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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crossing the Pyrenees: paths of cultural interaction and transmission in the central Middle Ages

Church, Rebecca Ellen 01 December 2013 (has links)
This dissertation plots the myriad connections between Southern France and the multicultural Iberian Peninsula during the eleventh to thirteenth centuries, the people to people contacts which effectively connected Southern France with the Islamic world. The example of courtly culture demonstrates the pattern of informal cultural absorption that resulted from these contacts, as aspects of Andalusian courtly culture were adopted and adapted to Occitan court settings, fitting within a pattern of Pan-Mediterranean courtly culture. This courtly culture absorption was a result of the long-term and broad-based people to people connections and acculturation between Occcitania and the multi-cultural Iberian world. First, using charter evidence, the interaction between the two Iberias, one Islamic and Arabic, the other Christian and Latin, is traced through the people, institutions, and infrastructure that passed from one Iberia to the other. By the early twelfth century, major Islamic medinas with large Arabic-speaking populations had been incorporated into the Christian kingdoms. In the close confines of these medina/urbs,day-to-day life brought different religious and ethnic groups together. Properties bought, sold, and exchanged involved people of different faiths and backgrounds. Women, like the nuns at Sigena outside Huesca, or the Islamic and Jewish brides of French settlers, often had a unique role to play intercultural interaction. On the other side of the Pyrenees, several types of cross border relationships occurred: family ties through marriages and alliances, institutional ties through monastic and church affiliation, and travel ties through legates, bishop and abbot appointments, and pilgrimage. Roads to the Spanish shrine of Saint-James of Compostela blanketed southern France, bringing pilgrims to stops along the way at Sainte-Foy de Conques, Saint-Sernin de Toulouse, the Cathedral of Bayonne, and La-Sauve-Majeure. The archival and published charters of these towns and monasteries of Occitania show how these relationships created the means for acculturation, interaction and communication between Occitan and Iberia. As a consequence of these trans-Pyrenean relationships, people with Iberian, Arabic-language origins, interacted with Occitan peoples bringing greater awareness of the intellectual and material culture of Iberia with its cosmopolitan sensibilities. My dissertation demonstrates the cultural reverberations resulting from cross-cultural contact. While most agree that there was some Arabic influence on medieval Europe, it is generally limited to instances where there is a clear paper trail, such as translated scientific, medical and philosophical texts. There is still significant scholarly resistance to the idea of a more generalized cultural influence due to the theory that connections between Arabic-speaking populations and Europeans were limited and inhibited by language and cultural barriers. we accept that people absorb cultural influence in many ways, including orally, visually, and in what are termed 'low culture' registers, often imperfectly understanding what they scavenge, contact and communication become key to understanding acculaturation. My methodology, using names, ethnicity, and information on captured in charters to identify cross-cultural interaction and evidence of cultural influence, focuses on the pathway from the Arabophone world to Occitania. Since charter evidence shows that cross-cultural interaction was long-term, rapidly increasing over the eleventh and twelfth centuries, and broad-based, involving many areas of Occitania and many types of people. acculturation would be the expected outcome.

The Strategic and Operational Debate Over Operation Anvil: the Allied Invasion of Southern France in August, 1944

Zinsou, Cameron 05 1900 (has links)
In August, 1944, the Allies embarked on one of the "two supreme operations of 1944," Operation Anvil/Dragoon. It is an operation that almost did not happen. Envisioned as a direct supporting operation of Overlord, Anvil soon ran into troubles. Other operations taking away resources away from Anvil in addition to opposition from the highest levels of Allied command threatened Anvil. This thesis chronicles the evolution of this debate, as well as shed light on one of the most overlooked and successful operations the Allies embarked on in World War II.

Etude de la gestion du bétail à l'aide de la méthode des micro-usures dentaires dans le Midi méditerranéen entre l'âge du Bronze et la période gallo-romaine. / Study of the livestock management using the microwear method in the mediterranean south between Bronze Age and Gallo-Roman period.

Rieau, Cyrille 20 November 2014 (has links)
Les micro-usures dentaires sont un outil permettant la reconstitution des régimes alimentaires de nombreuses espèces, notamment les herbivores. L'efficacité de cette méthode a été prouvée dans le cas d'espèces sauvages, mais peu d'études ont été effectuées sur des populations domestiques. L'interprétation des résultats repose sur des référentiels qui n'existent pas en contexte domestique, où l'alimentation des troupeaux est influencée par l'éleveur. La création de ce référentiel est nécessaire pour interpréter les résultats d'espèces domestiques, et notamment en archéologie pour étudier les modes de gestion des troupeaux d'espèces herbivores de la triade domestique (bovin, ovin et caprin). Sa création est l'objectif de cette étude, avant son application à des ensembles archéologiques de trois sites du sud de la France, Lattara, le Castellas et les Terriers. Le référentiel a mis en évidence une influence climatique forte à l'échelle du continent européen, tandis qu'à l'échelle du site des facteurs anthropiques ou saisonniers sont observés. L'étude des restes des sites archéologiques montre des modes d'élevage extensifs, avec des zones d'alimentation distinctes entre les troupeaux de caprinés et de bovins. Une évolution dans l'alimentation des bovins s'observe au troisième siècle avant notre ère à Lattara uniquement, liée à une probable réorganisation économique et donc agropastorale, en relation avec une forte augmentation démographique. Un élevage à deux échelles, familiale et tournée vers le commerce est envisagé à partir de cette période. Enfin certains assemblages semblent indiquer des abattages sur des intervalles temporels réduits. / Dental micro-wear is a tool for the reconstruction of diets of many species, including herbivores. The effectiveness of this method has been proven for many wild species, but few studies have been conducted on domestic populations. Interpretation of results for wild species is based on database that do not exist in domestic context, where feeding of herds is influenced by the herder. Creation of this database is necessary to interpret results of domestic species, especially in archaeology to study the management of herds of herbivorous species of the domestic triad (cattle, sheep and goat). Its creation is the main object of this study, before its application to teeth remains of three archaeological sites from southern France, Lattara, le Castellas and les Terriers. The database has highlighted a strong climatic influence at the European scale, while at the level of the site other factors including anthropogenic choices or seasonality are observed. The study of archaeological samples from the sites revealed extensive management with feeding areas separated from the herds of cattle and caprine. An evolution in alimentation of cattle is seen in the third century BCE in Lattara only, probably related to an economic reorganization and so agropastoral, in connection with a strong demographic growth. A two-scales breeding, family and trade oriented is thought for this period. Finally, some data sets suggest slaughters in reduced temporal intervals.

Sauveterrian hunter-gatherers in Northern Italy and Southern France : evolution and dynamics of lithic technical systems / Les chasseurs-cueilleurs sauveterriens entre Italie septentrionale et France méridionale : évolution et dynamiques des systèmes techniques lithiques

Visentin, Davide 12 April 2017 (has links)
Le Sauveterrien représente l'une des principales traditions culturelles du Premier Mésolithique européen. L'uniformité présumée de ce complexe était basée surtout sur la présence dans la France méridionale et l'Italie septentrionale de pointes à dos fusiformes (pointes de Sauveterre) et de microlithes triangulaires. Le but principal de ce travail est celui de mettre en discussion et vérifier cette association en utilisant une approche technologique ample des assemblages lithiques appartenant à 23 contextes stratigraphiques de 12 sites français et italiens de référence. En particulier, ces assemblages ont été analysés avec l'objectif de reconstruire les chaînes opératoires dans leur totalité, de l'approvisionnement des matières premières à l'utilisation et à l'abandon des éléments ayant servi comme outils. Plusieurs techniques d'analyse ont été intégrées afin de comprendre et caractériser les assemblages sauveterriens à partir de points de vue différents et complémentaires. De plus, l'évaluation de l'uniformité du complexe sauveterrien dans son territoire central par rapports aux groupes culturels des régions voisines a permis d'aborder de façon préliminaire la question de la réelle nature du Premier Mésolithique de l'Europe occidentale. / The Sauveterrian represents one of the main cultural aspects of the European Early Mesolithic. It was at first identified and described in southern France during the 1920ies. Following the discovery of similar lithic assemblages in north-eastern Italy (Adige Valley), during the 1970ies it was proposed that this culture had developed over a large territory whose central areas are represented by southern France and northern Italy. The presumed uniformity of this complex was based, in particular, on the presence in both regions of needle-like backed points (Sauveterre points) and triangular microliths. In the following years a first typological attempt to verify the actual homogeneity of the Early Mesolithic of this region arose some doubts regarding the appropriateness of this unification. Following this line of research the main aim of this work was, thus, to question and verify this association, by applying a broad technological approach to the study of the lithic assemblages belonging to 23 stratigraphic contexts from 12 French and Italian reference sites. More specifically these assemblages were investigated with the aim of reconstructing the entire reduction sequences, from the procurement of lithic raw materials to the use and discard of tools. Different analytical techniques were thus combined in order to understand and characterize the Sauveterrian assemblages from different and complementary viewpoints. Besides, the evaluation of the uniformity of the Sauveterrian complex in its central area with respect to the neighbouring cultural groups, allowed tentatively approaching the investigation of the very nature of western European Early Mesolithic.

Quand l'Amérique collectionnait des cloîtres gothiques : les ensembles de Trie-sur-Baïse, Bonnefont-en-Comminges et Montréjeau / When America collected gothic cloisters : the cloisters of Trie-sur-Baise, Bonnefont-en-Comminges and Montréjeau

Brugeat, Céline 18 June 2016 (has links)
Trois cloîtres attribués aux couvents de "Trie-sur-Baïse", "Bonnefont-en-Comminges" (aux Cloisters, New York) et "Montréjeau" (Paradise Island, Bahamas) furent remontés outre-Atlantique au cours du XXe siècle. L'installation moderne de tels monuments en Amérique nous incitent à nous intéresser à ce goût, exprimé dés le début du XXe siècle, pour l’architecture médiévale. Selon les premières attributions, les pierres proviendraient d'abbayes des Pyrénées centrales, dont les vestiges furent dispersés au cours de l'Histoire. Les troubles des guerres de Religion, l’abandon progressif des établissements par les communautés religieuses, l’aliénation de leur temporel pendant la Révolution portèrent un coup sévère à l’intégrité des bâtiments monastiques ; mais, de la période post-révolutionnaire jusqu’au début du XXe siècle, ce sont bien les discrètes transactions entre particuliers et antiquaires, qui firent disparaître de la mémoire collective l’origine même des pierres, particulièrement celles des cloîtres en marbre, convoitées pour leur décor. Identifier leur provenance fut l'enjeu majeur de cette étude. Ces marbres sculptés présentent un programme iconographique riche et varié : les ensembles de "Bonnefont-en-Comminges" et de "Montréjeau" proposent un décor de feuillage stylisé tandis que celui de "Trie-sur-Baïse" expose des scènes figurées originales. Mener une analyse de ces sculptures a permis de les restituer dans leur contexte architectural originel. / Three cloisters attributed to the monasteries of "Trie-sur-Baise", " Bonnefont-en-Comminges" (the Cloisters, New York) and "Montréjeau" (Paradise Island, Bahamas) were purchased by American collectors and rebuilt, during the XXth century, in North America. The modern assembly of such monuments generates interest on the taste of these American amateurs, from the beginning of XXth century, for medieval European architecture. While respectively attributed to the monasteries of "Trie-sur-Baise", "Bonnefont-en-Comminges" (the Cloisters, New York) and "Montréjeau" (Paradise Island, Bahamas), the initial attribution states that the stones were from central Pyrenees monasteries, whose ruins were scattered throughout ancient times : the Hundred-year war as well as the wars of religion, the gradual desertion of religious institutions by their communities during the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries and, at last, the alienation of their properties during the Revolution seriously damaged the integrity of monastic buildings. However, during the post-revolutionary period until the early XXth century, many discrete transactions between individuals and antique dealers further took away the stones real origin from the collective memory, especially cloisters sculptures coveted for their ornament. Identifying the cloisters provenance was the main subject of this study. The three carved marbles present various iconography ; while the "Bonnefont-en-Comminges" and "Montréjeau" ensembles both show stylized foliage ornaments, the "Trie-sur-Baise" cloister depicts original figurative scenes. Carrying out an in-depth study of these sculptures made it possible to accurately associate the cloisters to their original architectural set and production context.

Le troisième département de l'Oratoire de Jésus (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle) : un réseau congréganiste dans la France du Midi / The third department of the Oratory of Jesus (XVIIth. XVIIIth century) : a congregational network in Southern France

Carlotti, François-Xavier 14 October 2013 (has links)
L’Oratoire de Jésus est une congrégation séculière sans voeux fondée le 11novembre 1611 à Paris par le cardinal Pierre de Bérulle. Dans sa dimensionprovençale, il présente une singularité : une triple racine. Il avait reçu dans sespremiers temps l’influence de la Doctrine chrétienne à laquelle Jean-BaptisteRomillon, son premier instituteur dans la province, avait appartenu avant de serapprocher de l’Oratoire crée par Philippe Neri en Italie à la fin du XVIe siècle,puis de s’unir en 1619 à celui de France et à Bérulle.Associée au Languedoc, à la Gascogne et à la Guyenne, la Provenceconstitue au sein de l’Oratoire de France une division administrative propre, letroisième « département ». Ses « maisons » font vivre un réseau actif etmultiforme : flux humains et de capitaux, entraide spirituelle, échangesmatériels et de services, au sein d’une congrégation elle-même hiérarchisée etcentralisée dans laquelle le lien avec Paris est maintenu par les visiteursdépartementaux et les supérieurs de maisons, nommés.Cette solidarité est encore renforcée par une identité culturelle partagée,une origine géographique commune, une même extraction, une relativestabilité. Les sujets méridionaux - Pères et confrères voués à l’apostolat et à larégence des collèges, frères-servants aux talents multiples - voient en effet, deleur recrutement à leur mort, leurs carrières s’inscrire pour l’essentiel dans leslimites du département. Le succès rapide de leurs entreprises, principalementdédiées à la sanctification du clergé et à l’enseignement de la Parole, est favorisépar le soutien des évêques auxquels ils se soumettent, comme par la faveur desconseils de ville qui leur confient l’instruction de la jeunesse.Mais la fin du Grand Siècle voit se briser ce bel élan. Les oratoriens ontmajoritairement adhéré jusqu’après 1750 au jansénisme dans sa dimension laplus théologique. Et dans le Midi, ils en forment les bataillons les plus nourris.Du fait de la répression, leur recrutement subit une baisse sensible, et beaucoupd’établissements sont fermés.A la veille de la Révolution, la structure de l’Oratoire apparaîtprofondément transformée : réconciliée avec l’Eglise, rajeunie, de congrégationsacerdotale, elle est devenue un corps tout entier voué à l’enseignement. / The Oratoire of Jesus was founded on 11th of november 1611 by cardinalPierre de Bérulle in Paris. It is a secular congregation whose members do notmake any vows.In Provence, the Oratoire is unique because of its three roots.At the beginning it was influenced by the christian Doctrine of Jean-BaptisteRomillon who was its primary school’s teacher in Provence, then at thebeginning of the XVIIth century it became aligned with the Oratorio of Neri inItaly, and finally in 1619 it merged with the French Bérulle’s Oratoire.Oratoire of Provence is connected with the regions of Languedoc,Gascogne and Guyenne. It formes a separate administrative division, the thirddepartment of the Oratoire in France. The Oratoire’s houses consist in an activeand multi-shaped network of human interaction, material exchanges andspiritual flux. The Oratoire is an organized hierarchy with a centralized head inParis which sends visitors to departments, and nominates the houses superiors.This community of men forms a stable solidarity network strengthened bythe same cultural, geographical and social background. The southern members,priests and brothers engaged into the apostolate and management of thecolleges, brothers serving at mass and talented in many skills, all of them, fromthe time they are taken on to the end of their life, act within the limit of theirdepartment.The Oratoire’s rapid success in preaching and « sanctifying the clergy » wassupported by their bishops and favoured by the town councilors who eventuallyentrusted them with teaching the young people.At the end of the great XVIIth century their remarkable expansion stopped.Untill the 1750’s the congregation in its vast majority, adhered to the Jansenistfaith, in its strictest theological form, particularly in the South of France. Becauseof persecution new membership registered a decrease and a lot ofestablishments closed down.At the eve of the French Revolution, the Oratoire’s structure was deeplymodified : they had become reconciled with the Church, younger members hadjoined it and the whole congregation had turned to teaching activities.

Epidémiologie moléculaire de la résistance de Leishmania aux antimoniés en France et au Maghreb / Molecular epidemioliogy of Leishmania resistance to antimonials in Maghreb and France

Jeddi, Fakhri 11 December 2014 (has links)
Des approches moléculaires ont permis d'identifier des gènes impliqués dans la résistance de Leishmania aux antimoniés ; les deux phénomènes moléculaires les plus décrits correspondent à une amplification de l'ADN (augmentation du nombre de copies d'un gène ou d'une région du génome) et une surexpression de l'ARNm. Nous avons ainsi sélectionné 14 gènes parmi les plus décrits dans la littérature afin d'étudier ces caractères moléculaires chez 149 isolats cliniques de leishmanies provenant du Maghreb et du sud de la France.Nous avons comparés les données moléculaires avec la technique de référence en pratiquant des tests in vitro sur macrophages infectés pour 47 isolats. Nous avons ainsi pu fixer un seuil significatif pour l'amplification et la surexpression pour chacun des gènes étudiés permettant d'analyser les données moléculaires des 149 isolats. Nos résultats montrent :- Le caractère hétérogène et multifactoriel des marqueurs moléculaires de résistance. - Une surexpression portant sur plus de deux gènes n'est présente que chez des isolats résistants. - Le profil des marqueurs moléculaires varie en fonction de la zone géographique et de l'espèce. Notre étude effectuée sur un nombre important d'isolats cliniques montre la présence, la complexité et l'hétérogénéité des marqueurs moléculaires de résistance de Leishmania aux antimoniés au Maghreb et dans le sud de la France. La présence de ces caractères chez des isolats cliniques du Maghreb nécessite une vigilance quant à l'utilisation des antimoniés. / We assessed the involvement of reported antimonial-resistance genes on a extensive panel of Leishmania clinical isolates collected in Tunisia, Algeria and Southern France. We first examined the molecular status of 149 Leishmania field isolates. In total, we examined 14 genes via qPCR and qRT-PCR. We then compared the molecular patterns of 47 isolates cultured in our department against the phenotype determined via in vitro sensitivity test to Glucantime®. With this survey, we demonstrated the following findings:- Various gene associations were observed among the clinical isolates, thereby supporting the multifactorial characteristic of Leishmania resistance- All clinical isolates that exhibited significant overexpression of at least 2 genes displayed a resistant phenotype- Gene amplification and gene overexpression varied depending on the geographic area for Leishmania infantum isolates, and these gene variations depended on the species when comparing Leishmania infantum, Leishmania major and Leishmania killicki. Our multi-gene survey performed on an extensive panel of Leishmania clinical isolates demonstrates the presence, complexity and heterogeneity of resistance molecular markers in the Western Mediterranean area. Given the presence of molecular resistance patterns in isolates from the Maghreb, the use of antimonials should be vigilantly monitored in this area. The potential spread of Leishmania resistant strains could pose significant public health problems in the Maghreb region.

"The War Comes First": Lt. Col. Francis Carroll Grevemberg and the Development of a World War II Antiaircraft Artillery Officer

Janous, Robert 14 May 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the life and career and intimate life of Francis Carroll Grevemberg, an antiaircraft World War II officer from New Orleans, Louisiana. Grevemberg joined the Louisiana National Guard in 1932 and began his military career in the midst of the Great Depression. In the reorganization of the U.S. Army before World War II, the War Department transformed Grevemberg's cavalry regiment into a coastal artillery battalion with antiaircraft capability. During World War II, Grevemberg saw continuous action in the North Africa, Italy and Southern France. He regularly wrote letters from battlefields to his wife Dorothy. These letters provide a important window into a young officer's feelings, thoughts and affection in the unfolding of World War II. They are documents of a soldier's emotional release during times of crises. Lt. Col. Grevemberg is a rare, World War II antiaircraft artillery officer who took part and survived five amphibious landings in the Mediterranean.

Women Troubadours in Southern France

Ganiere, Catherine Christine 14 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries women troubadours in southern France called trobairitz participated in dialogue or debate poems called tensons with male troubadours. Of the nine existing tensons that include a male and a female voice, we will only analyze five tensons with the known identities of both the trobairitz and the troubadour that debate the subject of love, and we will include the following trobairitz tensons in this paper: Alamanda, Isabella, Garsenda, Lombarda and Maria de Ventadorn. We will discuss the thematic elements these five tensons share. Scholars such as Pierre Bec, Peter Dronke and Katharina Wilson note trobairitz' themes vary from those of traditional male troubadours. Troubadours concentrate on the outward or social manifestations of the courtly love game and values, yet trobairitz focus on the intimate, private pleasures of love by deviating from generally accepted courtly love conventions and social behaviors. Since the subject of love is debated in these five tensons, the personal character in these tensons alludes to the trobairitz's life—circumstances and incidents. A trobairitz's personal character is also illustrated in the tenson by her willingness to show personal qualities about a love relationship and as Deborah Perkal-Balinsky calls it "a willingness to deviate from accepted social behavior or perhaps the rules of the game, in an effort to attain the intimate pleasures in a love relationship" (46). The tensons discussed provide valuable information about trobairitz and courtly love—the publicly displayed values of honor, valor and mercy. At times, trobairitz solicit love by revolting against the courtly love rules to win a man. In courtly love tensons, trobairitz use the literary style, courtly vocabulary and courtly values to express both their support and criticism for the system. Through the use of courtly vocabulary, trobairitz conform to the styles developed by troubadours, yet when trobairitz write as female lovers and poets, they also discard the conventions set forth by troubadours, since they are not male lovers and poets. In each tenson the literary mode is man-in-society, and the theme centers around love"”either the praise of it or the blame from lack thereof or both (Hagen 27). In each of the five tensons, there are three common threads in the trobairitz love relationships: (1) in each tenson we see the personal character of the trobairitz; (2) we see them deviate from the accepted social behavior or the rules of the game; and (3) we witness that the trobairitz are usually unhappy with their love relationships. We will examine each tenson individually regarding these three aspects.

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