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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo espacial birnbaum-saunders aplicado a dados agrícolas / Birnbaum-saunders spatial model applied for agricultural data

Papani, Fabiana Magda Garcia 02 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-12T14:47:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese__fabiana.pdf: 3413093 bytes, checksum: 69eef866f8ca47e7714ae83768804879 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-02 / Understanding the spatial distribution knowledge regarding georeferenced data has been essencial to various areas including agriculture. Thus, several trials have been carried out. However, most of these studies assume that the underlying stochastic process is Gaussian. When the data associated with this process do not present normality, data transformations are applied. And though the use of these transformations has presented satisfactory results, it is important to consider models which take into account the characteristics of such phenomenon. It may be more appropriate than using a normal model. So, this trial aimed at proposing a spatial model based on the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution (BS). This distribution has been shown effective to model data that take positive values and whose behavior presents positive asymmetry and unimodality. Thefore, this trial has proposed a methodology that includes the formulation of the spatial Birnbaum-Saunders model , estimation of its parameters using maximum likelihood (ML), and application of diagnostic techniques which can detect the sensitivity of the model to atypical data and evaluate the proposed model through a simulation study and studies using real data sets of agricultural engineering. These data were obtadined in a 167.35-ha commercial area for grain production, in Cascavel city, to validate the studied model. In the study with simulated data and large samples, estimation parameters and diagnostic analysis showed a good performance. According to the study with real data, calculations of AIC (Akaike s information criterion) and BIC (Bayesian information criterion) indexes, Bayes factor as well as Q-Q plots constrution have shown that the proposed model is appropriate to fit the obtained data. Influential cases were detected, and their removal from data set caused a considerable change in contour maps. It is therefore concluided that Birnbaum-Saunders spatial model is adequate to carry out studies with spatially correlated data. Is is also an alternative model to the normal model when the data set present positive asymmetrical distribution / O conhecimento da distribuição espacial de dados georrefenciados é de interesse de diversas áreas do conhecimento, incluindo a área agrícola. Neste sentido, diversos trabalhos já foram realizados; no entanto, a maioria destes trabalhos assumem que o processo estocástico subjacente é gaussiano. Quando os dados associados com este processo não apresentam normalidade, transformações de dados são usadas. E ainda que o uso dessas transformações tenha apresentado resultados satisfatórios, considerar modelos que levem em conta as características do fenômeno pode ser mais adequado do que a utilização do modelo normal. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um modelo espacial baseado na distribuição Birnbaum-Saunders (BS). Esta distribuição tem se mostrado eficiente para modelar conjuntos de dados formados por valores estritamente positivos e cujo comportamento apresenta assimetria positiva e unimodalidade. A metodologia proposta neste trabalho inclui a formulação do modelo espacial Birnbaum-Saunders, a estimação de seus parâmetros utilizando o método de máxima verossimilhança (ML), a aplicação de técnicas de diagnóstico que permitem detectar a sensibilidade do modelo a dados atípicos, a avaliação do modelo proposto por um estudo de simulação e aplicação da metodologia desenvolvida em análise de dados reais da área agrícola. Os dados utilizados para validação do modelo estudado foram obtidos em uma área comercial de produção de grãos de 167,35 ha de Cascavel. No estudo com dados simulados, para amostras grandes, a estimação dos parâmetros e a análise de diagnóstico apresentaram boa performance. No estudo com dados reais, os cálculos dos índices AIC, BIC e fator Bayes bem como a construção de Q-Q plots mostraram que o modelo proposto é adequado para ajustar os dados. Casos influentes foram detectados e suas retiradas do conjunto de dados causaram uma mudança considerável nos mapas de contorno. Conclui-se portanto, que o modelo espacial Birnbaum-Saunders é adequado para realização de estudos com dados espacialmente correlacionados, e é um modelo alternativo ao modelo normal quando o conjunto de dados apresenta distribuição assimétrica positiva

Grenzen und Chancen der Organisationsform "Landesbetrieb nach § 26 LHO" / Restrictions and prospects of public utilities in the sense of § 26 of budget laws

Meinert, Markus January 2006 (has links)
Unter dem Eindruck einer zunehmenden Einengung finanzieller Spielräume entwickelt die öffentliche Hand Strategien zur Haushaltskonsolidierung, die über den Einsatz des Neuen Steuerungsmodells hinausgehen. Eine zentrale Bedeutung im Rahmen der Verwaltungsoptimierung nehmen aufgaben- und organisationskritische Ansätze ein. Letztgenannte umfassen Überlegungen, wie durch eine Ablösung hergebrachter behördlicher Strukturen nachhaltige Entlastungseffekte ausgelöst werden können. Das Organisationsrecht kennt hierfür auf allen Verwaltungsebenen grundsätzlich zahlreiche Ausgestaltungen von der Beleihung Privater Dritter über Beteiligungsgesellschaften, Anstalten oder Stiftungen bis hin zu Regiebetrieben. Die verbleibenden Möglichkeiten einer Einflussnahme durch Politik und Verwaltung gestalten sich. Im Interesse einer hinreichenden Steuerung durch politische und administrative Leitungsinstanzen erfahren Landesbetriebe nach § 26 der Landeshaushaltsordnungen in den letzten Jahren in vielen Landesverwaltungen eine Renaissance. Obgleich die betreffende Ermächtigung seit 1969 im Haushaltsrecht verankert ist und bereits Gegenstand der Reichshaushaltsordnung war, liegen kaum systematisierte Erkenntnisse über den Einsatz dieser Organisationsform vor. In den Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungswissenschaften finden sich praktisch keine über den Wortlaut des Gesetzes und hierzu kaum ergangene Verwaltungsvorschriften hinausgehenden Hilfestellungen. Die Arbeit widmet sich dem Modell „Landesbetrieb nach § 26 LHO“, indem sie damit verbundene Entwicklungspotenziale für ein betriebswirtschaftliches Handeln und Rahmenbedingungen seines Einsatzes beleuchtet. Sie stellt den Landesbetrieb dabei in ein Verhältnis zu Behörden, welche unter Anwendung von Elementen des Neuen Steuerungsmodells geführt werden und privatrechtlich ausgestalteten Unternehmen. Zu diesem Zweck erfolgt eine vertiefte empirische Untersuchung der Landesbetriebe im amtlichen Geoinformationswesen, welche eine breite Aufgabenpalette aufweisen. Die in diesem Rahmen vollzogene Primäranalyse wird im Interesse einer Verbreiterung der Aussagekraft der Ergebnisse ergänzt um ausgewählte Sekundäranalysen zur praktischen Ausgestaltung weiterer Landesbetriebe insbesondere in den Bereichen Bau- und Liegenschaftsmanagement, Mess- und Eichwesen und der Datenverarbeitung. Ergänzend zu den deskriptiven Darstellungen der empirischen Betrachtung werden normative Betrachtungen für die einzelnen betriebswirtschaftlichen Funktionalbereiche vorgenommen soweit hier spezifische Problemstellungen in der Praxis der Landesbetriebe bekannt geworden sind. Im Ergebnis kommt die Arbeit zu der Erkenntnis, dass Landesbetriebe ein Entwicklungspotenzial über das Neue Steuerungsmodell hinaus bergen, dieses aber weniger als erwartet im Bereich der Finanzwirtschaft und damit in der tatsächlichen Haushaltskonsolidierung liegt, als vielmehr in der strukturellen Optimierung der Verhältnisse zwischen, Betriebsleitung, Kunden sowie administrativer und politischer Spitze und der Gestaltungsräume der einzelnen Akteure. / Due to a lack of financial flexibility the public sector develops strategies of budget consolidation, which go beyond the implementation of New Public Management. Doing this there is a focus on optimization by task and organisational criticism. Concerning organisational criticism this includes considerations, how it is possible to reach financial ease by replacing former official structures. Organisational law knows different possibilities on the administrative levels of the states and municipalities with different opportunities of influence by political and administrative leadership. In this context public utilities like mentioned in § 26 of budget laws became more and more important in the last years. Although they are known as an organisational option for years now, there is a lack of experience and systematic knowledge on this kind of administrative units. The dissertation lays emphasis on the possibilities of developing economic usage in these units and necessary or practised general conditions for their implementation. Public utilities in the sense of § 26 of budget laws are compared to authorities lead by the principles of New Public Management and private enterprises. There is at first an empirical examination of these kind of units established in the field of geodetic survey and spatial data, because of their broad spectrum of different kinds of tasks by primary analysis. It is completed by a sec-ondary analysis of practicism in further public utilities being responsible for example for real estate management, measuring and adjusting or technological infrastructures. The descriptive parts are supplemented by normative considerations on special economical, legal and organisational aspects in these public utilities like they are seen or known by affected people involved in the change from authorities to public utilities. As a result it is emphazised, that public utilities in the sense of § 26 of budget laws offer potencials for development going further than authorities lead by the principles of New Public Management. Never the less it is not the field of finance but organisation and steering, where the most important possibilities of structural redesign have to be seen. This concerns mostly the relationship between management, customers, stakeholder and politician or administrative leadership as far as flexibility of each individual participants.

Visualisierung dynamischer Raumphänomene in Geoinformationssystemen / Visualization of dynamic spatial phenomena in geographic information systems

Schmallowsky, Antje January 2009 (has links)
Die visuelle Kommunikation ist eine effiziente Methode, um dynamische Phänomene zu beschreiben. Informationsobjekte präzise wahrzunehmen, einen schnellen Zugriff auf strukturierte und relevante Informationen zu ermöglichen, erfordert konsistente und nach dem formalen Minimalprinzip konzipierte Analyse- und Darstellungsmethoden. Dynamische Raumphänomene in Geoinformationssystemen können durch den Mangel an konzeptionellen Optimierungsanpassungen aufgrund ihrer statischen Systemstruktur nur bedingt die Informationen von Raum und Zeit modellieren. Die Forschung in dieser Arbeit ist daher auf drei interdisziplinäre Ansätze fokussiert. Der erste Ansatz stellt eine echtzeitnahe Datenerfassung dar, die in Geodatenbanken zeitorientiert verwaltet wird. Der zweite Ansatz betrachtet Analyse- und Simulationsmethoden, die das dynamische Verhalten analysieren und prognostizieren. Der dritte Ansatz konzipiert Visualisierungsmethoden, die insbesondere dynamische Prozesse abbilden. Die Symbolisierung der Prozesse passt sich bedarfsweise in Abhängigkeit des Prozessverlaufes und der Interaktion zwischen Datenbanken und Simulationsmodellen den verschiedenen Entwicklungsphasen an. Dynamische Aspekte können so mit Hilfe bewährter Funktionen aus der GI-Science zeitnah mit modularen Werkzeugen entwickelt und visualisiert werden. Die Analyse-, Verschneidungs- und Datenverwaltungsfunktionen sollen hierbei als Nutzungs- und Auswertungspotential alternativ zu Methoden statischer Karten dienen. Bedeutend für die zeitliche Komponente ist das Verknüpfen neuer Technologien, z. B. die Simulation und Animation, basierend auf einer strukturierten Zeitdatenbank in Verbindung mit statistischen Verfahren. Methodisch werden Modellansätze und Visualisierungstechniken entwickelt, die auf den Bereich Verkehr transferiert werden. Verkehrsdynamische Phänomene, die nicht zusammenhängend und umfassend darstellbar sind, werden modular in einer serviceorientierten Architektur separiert, um sie in verschiedenen Ebenen räumlich und zeitlich visuell zu präsentieren. Entwicklungen der Vergangenheit und Prognosen der Zukunft werden über verschiedene Berechnungsmethoden modelliert und visuell analysiert. Die Verknüpfung einer Mikrosimulation (Abbildung einzelner Fahrzeuge) mit einer netzgesteuerten Makrosimulation (Abbildung eines gesamten Straßennetzes) ermöglicht eine maßstabsunabhängige Simulation und Visualisierung des Mobilitätsverhaltens ohne zeitaufwendige Bewertungsmodellberechnungen. Zukünftig wird die visuelle Analyse raum-zeitlicher Veränderungen für planerische Entscheidungen ein effizientes Mittel sein, um Informationen übergreifend verfügbar, klar strukturiert und zweckorientiert zur Verfügung zu stellen. Der Mehrwert durch visuelle Geoanalysen, die modular in einem System integriert sind, ist das flexible Auswerten von Messdaten nach zeitlichen und räumlichen Merkmalen. / Visual communication is an efficient method to describe dynamic phenomena. Perceiving information objects precisely and facilitating quick access to structured and relevant information requires consistent analysis and presentation methods conceived according to the formal minimisation principle. Because of the lack of conceptual optimisation adaptations due to their static system structure, dynamic space phenomena in geoinformation systems can only model the information of time and space conditionally. This is why research in this paper focuses on three interdisciplinary approaches. The first approach represents data collection close to real-time which is administered in geodatabases in a time-oriented manner. The second approach looks at analysis and simulation methods that analyse and forecast dynamic behaviour. The third approach conceives visualisation methods that model dynamic processes in particular. Where required, the symbolising of processes adapts to the various development phases depending on the process flow and the interaction between databases and simulation models. This allows dynamic aspects to be developed and visualised in a timely manner using modular tools with the help of proven geoscience functions. The analysis, intersection and data administration functions are intended to serve as utilisation and analysis potential as an alternative to static chart methods. For the time component, linking new technologies such as simulation and animation is significant based on a structured time database in connection with statistical methods. Modelling approaches and visualisation techniques are methodically developed and transferred to the traffic field. Dynamic traffic phenomena that cannot be modelled cohesively and comprehensively are separated into a service-oriented modular architecture in order to present them visually on different levels of space and time. Past developments and forecasts are modelled and visually analysed using various calculation methods. Linking a micro-simulation (modelling individual vehicles) to a network-controlled macro-simulation (modelling an entire road network) makes it possible to simulate and visualise mobility behaviour regardless of scale without time-consuming analysis model calculations. In the future, the visual analysis of space-time changes for planning decisions will be an efficient tool in order to make comprehensive, clearly structured and appropriate information available. The flexible analysis of measurement data according to time and space criteria represents the added value of visual geoanalysis integrated into a system with a modular structure.

A Case Study In Weather Pattern Searching Using A Spatial Data Warehouse Model

Koylu, Caglar 01 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Data warehousing and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) technology has been used to access, visualize and analyze multidimensional, aggregated, and summarized data. Large part of data contains spatial components. Thus, these spatial components convey valuable information and must be included in exploration and analysis phases of a spatial decision support system (SDSS). On the other hand, Geographic Information Systems (GISs) provide a wide range of tools to analyze spatial phenomena and therefore must be included in the analysis phases of a decision support system (DSS). In this regard, this study aims to search for answers to the problem how to design a spatially enabled data warehouse architecture in order to support spatio-temporal data analysis and exploration of multidimensional data. Consequently, in this study, the concepts of OLAP and GISs are synthesized in an integrated fashion to maximize the benefits generated from the strengths of both systems by building a spatial data warehouse model. In this context, a multidimensional spatio-temporal data model is proposed as a result of this synthesis. This model addresses the integration problem of spatial, non-spatial and temporal data and facilitates spatial data exploration and analysis. The model is evaluated by implementing a case study in weather pattern searching.

Implementierung eines Feature Portrayal Service

Domeyer, Martin 07 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Fundamentale Voraussetzung für alle professionellen Kartendienste ist die Möglichkeit zur Kontrolle der grafischen Präsentation. Aus diesem Grund besteht ein starker Bedarf an der visuellen Darstellung von Geodaten. Diese transformiert rohe Informationen in wichtige und entscheidungstragende Werkzeuge. Der Feature Portrayal Service (FPS) hat die Aufgabe, diese Anforderungen umzusetzen und damit wesentlich zur kartographischen Interoperabilität in Geodateninfrastrukturen beizutragen. Der Dienst entstammt dem internationalen Standard SLD 1.1.0 (Styled Layer Descriptor). Es handelt sich um einen Darstellungsdienst, der die interoperable Nutzung von Vektor-Daten, also von so genannten Features, ermöglicht. Dieser spezielle Web Map Service hat die Aufgabe, Geodaten von beliebigen Web Feature Services sowie rohe GML-Daten in einer gewünschten grafischen Ausprägung zu präsentieren. Dabei ist der jeweilige Nutzer in der Lage, eigene Darstellungen zu definieren und auf einen beliebigen Datenbestand anzuwenden. Datenquellen, Darstellungsvorschriften und der Feature Portrayal Service selbst sind insofern unabhängig voneinander, dass diese drei Komponenten auf verschiedenen und voneinander unabhängigen Servern liegen können. Diese Art der Implementierung bezeichnet man als Component WMS.

Micro-Level Impacts of Conflict and the Duration of Armed Groups

Noe, Dominik 16 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Semantic Interoperability of Geospatial Ontologies: A Model-theoretic Analysis

Farrugia, James A. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Análise da qualidade da informação produzida por classificação baseada em orientação a objeto e SVM visando a estimativa do volume do reservatório Jaguari-Jacareí / Analysis of information quality in using OBIA and SVM classification to water volume estimation from Jaguari-Jacareí reservoir

Leão Junior, Emerson [UNESP] 25 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Emerson Leão Júnior null (emerson.leaojr@gmail.com) on 2017-12-05T18:07:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 leao_ej_me_prud.pdf: 4186679 bytes, checksum: ee186b23411343c3e2d782d622226699 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ALESSANDRA KUBA OSHIRO null (alessandra@fct.unesp.br) on 2017-12-06T10:52:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 leaojunior_e_me_prud.pdf: 4186679 bytes, checksum: ee186b23411343c3e2d782d622226699 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-06T10:52:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 leaojunior_e_me_prud.pdf: 4186679 bytes, checksum: ee186b23411343c3e2d782d622226699 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-04-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Considerando o cenário durante a crise hídrica de 2014 e a situação crítica dos reservatórios do sistema Cantareira no estado de São Paulo, este estudo realizado no reservatório Jaguari-Jacareí, consistiu na extração de informações a partir de imagens multiespectrais e análise da qualidade da informação relacionada com a acurácia no cálculo do volume de água do reservatório. Inicialmente, a superfície do espelho d’água foi obtida pela classificação da cobertura da terra a partir de imagens multiespectrais RapidEye tomadas antes e durante a crise hídrica (2013 e 2014, respectivamente), utilizando duas abordagens distintas: classificação orientada a objeto (Object-based Image Analysis - OBIA) e classificação baseada em pixel (Support Vector Machine – SVM). A acurácia do usuário por classe permitiu expressar o erro para detectar a superfície do espelho d’água para cada abordagem de classificação de 2013 e 2014. O segundo componente da estimação do volume foi a representação do relevo submerso, que considerou duas fontes de dados na construção do modelo numérico do terreno (MNT): dados topográficos provenientes de levantamento batimétrico disponibilizado pela Sabesp e o modelo de superfície AW3D30 (ALOS World 3D 30m mesh), para complementar a informação não disponível além da cota 830,13 metros. A comparação entre as duas abordagens de classificação dos tipos de cobertura da terra do entorno do reservatório Jaguari-Jacareí mostrou que SVM resultou em indicadores de acurácia ligeiramente superiores à OBIA, para os anos de 2013 e 2014. Em relação à estimação de volume do reservatório, incorporando a informação do nível de água divulgado pela Sabesp, a abordagem SVM apresentou menor discrepância relativa do que OBIA. Apesar disso, a qualidade da informação produzida na estimação de volume, resultante da propagação da variância associada aos dados envolvidos no processo, ambas as abordagens produziram valores similares de incerteza, mas com uma sutil superioridade de OBIA, para alguns dos cenários avaliados. No geral, os métodos de classificação utilizados nesta dissertação produziram informação acurada e adequada para o monitoramento de recursos hídricos e indicou que a abordagem SVM teve um desempenho sutilmente superior na classificação dos tipos de cobertura da terra, na estimação do volume e em alguns dos cenários considerados na propagação da incerteza. / This study aims to extract information from multispectral images and to analyse the information quality in the water volume estimation of Jaguari-Jacareí reservoir. The presented study of changes in the volume of the Jaguari-Jacareí reservoir was motivated by the critical situation of the reservoirs from Cantareira System in São Paulo State caused by water crisis in 2014. Reservoir area was extracted from RapidEye multispectral images acquired before and during the water crisis (2013 and 2014, respectively) through land cover classification. Firstly, the image classification was carried out in two distinct approaches: object-based (Object-based Image Analysis - OBIA) and pixel-based (Support Vector Machine - SVM) method. The classifications quality was evaluated through thematic accuracy, in which for every technique the user accuracy allowed to express the error for the class representing the water in 2013 and 2014. Secondly, we estimated the volume of the reservoir’s water body, using the numerical terrain model generated from two additional data sources: topographic data from a bathymetric survey, available from Sabesp, and the elevation model AW3D30 (to complement the information in the area where data from Sabesp was not available). When compare the two classification techniques, it was found that in the image classification, SVM performance slightly overcame the OBIA classification technique for 2013 and 2014. In the volume calculation considering the water level estimated from the generated DTM, the result obtained by SVM approach was better in 2013, whereas OBIA approach was more accurate in 2014. Considering the quality of the information produced in the volume estimation, both approaches presented similar values of uncertainty, with the OBIA method slightly less uncertain than SVM. In conclusion, the classification methods used in this dissertation produced accurate information to monitor water resource, but SVM had a subtly superior performance in the classification of land cover types, volume estimation and some of the scenarios considered in the propagation of uncertainty.

Entre distance géographique et distance sociale : le risque de paludisme-infection en milieu urbain africain : l'exemple de l'agglomération de Dakar, Sénégal / Between spatial distance and social distance : the risk of malaria infection in African urban areas : the case study of Dakar, Senegal

Borderon, Marion 02 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse défend l’intérêt d’appliquer une démarche d’analyse exploratoire de données spatiales pour examiner un phénomène complexe irréductible, dans un contexte limité en données : le paludisme-infection à Dakar. Chaque partie du système pathogène du paludisme est nécessaire mais non suffisante au fonctionnement du système. Il n’y a paludisme-infection que lorsque les trois composantes sont en contact : le parasite, le vecteur et l’hôte humain. La recherche des lieux où ces contacts peuvent s’opérer facilement est donc primordiale dans la lutte contre le paludisme et l’amélioration des programmes visant à la diminution voire l’élimination de la maladie. L’analyse exploratoire, encore très peu appliquée dans les pays dits du Sud, se définit ainsi comme une démarche de recherche mais aussi comme un moyen d’apporter des réponses aux besoins sanitaires. Elle pousse à l’observation, sous différents angles, des déterminants sociaux qui sont impliqués dans la réalisation du phénomène, tout comme à l’examen des interactions existantes entre eux. Nous avons récolté des informations quantitatives variées, en lien direct et indirect avec l’étude du paludisme. Interprétation d’images satellites, données censitaires, résultats d’enquêtes sociales et sanitaires ont été intégrées dans un système d’information géographique pour décrire la ville et ses habitants. Le croisement de ces sources a permis d’étudier les faces spatiales du risque épidémique palustre. Le recours à des analyses statistiques et géostatistiques, bivariées et multivariées, a permis de souligner que le risque d’infection des populations dépendait fortement d’une distance, que l’on a qualifié de sociale. / This thesis applies an Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) approach to study a complex phenomenon in a data scarce environment: malaria infection in Dakar. Each component of the malaria pathogenic system is necessary but not sufficient to result in an infection when acting in isolation. For malaria infection to occur, three components need to interact: the parasite, the vector, and the human host. The identification of areas where these three components can easily interact is therefore essential in the fight against malaria and the improvement of programs for the prevention and control or elimination of the disease. ESDA, still rarely applied in developing countries, is thus defined as a research approach but also as a way to provide answers to global health challenges. It leads to observation, from different angles, on the social and spatial determinants of malaria infection, as well as the examination of existing interactions between its three components. Several streams of quantitative information were collected, both directly and indirectly related to the study of malaria. More specifically, multi-temporal satellite imagery, census data, and results from social and health surveys have been integrated into a Geographic Information System (GIS) to describe the city and its inhabitants. Combining these datasets has enabled to study the spatial variability of the risk of malaria infection.

Infra-estrutura para informações espaciais. / Infrastructure for geographic information.

Maria Tereza Carnevale 06 March 2008 (has links)
Atualmente o Brasil conta com um volume imenso de dados sobre o território nacional. Entretanto, grande parte dos dados existentes encontra-se dispersa, fragmentada, sem compatibilização cartográfica e, em alguns casos, duplicada em vários locais. O grande desafio é compartilhar dados geograficamente dispersos e comunicar conceitos importantes entre departamentos dentro da organização ou entre organizações diferentes usando, para isso, tecnologias de informação. Assim, esse trabalho tem como objetivo geral contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma infra-estrutura para informação geográfica, que possa ser amplamente disseminada via Internet através de Web Services e que atenda os requisitos de interoperabilidade, de modo que diversos usuários possam usufruir dos dados disponíveis, integrando-os quando necessários. Este trabalho incidirá inicialmente nas necessidades de informação geográfica para o Zoneamento Ecológico e Econômico do Brasil. Entretanto, como se trata de um sistema de infra-estrutura de dados espaciais poderá, então, agregar dados para qualquer trabalho que envolva a informação espacial. / Currently Brazil has available an immense volume of data on its domestic territory. However, great part of the existing data is dispersed, fragmented, without cartographic compatibility, and, in some cases, duplicated in several places. The great challenge is to share these geographically dispersed data and to provide communication of important concepts between departments of the same organization or even between different organizations. For reaching this, the use of information technologies becomes necessary. The present work has for objective to contribute to develop a infrastructure for geographic information, that can be widely disseminated by the Internet through Web Services and that meets the requirements for interoperability so that several users may have the data available, integrating them when necessary. This work will focus initially on the need for geographic information to the Ecological and Economical Zoning of Brazil. However, as it is a system of infrastructure for spatial data can then add data to any work involving the spatial information.

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