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Don't Scroll Past! : Exploring how independent music artists can adapt their digital content marketing strategy to attract new listenersSöderström, Albin, Rinaldo Miller, Emanuel, Mörse Anderberg, Theodor January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Predictions of Pulp and Paper Properties Based on Fiber Morphology / Prediktering av massa- och pappersegenskaper baserat på fibermorfologiSundblad, Sara January 2015 (has links)
The aim is to investigate models that predicts the potential of pulp and evaluate the relevance of the zero-span tensile index within these. Two chemical pulps made from softwood and eucalyptus were refined in a Voith-beater with different energy input in order to study the change of fiber morphology signals and other pulp and paper properties. Chemical, THP pulp from Södra Värö is also used as an initial analysis for morphological connections to Zero-span tensile index. The L&W Fiber Tester Plus is used in order to study the pulps fiber morphology and Pulmac 2000 for zero span. Handsheets are made for mechanical tests such as tensile properties, ZD-strength and optical properties. Many of the given signals change according to clear patterns with increasing refining energy. Using least square methods, formulas describing the development with high adaptation could be formulated. Many of the measured aspects changes over already known patterns. These are then applied in the models. Three possible models is tested: linear regression, Shear-Lag and Page. Of the three, only the two first ones where able to produce reliable models, whereas the third required data that was difficult to acquire at the same time as the adaptation was very low. The only model that use exclusively morphology data is linear regression.
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Analys av byxors kvalitet genom simulerad användning : En undersökning av vilka kvalitetsparametrar som förkortar en vävd byxas användningstid / Quality analysis of trousers through simulated useGustafsson, Jonnah, Nilsson, Marcus January 2022 (has links)
En textilprodukts produktionsprocess beräknas stå för 80% av dess totala klimatutsläpp. Produktionen förorenar både vatten och land. Ännu är inte återvinning svaret på den negativa klimat- och miljöpåverkan som den textila värdekedjan medför. All textilproduktion och återvinning kräver resurser i form av vatten, kemikalier och energi. Enligt studier konsumerar den genomsnittliga svensken 14 kg textilier varje år men den tid som textilierna används blir kortare och kortare på grund av bristfällig kvalitet. Inom cirkulär textil är en viktig del återanvändning, för att det skall kunna ske i högre utsträckning är det av vikt att de textilier som produceras är av god kvalitet. Idag kvalitetstestas nyproducerade, oanvända och konditionerade plagg direkt efter produktion enligt gällande standarder genom mekaniska påfrestningar, ofta testas slitaget tills det inte längre kan anses vara acceptabelt ur ett kundperspektiv. Dessa tester mäter dock inte den verkliga användningen. Vilket innebär att det inte finns något verkligt underlag för att avgöra om det material som använts har en tillräckligt god kvalitet för att hålla för verklig användning och slitage i ett längre perspektiv eller bara uppfyller kravspecifikationen som upprättats. Arbetet i denna rapport har haft som syfte att identifiera vilka kvalitetsbrister som uppstår vid användning av plagg och genom simulerad användning med hjälp av standardiserade testmetoder försökt utvärdera plaggens fysiska livslängd. För att om möjligt kunna användas av företag i samma syfte. Som fallstudie har ett företag studerats och sex olika byxor har testats. Kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier resulterade i ett antal tester till att simulera användning för att försöka utvärdera plaggens fysiska livslängd. De valda testerna för att simulera slitage var upprepad tvätt, nötningshärdighet och rivstyrka, färgförändring, och dimensionsstabilitet vilka har representerat de visuella kvalitetsbrister som kan uppstå. Resultaten från testerna visar att de vanligaste kvalitetsbrister som konsumenter upplever är att det uppstår hål i materialet, att plagget tappar form och att det sker färgförändringar. En av sex byxor uppfyllde kraven i de tester som utförs för validering av testutrustningen. Efter att samtliga byxor testats enligt de utvalda metoderna var det ingen byxa som uppfyllde alla de ställda kraven. Slutsatsen av arbetet är att simulerad användning inte är omöjligt som metod men det går inte fullt ut att återskapa det mekaniska dagliga slitage som ett plagg genomgår hos konsumenten. För att bli en fullgod metod behöver ett mer omfattande arbete göras. Det går inte att med de resultat som återfinns i arbetet att ge konkreta förslag på förbättringar för en ökad livslängd. Det krävs utförliga kravspecifikationer för plaggen som gäller för en hel livslängd. Vilka inte är generella utan uppförda för de olika produktkategorierna i större detalj för att ha kontroll över hela produktionskedjan. / The production process for textiles is estimated to be responsible for 80 % of the total climate emissions made by the industry. The production pollutes both water and land. Recycling, though on the rise, does not offer the necessary solution at the time to deal with the negative climate- and environmental impact of the textile industry. All textile production including recycling requires resources in the form of water, chemicals and energy. The average Swede consumes 14 kg of textiles annually, but the user time is decreasing because of defective quality according to studies. In circular textiles the term re-use is of importance, and to possibly implement it to a greater extent it is of importance that the textiles produced are of good quality making it more probable that the end use will be prolonged. Today, a garment is tested unused and conditioned directly after production, according to standardized test methods through the means of mechanical wear, which is measured to the point where the wear is considered nonacceptable from a consumer perspective. However, these tests do not measure the real wear and tear. Meaning there is no proper basis to decide whether the material used, reaches the level of quality needed for real use in a larger perspective or if it just fulfills the set requirements. The purpose of this project has been to identify what quality deficiencies consumers experience during the use-phase of garments. Through simulated use according to standardized test methods, evaluate the physical lifespan of the garments. With the prospect that fast-fashion companies can implement it to ensure the quality of their materials. As a case study, a company has been studied and six different trousers have been tested. Qualitative and quantitative studies resulted in several tests to simulate use to try to evaluate the physical life of the garments. The tests chosen to simulate wear were repeated washing, abrasion resistance, tear strength, color change, and dimensional stability which represented the visual quality defects that may occur. The test results showed that the most common quality deficiencies that consumers experience are breakage in the material, shape and color changes. One out of six trousers met the requirements of the tests performed for the validation of the test equipment. After all trousers were tested according to the selected methods, no trousers met the set requirements. In conclusion simulated use is not undoable as a method but it cannot fully recreate the mechanical daily wear and tear that a garment undergoes during the user-phase. For it to become an effective method, more extensive work needs to be carried out. It is not possible with the results drawn from this study to give concrete suggestions for improvements for increased longevity. Detailed garment, yarn and requirements specifications are essential. They need to be in greater detail for the various product categories and not be general for all.
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Numerical Modeling of Helical Pile-to-Foundation Connections subjected to Monotonic and Cyclic LoadsChiluwal, Sundar January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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The Role of Working Memory in Creative Insight : Correlation analysis of working memory capacity, creative insight and divergent thinkingHedblom, Maria January 2013 (has links)
There is an ongoing debate about the components and processes of creativity. Within the subfield of creative insight, which is often considered to be the first measurable part of creativity, the role of working memory is discussed. Since creative insight appears to happen without conscious planning, the involvement of working memory appears to be limited; a hypothesis supported by several studies. However, there are several studies that support an opposing hypothesis. Namely, that creativity, including creative insights, is a form of divergent thinking and that working memory is needed for divergent thinking. This study investigated the role of working memory in creative insight through correlation analyses between working memory capacity, the frequency of insight and divergent thinking ability. The study was performed using Operation Span to test working memory capacity, Compound Word Association to assess the frequency of insight, and a part of Torrance Test of Creative Thinking to assess the ability for divergent thinking. The result show that working memory have little involvement in creative insight, but that it is involved in divergent thinking. This indicates that the nature of insight is different from divergent thinking.
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Experimental study on innovative connections for large span structural timber trussesWerner Åström, Petter January 2019 (has links)
Large span timber trusses are usually built with glulam. One problem with large span glulam trusses is that the connections needed to transfer the load between truss members are often complex and expensive. Another issue is transportation. Building large span trusses out of structural timber instead, could be a way of simplifying the connections and at the same time increase the degree of on-site construction and thereby solving the transportation problem.In this study, a total of 18 laboratory tests were performed with the purpose of investigating the tensile strength and the load slip behavior of different connection designs for large span structural timber trusses. Six different test groups corresponding to six different connection designs were tested. The materials used include members made of C24 timber and gusset plates made of birch plywood, aluminum, and steel. Screws were used as fasteners for five test groups and adhesive was used for one group. The influence of different reinforcement techniques including reinforcement screws and added aluminum sheets was studied.The results showed a ductile failure behavior for all test groups except for the group where adhesive was used. However, a decrease of ductility was observed for groups were aluminum sheets were used on the outsides of the mid placed plywood gusset plate. A 12-17 % increase in capacity was observed due to the presence of aluminum sheets. The reinforcement screws had no significant effect on the capacity. However, the presence of reinforcement screws did lead to a reduction in scatter both regarding capacity and stiffness.
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Behaviour of continuously supported self-compacting concrete deep beamsKhatab, Mahmoud A.T. January 2016 (has links)
The present research is conducted to investigate the structural behaviour of continuously supported deep beams made with SCC. A series of tests on eight reinforced two-span continuous deep beams made with SCC was performed. The main parameters investigated were the shear span-to-depth ratio, the amount and configuration of web reinforcement and the main longitudinal reinforcement ratio. All beams failed due to a major diagonal crack formed between the applied mid-span load and the intermediate support separating the beam into two blocks: the first one rotated around the end support leaving the rest of the beam fixed on the other two supports. The amount and configuration of web reinforcement had a major effect in controlling the shear capacity of SCC continuous deep beams.
The shear provisions of the ACI 318M-11 reasonably predicted the load capacity of SCC continuous deep beams. The strut-and-tie model recommended by different design codes showed conservative results for all SCC continuous deep beams. The ACI Building Code (ACI 318M-11) predictions were more accurate than those of the EC2 and Canadian Code (CSA23.3-04). The proposed effectiveness factor equations for the strut-and-tie model showed accurate predictions compared to the experimental results. The different equations of the effectiveness factor used in upper-bound analysis can reasonably be applied to the prediction of the load capacity of continuously supported SCC deep beams although they were proposed for normal concrete (NC). The proposed three dimensional FE model accurately predicted the failure modes, the load capacity and the load-deflection response of the beams tested. / Higher Education Institute in the Libyan Government
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Psychometric Properties of a Working Memory Span TaskAlzate Vanegas, Juan M 01 January 2018 (has links)
The intent of this thesis is to examine the psychometric properties of a complex span task (CST) developed to measure working memory capacity (WMC) using measurements obtained from a sample of 68 undergraduate students at the University of Central Florida. The Grocery List Task (GLT) promises several design improvements over traditional CSTs in a prior study about individual differences in WMC and distraction effects on driving performance, and it offers potential benefits for studying WMC as well as the serial-position effect. Currently, the working memory system is composed of domain-general memorial storage processes and information-processing, which involves the use of executive functions. Prior research has found WMC to be associated with attentional measures (i.e., executive attention) and the updating function, and unrelated to the shifting function. The present study replicates these relationships to other latent variables in measures obtained from the GLT as convergent and discriminant evidence of validity. In addition, GLT measures correlate strongly with established measures of WMC. Task reliability is assessed by estimates of internal consistency, pairwise comparisons with a cross-validation sample, and an analysis of demographic effects on task measurements.
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Addressing Confounding Factors in the Study of Working Memory in Aphasia: Empirical Evaluation of Modified Tasks and MeasuresIvanova, Maria V. 06 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Attentional Mechanisms in Children’s Complex Memory Span PerformanceMagimairaj, Beula M. 16 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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