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Paracoccina: uma quitinase importante para a patobiologia e virulência de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis / Paracoccin: a major chitinase for the pathobiology and virulence of Paracoccidioides brasiliensisGonçales, Relber Aguiar 26 July 2018 (has links)
Espécies do gênero Paracoccidioides spp são fungos patogênicos, termodimórficos, agentes etiológicos de doença endêmica em diversas regiões da América Latina. O indivíduo infectado desenvolve uma resposta específica que, quando associada à alta produção de TNF-? e IFN-?, favorece a resistência ao fungo. Componentes de alguns fungos patogênicos foram caracterizados, por técnicas de knockdown gênico, como importantes para a virulência fúngica. Nosso grupo identificou paracoccina (PCN) como um componente de leveduras de P. brasiliensis; trata-se de uma proteína com um domínio enzimático, dotado de atividade quitinase e um domínio lectínico, ligante de GlcNAc. PCN é dotada das seguintes propriedades: (a) contribui para o crescimento do fungo; (b) promove a adesão da levedura à matriz extracelular, por ligar-se à laminina; (c) interage com N-glicanas de TLR2 e TLR4 e promove ativação celular; (d) estimula macrófagos a produzirem mediadores pró-inflamatórios como IL- 12, TNF-? e NO; (e) promove a polarização M1 de macrófagos; (f) induz atividade fungicida em neutrófilos, bem como formação de NETs e supressão da apoptose, eventos que se mostraram dependentes da síntese de novo de proteínas pelos neutrófilos estimulados. Dada a relevância das atividades biológicas de PCN, promovemos recentemente o silenciamento do gene que codifica essa proteína, através de metodologia que usa RNA anti-sense e transformação mediada por Agrobacterium tumefaciens (ATMT). Uma vez PCN silenciada, a levedura perdeu a capacidade de fazer a transição para micélio e diminuiu a resistência à atividade fungicida de macrófagos. A infecção de camundongos com as cepas silenciadas, em comparação com as WT, causou doença de menor gravidade, com carga fúngica reduzida e baixa taxa de mortalidade. Essas observações sugerem de que PCN funcione como um fator de virulência em P. brasiliensis, que afeta a patogênese da infecção. Neste trabalho, ampliamos as ferramentas moleculares de manipulação do fungo e viabilizamos a superexpressão de PCN em leveduras de P. brasiliensis, tendo como objetivos estudar seu papel na virulência e na patogênese da infecção, bem como determinar os mecanismos responsáveis por tais atividades. A inoculação de leveduras que superexpressam PCN (ov-PCN) em camundongos causou doença pulmonar muito grave, em comparação à doença leve e moderada causada por leveduras silenciadas em PCN e leveduras WT, respectivamente. Nesse sentido, nossos esforços se dedicaram à busca dos mecanismos dos mecanismos através dos quais PCN influencia o curso da infecção experimental. Na tentativa de identificar o papel exercido pelo domínio quitinase da PCN, coletamos o sobrenadante de culturas de leveduras ov-PCN e WT. Partículas de quitina presentes nesses sobrenadantes foram purificadas por afinidade à lectina WGA (wheat germ agglutinin). Através de medida da área das partículas capturadas, através de microscopia eletrônica e aplicação do programa ImageJ, verificamos que a superexpressão de PCN resultou em clivagem mais eficiente da quitina da parede de leveduras, uma vez que apenas partículas muito pequenas (mediana das medidas = 2 nm2) foram detectadas, enquanto as áreas das partículas de quitina obtidas de leveduras selvagens (WT) forneceram mediana 3 vezes maior (6 nm2). As partículas de quitina foram então utilizadas para estimular macrófagos a produzirem citocinas. As obtidas de ov-PCN estimularam preponderantemente a secreção da citocina antiinflamatória IL-10, enquanto os macrófagos estimulados com partículas de leveduras WT produziram mais TNF-? e IL-1?, ambas de efeito pró-inflamatório. Esses resultados permitiram a identificação de um mecanismo importante para que a superexpressão de PCN se associe à ocorrência de doença pulmonar muito grave: o microambiente anti-inflamatório criado pelo estímulo de macrófagos por PCN leva ao desenvolvimento de resposta imune não protetora do tipo Th2 e lesões mais graves. Um segundo mecanismo foi identificado ao compararmos a resistência de leveduras ov-PCN e WT às respostas efetoras de macrófagos. A superexpressão de PCN associou-se à maior internalização das leveduras e maior resistência à atividade fungicida exercida por macrófagos. O estudo demonstra que diferentes níveis da expressão de uma quitinase (como PCN) levam à resistência a atividades antifúngicas de macrófagos e a diferentes graus de clivagem de quitina. A clivagem, por sua vez, pode alterar a estrutura da parede celular fúngica e a geração de fragmentos de quitina, cujos tamanhos e concentrações influenciam a produção de citocinas pelos macrófagos. Sob a ação de citocinas pró- ou antiinflamatórias liberadas pelos macrófagos e, consequentemente, a montagem de respostas adaptativas pode ser decisiva para haver suscetibilidade ou resistência à infecção por P. brasiliensis. Este trabalho proporciona um importante avanço no conhecimento do papel de quitinases na resposta anti-fúngica do hospedeiro. / Species of the genus Paracoccidioides spp are thermodymorphic fungi that cause a systemic disease, which is endemic in several regions of the Latin America. The infected individual develops a specific response that, when associated with the high production of TNF-? and IFN- ?, favors resistance to the fungus. Components of some pathogenic fungi were characterized by gene knockdown techniques as important the for fungal virulence. Our group has identified a component of P. brasiliensis, named Paracoccin (PCN); it is a bifunctional protein with an enzymatic domain, endowed with chitinase activity and a lectin domain, which binds GlcNAc and chitin, a GlcNAc polymers. PCN has the following properties: (a) contributes to the fungus growth; (b) promotes the yeast adhesion to the extracellular matrix, by binding to laminina glycans; (c) interacts with TLR2 and TLR4 N-glycans, which triggers cell activation; (d) stimulates macrophages to produce proinflammatory mediators, such as IL-12, TNF-? and NO; (e) promotes the M1 polarization of macrophages; (f) induces the neutrophils fungicidal activity, NETs formation, and suppression of neutrophils apoptosis, which are depending events on the de novo protein synthesis by neutrophils. Given the relevant biological activities exerted by PCN, we have performed recently the silencing of the gene that codes for this protein through a system that uses RNA anti-sense and Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation (ATMT). Once having the PCN gene silenced, yeast lost the ability of doing the transition to mycelium and decreased its resistance to macrophages fungicidal activities. Mice infection with PCN-silenced yeasts, compared to the infected with WT yeasts, exhibited a milder pulmonary disease with reduced fungal burden and low mortality rate. These observations suggest that PCN acts as a P. brasiliensis virulence factor that affects the pathogenesis of the fungal infection. In the present study, we expanded the molecular tools for the fungus manipulation and enabled the overexpression of PCN in P. brasiliensis yeasts, aiming to elucidate the PCN role in the fungus virulence and the infection pathogenesis, as well as determining the responsible mechanisms for the PCN activities. Inoculation of the PCN overexpressing yeasts (ov-PCN) into mice caused a very severe lung disease, compared to the mild and moderate diseases caused by PCN-silenced and WT yeasts, respectively. Then our efforts became dedicated to the search of mechanisms through which PCN influences the course of the experimental fungal disease. In an attempt to identify the role of the PCN chitinase domain, we harvested the supernatant of the ov-PCN and WT yeasts cultures. Chitin particles contained in the supernatants have been captured by affinity to the immobilized WGA (wheat germ agglutinin) lectin. By measuring through electron microscopy and application of the ImageJ program the area of the isolated chitin particles, we verified that the overexpression of PCN resulted in a more efficient cleavage of whole chitin molecules contained in the yeast cell wall, since only very small particles (median of the measurements = 2 nm2) were detected, while the the chitin particles areas obtained from WT-yeasts provided a median 3 fold higher (6 nm2). Then, the preparations of chitin particles were taken to stimulate macrophages to produce cytokines. The particles obtained from ov-PCN have stimulated preponderantly the secretion of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, whereas the macrophages stimulated with WT yeast particles have produced higher concentrations of TNF-? and IL-1?, which are known proinflammatory cytokines. These results allowed the identification of an important mechanism for the association of PCN overexpression to the occurrence of very severe pulmonary disease: the anti-inflammatory microenvironment created by the macrophages stimulation with PCN leads to the development of a non-protective Th2-type immune response and the more severe pulmonary injury. A second mechanism was identified as implicated in the severity of the lung disease associated to PCN overexpression. We compared the sensitivity of ov-PCN and WT yeasts to macrophages effector functions. PCN overexpressing yeasts were better internalized by macrophages and more resistant to the fungicidal activity of these cells, events that contributes for the high pulmonary fungal load verified in mice infected with ov-PCN yeasts. The study demonstrates that different levels of a chitinase (PCN) expression and enzymatic activity lead yeasts to change their sensitivity to macrophages antifungal activities as well as to different grades of chitin cleavage. The cleavage, in its turn, leads to changes in the structure of the fungal cell wall and generation of chitin fragments, whose sizes and concentrations influence the cytokines production by macrophages. Under the influence of pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory cytokines released by macrophages, the mounted adaptative responses can be decisive in conferring susceptibility or resistance to the P. brasiliensis infection. This study provides an important advance in the knowledge on the role of a chitinase in the host antifungal response.
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Detalhamento funcional do papel de CD99 em astrocitomas / Functional detailing of CD99 role in astrocitomasCardoso, Laís Cavalca 20 July 2018 (has links)
O glioblastoma (GBM) é o tumor cerebral maligno mais comum e agressivo em adultos. Uma combinação de terapia padrão com outras terapias baseadas no conhecimento de sua biologia é necessária para melhorar a sobrevida de pacientes com GBM. Muitos estudos foram desenvolvidos em busca de proteínas de membrana expressas em GBM, pois são potenciais alvos para imunoterapia. A proteína transmembrânica CD99 foi descrita como altamente expressa em astrocitomas de diferentes graus de malignidade. Embora seu mecanismo de ação ainda não seja totalmente compreendido, CD99 está envolvido na adesão e migração celular em diferentes tipos de tumores. O gene CD99 codifica duas proteínas distintas, denominadas isoforma 1, maior, de 32 kDa, e isoforma 2, gerada por splicing alternativo e menor, de 28 kDa. No presente estudo, foi demonstrada a expressão predominante da isoforma 1 em astrocitomas de diferentes graus de malignidade em comparação com o cérebro normal, bem como na linhagem celular de GBM humano U87MG. O transcriptoma das células U87MG transfectadas com siRNA para CD99 foi analisado em relação ao controle. Um total de 2.670 genes diferencialmente expressos foi identificado. Uma análise de enriquecimento no banco de dados DAVID revelou os seguintes processos como os mais significativos: junções aderentes célula-célula; adesão célula-célula envolvendo ligação de caderina e adesão celular. Ensaios funcionais baseados nestes achados (migração, invasão e adesão) foram realizados com células U87MG após o silenciamento de CD99 com dois shRNAs diferentes. A eficiência de silenciamento foi de 80 e 97%, para o shCD991 e 2, respectivamente, confirmada a nível de expressão do gene e da proteína. O silenciamento de CD99 reduziu a migração e invasão para ambos os shRNAs, com diminuição mais acentuada da migração para o shCD99 2, com maior nível de silenciamento de CD99. No ensaio de adesão, a linhagem U87MG shCD99 1 apresentou propriedades adesivas mais baixas que o controle, enquanto o shCD99 2 apresentou resultado oposto, com maior adesão celular do que seu controle. Provavelmente o silenciamento de CD99 afetou a redução da adesão celular em um padrão distinto, sugerindo que o resultado pode ser dependente do nível de expressão remanescente de CD99. Além disso, o CD99 e a faloidina colocalizaram nos lamelipódios e filopódios, sugerindo um papel importante no rearranjo do citoesqueleto. Foi demostrado, ainda, que o silenciamento de CD99 levou à redução da proliferação celular in vitro e diminuição do tumor in vivo. Camundongos imunodeficientes nos quais foram implantadas células silenciadas no cérebro apresentaram uma maior sobrevida que os animais que receberam células controle. A via de sinalização pela qual CD99 modula a proliferação no GBM ainda precisa ser elucidada. Migração, invasão e proliferação são as principais características do GBM que limitam uma ressecção cirúrgica completa e, consequentemente, levam frequentemente à recorrência. Portanto, análises posteriores das vias ativadoras do CD99 no contexto da migração, invasão, proliferação celular e apoptose são válidas para revelar novas estratégias terapêuticas para limitar a progressão do GBM / Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common and aggressive malignant brain tumor in adults. A combination of standard therapy with other biologically based therapies is necessary to improve the survival of patients with GBM. Many studies have been developed in pursuit of expressed membrane proteins in GBM, which are potential targets for immunotherapy. The transmembrane protein CD99 is highly expressed in different malignant grades of astrocytomas. Although its mechanism of action is not still fully understood, CD99 is involved in cell adhesion and migration in different type of tumors. The CD99 gene encodes two distinct transmembrane proteins, named isoform 1, longer with 32 kDa, and isoform 2, generated by alternative splicing, shorter with 28 kDa. In the present study, we demonstrated predominant expression of isoform 1 in astrocytomas of different malignant grades compared to normal brain, and in the human GBM cell line U87MG. The transcriptome of U87MG cell line transfected with siRNA for CD99 was analyzed in relation to control. A total of 2.670 differentially expressed genes were identified. An enrichment analysis by DAVID Bioinformatics Database revealed the following processes as the most significant: cell-cell adherens junction; cadherin binding involved in cell-cell adhesion and cell-cell adhesion. Functional assays based on these findings (migration, invasion and adhesion) were performed with U87MG cells after knocking down CD99 with two different shRNAs. The CD99 silencing efficiency was 80 and 97%, for shCD99 1 and 2, respectively, confirmed at gene and protein level. The CD99 knockdown reduced migration and invasion for both shRNA, with the highest decrease of migration observed in the higher CD99 knocked down cells. In adhesion assay, shCD99 1 U87MG showed lower adhesive properties than the control, whereas shCD99 2 cells presented opposite results, with higher cell adhesion than control. Probably CD99 knockdown affected in the reduction of cell adhesion in a distinct pattern, suggesting that the result is dependent on CD99 remaining expression level. Additionally, CD99 and phalloidin colocalized at lamellipodia and filopodia, sugesting that CD99 plays an important role to cytoskeleton rearrangement. It has also been demonstrated that CD99 silencing caused reduction of cell proliferation in vitro and decreased tumor in vivo. Immunodeficient mice in which knocked down cells were implanted in the brain had a longer survival than animals that received control cells. The signaling pathway by which CD99 modulates proliferation in GBM still needs to be elucidated. Migration, invasion and proliferation are major characteristics of GBM, which limits the complete surgical tumor resection, and consequently leads to tumor recurrence. Therefore, further analysis of CD99 activating pathways in the context of cell migration, invasion, proliferation and apoptosis is worthwhile to unveil new therapeutic strategies to halt GBM progression
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Docência negra em Pelotas: um constante reinterpretar de silênciosPereira, Olga Maria Lima 17 September 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-09-17 / This thesis aims to reveal, on the basis of voices present in the discourse of black teachers in teaching institutions of the city of Pelotas-RS, the strategies used by the discourse of silencing, which persists in defending the idea of an equality of conditions between people independently of the color of their skin. The analyses of these perceptions take as its basis reports of experiences lived by black teachers in the institutional and social context of Pelotas. For doing this, we sent electronically a questionnaire to sixteen black teachers of several teaching networks (municipal, state, federal and private) composed by six open questions, from which we weave some reflections on the voices of these actors as for the discourse of silencing that tries, without results, make invisible their role as black people, citizens and teachers in the service of teaching. The inquiry, by means of the discourse of these teachers, aims to contribute to a more critical analysis regarding some postures that humiliatingly and depreciatively keep on populating the imaginary of some institutions and Pelotas society itself regarding black men and women who act as. The main purpose of the work is to contribute to a new glance on racial prejudice in Pelotas, as well as demonstrating how these teachers are reacting to break this silence that persists in subjecting them to embarrassing situations. Theoretically, the inquiry is based especially in the concepts of exotopy and alterity, by Mikhail Bakhtin, relevant to think about the non-indifferent but necessary distancing of the researcher regarding the object and the perception and respect for others so necessary for the construction of a we , as well as for understanding how the discourse of subjects reflects their social position. In order to understand the identitary processes built for creating silencing of black people in our society, we use proposals of Stuart Hall and Zygmunt Bauman, who talk on the fragmentation and the conflict of identities, and Munanga, who re-discusses why black people is considered unable to build really mobilizing identities / Esta tese visa desvelar, com base nas vozes presentes no discurso dos docentes negros em Instituições de Ensino da cidade de Pelotas-RS, as estratégias a que recorre o discurso do silenciamento que persiste em defender a ideia de haver uma igualdade de condições entre as pessoas independentemente da cor da pele. As análises dessas percepções têm como base relatos de experiências vivenciadas por professores negros no âmbito institucional e social de Pelotas. Para tanto, enviamos eletronicamente um questionário a dezesseis professores negros de diversas redes de ensino (municipal, estadual, federal e particular) composto por seis perguntas abertas, a partir das quais tecemos algumas reflexões sobre as vozes desses atores quanto ao discurso do silenciamento que tenta, porém, sem êxito, invisibilizar o seu papel como sujeito negro, cidadão e professor no exercício do magistério.A pesquisa, através do discurso desses professores, visa trazer contribuições para uma análise mais crítica em relação a algumas posturas que, de forma humilhante e depreciativa, continuam povoando o imaginário de algumas instituições e da própria sociedade pelotense em relação aos negros e negras que aqui exercem seu papel de docentes. O propósito maior do trabalho é trazer contribuições para um novo olhar sobre o preconceito racial na cidade de Pelotas, bem como demonstrar como esses docentes estão reagindo para quebrar esse silêncio que persiste em submetê-los a situações embaraçosas. Teoricamente, a pesquisa se sustenta sobretudo nos conceitos de exotopia e alteridade de Mikhail Bakhtin, pertinentes para refletir sobre o distanciamento não indiferente, mas necessário, do pesquisador diante do objeto pesquisado e da percepção e do respeito pelo outro tão necessários para a construção de um nós e para o entendimento a respeito de como o discurso do sujeito reflete sua posição social. A fim de compreendermos os processos identitários construídos de modo a criar o silenciamento do negro em nossa sociedade, utilizamos propostas de Stuart Hall e Zygmunt Bauman, que nos falam sobre a fragmentação e o conflito das identidades, e Munanga, que rediscute o porquê de os negros serem considerados incapazes de construir identidades verdadeiramente mobilizadoras
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Silenciamento gênico por interferência de RNA (RNAi) em traça-do-tomateiro, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick), utilizando bactérias expressando dupla fita de RNA (dsRNA) / Gene silencing by RNA interference (RNAi) in tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick), using bactéria expressing double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)Bento, Flavia de Moura Manoel 15 December 2017 (has links)
O uso da técnica de RNAi vem sendo avaliada em diversos insetos-pragas pois, é uma estratégia inovadora que pode ser integrada no manejo de importantes pragas agrícolas. Os insetos da Ordem Lepidoptera são reconhecidos por apresentarem recalcitrância à técnica de silenciamento utilizando dsRNA. Assim, ajustes devem ser feitos aos métodos de entrega de dsRNA para que haja estabilidade da molécula até atingir o mRNA alvo de silenciamento no inseto. O silenciamento gênico por RNAi possui potencial de uso para o controle da \"traça-do-tomateiro\" Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), uma das principais pragas do tomateiro no mundo. O objetivo do trabalho foi selecionar e avaliar o silenciamento de genes de T. absoluta, utilizando o método de entrega de dsRNA via bactéria E. coli HT115 (DE3), disponibilizada em dieta artificial. Também, objetivando a aplicabilidade da utilização de bactérias que se desenvolvam no mesmo hábitat de insetos-pragas, estudou-se a colonização das bactérias endofíticas Pantoea agglomerans linhagem 33.1, Burkholderia sp. linhagem SCMS54 e Burkholderia ambifaria linhagem RZ2MS16 em plantas de tomateiro e lagartas de T. absoluta, para posterior transformação e tentativa de utilização como estratégia de entrega de dsRNA para silenciamento de genes alvos de T. absoluta. Foram avaliados, por meio da metodologia de dieta artificial, oito genes de T. absoluta: juvenile hormone inducible protein - JHP; juvenile hormone epoxide hydrolase protein - JHEH; ecdysteroid 25-hydroxylase - PHM; chitin synthase A - CHI; glutathione S-transferase epsilon 2 - GST; carboxylesterase - COE; alkaline phosphatase - AP e; arginine kinase - AK. Por meio de avaliação dos parâmetros biológicos (mortalidade larval; duração da fase larval e peso de pupas) e expressão gênica em cinco períodos de alimentação, comprovou-se a eficiência da metodologia na avaliação do silenciamento gênico por RNAi, sendo possível realizar screening de grande quantidade de genes e avaliar os efeitos do silenciamento gênico no desenvolvimento de T. absoluta. Os genes AK, CHI e JHP apresentaram resultados positivos quanto ao silenciamento gênico e mortalidade larval, sendo promissores para uso de silenciamento por RNAi como estratégia de controle de T. absoluta. Pantoea agglomerans apresentou os melhores resultados de colonização de plantas de tomateiro \"Micro-Tom\" e lagartas de T. absoluta, além de estarem presentes em tecidos preferencialmente utilizados na alimentação das lagartas. Porém, lagartas não apresentaram diferenças na mortalidade larval ao se alimentarem de plantas de tomateiro \"Micro-Tom\" inoculadas com bactérias de P. agglomerans transformadas. / The use of RNAi technique has been evaluated in several insect pests because it is an innovative strategy that can be integrated in the management of important agricultural pests. Insects of the Order Lepidoptera are recognized to present recalcitrance to gene silencing using dsRNA. Thus, adjustments should be done to dsRNA delivery methods to have molecule stability until it reaches the mRNA target for silencing in the insect. Gene silencing by RNAi has potential use to control the tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), one of the main insect pests of tomato crop worldwide. The objective of this work was to select and evaluate the silencing of T. absoluta genes using dsRNA delivery method via E. coli HT115 (DE3) bacterium, offered in artificial diet. Also, aiming the applicability of the use of bacteria growing in the same habitat of insect pests, we evaluate the colonization of the endophytic bacteria Pantoea agglomerans strain 33.1, Burkholderia sp. strain SCMS54 and Burkholderia ambifaria strain RZ2MS16 in tomato plants and T. absoluta larvae for further transformation and potential use as dsRNA delivery strategy for silencing target genes of T. absoluta. We evaluated eight genes of T. absoluta: juvenile hormone inducible protein - JHP; juvenile hormone epoxide hydrolase protein - JHEH; ecdysteroid 25-hydroxylase - PHM; chitin synthase A - CHI; glutathione S-transferase epsilon 2 - GST; carboxylesterase - COE; alkaline phosphatase - AP and; arginine kinase - AK. Evaluating biological parameters (larval mortality, larval stage duration and pupal weight) and gene expression in five feeding periods, we proved the efficiency of the methodology in the evaluation of gene silencing by RNAi, and evaluated the effects of gene silencing on the development of T. absoluta. The genes AK, CHI and JHP presented positive results regarding gene silencing and larval mortality, being promising to use RNAi silencing as a strategy to control T. absoluta. Pantoea agglomerans showed good results colonizing \"Micro-Tom\" tomato plants and T. absoluta larvae, besides being present in tissues preferentially used by larvae for feeding. However, larvae did not show differences in larval mortality when feeding on tomato plants inoculated with transformed P. agglomerans.
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Paracoccina: uma quitinase importante para a patobiologia e virulência de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis / Paracoccin: a major chitinase for the pathobiology and virulence of Paracoccidioides brasiliensisRelber Aguiar Gonçales 26 July 2018 (has links)
Espécies do gênero Paracoccidioides spp são fungos patogênicos, termodimórficos, agentes etiológicos de doença endêmica em diversas regiões da América Latina. O indivíduo infectado desenvolve uma resposta específica que, quando associada à alta produção de TNF-? e IFN-?, favorece a resistência ao fungo. Componentes de alguns fungos patogênicos foram caracterizados, por técnicas de knockdown gênico, como importantes para a virulência fúngica. Nosso grupo identificou paracoccina (PCN) como um componente de leveduras de P. brasiliensis; trata-se de uma proteína com um domínio enzimático, dotado de atividade quitinase e um domínio lectínico, ligante de GlcNAc. PCN é dotada das seguintes propriedades: (a) contribui para o crescimento do fungo; (b) promove a adesão da levedura à matriz extracelular, por ligar-se à laminina; (c) interage com N-glicanas de TLR2 e TLR4 e promove ativação celular; (d) estimula macrófagos a produzirem mediadores pró-inflamatórios como IL- 12, TNF-? e NO; (e) promove a polarização M1 de macrófagos; (f) induz atividade fungicida em neutrófilos, bem como formação de NETs e supressão da apoptose, eventos que se mostraram dependentes da síntese de novo de proteínas pelos neutrófilos estimulados. Dada a relevância das atividades biológicas de PCN, promovemos recentemente o silenciamento do gene que codifica essa proteína, através de metodologia que usa RNA anti-sense e transformação mediada por Agrobacterium tumefaciens (ATMT). Uma vez PCN silenciada, a levedura perdeu a capacidade de fazer a transição para micélio e diminuiu a resistência à atividade fungicida de macrófagos. A infecção de camundongos com as cepas silenciadas, em comparação com as WT, causou doença de menor gravidade, com carga fúngica reduzida e baixa taxa de mortalidade. Essas observações sugerem de que PCN funcione como um fator de virulência em P. brasiliensis, que afeta a patogênese da infecção. Neste trabalho, ampliamos as ferramentas moleculares de manipulação do fungo e viabilizamos a superexpressão de PCN em leveduras de P. brasiliensis, tendo como objetivos estudar seu papel na virulência e na patogênese da infecção, bem como determinar os mecanismos responsáveis por tais atividades. A inoculação de leveduras que superexpressam PCN (ov-PCN) em camundongos causou doença pulmonar muito grave, em comparação à doença leve e moderada causada por leveduras silenciadas em PCN e leveduras WT, respectivamente. Nesse sentido, nossos esforços se dedicaram à busca dos mecanismos dos mecanismos através dos quais PCN influencia o curso da infecção experimental. Na tentativa de identificar o papel exercido pelo domínio quitinase da PCN, coletamos o sobrenadante de culturas de leveduras ov-PCN e WT. Partículas de quitina presentes nesses sobrenadantes foram purificadas por afinidade à lectina WGA (wheat germ agglutinin). Através de medida da área das partículas capturadas, através de microscopia eletrônica e aplicação do programa ImageJ, verificamos que a superexpressão de PCN resultou em clivagem mais eficiente da quitina da parede de leveduras, uma vez que apenas partículas muito pequenas (mediana das medidas = 2 nm2) foram detectadas, enquanto as áreas das partículas de quitina obtidas de leveduras selvagens (WT) forneceram mediana 3 vezes maior (6 nm2). As partículas de quitina foram então utilizadas para estimular macrófagos a produzirem citocinas. As obtidas de ov-PCN estimularam preponderantemente a secreção da citocina antiinflamatória IL-10, enquanto os macrófagos estimulados com partículas de leveduras WT produziram mais TNF-? e IL-1?, ambas de efeito pró-inflamatório. Esses resultados permitiram a identificação de um mecanismo importante para que a superexpressão de PCN se associe à ocorrência de doença pulmonar muito grave: o microambiente anti-inflamatório criado pelo estímulo de macrófagos por PCN leva ao desenvolvimento de resposta imune não protetora do tipo Th2 e lesões mais graves. Um segundo mecanismo foi identificado ao compararmos a resistência de leveduras ov-PCN e WT às respostas efetoras de macrófagos. A superexpressão de PCN associou-se à maior internalização das leveduras e maior resistência à atividade fungicida exercida por macrófagos. O estudo demonstra que diferentes níveis da expressão de uma quitinase (como PCN) levam à resistência a atividades antifúngicas de macrófagos e a diferentes graus de clivagem de quitina. A clivagem, por sua vez, pode alterar a estrutura da parede celular fúngica e a geração de fragmentos de quitina, cujos tamanhos e concentrações influenciam a produção de citocinas pelos macrófagos. Sob a ação de citocinas pró- ou antiinflamatórias liberadas pelos macrófagos e, consequentemente, a montagem de respostas adaptativas pode ser decisiva para haver suscetibilidade ou resistência à infecção por P. brasiliensis. Este trabalho proporciona um importante avanço no conhecimento do papel de quitinases na resposta anti-fúngica do hospedeiro. / Species of the genus Paracoccidioides spp are thermodymorphic fungi that cause a systemic disease, which is endemic in several regions of the Latin America. The infected individual develops a specific response that, when associated with the high production of TNF-? and IFN- ?, favors resistance to the fungus. Components of some pathogenic fungi were characterized by gene knockdown techniques as important the for fungal virulence. Our group has identified a component of P. brasiliensis, named Paracoccin (PCN); it is a bifunctional protein with an enzymatic domain, endowed with chitinase activity and a lectin domain, which binds GlcNAc and chitin, a GlcNAc polymers. PCN has the following properties: (a) contributes to the fungus growth; (b) promotes the yeast adhesion to the extracellular matrix, by binding to laminina glycans; (c) interacts with TLR2 and TLR4 N-glycans, which triggers cell activation; (d) stimulates macrophages to produce proinflammatory mediators, such as IL-12, TNF-? and NO; (e) promotes the M1 polarization of macrophages; (f) induces the neutrophils fungicidal activity, NETs formation, and suppression of neutrophils apoptosis, which are depending events on the de novo protein synthesis by neutrophils. Given the relevant biological activities exerted by PCN, we have performed recently the silencing of the gene that codes for this protein through a system that uses RNA anti-sense and Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation (ATMT). Once having the PCN gene silenced, yeast lost the ability of doing the transition to mycelium and decreased its resistance to macrophages fungicidal activities. Mice infection with PCN-silenced yeasts, compared to the infected with WT yeasts, exhibited a milder pulmonary disease with reduced fungal burden and low mortality rate. These observations suggest that PCN acts as a P. brasiliensis virulence factor that affects the pathogenesis of the fungal infection. In the present study, we expanded the molecular tools for the fungus manipulation and enabled the overexpression of PCN in P. brasiliensis yeasts, aiming to elucidate the PCN role in the fungus virulence and the infection pathogenesis, as well as determining the responsible mechanisms for the PCN activities. Inoculation of the PCN overexpressing yeasts (ov-PCN) into mice caused a very severe lung disease, compared to the mild and moderate diseases caused by PCN-silenced and WT yeasts, respectively. Then our efforts became dedicated to the search of mechanisms through which PCN influences the course of the experimental fungal disease. In an attempt to identify the role of the PCN chitinase domain, we harvested the supernatant of the ov-PCN and WT yeasts cultures. Chitin particles contained in the supernatants have been captured by affinity to the immobilized WGA (wheat germ agglutinin) lectin. By measuring through electron microscopy and application of the ImageJ program the area of the isolated chitin particles, we verified that the overexpression of PCN resulted in a more efficient cleavage of whole chitin molecules contained in the yeast cell wall, since only very small particles (median of the measurements = 2 nm2) were detected, while the the chitin particles areas obtained from WT-yeasts provided a median 3 fold higher (6 nm2). Then, the preparations of chitin particles were taken to stimulate macrophages to produce cytokines. The particles obtained from ov-PCN have stimulated preponderantly the secretion of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, whereas the macrophages stimulated with WT yeast particles have produced higher concentrations of TNF-? and IL-1?, which are known proinflammatory cytokines. These results allowed the identification of an important mechanism for the association of PCN overexpression to the occurrence of very severe pulmonary disease: the anti-inflammatory microenvironment created by the macrophages stimulation with PCN leads to the development of a non-protective Th2-type immune response and the more severe pulmonary injury. A second mechanism was identified as implicated in the severity of the lung disease associated to PCN overexpression. We compared the sensitivity of ov-PCN and WT yeasts to macrophages effector functions. PCN overexpressing yeasts were better internalized by macrophages and more resistant to the fungicidal activity of these cells, events that contributes for the high pulmonary fungal load verified in mice infected with ov-PCN yeasts. The study demonstrates that different levels of a chitinase (PCN) expression and enzymatic activity lead yeasts to change their sensitivity to macrophages antifungal activities as well as to different grades of chitin cleavage. The cleavage, in its turn, leads to changes in the structure of the fungal cell wall and generation of chitin fragments, whose sizes and concentrations influence the cytokines production by macrophages. Under the influence of pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory cytokines released by macrophages, the mounted adaptative responses can be decisive in conferring susceptibility or resistance to the P. brasiliensis infection. This study provides an important advance in the knowledge on the role of a chitinase in the host antifungal response.
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O discurso televisivo e o sujeito transexual: sentidos e silenciamentos na mídia / The Discourse of Television and Transexual individual: Senses and the Silencing in the MediaDenardin, Jaqueline Angelo dos Santos, Denardin, Jaqueline Angelo dos Santos 08 February 2019 (has links)
Submitted by Edineia Teixeira (edineia.teixeira@unioeste.br) on 2019-03-11T19:27:48Z
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Previous issue date: 2019-02-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / From the theorical perspective of the Discourse Analysis (PÊCHEUX, 1969, 1975), attached to the gender studies (BEAUVOIR 1967, 1970; BENTO 2008; BUTLER 2003,2011), this work aims to analyze the series “Quem sou eu?” (Who am I?), which has passed on Fantástico, a program broadcasted by GLOBO Television Network. Being released in four episodes, on four consecutive Sundays, between March and April of 2017, the series approached transsexuality and its relevant demands attached to the transsexual individual, such as: the “choices” of whom was born in a “wrong” body, the impact in the person’s school and academic life due to the fact of being transsexual, the issue of self-medication and treatment(s), the sex reassignment surgery and the relationships in the “transgender world” regarding to familial affection, affection issues and sexual desire. The main goal is to analyze how the series, which is metaphorically narrated inspired by the popular child story “Alice no País das Maravilhas” (Alice in Wonderland) , brings out the topic in a way to start talking about transsexuality, in order to analyze the ideological functioning that permeates the discussions on this topic. Transsexuality has been facing a lot of discussions in the contemporary world covered by intense social impact that justifies the necessity of approaching transsexuality in the scientific production field, so that the conceptions related to this topic will not be mostly based on common sense, allowing the epistemological construction of knowledge on transsexuality. Therefore, this work intends to understand how the experienced effects are sustained – mentioned and not mentioned – in produced discourses – by the media, journalistic discourse, and even to notice the current ideologies in the transsexual individuals’ discourse, as a sense effect – inspired by the topic approached by the series, transsexuality. / Neste trabalho, a partir da perspectiva teórica da Análise de Discurso (PÊCHEUX, 1969, 1975), articulada aos estudos do gênero (BEAUVOIR, 1967,1970; BENTO 2008; BUTLER 2003, 2011), pretendemos analisar a série “Quem sou eu?”, transmitida pelo programa televisivo da Rede Globo de Televisão Fantástico. Realizada em quatro episódios, com circulação em quatro domingos consecutivos, entre os meses de março e abril de 2017, a série abordou o tema da transexualidade e as demandas pertinentes e “inerentes” ao sujeito transexual, tais como: as “escolhas” de quem nasceu no corpo “errado”; a repercussão na vida escolar e acadêmica por ser um sujeito trans; a questão da automedicação e tratamento(s); a cirurgia de transgenitalização e os relacionamentos no “mundo transgênero”, tanto em relação às questões de afeto familiar quanto às questões de desejo sexual. O objetivo principal é analisar como a série, que é narrada, metaforicamente, ancorada na história infantil “Alice no País das Maravilhas”, traz o(s) dizer(es) como um modo de fazer falar o tema da transexualidade. Nossa dissertação tem como intuito analisar o funcionamento ideológico que permeia as discussões feitas pelo programa televisivo acerca desse tema – assunto que tem sido pivô de várias discussões na contemporaneidade com repercussão social intensa, o que justifica cientificamente a nossa pesquisa e a necessidade de abordar a transexualidade no espaço de produção científica, para que não tenha, como dito, somente o que é produzido pelo senso comum, possibilitando, assim, uma construção epistemológica do conhecimento e saberes sobre a transexualidade. Portanto, este trabalho teve a intenção de compreender como se sustentam efeitos de sentidos – ditos e não ditos – em dizeres produzidos pelo discurso televisivo de tal programa; ademais, analisou como os sujeitos trans se dizem e são ditos nessa série sobre sua transexualidade.
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Analyse de l'efficacité de la régulation par les microARN / Analysis of microRNA gene silencing efficiencyHuang, Lue 19 December 2012 (has links)
Les microARN constituent une classe de petits ARN non codants d’une vingtaine de nucléotides, issus de transcrits cellulaires, qui inhibent l’expression de gènes cibles au niveau post-transcriptionnel. Chez les mammifères, bien qu’ils puissent agir sur une cible parfaitement complémentaire (mode parfait), les microARN ont presqu’exclusivement des cibles partiellement complémentaires (mode imparfait). Puisqu’en mode imparfait une coupure endonucléolytique de la cible est impossible, il est généralement proposé que le mode imparfait soit moins efficace que le mode parfait : conduisant à un silencing moins efficace, nécessitant plus de complexes effecteurs (miRISC) et facilement saturable par une augmentation du nombre de cible. Dans ce travail j’ai développé une approche expérimentale reposant sur l’expression de protéines fluorescentes pour mesurer précisément le silencing au niveau de chaque cellule. J’ai fait trois observations inattendues sur l’efficacité de la régulation par les microARN : i) le silencing en mode parfait et imparfait nécessite des quantités similaires de petit ARN, ii) une augmentation, même très importante, de l’expression du gène cible ne lui permet pas d’échapper à la régulation, iii) le silencing n’est pas intrinsèquement plus faible en mode imparfait (qu’en mode parfait) mais n’est pas actif dans toutes les cellules. Si les deux premiers points sont facilement explicables dans le cadre de l’induction de la dégradation de l’ARNm cible sur un mode catalytique via la déadénylation de l’ARNm, le troisième indique l’existence d’une régulation forte du silencing qui est spécifique du mode imparfait. De plus, comme dans les deux modes le silencing dépend principalement du même partenaire, Ago2, cette régulation intervient après l’assemblage du complexe minimal (Ago2/petit ARN). Ainsi, les différences entre les modes parfait et imparfait ne se situent pas au niveau proposé puisque lorsque la cellule est compétente, leurs efficacités sont comparables. Par contre, mes travaux mettent en évidence l’existence d’un contrôle de la régulation en mode imparfait dont la nature reste à préciser. / MicroRNAs are endogenous small non-coding RNAs about 21 nucleotides in length that inhibit the expression of target genes primarily at the post-transcriptional level. The target recognition of microARN is sequence-specific and requires a partial complementarity between the microRNA and target sequences that are present on the mRNA molecules. microRNAs are part of an effector complex, miRISC, containing multiple proteins which can participate to a repression of translation and/or promotes destabilization of the target mRNA. The mechanism of microRNA silencing is not completely understood to date, but it is assumed that it is globally less potent than that of siRNA acting on perfect targets. By using fluorescent proteins expressing reporter plasmids and flow cytometry, we observed an efficient silencing by microRNA which does not require more active complexes than the perfect target silencing and cannot be easily saturated. This suggests that in cells in culture, microRNA silencing works in a catalytic manner leading to mRNA degradation. In addition, our data also indicates that the efficiency of microRNA silencing is variable among cells and can be almost completely abrogated under some conditions contrary to the siRNA silencing which is active in all cells. As we observed that the protein Ago2 is the only member of Ago family that is implicated in the microRNA silencing, it follows that the regulation of microRNA silencing acts after the formation of the core complex (Ago2/small RNA). So the difference between the silencing in the perfect and imperfect mode are not what is usually proposed, but pertain to a level of cellular control, which remains to be deciphered.
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Etude de la réponse immunitaire de la cicadelle Circulifer haematoceps au cours de l'infection par Spiroplasma citri / Deciphering the immune response of the leafhopper Circulifer haematoceps during Spirop/asma citri infectionEliautout, Remi 28 November 2014 (has links)
Spiroplasma citri est une bactérie phytopathogène transmise par la cicadelle Circuliferhaematoceps. L'absence de symptômes malgré la multiplication de S. citri dans l'hémolymphe, suggèreque le système immunitaire joue un rôle important dans la tolérance de la cicadelle vis-à-vis duspiroplasme.Le but de cette thèse a donc été d'étudier la réponse immunitaire de C. haematoceps aucours de l'infection par S. citri.Notre étude sur le système immunitaire de la cicadelle a montré la présence dans le plasma d'uneactivité antibactérienne et d'une activité phénoloxidase. Parmi les principaux types d'hémocytes unephagocytose des bactéries par les granulocytes et les plasmatocytes a été observée. Les gènessusceptibles d'être impliqués dans ces processus ont été recherchés par une approche par hybridationsoustractive. De manière étonnante, aucun gènes codant des récepteurs ni d'effecteurs connus del'immunité n'ont été identifiés. En revanche certains gènes (23 en tout) codent des protéines ayantpotentiellement un rôle immunitaire. Six de ces 23 gènes ont été retenus pour suivre leur expressionau temps précoce d'une infection bactérienne. Les résultats ont montré que les gènes codantI'Hexamérine, la DDBPl et la Thiorédoxine peroxydase étaient surexprimés lors de l'infection par 5.citri. Une approche fonctionnelle d'interférence par ARN a montré d'une part que I'Hexamérine étaitimpliquée dans l'activité phénoloxidase et d'autre part qu'elle jouait un rôle important dans la surviede C. haematococeps au cours de l'infection par 5. citri. En parallèle, le suivi de l'activité phénoloxidaseet de la phagocytose au cours de l'infection a montré que 5. citri était capable de s'adapter à laréponse immunitaire de l'insecte et d'y échapper. Ces résultats rejoignent ceux obtenus chez ladrosophile concernant S. poulsonii. / Spirop/asma citri is phytopathogenic bacteria transmitted by the leafhopper Circuliferhaematoceps. The absence of symptoms despite the multiplication of S. citri in the hemolymph,suggests that the immune system plays an important role in the tolerance of the leafhopper towardsthe spiroplasma infection. The purpose of this thesis was to study the immune response of C.haematoceps during the infection by 5. citri.The characterization of the immune system of the leafhopper showed that an antibacterial activity anda phenoloxidase activity were present in the plasma. The main types of hemocytes were identified.Among them, granulocytes and plasmatocytes are capable to phagocyte bacteria. The genes involvedin these immune processes were searched using subtractive hybridization method. lnterestingly, noneof the genes known to encode receptors or effectors of the immune system were identified. On theother hand 23 putative immune genes were identified. Six of these genes were retained to follow theirexpression in the early time of a bacterial infection. The results showed that the genes encodingHexamerin, DDBPl and Thioredoxin peroxidase were up-regulated during the infection by 5. citri. Afunctional approach by gene silencing showed that Hexamerin was involved in the phenoloxidaseactivity and played an important role in the survival of C. haematoceps during the infection by S. citri.Finally, the follow-up of the phenoloxidase activity and phagocytosis by hemocytes showed anadaptation and an evasion of S. citri from the immune response of the insect, according to the resultsobtained for 5. pou/sonii-infected drosophila.Keywords : 5piroplasma citri, phenoloxidase, phagocytosis, hemocytes, gene silencing, Hexamerine,subtractive hybridization.
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Developing an optimal method for producing a tearless onionKamoi, T. January 2008 (has links)
People experience the irritating tearing and burning sensation of lachrymatory factor (LF, propanthial S-oxide) when cutting or chopping onion bulbs. LF is produced by lachrymatory factor synthase (LFS) specifically from 1-propenyl sulfenic acid, a breakdown product of trans-1-propenyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide (1-PRENCSO) by alliinase. This thesis describes strategies to produce a tearless onion by using RNA interference (RNAi) silencing. To determine whether a gene silencing cassette can silence lfs gene transcripts from onion (Allium cepa L.), a crop recalcitrant to genetic transformation, a gene silencing assessment system was developed by using a model plant as a host for the gene of interest. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants transgenic for LFS enzyme activity from onion were first produced by introducing a CaMV 35S-onion-lfs gene construct. These plants were then subjected to a second transformation with an RNAi construct directed against the lfs gene sequence. LFS enzyme activity assay showed that the transgenic plants, containing both the lfs gene and the RNAi construct, had significantly reduced LFS activity. This observation was supported by Western analysis for the LFS protein and further validated by quantitative RT-PCR analysis that demonstrated a significant reduction in the lfs transcript level in the dual transformants. This work demonstrated that the RNAi construct is a suitable candidate for the development of a tearless onion. This model plant RNAi system has wide reaching applications for assessment and targeting of plant secondary pathway genes, from poorly studied or recalcitrant plant species, that are important in pharmacological, food and process industries. The functional RNAi vector identified in the model system was transformed into onion. Endogenous lfs transcript levels were successfully reduced by up to 43-fold in six transgenic lines. In consequence, LFS enzyme activity was decreased by up to 1573-fold and this observation was supported by Western analysis for the LFS protein. Furthermore, the production of the deterrent LF upon tissue disruption was reduced up to 67-fold. Subjective olfactory assessment of silenced lines indicated that the pungent odour given off by the leaf and bulb material was much reduced compared with that of non-transgenic counterparts, and that this was replaced by a sweeter milder onion odour. A novel colorimetric assay demonstrated that this silencing had shifted the 1-PRENCSO breakdown pathway so that by reducing LFS protein, more 1-propenyl sulfenic acid was converted into di-1-propenyl thiosulfinate. A consequence of the raised thiosulfinates levels was a marked increase in the downstream production of a non-enzymatically produced zwiebelane isomer that has never previously been identified, and other volatile compounds, di-1-propenyl disulfides and 2-mercapto-3,4-dimethyl-2,3-dihydrothiophenes, which had previously been reported either in small amounts or had not been detected in onions. These raised volatile sulfur compounds provide an explanation for the unique flavour notes of the LF reduced onion and are predicted to have health benefits akin to those found in garlic. These results demonstrated that silencing of LFS enzyme activity by introducing an RNAi construct directed against the lfs gene sequence simultaneously reduced levels of the deterrent LF and increased the desirable thiosulfinates in onions.
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Testing the effect of in planta RNA silencing on Plasmodiophora brassicae infectionBulman, S. R. January 2006 (has links)
In the late 1990s, a series of landmark publications described RNA interference (RNAi) and related RNA silencing phenomena in nematodes, plants and fungi. By manipulating RNA silencing, biologists have been able to create tools for specifically inactivating genes. In organisms from trypanosomes to insects, RNA silencing is now indispensible for studying gene function. RNA silencing has been used in a project aimed at systematically knocking out all genes in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. RNA silencing has a natural role in defending eukaryotic cells against virus replication. By assembling virus DNA sequences in a form that triggers RNA silencing, biologists have created plants resistant to specific viruses. In this study, we set out to test if a similar approach would protect plants against infection by the agriculturally important Brassica pathogen, Plasmodiophora brassicae. P. brassicae is an obligate intracellular biotroph, from the little studied eukaryotic supergroup, the Rhizaria. To identify the gene sequences that would be starting material for P. brassicae RNA silencing, new P. brassicae genes were gathered by cDNA cloning or genomic PCR-walking. Using suppression subtractive hybridisation (SSH) and oligo-capping cloning of full-length cDNAs, 76 new gene sequences were identified. A large proportion of the cDNAs were predicted to contain signal peptides for ER translocation. In addition to the new cDNA identified here, partial sequences for the P. brassicae actin and TPS genes were published by other researchers close to the beginning of this study. Using PCR-walking, full-length genomic DNA sequences from both genes were obtained. Later, genomic DNA sequences spanning or flanking a total of 24 P. brassicae genes were obtained. The P. brassicae genes were rich in typical eukaryotic spliceosomal introns. Transcription of P. brassicae genes also appears likely to begin from initiator elements rather than TATA-box-containing promoters. A segment of the P. brassicae actin gene was assembled in hairpin format and transformed into Arabidopsis thaliana. Observation of simultaneous knockdown of the GUS marker gene as well as detection of siRNAs indicated that the hpRNA sequences induced RNA silencing. However, inoculation of these plants with P. brassicae resulted in heavy club root infection. We were unable to detect decreases in actin gene expression in the infecting P. brassicae, at either early or late stages of infection. We conclude that, within the limits of the techniques used here, there is no evidence for induction of RNA silencing in P. brassicae by in planta produced siRNAs.
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