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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Postoje českých mládežnických politických organizací k Evropské unii / Attitudes of Czech Political Youth Organizations towards the EU

Kříž, Václav January 2018 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis focuses on the attitudes of selected youth political organizations in the Czech Republic towards the European Union and the process of European integration. It takes in account the fact that youth political organizations can be identified as agents of political socialization as well as it is possible to study them within the broader term of political participation (to study their influence on attitudes and opinions of their members). The analysis concerns selected eight Czech youth political organizations, Mladí sociální demokraté (the Young Social Democrats), Mladí konzervativci (the Young Conservatives), TOP tým, Mladé ANO, Mladí zelení (the Young Greens), Mladí lidovci, Mladí křesťanští demokraté (the Young Christian Democrats) and mSTAN. The theoretical basis for the analysis is Euroscepticism, specifically the typology of C. Flood and S. Usherwood is used. This typology, with six possible positions, is linked to six scenarios of possible development, based on the five scenarios presented by the European Commission in 2017 as part of the White Paper on the future of Europe and its further direction. Compatibility of both scales is tested. The necessary data collected via questionnaire survey. The thesis concludes that youth political organizations are relevant...

Europeizace vybraných nevládních organizací zabývajících se integrační politikou / Europeanization of selected non-governmental organizations dealing with integration policy

Kučerová, Aneta January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines the Europeanization of selected Czech non-governmental organizations that are dealing with integration policy. The issue of non-state actors and their Europeanisation requires special attention in view of the fact that it is linked to the participation of civil society in the European area, which offers non-governmental organizations new opportunities and resources that can further shape them. The thesis examines Europeanization in three types of cooperation - in financial resources, the involvement of organizations in European networks and in expert resources. The core of this research was the question of the extent to which we can talk about the Europeanization of financial resources and/or the internationalization of expertise among the surveyed actors. At both of these levels, the European Union has proved to be an important source of funding as well as a political arena where new ties can be established between like-minded actors. However, contrary to the financial cooperation, cooperation in sharing expertise was not found in all organizations that were examined. The internationalization of expertise, and thus the sharing of information and know-how between Czech and European organizations, is more widespread among those entities that deal with European affairs...

Hodnocení výsledků učení ve společném vzdělávání na 1. stupni ZŠ / Assesment of learning outcomes in inclusive educatin at a primary school

Mužíková, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
This Master's thesis is focused on assessment of learning outcomes in inclusive education at primary school. First part of the thesis involves theoretical basis for learning assessment in inclusive education. This theoretical basis is further applied in the practical part. In the practical part, a set of research questions was presented, which were subsequently subjected to qualitative research. To answer the questions, action research supplemented with interviews and questionnaires submitted to teachers and parents were used. Samples of questionnaires are included in the annexes. The research questions were answered at the end of the research. KEYWORDS assessment, formative assessment, inclusive education, inclusion, social development, socialization, younger school age

Genderové vztahy mezi dívkami a chlapci ve smíšených třídních kolektivech na 1. stupni ZŠ / Gender relationships between boys and girls in mixed class groups in the first grade at elementary school

Jindrová, Zdeňka January 2020 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova Pedagogická fakulta Katedra psychologie DIPLOMOVÁ PRÁCE Genderové vztahy mezi dívkami a chlapci ve smíšených třídních kolektivech na 1.stupni ZŠ Gender relations between boys and girls in mixed class groups in the first grade at elementary school Zdeňka Jindrová Vedoucí práce: doc. PhDr. Irena Smetáčková, Ph.D. Studijní program: Učitelství pro základní školy M7503 Studijní obor: 7503T047 Učitelství pro 1.stupeň ZŠ (OKM1STV06) Rok odevzdání: 2020 ABSTRACT My diploma thesis deals with the relations between boys and girls in two mixed class groups of a state primary school in the city "n" and two mixed class groups of a private primary school in the city "b". The work is divided into theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part I describe the basic definitions concerning the keywords of this work. I pay particular attention to the approach of individual pupils to gender issues and gender relations between pupils. I am interested in how good the relationships between girls and boys in mixed groups are. My work is based on professional literature, available Internet resources and the assigned questionnaires of relationships in the classroom. In the empirical part of the work I explain the methods and phases of my research. Questionnaires also serve as a decisive factor, if there is...

Sociální kapitál v dospělosti: socializační vlivy rodinného prostředí / Social capital in Adulthood: Socialization Influences of family enviroment

Böhm, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis Social Capital in Adulthood: Socialization Influences of Family Environment inquired into relation between environment in childhood and social capital in adulthood. At the very first part social capital was delimited according to Coleman's and Bourdieu's conceptualization. Selected characteristics of socialization environment were susequently described with emphasis on discerning of primary and secondary 5 socialization. In empirical part of the text parenting styles and joint activities of parents and children were operationalized. Five indicators of social capital in adulthood were subsequently prepared distinguishing its structural and cultural components. At the concluding part of the text five models of relations were built. As explaining variables were used family social capital, extracurricular activities and years of education. As explained variables were used five measured indicators of social capital: size of weak tie network, highest reachability of socioeconomic status, heterogeneity in the network of three closest friends. In cultural dimension of social capital were modelled influences on trust and tolerance. Analyses presented in empirical part of the text were created using data which came from sociological research Distinction and Values 2008 (SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i.).

Evropeizace vybraných aktérů české sociální politiky / Europeanization of the selected actors of the Czech social policy

Nigová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the Europeanization of the selected Czech social policy actors, among them some trade unions and non-governmental organizations. It examines their changes in some particular areas: in an organizational structure, in financial resources, in activities, in interests, in the used argumentation towards representatives of state power and in attitudes to the cooperation with partners from the other EU countries. These changes are observed thanks to the country's accession to the EU and/or thanks to the actors' membership in the European interest groups. The thesis tries to prove that these changes have been caused, at first, by the misfit among the Czech actors and their counterparts from the other EU member states. In the latter case it assesses if it is possible to attribute changes to socialization into the European interest groups. It also focuses on the fact whether there have been suitable conditions for the social learning of the observed actors. The questionnaire and secondary literature have been used for the evaluation. It has been proved that the concept of misfit is not suitable for these cases and thus the observed changes cannot be ascribed to this concept. Another situation occurs when evaluating changes resulting from socialization. There has been shown that the...

Rodinné prostředí a konzumace alkoholu mezi mladistvými / Family environment and adolescent alcohol consumption

Rendlová, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis Family environment and adolescent alcohol consumpiton deals with a relationship between four dimensions of family environment and alcohol consumption of sixteen years old adolescents. These four dimensions are leisure time, family structure, parenting style and socioeconomic status. In the theoretical part family influence on child's development is described and then socialization process through which family influence child's development is delimited. Further, the relationship between family environment and alcohol consumption is discussed and then four dimensions of family environment are characterized in context of alcohol consumption. Relationship between family environment and alcohol consumption was studied using mixed research design. In the main quantitative part of the thesis general relationships between chosen dimensions of family environment and alcohol consumption indicators were examined using data from European School Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) from the year 2007. Then a typology of adolescent alcohol consumers was made. Results of this part continued in the qualitative part. There ten semistrctured interviews were made to examine deeper connections and direction of relationships discovered in the quantitative data analysis. This part was primarily...

Socializační procesy v průběhu adaptace dítěte v mateřské škole / Socializing processes during the child's adaptation in the kindergarten

Šafránková, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
The dissertation is concerned with socializing processes of pre-school children around three years of age. The first theoretical part is globally concerned with personality socialization and highlights the significance of socialization in the healthy psychical progression of human beings, as well as the importance of understanding the problems of socialization for the pedagogical profession. This knowledge is specific and generalized in a situational context when the child comes to the kindergarten for the first time and gets slowly untied from the family, developing new relationships outside the family sphere. Socialization in the kindergarten is influenced by many internal and external factors. These factors matter if the child coming to the new kindergarten environment will incorporate to this society without any complications. If any complications appear during the incorporation, internal and external factors also influence the period how long they will last and also they influence the manner how the child will manage them as well. Adaptation programm can facilitate the entrance to the kindergarten for parents and their children. By means of this support programme, alongside the familiar person, children can gradually get acquainted with the new kindergarten environment even before the start of...

Možnosti využití multimediálních prvků výuky v předškolním vzdělávání / Possibilities of using multimédia elements in teaching pre-school education

Bušek, Kamil January 2015 (has links)
The thesis discusses the current phenomenon of ICT penetration in kindergarten. The author at first take into account the broader context of the issue of changing the role of educator role in postmodern society. After that discusses the process and organizational incorporation of selected courses aimed at training teachers in kindergartens in the area of ICT. The first chapter concludes with a broader, related to the use of ICT focused, analysis of intergenerational differences that determine the further development of educational policy and requirements for the education of children. The second chapter focuses on the issue of school readiness of a child, in particular a close look at the psychological profile of the individual according to his age and development of cognitive function in preoperative stage. It is therefore a basis with which to be reckoned with in the revision of existing knowledge and increased demands on the educational component of pre-school preparation. It is also pointed to specific foreign studies that deal with the question of the effectiveness of the involvement of ICT in teaching preschool children. There is also a look back at criticism of current threats called as digital degeneration. In the third chapter are answered three hypotheses and also concluded whether a...

Nízkoprahová zařízení - práce s klienty, příprava sociálních pracovníků / Low - threshold institutions - work with clients, preparation of social workers

Zemanová, Hana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with low-threshold institutions for juveniles. First part describes the usual clients and their problems, i.e. what are clients' needs and what the institution is supposed to offer them. Influence of the society on an individual mental development are covered as it is one of the important agents of problems in the youth. Briefly is presented the Czech streetwork association, an organization supporting low-threshold institutions. The theoretical part includes origin and historical development of low-threshold institutions, their standards, their focus group and methods of work with clients. Second part contains results of a survey carried out among low-threshold institutions workers. The questionnaire was focused on motivation for this particular job, methods of work, burnout syndrome etc. The practical part of the thesis also includes a description of a chosen institution. Personal experiences is described to complete an overview of requirements and effects of the low-threshold institutions.

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