding from double-stranded RNA, and a focus on the dynamics of a variable loop in the antigenic peanut protein Ara h 2. In addition to those conventional molecular modeling studies, several of which were done in tandem with wet lab experiment, we also discuss the validation of charges and charge group parameters for small molecules used in molecular mechanics, and the development of software for the analysis of lipid bilayer systems in molecular mechanics simulations. As computational resources continue to evolve, and as more structural information becomes available, these methods are becoming an integral part of the study of biomolecules in the context of disease. / Ph. D.
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Transgenic resistance against Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) and analysis of the viral p23 protein as pathogenicity determinant in citrusSoler Calvo, Nuria 02 September 2013 (has links)
El virus de la tristeza de los cítricos (Citrus tristeza virus; CTV) es el agente causal de unas de
las enfermedades virales de los árboles cítricos más devastadoras en el mundo. CTV está restringido al
floema en su huésped cítrico natural, y ha desarrollado tres proteínas supresoras de silenciamiento que
actúan a nivel intra-(p23 y p20) e intercelular (p20 y p25) para superar la fuerte defensa antiviral del
huésped. La interferencia de RNA, una aproximación basada en el uso de dsRNA para desencadenar el
silenciamiento de RNA, ha sido utilizada ampliamente para generar plantas transgénicas resistentes a
virus. Considerando el importante papel de p23, p20 y p25 en la patogénesis de CTV, hemos
transformado plantas de lima Mexicana con un vector intrón-horquilla que porta la secuencia completa en
versión no traducible de los genes p25, p20, p23 y el extremo 3¿-UTR de la cepa T36 de CTV, para
intentar silenciar su expresión en células infectadas.
Se ha observado resistencia completa a la infección viral en tres líneas transgénicas,
manteniéndose todas sus propagaciones asintomáticas y libres de virus tras ser inoculadas mediante
injerto con CTV-T36, tanto en el portainjertos no transgénico como directamente sobre la variedad
transgénica. La acumulación de siRNA derivados del transgén fue necesaria pero no suficiente para lograr
resistencia frente a CTV en las plantas. Al inocular propagaciones de las líneas transgénicas inmunes con
una cepa de CTV divergente, la resistencia fue parcialmente superada, destacando la importancia de la
identidad de secuencia en el mecanismo subyacente a la interferencia de RNA. Este trabajo es el primero
en que se consigue resistencia completa a CTV en un huésped cítrico muy sensible, actuando
simultáneamente sobre los tres supresores virales de silenciamiento mediante interferencia de RNA. La
proteína p23 codificada por el virus es además un importante factor de patogenicidad. La expresión
ectópica de p23 en plantas de cítricos induce aberraciones fenológicas semejantes a síntomas de CTV.
Para estudiar en más detalle el papel de p23 en la patogénesis de CTV, se ha sobre-expresado en lima
Mexicana el gen p23 de CTV T36 y tres versiones truncadas del mismo bajo el control del promotor 35S
del virus del mosaico de la coliflor (Cauliflower mosaic virus). Solo la versión truncada, que expresa los
aminoácidos del 1 al 157 (p23-¿157) indujo síntomas similares a los producidos por CTV, aunque más
suaves que los inducidos por la expresión de la proteína p23 entera (209 aminoácidos), permitiendo
delimitar la región responsable de la patogénesis de p23 en cítricos a un fragmento de 157 aminoácidos
que incluye el dedo de zinc y los motivos básicos flanqueantes de la proteína. La actividad de p23 como
supresor de silenciamiento de RNA en N. benthamiana se perdía en todos los mutantes de p23 probados,
lo cual indica que la supresión de silenciamiento implica a la mayoría de las regiones de la proteína. Para
profundizar más en el papel de p23 en la patogénesis, en un siguiente paso hemos restringido la expresión
de transgenes derivados de p23 a células asociadas al floema de lima Mexicana mediante el uso del
promotor especifico de floema del virus del moteado amarillo de la comelina (Commelina yellow mottle
virus, CoYMV). Se transformó lima Mexicana con construcciones que portaban el gen p23 completo, ya
sea de la cepa agresiva de CTV T36 o de la suave T317, o con un fragmento que comprende el dedo de
zinc y los motivos básicos flanqueantes de la primera, todas ellas bajo el control bien del promotor de
CoYMV o bien del promotor constitutivo 35S. La expresión de estas construcciones en el floema dio
lugar a aberraciones semejantes a los síntomas específicos de CTV, pero no a los síntomas inespecíficos
observados cuando se expresaba p23 de forma constitutiva. Por otra parte, la apariencia e intensidad de
las aberraciones fenotípicas más notorias similares a síntomas inducidos por CTV generadas por la
expresión específica en floema del gen p23 se relacionó positivamente con la agresividad de la cepa
origen utilizada. Además, la expresión en tejidos floemáticos del fragmento de p23 que comprende el
dominio de dedo de zinc y los motivos básicos flanqueantes fue suficiente para inducir síntomas
semejantes a los producidos por la infección con CTV, confirmando así que la región N-terminal
delimitada por los aminoácidos 1 y 157 podría determinar, al menos en parte, la patogénesis de CTV en
lima Mexicana. / Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is the causal agent of one of the most devastating viral diseases of citrus trees in the world. CTV is phloem-restricted in natural citrus hosts, and has evolved three silencing suppressor proteins acting at intra- (p23 and p20) and inter-cellular level (p20 and p25) to overcome strong host antiviral defense in citrus. RNA interference (RNAi), an approach based on using dsRNA to trigger RNA silencing, has been widely used for generating transgenic plants resistant against viruses. Considering the important role of p23, p20 and p25 in CTV pathogenesis, we have transformed Mexican lime plants with an intron-hairpin vector carrying full untranslatable versions of genes p25, p20, p23 and the 3¿-UTR from the CTV strain T36, to attempt silencing their expression in CTV-infected cells. Complete resistance to viral infection was observed in three transgenic lines, with all their propagations remaining symptomless and virus-free after graft-inoculation with CTV-T36, either in the non-transgenic rootstock or directly in the transgenic scion. Accumulation of transgene-derived siRNAs was necessary but not sufficient for CTV resistance. Challenging immune transformants with a divergent CTV strain resulted in partial breakage of the resistance, stressing the importance of sequence identity in the underlying RNAi mechanism. This is the first evidence that it is possible to achieve full resistance to CTV in a highly sensitive citrus host by targeting simultaneously its three viral silencing suppressors through RNAi. The p23 protein encoded by the virus is additionally an important pathogenicity factor. Ectopic expression of p23 in
transgenic citrus plants induces developmental aberrations resembling CTV symptoms. To explore in more detail the role of p23 in CTV pathogenesis, the p23 gene from CTV T36 and three truncated versions thereof under the control of the Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter were used to transform Mexican lime. Only the truncated version expressing amino acids 1 to 157 (p23¿158-209) elicited CTV-like symptoms, similar to, albeit milder than, those incited by expressing the whole p23 protein (209 amino acids), thus delimiting the region responsible for p23 pathogenesis in citrus to a 157 amino acid fragment including the Zn finger and flanking basic motifs of the protein. RNA silencing suppressor activity of p23 in N. benthamiana was abolished by all mutants tested, indicating that silencing suppression involves most p23 regions. To better define the role of p23 in CTV pathogenesis, we next restricted the expression of p23-derived transgenes to phloem-associated cells in Mexican lime plants by means of using the phloem-specific promoter from Commelina yellow mottle virus (CoYMV). Constructions carrying the complete gene p23 from either the severe T36 or the mild T317 CTV strains, or a fragment comprising the zinc-finger and flanking basic motifs from the former, either under the control of the CoYMV promoter or the constitutive 35S promoter were used for genetic transformation of Mexican lime. Expression of these constructs in the phloem incited aberrations resembling CTV-specific symptoms, but not the unspecific symptoms observed when p23 was constitutively expressed. Moreover, appearance and intensity of the most notorious CTV-like phenotypic aberrations induced by the phloem-specific expression of
the p23 gene were positively related with the aggressiveness of the source CTV strain used. Additionally, expression in phloem-tissues of the p23 fragment comprising the zinc-finger domain and flanking basic motifs was sufficient to induce CTV-like symptoms, corroborating that the N-terminal region (delimited by amino acids 1 and 157) determines, at least in part, CTV pathogenesis in Mexican lime. / Soler Calvo, N. (2013). Transgenic resistance against Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) and analysis of the viral p23 protein as pathogenicity determinant in citrus [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/31631
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La tristeza es la enfermedad viral más grave del cultivo de los cÃtricos y su agente causal es el virus de la tristeza de los cítricos (CTV). CTV induce uno o más de los siguientes síndromes: I) decaimiento y muerte de los naranjos dulces (ND), pomelos y mandarinos injertados sobre el patrón naranjo amargo (NA), síndrome conocido como "tristeza", II) enanismo, acanaladuras en la madera y fruta de pequeño calibre (stem pitting, SP), y III) enanismo y amarillamiento de plantas de semilla de limonero, pomelo y NA (seedling yellows, SY).
La gama de huéspedes de CTV es muy restringida y hasta hace poco no se conocía ningún huésped herbáceo experimental. Actualmente, se sabe que la agroinfiltración de Nicotiana benthamiana, con clones de DNA complemantario (cDNA) del aislado T36 de CTV produce la infección sistémica de la planta, acompañada de síntomas similares a los inducidos en cítricos, si bien la infección no queda limitada al floema. El aislado T36 induce SY y SP de lima Mejicana (LM), pero no en otros huéspedes como pomelo o ND. El estudio de los determinantes genéticos responsables de la inducción del síndrome de SP requería desarrollar un sistema genético basado en clones agroinfecciosos de un aislado inductor de estos síntomas, como el aislado español T318A. Para ello, se partió de clones de cDNA de longitud completa de T318A previamente desarrollados en el laboratorio, capaces de replicarse en hojas de N. benthamiana pero incapaces de inducir infección sistémica y que presentaban varias mutaciones en su proteína de cápsida minoritaria p27. La corrección de dichas mutaciones y la construcción de nuevos clones de longitud completa de T318A marcados con el gen gfp, mostraron una correcta replicación en hojas agroinfiltradas de N. benthamiana, pero resultaron incapaces de inducir infección sistémica en este huésped experimental.
La respuesta diferencial de N. benthamiana frente a distintas cepas de CTV permite estudiar los factores implicados en la interacción virus-huésped. Se analizó la interacción de las proteínas virales p20 y p25 de los aislados T36 y T318A con proteínas de N. benthamiana utilizando un abordaje consistente en: i) la expresión transitoria de p20/p25 marcadas con una etiqueta Strep-Tag en hojas de N. benthamiana, ii) purificación de los complejos proteína CTV-proteína huésped y análisis interactómico de los datos, y iii) estudio de la interacción directa entre p20/p25 y proteínas seleccionadas del huésped mediante análisis del doble hibrido en levadura y complementación bimolecular de fluorescencia (BIFC). Este abordaje proteómico mostró claras diferencias entre aislados que pueden explicar, en parte, el comportamiento diferencial de los aislados T36 y T318A en dicho huésped experimental.
La inducción el síndrome de decaimiento por parte de CTV ha obligado a utilizar patrones tolerantes al decaimiento. Dichos patrones son menos adecuados. Las plantas de cítricos propagadas sobre NA e infectadas por CTV muestran necrosis en los tubos cribosos y disminución del floema funcional. Éstos desórdenes podrían ser consecuencia de la activación de los mecanismos de defensa como la reacción de hipersensibilidad desencadenada por la ruta del ácido salicílico o el silenciamiento génico mediado por RNA (post-transcriptional gene silencing, PTGS). Con el objetivo de avanzar en el mecanismo molecular de la resistencia del NA a la infección por CTV, se estudió el papel de diferentes genes de la planta implicados en las rutas mediante el uso de un vector viral basado en el genoma del virus del manchado foliar de los cítricos (citrus leaf blotch virus, CLBV). El silenciamiento génico de las rutas del AS o del PTGS en plantas NA y la inoculación de tres aislados de CTV patogénicamente diferentes mostró la implicación de ambas rutas en la defensa del NA frente a CTV. / Tristeza is the most important viral disease affecting citrus plants and Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is the causal agent of this disease. CTV induces at least one of this syndromes: I) decline and death of sweet orange (SwO), grapefruits and mandarin trees grafted on sour orange (SO) rootstock, this syndromes is known as "tristeza", II) stunting, stem pitting (SP) and small fruits, and III) stunting and leaf chlorosis of lemon, grapefruit and SO seedlings (seedling yellows, SY).
The host range of CTV is restricted and until recently no experimental herbaceous host was known. The agroinoculation Nicotiana benthamiana with clones of complementary DNA (cDNA) from the CTV isolate T36 cause the systemic infection of the plant and similar symptoms to those observed in citrus, although the infection is not limited to the phloem. T36 isolate induces SY and SP of Mexican lime (ML), but not in other hosts such as grapefruit and SwO. Therefore, to study the genetic determinants responsible of the SP syndrome induction was necessary to develop a genetic system based on agroinoculated clones from an isolate able to induce these symptoms, such as the Spanish isolate T318A. To do this, full length cDNA clones from T318A were obtained. They are able to replicate in N. benthamiana leaves but unable to induce systemic infection and showed several mutations in their protein of the minor coat, p27. The correction of these mutations and the construction of new clones of complete length from T318A labeled with the gfp gene, showed a proper replication in agroinoculated leaves of N. benthamiana, but they were still unable to induce systemic infection in this experimental host.
The differential response of N. benthamiana to different CTV strains allows the study of the potential factors involved in the virus-host interaction. The aim of this work was study the interaction between the viral proteins p20 and p25 from the isolates T36 and T318A with N. benthamiana proteins with an analysis consisted in: I) the transitory expression of p20/p25 fused to Strep-Tag in N. benthamiana leaves, II) purification of the CTV protein-host protein complex and interatomic analysis of the data, and III) the study of the direct interaction between p20/p25 and selected plant proteins by the analysis of the double hybrid in yeast and bimolecular complementation of fluorescence (BIFC). The proteomic analysis showed strong differences between isolates that may partially explain the differential behavior of the T36 and T318A isolates in this experimental host.
The induction of decline syndrome by CTV in citrus has leaded the use of tolerant rootstocks to decline. However, the use of such rootstocks is less suitable. Citrus plants propagated on SO rootstock and infected by CTV show phloem necrosis below the bud union that reduces the flow of carbohydrates to the roots. These symptoms may be a consequence of the activation of defense pathways in the plant, such as the hypersensitive reaction, hormone salicylic acid (SA) pathways or the RNA mediated post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS). Their relation is essential to know their implication in the decline. Therefore, the role of different genes involved in SA and PTGS has been studied by the silencing of plant genes using a viral vector (VIGS) based in the genome of the citrus leaf blotch virus (CLBV). The gene silencing of the SA and PTGS in SO and the inoculation of three different pathogenicity CTV isolates showed that both pathways are involved in the SO defense against CTV. The analysis of the proteins p20, p23 and p25 as possible suppressors of the AS indicating that the more virulent CTV isolates possess the more powerful suppressors. / La Tristesa és la malaltia viral més greu del cultiu dels cítrics. CTV induïx un o més de les síndromes següents: I) decaïment i mort de taronger dolç§ (ND), pomelo i mandariner empeltats sobre el patró taronger amarg (NA), síndrome conegut com "Tristesa", II) nanisme, estries en la fusta i fruita de xicotet calibre (SP) i III) nanisme i tonalitat groguenta de plantes de llavor de llimera, pomelo i taronger amarg (SY).
El rang d'hostes de CTV és molt restringit i fins fa poc no es coneixia cap hoste herbaci experimental. Actualment es sap que la infecciò sistèmica en Nicotiana benthamiana amb clons de DNA complementari (cDNA) de l`aïllat de T36 provoca la infecció sistemàtica de la planta, acompanyada de síntomes similars als induïts en cítrics, si be la infecció no queda llimitada al floema. L' aïllat T36 induïx SY i estries en la fusta de Llima Mexicana (LM), però no en altres hostes com a pomelo, ND o NA, l'estudi dels determinants genètics responsables de la inducció de la síndrome de SP requeria desenvolupar un sistema genètic basat en clons agroinfecciosos d'un aïllat inductor d'estos símptomes, com l'aïllat espanyol T318A. Per a això, es va partir de clons de cDNA longitud completa de T318A prèviament desenvolupats al laboratori, capaços de replicar-se en fulls de N. benthamiana però incapaços d'induir infecció sistèmica i que presentaven varies mutacions en la seua proteïna de càpsida minoritatia p27. La correcció d`aquestes mutacions i la construcció de nous clons T318A de longitud completa marcats amb el gen gfp, van mostrar una correcta replicació en fulls agroinfiltradas de N. benthamiana però van resultar incapaços d'induir infecció sistèmica en aquest hoste experimental.
La resposta diferencial dependent d'aïllat en N. benthamiana front CTV permet estudiar els possibles factors de la interacció virus- hoste. Es va dur a terme l'estudi de la funció de les proteínes virals p20 i p25 dels aïllats T36 i T318A amb proteïnes de N. benthamiana utilitzant un abordatge consistent en: i) l' expressió transitòria de les dues proteïnes p20/p25 marcades amb una etiqueta Strep-Tag en fulls de N. benthamiana, ii) purificació dels complexos proteïna CTV-proteïna hoste i anàlisi interactómic de les dades, i iii) estudi de la interacció directa per mitjà de doble híbrid en llevat i complementació bimolecular de fluorescència (BIFC) de les proteïnes virals i determinades proteïnes de N. benthamiana. Aquest abordatge proteòmic va mostrar clares diferències entre aïllats que poden explicar el comportament diferencial dels aïllats T36 i T318A en aquest hoste experimental.
La inducció de la síndrome de decaïment per part de CTV en cítrics ha obligat la utilització de patrons tolerants al decaïment. No obstant, aquestos patrons són agronòmicament menys adequats. Les plantes de cítrics propagades sobre NA i infectades por CTV mostren necrosi als tubs cribosos i disminució del floema funcional. Aquestos símptomes poden ser conseqüència de l'activació de les rutes de defensa de la planta com la reacció d'hipersensibilitat, desencadenada per la ruta de l'àcid salicílic o el silenciamient gènic mediat per RNA (PTGS). Amb l'objectiu d'analitzar la implicació d¿aquestes rutes en la defensa, es va estudiar el paper de diferents gens implicats en la ruta de l'AS i del PTGS per mitjà del silenciamient gènic induït per virus basat en el genoma del tacat foliar dels cítrics (CLBV). El silenciamient gènic de les rutes AS o PTGS en plantes NA i la inoculació de tres aïllats de CTV patogènicament diferents va mostrar la implicació de les dues rutes en la defensa del NA front CTV. L'analisis de les proteïnes p20, p23 i p25 com a possibles supressors de la ruta de l'AS va indicar que els aïllats més virulents de CTV posseïxen supressors més potents. / Gómez Muñoz, N. (2017). ESTUDIO DE LA INTERACCIÓN DIFERENCIAL ENTRE AISLADOS DEL VIRUS DE LA TRISTEZA DE LOS CÍTRICOS (CTV) Y SUS HUÉSPEDES [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/94624
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Optimization of chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) in NK cells against glioblastomaSuissa, David 05 1900 (has links)
Le glioblastome (GBM) représente environ 50 % des gliomes, le type de tumeur cérébrale le plus répandu. Sa forte agressivité se traduit par un faible et inquiétant taux de survie médian de 8 mois. La résistance intensive aux traitements actuels du GBM souligne la nécessité d'approches innovantes. Malgré l'essor récent d’immunothérapies ces dernières années, le GBM présente plusieurs attributs qui entravent l’efficacité de ces thérapies. Les cellules Natural Killer (NK) possèdent d’intéressantes propriétés anti-tumorales qui encouragent leur utilisation en tant que source prometteuse de thérapie cellulaire adoptive pour relever les défis posés par le GBM. Ce projet est une collaboration avec Scott McComb (National Research Center, Ottawa), dont l'équipe a développé des vecteurs lentiviraux de récepteurs antigéniques chimériques (CARs) ciblant EGFRvIII et HER2, respectivement exprimés dans 30 % et surexprimés dans 80 % des cas de GBM. Nous proposons d’adapter ces constructions aux domaines activateurs transmembranaires et intracellulaires optimisés pour la signalisation des cellules NK. L’objectif est d'optimiser la stabilité de l'expression CAR dans les cellules NK. Cela permettra d'augmenter durablement l'efficacité et la spécificité de la cytotoxicité cellulaire de cellules cancéreuses EGFRvIII+ et HER2+. Des vecteurs lentiviraux codant pour le rapporteur eGFP sous 5 promoteurs différents ont été produits. Des cellules NK primaires activées ont été modifiées par transduction lentivirale et triées en fonction de l'expression du transgène afin d'enrichir la population de cellules modifiées. Nos données suggèrent que la séquence régulatrice minimale UCOE pourrait conférer à elle seule une expression stable et robuste du transgène dans les cellules NK pendant 12 semaines. Ce promoteur a ensuite été incorporé dans les constructions CAR-NK pour optimiser la stabilité d’expression du CAR. L’efficience des CAR anti-EGFRvIII et des CAR anti-HER2 ont été évaluées in vitro en utilisant la lignée cellulaire U87 dérivée du GBM dans des tests de cytotoxicité. Parmi les constructions sélectionnées, CAR-F269 et sdCAR-HER2-6 ont montré une cytotoxicité significativement améliorée par rapport aux cellules NK non modifiées contre des cibles spécifiques de l'antigène. L'amélioration de la cytotoxicité observée avec sdCAR-HER2-6 était positivement corrélée à l'intensité de l'expression de HER2 dans les cellules cibles. Ce projet représente une preuve de principe qui suggère le potentiel de la thérapie CAR-NK comme une voie prometteuse dans la lutte contre le GBM et d'autres tumeurs solides. / Glioblastoma (GBM) accounts for approximately 50% of gliomas, the most prevalent type of brain tumor. Its high aggressiveness results in a worrying poor median survival rate of 8 months. Intensive resistance to current treatments for GBM highlights the need for innovative approaches. Despite recent growth in immunotherapies, GBM exhibits several hallmarks that hinder effectiveness of such therapies. Natural killer (NK) cells display interesting anti-tumoral properties that encourage their use as a promising adoptive cell therapy source to address the GBM challenges. This project is a collaboration with Scott McComb (National Research Center, Ottawa), whose team developed lentiviral vectors coding for chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) targeting EGFRvIII and HER2, which are respectively expressed in 30% and overexpressed in 80% of GBM cases. We propose to adapt these constructs to transmembrane and intracellular activator domains which are optimized for NK cell signaling. The objective is to optimize the stability of CAR expression in NK cells. This will allow for a sustained increase in killing efficacy and specificity of EGFRvIII+ and HER2+ cells. First, lentiviral vectors encoding the eGFP reporter under 5 different promoters were produced. Activated primary NK cells were modified by lentiviral transduction and sorted for transgene expression to enrich the population of modified cells. Our data suggest that the minimal regulatory sequence UCOE may confer alone a stable and robust transgene expression in NK cells for 12 weeks. The UCOE promoter was then incorporated into CAR-NK constructs to optimize the stability of CAR expression. The efficiency of anti-EGFRvIII CARs and anti-HER2 CARs were evaluated in vitro using the GBM-derived U87 cell line in cytotoxicity assays. Among the screened constructs, CAR-F269 and sdCAR-HER2-6 exhibited significantly enhanced cytotoxicity against antigen-specific targets, in comparison to unmodified NK cells. The enhancement of cytotoxicity observed with sdCAR-HER2-6 was found to positively correlate with the intensity of HER2 expression in the target cells. This project represents a proof of principle that suggests the potential of CAR-NK therapy as a promising avenue of in the fight against GBM.
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Cis-regulatory variation and divergence in CapsellaSteige, Kim A. January 2016 (has links)
Cis-regulatory changes in e.g. promoters or enhancers that affect the expression of a linked focal gene have long been thought to be important for adaptation. In this thesis, I investigate the selective importance and genomic correlates of cis-regulatory variation and divergence in the genus Capsella, using massively parallel sequencing data. This genus provides an opportunity to investigate cis-regulatory changes in response to polyploidization and mating system shifts, as it harbors three diploid species, the outcrosser Capsella grandiflora and the selfers Capsella orientalis and Capsella rubella, as well as the tetraploid Capsella bursa-pastoris. We first identify cis-regulatory changes associated with adaptive floral evolution in connection with the recent switch to self-fertilization in C. rubella and show that cis-regulatory changes between C. rubella and its outcrossing close relative C. grandiflora are associated with differences in transposable element content. Second, we show that variation in positive and purifying selection is important for the distribution of cis-regulatory variation across the genome of C. grandiflora. Interestingly, the presence of polymorphic transposable elements is strongly associated with cis-regulatory variation in C. grandiflora. Third, we show that the tetraploid C. bursa-pastoris is of hybrid origin and investigate the contribution of both parental species to gene expression. We show that gene expression in the tetraploid is partly explained by cis-regulatory divergence between the parental species. Nonetheless, within C. bursa-pastoris there is a great deal of variation in homeolog expression. In summary, this thesis explores the role of cis-regulatory changes for adaptive morphological changes in connection to a shift in mating system, the role of cis-regulatory divergence between progenitor species for an allopolyploid as well as the impact of positive and purifying selection on cis-regulatory variation within a species.
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Transcriptional regulation and epigenetic repression of the tumor suppressor DOK1 in viral- and non viral-related carcinogenesis / L'étude de la régulation transcriptionnelle et la répression épigénétique du gène suppresseur de tumeur DOK1 dans les carcinogenèses induites ou non par des oncovirusSiouda, Maha 07 October 2013 (has links)
Le suppresseur de tumeur DOK1 (downstream of tyrosine kinases1) est une protéine régulatrice de voies de signalisation impliquées dans des processus cellulaires tel que la prolifération, la migration et l'apoptose. Le rôle suppresseur de tumeur de DOK1 a été démontré dans des modèles animaux. Les souris knock-out pour DOK1 présentent une forte susceptibilité de développer des leucémies, des tumeurs malignes hématologiques, des adénocarcinomes pulmonaires, ainsi que des sarcomes histiocytaires agressifs. En outre, nous avons rapporté précédemment que le gène DOK1 peut être muté et son expression réprimée dans différentes tumeurs malignes humaines, telles que les lignées cellulaires de lymphome de Burkitt (BL) et la leucémie lymphoïde chronique (LLC). Cependant, les mécanismes de dérégulation de DOK1 restent inconnus, notamment dans les processus de carcinogenèse induite ou non par des oncovirus. Dans ce projet de thèse, nous avons d'abord caractérisé le promoteur de DOK1 et le rôle du facteur de transcription E2F1 comme le principal régulateur de l'expression de DOK1. Nous avons démontré pour la première fois la contribution de DOK1 dans la réponse cellulaire au stress par son rôle suppresseur de prolifération cellulaire et promoteur d'apoptose. Nous avons trouvé que l'expression du gène DOK1 est réprimée dans une variété de cancers humains, y compris le cancer de la tête et du cou, les lymphomes de Burkitt et les cancers du poumon. Cette répression est due à l'hyperméthylation aberrante de DOK1. Nous avons donc étudié les événements épigénétiques, qui sont souvent altérés dans les cancers, et leurs implications dans la répression de DOK1 dans les lignes cellulaire cancéreuses de la tête et du cou. Nous nous sommes par la suite intéressés aux mécanismes de dérégulation de DOK1 par le virus d'Epstein Barr dans le cadre de sa propriété oncogénique dans les lymphocytes B humains ainsi que dans les lignes cancéreuses du lymphome de Burkitt. Nos résultats apportent de nouvelles informations sur les mécanismes de régulation de l'expression de DOK1 dans la carcinogenèse induite ou non par des oncovirus, ce qui pourrait le définir comme un biomarqueur potentiel de cancer et comme une cible intéressante pour des thérapies épigénétiques / The newly identified tumor suppressor DOK1 (downstream of tyrosine kinases1) inhibits cell proliferation, negatively regulates MAP kinase activity, opposes leukemogenesis, and promotes cell spreading, motility, and apoptosis. DOK1 also plays a role in the regulation of immune cell activation, including B cells. The tumor suppressor role of DOK1 was demonstrated in animal models. DOK1 knockout mice show a high susceptibility to develop leukemia, hematological malignancies as well as lung adenocarcinomas and aggressive histiocytic sarcoma. In addition, we previously reported that the DOK1 gene can be mutated and its expression is down-regulated in human malignancies such as Burkitt’s lymphoma cell lines (BL) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). However, very little is known about the mechanisms underlying DOK1 gene regulation and silencing in viral- and non viral-related tumorigenesis. In the present project, we first characterized the DOK1 promoter. We have shown the role of E2F1 transcription factor as the major regulator of DOK1 expression and how DOK1 plays a role in DNA stress response though opposing cell proliferation and promoting apoptosis. We demonstrated that DOK1 gene expression is repressed in a variety of human cancers, including head and neck, Burkitt’s lymphoma and lung cancers, as a result of aberrant hypermethylation. We investigated the link between the epigenetic events and DOK1 silencing in non viral head and neck cancer cell lines, and by Epstein Barr virus in relation to its oncogenic activity in human B cells and neoplasia such as Burkitt’s lymphoma. These data provide novel insights into the regulation of DOK1 in viral and non viral-related carcinogenesis, and could define it as a potential cancer biomarker and an attractive target for epigeneticbased therapy
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Expressão de genes de repressão gênica em tumor primário em relação à presença ou ausência de células metastáticas ocultas na medula óssea em pacientes com câncer de mama / Expression of genes involved in transcriptional repression in the primary tumor of breast cancer patients in the presence or absence of occult metastatic cells in the bone marrowAbreu, Ana Paula Santana de 25 August 2006 (has links)
Estudos sugerem que a presença de células metastáticas ocultas em medula óssea pode ser fator prognóstico em câncer de mama. Além disso, é possível que um perfil gênico tumoral específico, caracterizado por repressão da expressão gênica, esteja associado à detecção de células tumorais na medula óssea. O silenciamento de genes é controlado pela desacetilação de histonas e metilação de DNA, esta última catalisada por enzimas DNA metil transferases. Outro alvo de metil-transferases são as histonas, e histona H3 quando sofre metilação em lisina 9, gera sítio de ligação a proteínas HP1 (Heterocromatin protein-1 ou cromobox). Membros da família HP1 (HP1Hsalfa, HP1Hsbeta e HP1HsY) participam da formação da heterocromatina e da regulação da expressão de genes. Logo, nosso objetivo foi determinar no tumor primário de mama, a expressão de HP1Hsalfa, HP1Hsbeta e HP1Hsy , que participam da repressão gênica, em relação à presença ou ausência de células metastáticas ocultas na medula óssea. Neste estudo foram incluídas 37 pacientes de forma prospectiva, atendidas no Instituto Brasileiro de Controle do Câncer (IBCC) no período de junho de 2004 a julho de 2005, com diagnóstico histopatológico de carcinoma invasivo de mama, estádio clínico (EC) I (16,2%), II (51,4%) ou III (32,4%), segundo a classificação patológica. A idade mediana das pacientes foi 63 anos (41 a 90) e 62.2% delas encontravam-se na pós-menopausa, sendo que 24.3% relatava história familiar para câncer de mama. O tipo histológico predominante foi carcinoma ductal invasivo (89.2% dos casos), sendo, o restante, representado por carcinoma lobular invasivo (10.8%). Foram coletadas amostras de tumor primário de mama e de aspirado de medula óssea de cada paciente. A presença de células metastáticas ocultas (CMO) na medula óssea (MO) foi detectada através da expressão de citoqueratina 19 (CK19) pelo método de nested RT-PCR. A expressão relativa dos genes HP1Hsalfa, HP1Hsbeta e HP1Hsy foi determinada no tumor primário, usando-se a técnica de RT-PCR em tempo real. Presença de CMO foi detectada na MO de 20 pacientes (54.1%). Não observamos diferença na expressão de HP1Hs? (1,93 ± 2,25 MO- vs 3,84 ± 5,53 MO+), HP1Hs? (6,74 ± 6,31 MO- vs 6,49 ± 5,86 MO+) e HP1Hs? (24,58 ± 11,14 MO- vs 24,91 ± 15,88 MO+) entre as amostras tumorais de pacientes com presença (MO+) ou ausência (MO-) de micrometástase medular. Também não observamos variação da expressão de genes HP1 em relação ao comprometimento linfonodal, dimensão e grau histológico do tumor, expressão tumoral de receptores de estrógeno e estado menopausal da paciente. A expressão de HP1Hsalfa em tumores de pacientes com câncer de mama ERBB2 negativos, entretanto, foi maior do que em tumores ERBB2 positivos. Nossos dados indicam que em tumores de mama, a expressão de HP1Hsalfa, HP1Hsbeta e HP1Hsy não parece se associar à presença de células ocultas em medula óssea / Studies suggest that the presence of occult metastatic cells (OMC) in the bone marrow (BM) may be a prognostic factor in breast cancer. Besides, it is possible that a specific tumor gene profile, characterized by repression of gene expression, may be associated to the presence of tumoral cells in the bone marrow. Gene silencing is controlled by histone deacetylation and DNA methylation, the last one catalized by enzymes DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs). Histones are another target of methyltransferases, and methylation of histone H3 on lysine-9 generate a binding site for HP1 proteins (Heterocromatin protein-1 or chromobox). Members of the HP1 family (HP1Hsalfa, HP1Hsbeta e HP1Hsy) take part in heterochromatin formation and gene expression regulation. Hence, our aim was to determine in the primary tumor of the breast, the expression of HP1Hsalfa, HP1Hsbeta e HP1Hsy, which participate in gene repression, in the presence or absence of occult metastatic cells in the bone marrow. In this study, 37 patients treated at Instituto Brasileiro de Controle do Câncer, from June 2004 to July 2005, with invasive breast cancer histopathologically confirmed, pathological clinical stages I (16,2%), II (51,4%) or III (32,4), were included. The median age of the patients was 63 years (41 to 90), 62.2% were post-menopausal and 24.3% reported family history of breast cancer. Invasive ductal carcinoma was diagnosed in most patients (89.2%), and invasive lobular carcinoma was detected in the other patients (10.8%). Tumor samples and bone marrow aspirates were obtained from each patient. The presence of CMO in BM was detected by keratin-19 (CK19) expression by nested RT-PCR. The relative expression of the genes HP1Hsalfa, HP1Hsbeta e HP1Hsy was determined by real-time RT-PCR. Occult metastatic cells (OMC) in BM were detected in 20 patients (54.1%). No differences were observed in the expression of HP1Hs? (1,93 ± 2,25 BM- vs 3,84 ± 5,53 BM+), HP1Hsalfa (6,74 ± 6,31 BM- vs 6,49 ± 5,86 BM+) and HP1Hsbeta (24,58 ± 11,14 BM- vs 24,91 ± 15,88 BM+) between tumor samples of BM+ patients and BM- patients. Variations of HP1 gene expression were neither observed according to lymph node involvement, tumor size, histological grade, estrogen receptor status and menopausal status. However, HP1Hsbeta expression in ERBB2-negative tumors was higher than in ERBB2-positive tumors. Our data indicate that in breast cancer tumors, expression of HP1Hsalfa, HP1Hsbeta e HP1Hsy does not seem to be associated with the presence of occult metastatic cells in the bone marrow
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Detection And Characterization Of Plant Genes Involved In Various Biotic And Abiotic Stress Conditions Using Ddrt-pcr And Isolation Of Interacting ProteinsUnver, Turgay 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The main objective of this thesis dissertation is functionally characterizing the genes involved in biotic and abiotic stresses of plants at molecular level. Previously, upon pathogen attack Rad6 gene expression was found to be changed in wheat and barley plants. To functionally characterize the Rad6 gene, VIGS (Virus induced gene silencing) system was used. HR (Hypersensitive response) like symptoms was detected in every silenced barley and wheat plants. To figure out, transcriptomes and proteomes of Rad6 silenced plants were analyzed. 2-D PAGE analysis was also performed on silenced and control wheat plants. No pathogen growth was observed in Rad6 silenced barley lines. Additionally, the susceptible wild type Arabidopsis plants showed resistant phenotype when any of the Rad6 gene copies is mutated. This suggests that Rad6 gene has a negative regulatory role in plant disease resistance which was proved for the first time. Yeast two hybrid protein interaction study suggests that RAD6 carrying out its function by interacting with SGT1 protein and regulating resistance related genes. It has been first time reported in this thesis that E2 (Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme) takes role in plant disease resistance.
Boron which is the other consideration in the scope of thesis as an abiotic stress factor at a very limited amount is necessary for the normal development of plants. This study is conducted on highly boron tolerant Gypsophila perfoliata L. collected from a location in the boron mining area. The plant samples were tested in the presence of high boron (35 mg/kg) concentrations. The transcriptomes of the plant samples treated with the excess levels of boron to that of the samples grown under normal concentration were compared using differential display PCR method. Thirty bands showing differential expression levels at varying time points were analyzed. 18 of them were confirmed via qRT-PCR.
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Elucidation Of The Role Of Gcn2 Gene In Response To Powdery Mildew InfectionOzturk, Ibrahim Kutay 01 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Plant immune system is entirely based on the immunities of the individual cells in which systemic signals originate from the infection sites. Powdery mildew disease is one of the agents causing these infection sites, resulting in significant yield losses, if disease develops. Understanding the molecular basis of plant-pathogen interactions is the new trend for fighting against plant pathogens, since classical methods used in selection of resistant plants are becoming less and less efficient nowadays. Thus, finding out the genes which are responsible in plant&rsquo / s resistance is becoming very important.
In this thesis, effect of &lsquo / General Control Nondepressible-2&rsquo / (GCN2) homolog protein in barley defense mechanism was aimed to be studied. The GCN2 of yeast was
previously identified in our laboratory as an interacting protein when the yeast cDNA library was screened with a putative yellow rust R gene (Yr10) fragment. There are reports available in the literature for the function of GCN2 protein, which makes it a good candidate for a role in disease resistance. Thus, the barley homologue of GCN2 might have a role in the R protein mediated early disease response of which may be proceeding via Programmed Cell Death (PCD). In order to observe such function of HvGCN2 in barley, silencing of its expression via Virus Induced Gene Silencing (VIGS) was investigated. Therefore, the GCN2 homologue was found to function as dampening the severity of the disease.
The silencing with triple technical replicates was observed in 5 of the 6 samples, at an average of 43.2% by qRT-PCR analysis. The pathogen growth levels at different time points were analyzed under light microscope on the silenced and the control samples by measuring the primary and secondary hyphae lengths. The total of 24 seedlings and 292 individual spores were analyzed, and then the level of disease formation was quantitated with 603 primary hyphae and 106 secondary hyphae measurements. Up to 25% hyphae growth rate differences between the control and silenced groups were observed with a probability value less than 0.05 on t-test.
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