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Desarrollo de films delgados a partir de copolímeros bloque con morfología controladaPassaretti, María Gabriela 26 March 2019 (has links)
Un material compuesto es un material que se forma por la mezcla de dos o más materiales con propiedades diferentes entre sí, que al combinarse producen un nuevo material con propiedades distintas al de sus componentes individuales. En los materiales particulados, el componente mayoritario se conoce como matriz y el minoritario como relleno. El interés industrial por los materiales compuestos a base de matrices termoplásticas se debe principalmente a la versatilidad de usos y aplicaciones que presentan. Los rellenos (o cargas) de mayor interés comercial son los de origen mineral debido, principalmente, a su relativo bajo costo y alta disponibilidad, dando lugar al desarrollo de nuevos materiales compuestos de un costo relativamente bajo. Utilizando diferentes polímeros como matriz y distintos rellenos se pueden modificar las propiedades ópticas, térmicas, de barrera, mecánicas, etc., y, de esta forma, diseñar materiales compuestos “a medida” para distintas aplicaciones específicas. La correcta dispersión de las partículas de relleno depende en gran medida de la compatibilidad entre el polímero y la carga, y también de los métodos empleados para su obtención y procesamiento. Algunos de los métodos más utilizados son el mezclado en fundido, en solución o una combinación de ambos.
Por otro lado, durante las últimas décadas ha crecido el interés por el desarrollo de materiales poliméricos con fuerte anisotropía en sus propiedades eléctricas, magnéticas, mecánicas, ópticas, de transporte o térmicas para su uso en variadas aplicaciones, tales como sensores y actuadores, prótesis óseas, electrónica, fotónica y membranas, entre otros. Los copolímeros bloque resultan de particular interés debido a los diversos arreglos macroscópicos que presentan, permitiendo un control sobre la distribución y orientación de las cargas.
En esta tesis se desarrollaron películas de materiales compuestos a base de diferentes matrices poliméricas termoplásticas utilizando dos tecnologías de procesamiento. Para modificar las propiedades de las películas desarrolladas, se incorporaron diferente tipo de cargas. La aplicación posterior de flujos de corte y tratamientos térmicos mejoro aún más la estructura interna de largo alcance y las propiedades finales de los compuestos. Las películas obtenidas se caracterizaron mediante técnicas complementarias de análisis para estudiar la morfología y determinar las propiedades finales.
Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que los materiales desarrollados orientados se pueden proponer como membranas selectivas para remoción de nitrógeno de corrientes de gas natural y remoción de dióxido de carbono post combustión. En cuanto a las películas compuestas obtenidas por mezclado en fundido y termo-compresión, se comprobó su capacidad de barrera a la radiación UV, protegiendo aguas saborizadas susceptibles a este tipo de radiación. / A composite material is a material obtained from combining two or more constituent material with different properties between them that, when combined produce a new material with different properties from the individual components. In the case of particulate composites, the component with higher concentration is known as the matrix while the one with lower concentration is the filler. The industrial interest for composite material based on thermoplastic matrices is mainly due to the versatility of the material, in relation to its uses and applications. The fillers (or charges) of high commercial interest are those of mineral origin, mainly owing to its relative low cost and high availability, resulting in the development of new relatively low cost composite materials. Using different polymer as matrix and different fillers, it is possible to modify the material (optical, thermal, barrier and mechanical, etc) properties and thus, design tailored composite materials for different specific applications. The correct dispersion of the filler particles largely depends in the compatibility between the polymer matrix and the filler particles, and also on the methods used to obtain and Process the composite material. Some of the most used methods are the melt mixing, solution mixing or a combination of both.
Moreover, the interest for developing polymeric materials with strong anisotropy on its (electric, magnetic, mechanical, optical, transport or thermal) properties has greatly increased in the last decades due to its potential use on various applications like: sensors, and actuators, bone prosthesis, membranes and other uses in the fields of electronics and photonics. Block copolymers are of particular interest due to the multiple macroscopic arrangements that they can feature, which allows controlling the distribution and orientation of the fillers.
In this thesis, composite material films were developed, using different thermoplastic polymeric matrices and two processing technologies. In order to modify the properties of the films, different kind of filler were introduced. The subsequent application of shear flows and thermal treatments further improved the long range internal structure and final properties of the composites. The films were characterized through complementary analysis techniques in order to study the morphology and determine its final properties.
The results showed that the developed oriented material can be proposed to be used as selective membranes for nitrogen removal from natural gas streams and carbon dioxide removal post-combustion. Regarding the composite films obtained from melt mixing and thermo compression, its UV radiation barrier capacity was proved, which was tested for the protection of flavored water sensitive to this type of radiation.
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Mode Matching sensing in Frequency Dependent Squeezing Source for Advanced Virgo plusGrimaldi, Andrea 07 February 2023 (has links)
Since the first detection of a Gravitational Wave, the LIGO-Virgo Collaboration has worked to improve the sensitivity of their detectors. This continuous effort paid off in the last scientific run, in which the collaboration detected an average of one gravitational wave per week and collected 74 candidates in less than one year. This result was also possible due to the Frequency Independent Squeezing (FIS) implementation, which improved the Virgo detection range for the coalescence between two Binary Neutron Start (BNS) of 5-8\%. However, this incredible result was dramatically limited by different technical issues, among which the most dangerous was the mismatch between the squeezed vacuum beam and the resonance mode of the cavities. The mismatch can be modelled as a simple optical loss in the first approximation. If the beam shape of squeezed vacuum does not match the resonance mode, part of its amplitude is lost and replaced with the incoherent vacuum. However, this modelisation is valid only in simple setups, e.g. if we study the effect inside a single resonance cavity or the transmission of a mode cleaner. In the case of a more complicated system, such as a gravitational wave interferometer, the squeezed vacuum amplitude rejected by the mismatch still travels inside the optical setup. This component accumulates an extra defined by the characteristics of the mismatch, and it can recouple into the main beam reducing the effect of the quantum noise reduction technique.
This issue will become more critical in the implementation of the Frequency Dependent Squeezing. This technique is an upgrade of the Frequency Independent Squeezing one. The new setup will increase the complexity of the squeezed beam path. The characterisation of this degradation mechanism requires a dedicated wavefront sensing technique. In fact, the simpler approach based on studying the resonance peak of the cavity is not enough. This method can only estimate the total amount of the optical loss generated by the mismatch, but it cannot characterise the phase shift generated by the decoupling. Without this information is impossible to estimate how the mismatched squeezed vacuum is recoupled into the main beam, and this limits the possibility to foreseen the degradation of the Quantum Noise Reduction technique. For this reason, the Padova-Trento Group studied different techniques for characterising Mode Matching. In particular, we proposed implementing the Mode Converter technique developed by Syracuse University. This technique can fully characterise the mismatch of a spherical beam, and it can be the first approach to monitoring the mismatch. However, this method is not enough for the Frequency Dependent Squeezer source since it cannot detect the mismatch generated by the astigmatism of the incoming beam. In fact, the Frequency Dependent Squeezer Source case uses off-axis reflective telescopes to reduce the power losses generated by transmissive optics. This setup used curved mirrors that induce small astigmatic aberrations as a function of the beam incident angle. These aberrations are present by design, and the standard Mode Converter Technique will not detect them. To overcome this issue, I proposed an upgrade of the Mode Converter technique, which can extend the detection to this kind of aberration.
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Revealing EssenceWolf, Bettina 31 January 1997 (has links)
There is a fine line between the "simple" and the "simplistic". The simple such as the plain, the pure, and the truthful holds a complexity within, which is extremely hard to obtain. It ultimately results in beauty. The simplistic embodies nothing more than obviousness and boredom. My aim is to strive for simple beauty.
Concerning objects and architecture, to simplify means to reduce by eliminating the superficial and the superfluous, to unmask what is essential. Quality materials and craftsmanship are prerequisites. In combination with the accuracy of the design they help to attain the desired result which speaks of precision and clarity. / Master of Architecture
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Characterization of Polymorphic Microsatellites in Strawberry and Their Transferability to Other Genera in the Rosaceae FamilyArora, Vishal 10 March 2006 (has links)
We investigated the transferability of 20 Fragaria vesca microsatellite primer pairs to 13 Fragaria vesca accessions, six Fragaria species and ten commercially important species in Rosaceae. Genetic diversity studies were carried among 16 diploid Fragaria accessions using these polymorphic microsatellites. The average number of alleles amplified for a polymorphic locus was 4.7 with maximum being 8.0 and minimum being 3.0. Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.00 to 0.84 with an average of 0.28. Expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.33 to 0.91 with an average of 0.76. Power of discrimination varied from 0.43 to 0.92 with an average of 0.78. Transferability of microsatellites to F. orientalis (4x) and F. Ã ananassa (8x) was high, i.e., 18 (90%) primers produced amplicons.
Cross species amplification within Rosaceae using these primers showed limited transference. Four microsatellites showed amplification for different species in Rosaceae. Products generated by UDF-003 and UDF-018 primers were sequenced. Sequencing results for UDF-018 showed that three species, i.e., Pyrus calleryana, Prunus persica and Rubus idaeus contained the expected microsatellite whereas another four, i.e., Cotoneaster salicifolius, Rosa rugosa, Amelanchier arborea and Potentilla fruticosa had conserved regions resulting in generation of amplicons. For UDF 003, Spirea xbumalda and Prunus persica did not contain a microsatellite although there was some sequence similarity with Fragaria. Size homoplasy, i.e., alleles of identical size with different numbers of repeats within the SSR was observed among Fragaria and Rosaceae species for primer UDF-018, suggesting a need for caution when interpreting SSR variation from band migration in the absence of DNA sequences. / Master of Science
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Cost-benefit analysis of a Building Integrated Photovolatic roofing system for a school located in Blacksburg, VirginiaCholakkal, Leena 06 July 2006 (has links)
In the past few years, there has been a growing concern for the impact of non-renewable resource depletion and environmental degradation as a result of energy consumption in buildings. Buildings account for approximately one-half of the total energy consumption in developed countries. As architects and engineers involved with the fast growing building industry, we have the responsibility of exploring and integrating various renewable energy sources into our buildings to help us move towards what we might call "Positive Energy Architecture", where the role of the building shifts from net energy consumer to net energy producer.
The object of this study is to analyze how different parameters namely solar radiation, temperature, solar altitude and solar azimuth affect the power produced by a new thin film photovoltaic panel. Through the application of multiple linear regression, the model developed is then used to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the building integrated photovoltaic roofing system when connected to the utility grid when compared to a conventional roofing system. The analysis is applied to a school building located in Blacksburg, Virginia. Using the current utility rates and the energy consumption data, the payback period of the system is evaluated for full roof, half roof and quarter roof coverage. / Master of Science
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Impact de l'interféron gamma sur la production de la kératine 15 dans les kératinocytes isolés de la peau de patients atteints d'épidermolyse bulleuse simplexFarez, Tarik 19 April 2018 (has links)
L’épidermolyse bulleuse simplex (EBS) est caractérisée par un décollement intra-épidermique au niveau de la couche basale de l’épiderme aboutissant à la formation de bulles et de cloques cutanées. L’EBS est causée par des mutations au niveau des gènes qui codent pour la kératine 5 (K5) ou la kératine (K14), qui sont transmises majoritairement selon un mode autosomique dominant. L’EBS affecte environ 1/50 000 à 1/30 000 personnes dans le monde et elle est considérée comme une maladie orpheline. Dans cette étude, les kératinocytes ont été isolés de biopsies de la peau de patients atteints d’EBS ayant des mutations dans le gène KRT14 et de témoins non atteints. Des essais thérapeutiques utilisant l’interféron gamma (IFN-γ) ont été réalisés afin de stimuler la production de la K15. Les résultats ont révélé que l’IFN-γ réduit l’expression et la production de la K15 contrairement à ce que suggérait la littérature. Cette discordance pourrait s’expliquer par un effet « régulateur » de l’IFN-γ sur la K15 lorsque les cellules seraient activées. Cette hypothèse a été validée par l’augmentation de l’expression de la KRT16 qui est considérée comme un marqueur de préactivation des kératinocytes. Ainsi, l’IFN-γ ne semble pas être une cible thérapeutique potentielle pour l’EBS causée par une mutation de KTR14 (R125S).
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Development of an Energy-based Liquefaction Evaluation ProcedureUlmer, Kristin Jane 20 January 2020 (has links)
Soil liquefaction during earthquakes is a phenomenon that can cause tremendous damage to structures such as bridges, roads, buildings, and pipelines. The objective of this research is to develop an energy-based approach for evaluating the potential for liquefaction triggering. The current state-of-practice for the evaluation of liquefaction triggering is the "simplified" stressbased framework where resistance to liquefaction is correlated to an in situ test metric (e.g., normalized standard penetration test N-value, N1,60cs, normalized cone penetration tip resistance, qc1Ncs, or normalized small strain shear wave velocity, Vs1). Although rarely used in practice, the strain-based procedure is commonly cited as an attractive alternative to the stress-based framework because excess pore pressure generation (and, in turn, liquefaction triggering) is more directly related to strains than stresses. However, the method has some inherent and potentially fatal limitations in not being able to appropriately define both the amplitude and duration of the induced loading in a total stress framework. The energy-based method proposed herein builds on the merits of both the stress- and strain-based procedures, while circumventing their inherent limitations.
The basis of the proposed energy-based approach is a macro-level, low cycle fatigue theory in which dissipated energy (or work) per unit volume is used as the damage metric. Because dissipated energy is defined by both stress and strain, this energy-based method brings together stress- and strain-based concepts. To develop this approach, a database of liquefaction and nonliquefaction case histories was assembled for multiple in situ test metrics. Dissipated energy per unit volume associated with each case history was estimated and a family of limit-state curves were developed using maximum likelihood regression for different in situ test metrics defining the amount of dissipated energy required to trigger liquefaction. To ensure consistency between these limit-state curves and laboratory data, a series of cyclic tests were performed on samples of sand. These laboratory-based limit-state curves were reconciled with the field-based limit-state curves using a consistent definition of liquefaction. / Doctor of Philosophy / Soil liquefaction during earthquakes is a phenomenon that can cause tremendous damage to structures such as bridges, roads, buildings, and pipelines. The objective of this research is to develop an energy-based approach for evaluating the potential for liquefaction triggering. Current procedures to evaluate liquefaction triggering include stress-based and strain-based procedures. However, these procedures have some inherent and potentially fatal limitations. The energy-based method proposed herein builds on the merits of both the stress- and strain-based procedures, while circumventing their inherent limitations.
The proposed energy-based approach uses dissipated energy (or work) per unit volume to evaluate the potential for liquefaction. Because dissipated energy is defined by both stress and strain, this energy-based method brings together stress- and strain-based concepts. To develop this approach, a database of case histories in which liquefaction was either observed or not observed was assembled. Dissipated energy per unit volume associated with each case history was estimated and a family of relationships was regressed to define the amount of dissipated energy required to trigger liquefaction. Results from a series of cyclic laboratory tests performed on samples of sand were reconciled with the field-based relationships using a consistent definition of liquefaction.
This research proposes a method that is based on a robust mechanistic framework that will make it easier to evaluate liquefaction for circumstances that are not well represented in current liquefaction evaluation procedures. The components of the proposed energy-based procedure are developed consistently and are presented in such a way that this procedure can be readily adopted by practitioners who are already familiar with existing liquefaction evaluation procedures. The broader impacts of this work will help to minimize losses from earthquakes by improving the way engineers evaluate liquefaction.
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Les polymorphismes situés sur les gènes MMP-2 et MMP-9 et leurs associations avec l’adiposité et la densité mammaireDofara, Suélène Georgina 27 January 2024 (has links)
Les métalloproteinases (MMPs) sont des enzymes qui dégradent la matrice extracellulaire. Ces enzymes pourraient jouer un rôle essentiel dans des processus physiologiques et pathologiques. En fonction de leurs structures, les MMPs sont classés en plusieurs familles. Dans ce mémoire, nous nous sommes intéressées à la famille des gélatinases constituée des gènes MMP-2 et MMP-9. L’activité protéolytique de ces enzymes entraine la dégradation du stroma qui est un processus clé dans l’adipogenèse. MMP-2 et MMP-9 pourraient également être associés au risque de cancer du sein mais la littérature ne fournit pas de preuves concrètes. Le principal objectif de ce mémoire était d’évaluer, dans une cohorte de 741 femmes pré-ménopausées recrutées lors d’une mammographie de dépistage, l’association entre les polymorphismes rs243865 sur MMP-2, rs3918242, rs17576, rs2250889, rs2274756 sur MMP-9 et l’adiposité et les différentes mesures de densité mammaires qui sont des facteurs de risque de cancer du sein. Nos analyses ont révélé que l’allèle T de rs243865 sur MMP-2 est associée à une augmentation des mesures d’adiposité / Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are enzymes that degrade the extracellular matrix.These enzymes could play an essential role in physiological and pathological processes.MMPs may play an important role in carcinogenesis and adipogenesis. One member of the MMP families, namely gelatinases, has generated interest in breast cancer development. However, the literature does not provide compelling evidence for the involvement of polymorphisms in MMP-2 and MMP-9 in breast cancer risk. The current study aimed to understand the relationship between polymorphisms in MMP-2 and -9 genes and breastcancer risk. To do so, we evaluated the association between rs243865 in MMP2 andrs3918242, rs17576, rs2250889, rs2274756 in MMP-9, and adiposity and breast density,which are risk factors for breast cancer. The study was carried out among 741 premenopausal women recruited during Quebec breast cancer-screening program. We found that the number of copies of the rs243865 T allele in MMP-2 was associated withincreased means of anthropometric factors (ptrend<0.05 for all except waist-to-hip ratio).The same rs243865 allele was associated with decreased mean percent density and dense area, to 6.2% (ptrend=0.036) and 5.9 cm2 (ptrend=0.19), respectively, among woman with TTgenotype, compared to CC genotype. The TT genotype increased mean non-dense area to11.4 cm2(ptrend=0.031) compared to CC genotype. Nevertheless, these associations were attenuated when further adjusted for adiposity. These findings suggest that rs243865 inMMP-2 could be associated with mammographic features. Adiposity can be considered asan intermediate factor of this association.
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Validation d'une puce à SNPs du caribou/renne (Rangifer tarandus) dans un contexte de conservationTrottier-Lavoie, Mallorie 13 December 2023 (has links)
La majorité des populations de Rangifer tarandus, soit le caribou en Amérique du Nord et le renne en Eurasie, est en déclin et plusieurs risquent l'extinction. Les causes potentielles de ces déclins sont multiples et incluent la perturbation des habitats, les changements climatiques et la compétition apparente entrainant une augmentation de la prédation. Bien que des stratégies de gestion et de protection soient en place, l'évaluation de la structure génétique et de la dynamique des populations de caribous sauvages demeure difficile. L'étude génomique offre un moyen de décrire comment la diversité génétique de ces populations varie lorsque soumises à un déclin rapide. Nous rapportons ici le développement d'une plateforme de génotypage basée sur les SNPs (Illumina iSelect caribou/renne 60K) afin de réaliser des analyses génomiques. L'hypothèse de travail est que la puce à SNPs de Rangifer tarandus offre une grande puissance pour déterminer l'origine d'un échantillon dans un contexte d'expertise bio-légale, mais également pour appuyer de manière rigoureuse la planification des travaux de gestion et de conservation de la faune. Les objectifs de ce projet de recherche sont dans un premier temps de valider et de tester cette plateforme pour sa sensibilité, sa répétabilité, sa robustesse, son habilité à distinguer des échantillons mélangés et sa spécificité. Dans un deuxième temps, nous souhaitons évaluer la capacité d'assignation d'un individu d'une provenance inconnue à un écotype. Un écotype est le regroupement de populations de caribous présentant des comportements et des préférences écologiques similaires. Les résultats de ce projet ont démontré que la puce à SNPs est robuste, très sensible, fiable et précise et ce en utilisant jusqu'à 10 fois moins d'ADN que recommandé. La qualité de l'ADN a eu peu d'impact sur le taux de réussite (call rate) et le type d'échantillons biologiques n'était pas problématique, même pour ce qui est des fèces. L'hybridation inter-espèces a démontré une importante baisse du taux de réussite (call rate) et de l'hétérozygotie. Les échantillons mélangés étaient détectables selon la proportion de chacun des individus dans le mélange. Ces étapes de validation étaient cruciales afin de tester la puissance et les limites de ce nouvel outil génomique. / The vast majority of Rangifer tarandus populations, caribou in North America and reindeer in Eurasia, are declining and many herds are at risk. They are multiple causes for these declines including habitats pertubations, climate change and predation. Although management and protection strategies are in place, assessing the structure and dynamics of wild caribou populations remains difficult. Genomic surveying offers a mean to describe how populations are evolving when facing such rapid declines. We report here the development of a SNP-based genotyping platform to perform such analyses (Illumina iSelect caribou/reindeer 60K). Our hypothesis is that the Rangifer tarandus SNPs chip offers a great power to determine the origin of a sample in the context of bio-forensic expertise. Our objectives are initially to validate and test this platform for its sensitivity, repeatability, robustness, ability to distinguish mixed samples and its specificity. Secondly, we aim to assess the platform ability to assign an individual of unknown provenance to an ecotype. An ecotype is the grouping of caribou populations with similar behaviors and ecological preferences. Results showed that the SNP chip is robust, highly sensitive, reliable, and accurate at 10 times below recommended DNA input. DNA quality had little impact on call rates, and sample source was not an issue, even for fecal pellets. Interspecies hybridization showed an important drop in call rates and extent of heterozygosity. Mixed samples could be identified according to the proportion of each individual in the sample. These validation steps are crucial to test the power and limitations of this new genetic tool.
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Méthode d'analyse de l'association de sites de variants rares avec plusieurs traitsRochette, Mélissa 26 March 2024 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 23 octobre 2023) / Les études d'association pangénomique (genome-wide association studies (GWAS)) ont permis de trouver des associations entre des variants et des maladies. Certains sites de variants ont été observés comme associés avec plusieurs maladies simultanément. Ce phénomène se nomme la pléiotropie. Ce phénomène est d'importance pour les problèmes psychiatriques (P. H. Lee et al., 2020). Également, les associations spécifiques à un sexe entre une maladie et un variant sont un sujet d'importance dans les études récentes. Plusieurs méthodes ont été proposées pour identifier les effets pléiotropiques de sites de variants communs. Pour les sites de variants rares, la méthode MTAR de Luo et al. (2020) s'est montré plus efficace que les méthodes existantes. MTAR teste l'effet pléiotropique de gènes sur un ensemble de traits. Cette méthode permet de savoir si un site de variants rares, tel qu'un gène, est associé à plusieurs traits simultanément. Toutefois, MTAR ne permet pas de déterminer quel sous-ensemble de traits est associé avec ce variant. MTAR ne permet également pas de découvrir des effets spécifiques à un sexe. Nous proposons donc une nouvelle méthode statistique permettant de répondre à ces deux failles, soit 1) déterminer le sous-ensemble de traits ou maladies associées à un site de variants rares et 2) déterminer les effets spécifiques à un sexe pour un site de variants rares. Une analyse de simulation a été réalisée pour évaluer la sensibilité et la spécificité. Les résultats sont acceptables. Une étude avec des données réelles a été réalisée. Il s'agit de données cas-témoins génétiques avec des personnes atteintes de la schizophrénie, des personnes atteintes de la bipolarité et des personnes n'étant pas atteinte de l'une ou l'autre de ces maladies. Pour chacune des deux maladies, nous étudions les effets spécifiques selon le sexe des gènes composés de variants rares sur la probabilité d'avoir la maladie. Pour la schizophrénie, 113 gènes composés de SNPs rares sont significativement associés à cette maladie. Aucune association spécifique au sexe n'a été détecté. Pour la bipolarité, 171 gènes composés de SNPs rares sont associés significativement à cette maladie. Des associations spécifiques selon le sexe ont été détectées. 21 gènes sont associés à la bipolarité spécifiquement chez les individus de sexe féminin et 24 gènes, spécifiquement chez ceux de sexe masculin. / Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have discovered associations between variants and diseases. Some variant sites have been observed to be associated with multiple diseases. This phenomenon is called pleiotropy. This phenomenon is of importance for psychiatric problems (P. H. Lee et al., 2020). Also, associations between a disease and a variant for a particular sex are a subject of importance in recent studies. Several statistical methods have been proposed to identify pleiotropic effects of common sites. For rare variant sites, the MTAR method of Luo et al. (2020) has been shown to be more efficient than existing methods. MTAR tests the pleiotropic effect of genes on multiple traits. MTAR allows us to know if a rare variant site, such as a gene, is associated with multiple trait simultaneously. However, MTAR does not allow us to determine which subset of traits is associated with this variant. MTAR also does not reveal gender specific effects. We therefore propose a new statistical method making it possible to respond to these two flaws, either 1) determining the subset of traits or diseases associated with a rare variant sites and 2) determining the sex-specific effect for rare variant sites on a disease or a trait. A simulation analysis was performed to assess sensitivity and specificity. The results are reasonable. A study with real data have been realised. These are case-control data with people with schizophrenia, people with bipolar disorder, and people without either of these conditions. For each of the two diseases, we studied the specific effects by sex of genes with rare SNPs on the probability to have the disease. For schizophrenia, 113 genes with rare SNPs are significantly associated with this disease. No gender specific association was detected. For bipolarity, 171 genes with rare SNPs are significantly associated with this disease. Specific associations by sex have been detected. 21 genes are associated with bipolarity specifically for female genders and 24 genes specifically for male genders.
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