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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Discrete Control in the Internet of things and Smart Environments through a Shared Infrastructure / Contrôle Discret pour l’Internet des Objets et les Environnements Intelligents au travers d'une infrastructure partagée

Zhao, Mengxuan 07 May 2015 (has links)
L'Internet des Objets (IdO) et les Environnements Intelligents (EI) ont attiré beaucoup d'activités de recherche et développement au cours de la dernière décennie. Pourtant, de nombreuses applications IdO/EI d'aujourd'hui sont encore limitées à l'acquisition et au traitement des données de capteurs et de leur contexte, avec un contrôle, le cas échéant, utilisant soit des solutions de base ou demandant l'intervention humaine, loin du contrôle automatique qui est un facteur essentiel de promouvoir ces technologies. Cette thèse vise à apporter le savoir-faire de la théorie du contrôle et des systèmes réactifs dans le domaine IdO/EI pour arriver à une solution avec une méthode formelle pour l'aspect de contrôle qui fait défaut. Nous proposons l'extension d'un canevas logiciel pour une infrastructure générique et partagée IdO/EI qui offre des interfaces de haut niveau pour réduire l'effort de conception, et qui permet l'auto-configuration et l'adaptation des applications de contrôle sur des propriétés génériques de l'environnement sans intervention humaine en utilisant les connaissances générales sur le domaine qui s'appliquent à chaque instance cible de système IdO/EI. Dans cette infrastructure étendue, les entités physiques individuelles (y compris toutes les "choses", appareils électriques et sous-ensembles de l'espace) peuvent être regroupées comme des entités virtuelles par des propriétés communes afin de fournir un niveau d'abstraction plus élevé pour le contrôle et d'autres applications, ainsi qu'une meilleure adaptation aux changements des configurations au niveau inférieur. Sur le requis d'une solution générique et commun dénominateur partagée par toutes les applications de l'IdO/EI dans un environnement donné, nous proposons pour cette infrastructure, de modéliser les entités cibles supervisées et contrôlées, y compris les entités individuelles et de leurs regroupements, ainsi que les choses et les entités spatiales, par des automates à états finis, pour être en mesure d'appliquer la technique de la synthèse des contrôleur discrets (SCD) aux différents niveaux d'abstraction et de granularité. SCD est une méthode formelle qui construit automatiquement un contrôleur, s'il existe, en assurant les objectifs de contrôle exigés concernant le modèle de comportement du système donné en termes d'automates parallèles synchrones. Les langages de programmation BZR et les outils Sigali existants sont utilisés pour effectuer la SCD et de générer un contrôleur de manière automatique. Les modules logiciels nécessaires sont proposés dans l'implémentation tels que le module de maintenance de relation qui garde une association correcte entre les instances d'entités individuelles et les groupes, et répercute des commandes d'action du contrôle de haut niveau aux actionneurs correspondants. Ce module est destiné à évoluer plus tard vers une solution plus générique comme une base de données graphes comprenant à la fois la base de connaissances générales et relations spécifiques d'instance environnement. La résolution des conflits entre les objectifs de contrôle venant de contrôleurs concurrent est également indispensable en raison des objectifs de l'ouverture de la plateforme. Un simulateur de contexte basé sur Java a été développé pour simuler l'environnement de la maison au sein de plusieurs scénarios proposés pour la validation, tels que le contrôle de la charge électrique et l'adaptation au contexte de l'activité. / The Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Environments (SE) have attracted a lot of research and development activities during the last decade. Yet many present-day IoT/SE applications are still limited to the acquisition and processing of sensor data and its context, with control, if any, using either basic solutions or requiring human intervention, far away from the automatic control which is an essential factor to promote the technologies. This thesis targets to bring knowhow from control theory and reactive systems to the IoT/SE domain to achieve a solution with a formal method for the missing control aspect. We propose the extension of a framework in order to build a shared generic IoT/SE infrastructure offering high-level interfaces to reduce design effort, and enabling the self-configuration and adaptation of control applications over generic properties of the environment without human interaction by using general knowledge over the domain that applies to each target instance of IoT/SE system. In this extended framework, individual physical entities (including all relevant "things", appliances and subsets of space) may be grouped as virtual entities by shared properties to provide a higher level abstraction for control and other applications and better adaptation to lower level configuration changes. Requiring a generic common denominator solution shared by all IoT/SE applications in a given environment, we propose for this infrastructure, to model by finite state automata the target entities to be monitored and controlled, including both individual entities and their groupings, as well as things and space entities, to be able to apply discrete controller synthesis (DCS) technique over any of these at different levels of abstraction and granularity. DCS is a formal method which constructs automatically a controller, if it exists, guaranteeing the required control objectives regarding to the given system behavior model in terms of synchronous parallel automata. The existing BZR programming language and Sigali tools are employed to perform DCS and generate a controller in an automatic way. Necessary supporting software modules are proposed in the implementation such as the relation maintenance module keeping the correct association between individual entity instances and groups, and dispatching the action orders from the high level control to corresponding actuators. This module would evolve later to a more generic solution such as a graph data base including both the general knowledge base and specific environment instance relations. Conflict resolution between objectives of control coming from concurrent controllers is also indispensable due to the intended openness of the platform. A java based context simulator has been developed to simulate the home environment within several scenarios proposed for the validation, such as electrical load control and activity context adaptation.

NETAH, un framework pour la composition distribuée de flux d'événements / NETAH, A Framework for Composing Distributed Event Streams

Epal Njamen, Orleant 11 October 2016 (has links)
La réduction de la taille des équipements et l’avènement des communications sans fil ont fortement contribué à l’avènement d’une informatique durable. La plupart des applications informatiques sont aujourd’hui construites en tenant compte de cet environnement ambiant dynamique. Leur développement et exécution nécessite des infrastructures logicielles autorisant des entités à s’exécuter, à interagir à travers divers modes (synchrone et asynchrone), à s’adapter à leur(s) environnement(s) notamment en termes : - de consommation de ressources (calcul, mémoire, support de stockage, bases de données, connexions réseaux, ...), - de multiplicité des sources de données (illustrée par le Web, les capteurs, compteurs intelligents, satellites, les bases de données existantes, ...) - des formats multiples des objets statiques ou en flux (images, son, vidéos). Notons que dans beaucoup de cas, les objets des flux doivent être homogénéisées, enrichies, croisées, filtrées et agrégées pour constituer in fine des produits informationnels riches en sémantique et stratégiques pour les applications ou utilisateurs. Les systèmes à base d'événements particulièrement bien adaptés à la programmation de ce type d’applications. Ils peuvent offrir des communications anonymes et asynchrones (émetteurs/serveurs et récepteurs /clients ne se connaissent pas) qui facilitent l'interopération et la collaboration entre des services autonomes et hétérogènes. Les systèmes d’événements doivent être capables d'observer, transporter, filtrer, agréger, corréler et analyser de nombreux flux d’événements produits de manière distribuée. Ces services d’observation doivent pouvoir être déployés sur des architectures distribuées telles que les réseaux de capteurs, les smart-grid, et le cloud pour contribuer à l’observation des systèmes complexes et à leur contrôle autonome grâce à des processus réactifs de prise de décision. L’objectif de la thèse est de proposer un modèle de composition distribuée de flux d’événements et de spécifier un service d’événements capable de réaliser efficacement l’agrégation, la corrélation temporelle et causale, et l’analyse de flux d’événements dans des plateformes distribuées à base de services. TRAVAIL A REALISER (i) Etat de l’art - Systèmes de gestion de flux événements - Services et infrastructures d’événements distribués - Modèles d’événements (ii) Définition d’un scénario d’expérimentation et de comparaison des approches existantes. (iii) Définition d’un modèle de composition distribuée de flux d’événements à base de suscriptions (iv) Spécification et implantation d’un service distribuée de composition de flux d’événements. / The reduction in the size of equipments and the advent of wireless communications have greatly contributed to the advent of sustainable IT . Most computer applications today are built taking into account the dynamic ambient environment. Their development and execution need software infrastructure allowing entities to execute , interact through a variety of modes (synchronous and asynchronous ) , has to adapt to their (s) environment (s ), particularly in terms of: - resource consumption ( computation , memory , storage media , databases , networks connections , ... ) - the multiplicity of data sources ( illustrated by the Web , sensors, smart meters, satellites, existing data bases .. . ) - multiple formats of static objects or streams (images , sounds, videos ) . Note that in many cases , stream's objects have to be homogenized, enriched, filtered and aggregated to form informations rich in semantic and strategic for applications or end users. Event based systems are particularly well suited to the programming of such applications. They can offer anonymous and asynchronous communications ( transmitters / receivers and servers / clients do not know each others) that facilitate interoperation and cooperation between autonomous and heterogeneous services. The event systems should be able to observe, transport, filter, aggregate, correlate and analyze many events streams produced in a distributed way. These observation services must be able to be deployed on distributed architectures , such as sensor networks , smart -grid and cloud, to contribute to the observation of complex systems and their self-control via reactive decisions making processes. The aim of the thesis is to propose a model for distributed event flows composition and specify an event service that can effectively realize the aggregation , temporal and causal correlation , and analysis of flow events in distributed service -based platforms. WORK TO BE PERFORMED (i) State of the art: - Events flow management systems - distributed event services - event model ( ii ) Definition of a scenario for experimentation and comparison of existing approaches. ( iii ) Definition of a model of composition delivered a stream of events based superscriptions ( iv ) Specification and implementation of a distributed event flow composition service

Développement de la gestion optimale de l'énergie électrique dans les îles Galápagos vers les Reséaux Intelligents / Development of optimal energy management in Galapagos Islands towards Smart Grid

Morales jadan, Diego 18 December 2017 (has links)
Les îles Galápagos sont un archipel d'îles volcaniques situées dans l'océan Pacifique, à 926 km à l'ouest de l'Equateur continental, dont elles font partie. Depuis 1978, les îles Galápagos sont déclarées patrimoine mondial. En raison de la croissance de la population, il existe plusieurs problèmes sociaux, économiques et environnementaux qui risquent la conservation de l'environnement des îles. Dans ce contexte, le gouvernement équatorien veut préserver son patrimoine écologique. Par conséquence, avec la participation de divers acteurs, principalement le ministère de l'Énergie et des Énergies renouvelables, il effectue plusieurs initiatives. Afin d'améliorer les services fournis sur les îles, cet objectif sera accompli grâce à la réduction de la consommation de carburants fossiles et donc des émissions de CO2. Donc, cette thèse a analysé l'impact des nouveaux services sur le réseau électrique, comme le remplacement obligatoire des véhicules conventionnels et des cuisinières pour des solutions efficaces et la proposition des solutions pour réduire les problèmes négatifs sur le réseau. En outre, une forte intégration de la génération distribuée a été considérée dans l'analyse. De plus, des solutions innovantes pour basse et moyenne tension ont été conçues et testées afin d’améliorer le service électrique sans affecter l'environnement et conserver ce patrimoine mondial. Par exemple, un programme DSM intelligent composé d'un schéma de temps d'utilisation (TOU) combiné avec la réponse de la demande (DR) a montré des résultats intéressants, l'installation d'un système de stockage d'énergie de batterie a également été testée, et les résultats de moyenne tension sont prometteurs. Un système de commutation automatique de phase a été adapté comme une solution pour réduire le déséquilibre en basse tension avec des résultats impressionnants. Le déploiement des réenclencheurs a démontré une amélioration considérable de la fiabilité avec un retour d’investissement très court. Considérant les technologies de l'information et de la communication, une pièce clé pour déployer Smart Grids, l'architecture de communication des réseaux de NAN/FAN/HAN a été abordée. Enfin, un Système de Gestion d’Energie pour la gestion optimale de l'énergie à Galápagos a été conçu. Toutes ces études représentent un défi important : la gestion optimale de l'électricité de réseau isolée sans énergie fossile. / The Galápagos Islands are an archipelago of volcanic islands located in the Pacific Ocean, 926 km west of continental Ecuador, of which they are a part. Since 1978, Galapagos Islands are accepted as Heritage World, due to the growth of the population, there are several social, economic and environmental problems, which endanger the environment conservation of the Islands.In this context, the Ecuadorian government desires to preserve its ecological heritage. Hence, with the participation of several stakeholders mainly the Ministry of Energy and Renewable Energy, it is releasing a lot of initiatives. In order to improve the general services that are provided in the islands, this goal will be achieved by means of reducing fossil fuel consumption and therefore CO2 emissions. Thus, this thesis has analyzed the impact of new services on the grid such as the mandatory replacement of conventional vehicles and cookers for efficient ones and to propose solutions for reducing negative issues originated on the network. Also, a strong integration of distributed generation is considered in the analysis.In addition, innovative solutions for both low and medium voltage have been designed and tested for improving the electrical service without affecting the environment and conserving this world heritage. For instance, a smart DSM program composed of Time of Use scheme combined with Demand Response has shown interesting results, the installation of a Battery Energy Storage System has been studied as well; the results in Medium Voltage are promising. An Automatic Phase Switching system is adapted like a solution for reducing unbalance in low voltage with impressive results. The deployment of reclosers has demonstrated a considerable improvement in the reliability with a Return on Investment very short.Considering the Information and Communication Technologies a key piece to deploy Smart Grids, the communication architecture of the Neighbor, Field and Home Area Networks is addressed. As last, an Energy Management System for performing optimal energy management within Galapagos is designed. All these studies have a significant challenge: the optimal management of electricity of isolated grid with zero fossil energy.

Analysis of GHG emissions reduction from road transport: a case study of the German passenger vehicles

Al-Dabbas, Khaled January 2018 (has links)
Transportation and energy play an essential role in modern society. Since the Industrial Revolution, fossil fuels have enabled great advancements in human society. Within this process, Internal Combustion Engines Vehicles (ICEVs) played a significant role in guaranteeing reliable and affordable long-distance transportation. However, the subsequent increase of the Motorized Private Transport resulted in undesired effects such as pollution. One instrument in reducing the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions of the transport sector is to shift from the conventional ICEVs toward zero local emission vehicles. Electric Vehicles (EVs) are being promoted worldwide as a suitable powertrain technology that could replace the ICEVs. However, unless combined with electricity from renewable generation technologies the EVs will not effectively reduce GHG emissions. Through the simulation of future transport and energy sector scenarios in Germany, the GHG emission reductions have been analyzed. Techno-economic and environmental characteristics for several powertrain technologies under several vehicles charging strategies are evaluated. The thesis explores the impact of charging EVs on the electrical grid. The result show that EVs using smart charging strategies that support Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) are capable of fulfilling mobility needs of users while providing substantial flexibility to the electrical grid. Such flexibility can facilitate the future expansion of non-dispatchable Renewable Energy Sources (RES).

Reconfiguração de redes de distribuição em situações de contingências considerando operação ilhada de PCH / Reconfiguration of distribution network in contingency conditions considering islanded operation of small hydro power plant

Lopes, Guilherme Stivanin 22 August 2014 (has links)
One of the main concerns of the power utilities is secure, continuously supplying electric power to customers, thus meeting so satisfy these as to regulatory requirements. Thus, the proposed paper presents a method of restoring the electric power supply applying the concepts of automatic reconfiguration of the aggregate distribution networks the possibility of islanded operation of small hydro (SHP), since the use of PCH so islanded in certain circumstances, or becomes only, or the best solution to be adopted in a contingency situation in order to reduce the impact of unwanted interruptions. Since the intrinsic decision making process of reconfiguration of distribution networks involves multiple objectives and constraints, the proposed methodology uses the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, which is a very useful tool for issues involving multicriteria decision taken. Additionally, case studies for analysis and validation of the proposed methodology are presented. / Uma das principais preocupações das empresas distribuidoras de energia elétrica é garantir, de forma contínua, o fornecimento de energia elétrica aos seus clientes, atendendo assim tanto a satisfação desses quanto às exigências regulatórias. Sendo assim, o trabalho proposto visa apresentar uma metodologia de restabelecimento do fornecimento de energia elétrica aplicando os conceitos de reconfiguração automática das redes de distribuição agregados a possibilidade de operação ilhada de pequenas centrais hidroelétricas (PCHs), uma vez que a utilização de PCH de forma ilhada, em determinadas circunstâncias, torna-se ou a única, ou a melhor solução a ser adotada em uma situação de contingência com o objetivo de reduzir o impacto causado por interrupções indesejadas. Visto que a tomada de decisão intrínseca ao processo de reconfiguração das redes de distribuição envolve vários objetivos e restrições, a metodologia proposta utiliza o método Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) que representa uma ferramenta muito útil para questões envolvendo tomadas de decisão multicriteriais. Adicionalmente, são apresentados estudos de caso para análises e validações da metodologia proposta.

Relay in the loop test procedures for adaptive overcurrent protection

Piesciorovsky, Emilio C. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Electrical and Computer Engineering / Anil Pahwa / Noel N. Schulz / Microgrids with distributed generators have changed how protection and control systems are designed. Protection systems in conventional U.S. distribution systems are radial with the assumption that current flows always from the utility source to the end user. However, in a microgrid with distributed generators, currents along power lines do not always flow in one direction. Therefore, protection systems must be adapted to different circuit paths depending on distributed generator sites in the microgrid and maximum fuse ampere ratings on busses. Adaptive overcurrent protection focuses on objectives and constraints based on operation, maximum load demand, equipment, and utility service limitations. Adaptive overcurrent protection was designed to protect the power lines and bus feeders of the microgrid with distributed generators by coordinating fuses and relays in the microgrid. Adaptive overcurrent protection was based on the relay setting group and protection logic methods. Non-real-time simulator (NRTS) and real-time simulator (RTS) experiments were performed with computer-based simulators. Tests with two relays in the loop proved that primary relays tripped faster than backup relays for selectivity coordination in the adaptive overcurrent protection system. Relay test results from tripping and non-tripping tests showed that adaptive inverse time overcurrent protection achieved selectivity, speed, and reliability. The RTS and NRTS with two relays in the loop techniques were described and compared in this work. The author was the first graduate student to implement real-time simulation with two relays in the loop at the Burns & McDonnell - K-State Smart Grid Laboratory. The RTS experimental circuit and project are detailed in this work so other graduate students can apply this technique with relays in the loop in smart grid research areas such as phasor measurement units, adaptive protection, communication, and cyber security applications.

Metodologia baseada em medidas dispersas de tensão e árvores de decisão para localização de faltas em sistemas de distribuição modernos / Methodology based on dispersed voltage measures and decision trees for fault location in modern distribution systems

Marcel Ayres de Araújo 06 October 2017 (has links)
Nos sistemas de distribuição, a grande ramificação, radialidade, heterogeneidade, dinâmica das cargas e demais particularidades, impõem dificuldades à localização de faltas, representando um desafio permanente na busca por melhores indicadores de continuidade e confiabilidade no fornecimento de energia elétrica. A regulação incisiva dos órgãos do setor, a penetração de geração distribuída e a tendência de modernização trazida pelas redes inteligentes, demandam detalhados estudos para readequação dos sistemas elétricos a conjuntura atual. Neste contexto, esta tese propõe o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para localização de faltas em sistemas de distribuição empregando a capacidade dos medidores inteligentes de monitoramento e de aquisição de tensão em diferentes pontos da rede elétrica. A abordagem proposta baseia-se na estimação, por ferramentas de aprendizado de máquina, das impedâncias de sequência zero e positiva entre os pontos de alocação dos medidores inteligentes e de ocorrência de falta, e do estado de sensibilização destes medidores frente a correntes de falta. Assim, calculando-se as respectivas distâncias elétricas em função das impedâncias estimadas e definidas as direções das mesmas em relação a topologia da rede, busca-se identificar o ponto ou área com maior sobreposição de distâncias elétricas como o local ou a região de maior probabilidade da falta em relação aos medidores inteligentes. Para tanto, faz-se uso combinado de ferramentas convencionais e inteligentes pela aplicação dos conceitos de análise de sistemas elétricos, diagnóstico dos desvios de tensão, e classificação de padrões por meio da técnica de aprendizado de máquina denominada Árvore de Decisão. Os resultados obtidos pela aplicação desta metodologia demonstram que o uso de informações redundantes fornecidas pelos medidores inteligentes minimiza os erros de estimação. Além disso, para a maior parte dos casos testados o erro absoluto máximo de localização da falta se concentra entre 200 m e 1000 m, o que reduz a busca pelo local de ocorrência da falta pelas equipes de manutenção da rede elétrica. / In distribution systems, the dense branching, radial pattern, heterogeneity, dynamic of the loads, and other characteristics create several difficulties in defining the fault location, representing a great challenge in the search for better continuity and reliability indicators of the electrical energy supply. The intense government regulations, the increasing use of distributed generation, and the trend towards modernization via smart grids require a detailed study in order to upgrade the current systems. In this context, this thesis proposes a methodology development for fault location in distribution systems with the use of smart meters monitors and the acquisition of voltage at different points in the electrical network. The proposed method is based on the estimation, using machine learning, of the state of awareness of smart meters across the fault currents and of the zero and positive sequence impedance between the location of these meters and of the fault occurrence. Therefore, by calculating the electrical distances as a function of the estimated impedances and defining its the direction in relation to the network topology, the point/region with the biggest superposition of the electrical distances can be assigned as the point/region with the highest probability of fault occurrence in relation to the smart probes. For this purpose, a machine learning technique named decision tree is used to apply concept analyses to the electrical systems, diagnosis of voltage deviations, and pattern recognition of the electrical systems. The results obtained by the application of this methodology demonstrate that the use of redundant information provided by the smart meters minimizes estimation errors. In addition, for most of the cases tested, the maximum absolute error of the fault location is concentrated between 200 m and 1000 m, which reduces the search for the fault location by the maintenance teams of the electrical network.

Load models for operation and planning of electricity distribution networks with smart metering data / Modèles de charge pour la conduite et la planification dans le contexte du compteur intelligent dans le réseau de distribution

Ding, Ni 30 November 2012 (has links)
En 2010, ERDF (Electricité Réseau Distribution France) a entamé la mise en place du projet « Linky » dont l'objectif est d'installer 35 millions de compteurs intelligents en France. Ces compteurs permettront de collecter les données de consommation en « temps réel », avec lesquelles des modèles de charge plus précis pourront être envisagés. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse définit deux objectifs: la définition de modèles prédictifs de charge pour la conduite et la conception de modèles d'estimation de charge pour la planification. En ce qui concerne la conduite, nous avons développés deux modèles. Le premier exploite le formalisme mathématique des séries chronologiques ; le second est basé sur un réseau de neurones. Les deux modèles cherchent à prévoir la charge des jours « J+1 » et « J+2 » à partir des informations collectées jusqu'au jour « J ». Le modèle « série chronologique » repose sur les propriétés temporelles des courbes de charge. Ainsi on découpe la courbe de charge en trois parties : la tendance, la périodicité et le résidu. Les premiers deux sont déterministes et indépendamment développés en deux modèles : le modèle de tendance et le modèle de cyclicité. La somme de la prévision de ces deux modèles est la prévision finale. Le résidu quant à lui capture les phénomènes aléatoires que présente la courbe de charge. Le modèle de prédiction ainsi développé s'aide de nombreux outils statistiques (e.g., test de stationnarité, test ANOVA, analyse spectrale, entres autres) pour garantir son bon fonctionnement. Enfin, modèle « série chronologique » prend en compte plusieurs facteurs qui expliquent la variation dans la courbe de consommation tels que la température, les cyclicités, le temps, et le type du jour, etc. En ce qui concerne le modèle à base de réseaux de neurones, nous nous focalisons sur les stratégies de sélection de la structure pour un modèle optimal. Les choix des entrées et du nombre de neurones cachés sont effectués à travers les méthodes dites de «régression orthogonale » et de « leave-one-out-virtuel ». Les résultats montrent que la procédure proposée permet de choisir une structure de réseau de neurones qui garantisse une bonne précision de prédiction. En ce qui concerne la planification, un modèle non paramétrique est proposé et comparé avec le modèle actuel « BAGHEERA » d'EDF. Avec l'ouverture du marché d'électricité, la relation entre les fournisseurs, les clients et les distributeurs devient flexible. Les informations qualitatives d'un client particulier telles que sa puissance souscrite, son code d'activité, ses tarifs etc. sont de moins en moins disponibles. L'évolution du modèle BAGHEERA qui dépend ces informations pour classer les clients dans différentes catégories est devenue indispensable. Le modèle non paramétrique est un modèle individuel centré sur le relevé des compteurs. Trois variables de régression non paramétriques : Nadaraya Watson, Local Linear et Local Linear adapted ont été analysées et comparées. Les scénarios de validation montrent que le modèle non paramétrique est plus précis que le modèle « BAGHEERA ». Ces nouveaux modèles ont été conçus et validés sur de vraies données collectées sur le territoire français. / From 2010, ERDF (French DSO) started the “Linky” project. The project aims at installing 35 millions smart meters in France. These smart meters will collect individual client's consumption data in real time and transfer these data to the data center automatically in a certain frequency. These detailed consumption information provided by the smart metering system enables the designs of more accurate load models. On this purpose, two distinctive objectives are defined in this dissertation: the forecasting load models for the operation need and the estimation load models for the planning need. For the operation need, two models are developed, respectively relying on the “time series” and the “neural network” principals. They are both for the objective of predicting the loads in “D+1” and “D+2” days based on the historical information till “D” day. The “time series” model divides the load curve into three components: the trend, the cyclic, and the residual. The first two parts are deterministic, from which two models named the trend model and the cyclic model are made. The sum of the prevision of these two models is the final prediction result. For a better precision, numerous statistical tools are also integrated such that the stationary test, the smoothed periodogram, the ANOVA test and the gliding window estimation, etc. The time series model can extract information from the influence factors such as the time, the temperature, the periodicities and the day type, etc. Being the most popular non linear model and the universal approximator, the neural network load forecasting model is also studied in this dissertation. We focus on the strategy of the structure selection. The work is in collaboration with Prof. Dreyfus (SIGMA lab), a well known expert in the machine learning field. Input selection and model selection are performed by the “orthogonal forward regression” and the “virtual-leave-one-out” algorithms. Results show that the proposed procedure is efficient and guarantees the chosen model a good accuracy on the load forecasting. For the planning, a nonparametric model is designed and compared with the actual model “BAGHEERA” of the French electricity company EDF. With the opening of the electricity market, the relationship among the regulators, suppliers and clients is changing. The qualitative information about a particular client such as his subscribed power, his activity code and his electricity tariffs becomes less and less available. The evolution from the BAGHEERA model to a data-driven model is unavoidable, since the BAGHEERA model depends on these information to attribute every client in the French territory into a pre-defined category. The proposed nonparametric model is individualized and can deal with both temperature sensitive (possessing an electrical heater) and temperature insensitive clients. Three nonparametric regressors are proposed: the Nadaraya Watson, the local linear, and the local linear adapted. The validation studies show that the nonparametric model has a better estimation precision than the BAGHEERA model. These novel models are designed and validated by the real measurements collected in the French distribution network.

Design of smart grid interfaces, Focusing of smart TVs / Design of smart grid interfaces, Focusing of smart TVs

Panneerselvam, Praveen Jelish January 2013 (has links)
Smart Grid research is growing around the world due to the need to replace the ageing old electricity grid with an intelligent, reliable electricity network. The smart grid aims at creating a reliable power distribution and efficient power usage in homes. One of the key issues focused in this project is providing real time energy feedback to users, which is minimal or non-existent in the current grid system. This thesis investigates about using smart TVs to provide real time energy feedback in homes. Since its introduction in 2009 smart TVs are growing in popularity in European market. To provide real time energy feedback on smart TVs three features are identified Smart TV application, ambilighting and push notification. The Human-centered design process is used for designing the Smart TV interface system using the identified features. A literature study is conducted to gather the user requirements for the smart TV interface. The information gathered during the study is used for the design and implementation of the interface prototype. As an example platform the Philips smart TV 2013 is chosen to demonstrate the various features that can be used to provide energy feedback. The usability of the Smart TV interface is evaluated with users and the results are recorded. The smart TV application, ambient lighting and push notification system in Smart TVs is demonstrated for providing real-time energy feedback. The interface is evaluated with users and results are discussed. The result suggests that Smart TVs can serve as an informational display in homes. The Smart TV interface should be interlinked with Smart Phone and Tablet applications to be effective, further the users prefer the Smart Phone over the Smart TV application to control the household devices. / The thesis work evaluates the potential of using smart TVs to provide real time energy feedback in homes. The results of the thesis showed that smart phone are the primary interaction medium suitable for home environment while smart TVs can serve as an informative medium to provide ambient feedback in homes. / praveenjelish@ymail.com +46727700788

Instalação de medidores inteligentes no Brasil: uma análise econômica / Smart meters installation in Brazil: an economic analysis

Rigodanzo, Jonas 14 August 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This dissertation presents an analysis of economic viability of smart meters installation, building scenarios of probable behaviors of the residential consumers and the hourly rate which includes the concept of smart grids. The study takes account the smart meters implementation costs under the consumer point of view, using investment economic analysis concepts. The scenarios obtained from PROCEL INFO graphics and excel spreadsheets calculations compare conventional fare to different hourly rates using smart meters. From this context, it is possible observe the monthly savings that were obtained and the investments return period. The results show the investments economic viability and the priority of this new technology installation, considering that the installations shall be made first in the most viable regions. These results may turn possible a strategy that creates an order to the smart meters implementation. / Esta dissertação apresenta uma análise da viabilidade econômica da instalação de medidores inteligentes, construindo cenários de prováveis comportamentos dos consumidores residenciais e a tarifa horária que contempla o conceito de redes inteligentes. O estudo leva em consideração os custos de implantação destes medidores sob a ponto de vista do consumidor, utilizando conceitos de análise econômica de investimentos. Os cenários, construídos a partir dos gráficos do PROCEL INFO e com cálculos efetuados com o auxílio de planilhas do Excel, comparam a tarifa convencional com as tarifas horárias diferenciadas utilizando medidores inteligentes. Dentro deste contexto, é possível observar a economia mensal que é obtida e o prazo de retorno do investimento. Os resultados obtidos indicam viabilidade econômica de investimento e uma prioridade na instalação desta nova tecnologia, considerando as regiões do Brasil mais viáveis como sendo as primeiras à implantação. Com as contribuições deste estudo, por exemplo, permite-se traçar estratégias de implantação de medidores inteligentes.

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