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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le rôle du fluide dans la liquéfaction sismique : étude théorique, numérique et expérimentale / The role of the fluid in seismic liquefaction : theoretical, numerical and experimental study

Clement, Cécile 13 September 2016 (has links)
La liquéfaction des sols s'observe lors de forts séismes dans des zones saturées en eau et peut causer un enfoncemenl des bâtiments dans le sol. On propose ici un nouveau modèle qui explique de nombreux cas de liquéfaction incompris jusque là. Un modèle analytique de milieu granulaire a été conçu avec une sphère modélisant un bâtiment. Le milieu est soumis à une oscillation horizontale et on caractérise l'état liquéfié par l'amplitude d'enfoncement de la sphère. On suppose que la liquéfaction a lieu lorsque la secousse permet aux grains du milieu de glisser les uns sur les autres. La fenêtre d'accélération permettant ce glissement dépend de la hauteur d'eau dans le milieu, du coefficient de frottement et de la densité du matériau. Les expériences et les simulations numériques réalisées confirment nos prédictions précédentes, caractérisent la micromécanique des milieux liquéfiés, expliquent la vitesse de pénétration de la sphère et ouvrent des pistes pour l'étude des sables mouvants. / Sail liquefaction happens during important earthquakes in water-saturated zones and can make the buildings sink in the soil. A new model explaining many occurences of liquefaction we cannot understand yet is presented in this paper. A new analytical model of granular medium, with a sphere representing a building, has been developed. A horizontal oscillation is applied on the medium. The penetration rate of the sphere then caracterizes the liquefaction state of the modeled soil. We suppose that liquefaction happens when the shaking makes the grains slide against one another. The interval of acceleration allowing this sliding depends on the water height in the medium, on the friction coefficient and on the material density. Experiments and numerical simulations have been carried out. They confirmed our previous predictions, they caracterize the micromecanics of liquefied media, they explain the penetration speed of the sphere and they suggest perspectives to study quicksands.

Méthodes d'ingénierie pour l'étude du risque de liquéfaction et du tassement sous séisme / Engineering methods for evaluating risk of soil liquefaction and settlements under seismic loading

Kteich, Ziad 07 November 2018 (has links)
La liquéfaction des sols saturés lors des séismes est l’un des problèmes les plus importants auxquels sont confrontés les ingénieurs. Il n’y a guère eu de séisme majeur sans au moins quelques cas de liquéfaction. Des tassements, des basculements de bâtiments, des écoulements latéraux, des cônes de liquéfaction et des instabilités de pentes, sont certaines de ses manifestations. La conception sismique des centrales nucléaires et autres installations critiques comprend systématiquement une évaluation du risque de liquéfaction.Dans ce cadre, des méthodes de nature entièrement empirique sont couramment utilisées en ingénierie. Ces approches procurent des marges à la conception et des limitations d’utilisation. Pour exploiter ces marges en situation de réévaluation, on a recours à des calculs transitoires non linéaires avancés dans lesquels on doit modéliser finement la loi de comportement du sol pour mettre en évidence les montées de pression interstitielle.Ces derniers calculs sont coûteux en termes de temps et de compétences numériques. L’objectif de ce travail de recherche est notamment de réduire les conservatismes en vigueur lors de l’utilisation de la méthode simplifiée sans pour autant mettre en œuvre d’emblée les méthodes les plus sophistiqués. On propose pour cela une méthode de complexité intermédiaire qui élargit l’applicabilité des modèles semi-empiriques pour une analyse plus fine du risque sismique.Dans un premier temps, en partant d’un calcul linéaire équivalent conventionnel, une nouvelle approche pour la prise en compte de la montée de pression interstitielle est proposée sous le nom « X-ELM ». Le modèle de comportement employé est basé sur la relation entre la pression interstitielle et les déformations volumiques plastiques. La nouvelle approche «X-ELM » est utilisée pour modéliser la réponse des sols pour le séisme de Tōhoku (Mw=9.0) à la ville d’Urayasu au Japon. Le modèle a été appliqué sur douze profils de sols différents. L’étude de ces cas rend possible la validation du modèle par comparaison des résultats des calculs aux observations in situ. Le modèle peut donc être considéré comme un outil fiable pour la prédiction de déclenchement de liquéfaction des sols saturés.Ensuite, un outil de prédiction rapide a été conçu en se basant sur des approximations de processus aléatoire, sur les propriétés mécaniques de base du sol et sur les caractéristiques du chargement sismique. Outre son ampleur, une caractéristique importante du signal sismique d’entrée est sa durée qui peut conduire à de fortes non linéarités et à un état de liquéfaction étendu. En considérant donc la durée de phase forte, le spectre de réponse, la fréquence propre du modèle et les caractéristiques de densification du sol, l’outil de prédiction proposé procure des estimations rapides du taux de montée de pression interstitielle et du tassement pré-liquéfaction sans devoir exécuter des calculs transitoires.Enfin, un modèle 2D de barrage est étudié, en examinant l’influence de la montée de pression interstitielle et celle des déformations de cisaillement sur la réponse sismique de l’ouvrage. Un calcul linéaire équivalent adapté aux situations bidimensionnelles est élaboré et le prédicteur est employé pour évaluer la montée de pression interstitielle. On compare les résultats de la simulation aux observations in situ, piézométriques et accélérométriques.En conclusion, ce travail de recherche fournit des méthodes et outils de calculs numériques performants et accessibles aux ingénieurs pour l’évaluation sismique des profils de sols et des ouvrages en terre tels que digues ou barrages / The liquefaction of saturated soils during earthquakes is one of the most important problems facing engineers. There has hardly been a major earthquake without at least some cases of liquefaction. Settlements, tilting of buildings, lateral flows, sand boilings and slope instabilities have been some of its manifestations. The seismic design of nuclear power plants and other critical facilities systematically includes a liquefaction risk assessment.In this context, fully empirical methods are commonly used in engineering. These approaches provide design margins and limitations of use. To exploit these margins in a re-evaluation situation, we use advanced nonlinear transient calculations in which the soil behavior must be finely modeled to highlight the pore-water pressure build-up. These last calculations are expensive in terms of time and numerical skills. The objective of this research work is to reduce the conservatisms in force when using the simplified method without necessarily implementing the most sophisticated methods from the outset. To this end, we propose a method of intermediate complexity that broadens the applicability of semi-empirical models for a more detailed analysis of seismic risk.First, starting from a conventional equivalent linear calculation, a new approach for taking into account excess pore pressure is proposed under the name "X-ELM". The behavioral model employed is based on the relationship between pore pressure and plastic volumetric deformations. The new "X-ELM" approach is used to model soil response in the city of Urayasu,Japan during the Tohoku earthquake (Mw = 9.0). The model has been applied to twelve different soil profiles. The study of these cases makes possible the validation of themodel by comparing the results of the calculations with the observations in situ. The model can therefore be considered as a reliable tool for the prediction of liquefaction triggering of saturated soils.Then, a prediction tool was designed based on random process approximations, the basic mechanical properties of the soil and the characteristics of the seismic loading. In addition to its magnitude, an important feature of the input seismic signal is its duration which can lead to strong nonlinearities and an extended liquefaction state. Considering the strong phase duration, the response spectrum, the natural frequency of the model and the characteristics of soil compaction, this tool provides fast estimations of the rate of pore pressure build-up and pre-liquefaction settlement without having to perform transient calculations.Finally, a 2D dam model is studied, by examining the influence of excess pore pressure and that of the shear strains on the seismic response of the structure. An equivalent linear computation adapted to two-dimensional situations is elaborated and the predictor is used to evaluate pore pressure increase. Simulation results are compared with in situ, piezometric and accelerometric observations.In conclusion, this research work provides methods and tools of numerical computation that are efficient and accessible to engineers for the seismic evaluation of soil profiles and earth structures such as dikes or dams

Risikobeurteilung von Bodenverflüssigungsereignissen auf Innenkippen des Lausitzer Braunkohlereviers

Weißbach, Jörg 08 June 2020 (has links)
Im Lausitzer Braunkohlerevier wurden eine Vielzahl von Braunkohletagebauen stillgelegt und rekultiviert. In den locker gelagerten und überwiegend aus sandigem Boden bestehenden Kippen kam es im Zuge des Grundwasseranstieges seit ca. 2006 zu einer erheblichen Anzahl von Bodenverflüssigungsereignissen. Diese stellen eine Gefährdung für Personen dar und führten daher zu Sperrungen der Kippenflächen. Das Ziel der Arbeit war es, das Risiko für Personenschäden durch Bodenverflüssigungsereignisse auf Innenkippen des Lausitzer Braunkohlereviers zu ermitteln. Die Ergebnisse bilden eine Möglichkeit, Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit auf der Kippe angepasst zu planen und damit eine bessere gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz zu erreichen. An Beispielen wird in der Arbeit dargestellt, wie der Grad der Gefährdung von Personen durch unterschiedliche Prozesse ermittelt und dargestellt werden kann. Die einfachen physikalischen bzw. empirischen Zusammenhänge bilden die Grundlage zur Ermittlung des Risikos, das Eintrittswahrscheinlichkeit und Schadensausmaß eines Bodenverflüssigungsereignisses berücksichtigt. Der Prozess der spontanen Bodenverflüssigung auf Kippen wird beschrieben. Es wird herausgearbeitet, dass die Auswirkungen eines Bodenverflüssigungsereignisses wesentlich von der Gestalt der Geländeoberfläche und der Lage des Grundwasserspiegels relativ zur Geländeoberfläche abhängen. Für die Geländemorphologie wird die Maßgeblichkeitszahl als Kenngröße genutzt, um zusammen mit dem Grundwasserflurabstand eine empirische Abhängigkeit der Auswirkungen eines Bodenverflüssigungsereignisses zu begründen. Mit diesen Ergebnissen wird auf Basis eines digitalen Geländemodells und eines Grundwassermodells eine Gefährdungskarte abgeleitet. Durch die räumliche Auswertung der Gefährdungskarte und einer angenommenen Zahl von Personen, die auf der geplanten Nutzung der Kippen beruht, wird das kollektive Risiko für Personenschäden berechnet. In die Berechnung geht auch die Eintrittswahrscheinlichkeit von Bodenverflüssigungsereignissen ein, die tagebaubezogen auf Grundlage von Auswertungen von digitalen Geländemodellen im Zeitraum von 2006 bis 2018 ermittelt wurde. Das ermittelte Risiko durch Bodenverflüssigung wird mit Risiken des Alltags verglichen. Darauf aufbauend wird ein Grenzrisiko vorgeschlagen. Die Ergebnisse werden interpretiert und es wird eine Empfehlung abgegeben, wie mit dem ermittelten Risiko umgegangen werden kann. / In the Lusatian lignite mining area, a large number of opencast lignite mines were closed down and recultivated. In the loosely stored tips, which mainly consist of sandy soil, a considerable number of soil liquefaction events have occurred in the course of the groundwater rise since approx. 2006. These represent a hazard to persons and therefore led to the closure of the tipping areas. The aim of the work was to determine the risk of personal injury caused by soil liquefaction events on inner tips of the Lusatian brown coal mining area. The results provide an opportunity to plan actions to improve safety on the dump and thus achieve better social acceptance. The paper uses examples to illustrate how the degree of risk to people posed by different processes can be determined and represented. The simple physical and empirical correlations form the basis for determining the risk which takes into account the probability of occurrence and the extent of damage of a soil liquefaction event. The process of spontaneous soil liquefaction on tips is described. It is worked out that the effects of a soil liquefaction event depend essentially on the shape of the terrain surface and the position of the groundwater level relative to the terrain surface. For the terrain morphology, the significance number is used as a parameter in order to establish an empirical dependence of the effects of a soil liquefaction event together with the groundwater level. With these results, a hazard map is derived on the basis of a digital terrain model and a groundwater model. By spatial evaluation of the hazard map and an assumed number of persons based on the planned use of the tips, the collective risk of personal injury is calculated. The calculation also includes the probability of soil liquefaction events occurring, which was determined on the basis of evaluations of digital terrain models in the period from 2006 to 2018. The calculated risk from soil liquefaction is compared with everyday risks. Based on this, a limiting risk is proposed. The results are interpreted and a recommendation is given on how to deal with the identified risk.


MARCUS GABRIEL SOUZA DELFINO 07 August 2023 (has links)
[pt] A história registra ao longo dos séculos muitos casos de colapso de depósitos de solos arenosos, com consideráveis prejuízos econômicos, perdas de vidas humanas e danos ao meio ambiente, causados pela liquefação dinâmica ou por mobilidade cíclica. Quando um desempenho satisfatório de estruturas não puder ser garantido sob carregamento sísmico, métodos de mitigação devem ser empregados para reduzir o potencial de liquefação. Dentre estes, a execução de drenos verticais é solução interessante, mas desafiadora, pois drenos verticais podem ser utilizados caso dissipem suficientemente rápido os excessos de poropressão e transportem eficientemente o volume de água durante os poucos segundos de duração de terremotos. Uma dificuldade é a avaliação do coeficiente de permeabilidade do depósito de solo, o que afeta e torna incerta a distância desejável entre drenos. Nesta dissertação, análises do desempenho de drenos verticais para mitigação de liquefação dinâmica são realizadas com base em formulações matemáticas e modelos numéricos pelo método dos elementos finitos. / [en] Throughout centuries there are many recorded cases of collapse of sandy deposits with considerable economic losses, loss of human life and damage to the environment caused by the dynamic liquefaction or cyclic mobility. When a satisfactory performance of structures can’t be guaranteed under seismic loading, methods of mitigation must be employed in order to reduce the potential of liquefaction. Among these methods, the execution of prefabricated vertical drains is an interesting, but challenging, solution, because drains can be used if they dissipate very quickly the excess of porepressure generated during the small duration of earthquakes. One of the main challenges is to evaluate the coefficient of permeability of the deposit which affects and brings uncertainties to the desirable distance between the drains installed. On this work, analysis of the performance of vertical drains to mitigate dynamic liquefaction are performed based in mathematical formulations and numerical models through the Finite Element Method.

Numerische Modellierung des Verflüssigungsverhaltens von Kippen des Braunkohlenbergbaus beim und nach dem Wiederaufgang von Grundwasser

Jakob, Christian 14 February 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Recently observed cumulation of unexpected collapses of slope-distant waste dumps in lignite mining areas of eastern germany re-initiated research of soil liquefaction. Especially it turned the question of internal initials that correspond to water rise. Parallel to laboritory tests and field experiments a micromechanical model should be developed, which can reproduce processes in the soil during saturation. In first approximation a partly saturated soil consists of two phases: the soil particles and the pore fluid. For micromechanical modeling a coupling of discontinuum particles) and continuum (fluid) is required. The soil particles can be simulated with the Discrete-Element-Method (DEM). For the pore fluid, which is assumed to be a mixture of liquid and gaseous fractions, Pore scale model with Finite Volumes (PFV) is used. At low water content liquid bridges (meniscii) arise between the particles that cause an apparent cohesion. The effect of the meniscii is considered by a correspondingly contact law in the DEM model. During the saturation of a soil both, cohesive effect and fluid bulk modulus, are reduced. In addition buoyancy acts on the particles during the process. The micromechanical modeling approach has the advantage, that just a few model parameters are needed. The numerical model shows pore fluid pressures during saturation process, that leads to a reduction of effective stress. It is investigated how much the reduction is regarding porosity, degree of saturation, stress conditions and grain shape. Furthermore the influence of model parameters as well as hydromechanics is investigated. The investigations are completed with another series of experiments under special conditions like integration of macropores, horizontal fixed model boundaries and abrupt saturation.

Seismic Hazard Assessment of Tripura and Mizoram States along with Microzonation of Agartala and Aizawl Cities

Sil, Arjun January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Tee present research focuses on seismic hazard studies for the states of Tripura and Mizoram in the North-East India with taking into account the complex sesismotectonic characteristics of the region. This area is more prone to earthquake hazard due to complex subsurface geology, peculiar topographical distribution, continuous crustal deformation due to the under thrusting of Indian and the Eurasian plates, a possible seismic gap, and many active intraplate sources identified within this region. The study area encompasses major seismic source zones such as Indo Burmese Range (IBR), Shillong Plateau (SP), Eastern Himalayan arc (EH), Bengal Basin (BB), Mishmi Thrust (MT) and Naga Thrust (NT). Five historical earthquakes of magnitude Mw>8 have been listed in the study area and 15 events of magnitude Mw>7 have occurred in last 100 years. Indian seismic code BIS-1893-2002 places the study area with a high level of seismic hazard in the country (i.e. seismic zone V). More than 60% of the area is hilly steep-terrain in nature and the altitude varies from 0 to 3000 meters. Recent works have located a seismic gap, known as the Assam gap since 1950 between the EH, SP, and IBR with the Eurasian plate. Various researchers have estimated the return period, and a large size earthquake is expected in this region any time in future. The area is also highly prone to liquefaction, since rivers in Tripura (Gomati, Howrah, Dhalai, Manu, Bijay, Jeri, Feni) and the rivers in Mizoram (Chhimtuipui, Tlawng, Tut, Tuirial and Tuivawl etc.) are scattered throughout the study area where soil deposits are of sedimentary type. In 2011, both the states together have experienced 37 earthquakes (including foreshocks and aftershocks) with magnitudes ranging from 2.9 to 6.9. Of these events, there were 23 earthquakes (M>4) of magnitudes M6.4 (Feb 4th 2011), M6.7 (March 24th 2011), M6.9 (Sept.18th 2011), M6.4 (October 30th 2011), M6.9 (Dec 13th 2011), M5.8 (Nov 21st 2011), M5 (Aug 18th 2011), M4.9 (July 28th 2011), M4.6 (Dec 15th 2011), M4.6 (Jan 21st 2011), M4.5 (Dec 9th 2011), M4.5 (Oct 21th 2011), M4.5 (Oct 17th 2011), M4.5 (Sept 18th 2011), M4.3 (Oct 10th 2011), M4.3 (Sept 22nd 2011), M4.3 (April 4th 2011), M4.2 (Sept 9th 2011), M4.2 (Sept 18th 2011), M4.1 (April 29th 2011), M4.1 (Feb 22nd 2011), M4 (June 9th 2011), and M4 (Dec 2nd 2011) which occurred within this region [source: IMD (Indian Metrological Department), India]. The earthquake (M6.9) that occurred on Sept. 18th 2011 is known as the Sikkim earthquake, and it caused immense destruction including building collapse, landslides, causalities, disrupted connectivity by road damages and other infrastructural damages in Sikkim state as well as the entire North-East India. In the cities of Agartala and Aizawl of Tripura and Mizoram, construction of high rise building is highly restricted by the Government. Being the capital city, many modern infrastructures are still pending for growth of the city planning. Although many researchers have studied and reported about the status of seismicity in North-East Region of India, very few detailed studies have been carried out in this region except Guwahati, Sikkim and Manipur where almost the whole of the study area is highly vulnerable to severe shaking, amplification, liquefaction, and landslide. From the available literature, no specific study exists for Tripura and Mizoram till date. In the present research, seismic hazard assessment has been performed based on spatial-temporal distribution of seismicity and fault rupture characteristics of the region. The seismic events were collected from regions covering about 500 km from the political boundary of the study area. The earthquake data were collected from various national and international seismological agencies such as the IMD, Geological Survey of India (GSI), United State Geological Survey (USGS), and International Seismological Centre (ISC) etc. As the collected events were in different magnitude scales, all the events were homogenized to a unified moment magnitude scale using recent magnitude conversion relations (region specific) developed by the authors for North-East Region of India. The dependent events (foreshocks and aftershocks) were removed using declustering algorithm and in total 3251 declustered events (main shocks) were identified in the study area since 1731 to 2011. The data set contains 825 events of MW < 4, 1279 events of MW from 4 to 4.9, 996 events MW from 5 to 5.9, 131 events MW from 6 to 6.9, 15 events MW from 7 to 7.9 and 5 events MW ≥8. The statistical analysis was carried out for data completeness (Stepp, 1972). The whole region was divided into six seismic source zones based on the updated seismicity characteristics, fault rupture mechanism, size of earthquake magnitude and the epicentral depth. Separate catalogs were used for each zone, and seismicity parameters a and b were estimated for each source zone and other necessary parameters such as mean magnitude (Mmean), Mmax, Mmin, Mc and recurrence periods were also estimated. Toposheets/vector maps of the study area were collected and seismic sources were identified and characterized as line, point, and areal sources. Linear seismic sources were identified from the Seismotectonic atlas (SEISAT, 2000) published by the GSI, in addition to the source details collected from available literature and remote sensing images. The SEISAT map contains 43 maps presented in 42 sheets covering entire India and adjacent countries with 1:1million scale. Sheets representing the features of the study area were scanned, digitized and georeferenced using MapInfo 10.0 version. After this, tectonic features and seismicity events were superimposed on the map of the study area to prepare a Seismotectonic Map with a scale of 1:1million. In seismic hazard assessment, a state of art well known methodologies (deterministic and probabilistic) was used. In deterministic seismic hazard analysis (DSHA) procedure, hazard assessment is based on the minimum distance between sources to site considering the maximum magnitude occurred at each source. In hazard estimation procedure a lot of uncertainties are involved, which can be explained by probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) procedure related to the source, magnitude, distance, and local site conditions. The attenuation relations proposed by Atkinson and Boore (2003), and Gupta (2010) are used in this analysis. Because in this region two type activities are mostly observed, regions such as SP, and EH are under plate boundary zone whereas IBR is under subduction process. These equations (GMPEs) were validated with the observed PGA (Peak ground acceleration) values before use in the hazard evaluation. The hazard curves for all six major sources were prepared and compiled to get the total hazard curve which represents the cumulative hazard of all sources. Evaluation of PGA, Sa (0.2s and 1.0s) parameters at bedrock level were estimated considering a grid size of 5 km x 5 km, and spectral acceleration values corresponding to a certain level of probability (2% and 10%) were done to develop uniform hazard spectrum (UHS) for both the cities (Agartala and Aizawl). To carry out the seismic microzonation of Agartala and Aizawl cities, a detailed study using geotechnical and geophysical data has been carried out for site characterization and evaluation of site response according to NEHRP (National Earthquake Hazard Response Program) soil classifications (A, B, C, D, and E-type). Seismic site characterization, which is the basic requirement for seismic microzonation and site response studies of an area. Site characterization helps to have the idea about the average dynamic behavior of soil deposits, and thus helps to evaluate the surface level response. A series of geophysical tests at selected locations have been conducted using multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) technique, which is an advanced method to obtain direct shear wave velocity profiles from in situ measurements for both the cities. Based on the present study a major part of Agartala city falls under site class D, very few portions come under site class E. On the other hand, Aizawl city comes under site class C. Next, a detailed site response analysis has been carried out for both the cities. This study addresses the influence of local geology and soil conditions on incoming ground motion. Subsurface geotechnical (SPT) and geophysical (MASW) data have been obtained and used to estimate surface level response. The vulnerable seismic source has been identified based on DSHA. Due to the lack of strong motion time history of the study area, synthetic ground motion time histories have been generated using point source seismological model (Boore 2003) at bedrock level based on fault rupture parameters such as stress drop, quality factor, frequency range, magnitude, hypocentral distance etc. Dynamic properties such as the shear modulus (G) and damping ratios (ζ) have been evaluated from the soil properties obtained from SPT bore log data collected from different agencies such as PWD (Public works Department), and Urban Development Dept. of the State Government, in situ shear wave velocity has been obtained from MASW survey in different locations, and following this, a site response analysis has been carried out using SHAKE-2000 to calculate the responses at the ground surface in combination of different magnitudes, distances and epicentral depth for a particular site class. An amplification factor was estimated as the ratio of the PGA at the ground surface to the PGA at bedrock level, a regression analysis was carried out to evaluate period dependant site coefficients, and hence, the period dependant hazard impact on the ground surface could be calculated to obtain the spatial variation of PGA over the study area. Further, liquefaction potential of the site (Agartala) was also evaluated using available SPT bore log data collected and using presently estimated surface level PGA. The results are presented in the form of liquefaction hazard map representing as a Factor of safety (FS) against liquefaction with various depths such as 1.5m, 10m, and 15m respectively. It has been seen that Agartala city shows highly prone to liquefaction even up to 15 m depth. Hence, site specific study is highly recommended for implementing any important project. The liquefaction hazard assessment could not be conducted for the Aizawl city because of non availability of the SPT-N data, however, the city stands on hills/mountains, and therefore, such a study is not applicable in this area. Further, seismic microzonation maps for both the cities have been prepared considering Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) which support to the Eigen value properties of the system. Two types of hazard maps have been developed, one using deterministic and another using the probabilistic seismic microzonation maps. These maps can be directly used as inputs for earthquake resistant design, and disaster mitigation planning of the study area. However, an investigation has also been made in forecasting a major earthquake (Mw>6) in North-East India using several probabilistic models such as Gamma, Weibull and lognormal models. IBR and EH show a high probability of occurrences in the next 5 years (i.e. 2013-2018) with >90% probability.

Numerische Modellierung des Verflüssigungsverhaltens von Kippen des Braunkohlenbergbaus beim und nach dem Wiederaufgang von Grundwasser

Jakob, Christian 09 December 2016 (has links)
Recently observed cumulation of unexpected collapses of slope-distant waste dumps in lignite mining areas of eastern germany re-initiated research of soil liquefaction. Especially it turned the question of internal initials that correspond to water rise. Parallel to laboritory tests and field experiments a micromechanical model should be developed, which can reproduce processes in the soil during saturation. In first approximation a partly saturated soil consists of two phases: the soil particles and the pore fluid. For micromechanical modeling a coupling of discontinuum particles) and continuum (fluid) is required. The soil particles can be simulated with the Discrete-Element-Method (DEM). For the pore fluid, which is assumed to be a mixture of liquid and gaseous fractions, Pore scale model with Finite Volumes (PFV) is used. At low water content liquid bridges (meniscii) arise between the particles that cause an apparent cohesion. The effect of the meniscii is considered by a correspondingly contact law in the DEM model. During the saturation of a soil both, cohesive effect and fluid bulk modulus, are reduced. In addition buoyancy acts on the particles during the process. The micromechanical modeling approach has the advantage, that just a few model parameters are needed. The numerical model shows pore fluid pressures during saturation process, that leads to a reduction of effective stress. It is investigated how much the reduction is regarding porosity, degree of saturation, stress conditions and grain shape. Furthermore the influence of model parameters as well as hydromechanics is investigated. The investigations are completed with another series of experiments under special conditions like integration of macropores, horizontal fixed model boundaries and abrupt saturation.:Einleitung Literaturauswertung Numerische Modellierung Modellstudien Ergebnisauswertung Zusammenfassung Extended summary

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