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The unrecognised : a study of how some black and minority ethnic student teachers face the challenges of initial teacher education in EnglandWarner, Diane January 2018 (has links)
Racism, as a covert but pervasive presence in teacher training in England, remains a major structural issue and its effects on student teachers, from Black and Minority Ethnic groups, are real and troubling. This Study asserts that they face multiple challenges in the Initial Teacher Education process which has implications for the teaching workforce and for pupils in schools. While national statistics for recruitment of BME applicants onto Initial Teacher Education courses are at good levels, in proportion to the BME population in general, their numbers are not viable because the drop-out rate between starting and completing courses, and becoming employed as classroom teachers, is significant. Furthermore the numbers of BME qualified teachers are small in relation to both the BME and white populations in England. This Study, which focuses on 32 BME student teachers at four universities across England, looks at how they journey through and negotiate obstacles and microagressions on their ITE courses. It shows that for those who choose to continue on their teaching course, their responses and modes of coping are complex and varied. Using Critical Race Theory to analyse their stories and make visible the way that hidden racisms within ITE can silence and disempower BME student teachers, the key findings reveal that they may adopt four 'cultural positions': Manoeuvred Cultural Position, Vibrant Cultural Position, Discerning Cultural Position, Stagnated Cultural Position. These demonstrate whether they are managing, struggling, culturally visible or culturally invisible. This study has implications for teacher educators and senior managers in universities involved in Initial Teacher Education in England.
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Cinzas do passado: riqueza e cultura material no vale do Paraopeba/MG (1840/1914) / Ashes of the past: wealth and material culture in the Paraopeba valley in Minas Gerais - Brazil, 1840/1914Martinez, Claudia Eliane Parreiras Marques 15 December 2006 (has links)
Esta tese busca compreender a transformação da riqueza e da cultura material dos diferentes grupos sociais na transição do sistema escravista, em Minas Gerais. O vale do Paraopeba constitui o cenário principal da pesquisa realizada em 761 inventários postmortem. Outras fontes foram estudadas, como as listas nominativas de habitantes de 1831/32, o Censo Provincial de 1872, os relatórios de Presidentes de Províncias e os jornais contemporâneos. Um conjunto de fotografias referentes aos sobrados, fazendas, armazéns e utensílios de trabalho (rodas de fiar algodão, os teares e o carro-de-bois) também foi contemplado. Cabe ressaltar que a fiação e tecelagem desempenharam um papel fundamental, possibilitando à região um forte dinamismo no período escravista. Em função da presença expressiva de mulheres na indústria têxtil artesanal, a economia configura um diferencial que singularizou o tipo de produção e de mercado encontrados naquelas localidades. No entanto, outros ritmos e nuanças marcaram o final do século XIX brasileiro, em especial aqueles encontrados no Paraopeba. A mudança no sistema de mão de- obra, a dispersão da riqueza e, conseqüentemente, a alteração da cultura material constituem a problemática central que permeou toda a tese. Várias questões relacionadas à posse de escravos, à valorização das terras, ao fracionamento das propriedades, à dispersão das grandes fortunas depois de 1888, bem como alterações significativas no espaço interno e externo das moradias dos diferentes estratos sociais caracterizam as principais questões desenvolvidas neste trabalho. Para análise da cultura material considerou-se uma série de categorias, tais como o valor de uso, de troca, de posse e de seleção. Esses atributos permitiram perceber a representação cultural dos artefatos, a prática social, a simbologia, assim como permanências e alterações no padrão de conduta e no estilo de vida da sociedade paraopebana. Todas as análises desenvolvidas para o vale foram confrontadas com outras regiões, como a zona da mata mineira, as províncias (e depois estados) de São Paulo, do Rio de Janeiro, da Bahia, de Goiás e de Pernambuco. O estudo comparativo revelou singularidades e semelhanças que se estabeleceram na realidade mineira e brasileira antes e depois da Abolição dos escravos. / This thesis aims at understanding the transformation in wealth and material culture of different social groups during the transition of the slave system in Minas Gerais. The Paraopeba valley constitutes the main scenery of this research based on 761 post mortem inventories. Further sources such as the 1831/32 nominative lists of habitants, the Provincial Census, Province Presidents\' reports and contemporary newspapers have been addressed. A set of photographs of residencies, fazendas, storehouses and work tools (spinning wheels, looms and the oxcart) have also been considered. It should be highlighted that spinning and weaving played an essential role allowing the region to develop high dynamism in the period of slavery. Due to the significant presence of women in the textile handicraft industry the economy of the region presented a differential that distinguished the kind of production and market. However, other rhythms and nuances marked the end of the 19th century in Brazil, especially those found in the Paraopeba valley. The change in the labour system, the dispersion of wealth and the consequent change in material culture constitute the central issue of this thesis. Several questions related to the ownership of slaves, valorisation of land, subdivision of properties, dispersion of great fortunes after 1888, as well as the significant changes in the internal and external space of the residencies of the different social classes characterize the main issues addressed in this study. In order to analyze material culture, a series of categories have been considered, such as the values of use, exchange, ownership and selection. These attributes allow of perceiving the cultural representation of artefacts, social practice, symbology, as well as constancies and changes in behaviour patterns and life style in the Paraopeba valley. All the analyses with respect to the valley have been confronted with other regions, such as Minas Gerais\' wood zone and the (former) provinces of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Goiás and Pernambuco. This comparative study has revealed singularities and similarities established in Brazil\'s and Minas Gerais\' reality before and after Abolition.
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Expatriação e gênero: um referencial para multinacionais brasileiras / Expatriation and gender: a reference to Brazilian multinationalsGialain, Eliana 28 May 2009 (has links)
Este estudo de caráter exploratório teve como objetivo a identificação, análise e discussão de teorias e práticas de Recursos Humanos que possam oferecer às empresas brasileiras em processo de internacionalização suporte para o tratamento das questões de gênero na gestão de processos de expatriação. Este estudo originou-se da motivação em se obter uma melhor compreensão quanto à influência do gênero nos processos de expatriação, especialmente em função da constatação de que a participação de mulheres em expatriações ainda é muito menor do que a dos homens, e em função da relevância que a gestão de expatriações passou a ter diante do desafio de internacionalização que empresas brasileiras vêm enfrentando recentemente, o que as caracteriza como entrantes tardios no cenário competitivo global. No desenvolvimento do referencial teórico observou-se que a investigação da influência do gênero nos processos de expatriação representa uma parte menor dos estudos internacionais realizados a respeito dos processos de expatriação, e no âmbito nacional, não foram encontrados estudos específicos sobre a relação entre expatriação e gênero. Considerando tais descobertas iniciais, optou-se então pela realização de duas etapas de pesquisa. Na primeira etapa foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico das principais pesquisas acadêmicas internacionais que relacionam gênero e processos de expatriação, além da análise de uma pesquisa brasileira sobre percepção de expatriados cujos dados puderam ser tratados a partir de um recorte de gênero. Na segunda etapa foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa empírica através da realização de um estudo de caso na Vale, uma empresa brasileira cujo recente processo de internacionalização a caracteriza como entrante tardia. Para tanto, foram realizadas quinze entrevistas semiestruturadas com profissionais de RH e com expatriados e repatriados brasileiros, homens e mulheres, todos relacionados ao projeto da empresa em Moçambique, além da realização de análises documentais. Os resultados das duas etapas da pesquisa foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo, categorizados e comparados. Os resultados encontrados na análise das pesquisas acadêmicas evidenciaram a inexistência de práticas de RH que suportassem adequadamente os processos de expatriação nas suas diferentes etapas, e que oferecessem suporte específico para os casos de expatriações de mulheres; a principal dificuldade parece encontrar-se na participação da mulher na etapa inicial do processo de expatriação, ou seja, na etapa de seleção. Em contrapartida, o desenvolvimento do estudo de caso na Vale contribuiu para a identificação de processos, políticas e práticas de RH destinadas à gestão das expatriações, porém sem a indicação de tratamento específico para os casos de expatriações de mulheres. Considerando-se as limitações decorrentes da realização de uma pesquisa qualitativa, sobretudo quanto ao método do estudo de caso, e quanto à utilização da técnica de entrevista, pode-se concluir que este foi um estudo inicial a respeito da relação entre gênero e expatriação. Os resultados contribuíram tanto para a indicação da necessidade do desenvolvimento, no âmbito nacional, de maiores estudos sobre o tema, como para o caso de empresas brasileiras que estão se internacionalizando, com a ilustração de políticas e práticas de RH destinadas a tratar estruturadamente os processos de expatriação em suas diferentes fases. / This exploratory research aimed the identification, analysis and discussion of theories and practices of Human Resources that can offer, to the Brazilian companies which are driving their internationalization processes, support for the treatment of gender issues in the management of expatriation processes. This study was originated from the motivation to understand the gender influence in the expatriation process, especially due the fact that womens participation in expatriations is significantly smaller than the mens participation, and also due to the expatriation managements relevance to the recent internationalization of Brazilian companies, which characterizes them as late movers in the global competitive scenario. During the theoretical referential development it was noted that the investigation of gender influence in the expatriation processes consists in a minor part of the international studies regarded to the expatriation processes and, at a national sphere, were not found specific studies about the relation between gender and expatriations. Whereas these initial discoveries, the decision was for the development of a two stages research. The first stage consisted of a literature review of the key international academic researches related to gender and expatriations, as well as the analysis of a Brazilian research about expatriates perceptions whose data could be reorganized from a gender perspective. In the second stage was developed an empirical research through a case study in Vale, a global late mover Brazilian company. Thus, fifteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with HR professionals and with Brazilian expatriates and repatriates, women and men, all related to the companys project in Mozambique, in addition to the realization of documents analysis. The results of these two research stages were subjected to content analysis, and were categorized and compared. The results of literature review stage showed the absence of HR practices to support adequately the expatriation processes in its different phases, and also to provide specific support for womens expatriations; the main difficulty seems to be the participation of women in the expatriation process initial phase the selection phase. In contrast, the case study development in Vale contributed to the identification of HR processes, policies and practices related to the expatriations management, however with no indications about the need for womens expatriations specific treatments. Considering the limitations deriving from qualitative researches, particularly regarding to the case study method, and also to the use of interviews, this study was an initial one about the relationship between gender and expatriations. The results contributed to indicate the need for development, at a national sphere, of broader studies about this subject, and also contributed, in the case of Brazilian companies internationalization processes, with illustration of HR policies and practices to manage, in a structured way, expatriation processes in its different phases.
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Elementos constitutivos para o estudo do público literário no Rio de Janeiro e em São Paulo no Segundo Reinado / Constitutive elements for the study of the literary public in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo during the Second EmpireAlexandro Henrique Paixão 22 June 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho orientou-se por uma pergunta: qual era o público literário (leitor e consumidor) de Alexandre Dumas, Manuel Antonio de Almeida, José de Alencar e Fagundes Varella e de suas respectivas produções literárias que foram difundidas no Brasil entre 1850 e 1860? Para responder a esta pergunta, o trabalho buscou identificar e caracterizar como grupo social uma fração do público literário brasileiro destes escritores e de seus folhetins, publicados na forma de romances e crônicas. Eles circularam no Gabinete Português de Leitura do Rio de Janeiro (Dumas) e em dois jornais do Império - Correio Mercantil-RJ (Almeida e Alencar) e Correio Paulistano-SP (Varella). E nestes espaços sua presença foi considerada bastante expressiva a ponto de existir, em um país marcado pela escravidão e analfabetismo, uma fração de público para eles. Essa fração não representava apenas a elite, advinha também de outros estratos sociais, que carecem de investigação sociológica. Diante da variedade do sistema literário brasileiro, extraímos dele somente alguns momentos que, uma vez compreendidos, apresentam elementos constitutivos de uma fração do público literário no Segundo Reinado no Rio de Janeiro e em São Paulo. / The research question guiding this study was: who was the literary public (both reader and consumer) of the works of Alexandre Dumas, Manuel Antonio de Almeida, José de Alencar, and Fagundes Varella that were published in Brazil between the years of 1850 and 1860? To answer this question, this study attempted to identify and characterize as a social group a fraction of the Brazilian literary public who consumed the writings of the aforementioned authors, which circulated as feuilleton (novels and chronicles). Such writings circulated at the Gabinete Português de Leitura in Rio de Janeiro (Dumas) and in two newspapers printed during the Empire - Correio Mercantil from Rio de Janeiro (Almeida and Alencar) and Correio Paulistano from São Paulo (Varella). Their presence was of such importance that a fraction of the literary public existed in a country marked by slavery and illiteracy. This fraction did not represent the elite only, it included other social groups requiring investigation. In relation to the diversity of the Brazilian literary system some elements were extracted in this investigation. Once understood, they present constitutive elements of a fraction of the literary public in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo during the Second Empire of Brazil.
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Identifying Types of Teaching and Learning in an Informal Community of PracticeNavorska, Shalane Balfour 01 May 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify indicators of three different types of teaching and learning used within an informal community of practice. Peters and Armstrong’s (1998) article, Collaborative learning: People laboring together to construct knowledge, served as the basis for this case study, which expanded upon the types of teaching and learning as a framework for understanding practitioners’ interactions within communities of practice (CoP). No other research has comparatively examined these three types of teaching and learning, or examined the types of teaching and learning as a framework for understanding interactions within CoPs.
Eight members of a CoP group participated in this study over a 10-week period. Data sources consisted of audio taped meetings, discussion board posts, and field notes. Through typological and discourse analysis of the transcripts, five indicators of teaching and learning were identified: engagement, assumptions, influence, questions, and mode of discourse. Each indicator displayed different characteristics across each of the three types of teaching and learning.
The results suggest how the types of teaching and learning can be used as a framework for understanding group interactions within CoPs. The indicators provide a practical method for practitioners to identify language behaviors that contribute to these interactions. By identifying these indicators, the researcher contends that practitioners can facilitate themselves and their CoPs with better intention and purpose.
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Group work in management education - the role of task design.Du Toit, Anna. January 2007 (has links)
<p>This theses examined adult learners' experiences of group work in management education. Group work is an integral part of learning and teaching methods at most business schools because it develops team skills demanded by today's workplace. Furthermore, group work in education is grounded in the belief that much learning happens through social interaction and that diversity within groups promotes learning. This study analysed learners' group experiences in a business school. The study also aimed to identify conditions that hinder and promote group interaction with a view to enhance learning.</p>
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"Red 'Teaspoons of Charity': Zhenotdel, Russian Women, and the Communist Party, 1919-1930."Patterson, Michelle Jane 29 February 2012 (has links)
After the Bolshevik assumption of power in 1917, the arguably much more difficult task of creating a revolutionary society began. In 1919, to ensure Russian women supported the Communist party, the Zhenotdel, or women’s department, was established. Its aim was propagating the Communist party’s message through local branches attached to party committees at every level of the hierarchy. This dissertation is an analysis of the Communist party’s Zhenotdel in Petrograd/ Leningrad during the 1920s.
Most Western Zhenotdel histories were written in the pre-archival era, and this is the first study to extensively utilize material in the former Leningrad party archive, TsGAIPD SPb. Both the quality and quantity of Zhenotdel fonds is superior at St.Peterburg’s TsGAIPD SPb than Moscow’s RGASPI. While most scholars have used Moscow-centric journals like "Kommunistka", "Krest’ianka" and "Rabotnitsa", this study has thoroughly utilized the Leningrad Zhenotdel journal "Rabotnitsa i krest’ianka" and a rich and extensive collection of Zhenotdel questionnaires. Women’s speeches from Zhenotdel conferences, as well as factory and field reports, have also been folded into the dissertation’s five chapters on: organizational issues, the unemployed, housewives and prostitutes, peasants, and workers. Fundamentally, this dissertation argues that how Zhenotdel functioned at the local level revealed that the organization as a whole was riven with multiple and conflicting tensions. Zhenotdel was unworkable.
Zhenotdel’s broad goals were impeded because activists lacked financial and jurisdictional autonomy, faced party ambivalence and hostility, and operated largely with
volunteers. Paradoxically, these volunteer delegates were “interns,” yet they were expected to model exemplary behaviour. With limited resources, delegates were also
expected to fulfil an ever-expanding list of tasks. In addition, Zhenotdel’s extensive use of unpaid housewife delegates in the 1920s anticipated the wife-activist movement of voluntary social service work in the middle to late 1930s. There were competing visions for NEP society, and Zhenotdel officials were largely unable to negotiate the importance of their organization to other party and state organizations. Overall, this suggests that
although the political revolution was successful in the 1920s, there were profound limits to the social and cultural revolution in this era.
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A Framework for Group Modeling in Agent-Based Pedestrian Crowd SimulationsQiu, Fasheng 14 December 2010 (has links)
Pedestrian crowd simulation explores crowd behaviors in virtual environments. It is extensively studied in many areas, such as safety and civil engineering, transportation, social science, entertainment industry and so on. As a common phenomenon in pedestrian crowds, grouping can play important roles in crowd behaviors. To achieve more realistic simulations, it is important to support group modeling in crowd behaviors. Nevertheless, group modeling is still an open and challenging problem. The influence of groups on the dynamics of crowd movement has not been incorporated into most existing crowd models because of the complexity nature of social groups. This research develops a framework for group modeling in agent-based pedestrian crowd simulations. The framework includes multiple layers that support a systematic approach for modeling social groups in pedestrian crowd simulations. These layers include a simulation engine layer that provides efficient simulation engines to simulate the crowd model; a behavior-based agent modeling layers that supports developing agent models using the developed BehaviorSim simulation software; a group modeling layer that provides a well-defined way to model inter-group relationships and intra-group connections among pedestrian agents in a crowd; and finally a context modeling layer that allows users to incorporate various social and psychological models into the study of social groups in pedestrian crowd. Each layer utilizes the layer below it to fulfill its functionality, and together these layers provide an integrated framework for supporting group modeling in pedestrian crowd simulations. To our knowledge this work is the first one to focus on a systematic group modeling approach for pedestrian crowd simulations. This systematic modeling approach allows users to create social group simulation models in a well-defined way for studying the effect of social and psychological factors on crowd’s grouping behavior. To demonstrate the capability of the group modeling framework, we developed an application of dynamic grouping for pedestrian crowd simulations.
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"Red 'Teaspoons of Charity': Zhenotdel, Russian Women, and the Communist Party, 1919-1930."Patterson, Michelle Jane 29 February 2012 (has links)
After the Bolshevik assumption of power in 1917, the arguably much more difficult task of creating a revolutionary society began. In 1919, to ensure Russian women supported the Communist party, the Zhenotdel, or women’s department, was established. Its aim was propagating the Communist party’s message through local branches attached to party committees at every level of the hierarchy. This dissertation is an analysis of the Communist party’s Zhenotdel in Petrograd/ Leningrad during the 1920s.
Most Western Zhenotdel histories were written in the pre-archival era, and this is the first study to extensively utilize material in the former Leningrad party archive, TsGAIPD SPb. Both the quality and quantity of Zhenotdel fonds is superior at St.Peterburg’s TsGAIPD SPb than Moscow’s RGASPI. While most scholars have used Moscow-centric journals like "Kommunistka", "Krest’ianka" and "Rabotnitsa", this study has thoroughly utilized the Leningrad Zhenotdel journal "Rabotnitsa i krest’ianka" and a rich and extensive collection of Zhenotdel questionnaires. Women’s speeches from Zhenotdel conferences, as well as factory and field reports, have also been folded into the dissertation’s five chapters on: organizational issues, the unemployed, housewives and prostitutes, peasants, and workers. Fundamentally, this dissertation argues that how Zhenotdel functioned at the local level revealed that the organization as a whole was riven with multiple and conflicting tensions. Zhenotdel was unworkable.
Zhenotdel’s broad goals were impeded because activists lacked financial and jurisdictional autonomy, faced party ambivalence and hostility, and operated largely with
volunteers. Paradoxically, these volunteer delegates were “interns,” yet they were expected to model exemplary behaviour. With limited resources, delegates were also
expected to fulfil an ever-expanding list of tasks. In addition, Zhenotdel’s extensive use of unpaid housewife delegates in the 1920s anticipated the wife-activist movement of voluntary social service work in the middle to late 1930s. There were competing visions for NEP society, and Zhenotdel officials were largely unable to negotiate the importance of their organization to other party and state organizations. Overall, this suggests that
although the political revolution was successful in the 1920s, there were profound limits to the social and cultural revolution in this era.
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The Question Of Freedom In Political Philosophies Of Thomas Hobbes And Jean-jacques RousseauYigit, Pervin 01 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to examine the question of freedom in its relation to political authority in social contract theories of Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). In order to do that, discussions on human nature, evolution into political association and the foundations of legitimate governments are focused on. As the social contract theories of Hobbes and Rousseau mainly seek for rational justification of political obligation, the primary aim of this thesis is to analyze the nature of political obligation in order to discuss the relation between subject and sovereign in the framework of freedom.
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