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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Familjehemsplacering hos "annan närstående" : en undersökning, med utgångspunkt i SoL 6:5, om socialsekreterares uppfattning och övervägande av närståendeplacering

Melander, Petra, Tjernberg, Carolina January 2007 (has links)
<p>Our study has its starting point in the Swedish social legislation (Socialtjänstlagen) and more specifically in the 6th chapter's 5th paragraph. That paragraph regulates that social workers should try to find a kinship care placement when they are about to do a placement of a child. Our purpose is to examine how social workers, before they do a placement of a child, understand the informal kinship that is not relatives, if they consider the informal kinship and if certain circumstances have an impact on the consideration. To get this information we have done five interviews with social workers. Recent studies show that social workers in past years have begun to think more positively of people's kinships and that they more often use the resources of the kinship. Our results shows that the social workers contact the informal kinship before they do a placement, they have positive attitudes towards these types of placements, they have similar understandings of who should be considered in the informal kinship, they do this consideration in most cases and many circumstances has an impact on this consideration. To get a deeper understanding of the results we analyzed them with social constructivism and the sociology of law.</p>

Familjehemsplacering hos "annan närstående" : en undersökning, med utgångspunkt i SoL 6:5, om socialsekreterares uppfattning och övervägande av närståendeplacering

Melander, Petra, Tjernberg, Carolina January 2007 (has links)
Our study has its starting point in the Swedish social legislation (Socialtjänstlagen) and more specifically in the 6th chapter's 5th paragraph. That paragraph regulates that social workers should try to find a kinship care placement when they are about to do a placement of a child. Our purpose is to examine how social workers, before they do a placement of a child, understand the informal kinship that is not relatives, if they consider the informal kinship and if certain circumstances have an impact on the consideration. To get this information we have done five interviews with social workers. Recent studies show that social workers in past years have begun to think more positively of people's kinships and that they more often use the resources of the kinship. Our results shows that the social workers contact the informal kinship before they do a placement, they have positive attitudes towards these types of placements, they have similar understandings of who should be considered in the informal kinship, they do this consideration in most cases and many circumstances has an impact on this consideration. To get a deeper understanding of the results we analyzed them with social constructivism and the sociology of law.

När LSS krockar med AML : Enhetschefers upplevelser av åtskilda rättighetslagstiftningar som möts inom utförandet av personlig assistans

Lüning, Maja January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how heads of unit in charge of personal assistance (PA)for the disabled experience and handle ethical dilemmas and situations within theirworkgroups when The Work Environment Act and The Swedish Act Concerning Support andService for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments collide with each other. The methodof the study was to use semi-structured interviews based around three main topics; the head ofunits opinions about the value and purpose of The Work Environment Act in theadministering and implementation of personal assistance services, the problem solvingprocess and the head of units own individual experiences of ethical dilemmas or workenvironment-related conflicts or situations within their workgroups. Four heads of unit wereinterviewed for this study. The results of this study showed that the interviewed heads of unitexperienced a lack of clear and factual information about how they were meant to solvedilemmas emerging from the two laws conflicting with each other regarding the rights of thecare recipient to layout their personal assistance to their liking, versus the rights of thepersonal assistant to have acceptable working conditions. The heads of unit could not rely onlegislation and/or other specific directive documents when work environment-relatedproblems arose. There is a strong emphasis on the care recipient’s rights both within thelegislation and throughout the different fields of social work in general, which makes it harderfor the personal assistant to claim their rights. Both The Swedish Act Concerning Support andService for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments and the PA-profession is relativelynew in Sweden and has yet to be adequately explored and discussed.

Coerção e consenso: a questão social, o federalismo e o legislar sobre o trabalho na Primeira República (1891-1926) / Coercion and consent: social question, federalism and legislate on the job in the First Brazilian Republic (1891-1926)

Lucas Goulart Oliveira 26 November 2015 (has links)
A pesquisa aqui realizada trata da questão social e da legislação trabalhista e previdenciária na Primeira República brasileira, do período que vai da Constituição de 1891, até sua revisão em 1926. O argumento que se busca demonstrar a partir das fontes primárias dos Anais da Câmara dos Deputados, e Diários do Congresso Nacional, bem como os jornais da grande imprensa, e da imprensa operária, é que o federalismo e as disputas entre as elites regionais teve maior relevância para o atraso da elite parlamentar em aprovar legislação social a nível federal, do que propriamente um caráter defensivo dos legisladores, ou um comportamento dócil e inerte do poder legislativo, em plena subserviência e obediência ao poder executivo. / This dissertation deals with the social question and labor and pension legislation in the Brazilian First Republic and it comprehends the period of the 1891 Constitution until its review in 1926. Taking as a starting point primary sources such as the Anais da Câmara dos Deputados and the Diários do Congresso Nacional, as well as mainstream and working class contemporary newspapers, we seek to demonstrate what Federalism is. We also aim to determine how the disputes between the regional elites are more relevant to the late approval of social legislation at federal level by the parliamentary elite than a defensive character of legislators or a docile and inert behavior concerning the legislative power, subservient to the executive power.

Europos Sąjungos transporto politika: kelių transporto veiklos priežiūra, užtikrinant konkurencingumą bei eismo saugą / EU transport policy: enforcement of road transport sector ensuring competitive abilities and road safety

Asta, Pleškienė 28 January 2008 (has links)
ES transporto politika siekiama sukurti ekonominius, socialinius ir aplinkosaugos poreikius atitinkančias transporto sistemas, kurios užtikrina Europos gerovę. Transporto sektorius turi tiesioginės įtakos ekonomikos augimui per pamatinių bendrosios rinkos principų – laisvo žmonių, prekių, paslaugų judėjimo – įgyvendinimą. Didžiausia vežimo dalis ES viduje vyksta keliais, jais vežama 44 procentai krovinių ir 85 procentai keleivių, transporto priemonių kasmet padaugėja 3 milijonais. Taip sparčiai augant kelių transporto sektoriui, daugėjant rinkos dalyvių bei aštrėjant konkurencijai tarp vežėjų, vis didesnis dėmesys skiriamas kelių transporto kontrolei. Darbe keliama problema – vežėjų valstybinės priežiūros galimybės, užtikrinant eismo saugą bei vienodas konkurencijos sąlygas visiems kelių transporto paslaugas teikiantiems rinkos dalyviams. Darbo tikslas yra apibrėžtas sisteminiu požiūriu ištirti ir įvertinti vienodų konkurencijos sąlygų užtikrinimo galimybes visiems kelių transporto paslaugas teikiantiems rinkos dalyviams. Naudojami tyrimo metodai: dokumentų analizė teisės aktų tyrimui, nustatant naujai įsigaliojusių teisės aktų poveikį; aprašomosios statistikos metodas – pateikti kiekybiniams ir kokybiniams kontrolės rezultatams; lyginimo metodas, siekiant atskleisti esminių veiksnių, įtakojančių kelių transporto sąlygų gerinimą, tarpusavio sąveikas, priklausomybę. Darbą sudaro trys skyriai. Pirmasis skyrius skirtas ES transporto politikos apžvalgai, nusakant pagrindinius... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / European Union (EU) transport policy aims at creating appropriate transport systems that meets economical, social and environmental demands and improves the wealth of Europe. Transport in general and roads in particular play an economic role of prime importance in modern economies by implementing the free movement of persons, goods and services. Road transport’s inland market share is the largest with carrying 44 percent of goods and 85 percent of passengers and keeps increasing with 3 million vehicles per year. In a highly competitive market, in which companies are under pressure to keep costs to a minimum, action must be taken to improve compliance with essential rules. Compliance with the provisions cannot be enforced unless proper and effective control is brought to bear. This study aims at pointing out the enforcement’s abilities to ensure that the working time rules are applied and enforced uniformly and fairly throughout the Union to avoid any distortion of competition. The following methods of research was used in the study: analysis of documents for studying the legislation, descriptive statistics for presenting quantitative and qualitative results of control, comparison method for developing essential factors that makes influence improving road transport conditions, their reciprocity and dependence. There are three main parts in the study. The first one proposes the review of EU transport policy with its main aims, goals, implementing tools as well as description... [to full text]

Acesso à justiça, sob o ângulo da atuação do juiz na aplicação do direito em ações acidentárias

Adalberto de Oliveira Melo 23 November 2011 (has links)
A presente dissertação busca identificar os obstáculos jurídicos, econômicos, sociais e psicológicos ao acesso à justiça nas ações acidentárias, com ênfase na atuação do juiz na aplicação do direito. Para tanto, pesquisa a origem das doenças profissionais, adquiridas através da exposição dos trabalhadores aos agentes ambientais físicos, químicos e biológicos, em situações acima do limite de tolerância e alguns fatores que influenciam no desenvolvimento da doença ocupacional, como o tempo de exposição ao agente, a concentração dos agentes no ambiente laboral e as características específicas de cada agente ambiental e a influência da Revolução Francesa, da Encíclica Rerum Novarum, da Constituição do México de 1917 e da Revolução Industrial no surgimento da previdência social no mundo, objetivando analisar o caráter científico ou não dos obstáculos que dificultam e impedem o uso do sistema judicial nas ações de indenização por acidente do trabalho e doenças ocupacionais. Dessa forma, o estudo procura identificar os procedimentos necessários para se obter uma solução que faça justiça a todos os participantes do conflito, com ênfase na atuação do juiz. Discorre sobre a pesquisa realizada pela Universidade de Florença e os obstáculos identificados em diversos países e as soluções práticas sugeridas por Cappelleti e analisa a influência desses fatos em face da legislação acidentária vigente no Brasil. Desenvolve temas relacionados à legislação acidentária no Brasil e posiciona-se sobre o princípio da irretroatividade da lei acidentária mais benéfica ao acidentado, gerando reflexos importantes na concessão de benefícios acidentários. O método de pesquisa tem por base a leitura do repertório bibliográfico sobre o tema da dissertação, com citação de jurisprudência dos tribunais estaduais e superiores e a doutrina pertinente, abordando precedentes de casos concretos. O presente estudo busca, finalmente, através da análise dos obstáculos que enfrentam os acidentados e portadores de doenças profissionais, encontrar o caminho mais eficaz, para a obtenção dos benefícios acidentários compatíveis com o grau de incapacidade laborativa de que são portadores, sob o ângulo da atuação do juiz, na aplicação do direito em ações acidentárias / The present dissertation aims to identify the juridical, economic, social and psychological obstacles to access to justice in the accident related actions in the application of the law. For this purpose, it probes into the origin of profession - related diseases acquired through the workers exposition to biological, chemical, physical and environmental agents in above - limit tolerance situations and some factors which influence the development of occupational diseases, such as the length of exposition to the agent, the concentration of such agents in the working environment and the specific characteristics of each environmental agent, the influence of the french revolution, of the encyclic rerum novarum, of the Constituition of Mexico of 1917 and of the industrial revolution with the appearance of the social security system in the world, aimed at analyzing the scientific character or not, of the obstacles which hinder and block the use of the judicial system in compensation actions for work-related accidents and occupational diseases this study aims to identify the necessary procedures to reach a solution which will be fair to all participants in the conflict, with emphasis on the judges acting. It talks about the research conducted by the university of florence and the obstacles identified in several countries and the practical solutions suggested by Cappelleti and analyzes the influence of these facts in the face of the acciddent - related legislation in force in Brazil. It also extends on the themes as regards the accident - related legislation in Brazil and takes a stand about the principle of the irrectroactivity of the accident - related law more beneficial to the injured person, creating important reflections in the concession of accident - related benefits. The research method is based on the reading of the bibliographic repertory about the theme of the dissertation, with the quoting of the jurisprudence of the state and superior courts, with the appropriate doctrine, tackling precedents of factual cases. The present study seeks, finally, through the analysis of obstacles that the injured and carriers of occupation - related diseases faces, to find the most effective way to get the compensation benefits compatible with the degree of labor incapacity of which they suffer, in the light of the judges acting in the application of the law in accident related actions

Die maatskaplike werker as tussenganger in strafverrigtinge

Ross, Liesl 12 September 2012 (has links)
M.A. / Social Work is a multifaceted profession. One of the many tasks that a social worker must perform is to give evidence in a court of law as an expert witness. The Criminal Procedure Act, Act 51 of 1977, has been amended in respect of the child as witness. This Act now also makes provision for a social worker to act as intermediary to facilitate in criminal procedures where children, being exposed to substantial trauma and stress, are witnesses. The courts have started to implement this amendment and social workers are being requested to act as intermediaries in criminal proceedings. The social workers at the Child and Family Welfare Society Kempton Park, amongst others, were requested on several occasions to act as intermediaries without knowledge of the task to be performed. Due to a lack of knowledge and resources only the necessary report was submitted to the court requesting the appointment of an intermediary. Probation officers from the Department of Welfare were then requested to appear in court as intermediaries as they had the necessary knowledge and training. This research attempts to highlight what a social worker as intermediary, in criminal proceedings where children are witnesses, should do. The researcher had a preference to the qualitative methodology, as it appeals to the researcher's practical nature and the nature of the issue to be investigated as it is basic-explorative in nature. The legal position of the sexually abused child as witness in criminal proceedings is assessed in order to determine the consequences from several points of view. Criticism and obstacles in this regard and the procedures of operation, as included in the Report from the Law Commission with specific reference to the social worker as intermediary, are highlighted.

Acesso à justiça, sob o ângulo da atuação do juiz na aplicação do direito em ações acidentárias

Melo, Adalberto de Oliveira 23 November 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:18:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_adalberto_melo.pdf: 2801955 bytes, checksum: 812529fd90f82681818bfd5c4d94132a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-11-23 / The present dissertation aims to identify the juridical, economic, social and psychological obstacles to access to justice in the accident related actions in the application of the law. For this purpose, it probes into the origin of profession - related diseases acquired through the workers exposition to biological, chemical, physical and environmental agents in above - limit tolerance situations and some factors which influence the development of occupational diseases, such as the length of exposition to the agent, the concentration of such agents in the working environment and the specific characteristics of each environmental agent, the influence of the french revolution, of the encyclic rerum novarum, of the Constituition of Mexico of 1917 and of the industrial revolution with the appearance of the social security system in the world, aimed at analyzing the scientific character or not, of the obstacles which hinder and block the use of the judicial system in compensation actions for work-related accidents and occupational diseases this study aims to identify the necessary procedures to reach a solution which will be fair to all participants in the conflict, with emphasis on the judge s acting. It talks about the research conducted by the university of florence and the obstacles identified in several countries and the practical solutions suggested by Cappelleti and analyzes the influence of these facts in the face of the acciddent - related legislation in force in Brazil. It also extends on the themes as regards the accident - related legislation in Brazil and takes a stand about the principle of the irrectroactivity of the accident - related law more beneficial to the injured person, creating important reflections in the concession of accident - related benefits. The research method is based on the reading of the bibliographic repertory about the theme of the dissertation, with the quoting of the jurisprudence of the state and superior courts, with the appropriate doctrine, tackling precedents of factual cases. The present study seeks, finally, through the analysis of obstacles that the injured and carriers of occupation - related diseases faces, to find the most effective way to get the compensation benefits compatible with the degree of labor incapacity of which they suffer, in the light of the judge s acting in the application of the law in accident related actions / A presente dissertação busca identificar os obstáculos jurídicos, econômicos, sociais e psicológicos ao acesso à justiça nas ações acidentárias, com ênfase na atuação do juiz na aplicação do direito. Para tanto, pesquisa a origem das doenças profissionais, adquiridas através da exposição dos trabalhadores aos agentes ambientais físicos, químicos e biológicos, em situações acima do limite de tolerância e alguns fatores que influenciam no desenvolvimento da doença ocupacional, como o tempo de exposição ao agente, a concentração dos agentes no ambiente laboral e as características específicas de cada agente ambiental e a influência da Revolução Francesa, da Encíclica Rerum Novarum, da Constituição do México de 1917 e da Revolução Industrial no surgimento da previdência social no mundo, objetivando analisar o caráter científico ou não dos obstáculos que dificultam e impedem o uso do sistema judicial nas ações de indenização por acidente do trabalho e doenças ocupacionais. Dessa forma, o estudo procura identificar os procedimentos necessários para se obter uma solução que faça justiça a todos os participantes do conflito, com ênfase na atuação do juiz. Discorre sobre a pesquisa realizada pela Universidade de Florença e os obstáculos identificados em diversos países e as soluções práticas sugeridas por Cappelleti e analisa a influência desses fatos em face da legislação acidentária vigente no Brasil. Desenvolve temas relacionados à legislação acidentária no Brasil e posiciona-se sobre o princípio da irretroatividade da lei acidentária mais benéfica ao acidentado, gerando reflexos importantes na concessão de benefícios acidentários. O método de pesquisa tem por base a leitura do repertório bibliográfico sobre o tema da dissertação, com citação de jurisprudência dos tribunais estaduais e superiores e a doutrina pertinente, abordando precedentes de casos concretos. O presente estudo busca, finalmente, através da análise dos obstáculos que enfrentam os acidentados e portadores de doenças profissionais, encontrar o caminho mais eficaz, para a obtenção dos benefícios acidentários compatíveis com o grau de incapacidade laborativa de que são portadores, sob o ângulo da atuação do juiz, na aplicação do direito em ações acidentárias

Faith, values and social learning in a German intermediate secondary school : an evaluation of the Lions-Quest programme "Skills for Adolescence" from an empirical religious educational perspective / Galuben, Werte und soziales Lernen in der Sekundarstufe I : eine empirisch-religionspädagogische Auswertung des Lions-Quest Programms "Erwachsen werden"

Stängle, Gabriel 07 February 2014 (has links)
In this research the use of the Lions-Quest programme “Skills for Adolescence“ at an intermediate secondary school level is examined qualitatively. It is investigated how pupils at a German intermediate secondary school perceive the social skills training and how that training affects the social competencies of the pupils. It is also explored if the pupils can relate their acquired competencies with their values and beliefs. Based on the empirical-theological praxis cycle, the planning, carrying out and the results of thirteen one-to-one interviews and three group interviews are presented. Five types of adolescents can be distinguished in terms of knowing and applying social skills as result of different grounded theory coding strategies: the power-conscious, the autonomous, the ambivalent, the self-confident and the competent. This study wants to contribute to a better evaluation of the implementation of social skills programmes at schools and particularly in religious education. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Faith, values and social learning in a German intermediate secondary school : an evaluation of the Lions-Quest programme "Skills for Adolescence" from an empirical religious educational perspective / Galuben, Werte und soziales Lernen in der Sekundarstufe I : eine empirisch-religionspädagogische Auswertung des Lions-Quest Programms "Erwachsen werden"

Stängle, Gabriel 07 February 2014 (has links)
In this research the use of the Lions-Quest programme “Skills for Adolescence“ at an intermediate secondary school level is examined qualitatively. It is investigated how pupils at a German intermediate secondary school perceive the social skills training and how that training affects the social competencies of the pupils. It is also explored if the pupils can relate their acquired competencies with their values and beliefs. Based on the empirical-theological praxis cycle, the planning, carrying out and the results of thirteen one-to-one interviews and three group interviews are presented. Five types of adolescents can be distinguished in terms of knowing and applying social skills as result of different grounded theory coding strategies: the power-conscious, the autonomous, the ambivalent, the self-confident and the competent. This study wants to contribute to a better evaluation of the implementation of social skills programmes at schools and particularly in religious education. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

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