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Antropometria e desempenho técnico de jovens atletas de basquetebol do sexo feminino / Anthropometric and technical performance of young athletes basketball femalePaes, Fernando de Oliveira 12 March 2010 (has links)
Os objetivos do trabalho foram, com relação a jovens atletas de basquetebol do sexo feminino com idades de 14 à 17 anos de duas categorias competitivas diferentes (mirim e infanto-juvenil): 1) Descrever as características antropométricas, tempo de prática na modalidade, idade cronológica, idade de menarca e fundamentos técnicos por categoria competitiva; 2) Verificar o efeito das categorias competitivas sobre as variáveis antropométricas e fundamentos técnicos; 3) Verificar a relação entre os fundamentos técnicos e as variáveis antropométricas, tempo de prática na modalidade, idade cronológica. Em média as atletas da categoria infanto-juvenil apresentam melhores resultados que as atletas da categoria mirim na maioria das variáveis consideradas; porém só foram verificadas diferenças significativas entre os grupos nos testes de arremesso, drible e passe, o teste de movimentos defensivos apresentou valor significante marginal (p=0,05). Os fundamentos técnicos apresentaram correlações significantes com as variáveis de tempo de prática na modalidade e idade cronológica, por outro lado as variáveis antropométricas apresentaram baixas correlações não significantes com os testes de fundamentos técnicos. Assim, conclui-se que o estudo permitiu uma reflexão sobre a importância dos fundamentos técnicos na formação de jovens atletas de basquetebol do sexo feminino / The purposes of this study were: 1) to describe anthropometrics characteristics variables, time of practical in basketball, chronological age, age of menarca and technical skills; 2) to verify the effect of the competitive categories on the variables anthropometrics and technical skills; 3) to calculate the correlation among technical skills, anthropometrics characteristics, time of practical in basketball and chronological age. The sample composed by 34 youth female basketball players aged 14 to 17 years old, from two competitive young categories. It was observed significant differences between the groups for tests of shooting, dribbling and passing, the test of defensive movements showed marginal significant value (p=0.05). The technical skills showed significant correlations with the variables of time in practice in basketball and chronological age. However, anthropometric variables showed low correlations with the tests of technical skills. In conclusion, our results provided the opportunity to think about basketballs technical skills in the process of development of the female young basketball players
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Emotional Intelligence as coping skill for perceived stressLópez Rúa, Germán, Perez Alcántara, Maria Fernanda January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this current study is to evaluate if there is a relation between Emotional Intelligence, Perceive Stress and Coping Skills in a sample of Mexican employees in a medium size international organization (n =102). The questionnaires used were a compendium of three different instruments; including: 33-item Self-report measure of Emotional Intelligence, four COPE Inventory’ subscales and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS- 14). After analyzing the gathered data, Multiple Regression was applied. Significant correlations in the expected direction were found, indicating that Emotional Intelligence can be useful as a coping skill towards perceive stress.
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The Effects of the Ready for Success Classroom Guidance Program on the Social-Emotional Skills and Competence, Reading Proficiency, and Promotion Rate of Third-Grade StudentsUnknown Date (has links)
The purpose of the current outcome study was to determine the effects of the
Ready for Success (RFS) classroom guidance program (Brigman & Webb, 2012) on the
social-emotional skills and competence, reading proficiency, and promotion between
third-grade students who received the RFS intervention (treatment group; n = 104), and
third-grade students who did not receive the intervention (comparison group; n=91).
Following training in the manualized RFS curriculum, certified school counselors in the
treatment group implemented five, weekly, 30-minute lessons followed by three monthly
booster lessons. This study followed a quasi-experimental, non-equivalent group design.
The study employed a teacher report measure of social-emotional skills and competence
(i.e., Devereux Student Strengths Assessment) and a standardized formative assessment
of reading proficiency (i.e., Reading Running Record). Furthermore, retention data was
provided by the participating school district’s data source. Statistical significance between the groups was measured by a series of
MANCOVA analyses and a Pearson’s chi-square analysis. A partial eta-squared
ηp2 effect size was reported for each dependent variable. The data supported the RFS
classroom guidance program as an effective Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
intervention for promoting student social-emotional skill development (i.e. selfawareness,
self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible
decision making) and overall social-emotional competence (SEC). This study provided
support for the use of school counselor-led SEL classroom programs to promote the
social-emotional development of students in the school setting. Furthermore, the study
further supports the value of school counseling interventions for students in the domain
of social-emotional development. Finally, the findings of this study provided empirical
support for the RFS classroom guidance program as an effective SEL intervention. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2018. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Seleção de jovens escolares da categoria infantil feminino para a prática do handebol : um estudo de análise discriminante entre atletas escolares e federadasCaporal, Guilherme Cortoni January 2018 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi propor um modelo de identificação de atletas escolares com idades entre 13 e 14 anos com altas habilidades motoras para a prática do handebol. Foram selecionadas para a amostra 153 meninas, dentre elas 100 que participam do Campeonato Estadual de Handebol e 53 meninas finalistas dos Jogos Escolares do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram aferidas as variáveis: peso, estatura, IMC, envergadura, flexibilidade, estatura sentada, comprimento de membros inferiores, comprimento mão dominante longitudinal, comprimento mão dominante transversal, comprimento mão longitudinal, comprimento mão transversal, força resistência abdominal, força explosiva de membros superiores, força explosiva de membros inferiores, agilidade, velocidade, resistência cardiorrespiratória, movimento defensivo, slalon, salto no quadrado e maturação somática. Para propor o modelo de identificação das atletas escolares, recorreu-se ao método da Análise da Função Discriminante e foi utilizado o pacote estatístico SPSS, versão 23. Os resultados apresentaram que as atletas federadas apresentaram médias iguais ou superiores em todas as variáveis. As variáveis que apresentaram diferença significativas através da ANOVA foram: flexibilidade, comprimento mão dominante longitudinal, comprimento mão longitudinal, força resistência abdominal, força explosiva de membros inferiores, agilidade, movimento defensivo e slalon. Os dados da comparação entre os dois grupos demonstraram que a função foi significativa (p≤0,05), teve uma boa correlação canônica (0,590) e ainda apresentou um Lambda de Wilk médio (0,652). As variáveis indicadoras de identificação de atletas escolares foram: flexibilidade, força resistência abdominal, força explosiva de membros inferiores, agilidade, movimento defensivo e slalon. Os valores médios de centroide dos grupos federadas e escolares foi, respectivamente (-0,434) e (0,819). Cumprindo o objetivo do trabalho, temos a equação final capaz de identificar atletas escolares com altas habilidades motoras para o handebol. Y = (FLE x -0,039) + (FRA x -0,049) + (FEMI x 0,002) + (AGI x 0,137) + (MD x 0,197) + (SLA x 0,175) – 2,966 com ponto de corte de 0,192. Conclui-se que foi obtido um instrumento capaz de selecionar atletas escolares com altas habilidades motoras para o handebol com perfil na participação em equipes que participam de campeonatos da federação. / The aim of the present study was to propose a model of identification of school athletes aged between 13 and 14 years old with high motor skills for handball practice. A total of 153 girls aged 13 to 14 years old were selected, among them 100 girls who participated in the State Handball Championship and 53 girls finalists of the School Games in Rio Grande do Sul. The following variables were assessed: weight, height, BMI, length of the upper limbs, longitudinal dominant hand length, longitudinal hand length, longitudinal hand length, transverse hand length, abdominal strength, upper limb explosive strength, lower extremity explosive force, agility, speed, cardiorespiratory resistance, defensive movement, slalon, jump in the square and somatic maturation. In order to propose the model of the identification of the school athletes, the Discriminant Function Analysis method was used and the statistical package SPSS, version 23 was used. The results showed that the federated athletes had equal or superior means in all the variables. The variables that presented significant differences through ANOVA were: flexibility, longitudinal hand length, longitudinal hand length, abdominal strength, explosive strength of lower limbs, agility, defensive movement and slalom. Data from the comparison between the two groups showed that the function was significant (p≤0.05), had a good canonical correlation (0.590) and still had an average Wilk Lambda (0.652). The variables indicative of identification of school athletes were: flexibility, strength abdominal resistance, explosive strength of lower limbs, agility, defensive movement and slalom. The mean centroid values of the federated and school groups were, respectively (-0.434) and (0.819). Fulfilling the objective of the work, we have the final equation capable of identifying school athletes with high motor skills for handball. Y = (FLE x -0.039) + (AS x -0.049) + (ESLL x 0.002) + (AGI x 0.137) + (DM x 0.197) + (SLA x 0.175) - 2.666 with cutoff point of 0.192. It was concluded that an instrument was obtained able to select school athletes with high motor skills for the handball with profile in the participation in teams that participate in federations championships.
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Competências do contador: um estudo empírico / Accountants\' competencies: an empirical study in BrazilCardoso, Ricardo Lopes 28 August 2006 (has links)
A identificação das competências do contador pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento da profissão. O objetivo principal desse estudo é verificar a existência de uma estrutura de interdependência subjacente às competências do contador, explicando-as melhor. A fundamentação teórica sobre competências está relacionada ao estudo McClelland (1973,1998), Boyatzis (1982) e Spencer e Spencer (1993). No campo profissional as referências são Hardern (1995) e Sakagami, Yoshimi e Okano (1999). Os estudos relacionados as competências do contador não estão baseados em fundamentos da psicologia ou estruturas genéricas de competências, o que é o objetivo desse trabalho. Está pesquisa está baseada no estudo de 18 competências coletadas em 24 artigos sobre as habilidades do contador que foram submetidos a 159 contadores no Brasil. O instrumento de coleta dos dados apresentou um alfa de cronbach de 0,834. A partir da análise fatorial foram formados 4 fatores: competências específicas, competências de conduta e administração, competências de gerenciamento da informação e competências de comunicação. A validação dos dados de pesquisas seguiu os passos descritos por Cone e Foster (1997). O resultado apresentou uma estrutura genérica de competências. As principais limitações desse estudo estão relacionadas as características da amostra e a falta da validação com uso de estudos comparativos e longitudinais. Os pontos para futuras pesquisas são destacar a validação dos resultados em outras amostras de contadores e a aplicação da estrutura genérica em outras corporações. / Identifying accountants\' competencies and skills may contribute for professional growth and development. The major purpose of the present study is to evaluate the possibility of utilizing, defining and creating a construct to explain the relationship between the competencies identified in field research and a possible underlying competencies and skills structure: the generic competencies and skills model for that specific professional. Theoretical background for competencies is based on McClelland (1973, 1998), Boyatzis (1982) and Spencer & Spencer (1993). Professionally, references are Hardern (1995) and Sakagami, Yoshimi and Okano (1999). Studies that focus accountants have not identified psychology models or the search for a generic model, as this study proposes to do. The present research was carried out based on the study of 18 competencies collected from 24 articles on accountants\' behavioral studies, which were then submitted to the assessment of 159 certified public accountants in Brazil. Data collecting tool showed a 0.834 Cronbach\'s alpha. Construct formation took place through factorial analysis that resulted in 4 factors: specific competency, behavioral and administrative competencies, communication and the ability to manage information. Research validation followed the steps as in Cone & Foster (1997). Research result was a generic model to explain competencies. Study limitations are associated to sampling itself, and to the lack of validation through longitudinal studies. Future research will be able to count on model validation from other samples as well as the application of the model in corporations.
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Teaching Safety Skills to Preschool Children: An Evaluation of Teacher-Implemented Behavioral Skills TrainingBrachbill, Kayla Diane 01 December 2018 (has links)
The present study evaluated the effectiveness of a teacher-implemented behavioral skills training (BST) procedure for teaching preschool students to exhibit an appropriate safety response in the presence of chemical bottles. Students’ safety responses were evaluated during baseline and teacher lessons (before and after BST) for each classroom. Prior to training, teachers were prompted to give a lesson including three safety steps (don’t touch, walk away, tell a teacher). No additional instructions were provided. Next, teachers received training from a researcher on how to implement BST in a classroom setting. Results indicated that the training procedure utilized was effective for increasing the number of BST components used by teachers. Further, teacher-implemented BST resulted in increases in preschool children’s appropriate responses to chemical bottles for two classrooms; however, the increase for one of the two classrooms was only moderate, and no increase was observed for children in a third classroom. Therefore, in-situ feedback was required for these two classrooms. In addition, the procedures resulted in generalized responding to a novel set of chemical bottles, as well as, a novel category of dangerous item (medicine bottles).
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Desempenho motor de crianças com transtorno do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade e transtorno do desenvolvimento da coordenação / Motor performance of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and developmental coordination disorderJuliana Barbosa Goulardins 23 May 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar como o desempenho motor de crianças com Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) pode ser afetado pela coocorrência do Transtorno do Desenvolvimento da Coordenação (TDC). Embora a relação entre ambos os transtornos tenha sido reconhecida há vários anos, alguns aspectos relativos a essa associação permanecem incertos. Alguns estudos têm atribuído as falhas na competência motora à distração e à impulsividade, enquanto outros têm referido as dificuldades motoras no TDAH, como uma consequência da comorbidade com o TDC. Método: Inicialmente, 283 crianças com idade entre seis e dez anos participaram deste estudo. Após uma etapa de rastreio dos sintomas de TDAH pelo questionário SNAP-IV, respondido pelos pais e professores, e pela avaliação por meio da Movement Battery Assessment for Children, segunda edição, 27 crianças foram então divididas em dois grupos, TDAH (14) e TDAH/TDC (13). A Escala de Desenvolvimento Motor foi utilizada para avaliar a motricidade global e fina, equilíbrio, esquema corporal, organização espacial e temporal. Resultados: Ambos os grupos demonstraram risco para atraso no desenvolvimento. Os testes revelaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos TDAH e TDAH/TDC nos quocientes motores de motricidade fina (p = 0,04) e equilíbrio (p = 0,02). Discussão: O presente estudo reforça que o TDAH pode apresentar dificuldades motoras, mesmo quando o TDC não está coocorrendo. Os resultados também sugerem dificuldades específicas de motricidade fina e equilíbrio para aqueles com TDAH e TDC. Esses achados podem aumentar a compreensão desta relação e esclarecer quais problemas são intrínsecos ao TDAH e como a coocorrência de TDC pode afetar o desempenho motor destas crianças / The aim of this study was to analyze how the motor performance of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may be affected by the co-occurrence with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). Although the relationship between both disorders has been recognized for several years, some aspects regarding its association remain unclear. Some studies have attributed the lack of motor competence to distractibility and impulsiveness, and others have associated the motor difficulties in ADHD as a consequence of the comorbidity with DCD. Method: Initially, 283 children aged six to ten years participated in this study. After being screened by SNAP-IV parent and teacher rating scale and the Movement Assessment Battery for Children second edition, 27 children were then divided in two groups, ADHD (14) and ADHD/DCD (13). Motor Development Scale was used to assess global and fine motricity, balance, body scheme, and spatial and temporal organization. Results: Both groups demonstrated a risk for delayed development. Between-group testing revealed statistically significant differences between the ADHD and ADHD/DCD groups for fine motricity (p=0.04) and balance (p=0.02) motor quotients. Discussion: The current study reinforces that ADHD may have motor difficulties, even when DCD is not co-occurring. The results also suggested particular difficulties in fine motricity and balance for those with ADHD and DCD. These findings may increase the understanding of this relationship and clarify what problems are intrinsic to ADHD and how the co-occurrence of DCD may affect the motor performance in these children
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Governing skills, governing workplaces : state-steered voluntarism in England under New LabourDurrant, Hannah January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the Skills Strategy for England under New Labour as a contested project to govern workplace high(er) skill aspiration and behaviour. It analyses differentiated state strategies to promote and (re)produce responsible skills ambitions; the engagement of employer and employee representatives with these strategies to stretch and reshape, and resist and restate the project; and the implications for skills provision. The research involved interpretive analysis of policy documents, and in-depth interviews with policy-making elites; strategic representatives of business and worker/learner interests; and skills providers. To support my empirical focus this thesis is located within theories of the changing form and function of the state. Adopting a ‘cultural political economy’ approach, and drawing on critical governance studies, to illuminate the interplay between meaning production and practice, I challenge the conclusion that mechanisms for skills creation in England are premised on a misunderstanding of the skills motivations of employers and employees. Instead I expose state work through policy to produce and export a skills logic; constituting and positioning governable subjects in relation to their internalisation of these logics; and the role of differentiated policies to manoeuvre subjects towards preferential skills behaviours. The findings highlight that what is presented as a coherent ‘partnership’ approach to producing enhanced skills can be better understood as three distinctive state strategies, (demand-led; leading demand; circumventing lack of demand) , which are aimed at differently imagined and constructed workplaces, (enlightened; inert; or deviant), depending on their demonstrable degree of responsible skills ambition. I therefore term this project ‘state-steered voluntarism’. However, I also expose the limitations and limits of this project. Attempts to present policy coherence lacquers over latent tensions and contradictions between the different skills strategies, creating policy ‘opacities’ which serve as spaces for the strategic voices of employer/employee representation to talk back; disorganising the practices and processes of skills delivery.
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Development of conceptual framework and methodology for enhancing long term coping skills to improve psychological and physiological well-beingDean, Steven January 2015 (has links)
A wealth of information exists on self-regulatory processes that have the potential to generate a population shift in health and well-being, but there are many barriers to progress. This thesis addresses three. The first is a lack of transparency and coherence in terminology surrounding 'stress' and 'well-being'. This was addressed using a taxonomy based on self-regulatory theory to provide a platform for clearer differentiation and enhancement of psychological coping mechanisms. The second is the difficulty illuminating a public deluged with contradictory information. This was addressed by demonstrating a means of generating publicly available, validated instruments of change, through more open, transparent and collaborative research. The third barrier is that information provision alone is not enough to induce sustainable behaviour change. This was addressed by systematically exploring ways of optimising intervention adherence, impact and adaptive habit formation. The research programme consisted of three experimental studies. Study 1 piloted a means of adding depth and ingenuity to efforts to achieve personal daily goals, using an adaptation of Pennebaker's experimental writing paradigm, underpinned by social cognitive theory. Framework analysis of interviews with participants led to the development of a web-based version of the intervention, incorporating elements from dual-processing theory. Study 2 investigated effects of this intervention on self-report measures of psychological well-being in a group of 33 university administrators, assessed at baseline and four follow-up time points over twelve months. Sustained improvements were significant for goal progress, self-efficacy, perceived stress, negative affect, and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Study 3 tested the intervention using a randomised controlled trial involving 101 local government administrators. The results for self-report measures further supported and extended the findings of Study 2, whilst additional cortisol assessment proved inconclusive. Overall, the findings demonstrate a viable means of extending self-regulatory knowledge central to the pursuit of psychological and physiological well-being.
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Contributions of the writing lab to composition instructionCampbell, Suzanne January 2010 (has links)
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