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Epicurus And Kant: A Comparison Of Their Ethical SystemsKutan, Ali Haydar 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this Study, the empiricist ethical system of Epicurus and idealist ethical system of Kant will be compared. Kant maintains that as Epicurus&rsquo / ethics regards morality as a means for the attainment of happiness, it is nothing but a self-love ethics. He, for this reason, calls Epicurean morality &ldquo / selfishness.&rdquo / According to Kant, the maxims of happiness can be known only through experience but he says, experience can never produce a law which is universal and necessary. He contends that as Epicurean ethics has happiness as its ultimate goal (i.e., the highest good), it cannot be able to produce an objective morality, valid for all rational beings. Kant, on the other hand, tries to found his ethical system on an a priori moral law of pure reason which borrows nothing from experience. This Study would, in a sense, be a defense of Epicurean ethical system against Kant&rsquo / s claims. The main argument of the thesis is that Epicurean ethics is not a self-love ethics, but rather a system which propounds happiness for all. I will be arguing that for Epicurus, one&rsquo / s own happiness is necessarily bound up with the happiness of others, and that his system is sound and consistent. I will also try to show that Kant is not successful in deducing a transcendentally ideal (a priori) law of reason and that his system has some inconsistencies.
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Ex Contingente Necessarium Or A Philosophical Analysis Of The Connection Between Weber And MarxKundakci, Deniz 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Max Weber and Karl Marx have been compared in various ways, especially since Weber&rsquo / s Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism was first published in the beginning of 20th century. The general claim was that their perspectives are completely different from each other. With the analysis of Protestant Ethic, they claim, Weber came up with a negative answer to Marx in terms of his analysis of the relationship between society and economy. However, in this study it is indicated that Weber&rsquo / s analyses were in close proximity with those of Marx&rsquo / s and these similarities can be seen in Weber&rsquo / s both early and late period works such as &ldquo / The Social Causes of the Decline of Ancient Civilization&rdquo / , Economy and Society and General Economic History. Weber&rsquo / s approach in this all corpus can be considered to be &ldquo / a quasi Marxist perspective&rdquo / . In these texts, he refers widely to Marx and elaborates the factors which he thought Marx had excluded from his analysis. Although he accused Marx of using a one-sided causal interpretation of history, Weber&rsquo / s approach in relation to Marx has close parallels with historical materialism
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我國社會團體設立與監督制度之研究 / A Study of a System to Establish and Monitor the Social Groups in Taiwan林素珍 Unknown Date (has links)
社會團體是國內數量最多、最受學術界忽視的一種非營利組織,相關的研究論述並不多見。近年來,社會團體之設立制度應適度鬆綁的呼聲甚高,政府輔導團體人力縮減難以因應團體數量之增加,同時,為健全社會團體發展,團體之課責制度有建立的必要。基此,本研究旨在探討社會團體對設立方式採「登記報備制」的接受程度、對主管機關訂定監督管理規範內容的看法、以及瞭解社會團體對健全發展團體的態度,再根據研究結果,提出改進國內社會團體設立與監督制度之具體建議。除文獻分析法外,本研究採取問卷調查法來蒐集資料,經由次數分配、卡方獨立性檢定法等統計分析方法進行研究,結果發現,在團體特性與團體行為方面,國內的社會團體呈現蓬勃發展的狀態,組織成員以個人居多,又多屬小型或中型組織,財源非常不充裕,以致相當程度地影響團體之健全發展。團體的類型主要為學術團體、經濟團體、社會服務慈善公益團體等,多屬開放性質團體,守法程度及對主管機關之依賴程度均相當高;非法人團體仍有存續的空間。同時,相當多的社會團體已體認到公開資訊透明化之必要性。在對團體設立改採「登記報備制」的接受度方面,多數傾向於不贊成,惟不贊成與贊成之比例相當接近,贊成的理由主要為「可維護人民集會結社自由」。在對主管機關訂定監督管理規範內容的態度方面,(一)同意增訂組成社會團體之最低個人會員人數與團體會員單位數,並認為地方性與全國性團體應分別訂定不同標準;此外,亦贊同對公益屬性團體訂定較嚴格規範。(二)對主管機關現行會務規範多表贊同,認為會員權利義務事項應由團體於章程中自訂,不必規範理監事會之召開次數,並贊同增訂理監事最低名額、理監事占會員人數之比例、理監事相互間親屬關係限制、聘任工作人員與理監事間親屬關係限制等規範,對於開放社會團體從事符合設立目的之銷售貨物活動,但不得分配盈餘給組織成員之做法也表同意。惟對主管機關不介入處理團體爭議規定,不表同意或呈現意見分歧情況。(三)贊同對年度收入達一定規模之團體,由主管機關強制委請會計師簽證,也同意增訂主管機關可對停止活動達一定期間之團體,直接廢止備案,對違反法令情節、章程或妨礙公益情節重大之團體處以罰鍰以及委請學術機構對社會團體作績效評鑑等規定,對於現行由主管機關自行辦理社會團體績效評鑑的方式也不反對。原則上,同意增訂強制社會團體主動提供大眾查詢資料,以及主管機關將團體資料提供大眾查詢等資訊公開規範,惟對提供會員名冊及由主管機關將財務相關表報提供大眾查詢等做法,不表贊同。在對健全發展社會團體的態度方面,同意現行法令有助社會團體之健全發展,也贊成增訂部分監督管理規範有助社會團體之健全發展,並認為社會團體成立後未能健全運作最主要的原因是財源不足。 / The social group is the most popular Non-Profit Organization (NPO) in Taiwan and ignored by the academy . Its related studies are few. Although the number of employees of the authorities regulating the social groups is limited, the demand for reforming the entry regulation of the social groups is increasing. Therefore, a well-established monitoring system of the social groups is necessary and urgent. Consequently, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate the social groups’ willingness to accept registration and notification system, their opinions about the contents of the monitoring system and how to run the social groups efficiently. Then policy implications for the entry-regulating and monitoring systems will be suggested based the above empirical results.
This research employs questionnaire investigation to collect data. By using statistical analysis methods including frequency distribution and chi-square independence test, the empirical results of this research are stated as follows.
1.The social groups’ characteristics and behavior: the development of social groups in Taiwan is blooming. Most social groups with individual members are small or medium size. The shortage of their capital limits the level of groups’ development. The types of social group can be classified into literacy, economic, social service and charity groups. They belong to public groups, abide by the regulation and rely on governing authorities’ support. Most social groups agree to offer their information in public. Non-commonalty groups can survive and develop in current situation. Most social groups disagree the formation by registration and notification system. However, the ratio of acceptance and reject is close. The reason of acceptance is that this kind of formation can protect the freedom of civil gathering and forming an association.
2.The social groups’ attitude on the contents of monitoring and managing system of governing authorities:
2.1Most groups agree to establish regulation on minimum individual members or group members in forming a social group, set different standard level in local and national groups, and set more strictly regulation on public welfare groups.
2.2Most groups agree to abide by the current regulations such as member’s right and obligations should be stated in the stand rule by group itself, the frequency of director and supervisor’s convocation, minimum quota of director and supervisor, the ratio of director and supervisor to members, the restriction between director’s and supervisor’s relatives, and the restriction between staff personnel and director’s and supervisor’s relatives, allowing the social groups’ doing sale activities if those activities correspond with funding goal but not allowing the assignment of their earnings to members. Most groups disagree or controvert on whether governing authorities should get involved in dealing with groups’ disputes.
2.3Most groups agree to accept the appointed accountant by governing authorities to verify those groups when their annual revenue exceed certain level, to establish directly abolishment when social groups cease operation for a certain period of time, to increase the regulation of appointing academic association to evaluate their performance if they against the laws, stand rules or hinder public welfare, to establish the regulation on providing information for public research and governing authorities’ requirement. However, most groups disagree to provide member’s roll and financial related statement from governing authorities for public research.
3.Social groups’ attitude on the future development: most groups agree that the current laws are benefit to a well-developed social group, the establishment of monitoring and managing regulation is also benefit to social groups’ development. The reason for social groups which can’t be well developed after they form is shortage of their capital.
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Visuomenės socialinių grupių požiūris į bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos kaitą / Society’s attitude (different social groups) towards the management of change of the secondary schoolDautarienė, Lina 07 July 2010 (has links)
Švietimo kaitos vadyba mūsų šalyje niekada nebuvo tokia ryški, kaip dabar, XXI-ame amžiuje, kai pasaulis priartėjo prie mūsų, o mes prie jo, įžengėme į globalizacijos, žinių ir informacinių technologijų visuomenę. Dabartinė nepriklausomos Lietuvos švietimo kaitos vadyba, turinti dviejų dešimtmečių istoriją, yra dinamiška, artima Vakarų Europos ir kitų išsivysčiusių pasaulio šalių švietimo sistemoms. Prie to daug prisidėjo mokslininkų vykdyti tyrimai gerosios patirties skleidimas.
Pasirinkta magistrinio darbo tema, aktuali ir pasižymi naujumu: girdisi įvairių vertinimų tiek iš besimokančiojo jaunimo, tiek iš jų tėvų ir kitų socialinių gyventojų sluoksnių. Tyrimo objektas – mokinių tėvų, prekybos centrų ir bankų darbuotojų, aukštesniųjų kursų studentų požiūris į švietimo kaitos vadybą ir jos tobulinimą. Tyrimo problema – kaip visuomenė vertina dabartinę švietimo kaitos vadybą ir ją lemiančius veiksnius. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti visuomenės požiūrį į švietimo vadybos kaitą ir jos tobulinimą. Tyrimo imtis – 229 respondentai, iš jų: 62 mokinių tėvai, 45 prekybos darbuotojai, 44 Swedbank darbuotojai, 78 III–IV kursų studentai. Tyrimo bazė. Tyrimas atliktas Vilniaus miesto dviejose vidurinėse mokyklose, Vilniaus pedagoginiame universitete, Swedbanke ir Kosmados parduotuvėse. Atliekant tyrimą naudoti šie tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros ir teisinių dokumentų analizė, anketinė apklausa, kontent analizė, matematinių – statistinių duomenų analizė. Tyrimo rezultatai: išsiaiškinta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The topic of the change management of education in our country becomes important as never before.
The current system of the change management of education in Lithuania is very dynamic and has much common with Western Europe or the educational systems of other developed countries. Lithuanian scientists have made a big contribution to achieve the current level of the development of the education system.
The issues covered in the thesis have some features of novelty and are topical. They are widely discussed by students, their parents and other interested parties from different social groups.
The object of the research is the attitude of students‘ parents, emploees` of supermarkets and banks, students of the higher grade towards the change management of education and its development.
The issue of the research is society‘s attitude towards the change management of education and the factors which have impact on it.
The main aim of the research is to reveal society‘s attitude towards the change management of education and its development.
The survey of 229 respondents was caried out during the course of the research: 62 of the parents of students, 45 supermarket emploees, 78 – III-IV year students.
The basis of the research. The research was performed at two secondary schools in Vilnius, Vilnius pedagogical university, bank “Swedbank“ and supermarket “Kosmada“.
During the course of the research the following research methods were applied: the analysis of scientific... [to full text]
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Etnisk boendesegregation i Södertälje- En kvalitativ studie om erfarenheter av att bo i RonnaKarim, Kira, Samri, Maria January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate segregation from an accommodation perspective. The essay questions how the residents of Ronna feel about their neighborhood and what they think of other people's views of their area. Our purpose is to conduct a qualitative study of whether or not individuals experience residential segregation in Ronna. The essay is based on qualitative interviews, which were conducted with five people who have lived in Ronna for at least five years and who define themselves as Assyrians/Syrians. To analyze our empirical data, we have used two theoretical perspectives. One by Westin and Elias & Scotson, which is the theory about social groups - established and outsiders. The second theory explains how ethnic boundaries and enclaves occur. With the support of previous research, we highlight and define the fundamental factors causing segregation. After analyzing our empirical data, we concluded that residential segregation is a broad concept and that there are several factors that lead to segregation. The result of the study indicates that all informants thrive in their neighborhood and feel a solidarity and cohesion with each other. In Ronna the Assyrian/Syrian is a dominant ethnic community which has formed a strong “We” – group in their neighborhood. / Syfte med denna studie är att belysa boendesegregationen i Ronna ur de boendes perspektiv. Med stöd av några teoretiska perspektiv besvaras frågan om hur invånare i Ronna upplever sitt bostadsområde, samt hur de förhåller sig till andras uppfattningar och föreställningar om sitt område.Studiens syfte uppnås genom en kvalitativ studie om individers upplevelser kring boendesegregationen i Ronna. Uppsatsen är uppbyggd utifrån kvalitativa intervjuer, vilka har genomförts med fem personer i åldrarna 30-45 som för närvarande bor i Ronna sedan minst fem år tillbaka, alla dessa individer definierar sig som assyrier/syrianer. För att analysera intervjumaterialet har vi använt oss av två teoretiska perspektiv. Den ena av dessa är det samhällsvetenskapliga forskningsinriktning som studerar sociala grupper - etablerade och outsiders, därefter har denna teori kompletterats med ett ytterligare teoretiskt perspektiv som redogör för hur etniska gränser och enklaver uppstår. Med hjälp av tidigare forskning belysas och definieras olika bakomliggande faktorer som kan orsaka boendesegregation inom ett bostadsområde. Analysen av intervjumaterialet visar att boendesegregation är ett omfattande fenomen där flera faktorer ger upphov till att segregation uppstår. Studieresultatet påvisar att i Ronna är assyrier/syrianer en dominerande folkgrupp som har skapat en stark vi-grupp i sitt bostadsområde. Samtliga informanter trivs bra i sitt bostadsområde, samt känner en stark gemenskap och tillhörighet.
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The Meaning And The Morality Of SuicideUnver, Gaye 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to examine the meaning and the morality of
suicide through the history of philosophy. To this aim, firstly, the historical
evaluation of the concept of suicide is explained in detail. The effects of
sociological and the religious transformations on the meaning of suicide are
analyzed. Afterwards, the moral theories about suicide are discussed. The
anti-suicide arguments about suicide in the history of philosophy are
classified under three parts mainly. These anti-suicide arguments &mdash / that
suicide is a violation of our duties to God, to the society and to the self &mdash / are handled and explained in detail with their counter arguments. Then, the
problem of the permissibility of suicide is analyzed and whether suicide is
morally permitted under some conditions or it is absolutely forbidden is
discussed. Next, the philosophical meaning of suicide in literature is
investigated by analyzing the meanings that are given to suicide by Dante
and Dostoevsky. In the conclusion, a brief summary is given, and the moral
theories about suicide are criticized.
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Organizational Structures And Networks Of Four Islamist/islamic WomenKucukoglu, L. Sevinc 01 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of this study is to understand the organizational structures of Islamist/Islamic women&rsquo / s NGOs and explain the network mechanisms of them in the context of new social movements. This study is based on a social movement research / thus, both organizational structures and network mechanisms of Islamist/Islamic women&rsquo / s NGOs are explained and analyzed in terms of the features of new social movements, to answer the question of &lsquo / whether Islamist/Islamic women&rsquo / s NGOs are potential and possible actors of a possible Islamist/Islamic women&rsquo / s movement in Turkey&rsquo / .
The fieldwork of the present study was conducted on Islamist/Islamic women&rsquo / s NGOs, which were selected according to a purposive sampling. 4 NGOs were selected, of which founders and the active members are all Islamist/Islamic women, from 4 cities of Turkey, One NGO was selected from each city. The semi-structured interviews and deep interviews were the main data collection techniques used to get information about their organizational structures and network mechanisms.
The responses were analyzed through the issues of organizational diversities, three different levels of network mechanisms, and networking types in the context of formation a new social movement. As network mechanisms, the three levels of networks defined in the study: relations with the state and local governments, networks with the NGOs outside the sampling group and networks among the NGOs inside the sampling group, in the framework of the role and potential of Islamist/Islamic women&rsquo / s NGOs to form an Islamist/Islamic women&rsquo / s movement.
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Civil Society At The Boundaries Of Public And Private Spheres: The Internal Dynamics Of Three Csos In TurkeyCengiz, Kurtulus 01 May 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This study tries to understand the internal dynamics of the civil society organizations in Turkey on the experiences of three CSOs: the Ankara Branches of KADER, MAZLUMDER and IMO by focusing on the intra&ndash / organizational practices (the decision making processes, elections, general meetings, division of labor, basic conflicts and divergences, the disagreements, the way of deliberation and consensus). It tries to shed light on the transformative potential of the CSO&rsquo / s in public sphere as civil organizations themselves in time both in the sense of their political stances and organizational structure.
The research was designed in the form of a case study including both the depth interwiews and participant observations. In this framework, ten depth-interviews were made with members having different qualities for each of these CSOs and participant observations were realized in the general meetings, elections and activities of these organizations.
Since the aim of this study is to understand the contribution of the CSOs to the public sphere, the research findings were interpreted and considered basically in the light of the two main theoretical positions: the deliberative (Habermas) and agonistic (Laclau and Mouffe) democracy. The study espoused a post-structuralist conception of democracy combined with a weakened model of deliberation and dialogue pointing out the requirement of the existential publicity of man (Arendt) in the world.
In this context, this study tries to discuss the following questions within the framework of the public sphere experience of the three CSOs throughout the thesis. Is the concept of civil society a proper concept for understanding the peculiar experience of Turkey (with reference to the historical context of civil associational life in Turkey and the recent civil resurrection)? Do civil organizations have the capacity to serve for deepening and consolidation of democracy in public sphere? Are these civil organizations democratic and participatory with regard to their intra-organizational structures and decision-making processes? And, more importantly, do they have any capacity to influence the process of democratic transformation in Turkey?
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Bydrae van psigodinamiese groepintervensies tot organisasie-ontwikkeling / The contribution of psychodynamic group interventions to organisational developmentGeldenhuys, Diederik Joachim 30 June 2005 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This research dealt with the contribution of psychodynamic group interventions to organisational development (OD). The research consists of a qualitative investigation and was based on a case-study design with the use of multiple cases.
Three different cases were presented, namely where a psychodynamic group intervention was used together with another intervention, where obstacles in a group were to be solved and as an in-house working conference. Random sampling was also done within the cases. Three interventions were done, data was gathered and analysed by means of content analysis, and the results were reported.
It was found in all three cases that a unique contribution was made. Regarding the first case, the intervention was the beginning of a process of change whereby the participants were enabled to develop their identity as a group, from a family business to a company. Participants became aware of underlying conflict, started to own their roles in it, and to take responsibility for addressing the dynamics themselves. In the context in which the intervention was used, the contribution was, however, restricted because its value was only experienced after the intervention.
Regarding the second case, the obstacles influencing the functioning of the team were addressed efficiently after the intervention. Participants were authorised to manage their boundaries more efficiently and to address role differentiation, leading to more open communication and a better work climate.
Regarding the third case, it was found suitable especially for learning diagnostic competencies from a psychodynamic paradigm. Learning occurred on a personal level resulted in the ability of participants to identify dynamics in their organisation and to present similar interventions in their work place.
Recommendations were made for the use of psychodynamic group interventions from a qualitative paradigm, as well as regarding the necessary competencies and a training programme for presenting psychodynamic group interventions. / Hierdie navorsing hande! oor die bydrae van psigodinamiese groepintervensies tot
organisasie-ontwikkeiing (00). Die behoefte om onbewuste dinamika in organisasies aan
te spreek, hettot hierdie navorsing aanleiding gegee. Die navorsing is in die vorm van 'n
kwalitatiewe ondersoek en is gebaseer op 'n gevallestudie-navorsingsontwerp waarin
daar van meervoudige gevalle gebruik gemaak is.
Drieverskillendegevalleisaangebied, naamlikwaar'n psigodinamiese groepintervensie
saam met 'n ander intervensie gebruik is, waar blokkasies in 'n groep opgelos moes word
en as 'n in-huise werkskonferensie. Daar is ook van ewekansige steekproefneming binne
elke geval gebruik gemaak. Drie intervensies is uitgevoer, data is ingesamel en deur
middel van inhoudsontleding ontleed.
Daar is bevind dat al drie gevaiie 'n unieke bydrae gelewer het. Ten opsigte van die eerste
geval was die intervensie die begin van 'n veranderingsproses waardeur die deelnemers
in staat gestel is om vanuit 'n familiebesigheid hu! identiteit as 'n maatskappy te ontwikkel.
Deelnemers het bewus geword van onderliggende konflik, begin om hulle rolle daarin te
eien, en verantwoordelikheid te aanvaar om die dinamika self aan te spreek. In die
konteks waarin die intervensie gebruik was, was die bydrae egter beperk omdat die
waarde daarvan eers na afloop van die intervensie ervaar is.
Ten opsigte van die tweede geval is die blokkasie wat die funksionering van die span
bei'nvloed het na afloop van die intervensie doeltreffend aangespreek. Deelnemers is
bemagtig om hul grense meer doeltreffend te bestuur en roldifferensiasie aan te spreek,
wat tot meer openlike kommunikasie en 'n beter werksklimaat aanleiding gegee het.
Ten opsigte van die derde geval is bevind dat dit veral geskik was vir die aanleer van
diagnostiesebevoegdhedevanuit'n psigodinamiese paradigma.Leerwatoppersoonlike
vlak plaasgevind het, het tot gevolg gehad dat deelnemers in staatwas om die dinamika in hul organisasie te identifiseeren om self soortgelyke intervensies in hul werkplek aan
te bied.
Aanbevelings virdiegebruikvanpsigodinamiesegroepintervensiesvanuit'nkwaiitatiewe
benadering tot 0 0 is gemaak, sowel as aanbevelings oordie noodsaaklike bevoegdhede
en 'n opleidingsprogram vir die aanbied van psigodinamiese groepintervensies deur
bedryfsielkundiges. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D.Admin. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Bahia: negra, mas limpinhaAraujo, Jean Marcel Oliveira January 2006 (has links)
280f. / Submitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-04-11T18:12:28Z
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Dissertacao Jean Araujoseg.pdf: 3152859 bytes, checksum: 3ef45787638eccde5ba291aa36d1b9c1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Oliveira Santos Dilzaná(dilznana@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-05-09T14:12:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2006 / FAPESB / Este estudo tem por finalidade investigar o processo de desenvolvimento urbano implementado pelos grupos de elite da cidade da Bahia durante a segunda metade do século XIX e a primeira metade do século XX, permitindo compreender a configuração da cidade no início do século XXI. Tal processo foi impulsionado por um discurso modernizador que procurou efetivar, mediante uma política de controle social, a prevenção de enfermidades, a intervenção na estrutura física da cidade e a implantação da campanha de normatização para o uso pelos habitantes da cidade tanto do espaço público quanto privado, em especial, pelas camadas populares. Tem início, então, a produção do espaço capitalista que acontecia por intermédio de novas relações sociais, no movimento da vida, da natureza e da artificialidade, principalmente, no processo de construção de representações sobre os domínios do espaço citadino, constituindo, portanto, uma ferramenta essencial para os pensamentos e as ações voltados à produção e reprodução do capitalismo. Além de meio de produção, o espaço também constitui meio de controle, dominação e poder. A produção do espaço urbano na cidade da Bahia, a exemplo de outras cidades brasileiras e européias, seguia cada vez mais um parâmetro de segregação social, em que os grupos de elite, impulsionados pelo discurso de modernização, determinavam sua conformação, excluindo abertamente as camadas populares. / Salvador
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