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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análisis de la influencia del liderazgo del emprendedor en la etapa de crecimiento de la pequeña empresa exitosa en el sector servicios, en Lima Metropolitana

Cabrejos Novoa, Ximena Carol, Revoredo Díaz, Claudia 19 July 2018 (has links)
El presente trabajo de tesis tiene como objetivo ser una ayuda para el emprendedor, orientándolo en la línea de crecimiento de su pequeña empresa al analizar la influencia del liderazgo del emprendedor en la etapa de crecimiento de la pequeña empresa exitosa en el sector servicios, en Lima Metropolitana. En el primer capítulo, se investiga y presenta el marco teórico, mismo que ayudará a darnos una idea del contexto en el que una pequeña empresa exitosa se mueve, describiendo como primer punto, a la empresa en el contexto actual y su ciclo de vida así como para entender en qué parte del mismo, se sitúa la presente investigación. De igual forma se incluirán conceptos tales como emprendedor y competencia, así como los tipos y características que estos tienen. El capítulo cierra con la descripción de los sectores económicos, con la finalidad de explicar el contexto en el que están inmersas las pequeñas empresas exitosas hoy en día. Todo ello para, así, finalmente, poder realizar la orientación consistente y precisa al emprendedor, inicialmente indicada. En el segundo capítulo, se explica la metodología y fuente de datos. Se lleva a cabo una investigación cualitativa del tipo descriptiva y explicativa, empleando un diseño de teoría fundamentada. Esta se realiza con el fin de comprobar el tipo de liderazgo que debe ser ejercido por el emprendedor en la etapa de crecimiento de su pequeña empresa exitosa. En el tercer capítulo, se recopila y analiza la información relevante obtenida en el trabajo de campo, de los segmentos definidos con la finalidad de dar respuesta a cada una de las preguntas de investigación propuestas. En el cuarto capítulo, se detallan los hallazgos y barreras encontradas a lo largo de todo el proceso de la presente investigación. Finalmente, se presentan las conclusiones y recomendaciones finales tras revisar los resultados de la presente investigación, las cuales serán esenciales para que el emprendedor pueda tomar mejores decisiones y llegue a tener una empresa sostenible. Así mismo, el presente trabajo de investigación dará pautas a futuros tesistas para nuevas investigaciones. / This thesis work aims to be an aid for the entrepreneur to guide him in the line of growth of his small business by analyzing the influence of the entrepreneur's leadership in the growth stage of the successful small business in the service sector, in Lima Metropolitana. In the first chapter, the theoretical framework is investigated and presented. This framework will help us to give you an idea of the context in which a successful small business is immerse, it also describes the company in the current context and its life cycle, to understand in which part of the present investigation is located. Likewise, concepts such as entrepreneur and competence will be included, as well as the types and characteristics they have. The chapter closes with the description of the economic sectors, with the purpose of explaining the context in which current successful small businesses are immersed. All this in order to be able to carry out the consistent and precise orientation for the entrepreneur. In the second chapter, the methodology and data source is explained. A qualitative research of descriptive and explanatory type is carried out, using a grounded theory design. This is done in order to check the type of leadership that should be exercised by the entrepreneur in the growth stage of his successful small business. In the third chapter, the relevant information obtained in the fieldwork is collected and analyzed from the segments defined in order to answer each of the proposed research questions. The fourth chapter details the findings and barriers found throughout the entire process of the present investigation. Finally, the conclusions and final recommendations will be presented after reviewing the results of the present research, which will be essential for the entrepreneur to make better decisions in order to achieve a sustainable company. Likewise, the present research work will give guidelines to future thesis students for new research. / Tesis

Analýza personální práce v malé organizaci / Analysis of the small company´s personal work

Morávek, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
This work deals with human resources management in small companies. In its theoretical part there are first clarified specifics of small companies' management and then there are described personal processes and work that should be done in small organisations in detail. The aim of the first part of the thesis is to make a theoretical framework for the second -- practical part. In the second part small enterprise is presented and personal work which is done in it is described. The goal of the analytical part and the result at the same time is an analysis of these processes and also recommendations that would, in case of application, lead to an improvement of the company's human resources management system and implicitly to higher competitiveness in a particular branch.

Redes de cooperação de micro e pequenas empresas: um estudo das atividades de logística no setor metalúrgico de Sertãozinho-SP / Cooperation nets of small companies: a study of the logistics activities in the metallurgic section of Sertãozinho/SP

Silva, Carlos Alberto Vicente da 14 May 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar os fatores essenciais para a cooperação entre micro e pequenas empresas em atividades logísticas. Apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica das características das pequenas empresas e suas possíveis formas de compartilhamento, com destaque para as atividades de logística, o que permite definir as variáveis de pesquisa. Para o trabalho de campo foram convidadas todas as empresas do porte micro e pequeno, instaladas na cidade de Sertãozinho/SP, que executam atividades do setor metalúrgico de máquinas e equipamentos, e, entre elas, foram selecionadas as 22 indústrias pesquisadas. A pesquisa de campo inicia com uma investigação exploratória dos dados gerais das empresas, prossegue com uma pesquisa descritiva sobre a opinião dos empresários quanto aos aspectos que podem influenciar a cooperação a fim de identificar quais as atividades logísticas que estariam dispostos a compartilhar, e encerra com a interpretação e análise dos dados coletados. Na avaliação final verifica-se o reconhecimento do potencial da logística como possível geradora de formas de compartilhamento – particularmente na hipótese de criação de redes de cooperação – proporcionando subsídios para a formulação de políticas de desenvolvimento da localidade estudada / This paper aims is to investigate the key factors for cooperation among small companies in executing logistics activities. It accomplishes a bibliographical revision of the small company characteristics and its possible cooperation forms, with prominence to the logistics activities, and this revision enables the research variables definition. For the fieldwork, all the small companies belonging to the metallurgic section of Sertãozinho/SP were invited, and, among them, the 22 industries studied were selected. The fieldwork begins with an exploratory investigation of the companies’ general data. Then, it does a descriptive research on the businesspeople’s opinion about the aspects that compete for the cooperation – with the purpose of identify which logistics activities they would be willing to share. Finally, it concludes with an interpretation and analysis of the collected data. On a final evaluation, the logistics potential in providing possible cooperation ways is recognized. As well as in providing pre-requisites for the formulation of development politics on the studied place, in particular on the hypothesis of creating cooperation nets

Alinhamento da estratégia do negócio e da TI na pequena empresa: uma análise dos fatores facilitadores e inibidores / Alignment of business and IT strategy in small business: an analysis of the enabler and inhibitor factors

Moraes, Giseli Diniz de Almeida 05 July 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal diagnosticar um modelo de alinhamento entre a estratégia do negócio e a de tecnologia da informação considerando-se os fatores facilitadores e inibidores do alinhamento estratégico e as especificidades da pequena empresa. O alinhamento estratégico é abordado pelas quatro perspectivas do modelo de Henderson e Venkatraman: Execução da Estratégia, Transformação Tecnológica, Potencial Competitivo e Nível de Serviço. Os fatores facilitadores e inibidores do alinhamento estratégico são aqueles que podem influenciar positiva ou negativamente o alcance do alinhamento estratégico. Para adequar a pesquisa às pequenas empresas são consideradas as especificidades do dirigente, da organização e do ambiente, pois influem no processo de gestão, e por sua vez, estão interrelacionadas no alinhamento estratégico. O trabalho de campo dividiu-se em duas fases. Na primeira, realizou-se um levantamento exploratório, abordagem quantitativa, em 52 empresas do setor metal-mecânico com o objetivo de conhecer melhor esse setor do município de São Carlos/SP. Na segunda fase, foi realizado um estudo de caso, abordagem qualitativa, utilizando entrevistas e observações, em duas pequenas empresas do setor metal-mecânico. Como principais resultados, observou-se que as empresas realizam o alinhamento estratégico pela perspectiva de execução da estratégia. Nessa perspectiva, a estratégia do negócio é a força principal da organização, que direciona as alterações para a infraestrutura e processos da organização a fim de que estes sejam atendidos pela infraestrutura e processos da TI. Sendo assim, a TI é considerada um apoio para executar as estratégias do negócio. As diferenças na obtenção do alinhamento estratégico estão relacionadas com a presença de fatores facilitadores e inibidores, que, por sua vez, sofrem influências das especificidades de gestão das pequenas empresas. / This study has as a main objective to diagnose an alignment model between the business strategy and IT strategy, considering the enabler and inhibitor factors of the strategic alignment and the small companies specificities. The strategic alignment is considered by four perspectives of the Henderson and Venkatramans model: strategy execution, technology potential, competitive potential and service level. The enabler and inhibitor factors of the strategic alignment are factors that could influence positively or negatively the reach of the strategic alignment. For in order to introduce this research in small companies is relevant to consider how the specificities of the manager, organization and context to influence in management process, and, there for, are inter-related to the strategic alignment. The field work was divided in two phases. In the first, it was performed an exploratory survey, quantitative approach, in 52 companies of the metal-mechanical sector with the objective of know better this sector in the city of São Carlos/SP. In the second phase, a case study was performed, qualitative approach, using interviews and observations in two small business of the metal-mechanical sector. As main results, the strategy execution perspective of the strategic alignment was the carried out by the companies. According to this perspective, the organization main power is the business strategy, addressing the changes to the business processes and infrastructure so that theses can be attended by the IT processes and infrastructure. This way, the IT is considered a support to execute the business strategy. The differences in the obtaining are relation to the presence of the inhibitor and enabler factors, that, there for, it suffers influences by the small companies management specificities.

Etude de la performance de la coopétition par le capital social : le cas des mines artisanales de diamant au Kasai, en République Démocratique du Congo / Study of the performance of coopetition by social capital in a difficult environment : the case of artisanal mines exploiting Kasai diamond in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ngidjima Loleke Lotshangola, Jose 26 October 2017 (has links)
Dans une économie globalisée actuelle, où l’environnement entrepreneurial est défini comme incertain et turbulent, les entreprises choisissent les stratégies de coopétition pour avoir des avantages et performances. Mais, selon la littérature spécialisée, si les avantages et les performances, sont mis en avant pour justifier la pertinence des stratégies de coopétition, la notion d’opportunisme du partenaire est elle aussi largement investie et identifiée par des recherches comme un frein à la coopétition. C’est de cette façon, qu’on peut constater dans cette littérature, deux thèses différenciées qui caractérisent les analyses sur la coopétition ; une relation entre concurrents, source de performances hors normes et une relation fragile et instable à tout instant, à raison de l’opportunisme présumé du partenaire. L’opportunisme du partenaire s’avère particulièrement problématique en ce qu’il conduirait à limiter les performances et avantages attendus de la coopétition. L’objectif de cette recherche est d’établir un lien entre la performance de la coopétition et le capital social. Partant de l’opportunisme du partenaire, nous avons posé que la performance d’une coopétition est fonction de deux préalables : la réduction de l’opportunisme et l’augmentation de l’engagement des acteurs en relation. Une étude empirique est menée auprès des coopétitions des TPE minières exploitant le diamant au Kasaï, en République Démocratique du Congo. Une méthodologie qualitative permet le recueil des données par entretiens semi-directs, puis l’exploitation des termes des discours en se servant de l’outil lexicometrique, « Iramuteq ». L’objectif est de repérer les éléments déterminés de manière théorique, et qui traduisent soit les enjeux de la coopétition pour les TPE d’un environnement difficile, soit la pertinence du capital social dans la performance de la coopétition. Des liens établis entre la réduction de l’opportunisme, l’augmentation de l’engagement et les avantages tirés de la coopétition avec le capital social, constituent l’apport de cette recherche. Apport qui concerne les connaissances tant en management de la coopétition, que relatives aux TPE de contexte difficile. La variable-clé, « opportunisme » du partenaire, est la source du lien constaté entre la performance de la coopétition et le capital social. La logique suivie se décline en réponse aux interrogations formulées dans la littérature par différents auteurs au sujet de l’opportunsme qui conduit à la fragilité et à l’instabilité de la coopétition. Ce qui nous autorise de formuler un modèle vertueux de la performance de la coopétition par le capital social. A l’issu de notre étude empirique, une discussion sur des implications managériales est menée, aboutissant à une forme spécifique de coopétition mobilisant deux niveaux de réseau et des préconisations sont envisagées. / In today’s global economy, where the entrepreneurial environment is defined as uncertain and turbulent, companies choses coopétition strategies to have advantage and performance. But, according to the specialized literature, if the advantage and the performance are highlighted to justify the relevance of the strategies of coopetition, the notion of opportunism of the partner is also widely invested and identified by research as a brake on coopetition. It is in this way that we can see in this literature two differentiated theses which goods the analyses on coopetition; a relationship between competitors, a source of exceptional performance and a fragile and unstable relationship at all times, on account of the supposed opportunism of the partner. The opportunism of the partner is particularly problematic in that it would lead to limiting the performance and advantages from expected coopetition. The aim of the research is to establish a link between the performance of coopetition and social capital. Based on the opportunism of the partner, we have posited that the performance of a coopetition depends on two prerequisites: the reduction of opportunism and the increase in the commitment of the actors in relationships. Year empirical study is being carried out on the coopetition of very small mining companies of diamond in kasaï in Democratic Republic of Congo. A qualitative methodology allows the collection of data by semi direct interviews and the operation of the terms of speech using the lexicon metric tool “Iramuteq”. The objective is to identify the theoretically determined elements, which reflect either the stakes of coopétition for very small mining companies in a difficult environment or the relevance of social capital in the performance of coopetition. The link between the reduction of opportunism, the increase in commitment and the advantages of coopetition with social capital are the contribution of the research, contribution that concerns the knowledge both in management if coopetition, and relating to the very small mining companies of difficult context. The key variable “opportunism” of the partner is the source of the link between the performance of coopetition and social capital. The logic followed us in response to the questions raised in the literature by different authors about the risk of opportunism that leads to the fragility and instability of coopetition. This allows us to formulate a virtuous model of the performance of coopetition through social capital. At the end of our empirical study, a discussion on managerial implications is conducted; leading to a specific form of coopetition invoicing two levels of network and recommendations are envisaged.

Intenção estratégica nas pequenas empresas : mito ou realidade?

Acevedo, Marcelo Vieira January 2011 (has links)
Com base no questionamento se as pequenas empresas e seus gestores podiam usar como ferramentas de gestão as principais teorias administrativas com a mesma eficiência que nas grandes empresas nas quais, via de regra, estas teorias foram desenvolvidas, este trabalho buscou analisar especificamente se os conceitos da teoria da intenção estratégica aplicam-se nas pequenas empresas. Esta pesquisa caracteriza-se como um estudo exploratório baseado na técnica da entrevista em profundidade, a qual foi realizada com pequenos empresários de empresas localizadas em incubadoras universitárias, no período de junho a agosto de 2011. Os resultados deste trabalho indicam que, apesar das pequenas empresas, geralmente, não conseguirem realizar um planejamento ao longo prazo e controlar o seu próprio destino, dois dos preceitos da intenção estratégica, elas são capazes de mostrar evolução na aplicação da intenção estratégica quanto a mudar o seu setor, de ter as competências necessárias para tal e de ser autor do seu próprio destino. Em síntese, conclui-se que, de maneira geral, a intenção estratégica pode ser aplicada nas pequenas empresas e que os limitadores desta aplicação são as próprias dificuldades inerentes às pequenas empresas como, por exemplo, fragilidade perante as frequentes mudanças do mercado, sobrecarga de questões operacionais por parte dos gestores e falta de recursos financeiros e humanos. / This investigation will look at whether the concepts of the strategic intent theory could be applicable specifically to small companies, with regards to whether they and their managers could use administration theories as managerial tools as effectively as they would in large corporations, where, by and large, those theories are usually developed. This is merely an exploratory study and relies on an in-depth interview technique, which was conducted with small business entrepreneurs from corporations located in university incubators, from June to August 2011. The results of this study show that despite the overall inability of small companies to conduct long-term planning and control their own futures, which are two of the precepts of strategic intent, they are able to show improvements in terms of its applicability when it comes to changing their sectors, as well as having the necessary competencies for such a move and being the authors of their own destiny. To sum up, we can assume that strategic intent can generally be applied in small companies and that the limiting factors of such application are the hardships that are inherent to small companies, such as fragility in the face of frequent market changes, excessive operational issues with regards to managers and a lack of financial and human resources.


Cassanego, Carina da Silva 25 February 2006 (has links)
In this work, information technology used in supporting decision making by 48 small companies in the service sector in Santa Maria are listed. Literature research was also done to identify strategies used in this decision process. An adaptation of information management model using by big companies are also included in this paper . Relevant aspects considered by small companies in relation to information, either internal or external, and also how this information was obtained. These are basis for a proposal of information management of small companies, the main objective of this paper. It was observed that small businessmen in Santa Maria have the same characteristics as other entrepreneurs. However, different from their colleagues, they have a extensive vision on their markets and also seem to be openminded to new ideas and to work as a team. / Neste trabalho procurou-se relacionar a tecnologia como suporte para a obtenção de informações para a tomada de decisão. A partir disso procurou-se traçar o perfil das pequenas empresas do setor de serviços de Santa Maria, para que houvesse subsídios para a adaptação de modelos de gerenciamento da informação utilizados pelas grandes empresas. Buscou-se por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica conhecer as estratégias utilizadas para o aproveitamento das informações no processo decisório. Pesquisou-se junto às pequenas empresas quais as informações consideradas por seus gestores como as mais importantes, tanto interna como externa, e quais os meios utilizados para a obtenção das informações. Obteve-se então, subsídios para que fosse elaborada essa proposta de gerenciamento das informações, levando-se em consideração as características das empresas objeto deste estudo. Concluiu-se que os empresários da cidade possuem características comuns aos demais empreendedores. Porém possuem como diferencial uma visão ampla do mercado em que estão inseridos, e também mostraram-se bastante abertos a busca pelo conhecimento e ao trabalho em equipe.

Intenção estratégica nas pequenas empresas : mito ou realidade?

Acevedo, Marcelo Vieira January 2011 (has links)
Com base no questionamento se as pequenas empresas e seus gestores podiam usar como ferramentas de gestão as principais teorias administrativas com a mesma eficiência que nas grandes empresas nas quais, via de regra, estas teorias foram desenvolvidas, este trabalho buscou analisar especificamente se os conceitos da teoria da intenção estratégica aplicam-se nas pequenas empresas. Esta pesquisa caracteriza-se como um estudo exploratório baseado na técnica da entrevista em profundidade, a qual foi realizada com pequenos empresários de empresas localizadas em incubadoras universitárias, no período de junho a agosto de 2011. Os resultados deste trabalho indicam que, apesar das pequenas empresas, geralmente, não conseguirem realizar um planejamento ao longo prazo e controlar o seu próprio destino, dois dos preceitos da intenção estratégica, elas são capazes de mostrar evolução na aplicação da intenção estratégica quanto a mudar o seu setor, de ter as competências necessárias para tal e de ser autor do seu próprio destino. Em síntese, conclui-se que, de maneira geral, a intenção estratégica pode ser aplicada nas pequenas empresas e que os limitadores desta aplicação são as próprias dificuldades inerentes às pequenas empresas como, por exemplo, fragilidade perante as frequentes mudanças do mercado, sobrecarga de questões operacionais por parte dos gestores e falta de recursos financeiros e humanos. / This investigation will look at whether the concepts of the strategic intent theory could be applicable specifically to small companies, with regards to whether they and their managers could use administration theories as managerial tools as effectively as they would in large corporations, where, by and large, those theories are usually developed. This is merely an exploratory study and relies on an in-depth interview technique, which was conducted with small business entrepreneurs from corporations located in university incubators, from June to August 2011. The results of this study show that despite the overall inability of small companies to conduct long-term planning and control their own futures, which are two of the precepts of strategic intent, they are able to show improvements in terms of its applicability when it comes to changing their sectors, as well as having the necessary competencies for such a move and being the authors of their own destiny. To sum up, we can assume that strategic intent can generally be applied in small companies and that the limiting factors of such application are the hardships that are inherent to small companies, such as fragility in the face of frequent market changes, excessive operational issues with regards to managers and a lack of financial and human resources.

Alinhamento da estratégia do negócio e da TI na pequena empresa: uma análise dos fatores facilitadores e inibidores / Alignment of business and IT strategy in small business: an analysis of the enabler and inhibitor factors

Giseli Diniz de Almeida Moraes 05 July 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal diagnosticar um modelo de alinhamento entre a estratégia do negócio e a de tecnologia da informação considerando-se os fatores facilitadores e inibidores do alinhamento estratégico e as especificidades da pequena empresa. O alinhamento estratégico é abordado pelas quatro perspectivas do modelo de Henderson e Venkatraman: Execução da Estratégia, Transformação Tecnológica, Potencial Competitivo e Nível de Serviço. Os fatores facilitadores e inibidores do alinhamento estratégico são aqueles que podem influenciar positiva ou negativamente o alcance do alinhamento estratégico. Para adequar a pesquisa às pequenas empresas são consideradas as especificidades do dirigente, da organização e do ambiente, pois influem no processo de gestão, e por sua vez, estão interrelacionadas no alinhamento estratégico. O trabalho de campo dividiu-se em duas fases. Na primeira, realizou-se um levantamento exploratório, abordagem quantitativa, em 52 empresas do setor metal-mecânico com o objetivo de conhecer melhor esse setor do município de São Carlos/SP. Na segunda fase, foi realizado um estudo de caso, abordagem qualitativa, utilizando entrevistas e observações, em duas pequenas empresas do setor metal-mecânico. Como principais resultados, observou-se que as empresas realizam o alinhamento estratégico pela perspectiva de execução da estratégia. Nessa perspectiva, a estratégia do negócio é a força principal da organização, que direciona as alterações para a infraestrutura e processos da organização a fim de que estes sejam atendidos pela infraestrutura e processos da TI. Sendo assim, a TI é considerada um apoio para executar as estratégias do negócio. As diferenças na obtenção do alinhamento estratégico estão relacionadas com a presença de fatores facilitadores e inibidores, que, por sua vez, sofrem influências das especificidades de gestão das pequenas empresas. / This study has as a main objective to diagnose an alignment model between the business strategy and IT strategy, considering the enabler and inhibitor factors of the strategic alignment and the small companies specificities. The strategic alignment is considered by four perspectives of the Henderson and Venkatramans model: strategy execution, technology potential, competitive potential and service level. The enabler and inhibitor factors of the strategic alignment are factors that could influence positively or negatively the reach of the strategic alignment. For in order to introduce this research in small companies is relevant to consider how the specificities of the manager, organization and context to influence in management process, and, there for, are inter-related to the strategic alignment. The field work was divided in two phases. In the first, it was performed an exploratory survey, quantitative approach, in 52 companies of the metal-mechanical sector with the objective of know better this sector in the city of São Carlos/SP. In the second phase, a case study was performed, qualitative approach, using interviews and observations in two small business of the metal-mechanical sector. As main results, the strategy execution perspective of the strategic alignment was the carried out by the companies. According to this perspective, the organization main power is the business strategy, addressing the changes to the business processes and infrastructure so that theses can be attended by the IT processes and infrastructure. This way, the IT is considered a support to execute the business strategy. The differences in the obtaining are relation to the presence of the inhibitor and enabler factors, that, there for, it suffers influences by the small companies management specificities.

Intenção estratégica nas pequenas empresas : mito ou realidade?

Acevedo, Marcelo Vieira January 2011 (has links)
Com base no questionamento se as pequenas empresas e seus gestores podiam usar como ferramentas de gestão as principais teorias administrativas com a mesma eficiência que nas grandes empresas nas quais, via de regra, estas teorias foram desenvolvidas, este trabalho buscou analisar especificamente se os conceitos da teoria da intenção estratégica aplicam-se nas pequenas empresas. Esta pesquisa caracteriza-se como um estudo exploratório baseado na técnica da entrevista em profundidade, a qual foi realizada com pequenos empresários de empresas localizadas em incubadoras universitárias, no período de junho a agosto de 2011. Os resultados deste trabalho indicam que, apesar das pequenas empresas, geralmente, não conseguirem realizar um planejamento ao longo prazo e controlar o seu próprio destino, dois dos preceitos da intenção estratégica, elas são capazes de mostrar evolução na aplicação da intenção estratégica quanto a mudar o seu setor, de ter as competências necessárias para tal e de ser autor do seu próprio destino. Em síntese, conclui-se que, de maneira geral, a intenção estratégica pode ser aplicada nas pequenas empresas e que os limitadores desta aplicação são as próprias dificuldades inerentes às pequenas empresas como, por exemplo, fragilidade perante as frequentes mudanças do mercado, sobrecarga de questões operacionais por parte dos gestores e falta de recursos financeiros e humanos. / This investigation will look at whether the concepts of the strategic intent theory could be applicable specifically to small companies, with regards to whether they and their managers could use administration theories as managerial tools as effectively as they would in large corporations, where, by and large, those theories are usually developed. This is merely an exploratory study and relies on an in-depth interview technique, which was conducted with small business entrepreneurs from corporations located in university incubators, from June to August 2011. The results of this study show that despite the overall inability of small companies to conduct long-term planning and control their own futures, which are two of the precepts of strategic intent, they are able to show improvements in terms of its applicability when it comes to changing their sectors, as well as having the necessary competencies for such a move and being the authors of their own destiny. To sum up, we can assume that strategic intent can generally be applied in small companies and that the limiting factors of such application are the hardships that are inherent to small companies, such as fragility in the face of frequent market changes, excessive operational issues with regards to managers and a lack of financial and human resources.

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