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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biological control of California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Hemiptera: Diaspididae): spatial and temporal distribution of natural enemies, parasitism levels and climate effects

Sorribas Mellado, Juan José 24 February 2012 (has links)
En muchas áreas citrícolas del mundo el piojo rojo de California (PRC), Aonidiella aurantii (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), está considerado una plaga clave. En el Este de España se ha extendido durante las últimas décadas hasta cubrir una amplia extensión de cítricos. El control químico es difícil y frecuentemente es seguido de infestaciones recurrentes en poco tiempo, de la aparición de resistencias a diferentes productos usados para su control y de la eliminación de enemigos naturales en el campo. La mejora del manejo integrado y las técnicas de control biológico del PRC requieren conocer la composición de los enemigos naturales en cada zona climática, la fluctuación en su abundancia estacional, los niveles de parasitismo y depredación, como se distribuyen en la planta y como son afectados por el clima y el cambio climático. Aunque mucho se ha estudiado en laboratorio sobre los parasitoides Aphytis (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), los principales agentes de control del PRC, todavía no se conoce qué combinación de enemigos naturales consigue el mejor nivel de control en el campo, cómo varían los niveles de parasitismo a lo largo del año o cómo los parasitoides se distribuyen y compiten en el campo en relación con el clima. La acción de los Aphytis, ectoparasitoides, es complementada en muchas zonas citrícolas por los endoparasitoides Comperiella bifasciata y Encarsia perniciosi (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), los cuales pueden parasitar estadíos diferentes a Aphytis. Muy poco se sabe sobre el comportamiento y las respuestas biológicas bajo diferentes condiciones climáticas de estos endoparasitoides. Del mismo modo, el efecto de los depredadores sobre la población del piojo ha sido raramente estudiado. Actualmente, A. melinus, una especie introducida en el Este de España y el competidor superior, ha desplazado al parasitoide nativo A. chrysomphali de las zonas cálidas y secas ya que puede tolerar mejor las temperaturas cálidas del verano. / Sorribas Mellado, JJ. (2011). Biological control of California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Hemiptera: Diaspididae): spatial and temporal distribution of natural enemies, parasitism levels and climate effects [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/14794 / Palancia

Multivariate approaches in species distribution modelling: Application to native fish species in Mediterranean Rivers

Muñoz Mas, Rafael 01 December 2018 (has links)
This dissertation focused in the comprehensive analysis of the capabilities of some non-tested types of Artificial Neural Networks, specifically: the Probabilistic Neural Networks (PNN) and the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) Ensembles. The analysis of the capabilities of these techniques was performed using the native brown trout (Salmo trutta; Linnaeus, 1758), the bermejuela (Achondrostoma arcasii; Robalo, Almada, Levy & Doadrio, 2006) and the redfin barbel (Barbus haasi; Mertens, 1925) as target species. The analyses focused in the predictive capabilities, the interpretability of the models and the effect of the excess of zeros in the training datasets, which for presence-absence models is directly related to the concept of data prevalence (i.e. proportion of presence instances in the training dataset). Finally, the effect of the spatial scale (i.e. micro-scale or microhabitat scale and meso-scale) in the habitat suitability models and consequently in the e-flow assessment was studied in the last chapter. / Esta tesis se centra en el análisis comprensivo de las capacidades de algunos tipos de Red Neuronal Artificial aún no testados: las Redes Neuronales Probabilísticas (PNN) y los Conjuntos de Perceptrones Multicapa (MLP Ensembles). Los análisis sobre las capacidades de estas técnicas se desarrollaron utilizando la trucha común (Salmo trutta; Linnaeus, 1758), la bermejuela (Achondrostoma arcasii; Robalo, Almada, Levy & Doadrio, 2006) y el barbo colirrojo (Barbus haasi; Mertens, 1925) como especies nativas objetivo. Los análisis se centraron en la capacidad de predicción, la interpretabilidad de los modelos y el efecto del exceso de ceros en las bases de datos de entrenamiento, la así llamada prevalencia de los datos (i.e. la proporción de casos de presencia sobre el conjunto total). Finalmente, el efecto de la escala (micro-escala o escala de microhábitat y meso-escala) en los modelos de idoneidad del hábitat y consecuentemente en la evaluación de caudales ambientales se estudió en el último capítulo. / Aquesta tesis se centra en l'anàlisi comprensiu de les capacitats d'alguns tipus de Xarxa Neuronal Artificial que encara no han estat testats: les Xarxes Neuronal Probabilístiques (PNN) i els Conjunts de Perceptrons Multicapa (MLP Ensembles). Les anàlisis sobre les capacitats d'aquestes tècniques es varen desenvolupar emprant la truita comuna (Salmo trutta; Linnaeus, 1758), la madrilla roja (Achondrostoma arcasii; Robalo, Almada, Levy & Doadrio, 2006) i el barb cua-roig (Barbus haasi; Mertens, 1925) com a especies objecte d'estudi. Les anàlisi se centraren en la capacitat predictiva, interpretabilitat dels models i en l'efecte de l'excés de zeros a la base de dades d'entrenament, l'anomenada prevalença de les dades (i.e. la proporció de casos de presència sobre el conjunt total). Finalment, l'efecte de la escala (micro-escala o microhàbitat i meso-escala) en els models d'idoneïtat de l'hàbitat i conseqüentment en l'avaluació de cabals ambientals es va estudiar a l'últim capítol. / Muñoz Mas, R. (2016). Multivariate approaches in species distribution modelling: Application to native fish species in Mediterranean Rivers [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/76168 / TESIS


Zachary T Finn (11715284) 22 November 2021 (has links)
<p>Greater prairie-chickens (<i>Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus</i>; GPC) have declined throughout large areas in the eastern portion of their range. I used species distribution modeling to predict most appropriate areas of translocation of GPC in and around Kankakee Sands, a tallgrass prairie in northwest Indiana, USA. I used MaxEnt for modelling the predictions based on relevant environmental predictors along with occurrence points of 54 known lek sites. I created four models inspired by Hovick et al. (2015): Universal, Environmental, Anthropogenic-Landcover, and Anthropogenic-MODIS. The Universal, Environmental, and Anthropogenic-MODIS models possessed passable AUC scores with low omission error rates. However, only the Universal model performed better than the null model according to binomial testing. I created maps of all models with passing AUC scores along with an overlay map displaying the highest predictions across all passing models. MaxEnt predicted high relative likelihoods of occurrence for the entirety of Kankakee Sands and many areas in the nearby landscape, including the surrounding agricultural matrix. With implementation of some management suggestions and potential cooperation with local farmers, GPC translocation to the area appears plausible.</p> <p>Franklin’s ground squirrels (<i>Poliocitellus franklinii</i>; FGS) have declined throughout a large portion of the eastern periphery of their range. Because of this, The Nature Conservancy is interested in establishing a new population of these animals via translocation. The area of interest is tallgrass prairie in northwest Indiana, USA: Kankakee Sands and the surrounding landscape. Species distribution modelling can help identify areas that are suitable for translocation. I used MaxEnt, relevant environmental variables, and 44 known occurrence points to model the potential for translocation of FGS to Kankakee Sands and the surrounding area. I created four models inspired by Hovick et al. (2015): Universal, Environmental, Anthropogenic-Landcover, and Anthropogenic-MODIS. I created maps of models with passing AUC scores. The final map was an overlay map displaying the highest relative likelihood of occurrence predictions for the area in all passing models. Only the Universal and Anthropogenic-MODIS models had passable AUC scores. Both had acceptable omission error rates. However, none of the models performed better than the null model (p < 0.05). MaxEnt predicted that a few areas in and outside of Kankakee Sands possess high relative likelihoods of occurrence of FGS in both the Universal and Anthropogenic-MODIS models. However, MaxEnt predicted high relative likelihoods in the surrounding agricultural matrix in the Universal Model. FGS prefer to cross through agricultural areas via unmowed roadside instead of open fields (Duggan et al. 2011). Because of this, high predictions in agricultural matrices in the Universal model are irrelevant. High relative likelihood predictions for linear sections that are obviously roads are disregardable in the context of my modeling efforts. Because of my low sample size, none of the models are really reliable in predicting relative likelihoods of occurrence for this area. Despite high relative likelihood predictions, the appropriateness of a translocation effort to the area is inconclusive.</p>

Assessing processes of long-term land cover change and modelling their effects on tropical forest biodiversity patterns – a remote sensing and GIS-based approach for three landscapes in East Africa: Assessing processes of long-term land cover change and modelling their effects on tropical forest biodiversity patterns – a remote sensing and GIS-based approach for three landscapes in East Africa

Lung, Tobias 15 July 2010 (has links)
The work describes the processing and analysis of remote sensing time series data for a comparative assessment of changes in different tropical rainforest areas in East Africa. In order to assess the effects of the derived changes in land cover and forest fragmentation, the study made use of spatially explicit modelling approaches within a geographical information system (GIS) to extrapolate sets of biological field findings in space and time. The analysis and modelling results were visualised aiming to consider the requirements of three different user groups. In order to evaluate measures of forest conservation and to derive recommendations for an effective forest management, quantitative landscape-scale assessments of land cover changes and their influence on forest biodiversity patterns are needed. However, few remote sensing studies have accounted for all of the following aspects at the same time: (i) a dense temporal sequence of land cover change/forest fragmentation information, (ii) the coverage of several decades, (iii) the distinction between multiple forest formations and (iv) direct comparisons of different case studies. In regards to linkages of remote sensing with biological field data, no attempts are known that use time series data for quantitative statements of long-term landscape-scale biodiversity changes. The work studies three officially protected forest areas in Eastern Africa: the Kakamega-Nandi forests in western Kenya (focus area) and Mabira Forest in south-eastern Uganda as well as Budongo Forest in western Uganda (for comparison purposes). Landsat imagery of in total eight or seven dates in regular intervals from 1972/73 to 2003 was used. Making use of supervised multispectral image classification procedures, in total, 12 land cover classes (six forest formations) were distinguished for the Kakamega-Nandi forests and for Budongo Forest while for Mabira Forest ten classes could be realised. An accuracy assessment via error matrices revealed overall classification accuracies between 81% and 85%. The Kakamega-Nandi forests show a continuous decrease between 1972/73 and 2001 of 31%, Mabira Forest experienced an abrupt loss of 24% in the late 1970s/early 1980s, while Budongo Forest shows a relatively stable forest cover extent. An assessment of the spatial patterns of forest losses revealed congruence with areas of high population density while a spatially explicit forest fragmentation index indicates a strong correlation of forest fragmentation with forest management regime and forest accessibility by roads. For the Kenyan focus area, three sets of biological field abundance data on keystone species/groups were used for a quantitative assessment of the influence of long-term changes in tropical forests on landscape-scale biodiversity patterns. For this purpose, the time series was extended with another three land cover data sets derived from aerial photography (1965/67, 1948/(52)) and old topographic maps (1912/13). To predict the spatio-temporal distribution of the army ant Dorylus wilverthi and of ant-following birds, GIS operators (i.e. focal and local functions) and statistical tests (i.e. OLS or SAR regression models) were combined into a spatial modelling procedure. Abundance data on three guilds of birds differing in forest dependency were directly extrapolated to five forest cover classes as distinguished in the time series. The results predict declines in species abundances of 56% for D. wilverthi, of 58% for ant-following birds and an overall loss of 47% for the bird habitat guilds, which in all three cases greatly exceed the rate of forest loss (31%). Additional extrapolations on scenarios of deforestation and reforestation confirmed the negative ecological consequences of splitting-up contiguous forest areas but also showed the potential of mixed indigenous forest plantings. The visualisation of the analysis and modelling results produced a mixture of different outcomes. Map series and a matrix of maps both showing species distributions aim to address scientists and decision makers. The results of the land cover change analysis were synthesised in a map of land cover development types for each study area, respectively. These maps are designed mainly for scientists. Additional maps of change, limited to a single class of forest cover and to three dates were generated to ensure an easy-to-grasp communication of the major forest changes to decision makers. Additionally, an easy-to-handle visualisation tool to be used by scientists, decision makers and local people was developed. For the future, an extension of this study towards a more complete assessment including more species/groups and also ecosystem functions and services would be desirable. Combining a framework for land cover simulation with a framework for running empirical extrapolation models in an automated manner could ideally result in a GIS-based, integrated forest ecosystem assessment tool to be used as regional spatial decision support system. / Die Arbeit beschreibt die Prozessierung und Analyse von Fernerkundungs-Zeitreihendaten für eine vergleichende Abschätzung von Veränderungen verschiedener tropischer Waldökosysteme Ostafrikas. Um Effekte der Veränderungen bzgl. Landbedeckung und Waldfragmentierung auf Biodiversitätsmuster abzuschätzen, wurden verschiedene räumlich explizite Modellierungssätze innerhalb eines geographischen Informationssystems (GIS) zur räumlichen und zeitlichen Extrapolation biologischer Felderhebungsdaten benutzt. Die Visualisierung der Analyse- und Modellierungsergebnisse erfolgte unter Berücksichtigung der Bedürfnisse von drei verschiedenen Nutzergruppen. Um Waldschutzmaßnahmen zu evaluieren und Empfehlungen für ein effektives Waldmanagement abzuleiten, sind quantitative Abschätzungen von Landbedeckungsveränderungen sowie von deren Einfluss auf tropische Waldbiodiversitätsmuster nötig. Wenige fernerkundungsbasierte Studien haben jedoch bislang alle der folgenden Faktoren berücksichtigt: (i) Informationen zu Veränderungen von Landbedeckung und Waldfragmentierung in dichter zeitlicher Sequenz, (ii) die Abdeckung mehrerer Jahrzehnte, (iii) die Unterscheidung zwischen mehreren Waldformationen, und (iv) direkte Vergleiche von unterschiedlichen Fallstudien. Hinsichtlich Verknüpfungen von Fernerkundung mit biologischen Felddaten sind bisher keine Studien bekannt, die Zeitreihendaten für quantitative Aussagen zu Langzeitveränderungen von Biodiversität auf Landschaftsebene verwenden. Die Arbeit untersucht drei offiziell geschützte Gebiete: die Kakamega-Nandi forests in Westkenia (Hauptuntersuchungsgebiet) sowie Mabira Forest in Südost-Uganda und Budongo Forest in West-Uganda (zu Vergleichszwecken). Es wurden Landsat-Daten für insgesamt acht bzw. sieben Zeitpunkte zwischen 1972/73 und 2003 in ungefähr gleichen Abständen erworben. Mit Hilfe von überwachten, multispektralen Klassifizierungsverfahren wurden für die Kakamega-Nandi forests und Budongo Forest jeweils 12 Landbedeckungsklassen (sechs Waldformationen) und für Mabira Forest zehn Klassen unterschieden. Eine Genauigkeitsprüfung mit Hilfe von Fehlermatrizen ergab Gesamtklassifizierungsgenauigkeiten zwischen 81% und 85%. Die Kakamega-Nandi forests sind durch eine kontinuierliche Waldabnahme von 31% zwischen 1972/73 und 2001 gekennzeichnet, Mabira Forest zeigt einen abrupten Waldverlust von 24% in den späten 1970ern/frühen 1980ern, während die Ergebnisse für Budongo Forest eine relativ stabile Waldbedeckung ausweisen. Während eine Abschätzung der räumlichen Muster von Waldverlusten eine hohe Deckungsgleichheit mit Gebieten hoher Bevölkerungsdichte ergab, deutet die Anwendung eines räumlich expliziten Waldfragmentierungsindexes auf eine starke Korrelation von Waldfragmentierung mit der Art von Waldmanagement sowie mit der Erreichbarkeit von Wald über Straßen hin. Um den Einfluss von Langzeit-Landbedeckungsveränderungen auf Biodiversitätsmuster auf Landschaftsebene für das kenianische Hauptuntersuchungsgebiet quantitativ abzuschätzen wurden drei Datensätze mit biologischen Felderhebungen zur Abundanz von Schlüsselarten/-gruppen verwendet. Zu diesem Zweck wurde die Zeitreihe zunächst um drei weitere Landbedeckungs-Datensätze ergänzt, die aus Luftbildern (1965/67, 1948/(52)) bzw. alten topographischen Karten (1912/13) gewonnen wurden. Zur Vorhersage der raum-zeitlichen Verteilung der Treiberameise Dorylus wilverthi wurden GIS-Operatoren und statistische Tests (OLS bzw. SAR Regressionsmodelle) in einem räumlichen Modellierungsablauf kombiniert. Abundanzdaten von drei sich hinsichtlich ihrer Abhängigkeit von Wald unterscheidenden Vogelgilden wurden direkt auf fünf Waldbedeckungsklassen hochgerechnet, die in der Zeitreihe unterschieden werden konnten. Die Ergebnisse prognostizieren Abundanzabnahmen von 56% für D. wilverthi, von 58% für Ameisen-folgende Vögel und einen Gesamtverlust von 47% für die Vogelgilden, was in allen drei Fällen eine deutliche Überschreitung der Waldverlustrate von 31% darstellt. Zusätzliche Extrapolationen basierend auf Szenarien bestätigten die negativen ökologischen Konsequenzen der Zerteilung zusammenhängender Waldflächen bzw. zeigten andererseits das Potential von Aufforstungen mit einheimischen Arten auf. Die Visualisierung der Analyse- bzw. Modellierungsergebnisse führte zu unterschiedlichen Darstellungen: mit einer Reihe von nebeneinander positionierten Einzelkarten sowie einer Matrix von Einzelkarten, die jeweils Artenverteilungen zeigen, sollen Wissenschaftler und Entscheidungsträger angesprochen werden. Aus den Ergebnissen der Landbedeckungsanalyse für die drei Untersuchungsgebiete wurden Landbedeckungsveränderungstypen generiert und jeweils in einer synthetischen Karte dargestellt, die hauptsächlich für Wissenschaftler gedacht sind. Um die wesentlichen Waldveränderungen auch auf einfache Weise zu den Entscheidungsträgern zu kommunizieren, wurden zusätzliche Karten erstellt, die nur eine aggregierte Klasse „Waldbedeckung“ zeigen und jeweils auf drei Zeitschritte der Zeitreihen begrenzt sind. Zusätzlich wurde ein leicht zu bedienendes Visualisierungstool entwickelt, das für Wissenschaftler, Entscheidungsträger und die lokale Bevölkerung gedacht ist. Für die Zukunft wäre eine umfassendere Abschätzung unter Berücksichtigung zusätzlicher Arten/-gruppen sowie auch Ökosystemfunktionen und –dienstleistungen wünschenswert. Die Verknüpfung einer Applikation zur Landbedeckungsmodellierung mit einer Applikation zur Ausführung von empirischen Extrapolationsmodellen (in stärkerem Maße automatisiert als in dieser Arbeit) könnte im Idealfall in ein GIS-basiertes Tool zur integrativen Bewertung von Waldökosystemen münden, das dann als räumliches Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem verwendet werden könnte.

Évaluation de l'unicité écologique à grande étendue spatiale à l'aide de modèles de répartition d'espèces

Dansereau, Gabriel 05 1900 (has links)
La diversité bêta est une mesure essentielle pour décrire l'organisation de la biodiversité dans l'espace. Le calcul des contributions locales à la diversité bêta (LCBD), en particulier, permet d'identifier des sites à forte unicité écologique montrant une diversité exceptionnelle au sein d'une région d'intérêt. Jusqu’à présent, l'utilisation des LCBD s'est restreinte à des échelles locales ou régionales avec un petit nombre de sites. Dans ce mémoire, j'ai examiné si les modèles de répartition d'espèces (SDM) permettent d'évaluer l'unicité écologique sur de plus grandes étendues spatiales. J'ai également étudié l’effet des changements d’échelle sur la quantification de la diversité bêta. Pour ce faire, j'ai utilisé la base de données eBird et des arbres de régression additifs bayésiens pour prédire la répartition des parulines en Amérique du Nord. J'ai ensuite calculé les LCBD sur ces prédictions, ce qui permet de couvrir de plus grandes étendues spatiales et un nombre de sites plus élevé. Mes résultats ont montré que les SDM fournissent des estimations d'unicité fortement corrélées avec les données observées et montrant une association spatiale statistiquement significative. Ils ont également montré que la relation entre la richesse et les LCBD varie selon la région et l'étendue spatiale et qu'elle est influencée par la proportion d'espèces rares dans les communautés. Ainsi, les sites identifiés comme uniques peuvent varier selon les caractéristiques de la région étudiée. Ces résultats montrent que les SDM peuvent être utilisés pour prédire l'unicité écologique, ce qui pourrait permettre d'identifier d'importantes cibles de conservation au sein de régions non échantillonnées. / Beta diversity is an essential measure to describe the organization of biodiversity through space. The calculation of local contributions to beta diversity (LCBD), specifically, allows the identification of sites with high ecological uniqueness and exceptional diversity within a region of interest. To this day, LCBD indices have primarily been used on regional and smaller scales, with relatively few sites. Furthermore, their use is typically restricted to strictly sampled sites with known species composition, leading to gaps in spatial coverage on broad extents. Here, I examined whether species distribution models (SDMs) can be used to assess ecological uniqueness over broader spatial extents and investigated the effect of scale changes on beta diversity quantification. To this aim, I used observations recorded in the eBird database and Bayesian additive regression trees to model warbler species composition in North America, then computed LCBD indices on the predictions, thus covering a broader spatial extent and a higher number of sites. My results showed that SDMs provide uniqueness estimates highly correlated with observed data with a statistically significant spatial association. They also showed that the relationship between richness and LCBD values varies according to the region and the spatial extent and that it is affected by the proportion of rare species in communities. Sites identified as unique may therefore vary according to regional characteristics. These results show that SDMs can be used to predict ecological uniqueness over broad spatial extents, which could help identify beta diversity hotspots and important targets for conservation purposes in unsampled locations.

The Spatial and Molecular Epidemiology of Lyme Disease in Eastern Ontario

Slatculescu, Andreea M. 11 August 2023 (has links)
Lyme disease is an emerging tick-borne illness in Canada, with human case numbers increasing 15- to 20-fold since Lyme disease became nationally notifiable in 2009 until the present. In Ontario, Canada's largest province by population, average Lyme disease incidence across the province is similar to that of national estimates. However, in eastern Ontario, which is near tick endemic regions in the northeastern Unites States, Lyme disease incidence is disproportionately higher compared to the rest of the province. The objectives of this thesis are to identify environmental Lyme disease risk areas in Ontario, to explore spatiotemporal trends in Lyme disease emergence, and to identify neighbourhood-level socioecological risk factors for Lyme disease. In addition, this thesis also aims to assess the risk of other tick-borne illnesses that are transmitted by the blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis, which is also the main vector for Lyme disease in Canada. Using maximum entropy species distribution modelling to correlate blacklegged tick occurrence data with environmental variables, predictive risk models for I. scapularis and the Lyme disease pathogen, Borrelia burgdorferi, were developed. The model prediction was used to classify low and high environment risk areas and, using a case-control epidemiological study, we assessed that residence in risk areas was a strong predictor of Lyme disease. However, this relationship was modulated by socioecological factors linked to higher overall rurality of the locality of home residence. Spatial cluster analyses further revealed that human Lyme disease cases clustered in regions with the high numbers of reported B. burgdorferi-infected ticks in the environment. Many individuals residing in large metropolitan regions, like the City of Ottawa, reported tick exposures outside their public health unit of residence; however, local clusters of Lyme disease were also detected in suburban regions near conservation areas, trails, and urban woodlands. The prevalence of other tick-borne pathogens was low, although several pathogens of public health significance including Borrelia miyamotoi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum were detected at multiple sites surveyed for ticks between 2017-2021. Overall, this thesis identify patterns in Lyme disease emergence (and potentially other tick-borne illnesses), defines environmental risk areas for Lyme disease in Ontario, and highlights important socioecological risk factors for Lyme disease in eastern Ontario.

Remote sensing representation learning for a species distribution modeling case study

Elkafrawy, Sara 08 1900 (has links)
Les changements climatiques et les phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes sont devenus des moteurs importants de changements de la biodiversité, posant une menace pour la perte d’habitat et l’extinction d’espèces. Comprendre l’état actuel de la biodiversité et identifier les zones hautement adaptées (still strugling with this expression, high suitability for who or what?) sont essentiels afin de lutter contre la perte de biodiversité et guider les processus décisionnels en lien avec les études scientifiques (added scientifiques, as in scientific surveys), les mesures de protection et les efforts de restauration. Les modèles de distribution des espèces (MDE ou SDM en anglais) sont des outils statistiques permettant de prédire la distribution géographique potentielle d’une espèce en fonction de variables environnementales et des données recueillies à cet endroit. Cependant, les MDE conventionnels sont souvent confrontés à des limitations dues à la résolution spatiale et à la couverture restreinte des variables environnementales, lesquelles sont obtenues suite à des mesures au sol ou à l’aide de stations météorologiques. Pour mieux comprendre la distribution des espèces à des fins de conservation, le défi GeoLifeCLEF 2022 a été organisé. Cette compétiion comprend un vaste ensemble de données composé de 1,6 million géo-observations liées à la présence de 17 000 espèces végétales et animales. L’objectif principal de ce défi est d’explorer le potentiel des données de télédétection afin de prédire la présence d’espèces à des géolocalisations spécifiques. Dans ce mémoire, nous étudions diverses techniques d’apprentissage automatique et leur performance en lien avec le défi GeoLifeCLEF 2022. Nous explorons l’efficacité d’algorithmes bien connus en apprentissage par transfert, établissons un cadre d’apprentissage non supervisé et étudions les approches d’apprentissage auto-supervisé lors de la phase d’entraînement. Nos résultats démontrent qu’un ajustement fin des encodeurs pré-entraînés sur différents domaines présente les résultats les plus prometteurs lors de la phase de test. / Climate change and extreme weather events have emerged as significant drivers of biodiversity changes, posing a threat of habitat loss and species extinction. Understanding the current state of biodiversity and identifying areas with high suitability for different species are vital in combating biodiversity loss and guiding decision-making processes for protective measures and restoration efforts. Species distribution models (SDMs) are statistical tools for predicting a species' potential geographic distribution based on environmental variables and occurrence data. However, conventional SDMs often face limitations due to the restricted spatial resolution and coverage of environmental variables derived from ground-based measurements or weather station data. To better understand species distribution for conservation purposes, the GeoLifeCLEF 2022 challenge was introduced. This competition encompasses a large dataset of 1.6 million geo-observations linked to the presence of 17,000 plant and animal species. The primary objective of this challenge is to explore the potential of remote sensing data in forecasting species' presence at specific geolocations. In this thesis, we investigate various machine learning techniques and their performance on the GeoLifeCLEF 2022 challenge. We explore the effectiveness of standard transfer learning algorithms, establish an unsupervised learning framework, and investigate self-supervised learning approaches for training. Our findings demonstrate that fine-tuning pre-trained encoders on different domains yields the most promising test set performance results.

Evaluating threats to the rare butterfly, <i>Pieris virginiensis</i>.

Davis, Samantha Lynn 18 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Determining Drivers for Wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) Distribution in the Masai Mara National Reserve and Surrounding Group Ranches

Sheehan, Meghan Marie 12 January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Spatial characterization of Western Interior Seaway paleoceanography using foraminifera, fuzzy sets and Dempster-Shafer theory

Lockshin, Sam 15 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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